Overview of 8th grade US History

Overview of 8th grade US History

Overview of 8th grade US History


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<strong>Overview</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>8th</strong> <strong>grade</strong> <strong>US</strong> <strong>History</strong><br />

Pre-Colonial and Colonial<br />

Many early attempts were made to colonize.<br />

The first successful permanent colony was Jamestown, Virginia.<br />

It was established in 1607 by England.<br />

European nations struggled to dominate North America.<br />

France, Spain, and Great Britain fought to gain permanent control <strong>of</strong> North America.<br />

By the Early 1700s, England had established thirteen colonies in the northeast part <strong>of</strong> what is<br />

now the United States.<br />

In the 1750s, France and England fought both in Europe and the Colonies.<br />

In the colonies, this was called the French and Indian War.<br />

This war, and the English policy <strong>of</strong> mercantilism (setting up colonies to provide raw materials,<br />

shipping these to the mother country to make finished products, then sell the finished<br />

products back to the colonials), led to many grievances that the American colonists bore<br />

against the British king.<br />

The colonists responded with several unruly acts, like the Boston Tea Party.<br />

The British responded with repression and harsh new tax laws.<br />

By 1776, the Colonial Congress decided to formally separate from Great Britain.<br />

Thomas Jefferson wrote the formal declaration.<br />

Grievances listed in the declaration:<br />

Taxation without representation<br />

Trials without juries<br />

Quartering troops in colonists’ houses<br />

Many other distasteful things<br />

Revolutionary War<br />

The American army led by George Washington fought several battles against the British.<br />

1. Lexington and Concord (1775) – First battles – no significant casualties or gains for either<br />

side<br />

2. Saratoga (1777) - - First significant victory for colonists<br />

3. Yorktown (1781) - Final British surrender to Washington<br />

New Nation and New Government<br />

The first U.S. government was called the Articles <strong>of</strong> Confederation.<br />

Gave no power to the national government.<br />

Could not levy taxes, recruit soldiers, or compel the states to do anything they did not want to<br />

do.<br />

Constitutional Convention is called.in 1787.<br />

Its purpose was to change the Articles <strong>of</strong> Confederation to make a more workable<br />

government.<br />

James Madison (right) proposed instead a new document called The Constitution.

Written with several principles in mind:<br />

1. Limited Government<br />

2. Republicanism<br />

3. Checks and Balances<br />

4. Separation <strong>of</strong> Powers<br />

5. Popular Sovereignty<br />

6. Individual Rights<br />

1. Limited Government<br />

The ruler is subject to the law.<br />

Came from the Magna Carta (1215).<br />

2. Republicanism<br />

It was borrowed from the Ancient Romans.<br />

A philosophy <strong>of</strong> limited government in which elected representatives serve at the will <strong>of</strong> the<br />

people.<br />

Examples<br />

State legislatures<br />

Congress<br />

3. Checks and Balances<br />

From the French author Montesquieu<br />

No part <strong>of</strong> the government has too much power over the others.<br />

Each part is checked by the other parts.<br />

Examples:<br />

Judicial branch can declare a law unconstitutional<br />

Legislative branch can override presidential veto with a 2/3 vote<br />

Executive branch can veto law<br />

Legislative branch can remove judges from <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

4. Separation <strong>of</strong> Powers<br />

Montesquieu, again<br />

Government should be separated into branches. (get it?)<br />

Ours has three: Legislative (making laws) Executive (enforcing laws) and Judicial<br />

(interpreting laws).<br />

5. Popular Sovreignty<br />

This word comes from various English philosophers such as:<br />

John Locke, Thomas Hobbes and Jean-Jacques Rousseau.<br />

“Popular” means people.<br />

“Sovereignty” comes from “sovereign” which means ruler.<br />

Popular sovereignty = people choose<br />

6. Individual Rights<br />

The basic liberties that all people are entitled (by God or nature) to certain rights<br />

From John Locke: life, liberty and property<br />

These liberties are guaranteed in the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, the Bill <strong>of</strong><br />

Rights<br />

The foundations <strong>of</strong> these ideas can be found in the English Bill <strong>of</strong> Rights.<br />

Individual rights have been extended through subsequent amendments to the Constitution.

