Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom


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Echoes and Intersections I 185<br />

and well-defined structures and functions of their<br />

own and laws of growth and evolution. The limits<br />

of state-interference were accordingly so defined<br />

and fixed as not to encroach upon the sphere of<br />

the activities of the social organization. A policy of<br />

non-interference was recognized as the ideal policy<br />

of the state, the functions of which were ordinarily<br />

restricted to "the irreducible minimum;' vis. the<br />

protection oflife and property and realization of<br />

the revenue fo r the proper execution of that duty.3}<br />

This created a stark contrast between India and the<br />

We st, where<br />

the predominant tendency has been towards a progressive<br />

extension of state interference and state<br />

control so as to bring within its limits all the main<br />

departments of social life and national activity until<br />

the ideal is attained of a complete nationalization<br />

or socialization of all the means and processes of<br />

life itself. The state, heginning as an agent of society,<br />

becomes its master and representative; society<br />

is merged in the state to which it surrenders its<br />

functions, dropping its independent life.34<br />

Even if in the "advanced" countries of the We st the<br />

people's main interface with power was through local not<br />

central bodies, these were still the creations and tools of the<br />

central government, "the wheels of a common machine;'<br />

whereas in ancient India the local bodies had originated

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