annual assessment report - University of Arkansas at Monticello

annual assessment report - University of Arkansas at Monticello

annual assessment report - University of Arkansas at Monticello


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III.<br />

C. in France and in Italy<br />

D. in France and in Germany<br />

13- Wh<strong>at</strong> city in the Rhone-Alpes region hosted the Olympic Games in winter <strong>of</strong><br />

1992?<br />

A. Grenoble<br />

B. Val Thorens<br />

C. Courcheval<br />

D. Albertville<br />

14- Wh<strong>at</strong> is the name <strong>of</strong> the long underground passages which run bene<strong>at</strong>h the<br />

houses in the oldest part <strong>of</strong> Lyon?<br />

A. The Andronnes<br />

B. The Traboules<br />

C. The Magre<br />

D. The Zymans<br />

15- The Loire is<br />

A. a river<br />

B. a castle<br />

C. a department<br />

D. a chocol<strong>at</strong>e cake<br />

16- The "Tour de France" always finishes in<br />

A. Marseille<br />

B. Boulogne sur Mer<br />

C. a different city<br />

D. Paris<br />


(Circle a letter to show your answer. No explan<strong>at</strong>ion is necessary.)<br />

17- Which Roman general conquered Gaul?<br />

A. Scipio Africanus<br />

B. Crassus<br />

C. Caesar<br />

18- Which is the ancestor <strong>of</strong> the kings <strong>of</strong> France?<br />

A. Odoacer<br />

B. Merovee<br />

C. Genseric<br />

19- Where did Joan <strong>of</strong> Arc b<strong>at</strong>tle the English army?<br />

A. Domremy<br />

B. Azincourt<br />

C. Orleans<br />

20- Which king <strong>of</strong> France bought the paintings <strong>of</strong> Leonardo de Vinci?<br />

A. Louis XI<br />

B. Louis XIII

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