1 - Public Service Commission

1 - Public Service Commission

1 - Public Service Commission


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EXHIBIT 1<br />


A”mt 2<br />

Incrwnmbl l”mUl Inuwnmnbl Incr.rmn(l1<br />

Charge- Charge- Chugl- ChawzRFNOTE<br />

RATE ELEMENTS lni”- BCS USOC RATEYS) Svc ordsr SVC ordar Manual Svc Manual Svc Manual Svc Manual Svc<br />

!hbnltt.d !hknMad OrdSrVS. W V S . Ord.rV8. OrdrrVr.<br />

Elec Manually Elec(ronk- €ktmdc- Electrcmk- Elscb~nlcperLSR<br />

wLSR 1mt Mbl DhClSt M8cMdl<br />

2-Wre Vdce Grade port (Cenlfexldrffer SWC EBsM1 iZp, 3<br />

Basic Local Area<br />

2-Wwe Voce Grade Port (Centrexldiffw SWC IEflS-Mi312l2.3<br />

BasK: Local Area<br />

Exhlbit C<br />

Rlc N m W a N1nu8cwIntaD- 0s RATCS ($1<br />

Flmt MI FInI Addl SOIlEC WAFI SOWIN -An SOYAU ”4<br />

UEWO UEPW? 113 108 36 7071 1 54.17 11.94 15 69<br />

.JEPQD UEPYS 1.13 I08 36 70 71 54 47 11 94 15 69<br />

2-Wwe vace Grade Potl (Cenlfew/dfler SWC EBSM5008 P. 3<br />

Baw Local Area UEP9D UEPY4 113 108 36 70 71 54 47 11.94<br />

15.69<br />

2.wse Voce Grade POII (Cenkexldfiw SWC EBSU5200)Z 3<br />

Bast LocBl Area UEPQD UEPY5 1.13 108 36 70 71 54 47 1194<br />

15 69<br />

2-Wue Voroe Grade Pal (Centrdddfer SWC IEBSM5216p.3<br />

Etasw: Local &ea UEPBO UEPY16 113 10836 70 74 54 47 1194<br />

15 69<br />

2-Wre Voice Grade Pal (Centrexldrffer SWC /EBsM5316)2.3<br />

Baslc Local Area UEPQD UEPW 113 108 36 70 73 54.47 1194<br />

15 69<br />

2-Wre Volce Grade Port. M Scrdng Wire hter<br />

- BOO <strong>Service</strong><br />

Twm UEPQD UEPYL 113 100 36 70 71 54.47 1194<br />

2-Wre Vace Grade Pal Imated h on hgoahk o( equivalent<br />

Baw Local Area UEWD UEPYS 113 40 30 19.9d 24 98 6 65<br />

2-wK0 VorOe Grade Pod Tmnaled MI 800 SerVKs TSWl Bas<br />

LocSl Area UEWD UEPVZ 113 40.30 19.90 24.98 6.65<br />

M,KY LA,YS.SC,6TNOnb<br />

2-Wue Voce Grade Port (Cenlrex) UEPQD UEPQA 113 40 30 19 90 24 98 6.65<br />

2-Wre Vcue Grade POFt (Cmtrer 800 lemunalbn) UEPQD UEWB 1.13 40 30 19 90 24 98 6.65<br />

2-Wne V m Grade pwt (Cenlrer I EBS-PSETp UEP9D UEWC 113 40 30 19 90 24.98 6 65<br />

2-Wre Voice Grade Pod (Cenber I €BS-M5009p UEPQD UEPQD 113 40 30 19 90 24 98 6 65<br />

2-Wre Volce Grade Pori (Centrex I EBSM5209)3 UEPQD UEWE 113 40 30 19 90 24 98 6.65<br />

2-WH~ Volce Grade purt (&nben / EBWi<br />

12)3 Uf P9D UEPOF 113 40.30 19.90 24 98 6.65<br />

2-Wwe Vom Grade Port (Cenlfex I EBSMS312)3 UEP9D UEPQG 113 40 30 90 24 98 6 65<br />

