COPM References - Capital Health

COPM References - Capital Health

COPM References - Capital Health


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<strong>COPM</strong> <strong>References</strong><br />

Prepared by Virginia Wright, PhD<br />

Bloorview Research Institute and Bloorview Kids Rehab; Toronto, Canada<br />

* Key references and new ones from 2007 noted in bolded type<br />

Bottos M, Bolcati C, Sciuto L, Ruggeri C, Feliciangeli A. Powered wheelchairs and<br />

independence in young children with tetraplegia. Dev Med Child Neurol 2001;43:769-777.<br />

Carpenter L, Baker GA, Tyldesley B. The use of the Canadian Occupational Performance<br />

Measure as an outcome in a pain management program. Can J Occup Ther 2001;68:16-22<br />

Chen Y-H, Rodger S, Polatajko H. Experiences with the <strong>COPM</strong> and client-centred practice<br />

in adult neurorehablitation in Taiwan. Occup Ther Int 2-002;9:167-184.<br />

Cusick A, Lannin N A, Lowe K. Adapting the Canadian Occupational Performance<br />

Measure for use in a paediatric clinical trial. Disabil Rehabil 2007;29:761-766.<br />

Cup EH, Scholte op, Reimer WJ, Thijssen MA, van Kuyk-Minis MA. Reliability and<br />

validity of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure in stroke patients. Clin Rehabil<br />

2003;17:402-409.<br />

Fragala MA, O'Neil ME, Russo KJ, Dumas HM (2002) Impairment, disability, and<br />

satisfaction outcomes after lower-extremity botulinum toxin a injections for children with<br />

cerebral palsy. Pediatr Phys Ther 2002;14:132-144.<br />

Gagne DE, Hoppes S. The effects of collaborative goal-focused occupational therapy on<br />

self-care skills: a pilot study. Am J Occup Ther 2003;57:215-219.<br />

Healy H, Rigby P. Promoting independence for teens and young adults with physical<br />

disabilities. Can J Occup Ther, 1999;66:240-249.<br />

Law M, Baptiste S, McColl MA, Opzoomer A, Polatajko H, Pollock N. Canadian<br />

Occupational Performance Measure. Third Edition. 1998. CAOT Publications ACE.<br />

Ottawa, Ontario www.caot.ca<br />

Law M, Baptiste S, McColl MA, Opzoomer A, Polatajko H, Pollock N. The Canadain<br />

occupational Performance Measure: an outcome measure for occupational therapy. Can J<br />

Occup Ther 1990;57:82-87<br />

McColl MA, Carswell A, Law M, Pollock N, Baptiste S, Polatajko H. Research on the<br />

Canadian Occupational Performance Measure: An Annotated Resource. 2006: CAOT<br />

Publications, Ottawa, ON.

Pollock N. Client-centred assessment. Am J Occup Ther 1993;47:298-301.<br />

Ripat J, Etcheverry E, Cooper J, Tate RB. A comparison of the Canadian Occupational<br />

Perfomance Measure and the <strong>Health</strong> Assessment Questionnaire. Can J Occup Ther<br />

2001;68:247-253<br />

Tam C, Archer J, Mays J, Skidmore G. Measuring the outcomes of word cueing technology.<br />

Can J Occup Ther 2005;72:301-308.<br />

Toomey M, Nicholson D, Carswell A. The clinical utility of the Canadian Occupational<br />

Performance Measure. Can J Occup Ther 1995;62:242-249.<br />

Trombly CA, Vining Radomski M, Schold Davis E: Achievement of self-identified goals by<br />

adults with traumatic brain injury: Phase I. Am J Occup Ther 1998;52:810-818.<br />

Trombly CA, Radomski MV, trexel C, Burentt-Smight SE. Occupational therapy and<br />

achievement of self-identified goals by adults with acquired brain injury: Phase II. Am J<br />

Occup Ther 2002;56:489-498.<br />

VanLeit B, Crowe TK. Outcomes of an occupational therapy program for mothers of<br />

children with disabilities: impact on satisfaction with time use and occupational<br />

performance. Am J Occup Ther 2002;56:402-410.<br />

Verkerk GJQ, Wolf MJMAG, Louwers A, Meester-Delver A, Nollet F. The<br />

reproducibility and validity of the Canadian Occupational Performance Measure in<br />

parents of children with disabilities. Clin Rehabil 2006;20:980-989.<br />

Wallen MA, O'Flaherty SJ, Waugh MC. Functional outcomes of intramuscular botulinum<br />

toxin type A in the upper limbs of children with cerebral palsy: a phase II trial. Arch Phys<br />

