Jones, C. (1987). Using Connections as a Database ... - INSNA

Jones, C. (1987). Using Connections as a Database ... - INSNA

Jones, C. (1987). Using Connections as a Database ... - INSNA


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Winter, <strong>1987</strong><br />


ISSUE<br />



Barry Wellman : "What is to be Done? --<br />

The Next Ten Years of <strong>INSNA</strong>"<br />

189<br />

Cl<strong>as</strong>sics Illustrated and Discussed 191<br />

Charles <strong>Jones</strong> :<br />

<strong>as</strong> a Datab<strong>as</strong>e"<br />

"<strong>Using</strong> <strong>Connections</strong><br />

193<br />


DIRECTORY 197<br />

Name - Address - Interests 197<br />

Institutional Memberships 249<br />

Membership by Country 250<br />

Membership by Discipline 252<br />

Membership by Interests 254<br />

INDEX 263<br />

(c) Barry Wellman for <strong>INSNA</strong> <strong>1987</strong><br />

ISBN 0226-1776


small print<br />

EDITORIAL OFFICES : Centre for Urban and Community Studies, University of Toronto .<br />

455 Spadina Ave ., Toronto, Canada M5S 1A1 . (416) 978-3930/2072 .<br />

EDITOR & COORDINATOR : Barry Wellman<br />

ASSOCIATE EDITORS : Walter Carroll ASSOCIATE COORDINATORS : Susan Dentelbeck<br />

Vicente Espinoza<br />

Antonia Maughn<br />

David Hillock<br />

Pat Parisi-Smith<br />

Robin Inskip<br />

Cyndi Rottenberg<br />

Scot Wortley<br />

EUROPEAN EDITORS : Hans Hummell (Sociology, Univ of Duisberg)<br />

John Scott (Sociology, Univ of Leicester)<br />


John Sonquist (Sociology, Univ of California-Santa Barbara)<br />

CONNECTIONS is published triannually by the International Network for Social Network Analysis, at the<br />

Centre for Urban & Community Studies, University of Toronto . Network correspondence and and<br />

subscriptions should be sent to the Editorial Offices .<br />

CONNECTIONS is produced by the Editors and Co-ordinators with voluntary <strong>as</strong>sistance, and is supported<br />

entirely by subscriptions . The facilities and <strong>as</strong>sistance of the Centre for Urban and Community Studies,<br />

University of Toronto, are gratefully acknowledged .<br />

CONNECTIONS SUBSCRIPTION RATE : $18 .00/volume for individuals (including <strong>INSNA</strong> Membership fee) .<br />

INSTITUTIONAL RATES : $30 .00/volume, in U .S . or Canadian dollars . The membership/subscription form<br />

is at the back of each issue . Limited numbers of back issues are available .<br />

Ple<strong>as</strong>e make all remittances payable to <strong>INSNA</strong> . Subscribers outside North America, ple<strong>as</strong>e use an<br />

International Money Order drawn on U .S . currency . Payment in advance only, ple<strong>as</strong>e! These requests<br />

are designed to reduce office work and costs .<br />

SOCIAL NETWORKS is published quarterly, in <strong>as</strong>sociation with <strong>INSNA</strong>, by North-Holland Publishing<br />

Company . Individual <strong>INSNA</strong> members are entitled to a reduced subscription rate to SOCIAL NETWORKS<br />

when combined with a subscription to CONNECTIONS . Subscriptions and renewals to SOCIAL NET-<br />

WORKS will be accepted through <strong>INSNA</strong> at a special discount of $60 .00 for both SOCIAL NETWORKS and<br />

CONNECTIONS . Back volumes of SOCIAL NETWORKS are offered to individual members of <strong>INSNA</strong> at a<br />

50% discount off the publisher's standard price . Orders specifically requesting this discount and<br />

explicitly stating present membership in <strong>INSNA</strong> should be sent directly to : North Holland Publishing Co .,<br />

Molenwerf 1 . P .O. Box 211, 1000 Amsterdam, The Netherlands .<br />

CONTRIBUTIONS are encouraged from members and colleagues : research papers of any length, reviews of<br />

applications of networks in different fields, comments and critiques, survey articles, computer<br />

programmes, conference information, abstracts, teaching aids, etc .

1 7 7<br />



The big news is the DIRECTORY, all new since 1984 . It combines the perv<strong>as</strong>ive power of DB3 with<br />

the beauty of l<strong>as</strong>er-written Word Perfect . Not only does it contain name, address & Bitnet, but there<br />

are cross-referenced lists by country, US state, discipline & keyword . 1 caution: we've included for<br />

completeness all those who've ever been members since 1985 so some entries may be out of date .<br />

Other stuff in this issue are the latest (& l<strong>as</strong>t) news on the SUNBELT conference this Feb in San<br />

Diego, the sunspot where brown-nosing & red-necking is a way of life . We go back to the future,<br />

celebrating 2 certified cl<strong>as</strong>sic network analysts (no, we don't mean the mon<strong>as</strong>tery data!) & talking about<br />

future <strong>INSNA</strong> possibilities . And if you want to write a cl<strong>as</strong>sic paper, Charles <strong>Jones</strong> tells you how to<br />

search <strong>INSNA</strong> abstracts on disk with Nota Bene & get all the cites you'll ever need . Of course, there's<br />

the usual motley <strong>as</strong>sortment of gossip, meeting stuff, computer tips, et al .<br />

*************************** RENEWAL TIME ******************************<br />

It costs over $1 to ch<strong>as</strong>e people to renew with a reminder letter . The morale cost is even higher<br />

to the poor wretches who put this thing out. S O RENEW NOW, WITH THE FORM ENCLOSED WITH<br />

THIS ISSUE. We regret the price rise to $18 . It's the 1st in a few years & will just about cover the<br />

deficit we're running . And shop smart : if you use our new 3 year renewal, you'll avoid future price<br />

rise . Students get an even better deal : a half-price loss leader.<br />


The best way to avoid <strong>INSNA</strong> price hikes is to encourage libraries to subscribe at high institutional<br />

rates ($30 in our c<strong>as</strong>e) . Most journals, including SOCIAL NETWORKS, thrive on library subs . <strong>INSNA</strong><br />

h<strong>as</strong> gained about 20 such subs (including some hi-prestige places), so it can be done . For every<br />

additional 25 subs, we can keep individual sub costs down by $1 . Robin Inskip, <strong>INSNA</strong>'s librarian-inresidence,<br />

h<strong>as</strong> designed a letter aimed at the folks who order journals for libraries . A copy h<strong>as</strong> been<br />

enclosed with this mailing. All you have to do is send it to the appropriate person at your library(ies) .<br />

An endorsing cover letter from you accompanying it usually does wonders, <strong>as</strong> most libraries have a<br />

policy of responding to faculty ple<strong>as</strong> .<br />

KEY NODES IN THE <strong>INSNA</strong> HQ SUPER-NODE<br />

Lots of folks worked hard, smart & long to get this issue out . VICENTE ESPINOZA w<strong>as</strong> our<br />

original designer: laying out the original specs of our new DB3+ membership datab<strong>as</strong>e . PAT PARISI-<br />

SMITH worked carefully and creatively moving our old Cornerstone datab<strong>as</strong>e onto DB3 . Both Pat &<br />

SCOT WORTLEY kept the enterprise going, handling queries, entering new memberships & ch<strong>as</strong>ing hot<br />

prospects. DAVID HILLOCK took the datab<strong>as</strong>e, cleaned it up, made it do tricks, and turned it into our<br />

Word Perfect-b<strong>as</strong>ed Directory . ROBIN INSKIP sweated out marketing & l<strong>as</strong>er printing . Throughout,<br />

ANTONIA MAUGHN watched our accounts, SUSAN DENTELBECK got issues out, CYNDI ROTTENBERG<br />

wrote macros & organized things . <strong>INSNA</strong> is so good (& so cheap) because all these folks are extraordinarily<br />

talented, conscientious & nice . (Which h<strong>as</strong> always been true : every former <strong>INSNA</strong> Associate is<br />

now well-employed .) Throughout, BARRY WELLMAN h<strong>as</strong> acted <strong>as</strong> ringm<strong>as</strong>ter/kibitzer (2 contradictory<br />

roles), & worrier about grand strategy & petty details (2 necessarily complementary roles) .

1 7 8<br />


The WORK & WELL-BEING study of LONG-STAY PATIENTS IN AN ACUTE CARE HOSPITAL h<strong>as</strong><br />

contributed a set of 5 questionnaires to <strong>INSNA</strong>'s growing cumulative file . They tap social networks,<br />

social behaviour skills, support, physical & mental health . INFO from Victor Marshall, Behavioural<br />

Science, U Toronto, Toronto Canada M5S 1A8 Tel : 416-978-6744 .<br />


Columbia Soc c<strong>as</strong>hes in : HARRISON WHITE, STEVEN LUKES, GUNTHER ROTH joining up . . . .STEVEN<br />

ANDREWS moved to Boston from Chapel Hill . . . .PETER BEARMAN Asst Prof at Soc, North Carolina .-<br />

. ..RAYMOND BRADLEY now at Soc, Cal-Santa Cruz & married with NANCY ROBERTS (Naval Postgrad<br />

Schl, Monterry, CA) . . . .KATHARINE FAUST from Psych, Illinois to Soc, American U . . . . MICHAEL GOLD-<br />

BERG moved from Maryland to Venice Calif . . ..STEVAN HOBFOLL from Tel-Aviv to Director, Applied<br />

Psych Ctr, Kent St . He's also Assoc Ed. of the JOURNAL OF SOCIAL & PERSONAL RELATIONSHIPS-<br />

. . . .BARTON HIRSCH to Northwestern <strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong>soc prof of ed & soc policy, & psych . . ..GARY HURD moved<br />

from Costa Mesa to Santa Anna Calif . . . . J. MILLER McPHERSON & LYNN SMITH-LOVIN from South<br />

Carolina to Soc, Cornell . . . .RUMI KATO PRICE now at Psychiatry, W<strong>as</strong>hington U . . . .JACK GOLDSTONE<br />

(Soc, Northwestern) spending 1st 6 months of 1988 at Australian Nat! U's Res Schl of Soc Sci, writing a<br />

book on social origins of the English Industrial Rev . . . . CHRIS WINSHIP (Soc, Northwestern) on sabbatical,<br />

studying the consequences of black youth unemployment . . ..JAMES JACKSON [aka <strong>as</strong> spouse of Toni<br />

Antonucci] appointed Associate Dean for minority affairs at Michigan's grad schl . . ..GRAHAM LOWE<br />

promoted to Full Prof at Soc, Alberta . . . .R. JACK RICHARDSON [former <strong>INSNA</strong> Assoc Coord] promoted to<br />

tenured Assoc Prof at Soc, McM<strong>as</strong>ter . . . . WILLIAM RATCLIFFE h<strong>as</strong> left network analysis for "a successful<br />

& rewarding career in market research" at Burwell Hay, Toronto . . . .SUSAN LEIGH STARR moves from<br />

Tremont Inst, San Francisco to Asst Prof, Info & Comp Sci, Cal-Irvine . . . . ANN SWIDLER from Stanford to<br />

Soc, Cal-Berkeley . . .. JAMES HOUSE (Mngmnt St, Toronto) Visiting Prof at Suffolk U . . . .PETER BLAU<br />

Acting Director of Columbia's Ctr for the Soc Scis . . . .BARRIE THORNE named 1st Barbara Streisand Prof<br />

of Intimacy & Sexuality at Soc, USC. . .<br />

LIVE FERAND married . . . . J. CLYDE MITCHELL (Nuffield C, Oxford emert .) married . . . .MICHAEL<br />

SCHWARTZ (Soc, SUNY-Stony Brook) married . . . .CYNDI ROTTENBERG engaged . . ..BONNIE ERICKSON (Soc,<br />

Toronto) will spend 6-7/88 at swanky Bellagio conf ctr in Italian Alps developing her research . . . .DAVIDA<br />

WEINBERG (Soc, Cal-Berkeley) received Dissertation Fellowship from the Woodrow Wilson to study<br />

"Reciprocity Reconsidered : Motivations to Return in the Social Exchange of Favors JANE HOOD (Soc,<br />

New Mexico) received Burlington Northern Fdn award for teaching excellence . . . .ALAN MacFARLANE<br />

(Anthro, Cantab) won Wm Goode award from Amer Soc Assoc Family section for Marriage & Love in<br />

England, 1300-1840 . . . . PATRICIA TOLBERT (Cornell) wins European Group for Organizational Studies<br />

(EGOS) award for "Institutional environments & resource dependence : sources of administrative structure<br />

in institutions of higher education" (ASQ, 1985) . . . . LESLIE HOWARD's house in Whittier, California<br />

survived the 10/87 L .A . earthquake with minor pl<strong>as</strong>ter damage . Word to the wise : Les says woodframe<br />

houses (like his) are more quake-proof than cinder block because they flex more under stress . (Sounds<br />

like the Alexander Technique, <strong>as</strong> taught at the Sunbelt Conf.) . . . .BARRY WELLMAN (Soc, Toronto) current<br />

head of ASA Community Section's 'Lynd Award' Committee (given for outstanding lifetime contributions)<br />

. . . .KAREN CAMPBELL (Soc, U W<strong>as</strong>hington) elected Editor of SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY QUARTER-<br />

LY . . . . RANDALL COLLINS (Soc, Cal-Riverside) elected to Amer Soc Assoc's Council . . .. JAMES COLEMAN<br />

(Soc, Chicago) awarded honorary doctorate by Southern Cal . . . .JOSHUA MEYROWITZ (Communic, New<br />

Hampshire) winner of Speech Communic Assoc's Golden Anniversary Book Award for NO SENSE OF<br />


BUSINESS now available in paperback, U Chicago Pr, $13 .95 .<br />


From L'Union des Associations Internationales : We are exploring the possibility of using techniques<br />

of network analysis to explore our datab<strong>as</strong>e with a view to representing segments of it <strong>as</strong> network maps .<br />

Our difficulty is that we are dealing with 10K-30K nodes (organizations + 'world problems') . So we can<br />

also use help in determining how the total map could best be segmented into the 'pages' of an 'atl<strong>as</strong>',<br />

namely by criteria of connectivity or common subject focus .

1 79<br />

My current sense of cost-effective fe<strong>as</strong>ibility is to piggy-back on various forms of software such <strong>as</strong><br />

CAD, social network analysis or circuit board design . Our specific problems :<br />

1 . To find a package will allow us to import our data even though it consists of a network of<br />

relationships between conceptual entities .<br />

2 . To find a suitable algorithm to distribute our data over a surface in such a way <strong>as</strong> to ensure a<br />

minimum of line crossings amongst the elements of the networks . Or, inn the absence of an elegant<br />

solution, to perform a computer <strong>as</strong>sisted redistribution of the data by manual m<strong>as</strong>saging in an interactive<br />

mode .<br />

3 . To move towards being able to m<strong>as</strong>sage any given map into a pattern which is meaningful :<br />

computer-<strong>as</strong>sisted pattern forming .<br />

I hope to hear from those who have similar problems . I am planning to visit the USA 1/88 &<br />

would appreciate face-to-face or telephone discussions .<br />

[Edited from a letter from Anthony J N Judge, Secretariat General, Union des Associations Internationales,<br />

Rue W<strong>as</strong>hington 40, 1050 Bruxelles, Belgique . Tel : (02)-640-41-09, 640-18-08 . Telex : 65080 INAC B .<br />

From Stanley W<strong>as</strong>serman : I spent 4 weeks at the U Michigan, Ann Arbor, teaching the Network<br />

Analysis course at the Summer Program in Quantitative Methods at ICPSR . Hank Heitowit, the Director<br />

of the Summer Program, h<strong>as</strong> made a commitment to the course & plans to offer it for at le<strong>as</strong>t the next<br />

2 years . The course is a unique opportunity for students & researchers to learn the latest network<br />

methodology in a very good environment .<br />

This summer, I had 7-10 students for the duration of the course . I enjoyed th experience -- ICPSR<br />

h<strong>as</strong> great resources, especially computers . I do not think that I will return next year, however -- 4<br />

weeks is too long to go without seeing my family . So we will be looking for an instructor for next<br />

year.<br />

Interested instructors contact Stanley at Psychology Dept, U Illinois, 603 E . Daniel St, Champaign<br />

IL 61820 . Those who want to take the course should get in touch directly with Hank Heitowit, ICPSR,<br />

U Michigan, Ann Arbor .<br />

From Barry Wellman : I've been <strong>as</strong>ked by the ANNUAL REVIEW OF SOCIOLOGY to do a review<br />

article on urban social relations . Ple<strong>as</strong>e send me your papers (conference, working papers <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong><br />

publication) <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> pertinent info . about your books (<strong>as</strong>suming you can't spare a copy) . In return I<br />

shall try to make you (in)famous . I need this material by 1 April 88, preferably . Address : Ctr for<br />

Urban & Community Studies, Univ of Toronto, 455 Spadina Ave, Room 426, Toronto Canada M5S 1A1 .<br />


Years in the making, a score of mega-stars, & a fuchsia cover! Yes, folks, it should be out in<br />

January, 1988 : the long-awaited (& longer-promised) SOCIAL STRUCTURES : A NETWORK APPROACH,<br />

edited by Barry Wellman & S .D . Berkowitz . [Cambridge U Press, c530 pp ., $19 .95 pb, $65 hb.]<br />

What's in it? A score of articles, all profound, most witty, & almost all original . They've been<br />

chosen to give a sense of a structural/network analytic approach to looking at social issues . CON-<br />

TENTS<br />

I . Thinking Structurally<br />

"Studying social structures," Barry Wellman & S .D . Berkowitz<br />

"Structural analysis : from method & metaphor to theory & substance," Barry Wellman<br />

"Understanding simple social structure : kinship units and ties," Nancy Howell<br />

"The duality of persons and groups," Ronald Breiger<br />

"The relational b<strong>as</strong>is of attitudes," Bonnie Erickson<br />

II . Communities<br />

"Networks <strong>as</strong> personal communities," Barry Wellman, Peter Carrington & Alan Hall<br />

"Work & community in industrializing India," Leslie Howard<br />

"Relations of production & cl<strong>as</strong>s rule : the hidden b<strong>as</strong>is of patron-clientage," Y . Michal Bodemann<br />

III . Markets<br />

"Varieties of markets," Harrison White<br />

"Markets & market-are<strong>as</strong> : some preliminary formulations," S .D . Berkowitz<br />

"Form & substance in the analysis of the world economy," Harriet Friedmann

1 8 0<br />

IV . Social Change<br />

"Misreading, then rereading, 19th century social change," Charles Tilly<br />

"Structural location & ideological divergence : Jewish Marxist intellectuals in turn-of-the-century<br />

Russia," Robert Brym<br />

"Cites & fights : material entailment analysis of the 18th century chemical revolution," Dougl<strong>as</strong> White<br />

& H. Gilman McCann<br />

V . Social Mobility<br />

"Collective mobility & the persistence of dyn<strong>as</strong>ties," Lorne Tepperman<br />

"Social networks & efficient resource allocation : computer models of job vacancy allocation thru<br />

contacts," John Delany<br />

"Occupational mobility : a structural model," Joel Levine & John Spadaro<br />

"Toward a formal structural sociology," S .D . Berkowitz<br />


PRES : Immanuel Wallerstein (SUNY-Binghamton) . . . . VICE-PRES : Edna Bonacich (Cal-Riverside),<br />

Alejandro Portes (Johns Hopkins) . . . .NOMINATIONS Ctte : David Knoke (Minnesota), Robert Perucci<br />

(Purdue) . . . . COMMITTEES Ctte : James Baron (Stanford), Wendy Griswold (Chicago), Glenna Spitze (Sac,<br />

