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Original Article<br />

Conceptualizing holism in international<br />

interdisciplinary critical perspective:<br />

Toward a framework for understanding<br />

holistic health<br />

Farah M. Shroff<br />

Department of Family Practice, <strong>University</strong> of British Columbia, Vancouver BC, Canada.<br />

E-mail: fmcshroff@gmail.com<br />

Abstract The concept of holism is defined in disparate ways. This article offers<br />

foundational understandings of this term from various parts of the world, illustrating the<br />

virtually universal, historical, as well as contemporary nature of ideas such as interconnectedness,<br />

unity and oneness. Throughout human history, holistic worldviews were<br />

dominant until the past 400 years or so. At present, a revival of holistic thought-forms is<br />

taking place in many parts of the world. The purpose of this article is to sketch the<br />

landscape of holistic philosophical foundations, discuss systems science in this context<br />

and apply these underpinnings to holistic health in the hope that it will increase our<br />

understanding of both the conceptual foundations of holism, as well as its applications<br />

to health promotion, disease prevention, treatment of ill health and palliation. The<br />

article will conclude with the recommendation that holistic health-care practitioners<br />

take social inequities into account, so that this integrative health-care can become a<br />

means for individuals to take action for wellness, as well as a means to create structural<br />

changes toward equitable resource distribution.<br />

Social Theory & Health (2011) 9, 244–255. doi:10.1057/sth.2011.6;<br />

published online 8 June 2011<br />

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Keywords: holism; mind-body; interconnection; systems science; interdisciplinary;<br />

international<br />

Introduction: Principles of Holism<br />

The words health and holistic are semantically related. They both stem from the<br />

same root word: the Anglo-Saxon words whole, hale and holy (Pretorius, 2009).<br />

Despite the linguistic connection, the word holistic is used in incongruent<br />

ways and has become an umbrella term that is used to encompass anything<br />

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Conceptualizing holism in international interdisciplinary critical perspective<br />

that is non-reductionist or dualist. Holism is sometimes spelled as wholism, to<br />

accentuate the semantic connections of this word to the word ‘whole’. In this<br />

article, the concept holistic health-care will be used interchangeably with<br />

alternative or complimentary medicine and will be defined as approaches to<br />

well-being and treatment of illness that focus on mind and body. In addition to,<br />

the term holistic health-care is used in this article to encompass both self-care<br />

and practitioner-based care. Holistic self-care encompasses practices such as<br />

yoga, meditation, Tai Chi and Chi Gung. Holistic care provided by professionals<br />

encompasses traditional Chinese medicine, ayurveda, homeopathy, botanical<br />

medicine, therapeutic massage and others.<br />

Holistic schools of thought vary from region to region, and throughout time, but<br />

have more similarities than differences. A number of principles unite them.<br />

One principle they have in common is that entities and systems in the universe,<br />

including humans, are considered part of a unified whole, which cannot be<br />

understood by the isolated examination of its separate parts (Dusek, 2006).<br />

These parts are actively interrelated. Similarly, matter is interlinked, interconnected<br />

and dynamic; it is constantly changing and it is this transformation that<br />

denotes time.<br />

Holistic worldviews do not focus exclusively on the body or organism, but on<br />

the larger world – the universe – and are often associated with spiritual or<br />

religious thought-forms. At the heart of holism, there is an awareness of the<br />

unity and mutual interrelation of all things and events. All things are seen as<br />

interdependent and inseparable. This ultimate, indivisible reality is called<br />

Brahman in Hinduism, Dharmakaya in Buddhism and Tao in Taoism. As it<br />

transcends all concepts and categories, Buddhists also call it Tathata-Suchness<br />

(Deshmukh, 2006), That Which Is, or Is-ness, the sum of all forms.<br />

In Hinduism, we find a similar emphasis: ‘a fundamental Hindu principle<br />

is one of Unity of all created things. Behind diversity, there is unity. Behind<br />

individual souls, there is the Self, one with the Divine. Not only human life but<br />

all created life including animal life is a unity. We spring from one source.<br />