Med Rehabil 2004;85:192-200.<br />

Wressle E, Marcusson J, Henriksson C. Clinical utility of the Canadian Occupational<br />

Performance Measure – Swedish version. Can J Occup Ther 2002;69:40-48.<br />

Wressle E, Eeg-Olofsson AM, Marcusson J, Henriksson C . Improved client participation in<br />

the rehabilitation process using a client-centred goal formulation structure. J Rehabil Med<br />

2002;34:5-11.<br />

Wressle E, Lindsatrnd J, Neher M, Marcusson J, Henriksson C. The Canadian Occupational<br />

Performance Measure as an outcome measures and team tool in a day treatment program.<br />

Disabil Rehabil 2003;23:497-506<br />

Updated August 2007 2

Goal Attainment Scaling <strong>References</strong><br />

Becker H, Stuifbergen A, Rogers S, Timmerman G. Goal attainment scaling to measure<br />

individual change in intervention studies. Nurs Res 2000;49:176-180.<br />

Brown DA, Effgen SK, Palisano RJ (1998) Performance following ability-focused<br />

physical therapy intervention in individuals with severely limited physical and cognitive<br />

abilities. Phys Ther 1998;78:934-947.<br />

Cox R, Masters D. Goal attainment scaling: an effective outcome measure for rural and<br />

remote health services. Aust J Rural <strong>Health</strong> 2002:10:256-261.<br />

Cusick A. A comparison of goal attainment scaling and the Canadian Occupational<br />

Performance Measure for paediatric rehabilitation research. Pediatr Rehabil<br />

2006;9:149-157.<br />

Donnelly C, Carswell A. Individualized outcome measures: a review of the literature.<br />

Can J Occup Ther 2002;69:84-94.<br />

Fisher K, Hardie RJ. Goal attainment scaling in evaluating a multidisciplinary pain<br />

management program. Clin Rehabil 2002;16:871-877.<br />

Forbes D. Goal Attainment Scaling: A responsive measure of client outcomes. J of<br />

Gerontological Nursing 1998; 24(12); 34-40.<br />

Gordon JE, Powell C, Rockwood K. Goal attainment scaling as a measure of clinically<br />

important change in nursing home patients. Age and Ageing 1999;28:275-281.<br />

Holliday RC, Antoun A, Palyford ED. A survey of goal-setting methods used in<br />

rehabilitation. Neurorehabil Neural Repair 2005;19:227-231.<br />

Jolles BM, Buchbinder R, Beaton DE. A study comparing nine patient-specific indices<br />

for musculoskeletal disorders. J Clin Epidemiol 2005;58: 791-801<br />

Joyce BM, Rockwood KJ, Mate-Kole CC: Use of goal attainment scaling in brain injury in a<br />

rehabilitation hospital. Am J Phys Med Rehabil 1994;73:10-14.<br />

Kiresuk TJ, Smith A, Cardillo JE: Goal attainment scaling: applications, theory and<br />

measurement. 1994: Lawrence Earlbaum Publishers, New Jersey.<br />

https://www.erlbaum.com – discounted price on website $45.00 US<br />

Kloseck M, Crilly RG. Leisure Competence Measure. An introduction to measuring<br />

outcomes in therapeutic recreation. Adult version. Professional manual and users’ guide.<br />

Ravensdale, WA. Idyll Arbour, Inc. 1997. (Note:they use GAS within their measure)<br />

Updated August 2007 3

King GA, McDougall J, Palisano RJ, Gritzan J, Tucker MA: Goal Attainment Scaling:<br />

its use in evaluating pediatric therapy programs. Phys Occup Ther Pediatr 1999;<br />

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Mailloux Z. May-Benson TA. Summers CA. Miller LJ. Brett-Green B. Burke JP.<br />

Cohn ES. Koomar JA. Parham LD. Roley SS. Schaaf RC. Schoen SA. Goal<br />

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integration disorders. Am J Occup Ther 2007;61:254-9.<br />

Malec JF. Impact of a comprehensive day treatment on societal participation for persons<br />

with acquired brain injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2001;82:885-895.<br />

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measurement in postacute brain injury. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 1991;72:138-143.<br />

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McCaffrey Eastley A. Dynamic assessment for infants and toddlers: the relationship<br />

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Miller LJ. Coll JR. Schoen SA. A randomized controlled pilot study of the<br />

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Mitchell T, Cusick A: Evaluation of a client-centred paediatric rehabilitation programe using<br />

goal attainment scaling. Austr Occup Ther J 1998;45:7-17.<br />

Ottenbacher KJ, Cusick A: Goal attainment scaling as a method of clinical evaluation. Am J<br />