SUNY-Albany) .<br />


"Espirit Jeans-A Modern Concept : Because denim & jeanswear are such social equalizers today you<br />

don't necessarily need silks & satins to be elegant . Elegance is now, curiously enough, anti-f<strong>as</strong>hion &<br />

anti-luxury . This new elegance h<strong>as</strong> become a de-cl<strong>as</strong>sification process that puts what you can do--your<br />

style & abilities far ahead of what you can afford . Now you don't have to be rich to be elegant ." [The<br />

complete ad text in [US) VOGUE, 9/87] .<br />


In his latest novel, [Jean Dutourd, LE SEMINAIRE DE BORDEAUX, Flammarion, Fr85, 318p .] h<strong>as</strong><br />

concentrated his fire on 1 of the scared cows of the 5th Republic, the CNRS . . .& on a group of young<br />

sociologists who labour earnestly on monographs with tiles like The Sexual Life of Artisans in the<br />

Feather Trade at Grand Caillou in the 18th Century or Dechristianisation in the Region of Poitou-<br />

Charente Between 1936 & 1965 . Promiscuity being the norm among this happy band of research workers,<br />

there is a frequent exchanging of partners . . . It is not often that 1 comes across a novel that is both so<br />

funny & so touching in such finely balanced proportions ." [from Erik De Mauny's FINANCIAL TIMES<br />

review, 18 July 87] .<br />


CHINA DAILY reporter found unusually clean restrooms in Canton's China Hotel . He noted that<br />

some foreign tourists tipped the attendant who w<strong>as</strong> "forever smiling & ready to help . Should we expect<br />

every hotel staff & people in the service industry to smile <strong>as</strong> lovers do to each other? And in return<br />

for nothing? I don't think so ." [from TORONTO STAR 31 July 87] .<br />


"The focus on explained variance h<strong>as</strong> had a major effect on the choice of problems to study within<br />

sociology . To explain the variance in a dependent variable, there must be variance in both the independent<br />

& dependent variables . This need for variance in the variables under study h<strong>as</strong> led researchers to<br />

focus on problems addressable with data sets that contain variation in the variables of interest . In most<br />

instances, this variation occurs at the individual level, & the subject of analysis h<strong>as</strong> been interindividual<br />

differences in a dependent variable . Many, if not most fundamental sociological questions, however,<br />

involve macrolevel, structural forces in which there is little or no variation . These problems cannot be<br />

addresses thru this type of analysis .<br />

"Why h<strong>as</strong> the analysis of interindividual differences or variation become so predominant in social<br />

research . The answer lies in the transfer of methodological knowledge where statistical methods for

1 8 1<br />

analyzing variance were originally developed . In genetics, however, the analysis of variation w<strong>as</strong><br />

motivated by the major substantive concerns of the field . . . . Lieberson rightly claims that the questions in<br />

much social research are not driving the analysis ; instead, the reverse is frequently true . Thus an<br />

often useful tool now diverts attention from the more fundamental substantive issues, many of which are<br />

not naturally formulated in terms of variation . . . .<br />

"The preoccupation with explaining variance h<strong>as</strong> led researchers to focus largely on accounting for<br />

interindividdual differences, but many of the questions of central importance in sociology concern the<br />

functioning of larger collectivities . Thus there h<strong>as</strong> been a tendency for sociologists to confuse levels of<br />

analysis & to argue that the analysis of <strong>as</strong>sociations at the individual, or micro, level can inform us<br />

about processes operating at a higher level . But . . . observations of <strong>as</strong>sociations at the micro level cannot<br />

be used to infer that similar <strong>as</strong>sociations exist at a macro level, just <strong>as</strong> observations of <strong>as</strong>sociations at a<br />

macro level do not indicate that similar <strong>as</strong>sociations will be found at the micro level ." [From Burton<br />

Singer & Margaret Mooney Marini, "Advancing Social Research : An Essay B<strong>as</strong>ed on Stanley Lieberson's<br />

Making It Count," SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY <strong>1987</strong>,380-81 .]<br />



new JAI Pr annual, is soliciting papers & proposals .It wants historical <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> contemporary stuff, &<br />

papers stressing 'unconventional' interpretations of social policies (e .g ., Marxist, phenomenology, psychohistory,<br />

critical theory, underdevelopment, internal colonialism) . The is publishing papers on social<br />

policies <strong>as</strong> developed by elite decision-makers in states, missions, foundations, communities & international<br />

political bodies . Next paper deadline 30 June 88 . Info: John Stanfield II, Editor, Soc Dept, PO Box<br />

1965, Yale Station, New Haven CT 06520 .<br />


Katz (Soc, Hebrew U) is the <strong>1987</strong> winner of Teleglobe Canada's $50K Marshall McLuhan Prize for<br />

outstanding international achievement in the field of communications . Among his achievements, the<br />

awards committee noted the 1955 PERSONAL INFLUENCE (with Paul Lazarsfeld) which "called attention<br />

to the meshing of communications networks ; how the networks of personal communications interpenetrates<br />

with the flow of m<strong>as</strong>s communication . By exploring the conditions under which m<strong>as</strong>s media<br />

are (& are not) effective agencies of change, Katz succeed in demonstrating that the role of the<br />

individual cannot be perceived <strong>as</strong> a p<strong>as</strong>sive 1, but rather <strong>as</strong> a generator & object of influence in the<br />

communications process .<br />


"[Galtung (1981) h<strong>as</strong>] identified 4 predominant intellectual styles . The SAXONIC style, dominant in<br />

the major Anglo-Saxon centres (Great Britain & the USA), is very strong in description (proposition<br />

production), weak in explanation (theory formation), weak in paradigm analysis (analysis & evaluation of<br />

the foundations of its scientific endeavours), & strong in commentary on other intellectuals (analysing &<br />

evaluating their paradigms, propositions & theories) . The TEUTONIC & GALLIC styles are weak in<br />

description, very strong in explanation, & strong in paradigm analysis & commentary . [The 4th, NIP-<br />

PONIC, style is not discussed in this paper .]<br />

"The major distinctions between styles centre around orientation to theory formation & utilisation<br />

of empirical data . The Saxonic style is proposition oriented & less ambitious concerning theory formation<br />

. The proponents of the Teutonic style are system builders, while the proponents of the Gallic style<br />

build their theory with linguistic skills <strong>as</strong> a hammock around 2 counterpoised poles . The Teutonic style<br />

uses data <strong>as</strong> pl<strong>as</strong>ter on atheoretical pyramid, while the Gallic style considers them <strong>as</strong> somewhat irrelevant<br />

for theoretical endeavours, altho worthwhile collecting <strong>as</strong> a hobby . The Saxonic style thrives<br />

on data . It collects, documents & interprets : its American version is primarily interested in statistical<br />

data, its British counterpart in exact documentation . Real debates exist only in the Saxonic style, <strong>as</strong><br />

[the] Teutonic & Gallic styles believe in vehement monologues of different types ." [from Veronica<br />

STOLTE-HEISKANEN, "The Role of Centre-Periphery Relations in the Utilisation of the Social Sciences ."<br />


1 8 2<br />


<strong>INSNA</strong> member DAVID TRIMBLE h<strong>as</strong> been working hard forging links among network therapists .<br />

He's editing a nice informal NETLETTER, full of news, abstracts & meeting info . The therapists have<br />

also been busy running seminars & workshops at conferences . INFO : David Trimble, 125 Saint Paul St,<br />

Brookline, MA 02146 Tel : 617-566-2416<br />


So <strong>as</strong>ks a recent letter in the Chinese daily, ECONOMIC INFORMATION. The author points to the<br />

example of a factory chief who caused whatever business he ran to lose money . Instead of being<br />

demoted, he w<strong>as</strong> transferred to another top job .<br />

The re<strong>as</strong>on given : "A v<strong>as</strong>t network of connections thru which old schoolmates, friends & colleagues<br />

promoted & protected each other & for which maintaining good relations w<strong>as</strong> much more important than<br />

appointing competent people . The factory chiefs are not only battling networks of old cadres &<br />

interfering bureaucrats but also operating in a market beseige by shortages & price fluctuations over<br />

which they have no control ." [from Mark O'Neill's Reuter story in the TORONTO GLOBE & MAIL 20<br />

Aug 87] .<br />


"Life in America is not so difficult . There any young man can become an <strong>as</strong>sistant professor."<br />

German physicist Arnold Sommerfeld in the 1920s <strong>as</strong> quoted by I .I . Rabi in John Rigden, RABI : SCIEN-<br />

TIST AND CITIZEN [NY : B<strong>as</strong>ic Books, 1986?] .<br />


"Speaking of his [life] in the 1860s <strong>as</strong> [a member of the Apostle secret society, Henry] Sidgwick<br />

said : `No part of my life at Cambridge w<strong>as</strong> so real to me <strong>as</strong> the Saturday evenings on which the<br />

apostolic debates were held ; and the tie of attachment to the society is much the strongest corporate<br />

bond which I have known in life ."<br />

[The tradition continued with Anthony Blunt, Apostle in the 1930s, KGB agent & later, the Queen's<br />

art curator] . "When, according to Goronwy Rees, Blunt tried to dissuade him from telling M15 that he<br />

suspected [Guy] Burgess of being an agent, Blunt quoted E .M . Forster's famous aphorism : that faced<br />

with a choice, he hoped he would have the guts to betray his country rather than his friends . Rees<br />

says that he replied that the antithesis w<strong>as</strong> false -- 1's country w<strong>as</strong> a dense network of individual &<br />

social relationships in which loyalty to 1 particular person formed only a single strand . . . . Rees forgot,<br />

however, the context of Forster's aphorism . Forster prefaced it by writing, `Personal relations are<br />

despised to-day . . .& we are urged to get rid of them, & to dedicate ourselves to some movement or cause<br />

instead . I hate the idea of causes." [Noel Annan, "Et tu, Anthony," NEW YORK REVIEW OF BOOKS 22<br />

Oct 87] .<br />


"Starobinski organizes his book around 7 great themes that Montaigne felt he must examine &<br />

somehow resolve, [including] friendship & the need for an audience . . . . Montaigne had once had an<br />

incomparable intimacy with [Etienne] La Boetie, an intimacy that isolated them from the deceptive world,<br />

a `complete fusion of wills,' a stable union of souls and self-revelation ('He saw for me, and I saw for<br />

him') . . . .<br />

"Starobinski beings his 3d chapter with Montaigne's announced detestation of dependence, of being<br />

obliged to others out of favor or gratitude, or worse, being subject to their judgement . But when he<br />

withdraws to self-sufficiency, Montaigne finds that 'others' creep back in ; he needs them if only to<br />

prevent him from lying to himself . . . . Moreover, he recognizes that there is a difference between unre<strong>as</strong>oned<br />

subjection to l's family or local community & solidarity with wider communities -- solidarity

1 8 3<br />

that forms a `universal bond' : `I consider all men my compatriots .' With these broader views of self &<br />

community, Montaigne can go back to local relations . Obligation, he decides, need not be subjection ; it<br />

can be mutual so long <strong>as</strong> it is b<strong>as</strong>ed on the link of truthful speech .<br />

"Starobinski concludes `The relation to others' with a discussion of Montaigne's delight in triads &<br />

in 3-part structures . . ." From Natalie Zemon Davis' New York Review of Books review of Jean Starobinski,<br />

MONTAIGNE IN MOTION (U Chicago Pr, <strong>1987</strong>?] .<br />


43% of the top 30 writers examined annually for 15 years at the U Iowa Writer's Workshop have<br />

suffered some degree of manic-depressive illness . [Source : Toronto GLOBE & MAIL 18 July 87] . But<br />

which came 1st, writing or m-d?<br />


"Status is demonstrated by a private bathroom & an anteroom with 2 secretaries . Less obviously, it<br />

is apparent in l's telephone system . `You get hi marks if there are people on your buzzer who are both<br />

above & below you,' said Laurence Mark, a former VP of production at both Paramount & Fox . `It is<br />

important to be able to buzz up, not just buzz down ."' [Aljean Harmetz, "The Hollywood Office Plays a<br />

Starring Role," NY TIMES 5 Nov 87] .<br />


"The current state of a chimpanzee society cannot be <strong>as</strong>sessed by accumulating the ordinary,<br />

predictable events of daily life (if so, the experimentalist's procedure of occ<strong>as</strong>ional random sampling<br />

might suffice) . Major features are consequences of rate large-scale events (the analogues of war, famine<br />

& pestilence in our lives) -- true historical particulars that can only be appreciated by watching, not<br />

predicted from theory Goodall [shows], for example, how much about group size, composition & dynamics<br />

of the Gombe chimpanzees can be explained by 3 particular events : a polio outbreak in 1966<br />

leading to 6 deaths & 6 cripplings ; the split of her community [sic] into 2 groups during 1970-1972, &<br />

the later annihilation of 1 by males of the other ; & the killing & cannibalism of up to 10 infants by 1<br />

female & her adult daughter following their 'discovery' of this food source in 1974 ." [From Stephen Jay<br />

Gould's review of Jane Goodall's THE CHIMPANZEES OF GOMBE : PATTERNS OF BEHAVIOR . NY<br />

REVIEW, 25 June 87]<br />


"At 1 time, the underwriters' quarters at 1 of NY's prestige firms, 1st Boston, w<strong>as</strong> known <strong>as</strong> the<br />

House of Lords . The trading desks were the House of Commons . However, the gentlemanly side of the<br />

business did not survive the inflationary 1970s & that decade's switch to new ways of borrowing via<br />

quickie prospectuses, shelf registrations & bought deals . Suddenly, it w<strong>as</strong> the traders who were making<br />

the big profits & the decisions . The underwriters' authority had rested on a social kinship with their<br />

blue-chip clients & an ability to syndicate stocks & bonds to investors . But, by the early 1980s, such<br />

skills were p<strong>as</strong>se ." [Peter Cook, TORONTO GLOBE & MAIL 12 Dec 87] .<br />


USA: NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON AGING, <strong>1987</strong><br />

AARON ANTONOVSKY, Ben-Gurion, "Retirement, Coping & Health : a Longitudinal study," $85,387 .<br />

TONI ANTONUCCI, Michigan, "Panel Study of Social Support in the Elderly," $70,880 .<br />

ALICE DAY, Urban Inst, "Older Women and Social Support," " $523,147 .<br />

JANE DIXON, Yale, "Social Ties, Fulfillment, and Health in Mid-life," $133,376 .<br />

MARK FRIEDBERGER, Illinois-Chicago, "Farm Family Intergenerational Relations," $26,251 .<br />

GUNHILD HAGESTAD, Penn State, "Parents and Adult Offspring : A Multigenerational View," $51,774.

1 84<br />

COLLEEN JOHNSON, Cal-San Francisco, "Elderly Outpatient Care & Informal Social Supports,"<br />

$136,719 .<br />

SARA MATTHEWS, C<strong>as</strong>e Western Reserve "Dividing Filial Responsibility in Adult Sibling Groups,"<br />

$97,323 .<br />

WILLIAM McINTOSH, Tex<strong>as</strong> A&M, "Social Support, Stress, the Aged's Diet and Nutrition," $164,852<br />

JOHN McKINLAY, New England Res Inst, "Pathways to Provision of Care for Frail Older Persons,"<br />

$372,594 .<br />

ELEANOR STOLLAR, SUNY-Plattsburgh, "Support Networks of the Rural Elderly," $65,670 .<br />

LOIS VERBRUGGE, Michigan, "Arthritis and Daily Life," $60,552 .<br />

USA: NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH,<strong>1987</strong><br />

JOY NEWMAN, Wisconsin, "Social Support <strong>as</strong> a Resource Among Gay Men with AIDS," $137,283 .<br />

SUSAN SPRECHER, Illinois St,"Changes in Intimate Relationships and Well-Being," $76,393 .<br />

ALEJANDRO PORTES, John Hopkins, "Help Seeking & Services Use Among Recent Latin American<br />

Arrivals," $87,556 .<br />

LIBBY RUCH, Hawaii, "Victims of Rape : Stress, Coping and Social Support," $252,264 .<br />

WILLIAM VEGA, San Diego St, "Hispanic Social Network Prevention Intervention Study," $50,219 .<br />

USA: NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION AWARDS, <strong>1987</strong><br />

PHILLIP BONACICH, UCLA, "Communication Networks and Social Dilemm<strong>as</strong>," $71,465 .<br />

ARNE KALLEBERG, HOWARD ALDRICH and PETER MARSDEN, North Carolina, "Comparing Organizational<br />

Sampling Frames," $79,978 .<br />

DAVID KNOKE, Minnesota, "A Comparative Study of Labour Domains in the United States and West<br />

Germany," $83,203 .<br />

BARRETT LEE and KAREN CAMPBELL, Vanderbilt, "Interpersonal Networks Among Urban Neighbors,"<br />

$194,403 .<br />

MARK MIZRUCHI, Columbia, "Political Consequences of Market Interdependencies Between Business<br />

Firms," $50,000 .<br />

CHRISTOPHER ROSS, Illinois-Chicago, "City Position in the International Hierarchy," $32,197 .<br />

WILLIAM ROY, UCLA, "The Rise of American Industrial Corporations," $39,986 .<br />

JAMES RULE and PAUL ATTEWELL, SUNY-Stony Brook, "The New Uses of Information : Impact on<br />

Organizations," $59,379 .<br />

JOEL SPAETH, Illinois, "Collaborative Research on a Strategy for Inter-Organizational Me<strong>as</strong>urement,"<br />

$44,721 .<br />

CAMILLE WORTMAN and C. EMMONS, Michigan, "Stress and Coping Process : Role Strain and Role<br />

Conflict in Women Professionals," $115,931 .<br />

PAUL DiMAGGIO and S . LONG, Yale, Dissertation Fellowship, $3,279 .<br />

CHRIS WINSHIP and S . COLLINS, Northwestern, Dissertation Fellowship, $3,251 .<br />


SUSAN ECKSTEIN, Boston U, research on the relationship between state & market forces in Cuba .<br />

DAVID LOPEZ, UCLA, research on the organization of ethnicity thru US Asian Indian <strong>as</strong>sociations .<br />

CANADA : BARRY WELLMAN (Soc, Toronto) h<strong>as</strong> been awarded $17K from the Social Science<br />

Research Council of Canada to do a longitudinal analysis of his 1968-1978 E<strong>as</strong>t York data . Other small<br />

grants received to use these data to study links between household and community support, and how<br />

telephone contact sustains relationships . Still another project is surveying existing research on electronic<br />

mail and computerized conferencing .<br />


"Writing is like prostitution . First you do it for the love. Then you do it for a few friends . And<br />

finally you do it for the money ." MOLIERE. [As quoted in a Writer's Digest ad in the 22 Oct 87 NY<br />


(Network Notebook continued on page 188)

1 8 5<br />


SUNBELT SOCIAL NETWORK CONFERENCE, San Diego, 11-14 Feb 1988<br />

The most fant<strong>as</strong>tic conference of the year is coming up soon, sponsored by <strong>INSNA</strong> . Charles<br />

Kadushin is the keynote speaker in the late afternoon of Thursday, February 11 . Ever the optimist,<br />

Charles will speak on "The Next Ten Years" .<br />

To get to important matters 1st, temperature should be 75-85° daytimes, but with cool evenings .<br />

The hotel is on beautiful Mission Bay, with wind surfing (Lin Freeman will demo), swimming, & nearby<br />

tennis/golf .<br />

The sessions and chairs are :<br />

Gender, Ethnicity and Aging : Gary Hurd, 1720 E<strong>as</strong>t Garry Avenue, Suite 109, Santa Ana, CA<br />

92705, (714) 261-6320 (answering service) 432-7138 (home)<br />

Social Support : Jeffrey C. Salloway, Department of Psychology, Rush Medical College, 1753 W .<br />

