Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom


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158 I Ramnalh<br />

sounds far cruder than that seen in the usual HSRA documents,<br />

whose writers were quite politically sophisticated.<br />

Movement chronicler Gurdev Singh Deol notes that the<br />

writer(s) of "many letters of that type . .. received both by<br />

the Government officials and prominent members of the<br />

public" were never traced.73<br />

During his final two years in jail, from April 1929 until<br />

he was hanged on March 23, 1931, Singh did not await<br />

death quietly. In addition to continuing his activism within<br />

the walls and honing the messaging to be spread from the<br />

trial's public platform, he was busy reading, writing, and<br />

making preparations for four intended manuscripts: on the<br />

personal side, an autobiography and a soliloquy titled "At<br />

The Door of Death;' plus a more general "History of the<br />

Revolutionary Movement in India" and an essay called "The<br />

Idea of Socialism." It is unknown how far he got in making<br />

notes toward these projects. A friend destroyed many documents<br />

in 1938 to prevent these works from falling into the<br />

hands of police, although other writings were smuggled out<br />

and published both before and after Singh's death.<br />

HisJail Notebook, a collection of quotes :md notations,<br />

offers a window into his preoccupations and thought<br />

processes. He was in a sense a brilliant autodidact, independently<br />

pursuing many of the same concerns that one would<br />

expect to find within any zone where iterations oflibertarian<br />

socialism and antiauthoritarian Marxism converge. One<br />

request he made in July 1930 for library books for his reading<br />

list survives in a letter to his old friend Jaidev Gupta.74<br />

It included Militarism by Karl Liebknecht, Why Men Fight<br />

by Bertrand Russell, Soviets at Work, Collapse of the Second

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