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464 Mental retardation (FAS), the most serious case of FASD [5]. Several years later, Jones and Smith [6] and Jones et al. [7] of the United States brought this disorder to the attention of the professional community by publishing their ®ndings in the Lancet and naming this disorder `Fetal Alcohol Syndrome'. They observed that infants with dysmorphic features and growth retardation were being born to mothers who abused alcohol during pregnancy. Naming this disorder brought to the attention of the community the fact that alcohol use and abuse during pregnancy is a serious public health hazard, and should be avoided in those who are pregnant, or expecting to become pregnant. The identi®cation of this disorder also brought to the forefront the very serious problem of alcohol abuse and addiction in women and men of childbearing age, making it a `family disease'. Definitions and diagnostic issues Diagnosis, and what diagnostic labels actually refer to functionally in individuals affected, is an intensely studied area in the ®eld of alcohol-related teratogenesis. The term fetal alcohol effects (FAE) was widely used in research and became a useful clinical term to describe any alcohol-related disorder that is not speci®cally FAS. The term is being used less often in favor of other less ambiguous terms. In an effort at avoiding confusion and providing organization and coherency to research ®ndings regarding diagnostic issues, Congress mandated the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the National Academy of Sciences in 1996, to study FAS and related disorders [8]. The IOM arrived at ®ve categories of alcohol-related disability, which are summarized as follows: (i) (ii) FAS, with con®rmed maternal alcohol exposure: evidence of a characteristic pattern of facial anomalies, such as small palpebral ®ssures, thin upper lip, ¯attened ®ltrum and midface; evidence of growth retardation; and neurodevelopmental disability such as microcephaly, structural brain anomalies, or neurological hard signs; FAS, without con®rmed maternal alcohol exposure: the use of the same criteria as (i) without con®rmed maternal alcohol exposure; (iii) partial FAS, with con®rmed maternal alcohol exposure: some components of the characteristic facial anomalies, evidence of growth retardation, central nervous system (CNS) neurodevelopmental abnormalities, a complex pattern of behavior or cognitive abnormality that is inconsistent with developmental level and cannot be explained by familial background or environment; (iv) Alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD): the presence of congenital anomalies, malformations or dysplasias arising as a consequence of prenatal alcohol exposure; (v) Alcohol-related neurodevelopmental disorder (ARND): evidence of CNS neurodevelopmental abnormalities such as decreased cranial size, structural brain anomalies, presence of neurological hard or soft signs, or a complex pattern of behavioral or cognitive abnormalities inconsistent with developmental level, which cannot be explained by familial background or environment [9]. These de®ned categories continue to be used to speci®cally communicate the impairment of the prenatally alcohol exposed individual. However, it is generally accepted that there is a continuum of disability from lethal and not consistent with life, to severe, moderate, and mild effects that can still leave the individual quite disabled. FASD, a new term introduced by O'Malley and colleagues, refers to all of the prenatal alcohol-related disorders: including FAS, ARND, alcohol-related birth defects (ARBD) and FAE. This term implies that the disabilities related to prenatal alcohol exposure can occur across a continuum and overlap across behavioral, emotional, cognitive, social and physical domains of the same individual. Astley and Clarren [10,11 . ] have created a diagnostic system based on the degree to which the facial dysmorphic features, growth retardation, and CNS involvement exists as a consequence of prenatal alcohol exposure. Despite the necessity of being con®ned by labels, improved diagnostic accuracy, consistency and clarity is provided by an active research community that continues to move forward in ®ne-tuning our understanding of this spectrum of disorders. Prevalence Determining the prevalence of FASD worldwide is dif®cult, as a result of differences in maternal alcohol consumption from region to region, the variability of the criteria that are being used for its de®nition, and dif®culties determining a diagnosis of FASD at birth. However, on the basis of studies by Sampson and colleagues [12] it is estimated that there are approximately one to three infants born with FAS per 1000 live deliveries. The rate of occurrence of both FAS and ARND in the Seattle study is estimated to be 9.1 per 1000 cases, or approximately one child in 100 live births with FASD [12]. In other areas of the world, owing to harsh economic circumstances, the incidence of FAS can be staggeringly high. For example, evaluation of all ®rst grade children in a Western Cape community in South Africa resulted in 48 out of 1000 children meeting criteria for FAS [12]. Susceptibility factors to alcohol-induced neurotoxicity The cause of alcohol's deleterious effects on the CNS appears to be multifactorial, with fetuses differentially

