St. Peter Catholic Church

St. Peter Catholic Church

St. Peter Catholic Church


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<strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

Pastor ......................... Reverend Monsignor John M. Costello<br />

Associate Pastor ..................... Reverend Michael J. Esswein<br />

Senior Priest in Residence ........................................................................................<br />

..................................... Reverend Monsignor Gregory L. Schmidt<br />

Deacons ................................................................................. Deacon Joseph Sulze<br />

(Retired)<br />


Deacon Jimmy Broyles<br />

Deacon John Komotos<br />

School Principal................................................................................... John Freitag<br />

Assistant<br />

School Principal........................................................................................ Mary Rath<br />

Director of Adult<br />

Faith Formation ................................................................................... Linda Doyle<br />

Director of Elementary<br />

Faith Formation ...................................................... Janice M. Hartmann<br />

Business Manager ..................................................................................Larry Pfile<br />

Liturgical Music Coordinator<br />

Carol Bauer<br />

Director of Youth Ministry ................................... Robby Francis<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Mission <strong>St</strong>atement<br />

Built on the rock of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong>, the Apostle of faith,<br />

love and forgiveness, we are a <strong>Catholic</strong> parish<br />

dedicated to live, witness and proclaim the good<br />

news of Christ through worship, education and<br />

loving service to each other and our community.

Visit us on the Internet at<br />

www.stpeterkirkwood.org<br />

or send your comments to:<br />

parishsitemanager@stpeterkirkwood.org<br />

Sacrament of Baptism<br />

Please call the Rectory (966-8600) for details<br />

regarding participation in the preparation program.<br />

We encourage expectant parents to make<br />

arrangements for the preparation program at least a<br />

few months prior to the birth of their child.<br />

Sacrament of Marriage<br />

Please contact the rectory for details regarding<br />

the preparation program. In accordance with<br />

Archdiocesan policy, couples should contact a<br />

member of the parish clergy at least six months<br />

prior to their proposed wedding date.<br />

Holy Orders and Consecrated (Religious) Life<br />

If interested, please call the parish rectory or the<br />

Archdiocesan Office of Vocations at 792-6460<br />

Rectory/Parish Office<br />

243 West Argonne Drive<br />

Saint Louis, Missouri 63122<br />

966-8600 (Phone)<br />

966-5721 (Fax)<br />

Saint <strong>Peter</strong> Elementary School<br />

Pre-K thru Eighth Grade<br />

215 North Clay<br />

Saint Louis, Missouri 63122<br />

821-0460<br />

Offices of Faith Formation<br />

Linda Doyle, 822-1347, ext. 3001<br />

Parish School of Religion<br />

Jan Hartmann, 822-1347, ext. 3004<br />

Office of Youth Ministry<br />

Robby Francis, Director of Youth Ministry<br />

822-1347, ext. 3003<br />

Office of Music Ministry<br />

Carol Bauer, Liturgical Music Coordinator<br />

822-1347, ext. 3005<br />

Pastoral Council<br />

Mrs. Patty Boyd, Chairperson 966-3835<br />

Mr. Don Hesse, Vice Chairperson 966-2574<br />

Ms. Angie Bernardi, Secretary 984-0519<br />

Finance Commission<br />

Mrs. Diane Hadler, Chairperson 822-0422<br />

Mr. Dave Patritti, Vice-Chairperson 835-1170<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Vincent de Paul Society<br />

314-289-6101 Ext. 2220 (Voice Mail)<br />

Calendar Coordinator<br />

Cathy Herrmann, 822-1347, ext. 3002<br />

Parish Center<br />

821-6219<br />

Bulletin Deadline!!<br />

Articles intended for publication in the Bulletin must be<br />

submitted to the rectory by Monday, at 3:OOPM for the<br />

following Sunday’s Bulletin. All announcements must be<br />

in writing with a name and telephone number attached.<br />

Please remember <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong> in your will.<br />

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Lord, thank you for the rich history you have<br />

bestowed on our family of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> in Kirkwood.<br />

Blessed by your grace, we ask that you be present<br />

in our parish today. Guide us as we celebrate our<br />

gifts through worship, education and loving service.<br />

Holy Spirit, create within us a vision for the future that<br />

we live, witness and proclaim the good news of Christ.<br />

Amen<br />

Sunday Mass Schedule<br />

Saturday: 5:OOPM (Satisfies Sunday obligation)<br />

Sunday: 7:30AM, 9:OOAM, 11:OOAM and 6:OOPM<br />

Weekday Mass Schedule<br />

Monday - Friday: 6:45AM & 8:15AM<br />

Saturday: 8:15AM<br />

Holy Day Mass Schedule<br />

Consult the bulletin for Mass times<br />

http://www.stpeterkirkwood.org<br />

Sacrament of Reconciliation<br />

Saturday: 3:45 to 4:45PM or by appointment<br />

Eucharistic Adoration<br />

Monday - Friday, 6:00AM to 10:00PM<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Angela Merici Chapel in Ursuline Hall<br />

adjacent to the <strong>Church</strong> building<br />

For more information or to sign up for a weekly<br />

Holy Hour of prayer contact<br />

Kathy Fotouhi at 821-4347<br />

Baptism<br />

Baptisms are celebrated every Sunday of the month at 12:30PM.<br />

Parents are expected to participate in a Baptismal Preparation<br />

Program. Please call the rectory to arrange for<br />

the Baptismal Preparation Program and a date for Baptism.<br />

Weekly Anointing and Prayer<br />

After the 9:OOAM Mass each Sunday, we will celebrate<br />

the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick, for anyone<br />

who has the need to receive this sacrament. This is meant<br />

to include such concerns as upcoming diagnostic tests,<br />

limitations of aging, anxiety, depression, undue stress,<br />

addiction, etc. for all ages.<br />

Please gather in the pews at the front of church<br />

and the priest will be with you approximately<br />

10 minutes after Mass is over.