Differences and divisions are unreal. The belief that we originate from one<br />

common source has ethical implications: it leads to a kinder and a gentler<br />

world’ (Goel, 2006). One of the Hindu texts, the Isa-Upanisad states: ‘[b]ut<br />

he (sic) who beholds all beings in his (sic) own Self, and his (sic) own Self in all<br />

beings, does no longer hate (vijugupsate)’ (stanza 6).<br />

These views are also echoed in other traditions. According to African holistic<br />

views, for example, the cosmos is one, a spiritual totality. Spirit is not separate<br />

from matter, as everything is connected (Asante and Mazama, 2009). In African<br />

holistic thought, all things are considered to be related through one divine force<br />

(Asante and Mazama, 2009). They are alive, giving and receiving energy, with<br />

all life and matter created for a specific purpose.<br />

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First Nations philosophies are similar. First Nations peoples see themselves as<br />

part of a Sacred Hoop or Circle of Life, not having control over it; they are<br />

careful to maintain a balance with life (Hunter et al, 2006). Just as we impact<br />

the broad cultural climate in which we live, our physical, emotional and psychological<br />

health is influenced by that very climate. Social harmony thus influences<br />

individual well-being in many First Nations cosmo-visions. First Nations<br />

healers advise people to see everyone as a family member or friend thus<br />

encouraging social integration (Musqueum Elder Shane Pointe, 5 November 2006,<br />

personal communications). The Medicine Wheel, representing harmony and<br />

connectivity, takes this concept further. It represents all of creation: all planets,<br />

stars, peoples, animals and plants. It is the basis of community health with the<br />

circle symbolizing the cycles of the seasons and of life, and wholeness and perfection.<br />

First Nations peoples’ healing circles, sweat lodge ceremonies and other<br />

healing rituals are generally performed in a circle. The circle emphasizes togetherness<br />

and community unity, without which the individual cannot be well.<br />

Systems science<br />

These ancient principles are also present in some fields within contemporary<br />

science. Francisco Varela, for example, observes that Buddhist ideas are prevalent<br />

throughout our Western culture – in physics and biology, for example,<br />

the basic ideas are Buddhism in disguise (Lee, 2006). During the past few<br />

decades, scientists from various disciplines, such as Ilya Prigogine, Erich<br />

Jantsch, Gregory Bateson, Humberto Maturana and Manfred Eigen, have developed<br />

emerging systems views of the world and made the study of living systems,<br />

organisms, social systems and ecosystems their focus.<br />

The systems view focuses on integration and relationships and sees systems<br />

as integrated wholes whose properties cannot be reduced to its smaller units.<br />

Every organism, from the smallest bacterium to plants, animals and humans, is<br />

integrated and considered as living systems. Families and communities are also<br />

considered as systems. Gregory Bateson (1972), for example, was interested in<br />

studying patterns, which connect crabs to lobsters, orchids to humans and in<br />

seeing the interrelatedness of life forms. For hundreds of years, much of<br />

Western science concentrated on isolating the world’s basic building blocks.<br />

Now that this has been achieved to some extent, the systems approach emphasizes<br />

principles of organization (Kineman and Kumar, 2007) creating a more<br />

ample understanding of matter, from macro- and micro-perspectives. Systemic<br />

properties are lost when a system is dissected, either physically or theoretically,<br />

into isolated elements. Although it is possible to discern individual parts in<br />

any system, the nature of the whole is different from the mere sum of its<br />

parts (Kineman and Kumar, 2007). This understanding ties in very well with<br />

principles of holism and holistic health.<br />

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Conceptualizing holism in international interdisciplinary critical perspective<br />

