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The Satanic Bloodlines - WordPress.com


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protected by a police force run by the mob. He has helped run drugs and wet ops for<br />

"the Combination" which interconnects with the Illuminati. O.J. Simpson's friend<br />

Cowlings worked for Joey Ippolito, as well as O.J. Simpson. Simpson distributed cocaine<br />

for Joey Ippolito & the Combination. Simpson's lawyer also is tied to the Illuminati, the<br />

CIA, and the mob. One of his lawyers on TV said the trial reeked of government<br />

corruption. Nicole Simpson lived next door to Carl Colby (former CIA director Bill Colbys<br />

son). Colby's wife and kids have been subjected to mind-control. Colby's wife testified<br />

in O.J. Simpson's trial, but was addressed as "Miss Boe" rather than by her name. O.J.<br />

Simpson's mother worked for a California State Mental Hospital in San Francisco for 30<br />

years. Many State Mental Hospital workers have children who have been programmed.<br />

When one of the jurors in Simpson's case, Tracy Hampton, had her mind-control<br />

programming go haywire, she began staring for long periods at a blank TV and hearing<br />

voices. She had to be dismissed. During the Simpson trial, Judge Ito gave Joe<br />

McGinniss the best front-row seat that a journalist could have. Joe McGinniss was the<br />

coverup author who wrote a book covering up about the McDonald-Fort Bragg Drug<br />

Smuggling Case.<br />

<strong>The</strong> McDonald-Fort Bragg Drug Smuggling Case involved the Illuminati drug smuggling<br />

operation within the U.S. military during the Vietnam War. On and on the stink goes.<br />

<strong>The</strong> manipulation of history by those in power has been well-covered over. An example<br />

of how mind-control and its role in manipulation of events has been covered up by the<br />

perpetrators is an article written in the Journal of the American Medical Association<br />

(JAMA) in the Sept. 11, 1967, Vol. 201, No. 11 issue. <strong>The</strong> article, which was submitted<br />

to the magazine from three CIA doctors (Mark, Sweet, and Ervin), claims that riots are<br />

caused by brain disease. While the article is correct in the subpoint that only a small<br />

percentage of underprivileged urban dwellers participate in many of the riots, the<br />

article's thesis is obviously a slide to prevent people from catching on that the small<br />

number of deviants who create riots might be under mind-control or might have some<br />

other motivation beyond simply being brain-diseased. Any deception, whether it is an<br />

exaggeration or an understatement of the NWO's capabilities is considered a useful<br />

deception for the Illuminati's double-agents to spread. <strong>The</strong> german battleship the<br />

Bismarck was sunk due to a little lie sent to Germany by a double-agent which<br />

underestimated the range of British radar. <strong>The</strong> Germans, thinking they were out of<br />

British radar range, made some bad decisions that cost them the battleship.<br />


Knowledge is power, and lies diminish the knowledge of deceived dupes, and therefore<br />

diminishes the power of the deceived. Deception obscures the alternatives that people<br />

have. It also clouds up various objectives people would work toward. Some people give<br />

up certain objectives due to their mis-perceptions that the objective is undesirable or<br />

unattainable.<br />


In the programming, colors and directions are used. Be prepared to find out. that<br />

sometime programmers use their creative imaginations such as using the color<br />

"octarine," or the direction "TURNWISE" or perhaps "WIDDERSHINS". During the most<br />

fundament programming which is done via LSD trips in sensory deprivation tank to lay<br />

in foundations of the Alpha, Beta, Delta, Ome and <strong>The</strong>ta programs, each programming<br />

memory will be given a code. Where one popular programming deception takes place<br />

that the programmer knows ahead of time h to sequence his memory codes so that<br />

instance, the fifth memory is coded as trip, and strenuous methods are used to up the<br />

memories of the first four trips. victim’s s mind will be told to forget the four trips. <strong>The</strong><br />

memory codes are deceptively designed to fool the deprogrammer and the victim alike.<br />

Part of the reason the programmer does this, is that they know that IF a therapist<br />

should stumble onto these first memories, the backup programming to protect these<br />


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