BTFT Stakeholder Report 1st Edition - Rhondda Cynon Taf

BTFT Stakeholder Report 1st Edition - Rhondda Cynon Taf

BTFT Stakeholder Report 1st Edition - Rhondda Cynon Taf


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March 2011<br />

<strong>Stakeholder</strong> <strong>Report</strong><br />

Mawrth 2011<br />

Adroddiad Budd-ddeiliaid

Contents<br />

Executive Summary / Crynodeb Gweithredol ............................Page 2<br />

Background / Cefndir ................................................................Page 3<br />

Central Management Team ........................................................Page 4<br />

<strong>BTFT</strong> Projects..............................................................................Page 5 - 15<br />

Quarterly Progress 1.10.10 – 31.12.10........................................Page 16 - 21<br />

Cross Cutting Themes ................................................................Page 22<br />

Case Studies ..............................................................................Page 23<br />

What young people say! ............................................................Page 24 - 25<br />

Appendix 1 – Central Management Team Structure ..................Page 26<br />

Appendix 2 – Project Structure....................................................Page 26<br />

Appendix 3 – Targets and Outcomes..........................................Page 27<br />

Appendix 4 – Project Deadlines ..................................................Page 27<br />

Project Diagram ..........................................................................Page 28 - 29<br />

Alex Naamani Youth Coach<br />

with Pupil Lauren Thomas @<br />

Aberdare Girls School

Regeneration Workshop @<br />

Pontypridd High School<br />

Executive Summary<br />

Welcome to Building the Future Together, <strong>Rhondda</strong> <strong>Cynon</strong> <strong>Taf</strong>’s innovative and inspirational<br />

programme to help young people acquire the right skills for employment and to realise their<br />

potential in life.<br />

With the support of the European Social Fund, Building the Future Together has been able to deploy a<br />

range of resources across the Borough, in schools, the community and Coleg Morgannwg to raise<br />

young people’s aspirations & achievements.<br />

This first <strong>Stakeholder</strong> <strong>Report</strong> sets out the range of opportunities the project currently has to offer and<br />

importantly, how to get in touch with the varying interventions. There is much to be proud of and huge<br />

potential to grow and enrich the programme, to take it from strength to strength in the year ahead and<br />

of course to influence the delivery of mainstream services in the long term.<br />

Crynodeb Gweithredol<br />

Croeso i Adeiladu Dyfodol gyda’n Gilydd, rhaglen arloesol ac ysbrydoledig <strong>Rhondda</strong> <strong>Cynon</strong> <strong>Taf</strong><br />

sy’n gefn i bobl ifainc feithrin y medrau ar gyfer byd gwaith ac i gyrraedd eu llawn dwf.<br />

Gyda chefnogaeth Cronfa Gymdeithasol Ewrop, mae rhaglen Adeiladu'r Dyfodol gyda'n Gilydd wedi<br />

gallu rhoi ystod o adnoddau ar waith ar draws y Fwrdeistref, mewn ysgolion, yn y gymuned a thrwy<br />

Goleg Morgannwg i wella dyheadau pobl ifainc a’u cyflawniadau.<br />

Mae'r adroddiad budd-ddeiliaid cyntaf yma’n rhoi cyd-destun i’r ystod o gyfleoedd y mae'r rhaglen yn<br />

ei chynnig ar hyn o bryd, ac yr un mor bwysig, yn nodi sut i fanteisio ar yr amryw adnoddau. Mae<br />

llawer i fod yn falch ohono ac mae gwir botensial i ehangu a chyfoethogi'r rhaglen, gan sicrhau ei bod<br />

hi’n mynd o nerth i nerth yn y flwyddyn sydd i ddod ac, wrth gwrs, i ddylanwadu ar y gwasanaethau<br />

prif ffrwd yn y tymor hir.<br />


Background<br />

The Building the Future Together project (<strong>BTFT</strong>) is<br />

a £14m initiative part financed by the European<br />

Social Fund through the Welsh Assembly<br />

Government with <strong>Rhondda</strong> <strong>Cynon</strong> <strong>Taf</strong> (RCT)<br />

being the lead authority. The project provides a<br />

young person centred approach to tackling the<br />

major issues of disengagement of 11-19 year<br />

olds in RCT. The aim of the project is to address<br />

young people’s barriers to learning by<br />

empowering them to make a successful<br />

transition into employment and/or higher<br />

education through raising their skill levels and<br />

aspirations. The £14million scheme offers a<br />

range of universal and targeted activities as well<br />

as intensive one to one support for those young<br />

people who are not reaching their full potential.<br />

The project aims to boost young people’s<br />

confidence and support pathways to further<br />

learning and employment.<br />

Cefndir<br />

Menter gwerth £14m yw rhaglen Adeiladu’r<br />

Dyfodol gyda’n Gilydd wedi’i hariannu’n rhannol<br />

gan Gronfa Gymdeithasol Ewrop trwy Lywodraeth<br />

Cymru gyda <strong>Rhondda</strong> <strong>Cynon</strong> <strong>Taf</strong> (RhCT) yn ei<br />

harwain. Dyma raglen sy’n canolbwyntio ar bobl<br />

ifainc 11-19 oed yn <strong>Rhondda</strong> <strong>Cynon</strong> <strong>Taf</strong> gan fynd<br />

i’r afael â’r rhwystrau hynny sy’n eu hatal rhag<br />

manteisio’n llawn ar fyd addysg. Y nod yw eu<br />

galluogi nhw i bontio’n llwyddiannus i gyflogaeth<br />

a/neu addysg uwch drwy wella’u sgiliau a chodi’u<br />

dyheadau. Mae’r rhaglen £14m yn cynnig<br />

amrywiaeth o weithgareddau cyffredinol a<br />

phenodol yn ogystal â chefnogaeth unigol ddwys<br />

i’r rheiny dydyn nhw ddim yn cyrraedd eu llawn<br />

dwf. Amcan y rhaglen ydy rhoi hwb i hyder pobl<br />

ifainc a rhoi cefnogaeth iddyn nhw gerdded<br />

llwybrau addysg uwch a gwaith.<br />

Mae i’r rhaglen garfan o weithwyr allweddol a<br />

hyfforddwyr ieuenctid penodol yn gweithio ym<br />

mhob un o ysgolion uwchradd RhCT, unedau<br />

<strong>BTFT</strong> has a dedicated team of Key Workers and<br />

Youth Coaches, employed in all Secondary<br />

Schools, Pupil Referral Units (PRU) and Special<br />

Schools throughout RCT to help young people<br />

access the support, information and interventions<br />

they need to thrive at whatever they aspire to be.<br />

<strong>BTFT</strong> will seek early identification of young<br />

people who may be at risk through the roll out of<br />

Literacy & Numeracy (CAT) and Emotional<br />

Intelligence surveys (PASS). The results of the<br />

surveys will then be analysed, which will allow the<br />

Key Worker, School and a range of other services<br />

to work together to identify a comprehensive<br />

range of integrated services and interventions for<br />

young people to develop the skills needed for<br />

learning and future employment and to support<br />

their emotional and social needs.<br />

For further information on the <strong>BTFT</strong> project<br />

please contact <strong>BTFT</strong>@rctcbc.gov.uk or<br />

01443 744304<br />

atgyfeirio disgyblion ac ysgolion arbennig i fod yn<br />

gefn i i bobl ifainc i fanteisio ar y cymorth,<br />

gwybodaeth a’r rhaglenni camu-i-mewn er mwyn<br />

gwireddu’u breuddwydion.<br />

Bydd rhaglen Adeiladu’r Dyfodol gyda’n Gilydd<br />

yn ceisio adnabod yn gynnar y bobl ifainc bregus<br />

hynny trwy weithredu arolygon Llythrennedd a<br />

Rhifedd a Deallusrwydd Emosiynol. Bydd y<br />

Gweithwyr Allweddol, yr ysgolion a<br />

gwasanaethau eraill yn cyd-weithio ac yn<br />

defnyddio’r wybodaeth yn fodd o bennu ystod o<br />

wasanaethau a threfniadau camu-i-mewn<br />

cynhwysfawr ar gyfer pobl ifainc er mwyn iddyn<br />

nhw ddatblygu’r medrau hynny ar gyfer dysgu a<br />

manteisio ar fyd gwaith trwy fod yn gefn i’w<br />

hanghenion emosiynol a chymdeithasol.<br />

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am raglen<br />

Adeiladu’r Dyfodol gyda'n Gilydd cysylltwch<br />

â: <strong>BTFT</strong>@rctcbc.gov.uk neu 01443 744304<br />


Central Management Team<br />

Suzanne Scarlett Strategic Improvement Officer 01443 744140 / 07786 523991<br />

Suzanne.h.scarlett@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Diane Hall Project Manager 01443 744396 / 07769164637<br />

