Dr. Gerardo Guiuan

Dr. Gerardo Guiuan

Dr. Gerardo Guiuan


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FICL, 28 November 2012<br />

<strong>Gerardo</strong> L. <strong>Guiuan</strong>, Ed.D.<br />

SPU Manila Senior Research Associate

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“Well done, good and faithful servant: you<br />

have been faithful over a few thing. I will set<br />

you over many things: enter into the joy of the<br />

Lord” (Mt. 25:21).<br />

5 C’s: Christ-Centeredness, Community,<br />

Commitment to Mission, Charism and Charity<br />

sum up what is GOOD in Paulinian Education<br />

and project what has to be done in FIDELITY.

3<br />

SPU Manila Centennial is marked by a joint<br />

celebration with the Universal Church of the Year<br />

of Faith (the second) as declared by Pope<br />

Benedict XVI.<br />

The Pope also convoked the 13 th General<br />

Assembly of the Synod of Bishops (October 7-28,<br />

2012) with the theme “The New Evangelization<br />

for the Transmission of the Christian Faith.”

As declared by the Synod Bishops:<br />

“Wherever human intelligence is developed and<br />

educated, the Church is pleased to bring her<br />

experience and contribution to the integral<br />

formation of the person. . . .[P]articular care is to<br />

be reserved for . . . catholic universities, in which<br />

the openness to transcendence that belongs to<br />

every authentic cultural and educational course,<br />

must be fulfilled in paths of encounter with the<br />

event of Jesus Christ and of his Church.”<br />



5<br />

This study took seriously Lineamenta (working<br />

paper) question 18 in Chapter III: Initiation into<br />

the Christian Experience within the context of<br />

what Pope Benedict calls an “educational<br />

emergency”—the increasing difficulty in<br />

education of transmitting to new generations the<br />

basic values of life and right conduct.

6<br />

1. Is the presence of Catholic institutions in the<br />

academic world an assistance in responding to<br />

this challenge?<br />

2. What changes in these institutions are of<br />

interest?<br />

3. What resources are available to respond<br />

to this challenge?

These questions will be given a Paulinian setting.<br />

A recent study, entitled “The Student Satisfaction<br />

Survey (SSS): A New Tool For Quality Service<br />

(September 2011) “ co-authored by the<br />

proponent with the Quality Assurance Head, Mrs.<br />

Marichen Dychangco, was utilized to put the<br />

findings into play. The part on the Paulinian Core<br />

Values in particular was highlighted.<br />


1.a. Behavioral indicators of the Value of Community:<br />

8<br />

1)“A respectful attitude towards all persons is felt in<br />

this campus”<br />

2)“Students are led to be sensitive to other’s needs”<br />

(If yes, cite concrete examples. If no, how come?)<br />

If you are to rate your unit’s overall performance with<br />

regard the promotion of this Paulinian Core Value in student<br />

behavior, what will you give? (Scale of 1-4, 4 as the<br />


9<br />

b.<br />

Behavioral indicators of the Value of Charism:<br />

1)“I have developed proper study habits in this<br />

university”<br />

2)“Love for study is felt among students”<br />

(If yes, cite concrete examples. If no, how come?)<br />

If you are to rate your unit’s overall performance with<br />

regard the promotion of this Paulinian Core Value in<br />

student behavior, what will you give? (Scale of 1-4, 4 as<br />

the highest)

10<br />

2.a. Community calls for Respect for Persons, Human<br />

Dignity, Human Life and Family Life.<br />

Charism calls for the integral formation,<br />

developing one’s talents and personality to the full, in a<br />

holistic manner with Christian character.<br />

What changes are needed in your unit to adequately<br />

and easily respond to these given concerns?

11<br />

b. Community is equated to Human Formation<br />

which is the focus of the Student Services Division;<br />

Charism is equated to Competence and<br />

Character handled by the Academic Services Division.<br />

What changes are needed in your unit to adequately<br />

collaborate with these divisions: Student Services and<br />

Academic Services for the promotion of these two<br />

Paulinian Core Values respectively?