Congress, Chicago, IL 60612, (312) 942-6050<br />

Health Care Delivery : Martha Ann Carey, 11 Hilly Field Lane, Westport, CT 06880, (203) 226-7053<br />

Biological Networks : Gregory B . Pollack, W.K . Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University,<br />

3700 Gull Lake Drive, Hickory Corners, MI 49060-9516, (313) 995-9326<br />

Networks and AIDS : Bonnie Erickson, Centre for Urban and Community Studies, 455 Spadina<br />

Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2G8, (416) 978-6251 (Centre) 978-5263 (Sociology)<br />

Exchange Networks : Karen S . Cook, Department of Sociology, University of W<strong>as</strong>hington, Seattle,<br />

WA 98195(206) 543-4065 (office) 545-2769 (journal)<br />

Levels of Connectivity : Patrick Doreien, Department of Sociology, University of Pittsburgh,<br />

Pittsburgh, PA 15260, (412) 648-7597<br />

Communications : Ronald Rice, Annenberg School of Communications, University of Southern<br />

California, Los Angeles, CA 90089-0281, (213) 743-7427 (office) 743-5975 (School)<br />

Network Theory : Thom<strong>as</strong> J . Fararo, Department of Sociology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh,<br />

PA 15260, (412) 681-3359<br />

Intraorganizational Networks : William D . Stevenson, Graduate School of Management, University of<br />

California, Irvine, CA 92717, (714) 856-6229 Interpersonal Influence : Ronald S . Burt, Department<br />

of Sociology, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, (212) 280-3687<br />

Network Methods : Katherine Faust, Department of Sociology, American University, W<strong>as</strong>hington,<br />

D .C. 20016(202) 885-2478 (office)<br />

Cognitive Networks : Sue Freeman, School of Social Sciences, University of California, Irvine, CA<br />

92717, (714) 856-6698/6041 (office) 856-7637 (messages)<br />

Tutorials :<br />

Networks Survey : (6 hours, $45 prepaid), Stanley W<strong>as</strong>serman, Department of Psychology, 603 E<strong>as</strong>t<br />

Daniel Street, Champaign, IL 61820, (217) 333-3325 (office) 333-2167 (Statistics)<br />

UCI-NET : (2 hours, no charge), Bruce McEvoy, c/o Linton C . Freeman, School of Social Sciences,<br />

University of California, Irvine, CA 92717, (714) 856-6698/6041 (office) 856-7637 (messages)<br />

Network Analysis Computer Workshop : (2 hours, no charge), Ronald S .<br />

Sociology, Columbia University, New York, NY 10027, (212) 280-3687<br />

Burt, Department of<br />

Also short tutorials (1 hour, no charge) : NEGOPY (William Richards) ; AL (Steve Borgatti) .<br />

Hotel Reservations : Bahia Resort Hotel, 998 West Mission Bay Drive, San Diego, CA 92109, 619-<br />

488-0551 . The hotel is on a lush 14 acre peninsula, surrounded by beautiful Mission Bay & 2 blocks<br />

from the ocean . It h<strong>as</strong> sandy beaches for swimming & windsurfing, a big pool, spa & tennis courts . It's

1 8 6<br />

near Sea World, a great Zoo, the airport, shops & restaurants . Rates per nite : $72 for single ; $76,<br />

double; $80, triples, $84, quads plus 7 percent occupancy tax . To reserve, send first night's deposit and<br />

tax directly to the hotel, check made out to "Bahia Resort Hotel" . Mention that you are with the<br />

Sunbelt Social Network group in order to get this special rate . This special rate is also good 3 days<br />

before & after the conference . L<strong>as</strong>t day for special rate, Jan 12 .<br />

Conference Registration : Pre-conference registration fee (till Jan 22) is $35 for <strong>INSNA</strong> members,<br />

$40 for nonmembers, $20 for students . Reg at the conference is $40 for members, $45 for nonmembers,<br />

$25 for students . In absentia registration is $10 for which the registrant receives the conference program<br />

and abstracts . In absentia registrants may place a paper in absentia on the program and in the abstracts<br />

by submitting to Eugene Johnsen an abstract of up to 200 words by Jan 22 . 1st night buffet<br />

dinner, $23 . Stanley W<strong>as</strong>serman's special tutorial, $45 . Send check, money order, etc . for all this to<br />

Sunbelt Social Network Conference, Dept of Sociology, Univ of California, Irvine CA 92717 . Make<br />

checks out to "Sunbelt Social Network Conference" . Registrants should give their full name, professional<br />

affiliation, address & phone number .<br />

Time : Feb 11-14, (Thurs afternoon through Sunday noon) Registration starts, early afternoon, Feb<br />

11 . Stanley W<strong>as</strong>serman's Networks Survey Tutorial starts early afternoon, Thurs, Feb 11 (2 hours, with<br />

additional 2 hour periods on Fri and Sat) . Keynote address by Charles Kadushin in early evening ;<br />

cocktail hour & buffet dinner follow . Regular sessions begin Fri morning, 0830/0900, running to 1200 .<br />

Afternoon sessions normally 1600-19000 . 1200-1600 essentially kept open for other activities, especially<br />

informal poolside networking .<br />

Inquiries about the program should be addressed to Eugene C . Johnsen Mathematics, U of<br />

California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106, 805-961-2060 (office), 805-961-2171 (messages) . [EGNCJSN at<br />

SBITP .BITNET] .<br />

Proposed Sunbelt Slogan : "While virtue may be its own reward, it pays to belong to the right<br />

network ."<br />

SOCIAL NETWORK THERAPY COURSE, Toronto, 21-22 Jan 88<br />

Organized by Community Occupational Therapy Associates . The approach uses interventions<br />

designed to strengthen supportive relationships within an existing network & also to enlarge networks .<br />

The goal is to contribute to the health & community adjustment of the psychiatrically disabled .<br />

Interventions include Network Construction (designed to help clients add to small, overburdened networks<br />

or replace unhealthy ls) ; Network Coaching (on improving network relations, <strong>as</strong>sistance with problemsolving,<br />

incre<strong>as</strong>ed competence in social skills) ; Network Sessions (meetings of people who have key<br />

relationships with an individual or family for concrete problem-solving & expression of feelings) . Course<br />

personnel include Don W<strong>as</strong>ylenki, Benjamin Gottlieb, Anne Coppard & Gerald Erickson . $150 . INFO :<br />

Anne Coppard, COTA, 3101 Bathurst St, Suite 200, Toronto, Canada M6A 2A6 . Tel: 416-785-8797 .<br />

AMERICAN ORTHOPSYCHIATRIC ASSOC, 28-29 March, San Francisco<br />

Conference includes a half-day workshop : "Current Practice in Network Intervention" with Carolyn<br />

Attneave, Anne Coppard, Gerald Erickson, Elizabeth Hemley-van der Velden & Paul Ruff . Workshop will<br />

provide an overview of network intervention in mental health practice in Canada, USA & Scandinavia .<br />

Applications include chronic mental illness, adolescent problems & crisis intervention .<br />

PEACE THRU EDUCATION CONFERENCE, 21-24 April 88, Dall<strong>as</strong><br />

Workshops on conflict resolution, servant leadership, global education, world core curriculum, led by<br />

<strong>INSNA</strong> member (& former UN official) Robert Muller . Fees : $275 . Info : Robert Muller School, 6005<br />

Royal Oak Drive, Arlington Tex<strong>as</strong> 76016 .


1 8 7<br />

Primarily for grad students, with preference given to members of the Iowa Network on Personal<br />

Relationships . Deals with different <strong>as</strong>pects of accounts, ruminations & editorializing in relationships .<br />

workshop leaders include John Harvey, Ann Weber, Cathy Surra & possibly Charles Antaki . Cost : c$140 .<br />

INFO : Steve Duck, Communic St, U Iowa, Iowa City IA 52242<br />


Topics include general methods, research design, operationalization, data collection, sampling,<br />

me<strong>as</strong>urement, scaling, statistical data analysis, software, modelling & simulation . Info : Anuska Ferligoj,<br />

Organizing Committee, Univerza Edvarda Kardlja, Faculty of Sociology, research Institute, 61000 Ljubjana,<br />

Yugoslavia, Kardeljeva ploscad 5 . Tel: (061)-341-461 .<br />

Social Networks session at CANADIAN SOCIOLOGY & ANTHROPOLOGY ASSOC, Windsor Ont, 4 June 88<br />

This session will consist of papers that apply social network analysis to the study of a substantive<br />

problem in sociology or anthropology, or that contribute to the development of social network theory or<br />

methodology . Info : Peter Carrington, Soc, U Waterloo, Waterloo, Ont, Canada N2L 3G1 .<br />

INTERNATIONAL PSYCHOSYNTHESIS CONFERENCE, Venice &Sesto Pusteria, 30 June-4 July 88<br />

Presents the latest developments & applications : self-realization, education, health, psychotherapy,<br />

social & international relations, organizational development . Mostly in the beautiful Dolomites . Cost<br />

(without r&b) : L .260K . Info from <strong>INSNA</strong> member Alexis DuPont DeBie or Centro Studi Di Psicosintesi "R .<br />

Assagoli", Piazza Madonna 7, 501 23 Firenze .<br />


Info : Robin Gilmour, Psych, Fylde Col, Lanc<strong>as</strong>ter U, Bailrigg, Lanc<strong>as</strong>ter, England LA1 4YF .<br />


SELECTED SESSIONS, ORGANIZERS (and affiliations) :<br />

Community, James Blackwell (Soc, M<strong>as</strong>s-Boston)<br />

Sociological Approaches to the Study of AIDS, William Darrow (AIDS Program, CID, Ctrs for Dise<strong>as</strong>e<br />

Control, Atlanta GA 30333)<br />

Family & Kinship, Sandra Hofferth (NICHD, 7910 Woodmont Ave, 7C25, Bethesda MD 20892)<br />

Historical Sociology & its Methods, Craig Calhoun (Soc, North Carolina)<br />

Capitalist & Socialist Markets, Ivar Berg (Soc, Pennsylvania)<br />

Labor Markets & Stratification, Rachel Rosenfeld (Soc, North Carolina)<br />

Micro-Macro Linkages, George Ritzer (Soc, Maryland)<br />

Organizations, Hans Pennings (Wharton Schl, Pennsylvania)<br />

Social Impacts of Science & Technology, John Sonquist (Soc, Cal-Santa Barbara)<br />

Sociology of Simmel, Suzanne Vromen (Soc, Bard C)<br />

Social & Political Networks Lawrence Wu (Soc, Princeton)<br />

Social Interaction, Deidre Boden (Soc, W<strong>as</strong>hington U)<br />

Social Movements & Collective Behavior, Clarence Lo (Soc, Missouri)<br />

Soc of Work, Occupations & Professions, Carolyn & Robert Perucci (Soc, Purdue)<br />


Invited speakers already announced are Mark Knapp, Harry Reis, Robert Hinde, Ben Gottlieb . Info :<br />

Steve Duck, Communication Studies, U Iowa, Iowa City IA 52242 .

1 8 8<br />


<strong>INSNA</strong> h<strong>as</strong> applied for 4 sessions : Interpersonal Nets, Interorg . Nets, Theory, Methods . Rumour<br />

h<strong>as</strong> the congress in Europe -- Spain or Hungary . ISA's program committee meets 2/88 .<br />

CROISSANTBELT, Paris, 2/87<br />


Abstracts of the conference that led to the founding of our French cluster [AFARS] will soon be<br />

available in Le Bulletin de Methodologie Sociolo i ue.<br />

NORDIC SEMINAR ON SOCIAL NETWORKS, 26 Aug -4 Sept <strong>1987</strong>, Oslo, Norway<br />

Network intervention discussion with 200+ professionals, mostly from Scandinavia . Hosted by Live<br />

Fyrand (Erlandsvei 5, 0669 Oslo 6), with Carolyn Attneave, Diane Panco<strong>as</strong>t & the Botkyrka Network<br />

Project .<br />

(Network Notebook continued from page 184)<br />


This new net wants members working in the field of social & personal relationships . Dues, $39,<br />

include a sub to the J of Soc & Personal Relationships, a 20% reduction in price of Wiley Handbook in<br />

Pers Rels, $30 reduction in fees for biennial Iowa conferences, a quarterly newsletter, etc . Info : Steve<br />

Duck, Communication Studies, U Iowa, Iowa City IA 52242 . Tel : (319)-335-0579 . Bitnet: BLASTWY @<br />

UIAMVS .<br />


1 . "Your discussion of X includes the dimensions of Y and Z . You can't say one is more important<br />

than the other because they are all related ."<br />

2 . "Your discussion ignores the historical <strong>as</strong>pect of X (and Y and Z) . X is not an ahistorical<br />

construct . Rather, it is contingent on the particular conjuncture of cl<strong>as</strong>s [gender, cultural, etc .] forces<br />

at the time ."<br />

3 . "X, Y and Z are not globally uniform processes . C<strong>as</strong>e I went from A to B while C<strong>as</strong>e II went<br />

from C to D . In C<strong>as</strong>e I, X w<strong>as</strong> a mediator, while in C<strong>as</strong>e II, X w<strong>as</strong> an outcome . In both c<strong>as</strong>es, X, Y<br />

and Z also had internal cleavages ."<br />

4. "X, Y and Z are treated in your discussion <strong>as</strong> if they were individualistic variables when<br />

everyone knows they are structural" . [See Singer & Marini's more sophisticated formulation of this in<br />

this section .]<br />

5 . "Your empirical research is invalid because it is atheoretical . It inherently cannot account for<br />

the multitudinous interactions among all the fuzzily-defined constructs ."<br />

6 . "Your theoretical constructs are utopian because they contain no referent to systematically<br />

gathered and evaluated empirical evidence ."<br />

7 . "You have talked about epistemology & ontology . What you really ought to do is the opposite ."<br />

[1-3 contributed by Peter Marcuse ; 4-6 by BW ; 7 by Anthony Giddens .]<br />

(Network Notebook continued on page 190)

1 8 9<br />

WHAT IS TO BE DONE? --THE NEXT 10 YEARS OF <strong>INSNA</strong><br />

This is the end of the decade : It completes our 10th volume (& our 11th year) . While computer<br />

shops mythically start in a garage, <strong>INSNA</strong> started in Wellman's hip-pocket . It's been run that way ever<br />

since, informally, c<strong>as</strong>ually & seriously . In the p<strong>as</strong>t 10 years, network analysis h<strong>as</strong> developed from a<br />

metaphor, dream and cult into a proto-paradigm . We've come up with principles, methodological practices<br />

-- in fieldwork, surveys, data-handling, computation and statistics -- and a large lore of substantive<br />

findings . <strong>Connections</strong> & Social Networks have become established, and a bunch of good textbooks &<br />

readers now instruct initiates & the unw<strong>as</strong>hed in the faith . We've moved from being scattered pockets<br />

of graduate students & rebellious faculty to central positions in sociology and respectability in the other<br />

social sciences . In addition to overt network analysis, a network cum structuralist sensibility h<strong>as</strong> come<br />

to permeate discourse .<br />

I immodestly think <strong>INSNA</strong> h<strong>as</strong> played an important role in this work . But with advancing age,<br />

comes growth or rigor mortis . It's time to restructure, renew and develop : network analysis in general<br />

and <strong>INSNA</strong> in particular . Some ide<strong>as</strong> that have floated around :<br />

1 . Developing smaller networks within countries, disciplines and interest groups . The British<br />

Drizzlebelt and the French AFARS are a beginning here. But why couldn't similar things happen with<br />

the corporate interlockers or the social workers, to pick 2 examples at semi-random .<br />

2 . Expanding our b<strong>as</strong>e . Right now, we are big (in numbers & influence) in North America &<br />

sociology . The former strong b<strong>as</strong>e in British anthropology h<strong>as</strong> shrunk . Other b<strong>as</strong>es in other disciplines<br />

need to develop . Alliances should be formed with like-minded groups, such <strong>as</strong> empirically-minded worldsystems<br />

analysts, organizational agency analysts, or kinship analysts . There are lots of folks out there<br />

doing good structural analytic work who have lots of affinity with networkers, but don't quite see<br />

themselves <strong>as</strong> network analysts . Both we and they lose badly thru lack of contact .<br />

3 . Linking with practitioners . A variety of folks are trying to apply network principles to the<br />

real world . Among the variety of things I've heard of are : "social network therapy" showing chronic<br />

schizophrenics how to create enduring relationships and helping neurotics to resolve relational difficulties<br />

; management consulting to identify clusters of communication and power within organizations ; law<br />

enforcement efforts to identify criminal conspiracies ; personnel development to train executives how to<br />

develop and use ties ; network training for job search ; networking courses to develop interpersonal skills<br />

for finding friends and lovers . Most such efforts treat networks <strong>as</strong> metaphors or use the most rudimentary<br />

concepts . The practitioners would benefit from the academic tools ; the academics would benefit<br />

from the real world feedback and the consulting bucks .<br />

4 . We face the continuing dilemm<strong>as</strong> of solidifying into a church, hiving off into a sect, or<br />

diffusing into vacuousness . We need the dynamism of new ide<strong>as</strong> & the theoretical development of<br />

existing ide<strong>as</strong> . It's time to go beyond neat insights & fancy methods . The time of e<strong>as</strong>y victories is<br />

p<strong>as</strong>t, when we snuck up on a pack of social sciences who were talking about social structure but<br />

practicing individualistic, culturological analysis . For starters, we must consolidate our theoretical b<strong>as</strong>e<br />

and evaluate the analytic utility of various me<strong>as</strong>ures . To avoid stale in-groupiness, we need to develop<br />

entry points to make our work more accessible to broader m<strong>as</strong>ses of scholars <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> to practitioners .<br />

5 . We need to be more intellectually entrepreneurial . What we do, we do well : CONNEC-<br />

TIONS(says I immodestly), SOCIAL NETWORKS, the Sunbelt, even our T-shirts . But we could use<br />

summer training institutes (such <strong>as</strong> the 1 Stan W<strong>as</strong>serman h<strong>as</strong> experimented with), an active publications<br />

series, more widely distributed datab<strong>as</strong>es, better guides to software, more miniconferences . One growing<br />

resource is our textb<strong>as</strong>e of more than 1,000 abstracts (see Charles <strong>Jones</strong>' note in this issue) . It can be<br />

e<strong>as</strong>ily used to turn out focused bibliographies on many topics from social support to corporate interlocks<br />

(come to think of it, aren't interlocks really social support for the banks? -- <strong>as</strong>k Mintz & Schwartz) .<br />

6 . On a more parochial level, we need to think about <strong>INSNA</strong> . The Advisory Board h<strong>as</strong> more or<br />

less drifted along in its original composition . Yet 10 years ago the current chairman of the Columbia<br />

Soc dept w<strong>as</strong> a grad student . (OK, so Ron is precocious -- the point still holds .) At the same time,<br />

I've reached my limit . Although there's lots more that should be done, I can't do anymore, and after<br />

founding & running <strong>INSNA</strong> for 10 years, I feel I've done enough . It's time to play the transition game .

