Camilty Wind Farm - Partnerships for Renewables

Camilty Wind Farm - Partnerships for Renewables Camilty Wind Farm - Partnerships for Renewables


Camilty Wind Farm Collision Risk Modelling 12.3.26 CRM followed the method described by Band et al. (2007) which is recommended by SNH. This involves a three-step process by first using flight activity survey results as a sample to estimate the number of flights likely to take place at rotor height during a certain period of time (usually either a year or a breeding season), then calculating what proportion of these will take place within the total rotor swept area of the wind farm, assuming no avoidance actions, thus placing a bird at risk of collision. The next step is then to calculate the probability that if a flight does pass within the rotor swept area of a turbine, then that bird will be struck by a rotating blade. This probability is multiplied by the number of at-risk flights estimated in Stage 1. The final stage is then to account for the birds’ likely ability to avoid colliding with turbines in the vast majority of occasions, by behavioural actions either close to individual rotors or by avoiding the wind farm as a whole. This avoidance rate (typically at least 98% and up to 99% for geese - SNH 2010) is then multiplied by the figure calculated at Stage 2 to give an overall estimate of mortality rate. 12.3.27 For each target species recorded in sufficient numbers (i.e. four or more ‘at risk’ flights as defined in Appendix 12.1), an annual collision rate was predicted using either a directional or non-directional (random) version of the model. The choice of model for each target species was based on its pattern of flight behaviour within the study area. The directional model is appropriate when a species tends to move across the wind farm area in a particular direction. This type of flight behaviour is characteristic of species on migration or making regular movements between feeding and roosting sites and SNH advocates using it for groups such as geese, swans, divers and ducks. A non-directional model is more appropriate where the flights of a particular species are not predominantly in any direction. This is usually the case for birds moving around within a breeding or hunting territory that is wholly or partly within the site of interest. This approach, which assumes that the direction of flights is random, is usually appropriate for breeding and non-breeding raptors and waders. 12.3.28 The Risk Zone within which birds were considered to be at risk of collision was taken to be the area enclosed by the tips of the outermost turbine rotors, plus a 200 m buffer to allow for a degree of surveyor error when mapping flightlines, which is considered to be in line with SNH (2005) guidance. 12.3.29 A summary of the output from the CRM is presented in Table 12.15 below, with full details given in Appendix 12.1, together with all VP flight survey data. Table 12.15 Summary of Collision Risk Modelling Output Species Recommended avoidance rate Number of collisions predicted per year using recommended avoidance rate Number of years predicted to be required to obtain one collision as derived using recommended avoidance rate Greylag goose 99% 1.66 0.61 (one bird every 7 or 8 months) Goosander 98% 0.15 6.6 Pink-footed goose 99% 5.90 0.17 (one bird every 2 months) Mallard 98% 0.18 5.5 Goshawk 98% 0.3 3.3 Oystercatcher 98% 0.09 11.1 March 2013 12-24 ES Chapter 12 Ornithology Copyright Partnerships for Renewables Development Co. Ltd 2013 ©

Camilty Wind Farm Receptor Sensitivity 12.3.30 A total of 39 species met at least one of the target species criteria identified in paragraph 12.2.11 and therefore constitute the preliminary VORs of the development site. A summary of their presence, conservation status and value, and legislative protection is given in Table 12.16. 12.3.31 The aim of the ecological impact assessment is to report on “likely” significant effects, based on the EIA Regulations guidance, rather than every conceivable effect. As such, a number of species were discounted from the assessment as the baseline survey results indicated that significant effects were not likely to occur at a regional scale or above (for example if no breeding was recorded and site usage was rare). Consequently, such effects do not require assessment under the terms of the EIA Regulations and SNH (2006) guidelines. 12.3.32 Species that were scoped in or out of the assessment are shown in Table 12.16. Although a number of the species that have been scoped out are represented on the Scottish Biodiversity List, West Lothian LBAP and/or are Red or Amber-listed species of conservation concern (Eaton et al. 2009), and would therefore generally be considered of regional conservation value (see Table 12.), their conservation status reflects a decline in numbers rather than rarity or a concentration of population in a few sites when in fact they remain relatively common and widespread in the UK. Even though these species (e.g. linnet, dunnock, skylark, song thrush) were identified as breeding or at least being present within the study area, they occurred in very low numbers (absolutely and/or relative to national and regional populations) in an area of limited habitat suitability. 12.3.33 SNH (2006) states that “the inclusion of a species within an LBAP should not lead to SNH objecting to a proposal because of local impacts on that species, unless in SNH’s judgement the status of the species regionally or nationally could be compromised by the development”. This can be reasonably expanded to include Scottish Biodiversity List or red-listed species that are included in their respective classification based on a relative decline in numbers from a high baseline rather than an inherent rareness at a national level. These species were therefore omitted from the impact assessment. 12.3.34 Furthermore, fieldfare and redwing which appear on the red-list of birds of conservation concern and are specially protected under Schedule 1 of the Wildlife and Countryside Act (1981), are so listed because the UK is at the edge of their breeding range and has very small breeding numbers. However, they are very common winter visitors in the UK occurring in numbers of tens of thousands nationwide. Indeed no breeding evidence by either of these species was recorded in the study area and therefore both were omitted from the impact assessment. 12.3.35 With regard to all omitted species of conservation value, it was concluded that based on population estimates in Murray et al. (1998) and Forrester et al. (2007), none were found in regionally-important numbers within the study area, and are at most of district conservation value. 12.3.36 Table 12.16 therefore shows that three species will be considered individually, with the remainder of breeding species not being of regional or greater significance alone, but are considered as part of the overall breeding bird assemblage within the application site boundary. The following VORs were therefore subject to impact assessment, and correspond with selection guidelines in SNH (2006): March 2013 12-25 ES Chapter 12 Ornithology Copyright Partnerships for Renewables Development Co. Ltd 2013 ©