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January 15, 2012<br />

Praying the Mass Anew…<br />

Professing Our Faith<br />

At Sunday Mass and at Masses for those more noteworthy days<br />

in the year that are designated “solemnities,” the profession of<br />

faith is made by singing or reciting of the Creed. Typically , we<br />

recite the “Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed.” This creed<br />

receives its name from the two ecumenical councils in the 4 th<br />

Century: The Council of Nicea in 325, and the Council of<br />

Constantinople in 381. Generally speaking, it is from these two<br />

councils that the formulations of faith that are recited in this<br />

creed were more clearly articulated. The option for use of the<br />

“Apostles Creed” also exists for use as a profession of faith,<br />

particularly during Lent and Easter. The name “Apostles Creed”<br />

implies that the words of this prayer contain faith of the<br />

Apostles. While the Apostles Creed is unchanged in its<br />

formulation in the new translation, the translation of the Niceno-<br />

Constantinopolitan Creed has significant changes.<br />

The creed is at times called the “Symbol,” as the word symbol in<br />

its Greek origin means to „bring together.” The Creed brings<br />

together in a single profession of faith the statement of all that<br />

we believe and live by as <strong>Catholic</strong> Christians. As we profess<br />

our faith, we give voice to our commitment and assent of the<br />

truth of God that we have just heard and meditated upon in the<br />

readings and the homily. Likewise, this placement of the Creed<br />

within the Mass after the readings and homily places it in close<br />

relationship to the Eucharistic Prayer, wherein the words of faith<br />

spoken in “symbol” are then accomplished in the Eucharist.<br />

What are the significant changes in the Creed:<br />

Overall: As we look at the word of the Niceno-<br />

Constantinopolitan Creed, there are notable changes and style<br />

and in particular words that are used:<br />

“I” believe – The very word in the Latin version is “credo,” not<br />

“credimus.” (which would be “we believe.”) The “I” is not<br />

meant to make our act of professing faith individualistic.<br />

Rather, it might be understood as the Body of Christ, of which<br />

we are all members, professing faith as one. Note also that we<br />

say “I believe,” at the beginning of each new section of the<br />

creed.<br />

“Consubstantial with the Father” - “consubstantial” literally<br />

means “one in being,” as the former version had us say. The use<br />

of “consubstantial” more properly reflects the traditional,<br />

elevated language of <strong>Church</strong> teaching on the reality of God the<br />

Father and God the Son are on “in substance,” they are united in<br />

being.<br />

“by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary” – that<br />

God takes on human flesh in the person of Jesus Christ is a<br />

mystery properly called the Incarnation. That Jesus “was<br />

incarnate of the blessed Virgin Mary” more truly reflects that he<br />

was not simply “born,” but truly takes on human flesh through<br />

Mary.<br />

Regarding the style of the prayer – another notable change is<br />

the way that some phrases, which in the previous translation<br />

were given as complete sentences, are now parts of larger<br />

sentences. While this style is more literal, the connecting of<br />

phrases unifies the prayer more properly, better connecting<br />

related statements.<br />

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Question of the Week:<br />

Are there ever any times when the Creed is not said on<br />

Sunday?<br />

As a matter of fact, on Easter Sunday, the dioceses in the United<br />

<strong>St</strong>ates replace the reciting of the Creed with the renewal of<br />

baptismal promises (that contain the faith professed in the words<br />

of the Creed in the form of questions). While this renewal of<br />

baptismal promises properly is offered at the Easter Vigil, in the<br />

U.S. we have the well-established custom of Saturday evening<br />

Masses “in anticipation of” Sunday, which serve to aid people in<br />

fulfilling their Sunday obligation on Saturday evening (after 4:00<br />

pm). In the case of Easter where the Easter Vigil Mass serves this<br />

purpose for some, and so that all might be able to properly renew<br />

their baptismal promises (not only those who attend the Easter<br />

Vigil Mass), the renewal is also offered on Sunday in place of the<br />

Creed. On all other Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation, the<br />

Creed is to be included.<br />

Martin Luther King Day…January 16th<br />

Here is a way to gather your household to pray on this day<br />

Leader: God of our work and of our rest, again and again your<br />

creatures take sides against one another. Oppression and violence are<br />

our sad inheritance. But we still look for you where the lowly are<br />

raised up, where the mighty are brought down. We find you in your<br />

servants, and we give you thanks for the witness and work of Martin<br />

Luther King, Jr. Fill us with a spirit and strength like his, so that day<br />

by day we may see where our community is torn by repression and<br />

fear and ignorance, and so give ourselves to healing. We make this<br />

prayer in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.<br />

Reader: Listen now to a reading from the prophet Isaiah. Let these<br />

ancient words come to life in memories of Dr. King, who was able to<br />

look at sorrow and trouble and yet tell of his dreams of a just society.<br />

(Read Isaiah 62:1-5).<br />

The following questions may be used to guide a discussion.<br />

1. How does the Isaiah reading remind us of Dr. King‟s life and<br />

work?<br />

2. What do I know of the world he wanted to change? What do I<br />

remember thinking about Dr. King and his followers?<br />

3. Much has changed since Dr. King‟s time. Much has not, and<br />

some things may have even grown worse. When I look into my<br />

own heart, what do I think of the racism and prejudice that still<br />

exists there? What sorts of stereotypes still exist?<br />

4. What did we learn from Dr. King about suffering and<br />

nonviolence, about changing unjust laws, about the connection<br />

between war and racism, about the connection between justice<br />

and peace?<br />

After the discussion, the leader can invite all to join in prayer and<br />

intercession. All may add prayers of their own.<br />

Leader: Help us, Lord, to draw strength from the words and vision<br />

of Martin Luther King, Jr. (silence) Give us courage, God, to face the<br />

unfair judgments we make of other races, other cultures, other ways<br />

of life. Give us the willingness to be fair. (silence) Show us, O God,<br />

how to be the <strong>Church</strong> of Jesus: always facing up to injustice,<br />