Diane.hall@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Delyth Balman Youth Coach Co-ordinator 01443 744117 / 07769164624<br />

Delyth.s.balman@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Leanna Thomas Key Worker Co-ordinator 01443 744253 / 07557082863<br />

Leanna.thomas@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Emma Griffiths Quality Assurance Officer 01443 744191 / 07769 164630<br />

Emma.j.griffiths@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Annaleise Bowen Communications Officer 01443 744113 / 07769 164627<br />

Annaleise.bowen@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Michael Hathaway Infrastructure Support 01443 744283<br />

Michael.hathaway@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Rachel Hemming Finance Officer 01443 680774<br />

Rachel.hemming@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Emily Whitlock Administration Support Officer 01443 744307<br />

Emily.whitlock@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Gary Bolsom Data Entry Assistant 01443 744307<br />

Gary.bolsom@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Elin Williams Project Assistant 01443 744156<br />

Elin.williams@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Cultural Services Get Fresh Crew<br />

at the launch of Rawr magazine<br />


<strong>BTFT</strong> Projects<br />

Youth Coaches<br />

The Youth Coach works with young people in<br />

schools with a focus on Learning Pathways. They<br />

have the responsibility of working closely with<br />

school staff to develop effective Individual<br />

Learning Plans (ILP’s).<br />

These plans reflect the young person’s individual<br />

needs and provide the structure for support,<br />

guidance, coaching and mentoring by setting<br />

and working towards individual targets. The aim<br />

of this being to engage and raise the aspirations<br />

of the young people they work with while helping<br />

them to achieve their goals.<br />

The Youth Coach will work closely with the <strong>BTFT</strong><br />

Key Worker within each school to identify and<br />

remove barriers to learning and promote young<br />

people’s active participation in positive social and<br />

educational activities. By supporting young<br />

people to develop their learning skills they aim to<br />

maximise their development and fulfil their<br />

potential.<br />

Intervention Manager<br />

Delyth Balman - 01443 744117<br />

Mobile - 07769164624<br />

Delyth.s.balman@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Youth Coach contact details<br />

Jake Thomas Youth Coach Aberdare High 07769 164751 Jake.thomas@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Alex Naamani Youth Coach Aberdare Girls 07769 164718 Alex.naamani@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Louise Harris Youth Coach Blaengwawr 07769 164736 Louise.harris@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Christine Jones Youth Coach Bryncelynnog 07769 164749 Christine.jones@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Jackie Cook Youth Coach Bryncelynnog 07769 164749 Jackie.cook@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Sue Johnson Youth Coach Bryncelynnog 07769 164749 Sue.johnson@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Sarah David Youth Coach C/ Newman 07769 164752 Sarah.david@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Matthew Swarfield Youth Coach Ferndale 07769 164737 Matthew.swarfield@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Nia Swainston Youth Coach Hawthorn 07769 164753 Nia.swainston@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

David Hutcheon Youth Coach Maesgwyn 07557 082887 David.hutcheon@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Brian Venables Youth Coach Mountain Ash 07769 164748 Brian.venables@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Debra Davies Youth Coach Pontypridd HS 07769 164750 Debra.davies@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Nicky Lloyd Youth Coach Porth County 07769 164739 Nicola.lloyd@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Katie Price Youth Coach St Johns 07769 164724 Katie.price@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Katie Churchill Youth Coach Tonypandy 07769 164628 Katie.churchill@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Lowri Owen Youth Coach Tonyrefail 07825 675850 Lowri.m.owen2@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Diane Griffiths Youth Coach Treorchy 07769 164721 Diane.griffiths@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Claire Shott Youth Coach Ty Catrin 07825 675849 Claire.shott@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Hannah Gilbertson Youth Coach Ty Gwyn 07769 164723 Hannah.m.gilbertson@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Walid Abdo Youth Coach Y Pant 07769 164625 Walid.abdo@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Adam Thomas Youth Coach YG Garth Olwg 07825 675847 Adam.thomas@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Sam Rackley Youth Coach YG Llanhari 07557 082864 Sam.rackley@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Leanne Evans Youth Coach YG Rhydywaun 07769 164733 Leanne.evans@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />


Key Workers<br />

The Key Worker works with young people in<br />

schools and has the responsibility of working<br />

closely with school staff and multiagency<br />

partners as appropriate, to develop an effective<br />

Individual Development Plan (IDP) for each<br />

young person referred to them for support.<br />

The IDP identifies the young person’s holistic<br />

development needs to ensure a rounded, joined<br />

up approach to improving their educational<br />

achievement. The IDP consolidates action to<br />

support the young person via <strong>BTFT</strong> or wider<br />

services.<br />

Intervention Manager<br />

Leanna Thomas – 01443 744253<br />

Mobile – 07557082863<br />

Leanna.thomas@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Key Worker contacts details<br />

Kelly Robson Key Worker Aberdare Girls 07769 164731 Kelly.robson@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Kayleigh Cook Key Worker Aberdare High 07769 164730 Kayleigh.cook@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Bethan Davies Key Worker Blaengwawr 07769 164719 Bethan.davies2@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Lesley McBride Key Worker Bryncelynnog 07769 164734 Lesley.mcbride@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Ruth Wragg Key Worker Cardinal Newman 07769 164741 Ruth.wragg@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Lisa Barry Key Worker Ferndale 07769 164735 Lisa.barry@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Jenna Smith Key Worker Hawthorn High 07769 164726 Jenna.Smith@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Jill Jones Key Worker Mountain Ash 07769 164727 Jill.jones2@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Jim Sullivan Key Worker Pontypridd High 07769 164728 Jim.sullivan@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Richard Shore<br />

07769 164740 Richard.shore@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Teresa Andrews<br />

Key Worker<br />

Porth County<br />

Teresa.andrews@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Lesa Whitehead<br />

Lesa.whitehead@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Katie Lloyd Key Worker St John Baptist 07769164622 Katie.lloyd@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Kirsty Mickiewicz Key Worker Tonypandy 07769 164732 Kirsty.mickiewicz@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Nichola Morgan Key Worker Tonyrefail 07769 164738 Nichola.morgan@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Catherine Jenkins Key Worker Treorchy 07769 164720 Catherine.jenkins@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Julie Geysen-Holley Key Worker Y Pant 07769 164729 Julie.geysen-holley@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Jessica Stagg Key Worker YG Garth Olwg 07769 164725 Jessica.stagg@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Geraint Evans Key Worker YG Rhydywaun 07769 164722 Geraint.evans@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Sion Owen Key Worker YG Y Cymer 07769 164742 Sion.owen@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />


Alternative Curriculum (Keystart)<br />

Keystart is a full time provision, which caters for<br />

pupils in years 10 and 11 who are under<br />

achieving in mainstream education. Aside from<br />

the teaching of core subjects Maths and English,<br />

which are delivered in line with the school<br />

curriculum, all pupils on the Keystart project are<br />

offered the opportunity to gain valuable work<br />

experience and vocational training through the<br />

‘extended work experience’ scheme offered by<br />

Careers Wales.<br />

In order to complement the extended work<br />

experience programme, which all pupils<br />

undertake for three days a week, NVQ level one<br />

accreditation is offered in the following fields;<br />

• Customer service<br />

• Mechanics<br />

• Child Care<br />

Various Key skills level 1 and OCNs level 1<br />

courses are offered throughout the duration of<br />

the programme, delivered in-house with<br />

accreditation provided by school and RCTs Youth<br />

Accreditation Team; the following short courses<br />

are offered:<br />

• Key Skills – Information and Communication<br />

Technology<br />

• Key Skills – Improving Own Learning<br />

• OCN - Cookery<br />

• OCN - I.T<br />

• OCN -Citizenship<br />

Pupils also cover various topics in P.S.E. sessions<br />

including; sex education, drug and alcohol<br />

awareness, intervention from police and fire<br />

services as well as taking part in weekly healthy<br />

living sessions including swimming, kayaking and<br />

mountain biking.<br />

Overarching the course content is the Duke of<br />

Edinburgh Bronze level award which pupils are<br />

given the opportunity to complete.<br />

Through the ‘Your Future’ project pupils also get<br />

the opportunity to gain a BTEC in Work skills. This<br />

prepares students for work when they leave<br />

school, with interview techniques, curriculum<br />

vitae, how to write a application form etc.<br />

Intervention Manager<br />

Claire Powell - 01443 742095<br />

keystartproject@googlemail.com<br />

Alternative Curriculum (EOTAS)<br />

Work and Skills Programme<br />

The Work and Skills Programme incorporates the<br />

delivery of vocational training for up to 24 pupils<br />

per day, 5 days per week. The provision is made<br />

by Bryncynon Strategy, a charity based in<br />

Abercynon. Pupils who attend here are able to<br />

access training in Hair and Beauty, Construction,<br />

Motor Vehicle Maintenance, Information<br />

Technology, Childcare and Land & Environment.<br />

They complete OCN qualifications in a variety of<br />

skills.<br />

Work and Life Activities<br />

Work and Life Activities is a programme which is<br />

delivered as part of the curriculum at the New<br />

Start Skills Centre. It involves a programme<br />

aimed at re-engaging young people with<br />

school/youth based activities to improve<br />

attendance, promote soft outcomes and achieve<br />

accredited modules/OCN units. This programme<br />

compliments existing Ty Catrin curriculum.<br />

PSHE<br />

The overiding aim of this programme is to create<br />

opportunities to engage young people in<br />

activities relating to Personal Health & Wellbeing,<br />

Active Citizenship & Working With Others and the<br />

Community at Large.<br />

Skills are taught in Personal Finance, Health &<br />

Hygiene, The World of Work, Relationship<br />

Building, Accessing Services within the<br />

Community and Communicating with Others.<br />

The Programme will deliver soft outcomes and<br />

accredited modules/OCN units.<br />

Intervention Manager<br />

Paul Rowlands 01443 480843<br />

paul.d.rowlands@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />


Coleg Morgannwg<br />

The scheme offers intensive one to one support<br />

for those falling behind in numeracy and literacy<br />

as well as vocational training options for<br />

youngsters who find it difficult to learn through<br />

traditional academic learning.<br />

The project is also supporting a range of<br />

innovative activities that aim to improve<br />

motivation and provide emotional intelligence<br />

support to boost their confidence in learning.<br />

Coleg Morgannwg will aim to support over 500<br />

participants in key interventions that include:-<br />

• Comprehensive support for young people to<br />

improve their literacy and numeracy skills<br />

• Activities to promote improved employability<br />

skills<br />

• Summer schools which aim to improve<br />

confidence, assess learner needs and provide<br />

additional information and guidance about<br />

future opportunities<br />

• Vocational programmes in key sectors<br />

• Where appropriate, ‘E’ Learning<br />

Essential Skills<br />

Language Intervention<br />

Interventions are offered for young people<br />

struggling with literacy, which is stifling their<br />

learning and prospects of employment later in<br />

life. These include:<br />

• Structured one to one intervention for learners<br />

with a reading age of 7.5 – 9.5 years.<br />

• Individual and group support targeted to the<br />

needs of individual learners<br />

• Coaching<br />

Number Intervention<br />

Interventions are also offered to young people<br />

struggling with numeracy.<br />

Structured one to one intervention and<br />

comprehensive tracking and assessing enables<br />

young people to be better supported and to<br />

develop greater confidence with numbers.<br />

Intervention Managers<br />

Helen Jones and Grace Zecca<br />

01443 744301<br />

Grace.C.Zecca@rhondda-cynon-taff.gov.uk<br />

<strong>BTFT</strong> Fire Training Course<br />

at Tonypandy<br />


Detached Youth Work Team<br />

The Services for Young People Detached Youth<br />

Work Team takes support onto the street directly<br />

to where it is needed most. The team works with<br />

young people on their turf three or four evenings<br />

a week, weekends and holidays providing<br />

support on various issues, including; sexual<br />

health advice, substance misuse support or help<br />

finding a job.<br />

The team develop and implement programmes of<br />

non formal and informal education training which<br />

are meaningful and responsive to young people’s<br />

needs and aspirations.<br />

The Detached Youth Work Team offer a flexible<br />

and needs led provision, working in partnership<br />

with a wide range of partners to provide a holistic<br />

programme of intervention that enables young<br />

people to achieve and progress in a wide variety<br />

of formal and informal education settings<br />

Intervention Manager<br />

Allyson Davies - 01443 744121<br />

allyson.davies@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Detached Youth Worker contact details<br />

Cluster Detached Youth Worker Trainee<br />

Aberdare<br />

Alistair Cope 07786523910<br />

Debbie Sheppard 07799132140<br />

Sean Wesley 07825675857<br />

Blaengwawr Chris Medlicott 07769164672 Lisa Robinson 0782565853<br />

Bryncelynog Rachel Brydon 07825675848 Liam Way 07825675856<br />

Ferndale Allyn Jones 07799132142 Adam Gordon 07825675861<br />

Hawthorn High Stacey Oliver 07825675844<br />

Mountain Ash Judith Sandry 07825675845 Zoe Jenkins 07825675855<br />

Pontypridd Charlotte Morris 07825675853<br />

Porth Ryan Strong 07825675843 Lee Taylor 07825675859<br />

Tonypandy<br />

Lucie Williams 07825675851<br />

Lynne Jones 07769164671<br />

Tonyrefail Rhian Kingsbury 07769164677 Tracey Webster 07825675860<br />

Treorchy Steve Webb 07717432387 Kelly Lloyd 07825675858<br />

Y Pant Hannah Godwin 07799132144 Leon Bansal 07825675852<br />


E3+<br />

The Services for Young People E3+ programme<br />

is unique in Wales which allows young people to<br />

try different activities and have new experiences,<br />

broaden their horizons and acquire new skills and<br />

qualifications. E3+ gives young people<br />

opportunities and encourages them to further<br />

develop the skills and qualities that they will need<br />

in the future.<br />

Intervention Manager<br />

Derek James - 01443 744104<br />

Derek.james2@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

E3+ Co-ordinator contact details<br />

School<br />

E3+<br />

Coordinator<br />

Email<br />

Contact<br />

Telephone<br />

Contact<br />

Mobile<br />

Aberdare<br />

Karen Davies<br />

/Sian Payne<br />

Karen.Davies4@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Sian.McGrath@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

01685872642 07799132132<br />

Blaengwawr Nathan Brock Nathan.J.Brock@rctcbc.gov.uk 01685874341 07738055922<br />

Bryncelynnog Steven Meaden Steven.J.Meaden@rctcbc.gov.uk 01443 219608<br />

Ferndale Lisa Mitchell Lisa.Mitchell@rctcbc.gov.uk 01443 735987<br />

Hawthorn Jacob Stokes Jacob.Stokes@rctcbc.gov.uk 01443 841228<br />

Mountain Ash Dennis Payne Dennis.Payne@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

01443 479119<br />

ext.268<br />

Pontypridd<br />

Hannah Hitchins<br />

(Gray)<br />

Hannah.hitchins@rctcbc.gov.uk 01443 494911<br />

Porth Rhian Forsey Rhian.Forsey2@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

