The Books of Enoch, Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4

The Books of Enoch, Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4

The Books of Enoch, Aramaic Fragments of Qumran Cave 4


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his nephew <strong>The</strong>odore <strong>of</strong> Studios (759-826), and then in the anonymous Life<br />

<strong>of</strong> St. Nicholas <strong>of</strong> Studios (died 868).^<br />

It thus appears to be a neologism not found before the beginning <strong>of</strong> the<br />

ninth century; so we may conclude that the Greek author <strong>of</strong> the Secrets <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Enoch</strong>, perhaps also a Studionite monk, probably lived in the ninth or else<br />

in the tenth century.<br />

We can subscribe fairly readily to Vaillant's estimate (p. xiii) that this<br />

writer 'raconte avec sagesse et un souci visible d'art une histoire merveilleuse,<br />

qui est traditionelle depuis TH<strong>Enoch</strong> juif, et dont il sent et sait faire sentir<br />

toute la grandeur: Tenlevement d'H<strong>Enoch</strong>, la revelation qui lui est faite des<br />

secrets des cieux, son tete-a-tete avec Dieu, sa mission aupres des hommes,<br />

son role de scribe dans le cieF.<br />

<strong>The</strong> first part <strong>of</strong> the work describes <strong>Enoch</strong>'s heavenly journey (pp. 1-18,<br />

chapters I-XII). After the prolix and pompous title (p. i, i-io), the author<br />

specifies the date <strong>of</strong> the Vision: 'the appointed day <strong>of</strong> the first month' in the<br />

365th year <strong>of</strong> <strong>Enoch</strong> (p. i, 11-12), that is, on the first day <strong>of</strong> Easter (Vaillant);<br />

this is exactly the date assigned to the Vision <strong>of</strong> Noah in the Book <strong>of</strong> Parables<br />

(En. 60: I; see above, p. 97). <strong>Enoch</strong> is in bed (cf. En. 83: 3, 6) when there<br />

appear to him two angels (called 'men', just as in the Book <strong>of</strong> Dreams)<br />

who are to be his guides, exactly like the two angels, an angel <strong>of</strong> peace<br />

and an anonymous angel, who accompanied <strong>Enoch</strong> and Noah according to the<br />

Book <strong>of</strong> Parables (En. 52: 3-5; 60: 11, 24). <strong>The</strong> cosmic guides <strong>of</strong> the Slavonic<br />

<strong>Enoch</strong> have the names Semeil and Rasouil (p. 16, 19): the first name probably<br />

signifies S''mS*ely 'Heavens <strong>of</strong> God', and the second is certainly Rasu*ely<br />

'Well-loved <strong>of</strong> God', the Hebrew term corresponding to the <strong>Aramaic</strong><br />

R^'u^ely the name <strong>of</strong> the angel-guide in the Book <strong>of</strong> Watchers (En. 23: 4).<br />

<strong>Enoch</strong> visits the seven heavens, the number <strong>of</strong> which comes from the<br />

Testament <strong>of</strong> Levi and was popularized later by apocalyptic and astrological<br />

writings, and also by iconography. <strong>The</strong> first heaven is the celestial, starspangled<br />

vault containing the reservoirs <strong>of</strong> meteorological phenomena (p. 3,<br />

7-17, chapter III); the second heaven is the prison <strong>of</strong> the apostate angels,<br />

those <strong>of</strong> En. 6 ff., Jude 6, and 2 Peter 2: 4 (pp. 3, 18-4, 7, chapter IV); in the<br />

third heaven paradise is situated, just as in the Book <strong>of</strong> Watchers (above,<br />

I PG 99, 820 and 105, 876 (the connection rejected); P. Lemerle, Revue des dtudes sudbetween<br />

minuscule script and its speedy execu- est-europdennes, 7 (1969), 151-4 (the script<br />

tion is emphasized here). Cf. B. Hemmerdinger, which *se caract^rise par les ligatures et la<br />

Byzantion, 37 (1967), 75-9 (his suggestion rapidit^*); O. ICresten, ,Sm>tonww, 24 (1970),<br />

<strong>of</strong> translating this verb by *to write, to copy, 305-17.<br />

musical manuscripts' should, however, be

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