speaking for the silent, calling the world from violence.<br />

To conclude, the leader can invite all to pray the Lord’s Prayer. The<br />

song, “We shall overcome,” closely associated with Dr. King’s life,<br />

could be sung.<br />

So far winter has been fairly kind to us and we are already half<br />

way through January...praise the Lord! I’ll see you in church!<br />

Monsignor Jack 1-3-5


If you suffer from celiac disease, or have any wheat allergies<br />

that prevents you from receiving the Body of Christ at Mass,<br />

please send an e-mail to the below address with your contact<br />

information so that we can inform you of how we will provide<br />

low gluten hosts for you in the very near future.<br />

Please send an email to this address with “Eucharist” on your<br />

Subject Line: Info@stpeterkirkwood.org.<br />


Monday, January 16, Martin Luther King, Jr. Day<br />

6:45AM John Longo<br />

8:15AM Terry Couglin<br />

Tuesday, January 17<br />

6:45AM John Polizzi<br />

8:15AM David Freitag<br />

Wednesday, January 18<br />

6:45AM Jerome Doyle<br />

8:15AM Paul Cook<br />

Thursday, January 19<br />

6:45AM Anthony Burkemper<br />

8:15AM David Freitag<br />

Friday, January 20<br />

6:45AM The Freitag Family<br />

8:15AM Sweeney Family<br />

Saturday, January 21<br />

8:15AM <strong>St</strong>. Vincent de Paul Clients, Donors,<br />

and Members<br />

5:00 PM Marvin Keown<br />

Sunday, January 22<br />

7:30AM Dr. Bill Haynes<br />

9:00AM Helen Mueller<br />

11:00AM People of <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong><br />

6:00PM Margaret <strong>St</strong>effen<br />


Saturday, January 21<br />

5:00PM Matthew Thomas, Matthew Young,<br />

Jon Detling-Nusser<br />

Sunday, January 22<br />

7:30AM Sarah Dreyer, Grace Eisenbarger,<br />

Molly Huggins<br />

9:00AM<br />

11:00AM<br />

6:00PM<br />

Mary Clare Kammer, Kathleen Anderson,<br />

Lily Black<br />

Joe Bellon, Kate Bellon,<br />

Meghan Appelbaum<br />

Patrick Pence, Jacob Williams,<br />

Molly Greenley<br />


We are happy you decided to worship with us today. Please<br />

introduce yourself to Father following Mass in the Gathering<br />

Area in the back of church. If you would like information about<br />

registering as a new parish member please call Jay Ryan at 822-<br />

1339 or contact the parish office (966-8600) for a registration<br />

form.<br />

The Welcoming Committee<br />

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Scheduled Eucharistic Minister - January 21/22<br />

Note: Shut-in visitors are indicated in parentheses ( )<br />

Interested in being a Eucharistic Minister?<br />

Call Bob & Trish Martin 821-3303<br />

Saturday, January 21<br />

5:00PM: A. Spears, C. Patritti, B. Hutcheson, L. Schrock,<br />

P. Baker, T. Martin, B. Martin, P. Foerster<br />

Sunday, January 22<br />

7:30AM: D. Connell, M. Welsch, R. Girard, M. Elli,<br />

J. Hirsch, F. Johnston, E. Bante, C. Behl<br />

9:00AM:<br />

11:00AM:<br />

6:00PM:<br />

All Parish Offices will be closed on<br />

Monday, January 16, 2012 in<br />

observance of the birthday of<br />

Martin Luther King, Jr.<br />

K. Carmody, R. Zoellner, G. Pfeffer, G. Prante,<br />

(M. Brown), (D. Lauber), (M. Thomas),<br />

(J. Meady)<br />

G. Iannotti, N. Iannotti, M. K. Drexler,<br />

S. Hartman, (R. Medley), (G. Meesey),<br />

P. Waldschmidt, T. Waldschmidt<br />

C. Mahoney, N. Judge, S. Person, K. Manion,<br />

M. Cadice, C. Henke, T. Barber, J. Jacober<br />


Time First Lector Second Lector<br />

Saturday, January 21<br />

5:00PM Jim Temme Diane Cantwell<br />

Sunday, January 22<br />

7:30AM Matt Wilson Mary Tichy<br />

January 15, 2012<br />

9:00AM Jane Jensen Charles Nigh<br />

11:00AM Roy Mueller Kay Komotos<br />

6:00PM Patrick King Diane Reardon<br />


January 12 8:15AM K-3<br />

January 19 8:15AM K-8<br />

January 24 <strong>St</strong>. Francis de Sales 8:15AM 6-7-8<br />

January 25 Conversion of <strong>St</strong>. Paul 8:15AM K-5<br />


Sunday: 1 Sm 3:3b-10, 19/1 Cor 6:13c-15a, 17-20/<br />

Jn 1:35-42<br />

Monday: 1 Sm 15:16-23/Mk 2:18-22<br />

Tuesday: 1 Sm 16:1-13/Mk 2:23-28<br />

Wednesday: 1 Sm 17:32-33, 37, 40-51/Mk 3:1-6<br />

Thursday: 1 Sm 18:6-9; 19:1-7/Mk 3:7-12<br />

Friday: 1 Sm 24:3-21/Mk 3:13-19<br />

Saturday: 2 Sm 1:1-4, 11-12, 19, 23-27/Mk 3:20-21<br />

Next Sunday: Jon 3:1-5, 10/1 Cor 7:29-31/Mk 1:14-20<br />

©Liturgical Publications Inc


Come pray before the Word made flesh in our<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Angela Merici Eucharistic Adoration<br />

