Camilty Wind Farm - Partnerships for Renewables

Camilty Wind Farm - Partnerships for Renewables Camilty Wind Farm - Partnerships for Renewables


Camilty Wind Farm Topic Key Mitigation and Enhancement Measures Where practicable, reinstatement of habitats will be undertaken around infrastructure. This will be carried out as the work front progresses, or as soon as is practical after the completion of the works. The methods of this will be detailed within the HSEMS. Operation Mitigation The vehicle speed restrictions stipulated above should also be implemented during the operation of the proposed wind farm. Vehicles coming on site will be regularly checked for oil leaks to avoid risk of pollution. Spillage kits will be available on the site. Best practice methodologies (outlined in the HSEMS) will be employed during any maintenance works to ensure the prevention of any pollution to habitats or watercourses, along with implementation of the site pollution incident response plan and drainage management plan. A method statement for responding to bat corpses will be included in the site operation procedures. Incidental records of dead bats will be noted and taken into account in the operation of the site. Consideration should then be given to whether it might be appropriate to undertake additional survey or monitoring, such as corpse searches. In line with SNH accepted Natural England guidance, all habitats within 50 m of the turbines blade tips will be maintained in a state which offers poor foraging for bats. Decommissioning Mitigation Best practice measures, as described in the construction stage, will be followed. New guidance available at the decommissioning phase will be adopted if appropriate. Ornithology Environmental Clerk of Works A suitably experienced ECoW will carry out pre-construction surveys and locate any active nests close to construction works shortly before these commence. Pre- and Mid-construction Goshawk Surveys and Consultation Prior to the commencement of felling for the purposes of the wind farm construction and the construction works themselves, a preconstruction raptor/goshawk survey of the site and a surrounding buffer of at least 1 km will be carried out. The survey will follow the methods detailed in Hardey et al. (2009) and will involve a combination of vantage point surveys and more intensive forest checks. The vantage point surveys will include the late winter/early spring months when the species engages in display flight activity and may help to target certain areas during the forest searches. A detailed survey protocol will be prepared and agreed with SNH prior to the commencement of surveys to ensure appropriate intensity and coverage by the survey. Ideally, this survey will be undertaken in the breeding season immediately preceding the commencement of construction works. The purpose of this survey will be to identify the presence of goshawks (any other specially protected raptor species which may be present) in the vicinity of the proposed Camilty wind farm site, establish whether any breeding pairs are present and where the current nest sites (if any) are located. This survey will be supplemented by consultation with the Lothian and Borders Raptor Study Group and Forestry March 2013 16-37 ES Chapter 16 Copyright Partnerships for Renewables Development Co. Ltd 2013 © Summary of Effects and Mitigation

Camilty Wind Farm Topic Key Mitigation and Enhancement Measures Commission Scotland who may hold information on any other goshawk (or other raptor) nesting activity which may have taken place in the intervening years between the submission of this ES and the commencement of works. The results of this survey will allow for any potential impacts associated with habitat loss or disturbance and displacement on goshawks during construction to be more accurately identified and mitigated. If the construction works are scheduled to coincide with the goshawk breeding season (mid-February to August inclusive), then the goshawk surveys should be repeated in order to identify any potential nesting attempts during the construction works and any constraints that they may pose to the construction programme. Timing of Construction Activities and Pre-construction Checks Site clearance and construction activities will be timed to take place outside the main breeding season (March to August inclusive) so as to avoid nest destruction and disturbance to nesting birds. With regards to goshawk, young recently fledged birds may still be present around the nest into August and the presence and potential disturbance of these dependent young must be taken into consideration given the species Schedule 1 protection status. Account will also be taken of the breeding by crossbills (most likely common crossbills), where nesting may take place during the winter months (Forrester et al. 2007; Currie & Elliott 1997). Should it not be possible to limit construction works to the non-breeding season then certain precautionary measures will need to be taken, including: • attempts will be made to at least start the works before mid-March. • In areas which are considered to be particularly attractive for nesting birds, deterrents may be placed within a restricted area well in advance, so that birds may be deterred from choosing that area to nest in (only to be used should no other options be viable). • During the breeding season, pre-felling / pre-construction checks will be made ahead of the works in all areas of potential bird nesting habitat by the ECoW, or other suitably qualified ecologist, in order to check for the presence of nesting birds. • Any active nests found will be cordoned off to a suitable distance for the species concerned (up to 20 m for woodland and scrub nesters and up to 50 m for open-ground nesting species) and all site personnel would be made aware of the works exclusion zone through toolbox talks presented by the ECoW. • Construction operations will be delayed within the cordon until the young have fledged and the nest becomes vacant. This will be confirmed by the ECoW prior to the recommencement of construction. • In the unlikely event that goshawks, or any other specially protected Annex 1 of Schedule 1 bird species should establish a nest site in close proximity to the proposed development footprint, then a buffer zone will be established around that nest site and no works would be permitted within that area. Toolbox talks presented by the EcoW will identify these zones to site staff. • Nesting sites will be regularly monitored by the ECoW or other suitably-qualified ecologist to check on the progress of the nesting attempt and identify whether the birds were displaying any signs of distress through disturbance associated with the construction works. Where feasible the extent of the works exclusion zone will be reduced based on increased tolerance or reduced susceptibility to disturbance and the nature of the disturbance source. March 2013 16-38 ES Chapter 16 Copyright Partnerships for Renewables Development Co. Ltd 2013 © Summary of Effects and Mitigation