The New Physics<br />

Connected to systems science, some physicists also make connections between<br />

their work and holistic thought-forms. Notable physicists such as David Bohm<br />

and Fritjof Capra emphasize the similarities between their theories of the indistinguishability<br />

of field and force and mind and matter, with the spiritual traditions<br />

of Buddhism, Confucianism, Hinduism and Taoism. Over the past 2000<br />

years or more, Buddhists have developed sophisticated philosophical, phenomenological<br />

and epistemological ideas, and they have found a very practical<br />

way to apply them (Lopez, 2008). Some Western scientists, such as those who<br />

study the mind, have been profoundly influenced by Buddhist thought and<br />

have worked to establish empirical correlations between Buddhist practice and<br />

scientific work (Lopez, 2008; Weaver et al, 2008). Western tradition has avoided<br />

the idea of a selfless self, of a virtual self. This egolessness, or selflessness, is at<br />

the very core of Buddhism.<br />

Capra (2002) also extends the framework of systems and complexity theory to<br />

the social domain, akin to the foundational principles of holism. He uses this extended<br />

framework to discuss some of the critical issues of our time – the management<br />

of human organizations, the challenges and dangers of economic globalization,<br />

the scientific and ethical problems of biotechnology, and the establishment of ecologically<br />

sustainable communities and technologies (Capra, 2002).<br />

Bohm conceptualizes an implicate order to the universe composed of frequencies<br />

beyond time and space that has been hidden from people. His paradigm is<br />

a form of ontological holism. In this conception of order, primacy is given to the<br />

undivided whole, and the implicate order inherent within the whole, rather than<br />

to parts of the whole (Healey, 2009).<br />

These scientists emphasize in their work the same notions as holism; the<br />

whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The natural world interacts synergistically.<br />

It is thus not possible to fully understand systems by knowing the<br />

properties of their individual components – although it is useful to study individual<br />

components. Indeed, as stated by Capra,‘the basic oneness of the universe<br />

is not only the central characteristic of the mystical experience but it is also<br />

one of the most important revelations of modern physics. It becomes apparent<br />

at the atomic level and manifests itself more and more as one penetrates deeper<br />

into matter, down into the realm of subatomic particles’ (Gaan, 2005, p. 324).<br />

The observer of a scientific experiment, according to quantum theory, can<br />

change the outcome of an experiment, simply by observing, for the observer<br />

puts energy into the system and this energy has an impact on that, which is<br />

being observed. Just as Buddhist and Hindu philosophy stress, the observer<br />

and observed are seen as connected, as are mind and matter, field and force.<br />

As Gary Zukav explains, quantum theory sees everything in the universe as<br />

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related and interrelated at the most subatomic level, making it impossible to<br />

observe reality without altering it (Edmison, 2004).<br />

The new physics thus emphasizes the interrelational, indeterminate and<br />

probabilistic qualities of matter and energy, and challenges components of the<br />

scientific method related to Newtonian mechanics, such as determinism and<br />

linear causality.<br />

New science and holistic health<br />

Some physicians are moving beyond these ‘old’ scientific paradigms, however,<br />

in conceptualizing health issues (McQuaide, 2005). Although there are literally<br />

thousands of allopathic physicians whose work incorporates ideas of holistic<br />

health, Deepak Chopra, MD, and Andrew Weil, MD, have gained great popularity.<br />

Their work has successfully bridged a gap between reductionism and<br />

holism and, drawing from quantum mechanics theory, has conceptualized the<br />

differences between a reductionist and quantum or holistic paradigm for health.<br />

These allopathic physicians with holistic inclinations predict that sooner or<br />

later, allopathic medical science will catch up with the theoretical revolution in<br />

physics – as the interdependence of mind and matter is now firmly established<br />

in the model of reality used by contemporary physicists; these physicians assert<br />

that medical researchers ought to seriously take up the research challenge of<br />

analyzing how the mind and body interact.<br />

A relatively new branch of scientific inquiry, psychoneuroimmunology, has<br />

taken up this challenge. It integrates some of the ideas from quantum mechanics,<br />

psychology, neurology and endocrinology. Psychoneuroimmunologists primarily<br />

theorize the mind/body connection through studying the brain and hormones.<br />

Hormones, particularly those from the brain, are seen as the link between the<br />

mind and body. Candace Pert made headlines with her 1970’s research on<br />

neuropeptides as the ‘molecules of emotion’ and was also featured in the film<br />