1 90<br />

So I've <strong>as</strong>ked a committee to recommend where to go from here . They'll report to the membership<br />

at the Sunbelt & thru CONNECTIONS . One crucial matter : volunteers for editorial, publishing, conferencing,<br />

organizing, recruiting, linkage-building, coordinating work. If interested, get in touch with a<br />

committee member or with <strong>INSNA</strong> directly :<br />

H . Russell Bernard (Anthropology Dept, Univ of Florida, 1350 GPA, Gainesville FL 32611), 904- 392-<br />

2031 .<br />

Ronald Burt (Sociology Dept, Columbia Univ, New York NY 10027), 212-280-3687 .<br />

Bonnie Erickson (Sociology Dept, Univ of Toronto, 563 Spadina Ave, Toronto, Canada M5S IAI),<br />

416-978-5263 .<br />

Charles Kadushin (242 W 101 St, New York NY 10025), 212-865-4369 .<br />

John Scott (Sociology Dept, Univ of Leicester, Leicester, England LE1 7RH), 0533-55-44-55 .<br />

John Sonquist (Sociology Dept, Univ of California, Santa Barbara CA, 93106) 805-961-3314<br />

Karl van Meter (LISH, 54 Blvd R<strong>as</strong>pail, 75270 Paris, France) . 544-38-49 .<br />

Meanwhile keep your letters, ms . & subs. coming to the big node in frozen Toronto .<br />

Barry Wellman<br />

(Network Notebook continued from page 188)<br />


The sworn social contract between the producer Joseph Papp and the late choreographer/director<br />

Michael Bennett :<br />

Being sound in mind and body and pure in heart, will you solemnly vow, promise, swear, pledge and<br />

affirm to perform all the duties, obligations, expectations, <strong>as</strong> they are construed and understood to apply<br />

to the term "friendship" such <strong>as</strong> loyalty, fealty, mutual <strong>as</strong>sistance, honesty, truthfulness and trust in all<br />

dealings, arrangements, both verbal and written, both spoken and unspoken, both at home and abroad, in<br />

all companies, at all hours, for all times, to set a shining example of integrity in human affairs, in<br />

contradistinction and toward the obliteration of backbiting, undermining, innuendo, opportunism, greed,<br />

the devil's larder of subtle seductions preying on man's weakness for aggrandizement at the expense and<br />

over the corpus of his fellow .<br />

Be it understood and acknowledged that this signature, though set down in ink, shall be <strong>as</strong> binding<br />

<strong>as</strong> the power in a blood knot, and whosoever shall attempt to sever or untie it shall suffer the penalty<br />

of the damned and remain forever in a dark and empty theater [Joseph Papp, "Remembering Michael<br />

Bennett," NY TIMES 12 July 87]<br />


"I find women to be much more friendly & helpful with both men & women [<strong>as</strong> business managers] .<br />

They develop networks in ways men don't ." [Ronald Blake, Mngmnt St, York U, Canada, quoted in<br />

TORONTO GLOBE & MAIL, 8 Aug 87] .<br />


"A Harvard legend tells of [Torsten] Veblen's being invited to the university by President . . . Lowell<br />

to be considered for an appointment <strong>as</strong> a member of the department of economics . After being entertained<br />

by fellow economists, he had a l<strong>as</strong>t night dinner with Lowell, who used the occ<strong>as</strong>ion to bring up,<br />

in a suitably careful way, Veblen's most noted academic drawback, which w<strong>as</strong> then being much discussed .<br />

"`You know, Dr . Veblen, if you come here, some of our professors will be a little nervous about<br />

their wives .'<br />

"To which Veblen is said to have replied 'They need not worry ; I have seen their wives .'<br />

"There is, I believe, no truth to the story ."<br />

John Kenneth Galbraith, ECONOMICS IN PERSPECTIVE, <strong>as</strong> quoted by Robert Heilbroner, NY Review- f<br />

Books, 5 Nov 87 .<br />

(Network Notebook contined on page 192)

191<br />


Two network papers have gotten their just reward, picked by CURRENT CONTENTS <strong>as</strong> an oftmentioned<br />

"citation cl<strong>as</strong>sic" . With that honour, each author gets to tell how the piece got written &<br />

what's happened since . Here's what they had to say in CC :<br />

JOHN BARNES"' Cl<strong>as</strong>s and committees in a Norwegian island parish ." [HUMAN RELATIONS 7 (1954) :39-<br />

581 .<br />

"I spent 1952 and part of 1953 in western Norway, carrying out what I initially perceived <strong>as</strong> a<br />

'community study .' I soon discovered that although the people I worked with had the cultural values of<br />

a 'community,' their social structure w<strong>as</strong> quite unlike the paradigmatic gemeinschaft . Their social world<br />

had a abundance of formal organizations, but most individuals appeared to make decisions with reference<br />

to personal contacts that often cut across organizational boundaries . It tried to capture this configuration<br />

with the label 'network' and applied it to the cl<strong>as</strong>s system, one of the foci of my inquiries .<br />

"When I returned to Manchester, England, I used the term in the first paper I wrote on my<br />

research . Then I most to the London School of Economics and found that Elizabeth Bott w<strong>as</strong> grappling<br />

with somewhat the same pattern of relations in her work on married couples . Neither her findings nor<br />

mine attracted much attention at the time . Other inquiries with the social network <strong>as</strong> their central<br />

analytical tool followed, notably those inspired by Clyde Mitchell . These made a great impact on microsociology,<br />

and Bott's book [Family & Social Network] and my paper came back into currency . There is<br />

now a flourishing specialty of network analysis that h<strong>as</strong> its own journal, SOCIAL NETWORKS ; a professional<br />

organization, the International Network for Social Network Analysis ; and introductory textbooks<br />

(e .g . S .D . Berkowitz, An Introduction to Structural Analysis & R .S . Burt, Toward a Structural Theory of<br />

Action) .<br />

"My career led me away from Norway and network analysis . I became interested in the sociology<br />

of knowledge and, in particular, in the development of specialties in social science . I've tried to keep<br />

in touch with network analysts if only <strong>as</strong> an outsider . I've even been r<strong>as</strong>h enough to tell them what<br />

they look like from the outside ." [See <strong>Connections</strong> 6,1 (1983) .]<br />

"My paper deals not only with social networks in Norway but also with processes of decisionmaking<br />

. All the instances of citation that I've seen invoke only my comments on networks . I still think<br />

that what one might call the 'Duke of Plaza Toro' mode of leadership I observed in some Norwegian<br />

contexts merits further analysis, but perhaps I shall have to write another paper to prove my point ."<br />

MARK GRANOVETTER, "The strength of weak ties." AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY 78 (1973) :-<br />

1360-80.<br />

"Like other mid-1960s Harvard sociology graduate students now identified with the 'social networks'<br />

perspective, I w<strong>as</strong> f<strong>as</strong>cinated by Harrison White's lectures . I w<strong>as</strong> especially struck by White's description<br />

of work by Rappoport and Horvath ["A study of a large sociogram", BEHAVIORAL SCIENCE 6 :279-91,<br />

1961] showing that if you traced a network through the seventh and eighth sociometric choices of junior<br />

high students, you reached many more people than when tracing through first and second choices, who<br />

tended to choose one another.<br />

"I saw an important underdeveloped theme - that weak ties were crucial for individuals' instrumental<br />

needs and for overall social cohesion . This idea w<strong>as</strong> reinforced by my knowledge of analogous<br />

physical phenomena : weak hydrogen bonds that hold together large molecules, and weak forces in particle<br />

physics . (These physical analogies never found their way into my papers ; I saw no obvious general<br />

principle common to the social and physical structures and w<strong>as</strong> wary of appearing megalomaniacal .) The<br />

clincher came while carrying out interviews for my thesis on how people found jobs : my question about<br />

whether the person whose information led to a job w<strong>as</strong> 'a friend' often provoked the rejoinder : 'No, just<br />

an acquaintance .'<br />

"I submitted a long, discursive paper, "Alienation reconsidered : the strength of weak ties, including<br />

material on social psychology, labor markets, community organization, and anthropology, to the AMER-<br />

ICAN SOCIOLOGICAL REVIEW in August 1969 . The crushing reply came in December from two referees<br />

apparently chosen for their expertise on 'alienation .' One chided me for making recourse to this

192<br />

apparently chosen for their expertise on 'alienation .' One chided me for making recourse to this<br />

concept only because it had become an 'eximious sociological cul-de-sac' (some day I shall look up<br />

'eximious') and concluded that the paper should not be published . [Ed. 'Eximious' not in American<br />

Heritage Dictionary, Mark] .<br />

"Still a graduate student, I w<strong>as</strong> terribly discouraged . Yet, the paper w<strong>as</strong> very popular and enjoyed<br />

a vigorous underground circulation for several years . Wisely dropping 'alienation' from the title, I<br />

resubmitted it to the AMERICAN JOURNAL OF SOCIOLOGY in 1972 . When the paper appeared in May<br />

1973, it provoked a stream of correspondence exceeding my greatest expectations . My revisions for the<br />

journal changed the paper in what I have come to think of <strong>as</strong> a typical way : many interesting detours of<br />

the original paper were trimmed out in favor of a tight, logical argument. Though the result w<strong>as</strong> no<br />

doubt better in many ways, the original version continued to have its adherents and w<strong>as</strong> itself published<br />

in 1982 in CONNECTIONS (vol . 5) .<br />

"I think the paper h<strong>as</strong> been widely cited because it appeared at a time of rapidly growing interest<br />

in the social network perspective and w<strong>as</strong> one of the few such papers to take a broad theoretical<br />

approach . Abstracting away from the content of ties means that there is almost endless sets of relevant<br />

topics ; moreover, the fundamental argument is extremely simple yet counter-intuitive and paradoxical,<br />

thus giving the impression, deserved or not, of a simple, self-evident truth not previously understood .<br />

Because I avoided me<strong>as</strong>urement issues, many writers could use my argument to interpret their results<br />

without a complex empirical verification procedure . (This may be a c<strong>as</strong>e of what my colleague, Stephen<br />

Cole, calls the function of 'limited obscurantism .')<br />

"The paper had a second life when discovered in the mid- to late-1970s by the discipline of<br />

communications, which interpreted the argument in terms of the 'information-redundancy' of strong-tienetworks<br />

. In 1980 Everett Rogers, then president of the International Communications Association),<br />

invited me to prepare a paper <strong>as</strong>sessing the empirical status of the weak-ties hypothesis for a special<br />

session of the ICA meetings . This paper w<strong>as</strong> published in 1983 in SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY <strong>as</strong> "The<br />

strength of weak ties : a network theory revisited ." Interest continues, and serious work on me<strong>as</strong>urement<br />

h<strong>as</strong> finally been taken up ." [e .g ., P. Marsden & K . Campbell, "Me<strong>as</strong>uring tie strength ." SOCIAL<br />

FORCES 63 :482-501, 1984 .]"<br />

*************************************************************<br />

(Network Notebook continued from page 190)<br />


Barry Markovsky sent along this puzzle . [The original is by "Dr Crypton" in DISCOVER, 10/87] .<br />

Suppose an alien matriarchal society with 2 customs : (1) If a husband cheats on his wife, he tells<br />

everyone on the planet except her (& no 1 tells her) . (2) If a wife learns that her husband h<strong>as</strong><br />

cheated, at midnite she puts a ch<strong>as</strong>tity belt on him & puts him on publicly display the next day .<br />

Question : what would be the implications if an Earthling landed & announced that "there's been<br />

cheating on this planet"?<br />

Answer : There'd be the ch<strong>as</strong>tity-belting of all adulterers on the nth nite, with n being the number<br />

of adulterers.<br />

Example : If n=1, then the wife who by (1) would know if other adulteries had been committed,<br />

would immediately know that her husband had cheated & belt him .<br />

If n=2, then everyone except the 2 wronged women knows of 2 adulterers . The 2 women only<br />

know of 1 adulterer each -- the other's husband . However when each learns on the next (2d) day that<br />

this other husband h<strong>as</strong>n't been belted, she immediately realizes that her husband also is an adulterer .<br />

Send your analysis for n=55 and n=0 to the contest editor .<br />

********************** SOCIAL NETWORKS FLASH **********************<br />

Vol 9,3 (9/87) h<strong>as</strong> been delayed at the printer . Due out momentarily .<br />

(Network Notebook ends)

1 9 3<br />


Charles <strong>Jones</strong> (Soc, Toronto ; on leave in Toulouse, France, <strong>1987</strong>-1988 .<br />

EARN/BITNET address : CJONES AT FRTOU71, <strong>1987</strong>-1988 ; CJONES AT UTOREPAS ; 9/88+)<br />

Since I usually read CONNECTIONS in transit, I can rarely re-locate interesting abstracts, once<br />

they have p<strong>as</strong>sed from my short term memory. Hence I w<strong>as</strong> definitely interested when the editor<br />

announced that CONNECTIONS would be made available in machine readable form, <strong>as</strong> a set of text files<br />

on IBM formatted 5 " disks . I had the notion that I could build up my personal data bank of everything<br />

ever published in CONNECTIONS and search it for items relevant to my research interests . Humanists do<br />

very complex searches of text datab<strong>as</strong>es using IBM's SQL . Having no access to SQL, I decided to work<br />

with the textb<strong>as</strong>e programme in Nota Bene for which I already had a license .<br />

[CONNECTIONS is available in WordPerfect or generic ASCII versions for $5/issue . First issue<br />

available vol 9, # 2, a double issue available on 2 disks or 1 high-density (1 .2M disk) . <strong>Jones</strong> worked<br />

with the WordPerfect version even though he used a different word processing programme . Ed.]<br />

I used the abstracts <strong>as</strong> units of analysis, each one occupying about page of single spaced text, in<br />

which information about authors, title and source is not separated from the abstract information . So far<br />

<strong>as</strong> the programme is concerned, the units of analysis are undifferentiated texts of variable length . Nota<br />

Bene allows the user to define a variety of markers for delimiting one entry from another . I used a<br />

blank line, though I could have used other markers or defined my own . What I wanted to do w<strong>as</strong> to pull<br />

out abstracts if they satisfied such criteria <strong>as</strong> containing (word A or word B) and word C and not word<br />

D) .<br />

Nota Bene's textb<strong>as</strong>e will do this, but for speed of operation, the datab<strong>as</strong>e must first be indexed, a<br />

very time-consuming operation, though one time only, and one that can be left to run by itself . For my<br />

first indexing operation, I had about 720 abstracts on 12 separate files, spread over three disks . The<br />

t<strong>as</strong>k took about 3 hours on a standard PC . An extra disk is needed to store the files containing the<br />

indexing . information, and the size of the total textb<strong>as</strong>e is effectively limited only by the space available<br />

for these index files . The size of the index files depends in turn on the number of index entries, which<br />

can be reduced if users know what they will be looking for, and specify which words are to be indexed,<br />

rather than taking the e<strong>as</strong>y option of "index all words" .<br />

Once the text is indexed, searches can be made <strong>as</strong> a stand-alone operation or from within Nota<br />

Bene's word processing module . Search words can be joined by boolean combinations of "and", "or" and<br />

"not" . A "wildcard" feature allows one to imply all words with a common prefix (to be linked by "or"),<br />

but these are displayed before the search starts, so that unwanted instances can be removed . Entries<br />

can only be retrieved b<strong>as</strong>ed on words actually occurring in the index . The programme does not make<br />

conceptual links or search for synonyms . The search itself is very f<strong>as</strong>t, and results in a sequential<br />

display of the entries satisfying the search criteria . As each such entry is displayed, users can decide<br />

whether to transfer it to a file, transfer it to an open word processor document, or ignore it and p<strong>as</strong>s<br />

to the next one. Each accepted entry is tagged with unobtrusive footnotes which indicate what w<strong>as</strong> the<br />

search request and what w<strong>as</strong> the name of the file from which the entry came . Then users print out their<br />

harvest of abstracts and heads for the library to read the originals and make more notes, which can in<br />

turn be added to the textb<strong>as</strong>e .<br />

The machine readable version of CONNECTIONS provides a useful starting point for a personal data<br />

b<strong>as</strong>e of abstracts and bibliographies . No doubt other microcomputer packages (XYINDEX for example)<br />

could do the same sort of job <strong>as</strong> Nota Bene . Like most people, I like what I'm used to . [CONNEC-<br />

TIONS and PC MAGAZINE recommend ASK SAM, but WordPerfect itself will do a crude job (without<br />

ANDs and ORs . Ed .]<br />

Nota Bene is a [XYWRITE-b<strong>as</strong>ed] word processor for scholarly applications, integrated with a<br />

textb<strong>as</strong>e programme for indexing and retrieval . It is very powerful and requires several months work<br />

with the manual & the context sensitive help to become a proficient user . It can be purch<strong>as</strong>ed from<br />

Dragonfly Software, 409 Fulton St, Suite 202, Brooklyn, NY 11201, USA . Various organizations have<br />

group purch<strong>as</strong>e schemes, including the (US) Modem Language Assoc [MLA] .

194<br />

A more detailed example comes from a textb<strong>as</strong>e of 1,065 abstracts, containing 161,847 words in<br />

total . There were 13,749 keywords which could be searched on. The 2 management files took up 177K<br />

& 178K respectively, leaving only 7K bytes free on a standard 360K floppy disk . This means that the<br />

textb<strong>as</strong>e can grow no larger [if 1 stays only with floppies] unless the number of keywords is dr<strong>as</strong>tically<br />

reduced by using techniques given in the manual . One could also buy a larger capacity m<strong>as</strong>s storage<br />

device [such <strong>as</strong> a hard disk or the new 1 .4M 3 1/2" floppies] . Serious work with textb<strong>as</strong>es requires<br />

several megabytes .<br />

I wanted to find abstracts dealing with WOMEN and NETWORKS, but not AGING .<br />

c<strong>as</strong>e insensitive search w<strong>as</strong> specified :<br />

WOM* implying WOMAN or WOMAN'S or WOMEN or WOMEN'S<br />

[After reviewing the list, all instances were chosen]<br />

and<br />

NETWORIfthplying any of the 9 words with this root<br />

[After reviewing the list, all instances were chosen]<br />

and not<br />

AG* implying any of 39 words with this root<br />

[After reviewing the list, only aging related words were selected for the not condition .]<br />

The following<br />

Nota Bene then created the following c<strong>as</strong>e insensitive search criterion :<br />

(((WOMAN \or WOMAN'S \or WOMEN \or WOMEN'S) \ and (NETWORK \or NETWORK' \or NETWORK-<br />


NETWORKS VOL)) \and \not (((AGE \or AGED \or AGING \or AGINGVOL)))<br />

After searching the management files (not the abstracts themselvesO, Nota Bene reported that 30<br />

texts satisfied the search criterion and gave the option of proceeding with output of those abstracts .<br />

The texts were presented 1 at a time, so that an informed decision could be made whether to transfer<br />

each 1 to a disk file (or to an open word processor file) or whether to p<strong>as</strong>s to the next .<br />

Two examples follow from the 30 entries I found :<br />

author[ CAMPBELL, KAREN .dept[ Soc,univ[ Vanderbilt .year[ <strong>1987</strong> . title[ "Untitled" . pubname[<br />

Working paper .vol[ no[ pages[ :<br />

keys[ text[ (Despite the conventional wisdom that employed women suffer by dint of their exclusion<br />

from "old-boy" networks, there h<strong>as</strong> been little investigation of gender differences in networks and their<br />

implications for occupational outcomes . This paper represents a first step toward incorporating network<br />

concepts into analysis of gender-b<strong>as</strong>ed occupational inequalities . I document differences between the<br />

job-related networks of women and men in a sample of recent job-changers in four white-collar occupations<br />

. Women know persons in fewer occupations than men ; their networks are negatively affected by<br />

having children younger than six, and by changing jobs in response to their spouses mobility . Men's<br />

networks are unaffected by these constraints .<br />

author[ YI, EUNHEE KIM .dept[ Anthropology,univ[ Chicago .year[ 1986.title[ "Implications of<br />

Conjugal Role Segregation For Extrafamilial Relationships : A Network Model ." pubname[ SOCIAL<br />

NETWORKS .vol[ 8no[ pages[ : 119-147 .keys[ text[ (The present paper derives an intrafamily<br />

interaction network from the conjugal role segregation and examines the consequences of the density of<br />

interaction and of the individual positions in the network for the external relationships of the family .<br />

It is shown that the less cohesive interaction network within the family with the segregated conjugal<br />

roles leads to the extensive involvement in extrafamilial relationships and that the position of mother/wife<br />

<strong>as</strong> a liaison person within the family results in the pivotal position of women in maintaining extramarital<br />

kinship .<br />

Other options could have been chosen for setting up and searching this textb<strong>as</strong>e . The starting<br />

delimiter could have been AUTHOR[, a short form marker could have been TEXT[ and the ending<br />

delimiter could have been a double carriage return . The use of the designated keywords for making up<br />

my own very large omit list would have saved space and speeded up the indexing process . Eventually the<br />

textb<strong>as</strong>e could be edited to eliminate double-entries, (of working papers that later appear again, because<br />

of formal publication) .

