Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom


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112 I <strong>Ramnath</strong><br />

fo r 'system; liberty fo r authority, and personality fo r social<br />

gregariousness." But his family was not happy with his ap ­<br />

parent aimlessness, and promised him a monthly allowance<br />

ifhe would go to college and study law.<br />

Mukerj i was intrigued by Leo's ideas. The two new<br />

friends decided to move out of the boardinghouse and share<br />

cheaper lodgings. Preempting university classes, they now applied<br />

themselves with "feverish" dedication fo urteen hours a<br />

day to their chosen course of independent study. They liked<br />

Walt Whitman, glanced at Shaw, discarded Plato, and were<br />

"delighted" with Henry David Thoreau, Proudhon (partictllady<br />

the suggestion that "property was theft"), and Friedrich<br />

Nietzsche (especially the notion that "God was dead").<br />

When Leo flunked out and Mukerji barely scraped by in his<br />

exams, they blamed "the capitalist system;' which they also<br />

identified as the root ofMukerji's lack of shoes, "petty larceny"<br />

of an exploitative boss, and presence of factory workers<br />

and prostitutes wandering rainy Oakland streets at night. On<br />

leaving school, Leo vowed never to work and thereby never<br />

to further enrich the capitalist system. Luckily for him his<br />

roommate did not take the vow. Mukerji accepted :l job at<br />

another boardinghouse while supplying Leo with philosophy<br />

texts from the university; Leo summarized the chapters<br />

for his humble benefactor after Mukerji got off work.<br />

Sometimes Mukerji would pass the hat while Leo soapboxed.<br />

One night Leo decided it was time to take Mukerji<br />

to see his friend Jerry, the "ideal anarchist." When they sat<br />

down to talk,Jerry asked, "What makes you so interested<br />

in anarchism?" The starstruck Mukerji answered, "Why, it's<br />

the vision of the future."

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