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders for mental health professionals Lockhart 465 susceptible to the same pattern, duration, timing, and dose of alcohol. Because heavy maternal alcohol consumption leads to full FAS features in 25±45% of exposed pregnancies, other factors seem to in¯uence the outcome of the fetus [2,3]. Constitutional genetic factors, smoking, other drug use, physical illness and infection, poor nutrition, trauma, stress, parity, age of the mother, and having given birth to a child previously with FAS, are all factors related to the severity of alcohol-related neurotoxicity in the fetus [2,3]. Alcohol has been shown in numerous human and animal studies to have potent direct and indirect effects on the developing brain, with there appearing to be no safe level of prenatal alcohol exposure [2,3]. Genetic variability and the degree of the other in¯uences described above in both the fetus and the mother, seem to modulate its deleterious effects in certain individuals in whom the blood alcohol concentration has been high throughout gestation. Several studies demonstrate that `binge' drinking (intermittent drinking leading to high blood levels) is associated with more severe CNS effects than the continuous consumption of alcohol throughout pregnancy [13 . ]. The production of high blood alcohol concentrations intermittently throughout pregnancy appears to cause the most extreme cases of prenatal alcohol-related disability in those susceptible [13 . ]. Central nervous system effects Alcohol's neurotoxic effects [14,15 . ] have been shown to cause a disturbance of the normal architecture of the brain along a continuum in a `dose±response' relationship. Autopsy ®ndings demonstrate the range of severe CNS malformations that can be caused by this neurotoxin. The vulnerability of the CNS to alcohol is related to: the developmental period during which the exposure occurs, the dose, and the sensitivity of the brain region to alcohol's toxic effects. For example is has been shown that alcohol can trigger massive neurodegeneration through apoptosis (programmed cell death) during one of the most vulnerable periods of gestation ± synaptogenesis (extending from 6 months of gestation to several years after birth). By blockade of N-methyl, D-aspartate (NMDA) glutamate receptors and excessive activation of gamma-butyric acid (GABA), prenatal alcohol exposure can cause the death of millions of neurons in the rat forebrain. This can result in reduced brain mass, and in the case of the human infant, the possibility of later neuropsychiatric problems among other dif®culties [16]. It is demonstrated in numerous studies that cell types throughout the CNS, and cell types within the same structure appear to be differentially sensitive to alcohol's neurotoxic effects during different times in gestation [17,18 . ]. Alcohol's effects can also cause less dendritic branching in the frontal and parietal lobes, causing fewer connections with neighboring neurons. Studies conducted over the past two decades [17,19±21] demonstrate alcoholinduced defects in neuronal migration, reduced number of neurons in the mature cortex with the same origin, delay in cortical neurons being generated, and alteration in the distribution of neurons on a speci®c day. Studies further suggest that alcohol has an effect on the `desynchronization' of radial glia (precursor cells) into astroglia. The results of this desynchronization lead to late generated neurons unable to complete their migration to the super®cial cortex; resulting in neurons being stranded in the deep cortex in certain cases. The impact of desynchronization may then lead to cortical neurons having dif®culty establishing normal circuitry, and therefore dif®culties establishing normal CNS architecture [19±21]. Adding to these ®ndings, Archibald et al. [22 . ] found that white matter volumes, especially in the parietal lobe, are more affected than gray matter volumes, emphasizing the deleterious effect alcohol may have on normal myelination in the CNS. The cortex therefore is particularly sensitive to alcohol, leading to a thinner cortex, reduced overall mass, fewer neurons and a reduced number of glia. Other structures of the brain that appear particularly sensitive to the direct and indirect effects of alcohol include the corpus callosum [23 . ], basal ganglia (particularly the caudate) [24] and cerebellar vermis (lobules I±V)] [25]. In selected studies, dopamine and norepinephrine [26 .. ], serotonin [27], glutamate [28 . ], gamma-aminobutyric acid [29 . ] and other neurotransmitter systems have all been found to be affected as a consequence of early prenatal alcohol exposure. These neurotransmitter abnormalities and structural brain changes are of prime importance in the etiology of speci®c neuropsychiatric conditions, mental retardation, and other cognitive disorders. Positron emission tomography (PET) studies have demonstrated that even in brains without obvious gross pathological changes, disturbances in the metabolism of certain structures are evident (e.g. caudate nucleus) [29 . ]. This indicates that even when the brain is displaying no visible changes in its gross architecture, the damage can be microscopic. These changes that are not readily obvious can also lead to disturbances in cognition and behavior. Behavior problems in particular appear to be the most sensitive indicator of the presence of prenatal alcohol-related disability [29 . ]. As the next section indicates, when these structural and neurotransmitter abnormalities are combined, they may form the neurobiological substrate of such problems as: altered response inhibition, memory disturbances, and

Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders for mental health professionals Lockhart 465<br />