What The Bleep Do We Know (2004) (Bruce, 2005). Pert’s research was posited<br />

on the presumption that neuropeptides are the molecular messengers that affect<br />

the metabolism of the cell and link the nervous, immune and endocrine systems<br />

(Pert and Marriott, 2007). Pert’s contributions have given birth to a large number<br />

of such studies within the reductionist scientific community.<br />

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Holistic health<br />

The aforementioned concepts of systems science and holism find concrete application<br />

in systems of holistic health promotion, disease prevention, treatment<br />

of illness and/or palliative care such as yoga, ayurvedic medicine, Chi Gung,<br />

Tai Chi, Traditional Chinese Medicine and African and Indigenous systems of<br />

health-care. What connects the diversity of these holistic traditions is that<br />

without exception, they take into account mind, body, the environment and the<br />

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Conceptualizing holism in international interdisciplinary critical perspective<br />

interconnection between them. They recognize the interrelationship between<br />

human health and the social and physical environment. Holistic health theory is<br />

posited on the notion that life force (or prana (in Sanskrit), chi (in Chinese),<br />

mana (in Hawaiian) connects all life in the universe, and that this energy is<br />

responsible for the life of all beings. Prana is that which gives us life, or the<br />

vehicle of life, the cosmic breath, the rhythmic oscillation effective on all levels<br />

of conditioned existence. Restoring and keeping this life force flowing is one<br />

way of keeping people healthy.<br />

We may typify holistic health with various characteristics such as the notion<br />

that health is a positive state, not merely the absence of disease, and that health is<br />

tied closely to familial, social and cultural environments. Holistic health-care is<br />

also characterized by the belief that successful healing transforms the practitioner,<br />

as well as the client and that healing includes a spiritual component in the etiology<br />

and treatment of illness. Holistic health-care understands malfunctions (illness) in<br />

the context of the social, cultural and spiritual environment. Treatment of both<br />

body and mind are considered integral (Barnes et al, 2004).<br />

Tibetan medicine is similar. Religious rituals such as prayer are central for<br />

both the practitioner and patient. Because of the sacred nature of healing,<br />

Tibetan doctors of yore did not charge for their service (Dunkenberger, 2009).<br />

Such religious, spiritual and social aims of healing are combined in many<br />

systems of holistic health.<br />

The body is understood in a unified manner within holistic health perspectives.<br />

Injury to one part of the body may thus damage another, seemingly unrelated,<br />

part. Kidney malfunctioning, for example, may result from a damaged heart.<br />

If one part of the kidney is injured, another part may take over its functions.<br />

Holistic principles maintain that the body has an innate capacity to heal itself,<br />

and the role of the physician is to first do no harm and second to assist the body<br />

in its natural tendency toward balance. Andie Knutson (1961) declares:<br />

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Many of the ills of modern society stem from attempts to deal with men<br />

(sic) segmentally rather than with men (sic) as a unit. Specialization,<br />

which seems to be an inevitable outgrowth of scientific advance, results in<br />

institutions competing with one another for various segments of a man<br />

(sic) who is seeking to maintain his integrity as a total being. How far<br />

removed we are from the medicine man (sic)! He has strengths that have<br />

not been duplicated in our modern society. (p. 1702)<br />

Despite the fact that Knutson was writing approximately 50 years ago, the<br />

segmentation, atomization and specialization of modern society continue to exist.<br />