Chapel in Ursuline Hall.<br />

The following Holy Hours are in need of an<br />

adorer:<br />

Monday 7:00PM<br />

Wednesday 9:00AM & 1:00PM<br />

Thursday 11:00AM, 3:00PM and 6:00PM<br />

Friday 6:00AM, Noon and 2:00PM & 8:00PM<br />

The following hours are in need of a partner:<br />

Monday 6:00PM<br />

Tuesday 7:00AM, 2:00PM, 4:00PM & 7:00PM<br />

Wednesday 11:00AM & 9:00PM<br />

Thursday 11:00AM and 8:00PM<br />

Friday 6:00PM<br />

Please call Kathy Fotouhi, 821-4347.<br />



The Traveling Chalice Program gives parishioners an<br />

opportunity to pray for vocations. Parishioners are<br />

asked to take the chalice home and display it in a place<br />

of honor, where throughout the week all can notice it.<br />

Parishioners will pray around the chalice every night<br />

for vocations to the priesthood and religious life.<br />

Prayers for vocations will accompany the chalice. You can<br />

choose during which Mass your family would like to receive the<br />

chalice. If you are interested in signing up for a week please call<br />

Mary Carol Schilli at 314-520-0395 for more information.<br />

January 15 9:00AM The Lavin Family<br />

January 22 7:30AM Henry & Carol Boeckmann<br />

January 29 11:00AM Bob & Bonnie Kreutz<br />



<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Baseball, Softball and Track Registration for all grades<br />

will open on-line on January 1 and will close on February 15.<br />

Please visit www.stpsports.com to register your child. If you<br />

have any questions, please email baseball@stpsports.com or<br />

track@stpsports.com. Thank you.<br />


There will be an indoor soccer program for boys and girls of the<br />

parish at the Vetta Manchester indoor soccer facility in West<br />

County. The program will begin in early February. For more<br />

information, please call Marty at 314-393-1164 (cell).<br />

Spiritual Direction. . . Are you searching how to deepen your<br />

relationship with God? Consider a companion to explore your<br />

faith journey. Please call Mary Lou Bennett at 314-835-1189 or<br />

email blessing101@live.com.<br />

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January 15, 2012<br />

Welcome Home!<br />

We are so glad you joined us at Mass this weekend to celebrate<br />

our oneness with Christ in the Eucharist. You may have a few<br />

questions, so we‟ve put together a list of resources to help you get<br />

the answers you are looking for:<br />

Questions about our <strong>Catholic</strong> Faith and practices: Linda<br />

Doyle, Director of Adult Faith Formation, at 822-1347<br />

or ldoyle@stpeterkirkwood.org.<br />

Questions about Divorce and Annulments: Msgr. Jack<br />

Costello, Msgr. Greg Schmidt or Fr. Mike Esswein at<br />

966-8600.<br />

If you‟d like to get involved in a parish ministry: Cathy<br />

Herrmann, Faith Formation Secretary, 822-1347 or<br />

cherrmann@stpeterkirkwood.org.<br />

Information on Mass times and Reconciliation: See<br />

parish website www.stpeterkirkwood.org or call the<br />

Rectory at 966-8600.<br />

We are so glad you are here. Welcome Home!<br />

Your <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Parish Family<br />

*****<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong>s Come Home Prayer<br />

Oh God of mercy, as we journey<br />

through this <strong>Catholic</strong>s Come Home initiative,<br />

send the Holy Spirit upon<br />

the Archdiocese of <strong>St</strong>. Louis<br />

to renew us in faith.<br />

Enable us to share the good news<br />

of the Gospel with loving words<br />

and caring deeds, so that returning<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong>s may be drawn to your <strong>Church</strong>,<br />

and follow the way of your Son,<br />

Jesus, who is the Way, the Truth and the Life.<br />

We make our prayer through Jesus our Lord.<br />

Amen.<br />


The paper recycling bin has been moved to the northwest end of<br />

the Adams Lot.<br />

ACTS Retreats<br />

The next ACTS retreats will be held in<br />

February of 2012<br />

The women’s weekend will be held on<br />

February 2 – 5<br />

The men’s weekend will be held on<br />

February 23 - 26<br />

To register for these retreats, please contact<br />

Cathy Herrmann at 314-822-1347 or e-mail her at<br />


January 15, 2012<br />


Are you a parent with young children who'd like to meet more of<br />

your peers? The <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Young Families Group offers social,<br />

spiritual and service activities for families with children under<br />

school age. Visit www.stpeteryoungfamilies.com or e-mail<br />

stpeteryoungfamilies@gmail.com to be added to our e-mail<br />

distribution list for notification of upcoming events.<br />

Our next monthly rosary is<br />

Monday, January 23, 2012<br />

The Parish Library In<br />

Ursuline Hall<br />

Have you ever wanted to say<br />

the rosary as a family but just thought your kids were too little or<br />

would not pay attention? Maybe you don't even remember how<br />

to say the rosary but might if you were reminded. The Young<br />

Families group at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Parish has decided to make saying the<br />

rosary a true family event! We will meet in the Parish Library<br />

in Ursuline Hall the 4th Monday of each month from 6:30-<br />

7:00PM and say the rosary for a special intention. All you need<br />

to bring is a rosary and your family. There is no need to worry<br />

that your kids might be loud or not pay attention, all will add to<br />

the overall meaningful prayer our families can offer.<br />


Come join us on Wednesday afternoons from 2:00 to 3:00 PM in<br />

Ursuline Hall in the Msgr. Deutschmann Room.<br />

This is a good hour-long workout that isn‟t too strenuous. It will<br />

get you moving and keep those joints mobile. Silver <strong>St</strong>reaks is a<br />

