Annual Report 1998

Annual Report 1998 Annual Report 1998
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Chainnan's statement continued From left to righc Now JB compiladon, Pa!l Mccaftney, 'Brir' award. Maria Callas, Joe Cockei Vanessa l"1ae, Blur, Thalia, Marcy PlaySround. Jetr Chang (top) and E la Saila Sola (below), show the rich d versity ol interna! onal talent across al musical Senres n ElYl Recorded Music. EMI started to see srrong Sains in sales and profits, particularly in Mexico. ArSentina and Chile. We also continued ro build our local roster and expand into new markets such as Bolivia. Ecuador, Paraguay. Peru and UruSuay. On the creative side, r.l'e have had one of our most successful years ever 32 releases sold in excess of one million units: seven of rhose albums sold over Ihree milliot units. Most encouratinS is the number of million-sellint arrisrs \\,ho are eirher new developing or newly signed to EMI rhis year; arrisrs such as Meredith Brooks. Robbie U/illiams, Foo Fighters and Dreams Come lrue, to name onl)/ a few The Verue. for example. have risen to being superstars in ayearwith the release o'i Urban Hymns a res(imony ro their ralenr and the abiliries of our A&R and inlernational marketing reams. Our aim is ro become the world's leadint music compaly and our busine\s srraregjes t support rhis objective. Ir is the inrenrion oI rhe Board and the nanagemeot team conlinually to improve our global business operarjons and to seek efficiencies to drive down our cost base. In May 1997, we announced a resrructuring ofour North American business, led by Ken Berry Chief Execurive Officer of EMI Recorded Music. Nor only have we made grear slrides in market share, but we have done so al rhe same rime as significanrly reducing our

cost basc. Throush out resuuclLrrins, \\'e ha\ie reached our tar.qeted cosl 5n! itl8s ,lncl cleated a srroil3cr. nore llexible orE,rrisatior in lhe process. 1he reorganisarion ol oLr Japanese business is proceeclil.< n cll n ith a ncrt teneratjon ol leadership nor'v in platr. A nunbcr of important 5teps \\'ere takt'n in the )'ear. Thc new managemenl l0(lm st.rrted to restruclutc thc companv lo it1( r( .1\( its market orlentation, palliculnrh in Inusic selection and ma rketins. A& R tea rn5 h,l! (' been rer.iralised. lhe rosler bcen reduced and energv i5 bcjnS Iocused on tho;i' artists rr rrl^ rneFrearcrl polenr.dllur '..,, ' \. In Europe, \\'e completecl reorganisations in E-\11 Electrola in German) and 1n E\11 Classics in the L K and r\ e conr inued to bulld upon our sllon.q prcscncc throushour rhe major markcls. Onr ol lhc mosr inlportant issues lacing Etr/il in Iurop('. 1r - ho!\,evcr. is lhe impacr ol corvertitg markets as a result ol the intlodu( lion ol lhc Euro. Our response is to build ,ln inlr.islruature which will realise the econonics ol s(.tl(' allorded by a single. iltegrated m.rtketpLace \,vhile ensurin.-c that \,\'e conlinut ('llc( liVel\ lo serve local music needs. Our manulacrurinS is :lalc ol lhc-arl in all mark..ts. but r'r-c continued lo push ottr planrs ro lou'er their costs cr,cn ltrrthcr Continuous improvemcnt in our dislribulion

Chainnan's statement continued<br />

From left to righc Now JB<br />

compiladon, Pa!l Mccaftney,<br />

'Brir' award. Maria Callas,<br />

Joe Cockei Vanessa l"1ae,<br />

Blur, Thalia, Marcy PlaySround.<br />

Jetr Chang (top) and E la Saila<br />

Sola (below), show the rich<br />

d versity ol interna! onal talent<br />

across al musical Senres n<br />

ElYl Recorded Music.<br />

EMI started to see srrong Sains in sales and profits, particularly in Mexico. ArSentina and<br />

Chile. We also continued ro build our local roster and expand into new markets such as<br />

Bolivia. Ecuador, Paraguay. Peru and UruSuay.<br />

On the creative side, r.l'e have had one of our most successful years ever 32 releases<br />

sold in excess of one million units: seven of rhose albums sold over Ihree milliot units.<br />

Most encouratinS is the number of million-sellint arrisrs \\,ho are eirher new developing<br />

or newly signed to EMI rhis year; arrisrs such as Meredith Brooks. Robbie U/illiams, Foo<br />

Fighters and Dreams Come lrue, to name onl)/ a few The Verue. for example. have risen to<br />

being superstars in ayearwith the release o'i Urban Hymns a res(imony ro their ralenr and<br />

the abiliries of our A&R and inlernational marketing reams.<br />

Our aim is ro become the world's leadint music compaly and our busine\s srraregjes<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

<br />

t<br />

support rhis objective. Ir is the inrenrion oI rhe Board and the nanagemeot team<br />

conlinually to improve our global business operarjons and to seek efficiencies to drive<br />

down our cost base.<br />

In May 1997, we announced a resrructuring ofour North American business, led by<br />

Ken Berry Chief Execurive Officer of EMI Recorded Music. Nor only have we made grear<br />

slrides in market share, but we have done so al rhe same rime as significanrly reducing our

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