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The Satanic Bloodlines - WordPress.com

The Satanic Bloodlines - WordPress.com


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But the final blow to the British Empire was done by another <strong>The</strong>osophist--Adolf Hitler.<br />

It is <strong>com</strong>mon knowledge that the powerful blows of Axis attacks in W.W. II struck the<br />

death blow to the British Empire, or so we are told. <strong>The</strong> truth is that the elite wanted<br />

the Empire to die, and pulled every string to convince the British public and indigenous<br />

natives that the Empire was too weak after W . W . II to save the empire and prevent<br />

her colonies from independence. It is hard for people to grasp that the Illuminati<br />

controlled Russia, Great Britian, Germany and France during World War II, but they did.<br />

Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin were all Masons . DeGaulle of France was closely linked<br />

with several esoteric groups, and the Priere de Sion and Grand Orient Masons helped<br />

him to power in the 50s . Churchill was a Zionist and pro-Fabian Socialist . Stalin was a<br />

closet satanist . Roosevelt was a Zionist, pro-<strong>com</strong>munist and socialist . Both Churchill<br />

and Roosevelt came from important elite blood lines . Apparently, Stalin was somewhat<br />

independent, but basically did what was expected of him. As the previous paragraph<br />

indicates the people of the world weren’t ready for a world government, and most not<br />

even a united Europe. W.W. II was carried out to adjust people’s thinking toward<br />

wanting European unity . Satan already ruled the world through his secret chain of<br />

<strong>com</strong>mand, but he wanted to openly rule the world’s hearts and to be publicly hailed as<br />

ruler and savior.<br />

Who was Hitler? Hitler’s father was the offspring of the Rothschild’s secret breeding<br />

program which impregnated his grandmother. It appears from the details available,<br />

Hitler was groomed for his role, without realizing his heritage at first . It appears that<br />

Hitler learned of his ,,jewish bloodline" after taking over Germany. Hitler had romances<br />

with many beautiful women. Although Hitler was very strict with his New Age religious<br />

practices such as being a vegitarian, that did not include being celebrate . He did have<br />

sex contrary to the deceptions of the Establishment. Hitler’s seed (the Rothschild’s<br />

powerful generational occult bloodline) was hidden in an Askenazim bloodline, at least<br />

part of which has <strong>com</strong>e to the U.S. In fact, Hitler’s generational occult power was<br />

passed on too . This was most likely done by thrusting a knife into his heart, and the<br />

person who received his occult power then gulped his last breath with the kiss of death<br />

to receive his occult power . What I am telling you is that Hitler’s offspring are alive and<br />

well and that his terrifying Anti-Christ spirit was passed to someone and is not dead.<br />

Let me remind you of some of Hitler’s own prophecies about himself and his goals. "At<br />

the time of supreme peril I must die a martyr’s death for the people. But after my<br />

death will <strong>com</strong>e something really great, an overwhelming revelation to the world of my<br />

mission." <strong>The</strong> world was to witness his divinity . Further, "My spirit will rise from the<br />

grave, and the world will see that I was right." Von Ribbentrop on Apr. 30, 1945 was<br />

told this same thing, "You will see that my spirit will rise from the grave . " National<br />

Socialism "is even more than a religion; it is the will to make mankind anew." "All<br />

creative energy will pass to the new man." Hitler claimed to be the real fulfillment of<br />

Marx’s socialism. "I am not only the conqueror, but also the executor of Marxism, of<br />

that part of it which is essential and justified, stripped of its Jewish-Talmudic dogma."<br />

In essense, he is saying whatever veneer of Jewishness that Marx’s satanic plan had,<br />

he disagreed with it and would destroy that veneer . <strong>The</strong>se type of statements reveal<br />

that the essence of the message of various elite men like Hitler is the same <strong>Satanic</strong><br />

plan if stripped of their variously decorated veneers .<br />

Hitler is viewed as the Messiah, the Holy Spirit, the martyred Savior of his people by his<br />

followers today. <strong>The</strong> blasphemous Holy Book of Adolf Hitler states, "All hail to God’s<br />

Christ and Chosen, Adolf Hitler...Lord of Lords, and King of Kings, the Eternal Adolf<br />

Hitler." Such blasphemy . Father forgive them for they know not what they do. Hitler’s<br />

Demonic Spirit and Hitler’s descendents both live on today. (By the way, some<br />

Rothschild descendents such as Hitler’s have <strong>com</strong>e to Christ as their Lord and Savior!)<br />

Will this powerful occult branch of the Rothschild’s be used again by the New World<br />

Order? Whatever the case it is clear that Hitler’s Anti-Christ spirit will get plenty of<br />

demonic help. <strong>The</strong> demonic forces that have manifested themselves in National<br />

Socialism and International Socialism (aka Communism) demonized much of Europe.<br />

So much so that Europe officially portrays itself as a beast with Venus on it on a stamp<br />

<strong>com</strong>memorating the Second election of the European Parliament, and also as the same<br />


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