Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom


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132 I <strong>Ramnath</strong><br />

When Indulal Yaj nik met Acharya in Amsterdam in<br />

1930-31, he was attached to the "School of Anarchist­<br />

Syndicalism" there.16 He kept tabs on emerging trade union<br />

activity in Madras, and wrote to one of the key figures in<br />

the Labour-Kisan Party there inJuly 1923 concerning the<br />

New International Wo rkmen's Association, which unlike<br />

the Com intern he described as "anti-political and federal.<br />

It is an improvement far ahead of the Third International<br />

with which I am at loggerheads after cooperating with hope<br />

t()f a whole year. I know all the personalities there well including<br />

Lenin, whom I had met twice. I am fighting them<br />

all in every writing and talk and everywhere."17 He also<br />

mentioned a Russian anarcho-syndicalist paper called Ttay<br />

{lthe Wo rker, which he supplied with items on the Indian<br />

labor movement. IX<br />

Chana, meanwhile, returned to the USSR in 1931,<br />

dedicating himself to a life as a scholar and Soviet citizen<br />

until he was shot in a Stalinist purge in 1937. He had<br />

fo und a brief happiness (after a tumultuous, and mutually<br />

damaging relationship with Smedley in the early 1920s)<br />

with a Russian woman n::uned Lidia Karunovskaya,<br />

who headed the Indonesian section of the Institute of<br />

Anthropology and Ethnography in Leningrad, where he<br />

worked as a linguist. 19<br />

Meanwhile in 1935, Acharya finally overcame a longstanding<br />

ban on his entry into India. He had been trying<br />

since 1926, only to be repeatedly denied a passport or<br />

threatened with arrest on arrival. Now he scratched out<br />

a living as a journalist in Bombay, contributing a series<br />

of eight articles for the Mahratta called "Reminiscences

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