Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom


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126 I <strong>Ramnath</strong><br />

Acharya's closest associates included Chatto, a prominent<br />

figure among the revolutionists in Europe who was himself<br />

tagged with the anarchist label despite his later tics to the<br />

Russian Communist Party (whereas Indian Communists<br />

dismissed him for nationalist deviation).2<br />

As part of the Abhinava Bharat inner circle, Acharya<br />

was involved with firearms training as well as the publication<br />

of the papers TalwIlr and Bandt: Matamm. Copies of<br />

these flowed back to Pondicherry fo r distribution inside<br />

British India, along with KrishnaYarma's Indi,m SociologiJ"t<br />

and the Gzelic American from the United States.' When<br />

Dhingra shot Curzon-Wyllie, Acharya was by Savarkar's<br />

side in court to protest the resolution condemning Dhingra<br />

to death, and when a barrister called Palmer "boxed<br />

[Savarkar 1 in the eye:' Acharya retaliated by hitting Palmer<br />

with a stick, and added insult to injury by penning "A<br />

Straight Indian Lathi" as a rejoinder to Palmer's letter "A<br />

Truly British Blow" in the London TimeJ":' It was reported<br />

around this time that "Savarkar and others were urging"<br />

Acharya to follow Dhingra into martyrdom, perhaps by<br />

returning to India to carry out another ::lss

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