12<br />

3.a. What resources help promote this behavioral<br />

indicator of the Value of Christ-centeredness:<br />

“The practice of personal prayer is evident?” (Be<br />

specific.)<br />

b. What resources help promote this behavioral<br />

indicator of the Value of Commitment to Mission:<br />

“I have valued sacrifice and discipline in my<br />

study/work” (Be specific.)

As a qualitative study, these were given to the SPU<br />

Manila Management Team, except the President’s<br />

Council.<br />

Simple description of the emerging themes were<br />

made. As to the ratings, these were put in average<br />

mean and given verbal interpretation.<br />

Since all respondents are in-house informands except<br />

for one, a one-month time frame (September 8 to<br />

October 7, 2012) was enough. The office secretaries<br />

were requested for the distribution and retrieval of<br />

the questionnaires.<br />


14<br />


Of the thirty-three (33) respondents of the<br />

Management Team, the retrieval percentage was<br />

75.7% with twenty-four returning the form; twenty-two<br />

(22) actually answered—rate of 66.6%; two (2)<br />

abstained.<br />

There were three Deans, eight Program Chairs, two<br />

Directors, four Managers, one Officer, two Supervisors,<br />

one University Registrar and one Chief Librarian. Each<br />

of the managerial positions/designations was<br />


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The rating with regard the promotion of the Paulinian<br />

Core Value of Community is an average mean of 3.42<br />

which is verbally interpreted as Very Good.<br />

The rating with regard the promotion of the Paulinian<br />

Core Value of Charism is an average mean of 3.41<br />

which is also verbally interpreted as Very Good.


16<br />

On the question of PRESENCE OF ASSISTANCE.<br />

The list of proofs for the Value of Community: behaviors,<br />

activities and insertion in subjects must be disseminated<br />

to the academic community. Likewise, the activities,<br />

behaviors and policies listed as proofs for the Value of<br />

Charism.<br />

SPU Manila should be proud and sustain these.

Comparing the results of the SSS (2011-12), there is<br />

need to bridge the gap between the levels of student<br />

satisfaction--“somewhat satisfied”and management<br />

rating--“Very Good.” These were serious and priority<br />

items in the SSS.<br />

On the Value of Community, a unique response on a<br />

respectful attitude towards all person is the behavior—<br />

“maintaining silence along corridors.” This is a simple<br />

sign of respect that builds the value of community.<br />

The lone negative response that disrespect is learned in<br />

the home environment points that noise—in any form,<br />

disrupts the home/community.<br />


As regard sensitivity to other’s needs, two responses are<br />

unique: “avoiding cutting classes” and “joining in wakes<br />

of alumni/parents/relatives.”<br />

“Avoiding”—sensitivity becomes clear by not giving bad<br />

example. In effect, it mirrors an expectation that<br />

teachers do not absent nor cut short the class.<br />

“Joining wakes”—a unique opportunity to express<br />

sensitivity in times of loss. Probably, a “bereavement”<br />

budget is ready to cover expenses, e.g., transport and<br />

donations.<br />


On the value of Charism, the development of proper<br />

study habits is due to time management. This must be<br />

probed; ways to develop strategies and techniques be<br />

encouraged.<br />

As regard love for study, a unique response is: “students<br />

change when they are in 3 rd or 4 th year levels.”<br />

Probably, other academic areas may be given incentive,<br />

e.g., outstanding projects, most participative<br />

class/group. Study can be enjoyed in a cooperative<br />

manner, like experiential learning, co-curriculars,<br />

performances. It is a deterrent to the lone negative<br />

response that students are so inclined in using cellphones.<br />


On the question of CHANGES OF INTEREST.<br />

The changes of interest for the Core Values of<br />

Community and of Charism must be disseminated.<br />

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For community-value change, the behavioral change is to<br />

