Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom


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Echoes and Intersections I 117<br />

He had later gone to Australia, where he "led two<br />

syndicalist strikes and put a factory 'on the blink'" before<br />

stowing away in a boat leaving Sydney to evade arrest. To<br />

Mukerji's question about any "extraordinary experiences<br />

in the course of his work;' Bonnington answered that he<br />

had had his "skull broken in two places once and another<br />

time I had to stand watch over a troup of women and<br />

children, whose husbands had been arrested. The most<br />

terrible part of it all was that the children cried for milk<br />

and the women cried for food and I had nothing to give<br />

them. The only thing that tided us over was the singing. We<br />

sang the 'Marseillaise' so that in the delirium of it we forgot<br />

everything about hunger." This sounded more like the<br />

constructive goal that Mukerji himself was seeking.<br />

Bonnington now stepped in to help Mukerji as breadwinner,<br />

supporting all four of them on the monthly salary<br />

of eighty dollars he drew for editing a socialist weeklylavish<br />

compared to Mukerji's twenty-five cents per hour<br />

doing inventory at a socialist bookstore, or the monthly<br />

ten dollars plus room and board he had earned at his last<br />

boardinghouse job. Bonnington even loaned Mukerji<br />

money to continue his education and warned him against<br />

aspiring to the hobo's life that Jerry so embraced.<br />

"To he a hobo ... means that you lose your greatest asset-you<br />

have no faith in anything, even in your own greatness;'<br />

said Bonnington. But hadn't Bonnington himself<br />

endured it? Mukerji challenged. How? "You put all of your<br />

life out of yourself,' he answered. "You think and live in a<br />

far future when man will be as the Titans. Since you live in<br />

the far off, you don't mind the here and the now."

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