01443 682137<br />

ext.234<br />

Tonypandy Laith Jawad Laith.Jawad@rctcbc.gov.uk 01443436171 07769164612<br />

Tonyrefail Kim Willis Kim.Willis2@rctcbc.gov.uk 01443 670647<br />

Treorchy Hannah Davies Hannah.Davies@rctcbc.gov.uk 01443 773128<br />

Y Pant<br />

Richard Eynon/<br />

Caroline Wool<br />

Richard.Eynon@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Caroline.Wool@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

01443 236894<br />


Holiday Programme<br />

The Services for Young People Holiday<br />

Programme provides young people with activities<br />

during school holidays. Activities are varied and<br />

priority is given to disadvantaged and vulnerable<br />

young people. The programme of activities is<br />

developed in response to needs identified in<br />

each cluster and includes activities that:<br />

• Support the improvement of speech and<br />

language.<br />

• Offer alternative activities at periods of risk to<br />

prevent criminal activity.<br />

• Offer a preventative approach for young people<br />

aged 11-19 years.<br />

• Enhance provision for young people with<br />

disabilities in <strong>Rhondda</strong> <strong>Cynon</strong> <strong>Taf</strong>.<br />

• Provide targeted, inclusive activities in the<br />

summer and half term holidays in communities<br />

of greatest need.<br />

Intervention Manager<br />

Denise Humphries - 01443 744194<br />

denise.humphries@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Nicola Cornwall - 01443 744306<br />

nicola.j.cornwall@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Positive Futures Programme<br />

The Positive Futures programme aims to assist in<br />

providing young people aged 11-17 with the skills<br />

needed for learning and future employment<br />

through the medium of outdoor adventurous<br />

activities. The programme has been<br />

commissioned to provide a targeted intervention<br />

for young people in care and young people for<br />

whom there is a request for reception into care<br />

(where lack of education is a factor).<br />

Young people engaged in the project will be<br />

given the opportunity to work as part of a team as<br />

well as on their own initiative, develop social<br />

skills, self confidence and self esteem as well as<br />

to adhere to discipline and boundaries through:<br />

• Opportunities to re-engage young people into<br />

mainstream provision and assist in linking them<br />

into other appropriate provisions, such as<br />

further learning, training or employment.<br />

Intervention Manager<br />

Matthew Free - 01443 420940<br />

matthew.r.free@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Positive Futures programme<br />

Catherine Williams -<br />

Catherine.r.williams@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

• Therapeutic group and individual work.<br />

• Academic and other vocational qualifications<br />

such as outdoor education qualifications<br />

approved by national governing bodies and<br />

other awarding bodies e.g. the British Canoe<br />

Union, Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, OCN,<br />

ASDAN etc.<br />


Looked After Children into Employment<br />

This intervention targets vulnerable young people<br />

aged 15-19 years of age who are Looked After<br />

Children or Care Leavers and/or not in Education,<br />

Employment or Training within <strong>Rhondda</strong> <strong>Cynon</strong><br />

<strong>Taf</strong>f. The Employment Co-ordinator supports the<br />

young person in identifying and engaging in<br />

suitable training and employment placement<br />

opportunities, to support the development of<br />

knowledge, skills and experience within the<br />

chosen field, and as a result maximising<br />

employment outcomes.<br />

Intervention Manager<br />

Darren Notley – 01443 424092<br />

Darren.notley@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Employment Co-ordinator<br />

Emma Brabon<br />

01443 424091 Mobile - 07769164673<br />

Emma.brabon@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Teenage Parents Adviser<br />

This advisor is the central point of referral for all<br />

teenage mothers/mothers to be under the age of<br />

16 within RCT seeking support with education<br />

and learning. The advisor’s role is to assess the<br />

holistic needs of each individual and provide<br />

impartial advice and guidance as to how they<br />

may complete their education and optimise their<br />

educational outcomes.<br />

The Advisor also supports the teenage parents<br />

through the transition from statutory education to<br />

HE and FE provision in the post 16 period,<br />

liaising and working in partnership with a range of<br />

organisations – including Genesis Wales and<br />

Books and Babies (age group to be supported<br />

11 – 19).<br />

Intervention Manager<br />

Jackie Morton - 01443 744379<br />

Jackie.morton@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Teenage Parents project<br />

Rhian Ford – 01443 744272 / 07799 132055 –<br />

Rhian.m.ford@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Books and Babies<br />

This project provides alternative curriculum<br />

opportunities for pregnant pupils and young<br />

mothers up to the age of sixteen years.<br />

Accredited qualifications include NVQ dance and<br />

fashion that encompass a number of learning<br />

experiences covering wider key skills.<br />

The project ensures that all teenage mothers and<br />

mothers to be are supported to maintain their<br />

educational opportunities whether it is to remain<br />

in their mainstream school or to access the<br />

Books and Babies project. Support is in place<br />

until the age of nineteen years.<br />

Intervention Manager<br />

Jackie Morton - 01443 744379<br />

Jackie.morton@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Books and Babies project<br />

Joy Starling – 01685 887500<br />

joy.l.starling@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />


Cultural Services (Live Photography Project)<br />

A unique opportunity for young people aged 16-<br />

19 years to be involved in a fantastic Band and<br />

Live Performance Photography Project, working<br />

with professional band photographer Darren<br />

Griffiths- Warner.<br />

The aim of this project is to support and develop<br />

tomorrows budding music photographers in<br />

<strong>Rhondda</strong> <strong>Cynon</strong> <strong>Taf</strong>f, giving them a unique<br />

opportunity to receive first hand on location<br />

training and mentoring from professionals in how<br />

to become a music/band photographer. This<br />

project will be a pathway and progression route<br />

for those budding young photographers in RCT.<br />

Young people will participate in workshop<br />

sessions critiquing each others works, utilising<br />

software to edit images, attending a range of<br />

events learning techniques and discipline, and<br />

producing work for an exhibition and publication<br />

in Plugged In – the music magazine produced in<br />

RCT for Wales.<br />

Intervention Manager<br />

Caroline O’Neill - 01443 490258<br />

caroline.a.o’neill@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Cultural Services (Summer Film Project)<br />

Participants will learn about different film<br />

techniques and documentary styles. The current<br />

theme of ‘our local environment’ will be the<br />

starting point, though the young people will lead<br />

on the theme as a process of storyboard<br />

development and consequently this may change.<br />

They will be involved in all processes: how to<br />

research and visualise ideas; create a<br />

storyboard; learn how to use the equipment<br />

together with camera and filming techniques; edit<br />

and manipulate sound and images. Working with<br />

professional film makers the young people will<br />

gain knowledge and skills giving them a sound<br />

grounding in the fundamentals of film industry<br />

production. It is hoped that film editing will be<br />

done at University of Glamorgan’s editing suite at<br />

the Atrium, giving them further insight into the<br />

industry, with the opportunity to use professional<br />

equipment. The school programme will run over 8<br />

days during a two-week period.<br />

Intervention Manager<br />

Caroline O’Neill - 01443 490258<br />

caroline.a.o’neill@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Pathways to Progression (Step Up)<br />