Z-Wlre Voce Grade port (Cenben I EBshmooap UEPQD UEWT 113 40 30 1990 24 98 6 65<br />

2-wire Vdce Grade Porl {Cenlrex I EBSM6208)3 UEPQD UEWU 113 40 30 19.90 24.98 6.65<br />

Z-Wue Volce Grade Port (Cenlrex I €BSM216)3 UEPSD UEWV 113 40 30 I 1990 24.98 6 65<br />

2-Wue Vcnw Grade Pod (Cenlrex 1 EBS-M5316)3 UEPSD UEF‘Q3 113 40 30 1990 24 98 6.65<br />

2-Wae Vcnce Gade Port [Centrex with Caller 0) UEPQD UEWH 1.13 40 30 1990 24 98 6 65<br />

Z-WWe Vo*rl Grad0 Pori (Cenlrdeh OlMDp WQ Law<br />

hdmcalronp UEPSD uEmw 1.13 40 30 1990 24 96 665<br />

2-Wne Vom Grade Port (CenlrexMp Wlg Law hdlcatDn)3 UEP9D UEWJ 1.13 40 30 1900 24 90 6.65<br />

2-Wue Voice Grade Port (Cenlrex from ddl Swmg Wve htw)<br />

2 UEPSD UEWM 1.13 I08 36 70 71 54 47 ?I 94<br />

2-Wre Vace Grade Port (CentrcuJdfler SWC IEBWSETp. 3 UEPSD UEPW 1.13 108 36 70 71 54.47 1194<br />

2-wKe v& made %I<br />

2-WK9 Volce Grade Port (Centrexldifler SWC IEBS-5209)2,3 UEPSD UEPOQ 1.13 108 36 70.71 54.47 1194<br />

(CenVeXldflW swc EBMmp, 3 UEWD UEWP 113 108 36 TO ?$ 54 47 11 s;<br />

15 69<br />

15 69<br />

15 69<br />

15 69<br />

15 69<br />

15 69<br />

15 69<br />

15 69<br />

I5 69<br />

15 69<br />

15 69<br />

15 69<br />

15 69<br />

. I5 69<br />

15 69<br />

15 69<br />

I5 69<br />

15 69<br />

15 69<br />

15 69<br />

15 69<br />

2-Wue Vdce Grade RNI (Centren/Udfer SWC EBS-M5112)2,3 UEPSD UEWR 1.13 ioe 36 70 71 54 47 11 94<br />

2-WCe Vol~e Grade Port (Centrelldiff~ SWC RBSM312)2,3 UEP9D UEWS 1.13 108 36 70 71 5447 (1 94<br />

2-Wre V0w;e Grade Port (Cenlreddfler SWC /EBS-MSMBjZ, 3 UEPSD UEPQ4 1.13 108 36 ro 71 54 47 11 94<br />

2-Wue Voce Grade Pod (Cenlrexldfler SWC IEBS-M208)2,3 UEP9D UEW5 1.13 108 36 70.71 54 47 1t 94<br />

2-Wwe Voce Grade Port (Cenlrexldflef SWC IEBS-M5216)2,3 UEWD UERX 1.13 108.36 70 71 54 47 11 94<br />

2-Wre Vom Grade Pori (CenlrewldiRer SWC /€3S-M316)2,3 UEWD UEW~ 113 108 36 70 ri 54 4r 11 94<br />

2-Wre Vcuce Grade Port. IMf Swmg Wire Center - BDO <strong>Service</strong><br />

Term UEP9D UEWZ 113 10036 . 70.71 54 47 I1 94<br />

2-Wwe Vace Grade Pcnl lwminaled in on Megalink o( equtvalenl UEWD UEPQS 113 40 30 19 90 24 98 6 65<br />

Z-Wm VOKe Grade Port Terminated On 800 SWWX UEPSD UEWZ 113 40 30 19 90 24 98 6 65<br />

Local Swltchlnp<br />

[Conken hlwm FuntimaLty, per port UEPSD URECS 0 7996<br />

15.69<br />

15 69<br />

15 69<br />

15 69<br />

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15 69<br />

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15 69<br />

1569 1<br />

Vnrsinn 4001 01131102<br />

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