The Books of Enoch, Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4

The Books of Enoch, Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4

The Books of Enoch, Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4


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riiiipais avTiKaOiardixevos T& AvTLXpicrro) KOL cAey^^v Trjv TrXdvrjv avrov Kara<br />

rrjv rrjs iKKXrjaias Trapdhoaiv. Exactly the same phrase (except iKKXrjaiaariKTJv<br />

instead <strong>of</strong> TTJ? iKKXrjaias) occurs in the Christian Topography <strong>of</strong> Cosmas<br />

Indicopleustes.^<br />

In the Oracle <strong>of</strong> the Tiburtine Sibyl in Greek we find the following<br />

passage :2 'And then there will appear two men who did not come to know<br />

the experience <strong>of</strong> death, <strong>Enoch</strong> and Elijah, and they will wage war upon the<br />

ruler <strong>of</strong> perdition. And he will say: "My time has come", and he will be<br />

angered and slay them. And then he who was crucified on the wood <strong>of</strong> the<br />

cross will come from the heavens, like a great and flashing star, and he will<br />

resurrect those two men. And he who was hung on the cross will wage war<br />

upon the son <strong>of</strong> perdition and will slay him and all his host.'<br />

Freely adapted, this passage occurs in many versions <strong>of</strong> this Oracle.<br />

Thus in Latin:3 'Regnante autem eo egredientur duo clarissimi viri Helias<br />

et <strong>Enoch</strong> ad annuntiandum Domini adventum et Antichristus occidet eos,<br />

et post dies tres a Domino resuscitabuntur.' Both <strong>Enoch</strong> and Elijah appear<br />

anonymously in several Arabic and Ethiopic paraphrases <strong>of</strong> the same Tiburtine<br />

Sibyl.4 One reads, for example, in the Arabic I Version, no. 180: 'Da<br />

wird Gott zu ihm (Antichrist) zwei Manner senden, die friiher lebendig in<br />

den Himmel versetzt worden waren; und sie werden ihn ausschelten und<br />

ihn vor alien Leuten fiir einen Liigner erklaren und zu ihm sagen: "Nicht<br />

bist du der Messias und nicht bist du ein Gott" ', etc.<br />

In the Arabic Apocalypse <strong>of</strong> Daniel (eighth century; cf. above, p. 117) one<br />

finds the following phrase:5 'Puis viendront Elie et <strong>Enoch</strong>; alors iis Tapostropheront<br />

en face et lutteront contre lui. Leur sang sera r^pandu par lui.'<br />

In the Coptic Apocalypse <strong>of</strong> Daniel, composed shortly after 1187, we read:^<br />

'Puis apparaitra I'Antichrist qui en abusera plusieurs. Lorsqu'il sera fortifi^,<br />

il seduira meme les ^lus. II fera p6nr les deux proph^tes <strong>Enoch</strong> et Elie, de<br />

sorte que pendant trois jours et demi iis seront morts dans les places publiques<br />

de la grande ville de Jerusalem.'<br />

* V. 82. Ed. W. Wolska-Conus, SC 159 ein Apokryph nach den Karschunischen, Ara-<br />

(1970) 125 (ibid, on miniatures <strong>of</strong> <strong>Enoch</strong> in bischen und Aethiopischen Handschriften zu<br />

Cosmas' manuscripts, which influenced the London, Oxford, Paris und Rom (Denkschriften<br />

iconography <strong>of</strong> Octateuch, discussed above, d. k. Ak. d. Wiss. Wien, Philos.-hist. Kl. 53,<br />

p. 21). i), 1908, pp. 46-7 (texts) and pp. 71-2 (trans-<br />

* P. J. Alexander, <strong>The</strong> Oracle <strong>of</strong> Baalbek, lations).<br />

p. 29 and p. 22 (Greek text). ^ F. Macler, RHR, 1904, pp. 27 (translation)<br />

3 Ed. E. Sackur, Sibyllinische Texte und and 41 (text, 66) <strong>of</strong> an <strong>of</strong>fprint.<br />

Forschungen, 1898, p. 186. ^ F. Macler, Les apocalypses apocryphes de<br />

* See J. Schleifer, Die Erzdhlung der Sibylle, Daniel, 1895, P- 54 § 26.

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