chair-based class to benefit people with arthritis, stiffness or who<br />

just want to keep moving. Maybe you are looking for something<br />

to get you started, to go with your walking program or to add<br />

some variety. The program is designed to improve overall<br />

flexibility, balance and strength. Try it, you will like it. Cost is<br />

only $5.00 per session, payable on the day you attend. The<br />

instructor, Holly Ohmes, is certified by the Arthritis Foundation.<br />

For questions, please call 822-1347, Cathy Herrmann, Secretary.<br />



These yoga classes provided by Optimal Lifestyles, Inc. will<br />

build flexibility, strength, and balance. Learn stress management<br />

techniques to quiet the mind, increase concentration, and build<br />

body confidence.<br />

Wear loose, comfortable clothing. Bring your yoga mat and any<br />

props you have. This Hatha Yoga class is for all levels.<br />

Date: Tuesdays: January 3, 10, 17, 24, 31<br />

Time: 5:30pm – 6:30pm<br />

Cost: $25.00 for a five (5) week session.<br />

(Drop-in classes are available at $8.00 each)<br />

Location: Msgr. Deutschmann Room<br />

Scholarship money is available for those who need it. To<br />

register, please drop by Ursuline Hall or call Cathy Herrmann at<br />

314-822-1347. The $25.00 is due at the first session on<br />

January 3, 2012.<br />

6<br />

Christmas Flowers Donated in Memory of:<br />

Nellie Jozwiak, David Jozwiak, Cynthia Thomas, John Bauer,<br />

Bertha Traum, Sandra Zanti, Mrs. Rita Dodson, Jeanne Meesey,<br />

Joseph Funke, Louise Mattli, Mr. and Mrs. William Matthews,<br />

Jack Groll, Margo Skinner, Marie Schopp, Charles Shell,<br />

Bill Powell, Robert A. Fassel, D‟Antonio Family, Mr. and Mrs.<br />

Joseph Gwazdauskas, Anna, Anthony, Annette and Alice Cejka,<br />

Julie Komotos, John Komotos, Sr., Curt Weingartner, Lawrence<br />

Fangmeier, Edwin Harding, Helen Lock, Albert Lock, Rich<br />

Glenn, John E. Hemann, Linda Howe, Edith Kunkel, Blind and<br />

Nestor Families and Friends, Antoinette Forzaglia, <strong>St</strong>ephen Bina,<br />

Chris Bina, Norma Kennedy, Kenneth Bina, Betty J. Wechling,<br />

Marge Alferman, Jeannine Prost, Mitchell Scowden, Holly Marie<br />

McIntyre, Graciela Hartenbach, Marilynn and Joe Preis, John V.<br />

Kelly, Kathyrn and Hubert Shafar, Mabel and George Trollope,<br />

David Freitag, D. L. McIntosh, John A. Shaw, Robert Schmit,<br />

John Dwyer, <strong>St</strong>eve Kustra, Jim Irwin, Jay Kammer, Mike<br />

Kammer, Tom Kammer, Margaret O‟Leary, Mary Alice Jennings,<br />

Joseph and Clara Pollard, Bob McMullen, John A. Solari, Henry<br />

A. <strong>St</strong>illman, Janet (<strong>St</strong>illman) Meek, James Short, Charles Shell,<br />

Tom Phillips, Father Mike, Father Burghoff, Ronald Johnson,<br />

Clarence Johnson, Susie Johnson, Ida Immer, Jack and Pat<br />

Ripley, John Komotos, Julie Komotos, Leo Briece and Family,<br />

Sue Perry, Charles McCloskey, Adolph and Eleanor Cavanaugh,<br />

Fred and Anna Evers, Sue Perry, Reilly Family, Bates Family,<br />

Reeves Family, Theresa and Paul Douthit, Michael Douthit,<br />

Cindy Douthit, Alice Dale, Betty and Henry Dale, Jeannine Prost,<br />

Ray Schuttenberg, Mary Jane and Frank Calvert, Ceaser and<br />

Dorothy Meyer, Francis Harris, Margaret P. Harris, Deacon Dick<br />

Hesse, David Kelly Family, Don Broyles, Carolyn Byrd, Atilio J.<br />

Arrillaga, Rosa Avila de Zardetto, Edward and Lucille Rowley,<br />

J. T. and Aliece Giles, Roman Baranowski, Aniela Baranowski,<br />

Kazimericz Baranowski, Vicki Moulder, In Honor of Sara and<br />

James Dauber Wedding, Kelley Family and Deceased Relatives<br />

of the Charles Smith Family, Marcella Curtin, Katie Costello,<br />

Mary Newton, John A. Solari, Susan Perry, Paul T. Hartman,<br />

Ruth & Herb Spring, Elmer & Irene Kincaid, Gerard Haenni,<br />

Kelly Carr, Kris Carr, William & Dolores Nicolson, Cathrine<br />

York, Bud & Peggy Bruns, Walter Dayhuff, Gene DeSalme,<br />

Agnes DeSalme, David Campbell, Robert J. Fortel, Robert O.<br />

Fortel, Pauline Ponder and Theresa Briggs, Zinkl and Schramm<br />

Families, Joe Corcoran, George and Rita McDoniel, Charles and<br />

Euline Van Doren , Ronald Johnson, Bernadine Rosenthal, Joe<br />

and Mary Rudy, Ed Veazey, Elaine & Harold Jenkins, Dorothy &<br />

George Jennings, Leonard George Wahlig, Richard Lee Wahlig,<br />

and Leonard Otto Whalig.<br />

PEACE IN MOTION . . .<br />

Tai chi, qigong, mindful movement, and contemplative<br />

movement are gentle forms of exercise and stress reduction that<br />

improve balance, blood pressure, immunity and an overall sense<br />

of well being. Each class ends with a guided meditation. Classes<br />

are held Thursday mornings at 9:00AM in Ursuline Hall. Classes<br />

are $5 per person per class, pay as you go, and led by Susan<br />

Marting. Try it…you‟ll be glad you did!


