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Legacy, p. 296, "At our meeting in April, 1982, M. Plantard adopted an ambivalent attitude<br />

towards our book [Holy Blood, Holy Grail]. On the whole, be endorsed it and offered to<br />

correct, for the French edition, certain vague or unclear references. At the same time, he<br />

would neither confirm nor deny our thesis that the Merovingian bloodline was descended<br />

from Jesus. <strong>The</strong>re was no evidence either way, he said non-<strong>com</strong>mittal.<br />

It was ‘all too far in the past’, all ‘too long ago’. <strong>The</strong>re were no reliable genealogies. Besides,<br />

Jesus had brothers. Nevertheless, he acknowledged the Merovingians to have been of Judaic<br />

descent, deriving from the royal line of David." <strong>The</strong> significance of this is tremendous. It<br />

means that those people who have been saying that it is a Jewish conspiracy have been<br />

correct--even if some of these people saying these things may not be greatest characters.<br />

This also opens the door as to why the top leaders of the Illuminati have been willing to<br />

work with the Askenazi Jews. In Be Wise As Serpents, I show from Masonic sources that<br />

there is indeed a big connection at the top with the Jewish leadership and the House of<br />

David and Freemasonry. <strong>The</strong> goals of Freemasonry are intertwined with the goals of the<br />

Prieure de Sion. <strong>The</strong>re is a big danger in labeling the conspiracy "Jewish". When people label<br />

"Jewish" as "bad" it confuses more than clarifies. <strong>The</strong> Jewish people are not the enemy.<br />

Next, although many of the <strong>Satanic</strong> hierarchy claim to be from the House of David, they do<br />

not publicly proclaim themselves as Jews, in fact they may publicly take a negative posture<br />

toward the Jews, such as Lady Astor and some of the duPonts have been.<br />

It is perhaps fine that Zionism be labeled evil. Zionism includes both Christians and Jews. To<br />

be a Zionist is to identify oneself with a movement that the elite has set up and controlled<br />

for their purposes. Many in the Zionist movement are like <strong>com</strong>mon people everywhere, they<br />

want do to what is right, they have simply not gotten the bigger picture, and are being<br />

used. When two groups have some similarities but each want to keep their own identity<br />

they can be mortal rivals. One group that has been very easy for Satan to provoke against<br />

Christians is the Jews. Perhaps no group of people has hated Christians with more intensity.<br />

One of the first groups that Satan worked at controlling were the Jews. But to call the<br />

conspiracy Jewish is misleading. <strong>The</strong> father of it all is Satan. It is <strong>Satanic</strong>, and it will use<br />

anyone it can. And God will use anyone too. How many of us have escaped helping one<br />

cause or another of the establishment or in being in some organization that the<br />

establishment was using? Let each of us examine ourselves and get our own lives in order.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is a song about violin that was going to auctioned off cheap until a master violinist<br />

picked it up and played a good tune on it. Don’t auction people off cheaply, the touch of the<br />

Master’s hand can turn anyone into a beautiful thing. Don’t reject anyone who will let the<br />

Master’s hand tune his life. This is a war against evil, not race. Not everyone of the most<br />

evil bloodlines is on the enemies’ side. Many are trying to serve the Lord. Likewise, just<br />

because the Freeman family is one of the top 13 <strong>Satanic</strong> families doesn’t mean that all or<br />

even most Freemans are part of the hierarchy.<br />


From 1918 to 1963, Jean Cocteau was Grand Master of the Prieure de Sion. Following the<br />

unification of the various powers into a secret NWO government in 1954, the Prieure de<br />

Sion had a major policy dispute. in 1963 with Cocteau’s death, Gaylord Freeman, helped by<br />

Antonio Merzagora and Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair, governed the Prieure de Sion. In<br />

1981, Pierre Plantard took over as Grand Master. In 1952, long before be<strong>com</strong>ing Grand<br />

Master, Plantard de Saint-Clair transferred 100 million francs worth of gold ingots to<br />

Switzerland to the Union des Banques Suisses. When this was publicly revealed, he said<br />

that it was a legitimate move made for the french government. In 1955, several men<br />

associated with the Prieure de Sion obtained some old parchments two of which gave the<br />

Merovingian genealogies, and they used the British Notary of Royal Appointment Patrick<br />

Francis Jourdan Freeman (that’s one name) in relation to a request to the French<br />

government to take the old documents to London, England where they were kept at 39<br />

Great Russell St. Later P.F.J. Freeman was used again the next year to request that the<br />

documents be allowed to stay in Engiand to be held in a safe deposit box at Lloyd’s Bank of<br />

Europe in London. One of the men involved went by the name Captain Ronald Stansmore<br />

Nutting of London (born in Dublin, IR) who is reported by reliable sources to have been in<br />


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