The Books of Enoch, Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4

The Books of Enoch, Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4

The Books of Enoch, Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4


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A small Coptic fragment, preserving a part <strong>of</strong> En. 93: 3-8, is closer to the<br />

original than the Ethiopic text <strong>of</strong> this passage.<br />

Thanks to two passages in 4QEn«, i iii 23-5 and iv 11-26, we now have a<br />

much better understanding <strong>of</strong> the Apocalypse <strong>of</strong> Weeks (En. 93: 3-10+91:<br />

11-17). Critics <strong>of</strong> the Ethiopic <strong>Enoch</strong> for the most part regard it as an older<br />

fragment, inserted, just as it stood, into his composition by the author <strong>of</strong> the<br />

Epistle <strong>of</strong> <strong>Enoch</strong>. <strong>The</strong> re-examination <strong>of</strong> texts already known, as also the<br />

study <strong>of</strong> some <strong>Qumran</strong> texts, both published and unpublished, will allow us<br />

to follow, with greater accuracy as to chronology and ideology, the development<br />

<strong>of</strong> this literary genre, and also to understand the place <strong>of</strong> our Apocalypse<br />

amongst similar literary works.<br />

<strong>The</strong> earliest reference to a chronological work in which the sacred history<br />

was divided up into seventy ages is to be found in En. 10: 11-12 (see 4QEn^<br />

I iv 8-11; <strong>Aramaic</strong> fragments preserved, outside the brackets):<br />

*[And the Lord said to Michael: '*Go then, Michael, and] make known to<br />

Semihaza and to all his companions who have joined with [women in order to<br />

defile themselves with them in their impurity, ^^that when] their children<br />

have perished and (when they themselves) have seen the destruction [<strong>of</strong><br />

their loved ones, they will be chained up for] seventy generations [in the<br />

vales] <strong>of</strong> the earth until the great day [<strong>of</strong> their judgement...]."'<br />

<strong>The</strong> author <strong>of</strong> this section <strong>of</strong> the Book <strong>of</strong> Watchers, entitled ^Visions <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Enoch</strong>', which dates from perhaps as early as the Persian period (above,<br />

pp. 30-5), thus reckons ^seventy generations' from the days <strong>of</strong> <strong>Enoch</strong> and<br />

Noah (10: 1-3) until the end <strong>of</strong> time. <strong>The</strong> temporary imprisonment <strong>of</strong> the<br />

wicked angels will in no way prevent them from exercising a baneful influence<br />

on humanity, and in particular on the people <strong>of</strong> Israel, as will be described<br />

in greater detail by the author <strong>of</strong> the Book <strong>of</strong> Dreams. In making only this<br />

brief reference, the author <strong>of</strong> the Book <strong>of</strong> Watchers seems to assume that his<br />

readers have direct knowledge <strong>of</strong> a work which divided the sacred history<br />

into seventy ages. <strong>The</strong> existence <strong>of</strong> such a chronological composition and its<br />

very early date seem to me easy to prove, taking as a point <strong>of</strong> departure two<br />

Hebrew texts from <strong>Qumran</strong>, 4QI8O and 181.^ Here are the passages from<br />

them which refer to our subject-matter:<br />

" Published by J. M. Allegro, DJD v, pp. de <strong>Qumran</strong>, 1970, pp. 252-5 and pi. VI; a not<br />

77-80, pis. XXVII and XVIII; essential correc- very satisfactory French translation and some<br />

tions and remarks made by J. Strugnell, Revue remarks by A. Dupont-Sommer, Uannuaire

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