Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom


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106 I <strong>Ramnath</strong><br />

himself strictly as a "Nationalist and a Revolutionary;' he<br />

nevertheless held Har Dayal in the highest regard as "the<br />

greatest intellectual exponent of the anarchist philosophy<br />

in San Francisco;' after giving what Chenchiah considered<br />

the best speech at an annual conference of anarchists, socialists,<br />

syndical ists, communists, and national revolutionaries<br />

held there in 1913.)1<br />

Tr ue to fo rm, Har Dayal was released from his interrogation<br />

in time to make it back to the IWW hall fo r one<br />

of his regularly scheduled Radical Lecture Course talks<br />

that very day, on "The Problem ofUnemployment."(,(I But<br />

though the government had insisted that Har Dayal was<br />

not going to be deported, his lawyer was skeptical, and the<br />

client ducked quietly out of the country on his own accord<br />

shortly afterward, notwithstanding the five hundred dollar<br />

bail paid by the Ghadar office and the eight hundred dollars<br />

that the Indian community had raised for his defense.<br />

After assuring himself that the San Francisco operations<br />

were in capable hands, Har Dayal resurfaced in Switzerland<br />

to take up a brief yet prominent role among the Indian<br />

revolutionaries in Berlin and Istanbul. His local and int('rnational<br />

supporters did not remain quiet; trom London,<br />

Aldred penned, "Stop this Infamy!" in Herald o.fRevolt, in<br />

Har Dayal's defense.<br />

Even on the run, Har Dayal's intellectual energy did<br />

not Rag. Indeed it long outlived his activism. In a letter to<br />

Brooks in April 1914, he expanded on an idea fo r a book he<br />

hoped to write "on 'The Time-Spirit;" in which he would<br />

"trace the different tendencies of XIX century civilization<br />

making fo r progress, finishing with the synthesis that I

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