We will be meeting today Sunday, January 15th, right after<br />

9:00AM Mass in Ursuline Hall. Join us for pastries and coffee.<br />

We will get started in the Parish Library around 10:15AM and<br />

should be finished by 11:15AM.<br />

These once-a-month sessions provide an opportunity to share in<br />

each other's spiritual journey. Even if you have been a <strong>Catholic</strong><br />

since birth, you may feel called to be a part of this group. We<br />

will share the Gospel message, ask questions, and listen to each<br />

other. This can give us another opportunity to grow together as<br />

one body in our faith!<br />

Below is the schedule for the rest of the year, as well as the topic<br />

to be discussed on that Sunday, so you can put the dates on your<br />

calendar.<br />

January 15, 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Vocation.<br />

February 12, 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Sacrament<br />

of the Anointing of the Sick.<br />

March 11, 3rd Sunday Of Lent - The Ten Commandments.<br />

April 15, 2nd Sunday of Easter - Divine Mercy Sunday; the<br />

Challenge of Peace.<br />

April 22, 3rd Sunday of Easter - Evangelization.<br />

April 29, 4th Sunday of Easter - Trinity.<br />

If you have any questions, please contact Linda Doyle<br />

(ldoyle@stpeterkirkwood.org) or Kay Komotos<br />

(kkomotos@gmail.com). Thanks so much!<br />



<strong>Catholic</strong> Calendar Page<br />

www.easterbrooks.com/personal/calendar<br />

Select a year, month or day from 1963, today<br />

or far into the future. Receive the liturgical color for the day,<br />

the readings with footnotes, the day‟s Rosary Mysteries etc. Be<br />

sure to click on the top box The Details and links at the bottom<br />

for This Week, January 2012 and 2012 Yearly Calendar.<br />

If the dedication link is obsolete, use the encyclopedia or the saint<br />

of the day in the next website listed below.<br />

<strong>Catholic</strong> Online www.catholic.org<br />

A very robust website. Links to Facebook, Newsletters, Twitter,<br />

Email and Videos. Click <strong>Catholic</strong> Life for 31 sources, including<br />

the Bible, daily readings, prayers with its Pick a Prayer Section,<br />

popes and bishops, saints and angels and the encyclopedia. To<br />

use the encyclopedia, click a letter and then a subsection for that<br />

letter and scroll to your topic. While scrolling other topics will<br />

catch your eye. That‟s how I happened upon Missouri the state<br />

and Missouri Test-Oath, which impacted the priests and sisters,<br />

adopted at a Constitutional Convention held in <strong>St</strong>. Louis in<br />

January 1865.<br />

ParishesOnline.Com www.parishesonline.com<br />

US Directory of <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong>es, Mass Times, Pastors,<br />

Bulletins, Maps, Dioceses, Schools and Much More! Over<br />

20,000 listings including our <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Parish website. See what‟s<br />

going on here and around town and around the nation. Useful for<br />

your vacations.<br />

7<br />

As further celebration of the “Year of Prayer,” <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> is<br />

providing a Prayer of the Month for our parishioners to<br />

detach and pray together as a family on a daily basis.<br />


JANUARY, 2012<br />

Gracious God, God of our yesterdays, our today, and our<br />

tomorrows,<br />

We praise you for your unequaled greatness.<br />

Thank you for the year behind us and for the year ahead.<br />

Help us in your new year to fret less and laugh more.<br />

To teach our children to laugh by laughing with them.<br />

To teach others to love by loving them.<br />

Gracious God, you entered the world through your mother<br />

So that Love could be with us, and we could know You.<br />

So that we could share your love with others.<br />

Help us, dear God, to hear Your love song in every sunrise,<br />

in the chirping of sparrows in our backyards,<br />

in the stories of our elderly, and the fantasies of our children.<br />

Help us to stop and listen to Your love songs,<br />

so that we may know You better and better,<br />

and rejoice in the world You loved into being.<br />

Thank You, Lord, for another new year and for new chances<br />

every day.<br />

We pray for peace, for light, and for hope, that we might spread<br />

them to others.<br />

We accept Your gift of a new year and we rejoice in what's<br />

ahead, depending on You to help us do exactly what You want.<br />

I say it again, we rejoice! In Jesus name, Amen.<br />

January 8, 2012<br />

Mary Alice Butler, daughter of Thomas and Erin Butler.<br />

Benjamin Andrew Cotton, son of Marc and Elizabeth Cotton.<br />





Clayton Skaggs, DC<br />

Medical Director - Parishioner<br />

314-822-1001<br />

www.cihp.com<br />

January 15, 2012<br />

Please Support Those Who Advertise In Our <strong>Church</strong> Bulletin!


The volunteers at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> and Paul served 146 guests on Jan 3.<br />

The meal was provided by 15 cooks, 12 who provided side items<br />

and 18 who served and worked in the kitchen.<br />

Special thanks to our sub cooks this month, Terri Lynch, Mary<br />

Charles and Mary Carol Schilli. We needed every bit of food we<br />

had to serve the large crowd who showed up. Thanks also to the<br />

8 th grade confirmation candidates who helped serve and to their<br />

chaperones, Susan Masi and Shona Scott. You were all a big<br />

help!<br />

We will continue to collect new and gently used blankets for the<br />

homeless men‟s shelter at <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> and Paul. If you have some to<br />

donate, please drop them off at 311 Weston Oaks Court and we<br />

will take them with us next month. For further information on<br />

this ministry, contact Mary Raizman at mraizman@charter.net or<br />

at 394-1715.<br />

Second Set of Parenting Classes<br />

BEGINS January 17th<br />

Register NOW!<br />

Christian Parenthood: The Challenge<br />

“Practical Applications”<br />

Prerequisite: “Foundations of Parenting”<br />

Tuesday Evenings<br />

Jan. 17, 24, 31, Feb. 7, 21, 28<br />

7:00 pm – 8:30 pm<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Parish, Ursuline Hall<br />

