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lied, and abused his way through life. He wore the best of clothes, and he never lacked for<br />

money, including gold coins. Besides loving women, he loved gambling. And where did his<br />

money to gamble with <strong>com</strong>e from? He made much of his money dishonestly. His life Is a<br />

carbon copy of other men who are known by this author to have been in the Illuminati. (<strong>The</strong><br />

reader also needs to bear in mind that the Illuminati carries out a large number of secret<br />

occult marriages, which only insiders learn about.) One of his wives was Eliza Davidson<br />

(181349). She was an extremely cruel woman. Historians who have been bought off by the<br />

elite like to picture Eliza Davidson as a very pious woman. Although she had a religious<br />

front, there are a number of things in her life that show that she was not the paragon of<br />

virtue that the paid-for historians have made her out to be. When she married William<br />

Avery Rockefeller she moved in with him and his mistress.<br />


William Avery Rockefeller had many bastard children, and it can be imagined many children<br />

born for ritual or for the cult. His wife Eliza had six children for him and of those John<br />

Davison Rockefeller is the infamous one who brought the family into limelight. John D.<br />

Rockefeller in his lifetime became on of the most powerful men in the world. One of the<br />

most best kept secrets were his secret dealings with the other Illuminati families. <strong>The</strong><br />

Payseurs and other Illuminati families are all intimately involved in the rise to power of the<br />

Rockefellers. <strong>The</strong> other factors involved in John D. Rockefeller’s rise to power Is his utter<br />

ruthlessness. He was willing to do anything for power. John o. Rockefeller established the<br />

family in their principal estate at Pocantico Hills in New York. I have lost the exact figure,<br />

but over 100 Rockefeller families live at the private land of Pocantico Hills.<br />


<strong>The</strong> Rockefellers have divested much of their holdings into places which they control, but<br />

nominally they are not owners of. <strong>The</strong> Rockefellers financial power Is far greater than the<br />

balance sheets would indicate. <strong>The</strong> Rockefellers can give donations from an organization<br />

which they control to another that they control, and not lose any control over the money.<br />

<strong>The</strong> donations look Impressive, but the Rockefeller bloodline hasn’t lost. Have you ever<br />

noticed that Rockefeller’s Standard Oil uses the satanic pentagram in a circle as their logo?<br />

Just three of countless Rockefeller <strong>com</strong>panies are Texas Instruments and General Electric,<br />

and Eastman Kodak. <strong>The</strong> Rockefellers also control Boeing. This author (Fritz Sprlngmeier)<br />

has repeatedly been given information from numerous sources about the occult activities<br />

that are being perpetrated at the Boeing plants in the Seattle area. Monarch programming<br />

has even taken place at a Boeing Plant. All these things fit together when one gets the<br />

bigger picture and the inside scoop. <strong>The</strong> Rockefellers also control Delta. Has anyone realized<br />

that the Delta symbol is a very widely used satanic symbol? Is It any wonder so many<br />

Illuminati and CIA, and world financiers, and people like Chuck Colson (see the exposes on<br />

Chuck Colson in 93’s newsletters) use Delta to fly on.<br />

My notes are lost, hut suffice It to say the Rockefellers own land all over South America.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Rockefellers own land most anywhere anyone would want to visit in the US. from<br />

Hawaii to Texas to Florida and Seal Harbor, Maine. Notice how often Bush would go to Maine<br />

when he was President?<br />

<strong>The</strong> Rockefellers have played a role in Lucis Trust and the United Nations. Interestingly, you<br />

will notice that Prince Charles is the spokesperson for Lucis Trust and also works with the<br />

United Nations in various ways. Prince Charles Is from another satanic bloodline. Readers<br />

need to study my Be Wise As Serpents book to see how Lucis Trust fits into things. <strong>The</strong><br />

Rockefellers were involved in the creation of the FBI, so that the FBI has always been an<br />

arm of power for the Illuminati. That is why there are official FBI programs in action today<br />

to kidnap children and provide them for sacrifice. Yes, American people, the wolf was set in<br />

charge of guarding the chicken coop. <strong>The</strong> organization that is working as part of the FBI is<br />

the Finders. (<strong>The</strong> stink was so bad that US. News & World Report did a story to soften the<br />

impact of the scandal. See the article on a following page. Ex-Satanists who worked with<br />

the FBI to receive the children the FBI kidnapped and sold to them for sacrifice have been<br />

trying to get the word out publicly about the FBI’s corruption. When the Illuminati was<br />

beginning to get exposed in the Franklin Saving & Loan case in Lincoln, NE the FBI was part<br />


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