The Books of Enoch, Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4

The Books of Enoch, Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4

The Books of Enoch, Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4


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angels and the sinners will be hurled is situated 'to the right <strong>of</strong> this house'<br />

(w. 26 and 28) and hence in the valley <strong>of</strong> Gehenna, just as the Judaean<br />

author <strong>of</strong> the Book <strong>of</strong> Watchers believed (En. 27). <strong>The</strong> author <strong>of</strong> the Book<br />

<strong>of</strong> Dreams firmly believes in the close imminence <strong>of</strong> eschatological events,<br />

and even that they will occur during the lifetime <strong>of</strong> Judas Maccabaeus, for<br />

'this ram' who, along with the three angels, accompanies <strong>Enoch</strong> to the<br />

place <strong>of</strong> the Last Judgement (v, 31), is, without a doubt, the hero <strong>of</strong> Emmaus<br />

and Bethsur.<br />

In his description <strong>of</strong> the eschatological era the author insists on the dynamic<br />

and progressive character <strong>of</strong> events, an idea which will be exploited in the<br />

Apocalypse <strong>of</strong> Weeks (En. 93 and 91). On the other hand, according to our<br />

writer, the final era will merely be a repetition, completely perfect this time,<br />

<strong>of</strong> the primordial era. <strong>The</strong> 'white bull' <strong>of</strong> 90: 37 is obviously the new Adam<br />

(Adam 'white bull', 85: 3), but more glorious than the first, for 'his horns<br />

are large'. Just as the descendants <strong>of</strong> Adam were 'white bulls' (85: 8-10), so<br />

the contemporaries <strong>of</strong> the second Adam will become 'all white bulls' (90:38).<br />

<strong>The</strong> successor to the eschatological white Bull will be 'a wild ox which<br />

has large black horns on its head' (90: 38).^ Our apocalyptic writer wishes<br />

merely to express the increased power <strong>of</strong> this eschatological patriarch. He<br />

implies that the eschatological history will pursue, in this upward direction,<br />

the succeeding generations <strong>of</strong> more and more glorious and perfect men,<br />

in distinct contrast to the first history, with its descending sequence: bulls—<br />

calves—sheep, surrounded by injurious animals and birds.<br />

<strong>The</strong> Book <strong>of</strong> Dreams was well known to the author <strong>of</strong> the book <strong>of</strong> Jubilees:<br />

'He saw in a dream-vision the past and the future, what will happen to the<br />

children <strong>of</strong> men until the day <strong>of</strong> judgement; he saw and understood everything,<br />

he put his witness down in writing . . .' (4: 19).<br />

Translated into Greek, the Book <strong>of</strong> Dreams was occasionally furnished<br />

with notes explaining the identity <strong>of</strong> the animals. It is from such a commentary<br />

to our work (possibly repeated, in extracts, by some Byzantine<br />

chronicler) that the fragment <strong>of</strong> the Greek Vatican MS. 1809 comes, in<br />

which the passage <strong>of</strong> En. 89: 42-9 is followed by this text (fines 7-16) :2<br />

JajStS yap rovs Xavavaiovs Kal rovg AfjLaXrjK Kal rovs vlovs AfjLfjiOJv TTOAC/ZQJaas<br />

iv rats rjiiepais rrjs PaGiXelas avrov rrepieyevero avroiv.<br />

' <strong>The</strong> <strong>Aramaic</strong> K^KT was transcribed into the meaning from the Hebrew DX*1, /ar^ft).<br />

Greek p^y/Lta, understood as *speech*, nagar, by ^ M. Gitlbauer, Die Ueberreste griechischer<br />

the Ethiopic translator (an excellent conjee- Tachygraphie im Codex Vaticanus Graecus<br />

ture made by Dillmann, who however derived i8og, pp. 94-5.

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