Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom

Maia Ramnath - Decolonizing Anarchism.pdf - Libcom


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Echoes and Intersections I 93<br />

"International-Radical- Communist Anarchist Club;' and<br />

the intelligence officers keeping an eye on it, "an assemblage<br />

of 'Russians, Poles, and Socialists"') met monthly<br />

for dinner-often at one of San Francisco's many excellent<br />

Italian restaurants, noted Govind Behari Lal-and to<br />

discuss a variety of subjects, led by distinguished experts<br />

on topics in the natural or social sciences. Here was a platform<br />

for "dissenters from the establishment in any social,<br />

political, or intellectual area" to "work off steam" or "vent<br />

[their J fe elings."32 The club had no formal political affiliation<br />

or party line, but each week Har Dayal produced some<br />

notable speaker (on one occasion, John Reed), after which<br />

"there were questions and discussions, and everybody ate<br />

and drank and called each other 'comrade' [as the J burning<br />

themes of the changing human relationships and ideologies<br />

of the first decade of the 20th century were tossed about;'<br />

from the "equality of women, equality of races, equality of<br />

nations, equality of labour etc." to free love, or the desirability<br />

of political bombings and assassinations.33<br />

Har Dayal's other enterprise as entrepreneur of radicalism<br />

and inventor of religion was the Fraternity of the Red<br />

Flag. A month after resigning from Stanford, he published<br />

an invitation to "all Radical Comrades" over the age of<br />

twenty to join this group, whose stated object was "the service<br />

of the Radical ideal oflife." The rules fo r achieving this<br />

required that aspirants sign up for a one-year "novitiate" of<br />

"moral and intellectual preparation" under the guidance of<br />

an existing member, after which they would vow poverty<br />

and homelessness, humility, "purity (but not celibacy);' service<br />

and propaganda. The vow meant specifically that the

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