“be voluntary in orientation.”<br />

Two activities support this: a seminar on social<br />

responsibility and the strengthening of Community<br />

Extension Services (CES), not only feeding program. Two<br />

policy changes refer: to the revisiting of the staff<br />

evaluation and promotion and for more integration of<br />

the value of community in the delivery of academic<br />


For charism-value change, one policy change is unique,<br />

i.e., support of the institution/top management in the full<br />

program implementation of Religious Education-Christian<br />

Formation.<br />

Opportunities for research on this may be considered,<br />

e.g., proposing a Rel. Ed. course for Music students where<br />

learnings are expressed through music/performing arts,<br />

or offering a Morality course for Nursing/Business<br />

students where outputs are case studies.<br />

Community-value change is primary, charism-value change<br />

is secondary.<br />


22<br />

As regard the Changes of Interest needed to collaborate<br />

with the Student Services to promote Community-value,<br />

the policy change suggestions were: stricter<br />

implementation of rules and more dialogue with student<br />

body to address issues;<br />

on change in activities, the suggestions pertain to<br />

character formation of faculty and providing a deeper<br />

outlook on understanding the dignity of persons and<br />

family.<br />

Two related activities can be considered:<br />

a re-visiting/re-reading of student and faculty manuals<br />

and a forum on behavioral observations/significant<br />

learnings in school.

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The VP-Student Services and the HR Manager may<br />

facilitate the manual reviews with the Student<br />

Government and the Kapisanan ng mga Guro in a joint<br />

session.<br />

The four units: Health Services, Residence Services,<br />

Student Affairs Office and the Guidance and Career<br />

and Placement Office, may provide inputs for the<br />

faculty and student representatives’ forum.<br />

For change to be effected in SPU Manila, acceptance of<br />

real issues is necessary.

On the changes to collaborate with the Academic<br />

Services to promote Charism-value,<br />

policy change suggestions were: competence of<br />

Deans/Chairs in creating targets for planning/training<br />

and eliminate too much bureaucracy;<br />

on change in activities, the suggestion is that a more<br />

industry-based curriculum be developed. There is a<br />

need to strengthen closer collaboration in planning<br />

and implementation of co-curricular/extra-curricular<br />

activities for a Paulinian Integral Formation (includes a<br />

Sports Development Program).<br />


25<br />

One suggested for a monthly/quarterly meeting of the<br />

Student and Academic Services to discuss problems and<br />

incidents. These are to be considered primarily by the<br />

Sister Vice Presidents concerned.<br />

It appears that there are still untapped human resources<br />

among students and employees of SPU Manila as well as<br />

opportunities unconsidered.

26<br />

On the question of RESOURCES AVAILABLE.<br />

The Paulinian Core Values of Christ-Centeredness and<br />

Commitment to Mission are available resources. The<br />

comments need to be disseminated as an<br />

acknowledgment of the positive efforts and actions,<br />

worthy to be sustained.<br />

A cursory review is beneficial.

As regard the practice of personal prayer,<br />

the human resources are: role-modelling of the faculty<br />

(Mass), prayer leaders in the classroom/office,<br />

living witnesses of Christ—more patient,<br />

accommodating, helpful, understanding, and<br />

volunteers in catechism/parishes (Campus<br />

Ministry);<br />

the material resources are: the prayer room, BEC,<br />

confessions, Holy Hour, devotions, angelus, and<br />

integration of spiritual activities during leadership<br />

training.<br />


28<br />

As regard the valuing of sacrifice and discipline in<br />

study/work,<br />

the human resources are: faculty serve more than 40<br />

hours, teachers/Chairs/Deans sacrifice time for<br />

students’ needs, clients served with a smile, people<br />

come on time (perfect attendance), ownership of<br />

homework and parental support; expressed<br />

desire that the faculty inspire and direct students;<br />

the material resources are: monitoring and coaching,<br />

meetings, regular time for students, annual<br />

retreats, recollection, formation, trainings, sessions<br />

to scholars (on resiliency, counseling), Paulthenics,<br />

assemblies (for students and parents) and<br />

outreach in public schools/hospitals.