The Services for Young People Curriculum and<br />

Accreditation Development team support the<br />

delivery of the National Open College Network<br />

(NOCN) suite of qualifications called ‘Skills<br />

Toward Enabling Progression’ (Step-UP)<br />

responds to the needs of learners and<br />

educational providers.<br />

Step-UP qualifications provide clearly identified<br />

routes from Entry 3 to Level 1 and three<br />

accredited certificates sit at each level: the<br />

Award, Certificate and Diploma.<br />

Courses and learning programmes are<br />

constructed by choosing units from two menus:<br />

the Core and the Option menus. Units within the<br />

Core menu focus on Literacy, Numeracy,<br />

Independent Living Skills, and Personal & Social<br />

Education. An example of the units within the<br />

option menu are vocational tasters in the<br />

following areas: Construction, Business &<br />

Administration, Child Care, Hair Dressing,<br />

Horticulture, Vehicle Maintenance, ITQ, Music<br />

and Environmental Studies.<br />

What can it be used for?<br />

• Learners from 14+<br />

• As an alternative to GCSE<br />

• Prepare learners for:<br />

• Progression into vocational training<br />

• Independent living and<br />

employment / supported<br />

employment.<br />

Continued >>><br />


Step Up Qualification Sizes<br />

Qualification Title Total Credits Points<br />

Entry Level 3 – Award 3 3.5<br />

Entry Level 3 – Certificate 15 14<br />

Entry Level 3 – Diploma 37 28<br />

Level 1 – Award 6 12.5<br />

Level 1 – Certificate 21 50<br />

Level 1 - Diploma 39 100<br />

Learner Benefits<br />

• Delivery method is flexible and non prescriptive<br />

and can be tailored to meet the interest and<br />

capability of the learner. It is a QCF credit<br />

based qualification – small amounts of learning<br />

are recognised and awarded thus building selfesteem<br />

and confidence that can increase<br />

successful outcomes<br />

• Step Up is assessed through portfolio work and<br />

does not require an examination.<br />

• Step Up is a nationally recognised qualification.<br />

• Step Up provides vocational taster<br />

opportunities that can lead to further<br />

progression into vocational areas of education<br />

and employment.<br />

• Step Up provides a positive focus on<br />

achievement where young people’s success is<br />

celebrated.<br />

• Step Up can impact positively on basic skills,<br />

work force skills and can lead to sustainable<br />

employment.<br />

Intervention Manager<br />

Dawn Rees – 01443 744218<br />

dawn.p.rees@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

Pathways to Progression (Generic Employability Skills)<br />

The Generic Employability Skills programme<br />

managed by Services for Young People offers<br />

Schools the opportunity to provide young people<br />

aged 14+, who are likely to have basic skills<br />

deficits and are likely to be disengaged or at risk<br />

of disengagement, to gain nationally recognised<br />

work based qualifications that are transferable<br />

across a number of employment sectors.<br />

The intervention offers a 6-week programme,<br />

which will consist of 1 day per week with an<br />

outside trainer supported by a member of the<br />

Detached Youth Work Team and / or staff<br />

members including Key Workers who will offer the<br />

following suite of qualifications.<br />

• First Aid.<br />

• Health & Safety and Risk Assessment.<br />

• Manual Handling.<br />

• Food Hygiene.<br />

• Fire Safety Awareness.<br />

• Alcohol Awareness.<br />

The programme can be flexible to meet individual<br />

School need.<br />

Learner benefits:<br />

• Raise awareness of responsibilities that are<br />

integral to the world of work.<br />

• Gaining nationally recognised certificates to<br />

include in young people’s CV’s / Personal<br />

profiles.<br />

• Increase the confidence and self esteem of<br />

young people.<br />

• Increase skills in communication and ability to<br />

work as part of a team.<br />

Intervention Manager<br />

Allyson Davies – 01443 744121<br />

allyson.davies@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />


Pathways to Progression – All Skilled UP<br />

The “All Skilled Up” Programme has been<br />

developed by Cardiff City Football Club<br />

Community Foundation and Academy (Welsh<br />

National Literature Agency and Society for<br />

Authors) and aims to improve basic skills and key<br />

skills, including Information Technology (IT),<br />

improving own learning, performance and<br />

communication and working with others via<br />

Sports Development.<br />

As part of Building the Future Together, the ‘All<br />

Skilled Up’ programme is now being rolled out<br />

across <strong>Rhondda</strong> <strong>Cynon</strong> <strong>Taf</strong>f in partnership with<br />