More info or register: Contact Margaret Bommarito<br />

mgbommarito@sbcglobal.net or 314.966.2160<br />

Fee: $80.00<br />

Topics include: Mutual Respect, Leadership,<br />

Resolving Conflicts, Responsibility, Firmness<br />


Real help for the challenges of parenting!<br />

“I loved this class! Our family life has changed in so many<br />

positive ways.”<br />

Christian Parenthood: The Challenge<br />

“Foundations of Parenting”<br />

Wednesday Evenings<br />

7:00 – 8:30PM<br />

Feb. 8, 15, 22, 29, March 14, 21<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Parish, Ursuline Hall<br />


More Info or Register: Contact Margaret Bommarito<br />

mgbommarito@sbcglobal.net 314.966.2160<br />

Fee: 80.00 (both parents may attend) Book: 15.00<br />

Topics include: Improving Relationships, Avoiding Power<br />

<strong>St</strong>ruggles, Maintaining Dignity & Respect, Understanding<br />

Each Child and Their Behavior, Redirecting Mistaken Goals<br />

of Behavior, The Power of Parental Prayer, Encouragement,<br />

and the Use of Natural and Logical Consequences.<br />

8<br />

January 15, 2012<br />




Winter…the holidays are over, it's cold outside and spring<br />

training is only a dream. What to do for entertainment? We've<br />

got just the thing!<br />

The <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Beyond Housing ministry is sponsoring three<br />

special evenings with our parish priests and you are invited:<br />

An evening with Fr. Mike on Saturday, January 21, 6:30PM<br />

co-hosted by Cathy & Mike Hausel and Peg & Jim Langford<br />

at the Hausel home.<br />

An evening with Fr. Jack on Saturday, February 18,<br />

6:30PM at the home of Sally & <strong>St</strong>eve Reynolds.<br />

An evening with Fr. Greg on Saturday, February 25,<br />

6:30PM at the home of Kay & Mike Hagan.<br />

All three evenings include fine food, wine and other beverages at<br />

a cost of $50 per person. All proceeds will go to further the work<br />

of the <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Beyond Housing ministry.<br />

These events are limited to a small number of guests, so don't<br />

wait - reserve your place now. (Last year‟s dinners sold out<br />

quickly.) Call Sally Reynolds at 314-966-5766 or e-mail<br />

salome.reynolds@gmail.com. Make checks payable to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong><br />

Beyond Housing Ministry.<br />

We hope to see you there!<br />

Prayer List: Please pray for the following parishioners<br />

who are in need of God‟s healing presence: Mary Bauer,<br />

Mary Fuegner, Colleen Barrett, Mary Brueggeman, Jim Felling,<br />

Dorothy Friedrich, Olga Marden, Cornelia Schindler, Scott<br />

Goddard, <strong>St</strong>ephanie Baer, Darrell LaChance, Christopher Day,<br />

Addie Neal, Jesse Kinslow, Peg Brady, Sally Chenot, Mary Dykstra,<br />

Denise O‟Rourke, Julie Simpson, Cameron Elias, Dana Kras, Jane<br />

Dubois, Maggie Brennan, Jessica Colter, Patrick McNamara, Bill<br />

Walborn, Virginia Saputo, Donna Friskel, Crissy Carroll, Glenn<br />

Shepperd, Mark Weidenbenner, Michael H. Kopp, David Benson,<br />

Jeanne McCamish, Dorothy Meehan, Allen Chott, Beverly Shortal,<br />

Gloria Tillman, Robert and Dorothy Helfrich, Jeffrie Simpson and<br />

Francis Simpson.<br />

Please pray for the safety and well being of<br />

the following loved ones of our parishioners<br />

who have been called to military service:<br />

Charles E. Williams II, US Army Warrant<br />

Officer, Cpl. John R. Weber, III, USMC,<br />

Major Matthew Kelly, Michael C. Wood, Army, Airman Joseph<br />

Sidlo,M/Sgt Don Haga, A/C Christine Haga, 1 st Lt. Colin Moran,<br />

Army, Sgt. Erik Thompson, Warrant Officer Alicia G. Mejia-<br />

Adkins, Sgt. 1 st Class Michael Adkins, U.S. Army Capt. Nicholas<br />

Jablonski, USMC, Sgt. Mark Nitz, USMC, USAF, Pfc. David<br />

Schmiedeskamp, Pvt. David Michael Johnston, Capt. Mark Jackson,<br />

IV, LCPL <strong>Peter</strong> Lucier and 2nd Lieut. Jeremy Reynolds, U.S. Army.

January 15, 2012<br />


This week, the initial episode of “<strong>Catholic</strong>ism”, a ten-part documentary film series that has been airing on PBS<br />

stations, will be presented as follows:<br />

a screening and study group on Mondays at 7:00PM in the Parish Library.<br />

a screening on Tuesday at 4:45PM in the school cafeteria.<br />

a screening and study group on Wednesday mornings at 9:00AM (beginning February 8).<br />

a screening on Thursday evenings at 7:00PM in the Deutschmann Room at Ursuline Hall.<br />

We encourage you to attend one of our screenings. The series is not only a treat for the eyes and ears, but a<br />

wonderful opportunity to deepen your understanding and appreciation of our faith. Please note that you do not<br />

have to view all of the episodes, or view them in order, to get a great benefit from the series!<br />


<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> is proud to host a Parish Lenten Retreat<br />

March 4th - 7th. Mark your calendars and join us in church<br />

from 7:00-8:30pm each evening for a spiritual talk given by<br />

guest speakers followed by a Q&A session. Babysitting<br />

will be provided nightly. Contact Ursuline Hall, 822-1327<br />

with questions. See more information below.<br />

Topic:<br />

Renewal of Mind and Heart – Scriptural Spirituality Today<br />

Time:<br />

7:00 – 8:30PM<br />

Place:<br />

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> <strong>Catholic</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