There is still room to enhance Christ-Centeredness and<br />

Commitment to Mission; one sector calling for the New<br />

Evangelization is culture of which the school is an<br />

important agent.<br />

The CF Services—CM Office is commended and<br />

reminded to pursue the sponsorship of Pro-Life Masses<br />

to address the concern on the meaning of reproduction<br />

and death. Through homilies and projects on Pro-Life<br />

(an SPU Manila advocacy) in Rel Ed. 5—Morality and<br />

Rel. Ed. 7—Vocation, the relation between man and<br />

woman will be given clarity. Recollections and retreats<br />

are choiced avenues of discernment on these issues.<br />


The greatest challenge is the witnessing—role-modelling,<br />

in particular by the faculty.<br />

SPU Manila is blessed to be part of the SPCEM<br />

(Education Ministry). Concommitant to this is the<br />

adherence to university advocacies. The proponent is of<br />

the belief that Pro-Life lies at the core of the other<br />

advocacies: peace education, environmental<br />

stewardship, social participation and the direction of<br />

restorative justice. An evaluation and planning on Pro-<br />

Life is suggested to engage each Paulinian in any of the<br />

advocacies of his/her choice.<br />


31<br />


GOODNESS is shared by recognizing the available<br />

resources in the Core Values of Christ-Centeredness and<br />

Commitment to Mission.<br />

Continue to be witnesses in personal prayer and in<br />

valuing sacrifice and discipline in study/work;<br />

consider Pro-Life as primary advocacy, through the CF<br />


32<br />

FIDELITY is shared by the presence of the Core Values<br />

of Community and Charism through a respectful<br />

attitude, a sensitivity to other’s needs, the development<br />

of proper study habits and love for study.<br />

Support to maintain silence along corridors, avoid<br />

cutting classes, join in wakes, time management, and<br />

cooperative study.

33<br />

CHANGE to be voluntary in orientation through a<br />

seminar on social responsibility and strengthening the<br />

Community Extension Services (CES) while revisiting the<br />

staff promotion and integrating the value of community<br />

in the delivery of academic courses.<br />

Develop charisms through a change of institution/top<br />

management support for the full program<br />

implementation of Rel. Ed-Christian Formation.<br />

Community-value change is primary while charism-value<br />

change is secondary.

34<br />

For collaborative change with the Student Services,<br />

consider: a re-visiting/re-reading of student and<br />

faculty manuals and a forum on behavioral<br />

observations/significant learnings in school.<br />

Acceptance of real issues is necessary for communityvalue<br />

to be developed—“all to all” attitude.

For collaborative change with the Academic Services,<br />

consider two policy suggestions:<br />

-maintaining the competence of Deans/Chairs in<br />

creating targets for planning/training and<br />

-eliminating bureaucracy in work performance;<br />

change in three areas:<br />

-the development of a more industry-based<br />

curriculum,<br />

-a closer collaboration in the planning of cocurricular/extra-curricular<br />

activities geared to<br />

Paulinian Integral Formation which includes a<br />

Sports Development Program, and<br />

-a monthly/quarterly meeting of the Student and<br />

Academic Services to discuss problems and<br />

incidents.<br />


Only the Core Value of Charity has not been part of the<br />

study. In the preparation of the SSS tool, the studentleaders<br />

did not find the indicators: friendliness, warmth<br />

and joy, generous contribution to alumni foundation,<br />

charitable/almsgiving, and giving good example as<br />

highly significant of that value.<br />


37<br />

Indirectly, this study paved the way for the relevance of<br />

the four core values during this centennial year. We<br />

need to respond to the “educational emergency” by<br />

celebrating their presence, undergoing changes of<br />

interest and sustaining the available resources.<br />

There is an emergence of a compatible 5 th C—<br />

Compassion which expresses the spirit of the behavioral<br />

indicators—respectful attitude, sensitivity to other’s<br />

needs, development of proper study habits and love for<br />


38<br />

We are trailblazing another one-hundred years journey<br />

in a new way of Charity, not to change our motto but to<br />

change our mind and heart in the way of Compassion.<br />

Thank you, Charity! Welcome, Compassion!

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