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When Peabody retired in 1864 Junius took over the business. <strong>The</strong> firm was re-named<br />

JS. Morgan & Co. That same year Junius’ son, J.P. Morgan, became a junior partner in<br />

the firm. A year later J.P. left for America to represent the firm in the New York. After<br />

the end of the Franco-Prussian War, Junius Morgan was called on to help restore the<br />

French etonomy. Around this time his bank was talked of as a rival to the Rothschild’s<br />

New Court, but Junius was a Rothschild agent, when he prospered so prospered the<br />

Rothschilds and the Illuminati. J.S. Morgan & Co. was one of the Rothschild’s great<br />

power tools in the United States. In 1869 JunIus’ son, J.P. Morgan went to London to<br />

met with the Rothschilds. <strong>The</strong>y laid out the plans to form Northern Securities, a<br />

<strong>com</strong>pany that would act as an agent for New Court in the US. J.P. ruling as a proxy for<br />

the family. In 1871 Junius’ son, J.P. Morgan, made an alliance with Tony Drexel, heir to<br />

the powerful Philadelphia bank. <strong>The</strong>ir firm - Drexel, Morgan & Co. -resided in an<br />

extravagant new building on Wall St., which is still Morgan headquarters today. After<br />

the Europeans got over their lack of confidence at the end of the CIvil War, money<br />

began to stream across the ocean to the US., providing massive profit for the firm. It<br />

set out to finance the growing number of industrial projects in America. <strong>The</strong> House of<br />

Morgan was getting extremely rich.<br />

Junius retired in 1879 and J.P. took over JS. Morgan & Co., reorganizing It under the<br />

title J.P. Morgan & Co. "J.P. Morgan soon became a symbol of the growing<br />

centralization of American money." He was very monopolistic. His agents would create<br />

cartels through ‘Morganization." By 1896 the IllumInati families Payne, Whitney and the<br />

Vanderbilts all bad money in Morgan-Guarantee Company which was run by the "J.P.<br />

Morgan and Guggenheim outfits."<br />

At a certain point he controlled neariy half the American railroad system. He established<br />

the United States Steel Corp. ("based on Andrew Carnegie’s Pittsburgh Steel mills") In<br />

1901 by raising the "unprecedented" amount of $1.4 billion. J.P. was adept at creating<br />

financial syndicates for the Illuminati, joint efforts to further the "Great Plan." President<br />

Welliam Mckinley began prosecuting the Rothschild’s Morgan-run Northern Securities<br />

under the anti-trust laws in 1900. In 1901 Mckinley ran for a second term and<br />

appointed a new vice-president, <strong>The</strong>odore Roosevelt, a lock, stock and barrel<br />

Illuminatus. Less than a year later he was assassinated. When "Teddy" became<br />

president the prosecution of Northern Securities stopped. For this reason some people<br />

think Mckinley’s death was ordered by J.P. Morgan and the Rothschilds. He was able to<br />

set up a syndicate, with the help of Rothschild agent, August Belmont, Jr., that bailed<br />

the U.S. out of a Treasury depletion. <strong>The</strong> syndicate raised $65 billion in gold. <strong>The</strong> sum<br />

would be repaid by an issue of bonds. J.P. received some criticism for the strict terms<br />

of the deal. For 5 months in early 1907, J.P. Morgan was in Europe, traveling back and<br />

forth between London and Paris, presumably visiting the Rothschild House’s there. A.<br />

Ralph Epperson writes: "Apparentiy the reason Morgan was in Europe was because the<br />

decision was being made to have Morgan precipitate a bank panic in America. When he<br />

returned, he started rumors that the KnIckerbocker Bank in New York was insolvent."<br />

Panic ensued. People began a mass withdrawal of their deposits - a run. <strong>The</strong><br />

Knickerbocker run had a domino effect, other banks had runs and the Panic of 1907<br />

,,was <strong>com</strong>plete." J.P. Morgan oversaw the banking <strong>com</strong>munities response to the Panic<br />

of 1907. <strong>The</strong> whole Incident helped the elite push for a central bank. One man who<br />

knew of the plot was historian Frederick Lewis Allen, who wrote in LIFE magazine:<br />

,,...certain chroniclers have arrived at the ingenious conclusion that the Morgan<br />

interests took advantage of the unsettled conditions during the autumn of 1907 to<br />

precipitate the Panic, guiding It shrewdly as it progressed, so that it would kill off rival<br />

banks, and consolidate the pre-eminence of the banks within the Morgan orbit." <strong>The</strong><br />

Panic of 1907 made people want a powerful central bank that could "protect" the<br />

<strong>com</strong>mon man from the "abuses of the Wall Street bankers." This whole thing eventually<br />

led to the creation of the Federal Reserve. One of the men with the Morgan financial<br />

groups was Harold Stanley. Stanley was a member of the Skull & Bones. After J.P.’s<br />

death a Morgan firm became Morgan, Stanley & Co. J.P. Morgan died in 1913. HIs son,<br />

Harvard educated J.P. Morgan, Jr. took over (most conspiratorial writers do not make a<br />


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