1 9 5<br />



IBM's operations were recently disrupted for 72 hours by an electronic Xm<strong>as</strong> card . Someone at the<br />

Tech'1 U of Clausthal (W . Ger.) sent out a graphics-laden card on IBM's PROFS mail system (via<br />

Bitnet/Earn) . The card quickly became a hit, & w<strong>as</strong> p<strong>as</strong>sed on to expanding Ns of others, gobbling up<br />

expanding chunks of memory . Because IBM uses PROFS for most of its erstwhile 'paperwork,' the<br />

company w<strong>as</strong> effectively shut down . [Toronto Globe & Mail 21 Dec 87] .<br />


<strong>INSNA</strong> member Duane Bay reports that "our group -- the Systems Concept Lab of Xerox Palo Alto<br />

Research Ctr -- is building computer software tools to support collaboration . These graphically oriented<br />

tools are malleable with respect to t<strong>as</strong>k & personal style . We are especially interested in supporting<br />

collaboration in system design (our business) & between widely separated sites . I am studying how we<br />

collaborate & how we can improve our collaboration because the quality of the tools we create for<br />

collaborating will be limited by the quality of our collaboration ." ["Sense of the whole : computer<br />

support for collaboration ." Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Organization Development Inst,<br />

Williams Bay WI, 5/86 .<br />


<strong>INSNA</strong> members S Roxanne Hiltz & Murray Turoff have set up this distance education project via<br />

their EIES computerized conferencing system . Micros, modems, phones & software link students & profs,<br />

allowing group & individual instruction & chat between students . Students do not have to adhere to a<br />

fixed schedule of cl<strong>as</strong>s meetings : they use computerized conferencing to pick times they will review<br />

lectures, <strong>as</strong>k questions, take tests, etc . On-line feedback devices evaluate the efficacy of learning .<br />

Info : Computerized Conferencing & Communications Ctr, New Jersey Inst of Technology, Newark NJ<br />

07102 .<br />


There's now a software review & low-cost distribution system for academics in these fields . It<br />

invites software developers to submit their packages for review & possible inclusion in the distribution<br />

process . In addition, qualified reviewers will get $100 per review . Info : Barbara Robson, Ctr for<br />

Applied Linguistics, 1118 22 St, NW, W<strong>as</strong>hington DC 20037 .<br />


"S" is a computer system running under UNIX . It provides interactive capabilities for data analysis<br />

& graphics . WALDO TOBLER (Geog, Cal-Santa Barbara) h<strong>as</strong> prepared documentation for students &<br />

professionals on how to use "S" to study migration tables & networks .

1 9 6<br />


is an IBM-PC interactive program for finding routes on transportation networks . Nets may have up<br />

to 512 nodes & 16,384 links . Includes procs for finding the shortest path between 2 points, sequences of<br />

up to 50 stops, finds minimum spanning tree, times or distances between all points . Graphics display .<br />

Requires 192K, color graphics, 8087 math chip . $99 from E<strong>as</strong>tern Software Products, PO Box 15328,<br />

Alexandria VA 22309 [703-549-5469] .<br />


FAMILY ROOTS provides a family historical record datab<strong>as</strong>e . Provides descendant, ancestor &<br />

pedigree charts, with name, categorical & relational search capacity . IBM-PC . $185 from Quinsept, PO<br />

Box 216, Lexington MA 02173 [617-641-29301 .<br />


PROLOG is a programm language built around symbolic language . It's inherent cognitive network<br />

capabilities may well be transferable to social network analysis . See Clara & John Cuadrado, "PROLOG<br />

Goes to Work," BYTE, 8/85 .<br />


LOTUS AGENDA groups items of information into user-defined categories . It will <strong>as</strong>sign items into<br />

categories automatically & will keep an item in several categories at 1'ce . It claims to have powerful<br />

ways of tracing items (read 'nodes') thru categories (read 'links'), including the use of synonyms &<br />

filters. $395 for IBM PCs with hard disk . Info : Lotus, 55 Cambridge Pkwy, Cambridge MA 02142 [617-<br />

577-8500] .<br />


is a conflict analysis program that claims to forec<strong>as</strong>t the outcome of a current negotiation or<br />

conflict, predict the likely consequences of a strategy & determine the best course of action . IBM-PC.<br />

Waterloo Engineering Software, 237 Park Ave, New York NY 10017 [800-265-2766] .<br />


Toronto's Marshall McLuhan Programme in Culture & Technology set up a trans-atlantic modern<br />

dance, 10/87, in which 1 of the dancers w<strong>as</strong> to be in Toronto & 1 in Geneva -- linked by video & with<br />

a PC/synthesizer hookup causing the Toronto dancer's movement to make music in Geneva) . The day<br />

before the event w<strong>as</strong> to take place, the stock market cr<strong>as</strong>hed . As a result, the donated satellite<br />

connection w<strong>as</strong> withdrawn : Zurich gnomes had bought the time for hi financial talks .

1 9 7<br />

Contains the latest available info . for all members, 1985-<strong>1987</strong>, including e-mail address .<br />

* identifies current <strong>1987</strong> members . Cross-references follow: by country, discipline, interest .<br />


University of North Carolina<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Greensboro, NC, USA, 27412-5001<br />

(919) 334-5239 : ADAMS @ UNCG<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : friendship, gerontology, support<br />

Activities : Studying changes in the friendship<br />

networks of older women . Studying relationship<br />

between informal/formal support networks &<br />

functional health status among rural elderly .<br />

'Patterns of Network Change : A Longitudinal<br />

Study of Friendships of Elderly Women', THE<br />

GERONTOLOGIST ; 'A Look at Friendship &<br />

Aging', GENERATIONS 10 (1986) :40-43 ; 'Secondary<br />

Friendships & Psychological Wellbeing',<br />


59-72 ; 'Physical Distance & Emotional Closeness<br />

between Friends', INT'L J OF AGING & HUMAN<br />

DEVELOPMENT, 22 (1986) :55<br />


Northwestern University<br />

Department of Communication Studies<br />

1815 Chicago Avenue<br />

Evanston, IL, USA, 60201<br />

(312) 491 5837<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : communications, mental health,<br />

support<br />

Activities : Study of professional matchmakers<br />

on 'weak ties' in mate seeking (draw on Kelly's<br />

nation of urban ages) . COMMUNICATING<br />

SOCIAL SUPPORT, (T .L . Albrecht, M .B . Adelman<br />

& Associates) ; Sage : <strong>1987</strong> .<br />


B-3, New Raj Nagar<br />

Ghaziabad, U .P ., INDIA, 201 002<br />

(8) 49147<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, fieldwork,<br />

inter-organizations, organizations,<br />

stratification, urban<br />

Activities : Working on the concept of<br />

network in a large Indian factory .<br />


Box 345<br />

King City, ON, CANADA, LOG 1 KO<br />

(416) 833-5798 : YF0024 at YORKVM1<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : authority, inter-organizations,<br />

social movements, organizations, theory,<br />

dynamic change<br />

Activities : Decision theory ; artificial intelligence<br />

; knowledge engineering ; philosophy &<br />

sociology of science .<br />


University of North Carolina<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Hamilton Hall<br />

Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 27514<br />

(919) 962 5044 : UPANDN @ TUCC<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : ethnicity, inter-organizations,<br />

organizations, stratification, urban

1 9 8<br />

Activities : Analysis of the births, deaths &<br />

transformation of US trade <strong>as</strong>sociations 1940 to<br />

1984 . Study of 4000+ <strong>as</strong>sociations, using archival<br />

macro-political & economic changes on<br />

<strong>as</strong>sociation 'events' (in their event-histories) .<br />

Research on networks & entrepreneurship in the<br />

North Carolina Research Triangle ; a panel study<br />

of prospective & actual business owners : who<br />

enters business ownership ; who is profitable?<br />

Network variables predict very well the latter,<br />

but only marginally well the former . Continuing<br />

analysis of 4 wave panel study of 571 small<br />

businesses in 3 English cities, 1978-1984 .<br />


Tisch Hall, 5th Floor<br />

Department of Marketing<br />

40 West 4th St .<br />

New York, NY, USA, 10012<br />

(212) 598-2212<br />

Keywords : ethnicity<br />

ALLEN, MITCH *<br />

Sage Publications<br />

2111 W . Hillcrest Dr .<br />

Newbury Park CA, USA, 91320<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Activities : Principal editor, social<br />

sciences for Sage .<br />


Purdue University<br />

Family Research Institute<br />

525 Russell St .<br />

West Lafayette, IN, USA, 47906<br />

(317) 494-7859 : IRQ at PURCCVM<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : dynamic change, friendship, gender,<br />

gerontology, households, intergenerations,<br />

kinship, microstructure, macrostructure,<br />

mental health, social cl<strong>as</strong>s, support, surveys<br />


Star Route Box 312<br />

Muir Beach, CA, USA, 94965<br />

(415) 381-1427<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : attitudes<br />

Activities : Primary focus on INTINET, a network<br />

of people pioneering inclusive long term<br />

sexual love relationships (cellular families &<br />

intimate networks) . Research interest : the<br />

future of the family .<br />


Wilfrid Laurier University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

75 University Ave .<br />

Waterloo, ON, CANADA, N2L 3C5<br />

(519) 884 1970<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : ethnicity, migration,<br />

occupations<br />


Purdue University<br />

Dept . of Sociology & Anthropology<br />

West Lafayette, IN, USA, 47906<br />

(317) 494 4703<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : health, information, interorganizations,<br />

methods, organizations<br />

Activities : Diffusion of medical innovations<br />

through physician consultation networks .<br />


Ford Foundation<br />

Women's Program<br />

Apartado 949<br />

Lima 1, PERU,<br />

(31) 0111 : 25205 PE<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : gender, households, interorganizations,<br />

social services, urban<br />

Activities : Paper for AAAS meetings session on<br />

Women's Work & Child Welfare in the Third<br />

World : questions of the effectiveness of<br />

support networks (for maintaining bre<strong>as</strong>tfeeding,<br />

alternative childcare, etc .) . Plan to replicate<br />

1971 study of middle-cl<strong>as</strong>s highrise<br />

apartment complex in Lima . This would evaluate<br />

the impact of Peru's economic & political<br />

crisis on middle-cl<strong>as</strong>s women along several<br />

dimensions, including participation in organizations<br />

& informal networks .

1 9 9<br />


39 Irving St .<br />

Boston, MA, USA, 02114<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : attitudes<br />


Rutgers University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

New Brunswick, NJ, USA, 08903<br />

(203) 932-4039<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : blocks, fieldwork,<br />

inter-organizations<br />

Activities : Analysis of block, social<br />

structure ; Relationship between informal &<br />

formal inter-organizational networks ;<br />

Collecting relational data in politicized<br />

social structures .<br />


University of Michigan<br />

Institute for Social Research 2252 ISR<br />

Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 48106<br />

(313) 764-6563<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : gerontology, support, surveys,<br />

teaching<br />

Activities : National Cancer Institute<br />

Grant : Cancer Symptoms in the Elderly :<br />

Support & Responses .<br />


University of Illinois<br />

Department of Psychology<br />

603 E . Daniel Street<br />

Champaign, IL, USA, 61820<br />

(217) 333 0631<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : law, crime & deviance,<br />

inter-organizations<br />

Activities : Blockmodelling, multidimensional<br />

scaling, overlapping<br />

clustering (ADCLUS, MAPCLUS, INDCLUS) ;<br />

combinatorial data analysis .<br />


5206 Ivanhoe N .E .<br />

Seattle, WA, USA, 98105<br />

(206) 524-5694<br />

Discipline : Psychiatry Psychology<br />

Keywords : community, ethnicity, mental<br />

health, graphs, health, social services,<br />

religion, teaching<br />

Activities : Prof . Emeritus Psychology,<br />

Psychiatry & Behavioral Science . Research<br />

& consultation to projects on applications<br />

of network concepts to social problems &<br />

mental health services .<br />

BAKER, WAYNE '<br />

Harvard University<br />

Grad . School of Business Admin .<br />

Soldiers Field<br />

Boston, MA, USA, 02163<br />

(617) 864-5847<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : exchange, organizations,<br />

corporations, inter-organizations<br />

Activities : Analysis of information flows,<br />

market outcomes & efficiency ; interest in<br />

markets, marketing research & economic exchange<br />

systems . research on investment bank<br />

relations .<br />


2727 29th Street N .W.<br />

Suite 203<br />

W<strong>as</strong>hington, DC, USA, 20008<br />

(202) 289-7212<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />


2727 29th St . N.W.<br />

Suite 203<br />

W<strong>as</strong>hington, DC, USA, 20008<br />

(202) 289 7212<br />

Discipline : Management Studies<br />

Keywords : communications, corporations,information,<br />

inter-organizations, organizations,<br />

government<br />

Activities : Business networking book (Wiley) .

2 0 0<br />


Indian Statistical Institute<br />

Sociological Research Unit<br />

203 Barrackpore Trunk Rd .<br />

Calcutta, W . Bengal, INDIA, 700 035<br />

52-6694 : 021-2210 Stat In<br />

Discipline : Statistics<br />

Keywords : community<br />


110 Treva Ave .<br />

Ithaca, NY, USA, 14850<br />

(607) 255-1524<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : corporations, attitudes, authority,<br />

qual . methods, methods, fieldwork, interorganizations,<br />

occupations, organizations<br />

BARNES, JOHN A . *<br />

Australian National University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

RSSS, G .P .O . Box 4<br />

Canberra<br />

ACT AUSTRALIA, 2601<br />

(062) 494037<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : graphs, qual . methods<br />


SUNY - Buffalo<br />

Department of Communications<br />

Buffalo, NY, USA, 14260<br />

(716) 636-2141 : COMBARN @ SUNYABVA<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : communications, information, interorganizations,<br />

organizations, quant . methods,<br />

spatial models<br />

Activities : Inter-organizational networks of<br />

American corps .b<strong>as</strong>ed upon shared advertising<br />

& public relations firms .<br />


EPFL : Inst de Recherche sur<br />

I'Environment Construit<br />

C<strong>as</strong>e postale 555<br />

Lausanne, SWITZERLAND, 1001<br />

021/4732<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />


University of Wales<br />

Department of Town Planning<br />

Institute of Science & Technology<br />

Cardiff, S . Glamorgan, WALES, CF7 7SS<br />

(0222) 42588 2700<br />

Discipline : Planning<br />

Keywords :exchange,environment,graphs,<br />

migration, quantitative methods,<br />

technology, urban<br />

Activities : 'Fractals : Geometry between<br />

dimensions' (1985) . NEW SCIENCE . M . Batty &<br />

B . Hutchinson (eds .) ADVANCES IN URBAN<br />

SYSTEMS MODELLING, North Holland,<br />

Amsterdam, 1986 . Urban morphology, urban<br />

modelling & computergraphics in planning .<br />

Network represent-ations of urban & social<br />

structure <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> hierarchical structure of<br />

cities & societies . 'Interacting Computers &<br />

Interactive Computer Graphics', J OF<br />

GEOGRAPHY IN HIGHER ED 9 (1) :25-36<br />


Marquette University<br />

College of Business Administration<br />

Milwaukee, WI, USA, 53233<br />

(414) 224-1444<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : communications, graphs, information,<br />

quant . methods, theory<br />

Activities : Personal networks of direct selling<br />

representatives ; valued graph analysis .<br />


University of Salzburg<br />

Institute for Psychology<br />

Salzburg, AUSTRIA, A-5020<br />

(0662) 8044-5103<br />

Discipline : Psychology

2 0 1<br />

Keywords : children, demography, friendship,<br />

mental health, quant . methods, support, surveys<br />

Activities : Research project on social networks<br />

& social support .<br />


808 Green St .<br />

E . Palo Alto, CA, USA, 94303<br />

(415) 328-0517 : Bay .pa @ Xerox .com<br />

Discipline : Management Studies<br />

Keywords : attitudes<br />


University of North Carolina<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Hamilton 070A<br />

Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 27514<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />


Butler Hospital<br />

345 Blackstone Blvd .<br />

Providence, RI, USA, 02906<br />

(401) 456 3746<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : mental health, dynamic change,<br />

theory, longitudinal, theory<br />

Activities : Commencing data analysis on<br />

treatment outcome of abusers of alcohol .<br />


W<strong>as</strong>hington State University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Pullman, WA, USA, 99164-4020<br />

(509) 335 6810 : See in Activ .<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, demography, rural,<br />

surveys, technology, information, policy<br />

Activities : Studying communication networks<br />

& the diffusion of soil conservation techniques<br />

among farmer networks .<br />


59 Barrington Ave .<br />

Toronto, ON, CANADA, M4C 4Y8<br />

(416) 699 1868 : becker @ humber<br />

Discipline : Computer Science<br />

Keywords : communications, technology,<br />

information<br />

Activities : Development of on-line<br />

computer graphics, datab<strong>as</strong>e & display<br />

systems, computer mapping .<br />


Universitat Munchen<br />

Soziologisches Institut der<br />

Munchen 40, WEST GERMANY, 38000<br />

(089) 21801901<br />

Discipline : Computer Science<br />

Keywords : exchange, inter-organizations,<br />

macrostructure, methods<br />

Activities : Evolution of networks in time .<br />


19 Scott St .<br />

Croydon<br />

New South Wales, AUSTRALIA, 2132<br />

(612) 798-6459<br />

Discipline : Social Work<br />

Keywords : dynamic change, friendship, quant .<br />

methods, theory, support, households<br />

Activities : Doctoral thesis on a study of the<br />

networks of divorced Australian women 2 .5-3<br />

years after separation ; me<strong>as</strong>uring size, multiplexity,<br />

degree of clustering & levels of both<br />

support & demand .<br />

BERKOWITZ, S.D . '<br />

University of Vermont<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

31 South Prospect St .<br />

Burlington, VT, USA, 05405<br />

(802) 656 2142<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : corporations, blocks, dynamic<br />

change, elites, epidemiology, graphs,<br />

hierarchies, historical analysis

2 0 2<br />

Activities : Recruitment to Asian-b<strong>as</strong>ed groups ;<br />

changes in Canadian corporate organization ;<br />

divorce in Britain ; application of game theory<br />

to networks .<br />


University of Florida<br />

Department of Anthropology<br />

1350 GPA<br />

Gainesville, FL, USA, 32611<br />

(904) 392 2031 : CY$EFH3 @ NERVM<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : fieldwork<br />

Activities : Finding the rules governing<br />

who people know & how they know each<br />

other . Working on the problem of counting<br />

previously uncountable populations (e .g .,<br />

the homeless) using a network model .<br />


4me d'Arcole<br />

Marseille, FRANCE, 13006<br />

((9)) 57 02 40<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : friendship<br />


