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Rothschild connections to the first worid war are an excellent example of controlled<br />

conflict. On the Allied side the British and French Houses financially supported their<br />

countries battles. Some Rothschilds were even soldiers, although they didn’t see much<br />

action. J.P. Morgan Bank was a big financial help to the Allied cause. It was the Allies<br />

"purchasing agent" until the U.S. entered the war. It also created a syndicate that<br />

financed ,,modernization" in China, to help defend that country against the Japanese<br />

threat. <strong>The</strong> elite wanted America in the war. Historian Charles Tansill noted: ,,... the<br />

large banking Interests were deeply interested in the World War because of wide<br />

opportunities for large profits. On August 3, 1914, even before the actual clash of arms,<br />

the French firm of Rothschild Freres cabled to Morgan and Company in New York<br />

suggesting the floatation of a loan of $100,000,000, a substantial part of which was to<br />

be left in the United States, to pay for French purchases of American goods.’ <strong>The</strong><br />

Lusitania was a ploy. It was packed with some Morgan owned ammunition, had been<br />

given over to England as a member of the navy, and despite the warnings of the<br />

Germans was sent Into a naval war zone, specifically to be a target - the catalyst for<br />

America’s entrance to the war. A knowledgeable American State Department failed to<br />

warn the US. citizens aboard the ship of the voyages definite danger. Churchill ordered<br />

the Lusitanina’s naval escort to return to port, and the fated ship was left unprotected,<br />

to be sunk. Rothschild agent Colonel House probably knew of this plot, records point to<br />

a discussion of it between him and Sir Edward Grey of England. Historian Colin Simpson<br />

called the sinking of the Lusitania the "foulest act of willful murder ever <strong>com</strong>mitted on<br />

the seas.’<br />

On the Axis side the Rothschild network was also funneling money. Another family<br />

allied to the Rothschilds was the Warburgs. Max Warburg, brother of Kuhn-Loeb’s Paul<br />

Warburg. ran a family financial powerhouse in Frankfort, Germany (one of the reasons<br />

the Rothschilds were able to liquidate their Frankfort bank, the Warburgs would run<br />

things). Max was the head of the German secret police during WWI. <strong>The</strong> Warburg<br />

connection is reported to have helped the Axis powers financially. At the end of the war<br />

in 1919, the Treaty of Versailles meetings were attended by Rothschild connected men<br />

like Paul and Max Warburg, John Foster Dulles (of Kuhn-Loeb), Colonel House, Thomas<br />

Lamont (of Morgans) and Allen Dulles (of Kuhn-Loeb). <strong>The</strong> harsh terms of the Treaty of<br />

Versailles totally set the stage for World War II. Said one delegate: ‘This is no peace;<br />

this is only a truce for twenty years." Sure enough, in 1939 the second World War<br />

started. Another product of the Versailles meetIngs was the elite’s Charter for the<br />

League of Nations - the Illuminati’s first attempt at creating a global institution. <strong>The</strong><br />

League of Nations failed. This called for the need to create a think tank/special Interest<br />

organization that could promote the new world order. Thus the creation of the Foreign<br />

Relations Institutions - the CFR., RIIA, etc. This will be discussed in a bit. World War I<br />

helped create a Communist State.<br />

Max Warburg funded Lenin and his revolutionaries. Jacob Schiff gave a known $20<br />

million to Lenin. J.P. Morgan & Co. helped finance the Bolshevik revolution.<br />

Alfred de Rothschild also helped finance the Bolsheviks.<br />


<strong>The</strong> second World War was also controlled by Illuminati and Rothschild interests. <strong>The</strong><br />

Great Depression did not only occure in America. It also swept Europe. <strong>The</strong> economic<br />

depression in Europe, coupled with an extremely harsh Versailles Treaty helped fan the<br />

flames of the nationalistic fires that swept Germany.<br />

Hitier was a member of the most powerful occultic secret society in Germany. He<br />

penetrated the inner circle of this society where Satanism was practiced. Hitler was<br />

dedicated to Satan’s Empire - an evil puppet. He was brought into this evil group by<br />

Dietrich Eckart who is supposed to have said on his deathbed: "Follow Hitler. He will<br />

dance, but It is I who have called the tune! I have initiated him into the ‘Secret<br />

Doctrine’; opened his centers in vision and given him the means to <strong>com</strong>municate with<br />


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