Camilty Wind Farm - Partnerships for Renewables

Camilty Wind Farm - Partnerships for Renewables Camilty Wind Farm - Partnerships for Renewables


Camilty Wind Farm March 2013 be near the adjacent peat surface and cross-drains will be installed at or just below the track surface. These measures will ensure that runoff within the upper peat layer (acrotelm) is not blocked by the track. The track base will be constructed using suitably permeable graded material such that the slow movement of water in the deeper peat layers is not significantly affected by the track. Stream Crossings 13.6.34 The location of the proposed stream crossings on site are shown in Figure 13.1. The alignment of the new site access tracks has been optimised to avoid the need for stream crossings where possible. As such, only 2 new stream crossings will be required. A stream crossing survey was undertaken and results are presented in Appendix 13.3. 13.6.35 Confirmation of the level of any CAR authorisations required for the new stream crossings will be confirmed with SEPA in advance. 13.6.36 The new crossing structures will not form a barrier to river flows (low flows and flood flows) and aquatic fauna, and will be designed and constructed with respect to relevant guidance and best practice. For example, the crossing over the Crosswood Burn (x2) will be constructed using a bridge structure spanning the river channel and the floodplain. The crossing over the Powfastle Burn (x1) will be constructed using a single span structure such as a bottomless arch structure. 13.6.37 Where access tracks cross artificial drainage ditches, simple pipe structures will be installed in accordance with the Forests and Water guidance document. The pipe invert levels will be installed slightly below upstream and downstream bed levels to ensure that barriers for fish passage and sediment transport are minimised. Any potential effects arising from the artificial drainage on aquatic habitats is presented in Chapter 11: Terrestrial Ecology. 13.6.38 Streams, crossings and drainage ditches will be inspected and cleared regularly to prevent blockages and remove the risk of flooding throughout the construction and operational life of the wind farm. On-site Buildings 13.6.39 On-site welfare facilities will be adequately designed and maintained to ensure all wastewater and sewage is disposed of appropriately. This disposal is likely to take the form of either a closed on-site septic tank with tankering offsite for disposal or a suitable on-site treatment system with discharge to soakaway. Design of the final system will require further consultation with and authorisation from SEPA. 13.6.40 Rainfall on roofs will be collected in a rainwater tank for re-use within the building. Any excess rainwater will be discharged to groundwater or surface water. 13.6.41 The sizing and location of the various elements of the drainage system will be influenced by the topography, gradient and catchment runoff characteristics and the volumes of runoff intercepted by each drain. These factors will be determined at the detailed design stage. Cables 13.6.42 Where cables are required to be buried, the following mitigation shall be put in place: • Excavations for trenches will be of minimal size necessary to undertake works; • Cable trenches will be dug, cables laid and filled in sections to minimise the areas of active excavation open at any one time; 13-31 Copyright Partnerships for Renewables Development Co. Ltd 2013 © Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Ground Conditions

Camilty Wind Farm • Bunds will be placed along the route of the buried cable route to prevent the creation of a preferential pathway for groundwater arising along the path of the cable; and • All cables will be marked above and below ground to ensure there is no danger to human health or the environment during maintenance or earth works within the vicinity of the cable routes. Concrete Pouring 13.6.43 When concrete is being poured shutters will be used and, if being poured into an excavation, only into an area free from standing water. Pumps should be used to keep excavations dry if required. 13.6.44 Concrete pouring will not be undertaken during heavy rainfall. 13.6.45 No concrete will be placed within 0.5 m of an open water channel unless the area can be fully isolated from the stream, for example through bunding and lining. 13.6.46 Concrete batching will be undertaken on-site only in the construction compound. Traffic 13.6.47 Site traffic will be kept to clearly designated tracks, in line with a site-specific traffic management plan. 13.6.48 Barriers and/or netting will be used to prevent vehicle movements in sensitive areas as per CE Handbook specifications. 13.6.49 Where vehicle movements are required to take place off-track, e.g. on soft ground during construction phase, these will be limited to the absolute minimum and where excessive offtrack vehicle movements are required, temporary tracks (e.g. geotextile overlain with aggregate) or peat-boards should be used to prevent damage to the soil and creation of sediment laden runoff. Such tracks will be removed upon completion of the works. 13.6.50 If there is a requirement to wash vehicles on-site or as they enter, or leave site, this activity should be undertaken in a designated area that is bunded to prevent uncontrolled runoff or release of water from the washing process. All water and runoff arising from vehicle washing will be controlled and treated prior to discharge back into any watercourse. 13.7 Enhancement Measures 13.7.1 No specific hydrological, hydrogeological or ground condition enhancement measures are proposed. 13.8 Assessment of Residual Effects 13.8.1 Table 13.18 presents a summary of the predicted effects identified in this chapter and an assessment of the residual significance of effects following the implementation of mitigation measures identified in the previous section. March 2013 13-32 Copyright Partnerships for Renewables Development Co. Ltd 2013 © Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Ground Conditions

<strong>Camilty</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong><br />

• Bunds will be placed along the route of the buried cable route to prevent the creation<br />

of a preferential pathway <strong>for</strong> groundwater arising along the path of the cable; and<br />

• All cables will be marked above and below ground to ensure there is no danger to<br />

human health or the environment during maintenance or earth works within the vicinity<br />

of the cable routes.<br />

Concrete Pouring<br />

13.6.43 When concrete is being poured shutters will be used and, if being poured into an excavation,<br />

only into an area free from standing water. Pumps should be used to keep excavations dry if<br />

required.<br />

13.6.44 Concrete pouring will not be undertaken during heavy rainfall.<br />

13.6.45 No concrete will be placed within 0.5 m of an open water channel unless the area can be fully<br />

isolated from the stream, <strong>for</strong> example through bunding and lining.<br />

13.6.46 Concrete batching will be undertaken on-site only in the construction compound.<br />

Traffic<br />

13.6.47 Site traffic will be kept to clearly designated tracks, in line with a site-specific traffic<br />

management plan.<br />

13.6.48 Barriers and/or netting will be used to prevent vehicle movements in sensitive areas as per<br />

CE Handbook specifications.<br />

13.6.49 Where vehicle movements are required to take place off-track, e.g. on soft ground during<br />

construction phase, these will be limited to the absolute minimum and where excessive offtrack<br />

vehicle movements are required, temporary tracks (e.g. geotextile overlain with<br />

aggregate) or peat-boards should be used to prevent damage to the soil and creation of<br />

sediment laden runoff. Such tracks will be removed upon completion of the works.<br />

13.6.50 If there is a requirement to wash vehicles on-site or as they enter, or leave site, this activity<br />

should be undertaken in a designated area that is bunded to prevent uncontrolled runoff or<br />

release of water from the washing process. All water and runoff arising from vehicle washing<br />

will be controlled and treated prior to discharge back into any watercourse.<br />

13.7 Enhancement Measures<br />

13.7.1 No specific hydrological, hydrogeological or ground condition enhancement measures are<br />

proposed.<br />

13.8 Assessment of Residual Effects<br />

13.8.1 Table 13.18 presents a summary of the predicted effects identified in this chapter and an<br />

assessment of the residual significance of effects following the implementation of mitigation<br />

measures identified in the previous section.<br />

March 2013<br />

13-32<br />

Copyright <strong>Partnerships</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Renewables</strong> Development Co. Ltd 2013 ©<br />

Hydrology, Hydrogeology and Ground Conditions

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