Services for Young People.<br />

It is a literacy project aimed at young people<br />

aged 14+ and it aims to increase basic skills in<br />

reading, writing and speaking, using football as a<br />

tool to engage young people onto the<br />

programme.<br />

The course has recently been accredited by<br />

Agored Cymru (formally OCN Wales) enabling<br />

young people to gain a qualification at Level 1 or<br />

Level 2 in Communication Skills.<br />

All 19 Secondary Schools in RCT are offered two<br />

programmes of ‘All Skilled Up’ for delivery by<br />

Cardiff City Football Club in their School.<br />

All Skilled Up – the Programme:<br />

• Week One: Visit to Cardiff City Football Ground<br />

– transport provided by Cardiff City Football<br />

Club (9am-3pm including travel time)<br />

This is followed with 5 weeks of lessons, which is<br />

led by Cardiff City Football Club and supported<br />

by the Youth Accreditation Team. 1 hour is spent<br />

on basic skills and the All Skilled Up programme,<br />

followed by ½ hour football skills with an<br />

additional ½ hour of support from the Youth<br />

Accreditation Team (2 hours in total each week).<br />

• Week Two: Writing a match report.<br />

• Week Three: Player profile.<br />

• Week Four: Library visit ~ use of library<br />

computer for IT and web research for sports<br />

information.<br />

• Week Five: Feedback on library visit and<br />

presentation on each persons favourite sports<br />

personality / book etc.<br />

• Week Six: Role Play.<br />

Intervention Manager<br />

Dawn Rees – 01443 7444218<br />

dawn.p.rees@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

It is aimed at young people aged 14+, who are at<br />

risk of disengagement from formal education and<br />

have basic skills deficits with a maximum number<br />

of 15 young people per programme.<br />


Quarterly Progress 1.10.10 – 31.12.10<br />

Youth Coaches<br />

Youth Coaches are currently seeing a broad<br />

spectrum of targeted pupils with individual<br />

needs, each completing a project specific<br />

Learning Plan. Work to date includes<br />

development of basic skills, study<br />

skills/strategies, confidence building and work<br />

targeting behaviour and attendance.<br />

Youth Coaches have now been appointed into Ty<br />

Gwyn Pupil Referral Unit and Maesgwyn Special<br />

School.<br />

Key Workers<br />

19 Key Workers continue to provide advocacy<br />

support, coaching, mentoring and advice to<br />

young people, to enable them to achieve better<br />

educational outcomes, to increase access to<br />

opportunities and to raise aspirations, skills and<br />

achievement.<br />

Baseline assessments of numeracy and literacy,<br />

using CAT tests have been completed, alongside<br />

PASS tests to assess attitudes to self, learning<br />

and school. The outcomes of these tests are<br />

currently being assessed, with emerging needs<br />

being addressed by Building the Future Together.<br />

The Key Workers will proactively measure<br />

distance travelled and outcomes achieved by<br />

each individual, to inform the project.<br />

Coleg Morgannwg<br />

Coleg Morgannwg have been targeting RCT 14-<br />

19 networks, Careers Wales, Young People’s<br />

Partnerships for those who potentially are/could<br />

become NEETs. Students have been assessed<br />

following enrolment and those who met the<br />

eligibility criteria were selected as participants<br />

(low basic skills and qualification levels).<br />

Alternative Curriculum (EOTAS / Key Start)<br />

Pupils from the Ty Catrin Pupil Referral Unit are<br />

attending work based training with a voluntary<br />

sector provider (appointed through<br />

procurement). Placements include construction;<br />

hairdressing; ICT; catering; landscaping;<br />

horticulture and motor vehicle maintenance. All<br />

pupils will have the opportunity to achieve basic<br />

work related qualifications such as OCN’s; Health<br />

and Hygiene and First Aid Certificates etc.<br />

The young people engaged on the Key Start<br />

programme have completed 26 OCN’s in Brick<br />

Work, Block Work and Plastering.<br />


Essential Skills<br />

Coaches are continuing to support targeted<br />

participants with a reading age of between 7 ½ -<br />

9 ½ to improve their literacy.<br />

Detached Youth<br />

A very busy quarter for Detached Youth Workers<br />

saw a group of young people attending an<br />

accredited Youth Forum Residential.<br />

Each cluster worked on a robust October half<br />

Term Activity Programme, whereby they planned<br />

and delivered a needs led provision, creating<br />

opportunities for young people to gain skills and<br />

qualifications.<br />

Twelve people working with the attached to the<br />

DYW team, were nominated and received awards<br />

at the annual Services for Young People<br />

Achievement Award Ceremony.<br />

‘Street Football’ in Hawthorn –Through<br />

engagement and relationship building, the young<br />

people aged 14-19 identified an interest in<br />

football. The project started initially as a weekly<br />

evening kick around on the Astro Turf, but quickly<br />

developed as approx 40 young people now<br />

attend each week. The young people have<br />

started to express an interest in further personal<br />

development and as a result some of the young<br />

people have achieved refereeing qualifications,<br />

First Aid and are awaiting Football Coaching<br />

training. The feedback from community<br />

residents, Police, Housing etc has been<br />

really positive and reports of antisocial<br />

behaviour in the area have disappeared<br />

from the PACT priorities.<br />

Looked After Children into Learning<br />

This Programme has worked with 19 referrals this<br />

quarter. Work has been activity based in the<br />

main, however, a whole approach has been<br />

taken, working with young people and families<br />

alike with the view of achieving best outcomes in<br />

maintaining placement stability and promoting<br />

future focus. Work has been undertaken to<br />

provide young people aged 11-17 years with the<br />

skills needed for learning and future employment<br />

by combining social care, youth work and<br />

outdoor education theories. The programme has<br />

provided a targeted specialist intervention for<br />

young people in care and those young people for<br />

whom there is an assessed risk of them coming<br />

into care (where lack of Education is a factor).<br />

This intervention works holistically with parents<br />

and carers in addition to the young people to<br />

encourage positive values around education, as<br />

well as, assisting transferring behaviour<br />

management strategies that young people have<br />

gained from the programme and transferring<br />

them into their everyday home and in their<br />

communities. Residentials have been planned<br />

for the end of each term to consolidate learning.<br />

“Really<br />

points out the<br />

importance of<br />

qualification and<br />

attending school”<br />


Looked After Children into Employment<br />

Business in the Community delivered a two and a<br />

half week programme called Best Chance in<br />

November 2010 to 8 young people who are<br />

registered on the <strong>BTFT</strong> Looked After Children into<br />

employment intervention.<br />

The programme consisted of:<br />

• Two full days of pre-placement training,<br />

designed to break down barriers to<br />

employment and build confidence and selfesteem.<br />

• Each young person to undertake a two-week<br />

supported work placement within a member of<br />

the Business In The Community (BITC). The<br />

placement is designed to build confidence,<br />

improve skills, raise awareness of the world of<br />

work and enable the young people to gain<br />

valuable work experience for their CV’s and<br />

leave with a good reference.<br />

• A half day follow-up session to bring the young<br />

people together to share experiences and<br />

receive certificates of achievement.<br />

• Each young person who completed their work<br />

placement was matched with a Mentor who will<br />

meet with them for approximately six sessions<br />

to provide ongoing support, if deemed<br />

necessary.<br />

Emma Brabon (Employment Co-ordinator),<br />

supervised the delivery of the programme,<br />

together with Jill Salter from Business in the<br />

Community.<br />

Due to the success of the weekly ‘drop in’<br />

surgeries, Emma Brabon has been working with<br />

Barnardos staff to deliver monthly<br />

jobsearch/confidence building workshops for<br />

groups of young people.<br />

RCT Traineeship Programme – In October 2010,<br />

one of the young people registered on <strong>BTFT</strong><br />

Looked After Children into Work Intervention was<br />

successful in securing a place on the two year<br />

traineeship programme ‘Step in the Right<br />

Direction’ and 5 young people have been<br />

interviewed for a potential place on the<br />

programme starting in January 2011.<br />

Apprenticeships – This quarter two young people<br />

have been successful in securing an<br />

apprenticeship in Mechanics and Hairdressing.<br />

Llamau Learning 4 Life – Excellent working<br />

relationship established with Merthyr Tydfil, Barry<br />

and Pontypridd projects. During this quarter, six<br />

referrals made to Llamau Learning 4 Life Project.<br />

Teenage Parents<br />

Two new pupils have engaged with the project<br />

during the last quarter, 4 pupils left temporarily to<br />

give birth to their babies. 2 referrals have been<br />

made to the Teenage Parent Advisor, they chose<br />

to stay at their mainstream school.<br />

Barnados ‘Drop in’ Surgery – From Oct 2010<br />

Emma Brabon attends<br />

Barnardos, Pontypridd every<br />

Friday to give job search<br />

advice and support to Looked<br />

After Children and Care<br />

Leavers.<br />

“The<br />

course is awesome and<br />

I really like it. It helps me<br />

with my attendance and<br />

behaviour”<br />


Cultural Services PLUGGED<br />

IN's Performance & Band<br />

Photography Course<br />

Cultural Services – Live Photography<br />

Project<br />

Young people participating have had one-to-one<br />

sessions with the professional tutor, as well as<br />

opportunities to attend sessions with peers to<br />

critique works. Young people have had the<br />

opportunity to attend live events across the<br />

borough and beyond, gaining experience of live<br />

photography and developing images to build a<br />

portfolio of work.<br />

Cultural Services – Summer Film Project<br />

2010<br />

The project led to the production of a DVD.<br />

Another outcome from this project is the idea to<br />

start a young peoples filmmaking club with the<br />

support of RCT Community Arts. This initiative<br />

coming from the young filmmakers demonstrates<br />

their overwhelming enthusiasm for the subject.<br />

Pathways to Progression – Step Up<br />

The pilot project has now been rolled out to all<br />

schools with 53 young people enrolled this<br />

quarter. The step up programmes are<br />

constructed by choosing units which focus on<br />

Literacy, Numeracy, Independent living Skills, and<br />

Personal and Social Education – these are the<br />

core units, there are also optional units which are<br />

vocational tasters in the following areas:<br />

Construction, Business & Administration, Child<br />

Care, Hair Dressing, Horticulture, Vehicle<br />

Maintenance, ITQ, Music and Environmental<br />

Studies. The number of units completed and<br />

credits received will determine the level of<br />

qualification received.<br />


Pathways to Progression – Generic<br />

Employability Skills<br />

Contracts have been awarded to Educ8 to deliver<br />

this intervention within the schools and RT<br />

Training will deliver the intervention within the<br />

Community. Delivery commenced in Jan 2011.<br />

The intervention offers a 6 week programme<br />

which will consist of 1 day per week with an<br />

outside trainer supported by a member of the<br />

Detached Youth Team and/or Key Worker who will<br />

offer the following suite of qualifications:<br />

• First Aid.<br />

• Health and Safety and risk assessment.<br />

• Manual Handling.<br />

• Food Hygiene.<br />

• Fire Safety Awareness.<br />

• Alcohol Awareness.<br />

The learner benefits:<br />

• Raise awareness of responsibilities that are<br />

integral to the world of work.<br />

• Gaining nationally recognised certificates to<br />

include in young people’s CV’s / personal<br />

profiles.<br />

• Increase in the confidence and self esteem of<br />

young people.<br />

• Increase in the communication skills and ability<br />

to work as part of a team.<br />

Pathways to Progression – All Skilled UP<br />

A contract was awarded to Cardiff City Football<br />

Club to deliver this intervention. Delivery<br />

commenced in Jan 2011. The programme aims<br />

to improve basic skills and key skills, including<br />

Information Technology (IT), Improving own<br />

learning and performance, Communication and<br />

working with others via Sports Development. The<br />

course has recently been accredited by Agored<br />

Cymru enabling young people to gain a<br />

qualification at Level 1 or Level 2 in<br />

Communication Skills.<br />

Regeneration Workshop<br />

at Pontypridd High School<br />


RAWR Launch Event<br />

NEETS<br />

With the support of a graduate from the Council’s<br />

in house graduate programme, we have now<br />

gathered data from schools, pupil referral units,<br />

special schools, the College and Job Centre Plus<br />

to provide us with a much better understanding<br />

of the NEET population in <strong>Rhondda</strong> <strong>Cynon</strong> <strong>Taf</strong>.<br />

