Understanding CDM Methodologies - SuSanA

Understanding CDM Methodologies - SuSanA

Understanding CDM Methodologies - SuSanA


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Box 13: Exclusion of immaterial parts of a multinational grid<br />

Grids providing<br />

less than 1% of<br />

Project Grid can<br />

be neglected<br />

Data collection becomes cumbersome especially when the project power plant is<br />

connected to a multinational grid and the project boundary has to include all the<br />

CES connected to the PES. A request for revision of ACM0002 (version 06) sought<br />

to exclude parts of a multinational grid from which the PES imports power less<br />

than or equal to 1.0% of the total power consumption of the PES (i.e. immaterial<br />

parts of the multinational grid) ?? .The request for revision was accepted by EB 31<br />

and the revision is to be incorporated in the next version of ACM0002.<br />

Renewable Power<br />

Generation<br />

Determines<br />

Energy Baseline<br />

Baseline Scenario and Additionality<br />

The baseline is the annual power generated by the renewable unit multiplied<br />

by the emission coefficient of the grid that the project power plant is<br />

connected to.<br />

Additionality of the project shall be demonstrated by application of the latest<br />

version of the “Tool for the demonstration and assessment of additionality”<br />

(additionality tool).<br />

Baseline Emissions<br />

ACM0002 employs the CM approach for calculating the baseline emission<br />

factor to take into account the effects on OM and BM caused by the project.<br />

Operating Margin<br />

Operating Margin ACM0002 specifies four different methods to calculate the OM emission<br />

factor: (i) dispatch data analysis, (ii) simple OM, (iii) simple adjusted OM, and<br />

(iv) average OM. These methods can yield strongly different results and thus<br />

the choice of method is crucial for determination of CER volume.<br />

Emission Factor<br />

for Electricity<br />

Imports from<br />

other Grids<br />

Dispatch Analysis:<br />

Emission Factor of<br />

top 10% of Power<br />

Plants dispatched<br />

to the Grid<br />

In any case, net electricity imports from the CES within the same host<br />

country(ies) shall be considered as follows:<br />

• 0 tCO 2<br />

/MWh; or<br />

• The emission factor(s) of the specific power plant(s) from which power is<br />

imported, only if the specific plants are clearly known; or<br />

• The average emission rate of the exporting grid, only if the net imports do<br />

not exceed 20% of the total generation in the PES; or<br />

• The emission factor of the exporting grid determined based on the CM<br />

approach, if the net imports exceed 20% of the total generation in the<br />

PES.<br />

For imports from the CES located in another country, the emission factor shall<br />

be assumed to be 0 tCO 2<br />

/MWh.<br />

Dispatch data analysis: The dispatch data analysis should be the first<br />

choice if the necessary data (i.e. hourly dispatch data and dispatch order)<br />

is available. In this case, the OM emission factor is calculated as the hourly<br />

generation-weighted average emissions per power unit (tCO 2<br />

/MWh) of<br />

the set of power plants falling within the top 10% of the grid system<br />

dispatch order. Where the dispatch data analysis cannot be applied, project<br />

participants shall select any of the other three options subject to the<br />

226<br />

See AM_REV_0027.<br />


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