More than 2300 years ago, the Greek philosopher Hippocrates emphasized<br />

that doctors should consider the whole human being in order to treat and<br />

diagnose. Included in the Hippocratic Oath is an allegiance to Hygeia, the<br />

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Goddess of Good Health, who is synonymous with hygiene, disease prevention<br />

and therapeutic medicine (Capra, 2002). The Hippocratic Doctrine, which ostensibly<br />

underlies the basis for current allopathic medicine, stresses that: ‘the wellbeing<br />

of men (sic) is influenced by all environmental factorsythe quality of air,<br />

water and food, the winds and topography of the land’ (Maurer and Smith,<br />

2005, p. 597). 1 Although allopathic medicine has not generally been shaped<br />

by this complex view of health and disease, holistic concepts exist within<br />

allopathic theoretical frameworks. But theory is often not put into practice. This<br />

is, of course, true of all systems of medicine. However, allopathic doctors are<br />

increasingly using alternative medicine in their practices, and some allopathic<br />

doctors hire alternative practitioners to work in their offices. Increasingly,<br />

nurses, midwives and other health-care practitioners also incorporate holistic<br />

practices into their clinics.<br />

Holistic health-care: A growing trend<br />

Although allopathic medicine is useful for the treatment of acute and emergency<br />

care needs, holistic health-care appears to be more promising for chronic conditions<br />

and mental health-care, which constitute a majority of health problems,<br />

since chronic diseases are a leading cause of death and disability around the<br />

world. The interest in holistic care in North America is growing among health<br />

professionals and the general public. In the United States, for example, spending<br />

on alternative medicine has increased from 14 billion in the early 1990s to 21<br />

billion in 1997 (McQuaide, 2005). Moreover, 36 per cent of adults are using<br />

some form of holistic and alternative medicine (Barnes et al, 2004). If megavitamin<br />

therapy and prayer specifically for health reasons are included as well,<br />

that number rises to 62 per cent (Barnes et al, 2004). In Canada, that number is<br />

similar with one study finding that 73 per cent of Canadians have used some<br />

form of holistic health-care in their lifetime (Esmail, 2007). While studies measure<br />

different definitions of holistic health and varying time periods, Canadians<br />

are increasingly using holistic health-care.<br />

The popularity of holistic health-care is in part because of the increasing<br />

dissent with the present system of medical care delivery. Some people, particularly<br />

women, prefer holistic practitioners partly because of practitioner<br />

friendliness and interpersonal sensitivity (Kelner and Wellman, 1997; Barnes<br />

et al, 2004). Fewer side effects, the perceived lack of harm from holistic healthcare<br />

and the possibility of improved health are other reasons why Canadians are<br />

turning to holistic health-care practices (Quan et al, 2008).<br />

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Holistic health-care critically examined<br />

It is precisely because of their growth and interest that holistic models also need<br />

to be considered critically. Most systems of holistic health are overly concerned<br />

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Conceptualizing holism in international interdisciplinary critical perspective<br />

with the individual and her/his mind, body and spirit, but rarely examine the<br />

health connections to the larger social world (Shroff, 2000). This is probably<br />

the most astute criticism of holistic health-care. Most systems of health-care,<br />

including holistic ones, do not include social health as a major component. This<br />

lack of attention to public health-care is a serious gap in holistic health-care<br />

practices. Furthermore, within many systems of holistic medicine, patriarchal<br />

and classist overtones are apparent. In ayurveda, for example, some interpretations<br />

of tridosha theory (which notes different body/mind types among<br />

people) have likened vata (the air/ether type) to the Brahmin caste and portrayed<br />

vata people as noble, whereas kapha (the earth/water type) is portrayed as<br />

docile and slow, as the ‘ideal’ Indian woman ought to be. In Chinese medicine,<br />

yin traditionally means the shady side of a mountain, but is also related with<br />

femaleness; under a patriarchal lens, yin and women are considered sinful. For<br />