<strong>Camilty</strong> <strong>Wind</strong> <strong>Farm</strong><br />

Collision Risk Modelling<br />

12.3.26 CRM followed the method described by Band et al. (2007) which is recommended by SNH.<br />

This involves a three-step process by first using flight activity survey results as a sample to<br />

estimate the number of flights likely to take place at rotor height during a certain period of<br />

time (usually either a year or a breeding season), then calculating what proportion of these<br />

will take place within the total rotor swept area of the wind farm, assuming no avoidance<br />

actions, thus placing a bird at risk of collision. The next step is then to calculate the<br />

probability that if a flight does pass within the rotor swept area of a turbine, then that bird will<br />

be struck by a rotating blade. This probability is multiplied by the number of at-risk flights<br />

estimated in Stage 1. The final stage is then to account <strong>for</strong> the birds’ likely ability to avoid<br />

colliding with turbines in the vast majority of occasions, by behavioural actions either close to<br />

individual rotors or by avoiding the wind farm as a whole. This avoidance rate (typically at<br />

least 98% and up to 99% <strong>for</strong> geese - SNH 2010) is then multiplied by the figure calculated at<br />

Stage 2 to give an overall estimate of mortality rate.<br />

12.3.27 For each target species recorded in sufficient numbers (i.e. four or more ‘at risk’ flights as<br />

defined in Appendix 12.1), an annual collision rate was predicted using either a directional or<br />

non-directional (random) version of the model. The choice of model <strong>for</strong> each target species<br />

was based on its pattern of flight behaviour within the study area. The directional model is<br />

appropriate when a species tends to move across the wind farm area in a particular direction.<br />

This type of flight behaviour is characteristic of species on migration or making regular<br />

movements between feeding and roosting sites and SNH advocates using it <strong>for</strong> groups such<br />

as geese, swans, divers and ducks. A non-directional model is more appropriate where the<br />

flights of a particular species are not predominantly in any direction. This is usually the case<br />

<strong>for</strong> birds moving around within a breeding or hunting territory that is wholly or partly within the<br />

site of interest. This approach, which assumes that the direction of flights is random, is<br />

usually appropriate <strong>for</strong> breeding and non-breeding raptors and waders.<br />

12.3.28 The Risk Zone within which birds were considered to be at risk of collision was taken to be<br />

the area enclosed by the tips of the outermost turbine rotors, plus a 200 m buffer to allow <strong>for</strong><br />

a degree of surveyor error when mapping flightlines, which is considered to be in line with<br />

SNH (2005) guidance.<br />

12.3.29 A summary of the output from the CRM is presented in Table 12.15 below, with full details<br />

given in Appendix 12.1, together with all VP flight survey data.<br />

Table 12.15 Summary of Collision Risk Modelling Output<br />

Species<br />

Recommended<br />

avoidance rate<br />

Number of collisions<br />

predicted per year using<br />

recommended avoidance<br />

rate<br />

Number of years predicted to<br />

be required to obtain one<br />

collision as derived using<br />

recommended avoidance rate<br />

Greylag goose 99% 1.66 0.61 (one bird every 7 or 8<br />

months)<br />

Goosander 98% 0.15 6.6<br />

Pink-footed goose 99% 5.90 0.17 (one bird every 2 months)<br />

Mallard 98% 0.18 5.5<br />

Goshawk 98% 0.3 3.3<br />

Oystercatcher 98% 0.09 11.1<br />

March 2013 12-24 ES Chapter 12<br />

Ornithology<br />

Copyright <strong>Partnerships</strong> <strong>for</strong> <strong>Renewables</strong> Development Co. Ltd 2013 ©

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