susceptible to the same pattern, duration, timing, and<br />

dose of alcohol. Because heavy maternal alcohol<br />

consumption leads to full FAS features in 25±45% of<br />

exposed pregnancies, other factors seem to in¯uence the<br />

outcome of the fetus [2,3]. Constitutional genetic factors,<br />

smoking, other drug use, physical illness and infection,<br />

poor nutrition, trauma, stress, parity, age of the mother,<br />

and having given birth to a child previously with FAS,<br />

are all factors related to the severity of alcohol-related<br />

neurotoxicity in the fetus [2,3].<br />

Alcohol has been shown in numerous human and animal<br />

studies to have potent direct and indirect effects on the<br />

developing brain, with there appearing to be no safe<br />

level of prenatal alcohol exposure [2,3]. Genetic<br />

variability and the degree of the other in¯uences<br />

described above in both the fetus and the mother,<br />

seem to modulate its deleterious effects in certain<br />

individuals in whom the blood alcohol concentration has<br />

been high throughout gestation. Several studies demonstrate<br />

that `binge' drinking (intermittent drinking<br />

leading to high blood levels) is associated with more<br />

severe CNS effects than the continuous consumption of<br />

alcohol throughout pregnancy [13 . ]. The production of<br />

high blood alcohol concentrations intermittently<br />

throughout pregnancy appears to cause the most<br />

extreme cases of prenatal alcohol-related disability in<br />

those susceptible [13 . ].<br />

Central nervous system effects<br />

Alcohol's neurotoxic effects [14,15 . ] have been shown to<br />

cause a disturbance of the normal architecture of the<br />

brain along a continuum in a `dose±response' relationship.<br />

Autopsy ®ndings demonstrate the range of severe<br />

CNS malformations that can be caused by this neurotoxin.<br />

The vulnerability of the CNS to alcohol is related<br />

to: the developmental period during which the exposure<br />

occurs, the dose, and the sensitivity of the brain region to<br />

alcohol's toxic effects. For example is has been shown<br />

that alcohol can trigger massive neurodegeneration<br />

through apoptosis (programmed cell death) during one<br />

of the most vulnerable periods of gestation ± synaptogenesis<br />

(extending from 6 months of gestation to several<br />

years after birth). By blockade of N-methyl, D-aspartate<br />

(NMDA) glutamate receptors and excessive activation of<br />

gamma-butyric acid (GABA), prenatal alcohol exposure<br />

can cause the death of millions of neurons in the rat<br />

forebrain. This can result in reduced brain mass, and in<br />

the case of the human infant, the possibility of later<br />

neuropsychiatric problems among other dif®culties [16].<br />

It is demonstrated in numerous studies that cell types<br />

throughout the CNS, and cell types within the same<br />

structure appear to be differentially sensitive to alcohol's<br />

neurotoxic effects during different times in gestation<br />

[17,18 . ].<br />

Alcohol's effects can also cause less dendritic branching<br />

in the frontal and parietal lobes, causing fewer connections<br />

with neighboring neurons. Studies conducted over<br />

the past two decades [17,19±21] demonstrate alcoholinduced<br />

defects in neuronal migration, reduced number<br />

of neurons in the mature cortex with the same origin,<br />

delay in cortical neurons being generated, and alteration<br />

in the distribution of neurons on a speci®c day. Studies<br />

further suggest that alcohol has an effect on the<br />

`desynchronization' of radial glia (precursor cells) into<br />

astroglia. The results of this desynchronization lead to<br />

late generated neurons unable to complete their migration<br />

to the super®cial cortex; resulting in neurons being<br />

stranded in the deep cortex in certain cases. The impact<br />

of desynchronization may then lead to cortical neurons<br />

having dif®culty establishing normal circuitry, and<br />

therefore dif®culties establishing normal CNS architecture<br />

[19±21]. Adding to these ®ndings, Archibald et al.<br />

[22 . ] found that white matter volumes, especially in the<br />

parietal lobe, are more affected than gray matter<br />

volumes, emphasizing the deleterious effect alcohol<br />

may have on normal myelination in the CNS. The<br />

cortex therefore is particularly sensitive to alcohol,<br />

leading to a thinner cortex, reduced overall mass, fewer<br />

neurons and a reduced number of glia. Other structures<br />

of the brain that appear particularly sensitive to the<br />

direct and indirect effects of alcohol include the corpus<br />

callosum [23 . ], basal ganglia (particularly the caudate)<br />

[24] and cerebellar vermis (lobules I±V)] [25].<br />

In selected studies, dopamine and norepinephrine<br />

[26 .. ], serotonin [27], glutamate [28 . ], gamma-aminobutyric<br />

acid [29 . ] and other neurotransmitter systems have<br />

all been found to be affected as a consequence of early<br />

prenatal alcohol exposure. These neurotransmitter abnormalities<br />

and structural brain changes are of prime<br />

importance in the etiology of speci®c neuropsychiatric<br />

conditions, mental retardation, and other cognitive<br />

disorders.<br />

Positron emission tomography (PET) studies have<br />

demonstrated that even in brains without obvious gross<br />

pathological changes, disturbances in the metabolism of<br />

certain structures are evident (e.g. caudate nucleus)<br />

[29 . ]. This indicates that even when the brain is<br />

displaying no visible changes in its gross architecture,<br />

the damage can be microscopic. These changes that are<br />

not readily obvious can also lead to disturbances in<br />

cognition and behavior. Behavior problems in particular<br />

appear to be the most sensitive indicator of the presence<br />

of prenatal alcohol-related disability [29 . ].<br />

As the next section indicates, when these structural and<br />

neurotransmitter abnormalities are combined, they may<br />

form the neurobiological substrate of such problems as:<br />

altered response inhibition, memory disturbances, and

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