Univ. of Pittsburgh<br />

School of Social Work<br />

2206 C .L .<br />

Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 15217<br />

(412) 624-6306<br />

Discipline : Social Work<br />

Keywords : support, teaching, social services<br />

Activities : Books : social networks & mental<br />

health, bldg . Support Networks for the Elderly .<br />

Schizophenia - Family, Patient & Professional .<br />

Social Support Networks & Care of the Elderly .<br />

Research : 'The effect of adult day care upon<br />

family burden' 'Family eldercare policy<br />

incentives', 'Service Coord . for the blind &<br />

visually impaired elderly', 'Coping with<br />

dementia', 'Rivers Communities Project' .<br />

BIEN, WALTER '<br />

Josef-Raps-Str. 3<br />

8 Muenchen 40, WEST GERMANY,<br />

(0202) 662245<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : demography, dynamic change, microstructure,<br />

macrostructure, migration, quant .<br />

methods, spatial models, communications,<br />

households, surveys<br />

Activities : Searching for, evaluating, &<br />

creating network methods for applied projects .<br />

Working with network group at the German<br />

Youth Inst ., specializing in family networks .<br />


McKinsey & Co .<br />

29, rue de B<strong>as</strong>sano<br />

Paris, FRANCE, 75008<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />


9991 River Mist Way<br />

Rancho Cordova, CA, USA, 95670-3180<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : information, inter-organizations,<br />

organizations, technology<br />

Activities : Studying how social interaction &<br />

organizational communications are related to<br />

the embedding of new technologies into the<br />

workplace : the use of a computer b<strong>as</strong>ed<br />

design environment by human factors & industrial<br />

designers within a large corporation .<br />

BO, INGE'<br />

Rogaland University Centre<br />

P .O . 2557<br />

4004 Stavanger, NORWAY,<br />

((4)) 874100<br />

Discipline : Education<br />

Keywords : children, community, education,<br />

support, teaching, friendship, intergenerations<br />

Activities : Adolescents' social networks,<br />

& the relationships between their networks<br />

& behavior : the ecology of human development<br />


2 0 3<br />


University of Alabama<br />

Institute for Social Science Research<br />

P .O . Box 587<br />

University, AL, USA, 35486<br />

Discipline : Politics<br />

Keywords : community, elites, information,<br />

methods, political<br />


University of California<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Los Angeles, CA, USA, 90024<br />

(213) 825 3017<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : blocks, corporations, graphs, power,<br />

quant . methods, microstructure, communications,<br />

interlocking directorates, centrality<br />

BOYD, JOHN `<br />

University of California<br />

School of Social Sciences<br />

Irvine, CA, USA, 92717<br />

(714) 856-5427<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : kinship, graphs, quant . methods<br />

Activities : 'Social Relations Position &<br />

Semi-groups' (ms) .<br />


University of California<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Santa Cruz, CA, USA, 95064<br />

(415) 322 1675<br />

Discipline : Management Studies Psychology<br />

Keywords : education, fieldwork, political,<br />

power, qual . methods, theory<br />

Activities : Nancy Roberts at Naval Postgrad .<br />

Ctr ., Monterry CA .<br />


806 - 666 N . Lakeshore Dr.<br />

Chicago, IL, USA, 60611<br />

(312) 642 4188<br />

Discipline : Sociology Mathematics<br />

Keywords : graphs, quant . methods<br />

Activities : Me<strong>as</strong>urement of balance in<br />

signed graphs & related method of clique<br />

detection .<br />


Cornell University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

323 Uris Hall<br />

Ithaca, NY, USA, 14853-7601<br />

(617) 255-4325<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : inter-organizations, quant . methods,<br />

social cl<strong>as</strong>s, social mobility, stratification<br />

Activities : Social mobility & networks (with<br />

Phillipa Pattison), 'Cumulated Social Roles :<br />

The Duality of Persons & Their Algebr<strong>as</strong>',<br />



120 Lovell Rd .<br />

New Rochelle, NY, USA, 10804<br />

(914) 235-2383<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : authority<br />

Activities : Anarchist networks in late<br />

Victorian England .<br />


University of Western Ontario<br />

School of Business Admin .<br />

London, ON, CANADA, N6A 3K7<br />

(519) 661-3725<br />

Discipline : Management Studies<br />

Keywords : corporations, communications,<br />

households, information, interorganizations,<br />

organizations, power, qual . methods<br />

Activities : Coalitions in industrial/organzational<br />

purch<strong>as</strong>ing ; inter-organizational<br />

relations between firms in market exchanges .

2 04<br />


University of Alberta<br />

Department of History<br />

Edmonton, AB, CANADA, T6G 2H4<br />

(403) 438 3484<br />

Discipline : History<br />

Keywords : elites, kinship, organizations,<br />

religion, stratification<br />

Activities : Local elite composition & structure<br />

in 17th Century China .<br />


310 Cranbrooke Ave .<br />

Toronto, ON, CANADA, M5M 1 Ni<br />

(416) 782 0565<br />

Discipline : Social Work<br />

Keywords : children, dynamic change, social<br />

services, support<br />

Activities : Ph .D . thesis : support systems<br />

of new mothers of low birth weight & normal<br />

weight <strong>as</strong> related to maternal adaptation .<br />


43 Central Ave .<br />

E<strong>as</strong>t Brunswick, NJ, USA, 08816<br />

(201) 238 4703<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : graphs, hierarchies, qual . methods,<br />

quant . methods, organizations, spatial models,<br />

surveys, organization theory & design<br />

Activities : Telecommunciations, distributed<br />

computer networks, taxonomy, system<br />

engineering .<br />


17 Aldrich Rd .<br />

Oxford, ENGLAND, 0X2 7SS<br />

(0865) 515946<br />

Discipline : Geography<br />

Keywords : demography<br />


London School of Economics<br />

Department of Social Sciences<br />

Houghton Street<br />

London, ENGLAND, WC2A 2AE<br />

(07) 405-7686<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, support, social<br />

services, social policy<br />


ABRAMS (Cambridge University Pr, 1986) ; THE<br />


Unwin, <strong>1987</strong>) .<br />


E<strong>as</strong>tern W<strong>as</strong>hington University<br />

Department of Economics<br />

Cheney, WA, USA, 99004<br />

(509) 359 7947<br />

Discipline : Economics<br />

Keywords : elites, historical analysis, quant .<br />

methods, power<br />

Activities : Economic effects of network affiliations<br />

.<br />


1726 Country Club Place<br />

Marshalltown, IA, USA, 50158<br />

(515) 752 0362<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : elites, corporations, gender, gerontology,<br />

inter-organizations, organizations,<br />

quant . methods, social cl<strong>as</strong>s, stratification<br />

Activities : Thesis : network analysis of elites .<br />


2616 W . 5th Ave .<br />

Vancouver, BC, CANADA, V6K 1T3<br />

(406) 228 2827<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : community, friendship, gender,<br />

gerontology, health, microstructure, mental<br />

health, qual . methods, support<br />

Activities : 'Sociotherape utic' treatment of<br />

depression among older women project (guided<br />

network evaluation manipulations) .

2 0 5<br />

BURT, RONALD S . *<br />

Columbia University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

New York, NY, USA, 10027<br />

(212) 280 3687<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : attitudes, communications, corporations,<br />

inter-organizations, organizations,<br />

perceptions, power, quantitative<br />

methods, science, surveys, teaching, theory<br />

Activities : Community power structures, corporate<br />

co-optation via interlocking, freedom &<br />

network structure, relational equilibrium<br />

mathematical models of network structure .<br />


Vanderbilt University<br />

Box 1811, Stn . B .<br />

N<strong>as</strong>hville, TN, USA, 37235<br />

(615) 322-7515<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : gender, occupations,<br />

stratification, urban<br />

Activities : WORK & OCCUPATIONS 'Gender<br />

Differences in Job- related Networks' ; the<br />

structure of a 1940 neighborhood network ;<br />

anticipating a comparative study of networks<br />

in urban neighborhoods .<br />


University of Virginia<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

539 Cabell Hall<br />

Charlottesville, VA, USA, 22903<br />

(804) 924-6525<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : law, crime & deviance, elites, communications,<br />

government, science, organizations<br />

Activities : (With Tom Guterbock) analyzing the<br />

social organization of American Sociological<br />

Assoc . section memberships ; elite lawyers<br />


Carnegie-Mellon University<br />

Dept. of Social & Decision Sciences<br />

Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 15213<br />

(412) 268 3225 : Carley @ c .cs .cmu .ed u [<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : communications, dynamic change,<br />

information, quant . methods, organizations,<br />

perceptions<br />

Activities : Simulation models of : dynamic social<br />

change & stability <strong>as</strong> a function of network<br />

position ; effective information flow in<br />

distributed decision making environment ;impact<br />

of electronic mail on diffusion .<br />


University of Waterloo<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Waterloo, ON, CANADA, N2L 3G1<br />

(519) 885 1211 : PJC @ WATDCS<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : corporations, elites, interorganizations,<br />

law, crime & deviance,<br />

organizations, power<br />

Activities : Inference from blockmodels &<br />

samples of blockmodels (with B . Erickson) .<br />


Bridgewater State College<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Bridgewater, MA, USA, 02324<br />

(617) 697-1355<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : historical analysis, households,<br />

kinship, law, crime & deviance, macrostructure,<br />

social cl<strong>as</strong>s, teaching, urban, theory<br />

Activities : Book on transformation of New<br />

Bedford, M<strong>as</strong>s ., including impact of rapid &<br />

extensive socioeconomic change on social<br />

structure & household, from 1860 to 1900,<br />

(with Thom<strong>as</strong> A . McMullin) . Relationship<br />

between capitalist industrialization &<br />

historical family change .<br />


University of Victoria<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Victoria, BC, CANADA, V8W 2Y2<br />

(604) 721 7573<br />

Discipline : Sociology

2 0 6<br />

Keywords : corporations, elites, political,<br />

stratification<br />

Activities : The Canadian corporate network :<br />

examining changes in the network in the p<strong>as</strong>t<br />

10 years which is a period of dramatic<br />

corporate restructuring & internationalization .<br />


Grinnell College<br />

Department of Anthropology<br />

1314 Elm St .<br />

Grinnell, IA, USA, 50112<br />

(515) 236-2824<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : corporations, community, fieldwork,<br />

inter-organizations, organizations, qual .<br />

methods,technology, urban<br />

Activities : Ethnographic research among<br />

high technology entrepreneurs in Scotland's<br />

'Silicon Glen' .<br />

CHAPIN, DAVID A . "<br />

H .C . 32, Box 13<br />

Eufield, NH, USA, 03748<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : methods, surveys, teaching<br />


Portland State University<br />

School of Urban & Public Affairs<br />

Portland, OR, USA, 97207<br />

(503) 229 4045<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : environment, gerontology, social<br />

services, support, urban<br />

Activities : How formal service providers<br />

intervene in social networks of the elderly .<br />

CHATURVEDI, N .K .<br />

Benares Hindu University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

12-B Katsurba Nagar<br />

Sogra, Varn<strong>as</strong>i-22101, INDIA,<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />


University of Winnipeg<br />

Sociology Department<br />

Winnipeg, MB, CANADA, R3B 2E9<br />

(204) 786 9401<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : communications, community,<br />

exchange, friendship, gender, households, intergenerations,<br />

kinship, microstructure, qual .<br />

methods, religion, support, theory, urban<br />

Activities : Research on gift-giving, <strong>1987</strong>-1989 .<br />


87 - 1701 Lobdell<br />

Baton Rouge, LA, USA, 70806<br />

(504) 923-1918<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : epidemiology<br />


V . le E . Caldara, 41<br />

Milano, ITALY, 20122<br />

(02) 599045<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : corporations, elites,<br />

inter-organizations<br />

Activities :" Property, capital & network<br />

structure in Italy," F . Stokman,R . Ziegler, J .<br />


POWER, Polity Pr ., 1985 . Business elites in<br />

Milano, 'II Padronato e la Rappresentanza Decli<br />

Interessi Economicia Milano,' PROSPETTIVA<br />

SINDICALE 55, 1986 .<br />


Aichigakuin University<br />

Department of Psychology<br />

Nisshin-cho<br />

Aichi-gun, Aichi, JAPAN, 470-01<br />

05617-3-11<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : dynamic change, microstructure,<br />

qual . methods, methods, theory<br />

Activities : (M . Nakagawa), ML-DYNASCAL<br />

(theory) ; systems analysis of groups ; (with

2 0 7<br />

Miraiwa), a bifurcation model of changes in<br />

interdependence structure among objects .<br />


2650 Sharondale Circle<br />

Atlanta, GA, USA, 30305<br />

(404) 237 7443<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : law, crime & deviance, organizations,<br />

quant . methods, urban, historical analysis,<br />

information<br />


Cornell University<br />

Department of Human Ecology<br />

205 Haller Blvd .<br />

Ithaca, NY, USA, 14850<br />

(607) 256 7620<br />


University of W<strong>as</strong>hington<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

116 Savery<br />

Seattle, WA, USA, 98105<br />

(206) 534 4065<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : exchange, inter-organizations<br />

Activities : Experimental research on<br />

exchange networks .<br />


Carleton University<br />

Dept . of Sociology & Anthropology<br />

Ottawa, ON, CANADA, K1 H 8G7<br />

(613) 564-6550 : F53CORMP/Carleton<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Discipline :<br />

Sociology<br />

Keywords :<br />

community<br />

Keywords : kinship, community<br />

Activities : (With U . Bronfenbrenner), 'The<br />

Ecology of Human Development' . Gathered<br />

partial network data from 320 families<br />

annually over 5 years, beginning 1978 .<br />


Hebrew University of Jerusalem<br />

Department of Geography<br />

Mt . Scopus<br />

Jerusalem, ISRAEL, 91905<br />

(02) 535 694<br />

Discipline : Geography<br />

Keywords : friendship, community<br />

Activities : Attachment to place .<br />

Activities : Cross cl<strong>as</strong>s : study of families of<br />

Hamilton steelworkers : a re-examination of<br />

community hypotheses .<br />


University College<br />

Social Research Unit<br />

P .O . Box 78<br />

Cardiff, WALES, CF1 1 XL<br />

(0222) 44211<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : blocks, epidemiology, microstructure,<br />

occupations<br />

Activities : Socio-epidemiological studies of<br />

AIDS & HTLV3/LAV transmission . Spatial (scaling)<br />

representation of social networks .<br />


University of California - Riverside<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Riverside, CA, USA, 92521<br />

(714) 787-5444<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : exchange<br />


(Cambridge, 1985) .<br />


4115-C Maple Drive<br />

Cincinnati, OH, USA, 45209-1830<br />

(513) 871-3117<br />

Discipline : Education<br />

Keywords : communications, dynamic change,<br />

education, inter-organizations, mental<br />

health, teaching, technology

2 0 8<br />


University of Illinois<br />

Department of Communication<br />

Box 4348<br />

Chicago, IL, USA, 60680<br />

(312) 996 3187 : U45571 at UICVM<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : communications,<br />

organizations, quant . methods<br />

Activities : inter-organizational networks, media<br />

coverage content networks, audience cognitive<br />

networks ; interpersonal networks, network<br />

radiality & media exposure . Semantic network<br />

structures within who-to-whom structures .<br />

Television drama character networks & audience<br />

exposure <strong>as</strong> a function of regional social<br />

stability .<br />


Gerdal 51 rue Dareau<br />

Paris, FRANCE, 75014<br />

((1)) 43350482/4<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : communications<br />

Activities : Processes de changement technique<br />

clans ]'agriculture .<br />


University of Chicago<br />

Department of Behavioural Sciences<br />

Chicago, IL, USA, 60637<br />

(312) 684-0781<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : attitudes<br />

Activities : Analysis of social networks of<br />

medical student cl<strong>as</strong>s.<br />


Polytechnic of the South Bank<br />

Department of Social Sciences<br />

London, ENGLAND, SEI OAA<br />

(01) 928 8989<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : epidemiology, stratification, blocks,<br />

health, occupations, perceptions<br />

Activities : Epidemiological modelling of<br />

AIDS in the UK .<br />


Unertlstr<strong>as</strong>se 13<br />

8000 Munchen 40, WEST GERMANY,<br />

(089) 3084952<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : communications, kinship,<br />

occupations, qual . methods, quant . methods,<br />

recruitment,surveys<br />

Activities : Research in social networks,<br />

unemployment & job seeking behavior .<br />


8 Square Leon Blum<br />

Puteaux, FRANCE, 92800<br />

4778 7491 : FROR 0311 @ CES003<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : qual . methods<br />

Activities : Creation d'entreprises.<br />


52 - 100 Brookside Ave .<br />

Mt . Vernon, NY, USA, 10550<br />

(914) 699-0434<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Activities : Graduate student at SUNY<br />

Graduate Center .<br />

DESARBO, WAYNE S . *<br />

28 Forrest View Rd .<br />

Wallingford, PA, USA, 19086<br />

(215) 565-7178<br />

Discipline : Statistics<br />

Keywords : communications,<br />

quant . methods, spatial models<br />

Activities : (With G . DeSoete & K. Jedidi)<br />

'Probabilistic Multidimensional Scaling Models<br />

for Analyzing Consumer Choice', COMMUNI-<br />

CATION & COGNITION, <strong>1987</strong>,20,93-116 . (With<br />

V .R . Rao),'GENFOLD2 : A New Constrained<br />

Unfolding Model for Production Positioning',<br />

MARKETING SCIENCE, 1986,5,1-19 .

2 0 9<br />


Louisiana State University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Baton Rouge, LA, USA, 70803<br />

(504) 388 1113 : LSUVM<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, occupations,<br />

households, rural<br />

Activities : Social networks of farm<br />

families in Louisiana .<br />


2 Crest Rd .<br />

Rowayton, CT, USA, 06853<br />

(203) 432 2130<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : organizations, inter-organizations,<br />

occupations, historical analysis, elites,<br />

attitudes, stratification<br />

Activities : Inter-organizational networks in the<br />

arts in the US ; 'Structural analysis of organizational<br />

fields : a blockmodel approach', in Barry<br />

Btow & L . L, Cummings (eds .), RESEARCH IN<br />


1986) . (With Frank Romo), analysis of<br />

professional/inter-organizational networks in<br />

four organizational fields of US arts<br />

organizations . Archival analysis of the role of<br />

US private foundations in establishing national<br />

professional networks in the arts, 1920-1939 .<br />

DOW, MALCOLM *<br />

Northwestern University<br />

Department of Anthropology<br />

Evanston, IL, USA, 60201<br />

(312) 491-5402<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : demography, environment, epidemiology,<br />

health, migration, quant .methods,<br />

surveys, spatial models<br />

Activities : Network autocorrelated categorical<br />

data . Editing special edition of AM . J OF<br />

PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY on 'Biological<br />

Networks' (with J . Cheversud) . 'Model selection<br />

procedures for network autocorrelated disturbances<br />

models.' SOCIAL METHODS &<br />

RESEARCH 14 :403-22, (1986) . 'Subsample<br />

replication on cross-cultural surveys .' AM<br />

ANTHROPOLOGIST 89 :125-133 .<br />


511 Benjamin St .<br />

Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 48104<br />

(313) 995-2524<br />

Discipline : Social Work<br />

Keywords : attitudes, authority, community,<br />

dynamic change, education, elites, exchange,<br />

fieldwork<br />

Activities : Social networks & community<br />

support systems ; Therapeutic <strong>as</strong>pects of<br />

self-help for the mentally ill .<br />


University of Pittsburgh<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 15260<br />

(412) 648-7597<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : blocks, dynamic change,environment,<br />

graphs, hierarchies, inter-organizations, microstructure,<br />

macrostructure, quant . methods, social<br />

services, science, social services,<br />

spatial models, technology<br />

Activities : Citation studies network, autocorrelation<br />

models, graph theory & equivalences<br />

structural representations . MLE<br />

procedures ; Polyledrae Dynamics.<br />

DUCK, STEVE'<br />

University of Iowa<br />

151 -CSB Communication Studies Building<br />

Iowa City, IA, USA, 52242<br />

(319) 335 0579 : BLASTDWY @ UIAMVS<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : communications<br />

Activities : (Ed .) HANDBOOK OF RESEARCH<br />



23 rue du Petit Puits<br />

Marseille, FRANCE, 13002<br />

(91) 90 20 49<br />

Discipline : Sociology

2 1 0<br />

Keywords : communications<br />

Activities : Strategie d'acces au logement et<br />

strategie de recherche .<br />

ENNIS, JAMES G . `<br />

Tufts University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Medford, MA, USA, 02155<br />

(617) 381-3561 : SOCUR000 @ TUFTS<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : blocks, exchange, political, power,<br />

quant . methods, science, social movements,<br />

spatial models, communications, corporations,<br />

microstructure, organizations<br />

Activities : Network & role structure in science .<br />


University of Toronto<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

563 Spadina Ave .<br />

Toronto, ON, CANADA, M5S 1A1<br />

(416) 978 5263<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : attitudes, blocks, friendship, gerontology,<br />

occupations, organizations, social cl<strong>as</strong>s,<br />

socialmobility, stratification support<br />

Activities : Social structure & help,contact &<br />

stereotyping, robustness of blockmodels . <strong>Connections</strong>,<br />

culture & careers in occupations &<br />

firms .<br />


University of Pittsburgh<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 15260<br />

(412) 648-7594<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : theory<br />

Activities : (With John Skvoretz), 'Action<br />

& Institution, Network & Function : the<br />

Cybernetic Concept of Social Structure' ; 'The<br />

Dynamics of the Formation of Stable Dominance<br />

Structures', dealing with formal model<br />

incorporation of Ivan Ch<strong>as</strong>e's bystander<br />

mechanism, in STATUS GENERALIZATION .<br />


University of M<strong>as</strong>sachusetts<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Thompson 730<br />

Amherst, MA, USA, 01003<br />

(413) 545 0072/5<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : blocks, fieldwork, microstructure,<br />

occupations<br />

Activities : The social transformation of<br />

markets : how the blockbuster era in culture<br />

industries change the social organization of<br />

role sets ; how changes in role sets transform<br />

macro-networks & (blockmodel) positions ; &<br />

what the outcomes are for market performance .<br />

'Projects & Careers in Hollywood', AM J OF<br />

SOCIOLOGY, January <strong>1987</strong> .<br />


6524 Verano Place<br />

Irvine, CA, USA, 92715<br />

(714) 856 0305<br />

Discipline : Psychology Statistics<br />

Keywords : corporations, demography,<br />

ethcity, gender, migration, organizations,<br />

perceptions, quant . methods, urban, surveys<br />

Activities : Graduate student at the<br />

University of California, Irvine .<br />


The American University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

603 E . Daniel St .<br />

W<strong>as</strong>hington, DC, USA, 20016<br />

(202) 885 2478<br />

Discipline : Sociology Anthropology<br />

Keywords : perceptions, quantitative<br />

methods, spatial models<br />

Activities : Comparison of methods for positional<br />

analysis of social networks .