When it came time to vote on the Constitution, there was a fight.<br />

Federalists<br />

Led By James Madison, John Jay and Alexander Hamilton<br />

Favored the Constitution.<br />

Wrote the Federalist Papers in support <strong>of</strong> ratification <strong>of</strong> the Constitution.<br />

Anti-Federalists<br />

Led By Patrick Henry (right).<br />

Felt the Constitution gave too much power to a far-away central government.<br />

Favored the addition <strong>of</strong> a Bill Of Rights.<br />

The Constitution was ratified.<br />

The Bill Of Rights was added soon after.<br />

The first ten amendments to the Constitution<br />

Largely limited what the federal government could do in terms <strong>of</strong> infringing on rights.<br />

First Amendment<br />

Freedom <strong>of</strong> speech, press, assembly, religion, and petition<br />

Vital in a democratic society<br />

Second Amendment<br />

the right to keep and bear arms<br />

Third Amendment<br />

The government may not quarter troops in private homes without permission.<br />

Fourth Amendment<br />

Right to be secure in your property, person, and papers<br />

Police need a warrant in order to search or arrest.<br />

Fifth Amendment<br />

No double jeopardy<br />

Right to remain silent<br />

Right to due process <strong>of</strong> law<br />

Sixth Amendment<br />

Right to speedy trial<br />

Right to confront witnesses<br />

Seventh Amendment<br />

Right to trial by jury in civil cases (someone suing someone else)<br />

Eighth Amendment<br />

No cruel and unusual punishment<br />

Or excessive bail or fines<br />

Ninth Amendment<br />

Rights not listed are reserved to the people (Right to privacy included here)<br />

Tenth Amendment<br />

Powers not granted to the federal government are reserved to the states.

This division <strong>of</strong> power between the state and national government is called Federalism.<br />

State Powers<br />

•provide for education<br />

•conduct elections<br />

•provide public safety<br />

•regulate trade in state<br />

National Powers<br />

•maintain armed forces<br />

•coin money<br />

•declare war<br />

•make foreign policy<br />

Powers Shared by National and State Governments<br />

•raise taxes<br />

•administer criminal justice<br />

•provide for public welfare<br />

•charter banks<br />

•borrow money<br />

Historically, there have been several major conflicts over the rights <strong>of</strong> states.<br />

The Nullification Crisis<br />

The election <strong>of</strong> Andrew Jackson ushered in the era <strong>of</strong> the “common man.”<br />

In 1832, President Jackson threatened to send the army to South Carolina to prevent the<br />

state from disobeying (nullifying) a federal tariff law.<br />

Civil War<br />

Crusades to end slavery, the abuse <strong>of</strong> alcohol, and subjection (being under the authority) <strong>of</strong><br />

women to men also played an important part in making society better.<br />

Writers, artists, and religious leaders also joined in to bring attention to American social<br />

issues (ex: Henry David Thoreau). Henry David Thoreau advocated that people challenge<br />

laws they considered unjust by refusing to obey them. The process <strong>of</strong> defying codes <strong>of</strong><br />

conduct within a community or ignoring the policies and government <strong>of</strong> a state or nation when<br />

the civil laws are considered unjust is known as civil disobedience.<br />

Civil Disobedience (noun)-Refusal to obey civil laws in an effort to induce change in<br />

governmental policy or legislation, characterized by the use <strong>of</strong> passive resistance or other<br />

nonviolent means.<br />

On April 12,1861, Ft. Sumter, in Charleston Harbor, South Carolina was attacked.<br />

It was a “bloodless opening to the bloodiest war in American history”.<br />

The winds <strong>of</strong> war howled and the U.S. Civil War began.<br />

People from every walk <strong>of</strong> life were faced with the choice... North or South. Some families<br />

were split with sons on both sides.<br />

Many battles were fought with death and destruction on both sides.

The winds <strong>of</strong> war whipped across the nation. The land, the hearts and soul <strong>of</strong> the nation were<br />

ripped apart.<br />

On January 1, 1863, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation, a formal order declaring<br />

slaves in Confederate states to be free.<br />

“The time came when I felt that slavery must die so that the nation might live.”<br />

The struggle for power ended on April 9, 1865, at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia. Union<br />

General U.S. Grant accepted a surrender from Confederate General Robert E. Lee to end the<br />

war.<br />

Radical Republicans had their own plan for Reconstruction.<br />

The Reconstruction Act <strong>of</strong> 1867:<br />

Divided the South into 5 military districts<br />

New Southern constitutions had to be written<br />

Guaranteed freedmen (former slaves) citizenship<br />

Guaranteed freedman voting rights<br />

13th Amendment- freed all slaves<br />

14th Amendment- defined citizenship and extended it to blacks<br />

15th Amendment-gave blacks the right to vote<br />

By 1877, the post-war era (called “reconstruction”) ended, and gave way to the Industrial Era.<br />

The Industrial Revolution and Westward Expansion<br />

Industrial Revolution contributed to westward expansion.<br />

The invention <strong>of</strong> the steam engine provided cheaper, and faster transportation. Steam power<br />

also allowed for factories to be built anywhere, including the West.<br />

The Industrial Revolution and westward expansion brought about rapid change.<br />

Organized efforts to reform society for the better began with much enthusiasm.<br />

Not all Americans saw the Industrial Revolution and Westward expansion as positive aspects<br />

<strong>of</strong> society.<br />

Reform movements for schools, prisons, and hospitals swept the country.

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