Taoists, there is no such thing as absolute moral judgments, with neither Ying<br />

nor Yang representing good or bad (Brodd, 2009). Although this reasoned view<br />

(which states that neither yin nor yang is good or bad) is probably the original<br />

medical understanding, oppressive structures have affected modes of thinking.<br />

Most likely, the original writings were not corrupted by hierarchical social<br />

structures, but have over time, given that medicine and politics are intricately<br />

intertwined, been politicized. Upper class, patriarchal and heterosexist interpretations<br />

of holistic health concepts flourish in the literature (Lu, 2005; Lad,<br />

2006; Liao, 2006; Lad and Durve, 2008; Gyatso and Hakim, 2010).<br />

Furthermore, holism has been embraced by several groups, including those<br />

who serve non-holistic ends. Among them are ‘new age’ entrepreneurs who are<br />

profiting from the commodification of holistic health, including shamanic healing,<br />

hypnosis, trance work and so forth. Practitioners, who claim to be holistic, may<br />

excuse sexist, heterosexist, classist and racist behavior in the social organization<br />

of their work, on the grounds that the culture from which it comes is based on<br />

oppressive notions. This kind of appropriation and misrepresentation of holism is<br />

dangerous, as are the claims made by practitioners masquerading as holistic<br />

healers, stating that they can miraculously cure diseases in order to lure vulnerable<br />

and ill people into paying large sums of money for unproved therapies.<br />

Some aspects of these therapies are problematic when they fail to take<br />

into account power differences and their grafted relationship with race, class,<br />

gender, sexual orientation, ability, age and so forth. Some, such as Louise Hay,<br />

go as far as to suggests that people are 100 per cent responsible for creating their<br />

experiences (Dua, 2006). This completely negates the existence of hierarchies<br />

such as imperialism, racism, patriarchy, heterosexual dominance and so forth.<br />

Although it is pleasant to entertain the thought that individuals who create<br />

peace and harmony in their lives will have no (health) problems, it defies the<br />

experiences of many of us. There is always the danger of simplifying health and<br />

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healing to a point where power relations are not taken into account. Unfortunately,<br />

this simplistic type of analysis pervades the New Age Movement’s rhetoric, which<br />

results in various forms of ‘victim blaming’ (Crawford, 2006).<br />

Although it is true that the New Age Movement emphasizes fitness, wellness,<br />

prevention and risk reduction, whereas downplaying the vast and ambiguous<br />

external forces that influence health, we must be cautious not to confuse New<br />

Age entrepreneurs with holistic health practitioners. The critique that holistic<br />

health provides an individualistic solution to problems of health by changing<br />

the individual rather than the social causes of illness rings true. Plus, the victimblaming<br />

ideology promoted by some holistic health-care providers shifts the<br />

burden of blame to the individual rather than the social context (Crawford,<br />

2006). Yet this critique applies to allopathic medicine as well. Allopathic<br />

medicine does not encompass a social and political view of the determinants<br />

of health either. In itself, it is not a solid enough argument to dismiss holism.<br />

It is, combined with the above arguments of appropriation and class privilege,<br />

a solid basis for dismissing the New Age Movement as opportunistic, however.<br />

In closing<br />

The concept of holism is international and ancient. Crossing countries and<br />

historical periods, holistic thought and health practices based on these thought<br />

forms flourished for centuries and declined over the past 400 years, in part<br />

because of the growth in reductionist thinking and its off-shoot, allopathic medicine.<br />