This will allow us to tailor opportunities via <strong>BTFT</strong><br />

to meet the complex range of needs faced, to<br />

challenge existing services and hopefully<br />

influence future ways of engaging this group – to<br />

prevent future NEETs and reengage those<br />

currently missing out.<br />

Extended work placements<br />

With the support of a graduate from the Council’s<br />

in house graduate programme we have carried<br />

out research into the work placement<br />

opportunities which are being offered in RCT.<br />

Negotiations are taking place with Careers Wales<br />

to ensure that any work placements which are<br />

being sought for the participants on the <strong>BTFT</strong><br />

project have been appropriately vetted and<br />

entered onto the required database.<br />

“I think the<br />

course has been good because<br />

I am much better behaved and I<br />

don’t mind coming to school<br />

because I enjoy the work”<br />


Cross Cutting themes<br />

Building the Future Together staff incorporate the<br />

themes of equal opportunities and environmental<br />

sustainability into all aspects of the project’s<br />

delivery. An Eco code has been developed by the<br />

central team and displayed at their office and all<br />

interventions have been asked to adapt this to<br />

their own circumstances and display their unique<br />

versions at their bases.<br />

The Eco schools initiative is being supported by<br />

<strong>BTFT</strong> Key Workers and Youth Coaches. Only 4 of<br />

<strong>Rhondda</strong> <strong>Cynon</strong> <strong>Taf</strong>’s 19 comprehensive schools<br />

are yet to gain an Eco schools award. Katie<br />

Lloyd, Key worker at St John Baptist CIW High<br />

School recently helped the school take their first<br />

step on the Eco School ladder - they attained the<br />

Bronze Award in January 2011.<br />

Disadvantaged disabled young people are being<br />

provided with dedicated Youth Coach support<br />

through the project in Ty Catrin, Ty Gwyn and<br />

Maesgwyn.<br />

In order to meet the diverse range of needs of the<br />

young people of RCT an equally diverse number<br />

of projects have been developed by <strong>BTFT</strong><br />

interventions which combine increasing<br />

environmental awareness with inspiring and<br />

motivating youngsters to progress and achieve<br />

their full potential. Some examples include:<br />

The Positive Futures project which aims to reengage<br />

the most disadvantaged youngsters in<br />

education by providing outdoor learning<br />

opportunities which encourage an awareness<br />

and responsibility for protecting natural<br />

environment.<br />

Re-Cycle Cycle – the brainchild of the Key Worker<br />

at Pontypridd High – Jim Sullivan – recycle cycle<br />

project gives new life to old unwanted bicycles<br />

and helps young people gain new skills and a<br />

sense of achievement as the refurbished bikes<br />

are distributed to worth while causes.<br />

“My confidence has<br />

improved”<br />


Case Studies<br />

Rock star in the making<br />

Ben has worked with his Youth Coach Debbie<br />

Davies for several months who was aware of his<br />

passion for music and his desire to write his own<br />

songs. Up until recently he has never had the<br />

opportunity to put his words to music<br />

but after finding a singer<br />

songwriter who was willing to<br />

work with Ben, he has never<br />

looked back. He worked<br />

with James Kennedy,<br />

who we contacted<br />

through Cultural<br />

Services SONIG Youth<br />

Music Industry<br />

programme, and he wrote<br />

two songs, devised his<br />

own accompaniment and<br />

with the assistance of James<br />

created his own 2 track CD. Ben was<br />

thrilled to be given this opportunity and<br />

expressed that he would like to sell his CD in<br />

order to raise funds for charity at school; PONT.<br />

He also designed the cover for the CD. This is a<br />

fantastic achievement for Ben as it has given him<br />

a chance to follow his dreams.<br />

Ben has a unique talent for singing and song<br />

writing. He aspires to be a singer or part of a<br />

group and to write his own songs. He is a very<br />

talented young man, full of confidence and<br />

enthusiasm when given a microphone. He<br />

has performed every year in the<br />

school Eisteddfod and always<br />

goes down a storm with his<br />

audience. His commitment for<br />

his passion of music shines<br />

through and I would love for<br />

him to be recognised for this.<br />

“The <strong>BTFT</strong><br />

project has helped<br />

me get voluntary<br />

work”<br />

Mechanical Success<br />

Kyle, a Year 11 pupil, had been referred to his<br />

Key Worker because it was felt that his poor<br />

attendance could lead to him leaving school with<br />

no qualifications and unlikely to find employment.<br />

His Key Worker identified his interest and<br />

enthusiasm for mechanics and an agreement<br />

was made for Kyle to spend two days a week<br />

on placement with CD Motors in North Road,<br />

Porth. He has flourished at this placement<br />

and by the end of the school year he will<br />

have gained an Open College Network<br />

Entry Level 1 in “Understanding Basic<br />

Internal and External Car Parts”.<br />


What young people think of <strong>BTFT</strong>?<br />

“The work we are<br />

doing has really<br />

helped me with my<br />

behaviour”<br />

“I’ve been able to<br />

experience different<br />

aspects of work”<br />


“Since<br />

working on the <strong>BTFT</strong><br />

project I have now started<br />

enjoying my school week. My<br />

attendance has improved and I feel more<br />

confident about things. The work<br />

placement has been the best thing to<br />

happen to me since being in school”<br />

“I am so glad we were<br />

able to do this course<br />

because I am so much happier<br />

and really look forward<br />

to my lessons”<br />

“This year, I feel much<br />

better because I feel I am<br />

part of a team and my<br />

manners are much<br />

better”<br />

“I feel really stupid<br />

saying this, but this is the<br />

best I’ve ever felt about<br />

school in my life”<br />

“It is much better in<br />

Year 10 than Year 9 because<br />

the course I am doing is just<br />

excellent”<br />


Appendix 1<br />

Central Management<br />

Team Structure<br />

Suzanne Scarlett<br />

Strategic<br />

Improvement<br />

Officer<br />

Diane Hall<br />

Project<br />

Manager<br />

Delyth Balman<br />

Youth Coach<br />

Co-ordinator<br />

Leanna Thomas<br />

Key Worker<br />

Co-ordinator<br />

Emma Griffiths<br />

Quality Assurance<br />

Officer<br />

Annaleise Bowen<br />

Communications<br />

Officer<br />

Elin Williams<br />

Project Assistant<br />

Emily Whitlock<br />

Administrative<br />

Assistant<br />

Michael Hathaway<br />

Infrastructure<br />

Support Officer<br />

Gary Bolsom<br />

Data Entry<br />

Assistant<br />

Youth Coaches<br />

x23<br />

Key Workers<br />

x19<br />

Appendix 2<br />

Project Structure<br />

Project Manager:<br />

Diane Hall<br />

Cultural<br />

Services<br />

Coleg<br />

Morgannwg<br />

Pathways<br />

to<br />

Progression<br />

Looked After<br />

Children into<br />

Work<br />

Central<br />

Convergence<br />

Team<br />

Essential<br />

Skills<br />

Detached<br />

Youth<br />

Workers<br />

Books &<br />

Babies<br />

Holiday<br />

Programme<br />

Alternative<br />

Curriculum<br />

Teenage<br />

Parent<br />

Advisor<br />

Youth<br />

Coaches<br />

School<br />

Based<br />

Staff<br />

Key<br />

Workers<br />

Positive<br />

Futures<br />

Programme<br />

E3+<br />

programme<br />

Line management<br />

Feed into project –<br />

not line managed<br />

by project<br />

Central convergence Team<br />

Joint Sponsor<br />

Project Interventions<br />


Appendix 3 - Targets and Outcomes<br />

What Outputs will be achieved by the project? Profile to September 2012<br />

Total Participants 8769<br />

Female Participants 4384<br />

Key intervention groups:<br />

11 – 13 year old participants (age at enrolment) 3508<br />

14 – 19 year old participants (age at enrolment) 5261<br />

NEET participants 800<br />

Female participants receiving training in STEM 180<br />

Employers collaborating with education/training providers 40<br />

Projects using soft outcome measurement systems<br />

Yes<br />

Projects integrating sustainable development into awareness raising,<br />

education & training<br />

Yes<br />

What Results will be achieved by the project? Profile to Sept 2012<br />

Participants gaining qualifications 11 – 19 year olds 2630<br />

Key Intervention groups:<br />

14 – 19 year old participants 2383<br />

NEET participants 240<br />

Female participants 1315<br />

Female participants gaining qualifications in STEM 120<br />

Qualification levels to be gained: Basic Skills At Level 2 At Level 3<br />

Participants entering further learning – 16 – 19 year olds 240<br />

Key Intervention groups:<br />

NEET participants 240<br />

Female participants 120<br />

Participants gaining other positive outcomes – 11 – 19 year olds 3,000<br />

Key intervention groups:<br />

11 – 13 year old participants 1200<br />

14 – 19 year old participants 1800<br />

NEET participants 240<br />

Female participants 1500<br />

Participants entering employment – 16 – 19 year olds 120<br />

Key intervention groups:<br />

NEET participants 11<br />

Female participants 60<br />

Appendix 4 - Project Deadlines<br />

Year<br />

2010 2011 2012<br />

Claim Period Oct - Dec Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec Jan - Mar Apr - Jun Jul - Sep<br />