2 1 1<br />


140 W. 79th Street<br />

New York, NY, USA, 10024<br />

(212) 787-8150<br />

Discipline : Psychiatry<br />

Keywords : ethnicity, mental health, migration,<br />

support<br />

Activities : Albert Einstein College of<br />

Medicine/Montefiore Medical Center : programs<br />

re chronic patients .<br />


620 Thwaites Place 30<br />

Bronx, NY, USA, 10467<br />

(212) 231-5293 : JONATHAN<br />

Discipline : Information<br />

Keywords : communications, community, environment,<br />

health, information, intergenerations,<br />

inter-organizations, macrostructure, organizations,macrostructure,organizations,<br />

social<br />

services, technology<br />

Activities : Nonprofit electronic conference<br />

system run by & for the nonprofits of New<br />

York City : a gateway for other networks, BB's<br />

& non-computer structures .<br />

FELLING, A. "<br />

Thom<strong>as</strong> van Aqumolaan 4<br />

6500 HK PO 9108<br />

Nymegen, NETHERLANDS,<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Activities : Intercorporate relations .<br />


Faldenserwei II<br />

8834XH Baard, NETHERLANDS,<br />

05173 1704<br />

Discipline : Politics<br />

Keywords : elites, inter-organizations, kinship<br />

Activities : Kinship ties in corporate elite,<br />

international corporate elite .<br />


Tavcarjeva 4<br />

Ljubljana, Slovenija, YUGOSLAVIA, 61000<br />

(061) 324-529<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : graphs<br />


University of Arizona<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Tucson, AZ, USA, 85721<br />

(602) 621 3531<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : attitudes, power, communications,<br />

corporations, elites, spatial models, interorganizations,<br />

microstructure, macrostructure,<br />

organizations, recruitment, social movements,<br />

stratification<br />

Activities : Recruitment to social movements,<br />

policy domains, authority at the<br />

community level . Networks in organizations,<br />

inter-organizational networks .<br />


40 allee Jules Verne<br />

La Celle St . Cloud, FRANCE, 78170<br />

(1) 39695980<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community<br />

Activities : Friendship in middle-cl<strong>as</strong>s<br />

urban are<strong>as</strong> .<br />


c/o Jeff Hiris<br />

10 - 12 Tremlett<br />

Dorchester, MA, USA, 02137<br />

Discipline : Demography<br />

Keywords : children, fieldwork, demography,<br />

kinship, migration, qual . methods, quant .<br />

methods<br />

Activities : Networks of a woman migrant in<br />

Bamako, Mali . Flows & exchanges in an urban<br />

microcosm . ' A Study of Woman Migrants in<br />

Bamako, Mali' . M . Vaa & S . Findley, forth-

2 1 2<br />

coming, Scandinavian Institute of African<br />

Studies, Upsala, Sweden .<br />


University of Minnesota<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Minneapolis, MN, USA, 55455<br />

(612) 624 5006<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : children, friendship, fieldwork,<br />

microstructure, qual . methods, social movements<br />

Activities : Symbolic interactionist approach to<br />

networks analysis .<br />


3305 Brandy Court<br />

Falls Church, VA, USA, 22042<br />

(703) 573 6760<br />

Keywords : dynamic change, mental health, qual .<br />

methods, quant . methods, organiz-ations,<br />

science, systems, information<br />

Activities : Dynamic systems & cybernetics :<br />

individual & social . Computer program : 'Does<br />

Your Double' demo .<br />


University of California<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Berkeley, CA, USA, 94305<br />

(415) 642 4766 : FISCHER1 @ UCBCMSA<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : communications, community, historical<br />

analysis, technology, urban<br />

Activities : 'Touch Someone :' The telephone<br />

industry discovers sociability', TECHNOLOGY &<br />

CULTURE ; 'The rise of rural telephoning<br />

1880-1940', JOURNAL OF SOCIAL HISTORY ;<br />

(with G . Carroll), 'The diffusion of the<br />

telephone & automobile in the US, 1902-1937' .<br />


Tex<strong>as</strong> Technical University<br />

Dept . of Human Dvpt . & Family Studies<br />

Lubbock, TX, USA, 79409<br />

(806) 742 3001<br />

Keywords : friendship, gender, support<br />

Activities : Individuals' social networks prior to<br />

college graduation & after graduation ; includes<br />

analysis of life transitions & changes in social<br />

networks . Changes in 10th graders' social<br />


RESEARCH, 1 (1986) :1-10 .<br />


Arizona State University<br />

Department of Anthropology<br />

Graduate College<br />

Tempe, AZ, USA, 85287<br />

(602) 965 7279<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : demography, ethnicity, exchange,<br />

friendship, microstructure, theory, urban,<br />

kinship<br />

Activities : Social exchange networks in<br />

three Thai villages .<br />


University of California<br />

School of Social Sciences<br />

Irvine, CA, USA, 95616<br />

(714) 833-5917<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />


390 West End Ave ., #5F<br />

New York, NY, USA, 10024<br />

(212) 873-7967<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : ethnicity<br />

FRIEDKIN, NOAH E . `<br />

University of California<br />

Department of Education<br />

Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 93106<br />

(805) 961-2840<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : education, organizations, attitudes,<br />

communications<br />

Activities : 'A formal theory of social power'<br />


12, 1986 :103-126 .

2 1 3<br />


University of Toronto<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Toronto, ON, CANADA, M5S 1A1<br />

(416) 828 5317<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : exchange, inter-organizations,<br />

macrostructure, migration, political<br />

Activities : Political economy of world food<br />

production, trade & consumption .<br />


Henry Lehresvei 33<br />

1310 Blommenholm, NORWAY,<br />

(02-0254429) 1/463952<br />

Discipline : Social Work<br />

Keywords : community, education, environment,<br />

exchange, fieldwork, friendship,<br />

gerontology, health, support, gender<br />

Activities : Developing methods in the health<br />

& social area in Norway, in conjunction with<br />

other instititutions, e .g . psychiatry, elderly<br />

care, hospitals, child care & social services .<br />


University of Wisconsin<br />

School of Law<br />

Madison, WI, USA, 53706<br />

(608) 262-4592<br />

Keywords : community, ethnicity, law,<br />

crime & deviance, religion<br />

Activities : Networks for information sharing<br />

& strategic coordination among lawyers involved<br />

with specific kinds of c<strong>as</strong>es - e .g . plaintiff<br />

lawyers in <strong>as</strong>bestos c<strong>as</strong>es .<br />


University of Minnesota<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

909 Social Science Building<br />

Minneapolis, MN, USA, 55455<br />

(612) 624 7548<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, corporations,<br />

inter-organizations, organizations<br />

Activities : The response of non-profit organizations<br />

& institutional funders to the cutbacks<br />

in domestic spending in the early 1980s . (With<br />

Stanley W<strong>as</strong>serman), the applications of loglinear<br />

models to sociometric-type data .<br />


R . F .D .I .<br />

Box 11 A<br />

Chilmark, MA, USA, 02535<br />

(617) 645 3169<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, education, fieldwork,<br />

inter-organizations, organizations, teaching<br />

Activities : Organization in higher education<br />

which operates <strong>as</strong> a network ; the use of<br />

networks for social & educational change .<br />


University of Victoria<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Victoria, BC, CANADA, V8W 2Y2<br />

(604) 721 7579<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : information, organizations, religion,<br />

exchange, fieldwork, perceptions, recruitment,<br />

social cl<strong>as</strong>s<br />

Activities : Networks & social evaluation .<br />

GEORGE, JON'<br />

Community Mental Health<br />

2340 E<strong>as</strong>t Stadium<br />

Ann Arbor, Ml, USA, 48103<br />

(313) 971-5907<br />

Discipline : Social Work<br />

Keywords : mental health, qual . methods, social<br />

services<br />

Activities : Clinical approach using network<br />

analysis.<br />


1790 S .W . 27th Ave .<br />

Miami, FL, USA, 33145<br />

(305) 445 0555<br />

Discipline : Psychology

2 1 4<br />

Keywords : friendship, mental health, phenomenology,<br />

social services, support<br />

Activities : Social networks of clients in<br />

residential treatment recovering from drug<br />

abuse & of step-families .<br />


Tremont Research Institute<br />

458 29th St .<br />

San Francisco, CA, USA, 94131-2399<br />

(415) 285 7837<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : qual . methods, science<br />


Indian Statistical Institute<br />

Sociological Research Unit<br />

203 Barrackpore Trunk Rd .<br />

Calcutta West Bengal, INDIA, 700035<br />

52-6694<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, elites, political, power<br />

Activities : Reciprocal ties within the village<br />

among the leaders, elites & patrons ; mapping a<br />

network model .<br />


Program Universitario de Computo<br />

Secretaria General<br />

Apdo, Postal 20-763<br />

Mexico City, MEXICO, 01000<br />

(905) 548 3360<br />

Discipline : Computer Science<br />

Keywords : information, elites, dynamic change<br />

Activities : Bribery, networks, power elites,<br />

information analysis .<br />


Duke University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Durham, NC, USA, 27706<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

GODOE, HELGE *<br />

Norwegian Telecommunic . Res . Est.<br />

Research Establishment<br />

2007 Kjeller, NORWAY,<br />

(472) 73 91 19<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : exchange, information, technology<br />

Activities : Communication patterns, social<br />

networks & social structure . Research for<br />

information systems .<br />

GOLD, GERALD *<br />

York University<br />

Department of Anthropology<br />

4700 Keele St .<br />

North York, ON, CANADA, M3J 1 P3<br />

(416) 736-5261 : YFANOOOI @ YORKVMI<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : elites, ethnicity, kinship, rural,<br />

urban, community, government, historical<br />

analysis, households, qual . methods, methods<br />

Activities : Multiculturalism & state policy, a<br />

comparative perspective ; Ethnicity & small<br />

business where networks aid in identifying the<br />

field of study .<br />


P .O . Box 825<br />

Venice, CA, USA, 90294<br />

(213) 392 5485<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : authority, community, interorganizations,<br />

organizations, political,<br />

religion, gender<br />


Central Connecticut State University<br />

Department of Psychology<br />

Stanley Street<br />

New Britain, CT, USA, 06050<br />

(203) 827 7302<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : mental health, occupations, social<br />

cl<strong>as</strong>s, support

2 1 5<br />

Activities : The impact of membership of<br />

women's networking organizations on career<br />

development .<br />


Harvard University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

William James Hall<br />

Cambridge, MA, USA, 02138<br />

(617) 491 6133 : RVG @ HARVUNXT<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />


6405 Dixie Garden Lane<br />

Dall<strong>as</strong>, TX, USA, 75236<br />

(214) 780 7368<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : communications, government, health,<br />

organizations, science, urban<br />

Activities : Network analysis of departments in a<br />

health science center .<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : community, ethnicity, urban<br />

Activities : Ethnohistorical & ethnographic<br />

research with Afro-Cuban in Tampa, Florida .<br />

Network broker for two community organizations<br />

in Tampa . Analysis of data on kinshp<br />

ties & territorial concentration of members<br />

of the Mowa band of Choctaws in Alabama .<br />


University of California<br />

Department of Info & Comp Sci .<br />

Irvine, CA, USA, 92717<br />

(714) 856-7353 : Gregory Q ICS .UCI .ED U<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : dynamic change, exchange, interorganizations,<br />

occupations, organizations,<br />

corporations, fieldwork, qual . methods,<br />

recruitment<br />

Activities : High-technology ethnography ;<br />

computing .<br />


SUNY<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Stony Brook, NY, USA, 11794-4356<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : corporations, elites, friendship,<br />

information, inter-organizations, microstructure,<br />

macrostructure, occupations,<br />

organizations, power, recruitment, social<br />

mobility<br />

Activities : Embeddedness of economic action in<br />

social structure ; threshold models of collective<br />

behavior (with Roland Soong) ; inequality & the<br />

labor process (with Charles Tilly) for handbook<br />

of Sociology .'The macrostructure of school<br />

desegregation' in J . Prager, M . Seeman, D .<br />

Longshore, eds ., &'Threshold models of interpersonal<br />

effects in consumer demand .<br />


University of South Florida<br />

Department of Anthropology<br />

4202 Fowler Ave .<br />

Tampa, FL, USA, 33620<br />

(813) 974-2209<br />


80 Hazelton Ave .<br />

Toronto, ON, CANADA, M5R 2E2<br />

(416) 961-0608<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : kinship, social cl<strong>as</strong>s<br />

Activities : Networks with re-marriage families .<br />


University of California<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Los Angeles, CA, USA, 90024<br />

(213) 825 1313<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : inter-organizations, mental<br />

health, social services, organizations<br />

Activities : The impact of interorganizational<br />

relations on the development of<br />

comprehensive mental health delivery systems .

2 1 6<br />


Columbia University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

New York, NY, USA, 10027<br />

(212) 280 3686<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : attitudes, corporations, elites,<br />

governments, inter-organizations, quant .<br />

methods, political, power, religion, theory<br />


1444 Montcalm<br />

Montreal, PQ, CANADA, H2L 3G8<br />

(514) 526-7174 : GURD .G<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : communications, social movements,<br />

technology<br />


529 Clarence St .<br />

Ottawa, ON, CANADA, K1 N 5S4<br />

(613) 235 7120<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : information, technology<br />

Activities : Impact . of new technologies on<br />

organizations & intra-organizatinal networks<br />


So . 5416 Willamette<br />

Spokane, WA, USA, 99223<br />

(509) 448 2574<br />

Discipline : Sociology History<br />


NYS Psychiatric Institute<br />

722 West 168th St .<br />

New York, NY, USA, 10032<br />

(212) 960 5682<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : children, epidemiology, health, gender<br />

microstructure, mental health, quant . methods,<br />

power, friendship<br />

Activities : Overlap in linked personal networks,<br />

role of children in linking adults .<br />


University of California - Riverside<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Riverside, CA, USA, 92521<br />

(714) 787-3638 : SORGEN @ UCRVMS<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : dynamic change, health, theory,<br />

models, hierarchies, historical analysis,<br />

quant . methods, social mobility, social<br />

services, spatial els, stratification,<br />

theory, inter-organizations<br />

Activities : Continuous state, continuous<br />

time simulation models for theory construction .<br />

Computer Assisted Theory Building : Mobility<br />

Dynamic Social Systems, (Sage, forthcoming) .<br />


Rutgers University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

New Brunswick, NJ, USA, 08903<br />

(201) 932 8414<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : education, friendship, health,<br />

mental health, gender, support, intergenerations<br />

HART, JEFFREY A . *<br />

University of California<br />

BRIE<br />

2234 Piedmont Ave .<br />

Berkeley, CA, USA, 94720<br />

(415) 642 3067<br />

Discipline : Politics<br />

Keywords : authority, elites, political, technology,<br />

information, power, government, graphs<br />

Activities : Industrial policies of US, Germany,<br />

France, Britain & Japan ; patterns of MNC<br />

internationalization, especially joint ventures<br />

& international cooperation agreements .<br />


University of Missouri<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Kans<strong>as</strong>, MO, USA, 64110<br />

(816) 276 1602<br />

Discipline : Sociology

2 1 7<br />

Keywords : law, crime & deviance, exchange,<br />

methods<br />

Activities : Analysis of relations between mathmatical<br />

decision theory & network analysis .<br />


University of M<strong>as</strong>sachusetts<br />

Department of Communication<br />

Amherst, MA, USA, 01003<br />

(413) 549 2795 : Laurel @ UMASS<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : communications, qual . methods, quant .<br />

methods, gender, surveys, technology, methods<br />

HILDUM, DONALD C . "<br />

Oakland University<br />

Department of Communications<br />

Rochester, MI, USA, 48063<br />

(313) 370 4125<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : communications, dynamic change,<br />

quant . methods, spatial models, semantics<br />

Activities : SOCIAL NETWORKS : 'Competence &<br />

Performance in Network Structure .' ; reanalysis<br />

of the Sampson mon<strong>as</strong>tery data with<br />

emph<strong>as</strong>is on micro-revolution of the network ;<br />

<strong>as</strong>sociative networks of 1984 US convention<br />

speeches .<br />


MBSC- International House<br />

3701 Chestnut St .<br />

6th Floor<br />

Philadelphia, PA, USA, 19104<br />

(215) 898 3420<br />

Discipline : Community Development<br />

Keywords : authority, children, community,<br />

demography, dynamic change, education,<br />

exchange, health, information, gender,<br />

stratification, support<br />

Activities : Relationship between power & access<br />

to resources by women ; the role that networks,<br />

esp . work ties play in expanding women's power<br />

b<strong>as</strong>e .<br />


Australian National University<br />

Economics Dept, Pacific Studies<br />

G .P .P . Box 4<br />

Canberra, AUSTRALIA, 2601<br />

062 49 310<br />

Discipline : Economics<br />

Keywords : community, dynamic change,<br />

exchange, information, kinship, technology<br />

Activities : Citrus Siam adoption process in a<br />

rubber smallholding village in South Sumatra .<br />


8 Romulus Dr .<br />

Scarborough, ON, CANADA, M1 K 4C2<br />

(416) 585-6533 : David @ UTORONTO<br />

Discipline : Social Work<br />

Keywords : children, community, computers,<br />

exchange, friendship, graphs, health, households,<br />

information, microstructure, social<br />

services, support surveys<br />

Activities : Completing thesis, 'The Social<br />

Adjustment of Female Single Mothers : A<br />

Network Analytic Approach' .<br />


Upsala College<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

E<strong>as</strong>t Orange, NJ, USA, 07019<br />

(201) 266 7239 : ROXANNE @ ORION<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : communications<br />

