Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom


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56 I Ramnalh<br />

a fu nction of a moral economy-although in this case, the<br />

text somewhat mysteriously added, "to defray the expenses of<br />

establishing the future kingly power."19 Again two tendencies<br />

coexist. Which would prevail ? Or would they diverge ?<br />

Thus prepared, the Maniktola Garden gang launched<br />

a series of bombings, dacoities, and assassination attempts<br />

between 1906 and 1908. ell Harsh punitive reaction then enfo<br />

rced a lull in militant activities, effectively muzzling the<br />

radical press, preventing meetings, and accelerating convictions<br />

and deportations. All of this, by making open dissent<br />

so difficult within British India, simply increased clandestine<br />

activity and injected fresh blood into the radical<br />

communi tv overseas.<br />

london<br />

Oxford lecturer and sometime-theosophist Shyamaji<br />

Krishnavarma had founded the Indian Home Rule Society<br />

in London a mere six months before the partition of<br />

Bengal.21 He stated three official objectives fo r the organization:<br />

to secure Indian home rule (obviously), carry on<br />

propaganda in the United Kingdom for this purpose, and<br />

spread among the people ofIndia greater knowledge of the<br />

advantages offreedom and national unityY An important<br />

element of this enterprise was the notoriously "seditious<br />

. .. penny monthly"21 the Indian Sociologist, which<br />

Krishnavarma founded and edited with the aid oflongterm<br />

ally Henry Mayers Hyndman, a "high-minded English<br />

gentleman" and prominent socialist. Printed in English as

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