Quarterly Progress &<br />

Financial Claim<br />

7th Jan<br />

7th Apr<br />

7th Jul<br />

7th Oct<br />

7th Jan<br />

7th Apr<br />

7th Jul<br />

Participants Attendance<br />

Registers (Half Termly)<br />

<strong>1st</strong> Nov<br />

4th Jan<br />

28th Feb<br />

3rd May<br />

6th Jun<br />

25th Jul<br />

3<strong>1st</strong> Oct<br />

3rd Jan<br />

20th Feb<br />

23rd Apr<br />

11th Jun<br />

30th Jul<br />

Monthly Return (New<br />

Participants&Outcomes)<br />

5th Nov<br />

7th Dec<br />

7th Feb<br />

7th March<br />

6th May<br />

7th June<br />

5th Aug<br />

7th Sept<br />

7th Nov<br />

7th Dec<br />

7th Feb<br />

7th Mar<br />

7th May<br />

7th June<br />

6th Jul<br />

7th Aug<br />


Building the Future Together Project Diagram<br />

Identification of<br />

Potential Participants<br />

Initial Engagement<br />

and ongoing one to<br />

one support<br />

Soft skill development<br />

tools via Universal<br />

Programmes<br />


REVIEW<br />

(Schools)<br />

CATs tests<br />

Basic Skills Test<br />

(Coleg Morgannwg)<br />



PASS tests<br />

Teachers<br />

Youth Workers<br />

Education Welfare<br />

Pastoral Teams<br />

Job Centre<br />

Careers Wales<br />

Social Workers<br />

Youth Offending<br />

Service<br />

Police<br />

Voluntary Sector Reps<br />

Aftercare Service<br />

Looked After<br />

Children’s Services<br />

Key Workers<br />

Detached<br />

Youth Workers<br />

Young Carers<br />

Advisor<br />




e3+<br />

Holiday Programme<br />

Wide range of<br />

inspirational, creative and<br />

dynamic extended<br />

opportunities<br />

SELF<br />




Initial assessment of<br />

individual’s needs and<br />

opportunities to improve<br />

learning / employability<br />

Underpinned by<br />

appropriate multi<br />

agency collaboration &<br />

assessment<br />


Targeted Interventions<br />

Range of<br />

Measurable<br />

Outcomes<br />

Keeping in<br />

Touch<br />

<strong>BTFT</strong><br />

Targets<br />

Youth Coaches<br />


SKILLS<br />

Language & Number Development Coaches<br />

Creative Literacy<br />

Intensive One to One support<br />

Pontypridd High Balanced Literacy Programme<br />

Y Pant follow on project<br />

All skilled up - Cardiff City F.C.<br />

Coleg Morgannwg - basic skills interventions<br />


(Young People of Statutory School Age)<br />

Positive Futures / Outdoor Education<br />

Keystart<br />

Step Up<br />

Books ‘n’ Babies Progs<br />


(Post 16<br />

Not In School)<br />




OSHL<br />


School of Hard Knocks<br />

Boys n’ Girls Project<br />

Coleg Morgannwg - “Let’s Go” project<br />

Books n’ Babies<br />


Citizenship & Independence – 4 Thematic programmes of learning<br />

Tutor Groups (Y Pant)<br />


STEM<br />

Interlink<br />

Generic Employability<br />

Care Leavers into work<br />

Vision my Future -<br />

EBP/University of Glamorgan projects<br />

e3+ eg GCSE Astronomy after school<br />

Dark Skies - European Day<br />

Capita Symonds project<br />

Keyworker led<br />

Youth coach led<br />

Pontys Big Weekend<br />

Environmental Services & recycling<br />


E3+<br />

specific targeted<br />

Supporting Learning Intervention<br />

Secondary Schools<br />

– PRUS<br />

– Special Schools<br />

– Looked After Children<br />

Tai Centre Forum Theatre<br />

Ty Catrin – Activities for work & life<br />

– Work and skills programme<br />

– Personnel & social<br />

programme<br />

Coleg Morgannwg<br />

Summer School & Alternative Models / Vocational Training<br />

Raisings aspirations Building Employer Relations<br />

– Securing meaningful work experience<br />

– Extended work placements<br />

– Careers Conferences<br />

– Work Tasters<br />

– Choices Pathways<br />


Specific targeted<br />

• Improved Literacy and<br />

Numeracy levels<br />

• Improved Academic<br />

achievement KS4 &<br />

KS5<br />

• Range OCNs / ASDAN<br />

& LI quals<br />

• Progression to further<br />

learning<br />

• Positive attitudes<br />

• Ability to use language<br />

and number effectively<br />

• Communication skills<br />

• Ability to work in a team<br />

• Self management,<br />

thinking and problem<br />

solving skills<br />

• Work Placement<br />

• Employment<br />

• Volunteering<br />

• Improved emotional<br />

well being<br />

• Improved attendance at<br />

school<br />

Pathways with support<br />

of<br />

• Detached Youth<br />

Workers<br />

• Youth Coaches<br />

• Coleg Morgannwg<br />

• World of Work team<br />

• Careers Wales<br />

• Community Partners<br />

Estimated number<br />

to be achieved<br />

Outputs<br />

Total Participants ..............8769<br />

Female Participants............4384<br />

Key intervention groups: ............<br />

11–13yrs participants ........3508<br />

(age at enrolment)<br />

14–19yrs participants ........5261<br />

(age at enrolment)<br />

NEET participants ................800<br />

Female participants ..............180<br />

receiving training in Maths,<br />

Science, Engineering and<br />

technology<br />

Employers collaborating ........40<br />

with education/training<br />

providers<br />

Projects using soft ................Yes<br />

outcome measurement<br />

systems<br />

Projects integrating ..............Yes<br />

sustainable development<br />

into awareness raising,<br />

education and training<br />

Results<br />

Participants gaining ........2630<br />

qualifications 11–19yrs<br />

14–19yrs participants ........1578<br />

NEET participants ................240<br />

Female participants ............1315<br />

Female participants ............120<br />

gaining qualifications in<br />

Maths, Science, Engineering<br />

and Technology<br />

Basic Skills..............................<br />

At Level 2................................<br />

At Level 3................................<br />

Participants entering ............240<br />

further learning – 16–19yrs<br />

NEET participants ................240<br />

Female participants ..............120<br />

Participants gaining ..........3,000<br />

other positive outcomes –<br />

11–19yrs<br />

11–13yrs participants ........1200<br />

14–19yrs participants ........1800<br />

NEET participants ................240<br />

Female participants ............1500<br />

Participants entering............ 120<br />

employment –<br />

16–19yrs<br />

NEET participants ..................11<br />

Female participants ................60<br />

Also onward referral to Non <strong>BTFT</strong><br />

Interventions where appropriate<br />


Building the Future Together<br />

Education & Lifelong Learning<br />

Tel: 01443 744304<br />

Email: <strong>BTFT</strong>@rctcbc.gov.uk<br />

www.rctcbc.gov.uk/<strong>BTFT</strong><br />

Adeiladu’r Dyfodol Gyda’n Gilydd<br />

Addysg a Dysgu Gydol Oes<br />

Ffôn: 01443 744304<br />

E-bost: <strong>BTFT</strong>@rhondda-cynon-taf.gov.uk<br />


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