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Rockwood K, Graham JE, Fay S. Goal setting and attainment in Alzheimer’s disease<br />

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Rockwood K, Joyce B, Stolee P. Use of goal attainment scaling in measuring clinically<br />

important change in cognitive rehabilitation patients. J Clin Epidemiol 1997;50:581-588.<br />

Updated August 2007 4

Rushton PW, Miller WC. Goal attainment scaling in the rehabilitation of patients with lower<br />

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Schaaf RC. Nightlinger KM. Occupational therapy using a sensory integrative<br />

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Schlosser RW. Goal attainment scaling: a clinical measurement technique in<br />

communication disorders: a critical review. J Comm Dis 2004;37:217-239.<br />

Scott AH. Wellness works: community service health promotion groups led by occupational<br />

therapy students. AJOT 1999;53:566-574.<br />

Steenbeek D. Ketelaar M. Galama K. Gorter JW. Goal attainment scaling in<br />

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Stephens TE, Haley SM: Comparison of two methods for determining change in motorically<br />

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Stolee P, Rockwood K, Fox RA, Streiner DL. The use of goal attainment scaling in a<br />

geriatric setting. J Am Geriatr Soc 1992;40:574-578<br />

Trombly CA, Vining Radomski M, Schold Davis E: Achievement of self-identified<br />

goals by adults with traumatic brain injury: Phase I. Am J Occup Ther 1998;52:810-<br />

818.<br />

Trombly CA, Radomski MV, Trexel C, Burnett-Smight SE. Occupational therapy and<br />

achievement of self-identified goals by adults with acquired brain injury: Phase II. Am<br />

J Occup Ther 2002;56:489-498.<br />

Turnbull, J: Evaluating health care using goal attainment scaling. Nursing Standard 1998;<br />

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Wessels R, Persson J, Lorentsen O, Andrich R, Ferrario M, oortwijn W, VanBeekum T,<br />

Brodin H, de Witte L. IPPA: Individually prioritised problem assessment. Technol Disabil<br />

2002;14:141-145.<br />

Yip AM, Gorman MC, Stadnyk K, Mills WG, MacPherson KM, Rockwood K. A<br />

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Young A, Chesson R. Goal attainment scaling as a method of measuring clinical outcome<br />

for children with learning disabilities. Brit J Occup Ther 1997;60: 111-114.<br />

Updated August 2007 5

Other individualized measures<br />

Dunford C, Missiuna C, Street E, Sibert J. Children’s perceptions of the impact of<br />

developmental coordination disorder on activities of daily living. Brit J Occup Ther<br />

2005;68: 207-214.<br />

Gange DE, Hoppes S. The effects of collaborative, goal-focussed occupational therapy on<br />

self-care skills: a pilot study. Am J Occup Ther 2003;57:215-219.<br />

Holliday RC, Antoun M, Playford ED. A survey of goal-setting methods used in<br />

rehabilitation. Neurorehabil Neurol Repair 2005;19:227-231<br />

Law M, Baptiste S, McColl MA, Opzoomer A, Polatajko H, Pollock N. Canadian<br />

Occupational Performance Measure. Third Edition. 1998; CAOT Publications. Ottawa, ON.<br />

Mandich AD, Polatajko HJ, Miller LT, Baum C. Paediatric Activity Card Sort (PACS).<br />

2004; CAOT Publications. . Ottawa, ON.<br />

Melville LL, Baltic TA, Bettcher TW, Nelson DL. Patients’ perspectives on the Self-<br />

Identified Goals Assessment. Am J Occup Ther 2002;56:650-659.<br />

Missiuna C, Pollock N. Perceived efficacy and goal setting in young children. Can J Occup<br />

Ther 2000;667:101-109.<br />

Siegert RJ, Taylor WJ. Theoretical aspects of goal-setting and motivation in rehabilitation.<br />

Disabil Rehabil 2004;16:1-8<br />

Van Stel H, Colland VT, heins NL, Riissenbeek-Nouwens M, Everaerd W. Assessing<br />

inpatient pulmonary rehabilitation using the patient’s view of outcome. J Cardiopulm<br />

Rehabil 2002;22:201-210.<br />

Wessels R, Persson J, Lorentsen O, Andrich R, Ferrario M M, Oortwijn W, VanBeekum<br />

T, Brodin H, de Witte L. IPPA: Individually Prioritised Problem Assessment. Technol<br />

Disabil 2002;14:141-145.<br />

Updated August 2007 6

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