At present, there is a global re-emergence of holistic thinking and holistic<br />

practices. This article analyzed the historical, as well as contemporary basis of<br />

holism as interconnectedness, unity and oneness, and its application to holistic<br />

health-care.<br />

Neither the allopathic nor the holistic model of care attend to social inequities,<br />

yet holistic practices generally take into account the many facets of the<br />

individual – emotional, social, mental and spiritual. It is partly for this reason<br />

that holistic care is popular. However, holistic health-care can be improved, and<br />

serve the needs of more people if race, class and gender analyses were taken<br />

into account. The health of the individual is clearly linked to her or his income,<br />

employment, security and social status. Deepening our understanding of the<br />

impact of social inequities on an individual’s health will contribute to more<br />

efficient and just (holistic) health-care systems. Major institutions are currently<br />

studying alternative medicines, including herbal remedies, bodywork, meditation,<br />

dietary changes and more. Various studies, including some randomized<br />

clinical trials, are available on almost every type of alternative healing practice,<br />

and they typically show good results (Jonas et al, 2006; Carlson et al, 2007;<br />

Garner et al, 2007; John et al, 2007; Maa et al, 2007; Sareen et al, 2007; Wang<br />

et al, 2007). Working together, there is great potential for holistic health-care<br />

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Conceptualizing holism in international interdisciplinary critical perspective<br />

and allopathic medicine to improve population health. Given that the basis of<br />

holistic philosophy is unity and oneness, a health-care system that incorporates<br />

the most effective aspects of various systems of medicine would have powerful<br />

potential to improve population health on many levels. If practitioners were to<br />

also take social inequities into account, this integrative health-care could truly<br />

become a means for individuals to take action for wellness, as well as a means<br />

to create structural changes toward equitable resource distribution. I have<br />

written elsewhere (Shroff, 1996) about a health-care system that incorporates<br />

public health approaches and integrates best practices from multiparadigmatic<br />

medical systems.<br />

This article also reviewed the interdisciplinary nature of the concept of<br />

holism, illustrating the philosophical and scholarly unity in the notions of unity<br />

and oneness, interconnection, inseparability of mind and body. Modern physics,<br />

particularly quantum mechanics, is at the forefront of the scientific frontier<br />

that has arrived at the same conclusions as philosophical ideas from Hinduism,<br />

Buddhism, Indigenous, African and other cosmologies. Systems science, an<br />

interdisciplinary enterprise, is also part of this movement away from a reliance<br />

on reductionist thinking.<br />

Although holistic thought-forms are ancient, they have modern applications.<br />

One of the most significant applications are holistic health practices that are<br />

re-emerging the world over. This article has explored the underlying context of<br />

this resurgence.<br />

About the Author<br />

Farah M. Shroff, PhD, is a public health researcher, educator and activist. She<br />

teaches at the <strong>University</strong> of British Columbia’s Medical School. She has a<br />

keen interest in Health for All and divides her research program into: a) social<br />

justice issues related to health and b) holistic health: mind/body approaches<br />

to health. She has written about Ayurveda, yoga, naturopathy, midwifery,<br />

nursing, health advocacy, HIV/AIDS and more.<br />

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Note<br />

1 Marti Kheel (1989) warns that Hippocrates’ contributions are often idealized as holistic. She<br />

argues that Hippocratic ideas marked the beginnings of a dualistic mentality that separated<br />

mind and body, human being and nature. She notes that in Hippocratic medicine, the patient’s<br />

symptoms were aggravated to the point of a healing crisis. Purgings, bleedings, induced<br />

vomitings and other ‘heroic’ feats were used in this task. ‘The notion of “aiding” nature had<br />

already led to the practice (by male physicians) of giving her a “helpful” shove. Meanwhile,<br />

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Shroff<br />

witches and faith healers were branded by Hippocrates as charlatans and quacks’ (p.101).<br />

Kheel thus links the demise of holistic healing to some of the principles espoused by<br />

Hippocrates. She also links patriarchal domination to the destruction of holistic healing, which<br />

was practised primarily by women. She asserts that the Greeks were the beginnings, in the<br />

‘Western’ world, of wararchy: cultures based on war-worship, which moved away from the<br />

Goddess-worshipping cultures of the pre-patriarchal world. This mentality is perpetuated by<br />

metaphors such as the ‘war’ against disease.<br />

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