Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom


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Echoes and Intersections I 211<br />

Such assumptions were irreparably damaged when<br />

then Prime Minister Gandhi declared the Emergency period<br />

of dictatorship in 1975. Aimed ostensibly at stabilization,<br />

law, and order under threat from the militant Left, but<br />

in reality a move to shore up her slipping political control<br />

against charges of ethical violations, the Emergency made<br />

explicit the government's dictatorial, repressive nature. To<br />

some radical critics, this was no aberration-not a state of<br />

exception, but rather a state revealing its true face. In Partha<br />

Chatterjee's words (echoing Ranajit Guha's well-known<br />

formulation ofIndian nationalism), there was now truly<br />

dominance without hegemony-that is, no component of<br />

consent, but only force. Recalling his leftist student days<br />

in the early 1970s, Chatterjee says, "The phenomenon we<br />

were always concerned with was the fundamentally authoritarian<br />

character of the postcolonial state. Why did it have<br />

to be authoritarian in this way, if in fact the national movement<br />

was what it claimed to be, which was a movement of<br />

the people against an authoritarian, colonial state ?"5<br />

The Emergency period was reversed in 1977, but<br />

the untaveling of the Nehruvian consensus could not<br />

be halted. During the 1980s, the territorial integrity of<br />

the nation seemed liable to fragment in multiple directions.<br />

Meanwhile-a foreshadowing of the liberalization<br />

to come-India accepted its first International Monetary<br />

Fund loan in 1981. These loans increased along with their<br />

structural adjustment demands throughout the decade.<br />

After the cold war, the developing/ decolonizing societies<br />

of Asia, Africa, and Latin America had to readjust. India<br />

lost the Soviet Union as ally and military patron. With the

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