Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom


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270 I <strong>Ramnath</strong><br />

13. Brown, Har Da..yal, 8'5.<br />

14. Brooks, a Stanford literature professor best known fo r<br />

his work on American transcendentalism, became a long-term<br />

intellectual confidante. See Van Wyck Brooks, An Autobiography<br />

(New Yo rk: E. P. Dutton, 1965).<br />

15. Lal, cited in Sareen, Selea Documents, 30, 38.<br />

16. Brown, Har Dayal, 129.<br />

17. Ibid., 7- 1 26.<br />

18. Har Dayal, "Some Phases of Contemporary Thought<br />

in Indicl," },,/odern Review, August 1911, cited in Brown, H,lr<br />

Dayal, 92. See also Writings ofL,da Ha rdayal (Bcnares: Swaraj<br />

Publishing House, 1923); Barab,lri ka Arth [The Meaning of<br />

Equality], 1913, box 1:33, SANA; Ghularni ka Zeher [The<br />

Poison of Slavery] (San Francisco: Hindustan Ghadar Press,<br />

1918), box 1 :35, SANA; Indian Peasant, box 1 :36, SANA; Social<br />

Conquest fthe Hindu Race and The Meaning of Equality (San<br />

Francisco: Hindustan Ghadar Press, undated.), box 2:3, SANA.<br />

19. Brown, Har Dayal, 102-3.<br />

20. Har Dayal, 1he Indian Peasant (San Francisco: Hindustan<br />

Gadar Press, n.d.), box 1 :36, SANA.<br />

21. Thid., 98-9.<br />

22. Ibid., 99-100. "Karl Marx: A Modern Rishi" also appears<br />

in Dharmavira, ed., rVritings f Lala Hardayal. As was otten the<br />

case with the multivalent radicalisms of the day, one could interpret<br />

this phrase as pointing either to anarcho-communism a la<br />

Kropotkin or protofascist integral nationalism.<br />

23. Lahiri had graduated from Calcutta University with a degree<br />

in chemistry and was continuing his research in explosives on<br />

the way to a master of science. As the initial organizer of Nalanda<br />

Hostel, a group house fo r Indian students, he had residents read

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