<strong>Camilty</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong><br />

Topic<br />

Key Mitigation and Enhancement Measures<br />

Where practicable, reinstatement of habitats will be undertaken around infrastructure. This will be carried out as the work front<br />

progresses, or as soon as is practical after the completion of the works. The methods of this will be detailed within the HSEMS.<br />

Operation Mitigation<br />

The vehicle speed restrictions stipulated above should also be implemented during the operation of the proposed wind farm.<br />

Vehicles coming on site will be regularly checked <strong>for</strong> oil leaks to avoid risk of pollution. Spillage kits will be available on the site. Best<br />

practice methodologies (outlined in the HSEMS) will be employed during any maintenance works to ensure the prevention of any<br />

pollution to habitats or watercourses, along with implementation of the site pollution incident response plan and drainage management<br />

plan.<br />

A method statement <strong>for</strong> responding to bat corpses will be included in the site operation procedures. Incidental records of dead bats will<br />

be noted and taken into account in the operation of the site. Consideration should then be given to whether it might be appropriate to<br />

undertake additional survey or monitoring, such as corpse searches.<br />

In line with SNH accepted Natural England guidance, all habitats within 50 m of the turbines blade tips will be maintained in a state<br />

which offers poor <strong>for</strong>aging <strong>for</strong> bats.<br />

Decommissioning Mitigation<br />

Best practice measures, as described in the construction stage, will be followed. New guidance available at the decommissioning phase<br />

will be adopted if appropriate.<br />

Ornithology<br />

Environmental Clerk of Works<br />

A suitably experienced ECoW will carry out pre-construction surveys and locate any active nests close to construction works shortly<br />

be<strong>for</strong>e these commence.<br />

Pre- and Mid-construction Goshawk Surveys and Consultation<br />

Prior to the commencement of felling <strong>for</strong> the purposes of the wind farm construction and the construction works themselves, a preconstruction<br />

raptor/goshawk survey of the site and a surrounding buffer of at least 1 km will be carried out. The survey will follow the<br />

methods detailed in Hardey et al. (2009) and will involve a combination of vantage point surveys and more intensive <strong>for</strong>est checks. The<br />

vantage point surveys will include the late winter/early spring months when the species engages in display flight activity and may help to<br />

target certain areas during the <strong>for</strong>est searches. A detailed survey protocol will be prepared and agreed with SNH prior to the<br />

commencement of surveys to ensure appropriate intensity and coverage by the survey.<br />

Ideally, this survey will be undertaken in the breeding season immediately preceding the commencement of construction works. The<br />

purpose of this survey will be to identify the presence of goshawks (any other specially protected raptor species which may be present)<br />

in the vicinity of the proposed <strong>Camilty</strong> wind farm site, establish whether any breeding pairs are present and where the current nest sites<br />

(if any) are located. This survey will be supplemented by consultation with the Lothian and Borders Raptor Study Group and Forestry<br />

March 2013 16-37 ES Chapter 16<br />

Copyright <strong>Partnerships</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Renewables</strong> Development Co. Ltd 2013 ©<br />

Summary of Effects and Mitigation

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