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<strong>The</strong> reporters gave a clean bill of health to the Krupp factories even though the<br />

reporters should have questioned why all their film was destroyed during factory tours<br />

(infared rays were beamed Into their film while they toured Krupps factories.) Prussiantrained<br />

Gustav Krupp had married the daughter of Friedrich Krupp whose name was<br />

Bertha. Bertha was a powerful woman, and sole owner in 1902 of one of Germany’s<br />

largest steel firms. <strong>The</strong> Krupps have lived above Essen, German in a hugh palace called<br />

Villa Huegel, whose small wing has 60 rooms. <strong>The</strong>y also have other castles and villas.<br />

At one time they owned (as far as I know they still do) a castle in the Austrian Alps<br />

named Bluehnbach. Gustav Krupp hosted and was one of the leaders of a secret group<br />

of 12 powerful German industrialists called the Ruhrlade which secretly made<br />

Germany’s industrial decisions during the Weimar Republic. This group also made<br />

political decisions. In 1932, Krupp began to help HItler. <strong>The</strong> secret governing body of<br />

the Ruhrlade covered their meetings behind the cover of having lavish hunting parties.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Illuminati kept close tabs and gave secret support to Hitler on his rise to power.<br />

Illuminatus William Randolph Hearst had his chief European correspondent William<br />

Bayard Hale met with Hitler early in the 1920s at Hale’s lavish suite at the Hotel<br />

Bayrisher Hof.<br />


by Fritz Springmeier<br />

Introduction to Part 3. <strong>The</strong> Rothschilds are one of the most prominent of the top<br />

thirteen Illuminati families. This newsletter has been singling out each of the top<br />

thirteen Illuminati families for a feature article. Articles in this newsletter have already<br />

been done on the Astor, Buady, Collins, DuPont, Freeman, U, Kennedy, Onassis, and<br />

Van Duyn families. <strong>The</strong> Rockefellers were featured in a December 1992 article just prior<br />

to this series. Because there is more Information out about the Rothschilds than some<br />

of the other families, I decided to write more than just one feature article about them.<br />

Reviewing the recent newsletter articles.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first set of my recent Rothschild articles consisted of my Introduction and then<br />

main article. <strong>The</strong> Introduction covered the hidden lineages of the Springs, the Payseurs,<br />

the Beatty family and Abraham Lincoln. <strong>The</strong> main article by David Smith covered the<br />

18th and 19th centuries of Rothschild power. <strong>The</strong> second set of articles again consisted<br />

of my introduction along with a main article. In my Introduction I covered some about<br />

their secret power, their power in Latin America, and their secret power to manipulate<br />

financial things without playing the same rules as others play. David Smith’s main<br />

article covered the Rothschild’s influence in history in the late 19th century and during<br />

the 20th century.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Rothschilds a daily threat<br />

My desire was to have an article about what the Rothschild’s are doing today. One of<br />

my most dangerous opponents in this area to the work I’m doing against the Monarch<br />

program is a secret Rothschild descendent. I know Monarch slaves who were created to<br />

serve the Rockefeller family, the Russell family, the 13th Holy Blood Family, the Li<br />

family and the CollIns family. I also know Monarch slaves who were created to serve<br />

the Rothschilds. From what I have been told and also from just personal observation,<br />

all of the top 13 IllumInati families are involved in the creation of Monarch slaves. It<br />

goes without saying that It is Impossible to be a high level Satanist and not have MPD.<br />


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