Presenters:<br />

Fr. Mike Champlin (a Dominican Priest)<br />

Sr. Joan Bukrey (a Franciscan Sister)<br />

Fr. Nick Punch (a Dominican Priest)<br />

Process:<br />

Each evening talk will be given by one or two members of the<br />

Presentation Team followed by questions and answers.<br />

Parish functions/activities:<br />

All parish functions/activities will be suspended for the week<br />

of the Retreat.<br />

Babysitting:<br />

There will be babysitting available for young children.<br />

Saturday/Sunday Liturgies (March 3/4):<br />

Members of the Retreat Team will present the homilies.<br />


MARCH 4TH.<br />


Rely on <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Quilters. We do patchwork<br />

and embroidered tops. If necessary, we can<br />

assemble embroidered blocks into beautiful quilt<br />

tops. Also, baby quilts for sale.<br />

For more information, call Theresa at 314-821-8433.<br />

9<br />


The <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong>fest planning committee is gathering the first<br />

Thursday of each month to plan this year's great festival. We<br />

welcome participation and are looking for new members to help<br />

us. Please join us February 2nd at 7:00pm in Ursuline Hall. This<br />

is a great way to meet new people and get involved. If you have<br />

questions call Jennifer Jonagan 909-8437 or email<br />

chuckhaus@sbcglobal.net.<br />


Monday & Wednesday 2:45-3:00PM<br />

Tuesday 5:45-6:45PM<br />

Thursday 8:00-9:30AM<br />

Sunday 10:00-11:00AM<br />

Remember to use Earn and Learn cards for school supplies! We<br />

carry Walmart, Target, and Walgreens cards. There will be a<br />

limited supply of Office Depot and Office Max cards. Sports<br />

needs? We have Sports Authority and can order Dick‟s Sporting<br />

Goods cards as well.<br />


Sr. Mary Jacqueline Pratt, OSU can be reached at 314-686-1781<br />

or mj.pratt@att.net.<br />


“They prostrated themselves and did him homage. Then they<br />

opened their treasures and offered Him gifts of gold,<br />

frankincense, and myrrh...”<br />

Matthew 2:11<br />

Notice the distinct order of events in the Magi‟s visit. First they<br />

knelt before Jesus and prayed to Him. Then they presented Him<br />

with their gifts. We, too, must take time to pray before we<br />

presume to present our gifts to the Lord. We never know what<br />

gifts God might be asking us to share. But when we kneel before<br />

Him in prayer we will find the answer.<br />

Offertory for January 8, 2012<br />

Total Parishioners Receiving Envelopes 1,923<br />

384 Envelopes Returned $24,645.<br />

Loose Donations $ 1,716.

<strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> PTO<br />

Cordially invites you<br />

to the<br />

Annual <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> Bash & Auction Prom Night<br />

Saturday, January 21, 2012<br />

Doors open at 6 p.m.<br />

First Auction will close at 7:30 p.m.<br />

$50 per person includes food, beer and wine.<br />

RSVP by January 15th, 2012<br />

All proceeds to support a<br />

NEW Computer Lab for the <strong>St</strong>udents!<br />

Dust off your prom dress if you so desire and get in touch with your inner-80's!<br />

Support the Technology Fundraiser this year with a night of food, drinks,<br />

auction items and dancing.<br />

Make Check payable to <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong> PTO and mail to:<br />

Julie Golomski<br />

1004 Twin Pine Drive<br />

<strong>St</strong>. Louis, MO 63131<br />

If able to donate an auction item, please contact Julie Golomski<br />

at 314-698-2531 or jagolomski@yahoo.com<br />

January 15, 2012<br />



The <strong>St</strong>. Louis Review is the official newspaper of the<br />

Archdiocese of <strong>St</strong>. Louis. For $23.00 a year, your weekly copy of<br />

the Review will keep you in touch with the <strong>Church</strong> in <strong>St</strong>. Louis,<br />

across the nation and around the world.<br />

Please use the subscription renewal envelope in your envelope<br />

packet (or write your check for $23.00 to the parish - mark it<br />

„Review‟ - include your name and mailing address) and return it<br />

in the Sunday collection.<br />



Our traditional VBS programs are for 3 year olds (by 1/1/2012) -<br />

current 2nd graders.<br />

Our Youth Retreat Program is for current 3rd, 4th and 5th<br />

graders.<br />

Current 6th - 12th graders can serve as youth volunteers.<br />

As always we need lots of adult volunteers to make VBS a<br />

success!<br />

Lots more info to come! Contact jamieneusel@yahoo.com with<br />

questions.<br />

10<br />


“If you can‟t feed a hundred people, then feed just one.”<br />

Mother Teresa<br />

Monday, JANUARY 16th will be <strong>St</strong>. <strong>Peter</strong>'s first delivery of<br />

food donations to Fr. Gary's parish pantry in 2012. We are a<br />

community of givers, when asked to feed the poor, we have and<br />

WE WILL.<br />

Please look for the list of suggested food items for donation and<br />

delivery dates for 2012 in the Gathering Area by the bulletin<br />

board.<br />

Thank You for caring for others.<br />


Candy and John Behl, 319 East Adams, Kirkwood (block and a<br />

half east of the YMCA). Please donate cans that are no larger<br />

than 30 ounces, anything larger is difficult to carry for all of us.<br />

Please remember the deceased and their loved ones in your<br />

prayers:<br />

Mary Catherine Townsend, daughter of John &<br />

Meredith Townsend, sister of Tate, Reed & Parker.<br />

Cecelia Ketcherside, mother of Eileen Embree and<br />

Dan Ketcherside.

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