Activities : Developing 'virtual education' via<br />

computerized conferencing .<br />

HIRDES, JOHN P . *<br />

33 Nichol St .<br />

Elora, ON, CANADA, NOB 1 SO<br />

(519) 846-0225 : Hirdes @ Watcks<br />

Discipline : Sociology

2 1 8<br />

Keywords : epidemiology, gerontology, health,<br />

quant . methods, stratification<br />

Activities : Proposed study of network<br />

effects on health care utilization by<br />

80+ year olds, (with W . Forbes & C . David) .<br />


Education Testing Service<br />

Rosedale Rd .<br />

Princeton, NJ, USA, 08541<br />

(609) 734 1241<br />

Discipline : Statistics<br />

Keywords : graphs, macrostructure, microstructure,<br />

qual . methods, quant . methods,<br />

spatial models<br />

Activities : Stoch<strong>as</strong>tic blockmodels ;<br />

missing data in networks .<br />


18th Floor<br />

Research & Evaluation Division<br />

50 E . North Temple<br />

Salt Lake City, UT, USA, 84150<br />

(801) 531-3406<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, demography, organizations,<br />

religion<br />

Activities : Networks & marriage markets ; network<br />

<strong>as</strong>pects of conversion & retention to a<br />

new religion ; bi<strong>as</strong>ed networks & commitment in<br />

voluntary organizations .<br />


Whittier College<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Whittier, CA, USA, 90608<br />

(213) 693 0771<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : ethnicity, friendship, occupations,<br />

organizations, stratification<br />

Activities : Coalition & cleavage among mental<br />

health professionals, relational patterns &<br />

labor discipline in the border economy .<br />


2120 Cowper St.<br />

Palo Alto, CA, USA, 94301<br />

(415) 321-5823<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : demography, kinship<br />

Activities : Anthropology <strong>as</strong> ideology : a career<br />

structure & a set of organization, with focus<br />

on the dangers of fieldwork & the reduction of<br />

those dangers .<br />

HU, ALFRED "<br />

2 - 835 E . 56th St .<br />

Chicago, IL, USA, 60637<br />

(312) 752 0765<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : corporations, inter-organizations,<br />

political<br />

Activities : Business networks in E<strong>as</strong>t Asia ; PhD<br />

dissertation at Univ of Chicago .<br />


Indiana University<br />

Department of Political Science<br />

Bloomington, IN, USA, 47405<br />

(812) 335-4198<br />

Discipline : Politics<br />

Keywords : communications<br />

HUMMELL, HANS J . *<br />

Fachbereich 1,<br />

Soziologie<br />

Universitat Duisburg<br />

D4100 Duisburg, WEST GERMANY<br />

(0203) 379 2733<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : microstructure, friendship, methods,<br />

theory<br />

Activities : Positions & rules : describing the<br />

structure of links in European editor .

2 1 9<br />


Box 21<br />

1440 Canal St .<br />

New Orleans, LA, USA, 70112<br />

(504) 568 4664<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : children, community<br />

Activities : Bogalusa heart study, race<br />

differences .<br />

HURD, GARY S . *<br />

109 - 172 E<strong>as</strong>t Garry Ave .<br />

Santa Anna, CA, USA, 92705<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, elites, ethnicity,<br />

exchange, friendship, gender, historical<br />

analysis, law, crime & deviance, mental health<br />

HURT, H . THOMAS'<br />

North Tex<strong>as</strong> State University<br />

Division of Communication<br />

P .O . Box 5266, NT Station<br />

Denton, TX, USA, 76203<br />

(817) 565 2588 : FA70 @ NTMUSIC<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : communications, information, mental<br />

health, qual . methods, quant. methods, support,<br />

surveys, technology<br />

Activities : Opinion leadership in diffusion networks<br />

; outpatient support & inpatient networks<br />

; social support & alcoholic sober time .<br />


Northwestern University<br />

Mktg Dept, Kellogg Graduate School Mgmt<br />

2001 Sheridan Rd .<br />

Evanston, IL, USA, 60201<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />


14 Taylorwood Drive<br />

Islington, ON CANADA M9A 4R7<br />

((416)) 244-3866<br />

Discipline : Library Science<br />

Keywords : communications, information,<br />

community, education<br />

Activities : Returns to U Alberta Fac of Library<br />

Sci, 9/88 . Currently studying for Ed .D .at<br />

U of Toronto .<br />


University of Michigan<br />

Health Behav., School of Public Health<br />

1420 W<strong>as</strong>hington Heights<br />

Ann Arbor, Ml, USA, 48109<br />

(313) 763 9938<br />

Discipline : Public Health<br />

Keywords : community, education, epidemiology,<br />

health, mental health, occupations,<br />

organizations, support, teaching<br />

Activities : Identify sources of stress at work,<br />

social resources (e .g . social networks & social<br />

support) & their effects, & in the development<br />

& implementation of programs & change to<br />

address identified needs .<br />


1953 S . Van Gordon St .<br />

Lakewood, CO, USA, 80228<br />

(303) 980 1680<br />

Discipline : Social Work<br />

Keywords : epidemiology, ethnicity, gender,<br />

mental health, information, kinship, qual .<br />

methods, quant . methods, social services,<br />

support, surveys, social cl<strong>as</strong>s<br />

Activities : Ph .D (Columbia) study of people in<br />

crisis to learn the mediating power of social<br />

networks for populations at risk .<br />


Univ . of California - Santa Barbara<br />

Department of Mathematics<br />

Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 93106<br />

Discipline : Mathematics<br />


Awakening Technology<br />

695 Fifth St .<br />

Lake Oswego, OR, USA, 97034<br />

(503) 635-2615 :118 or P & T

2 2 0<br />

Discipline : Information<br />

Keywords : communications<br />


513 Devon Rd .<br />

Havertown, PA, USA, 19083<br />

(215) 645 4784<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : epidemiology, gender, health,<br />

microstructure, occupations, social cl<strong>as</strong>s, theory,<br />

stratification<br />

Activities : The mediating effects of networks on<br />

individual attitudes across social cl<strong>as</strong>ses .<br />


University of Toronto<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

563 Spadina Ave .<br />

Toronto, ON, CANADA, M5S 1A1<br />

(416) 978-5263 : JONES @ UTOREPAS<br />

Discipline : Sociology Sociology<br />

Keywords : gender, quant. methods, surveys<br />

Activities : Women & work .<br />

JOSHI, K . G .<br />

Chaitany Krupa Anand Housing Colong<br />

Near Railway Goodshend<br />

DHARWAD Karnataka, INDIA, 580 007<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />


242 West 101st St .<br />

New York, NY, USA, 10025<br />

(212) 865 4369 : CGK at CUNYVMS1<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : elites, communications, community,<br />

epidemiology, mental health, power, quant .<br />

methods, support, surveys, technology, theory,<br />

urban<br />

Activities : Studies of computer users ; THE<br />


FICTION (with G . Boulanger) Hillsdale NJ :<br />

Laurence Earlbawm, 1986 .<br />


Columbia University, Box 20<br />

722 West 168th St .<br />

New York, NY, USA, 10032<br />

(201) 305-1977<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : dynamic change, epidemiology,<br />

friendship, family<br />

Activities : Longitudinal study of psychosocial<br />

transition from adolescence to young<br />

adulthood, with particular emph<strong>as</strong>is on the role<br />

of legal & illegal drugs on the transition . Data<br />

from spouses & partners & about friendship<br />

networks .<br />


Er<strong>as</strong>mus Universiteit Rotterdam<br />

Inst . for & Social Psychology<br />

Postbus 1738<br />

Rotterdam, NETHERLANDS, 3000 DR<br />

Discipline : Public Health<br />

Keywords : law, crime & deviance, epidemiology,<br />

health, information, mental<br />

health, methods, phenomenology, surveys<br />

Activities : Networks of drug worlds ; methodological<br />

applications of network analysis : estimation<br />

of population para-meters from mathematical<br />

models of networks, snowball sampling <strong>as</strong><br />

networking, convergence of blockmodels &<br />

numerical taxonomy & cl<strong>as</strong>sification procedures .<br />


625 Evonshire Ave .<br />

Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 93111<br />

(805) 683 1757<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : graphs, blocks, communications,<br />

quant . methods, organizations<br />

Activities : Sampling, me<strong>as</strong>urement<br />

errors in social network data .<br />


Appalachian State University<br />

Department of Anthropology<br />

Boone, NC, USA, 28608<br />

(704) 262 6384

2 2 1<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : education, ethnicity, kinship, mental<br />

health, support, health, stratification<br />

Activities : High school student networks & their<br />

educational effects . 'Southern Appalachia :<br />

Analytical Models, Social Services, & Native<br />

Support Systems', AM J OF COMMUNITY<br />

PSYCH, 14 :479-499, 1986 .<br />


University of Manchester<br />

Department of Extramural Studies<br />

Manchester, ENGLAND, M13 9PL<br />

(061) 273 3333<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : community, ethnicity, fieldwork,<br />

gender, organizations, qual . methods, social<br />

services, urban<br />

Activities : Study of social interactions within a<br />

youth work project & among young homeless<br />

people, with a focus on their network linkages .<br />

With Clyde Mitchell, a study of homeless<br />

families in Manchester including their sets of<br />

linkages during the crises of homelessness<br />

(1981-86) . Creation of courses, consultancies &<br />

small-scale research in race relations, migration<br />

& ethnicity in cities, most recently with fieldwork<br />

in Gajarat, India .<br />

KEMPER, ROBERT V . *<br />

Southern Methodist University<br />

Department of Anthropology<br />

Dall<strong>as</strong>, TX, USA, 75275<br />

(214) 692 2928<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : demography, fieldwork, education,<br />

households, migration, urban, rural, science<br />

Activities : Household structure & migration in<br />

Tzintzuntzan, Michoacan, Mexico .<br />

KIM, YOUNG<br />

Governors State University<br />

Department of Communications<br />

University Park, IL, USA, 60466<br />

(312) 534-5000, x2302<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : attitudes, communications,<br />

community, environment, fieldwork, friendship,<br />

information, perceptions, microstructure, qual .<br />

methods, quant . methods, adaptation<br />


Australian National University<br />

Dept . of Sociology, Faculty of Arts<br />

P .O . Box 4<br />

Canberra, A .C .T . 260, AUSTRALIA,<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : methods, macrostructure, support<br />

Activities : Large urban networks, community &<br />

support in large-scale networks .<br />

KNOKE, DAVID *<br />

University of Minnesota<br />

Sociology Dept .<br />

Minneapolis, MN, USA, 55455<br />

(612) 624-6816<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : elites, government, interorganizations,<br />

macrostructure, organizations,<br />

political, power, quant . methods, social<br />

movements, surveys, theory, labor policy<br />

Activities : (With Edward Laumann), THE<br />

ORGANIZATIONAL STATE (<strong>1987</strong>, U Wisconsin<br />

Pr) . Comparative labor policy domain study in<br />

USA & West Germany with Franz Pappi .<br />


Oregon State University<br />

Marketing Dept, College of Business<br />

Corvallis, OR, USA<br />

(USA) 503<br />

Discipline : MARKETING<br />

Activities : Thesis : how supplier-retailer<br />

relationships in the grocery industry affect<br />

retailer communications with other grocery<br />

retailers .<br />


Northe<strong>as</strong>tern University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

500 Holmes<br />

Boston, MA, USA, 02115<br />

(617) 497 3854

2 2 2<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : authority, corporations, elites, law,<br />

crime & deviance, power, inter-organizations<br />

Activities : Struggle for control of the legal<br />

professions during the 1920's & 1930's . 'The<br />

Challenge to Hierarchy in Legal Education :<br />

Suffolk & the night law school movement'<br />

Research in Law, Deviance & Social Control 7 .<br />

Political Action Committees 'Corporate<br />

Financing of the Christian Right', HUMANITY &<br />

SOCIETY .<br />


Cornell University<br />

Johnson Grad . Sch . of Management<br />

Malott Hall<br />

Ithaca, NY, USA, 14853-4201<br />

(607) 255-8501 : KRACK @ CRNLGSM<br />

Discipline : Management Studies<br />

Keywords : attitudes, communications, friendship,<br />

graphs, hierarchies, perceptions, power,<br />

organizations<br />

Activities : Structural autocorrelation ; QAP ;<br />

Cognitive Social Structures .<br />

LANE, RON<br />

P .O . Box 7170<br />

415 E . Church Rd ., #<br />

Elkins Park, PA, USA, 19117-0170<br />

(215) 635-0503<br />

Discipline : Planning<br />

Keywords : communications, community, dynamic<br />

change, education, exchange, fieldwork, information,<br />

rural, environment, technology<br />

Activities : Thesis on communication for rural<br />

development planning with heavy input from<br />

anthropology & future studies & ecology .<br />


Universite Laval<br />

Department de Sociologie<br />

Quebec, PQ, CANADA, G1 K 7P4<br />

(418) 656 2142<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Activities : Reseaux d'information sur I' emplois<br />

et mobilite occupationnelle ; choix du conjoint ;<br />

sociabilite des couples .<br />

LARICK, ROY *<br />

Rhodes College<br />

2000 N . Parkway<br />

Memphis, TN, USA, 38112<br />

(901) 726 3933 : LARICK @ RHODES<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : ethnicity, kinship, historical analysis,<br />

migration, spatial models, technology<br />


2311 Lanc<strong>as</strong>hire Dr. #TB<br />

Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 48105<br />

(313) 665 2446<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : children, friendship, gender, social<br />

services, support, dynamic change<br />

Activities : Processes of change in the personal<br />

social networks of young families & effects of<br />

geographic mobility on those changing social<br />

networks . Includes families from 3 cultural<br />

groups (US Blacks & Whites, & Swedes), &<br />

highlights the extent to which values &<br />

preferences combine with social structural<br />

factors to shape individual social worlds .<br />

Home-visiting intervention programs that<br />

support maternal & infant development in high<br />

risk, under-served communities to see the<br />

nature of the supportive relationship that<br />

develops between paraprofessional 'natural<br />

helpers' & program participants .<br />


Stanford University<br />

Graduate School of Business<br />

Stanford, CA, USA, 94305<br />

(415) 723-2079<br />

Discipline : Management Studies<br />

Keywords : corporations, graphs, quant .<br />

methods, spatial models<br />

Activities : Clustering techniques on networks ;<br />

overall structure of networks .<br />

Keywords :<br />

mobility<br />

households, information, social

2 2 3<br />


University of Chicago<br />

Department of Social Sciences<br />

1126 E . 59th St .<br />

Room 110<br />

Chicago, IL, USA, 60637<br />

(312) 702-8798<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : authority, community, ethnicity,<br />

friendship, health, information, interorganizations,<br />

macrostructure, methods,<br />

occupations, organizations, political,<br />

stratification, surveys<br />

Activities : Social organization of national policy<br />

domains, specifically health, energy, agriculture<br />

& labour, the role of W<strong>as</strong>hington representation<br />

in interest group politics ; (with David Knoke),<br />


<strong>1987</strong> ; (with John P . Heinz, Robert Salisbury &<br />

Robert Nelson), the representative process in<br />

W<strong>as</strong>hington DC of 4 policy domains : health,<br />

energy, agriculture & labor .<br />


Universite Laval<br />

Ecole de Psychologie<br />

#1140 Tour des Arts<br />

Quebec, PQ, CANADA, G1 K 7P4<br />

(418) 659 5424<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : community<br />

Activities : Relation entre densite et<br />

sorte mentale .<br />


8 Fern Rd .<br />

Turnersville, NJ, USA, 08012<br />

(215) 596-6637<br />

Discipline : Management Studies<br />

Keywords : community, epidemiology, information,<br />

occupations, organizations, technology<br />


691 Rue Gingr<strong>as</strong><br />

Ste-Foy, ON, CANADA, GI X 3T5<br />

(418) 651 1079<br />

Keywords : authority, elites, mental health,<br />

gerontology, kinship<br />

Activities : Je prepare un projet concernant<br />

la prevention par le biais des reseaux .<br />


University of North Carolina<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Hamilton Hall<br />

Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 27514<br />

(919) 962-0052<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : authority<br />

Activities : The effects of social context on<br />

competition ; arms control negotiations ; 'A<br />

Structural Approach to Markets' (with H .<br />

White) in Schwartz & Mizuchi STRUCTURAL<br />

ANALYSIS OF BUSINESS ; "Effiency & Social<br />

Institutions : Uses & Misuses of Economics' in<br />

ANN REV OF SOCIOLOGY 6 (1986) . 'Sustaining<br />

Inequality Amongst Equals : Effects of Social<br />

Context on Competition' .<br />


33 Esterlaw<br />

Fairlawn Park<br />

Ottawa, ON, CANADA, K2A 4A5<br />

(613) 728 5880<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, law, crime & deviance,<br />

friendship, gerontology<br />

Activities : Patterns of personal network<br />

communities ; legal networks & structures ;<br />

interest groups/networks in local politics .<br />

LEISS, JACK *<br />

University of North Carolina<br />

Department of Epidemiology<br />

Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 27514<br />

(919) 966 5731 : CIEPJKLL @ TUCC<br />

Discipline : Public Health<br />

Keywords : epidemiology<br />

Discipline : Anthropology

2 2 4<br />


Acadia University<br />

Department of Psychology<br />

P .O . Box 212<br />

Wolfville, NS, CANADA, BOP 1 XO<br />

(902) 542-2201 : LEITER at ACADIA<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Activities : Research on job stress & social<br />

network involvement among nurses .<br />


Universite Laval<br />

Department de Science Politique<br />

Ste-Foy, PO, CANADA, G1 K 7P4<br />

(418) 656-3879<br />

Discipline : Politics<br />

Keywords : authority, community, government,<br />

graphs, political, power, qual . methods<br />

Activities : Etude des reseaux sociaux a<br />

I'lle d'Orleans .<br />

LEVINE, JOEL H .<br />

Dartmouth College<br />

Math/Social Sciences Program<br />

Box 6104<br />

Hanover, NH, USA, 03755<br />

(603) 646 3213<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : blocks, corporations, elites, graphs,<br />

information, inter-organizations, microstructure,<br />

macrostructure, occupations, organizations,<br />

power, social cl<strong>as</strong>s<br />

Activities : Disaggregating occupation categories<br />

& their re-combination with respect to<br />

homogeneity of intragenerational mobility .<br />

LEWIS, JOHN '<br />

Stanford University<br />

Center for International Security<br />

Galvez House<br />

Stanford, CA, USA, 94305<br />

(415) 725-2710<br />

Discipline : Politics<br />

Keywords : authority, community, elites, friendship,<br />

political, teaching<br />

Activities : Political networks in China, 1979-83 ;<br />

now working on military networks in PRC .<br />


Southern Methodist University<br />

Cox Schl of Business, Caruth Inst<br />

Box 333<br />

Dall<strong>as</strong>, TX, USA, 75275<br />

(214) 692 3312<br />

LIN, NAN '<br />

SUNY - Albany<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Albany, NY, USA, 12222<br />

(518) 442-4692<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, epidemiology, ethnicity,<br />

friendship, gerontology, gender, microstructure,<br />

macrostructure, mental health, quant . methods,<br />

recruitment, social cl<strong>as</strong>s, social mobility,<br />

stratification, support, teaching, theory, urban<br />

Activities : Panel survey of social support among<br />

the elderly (with A . Dean, W . Ensel) ;<br />

social support & mental health in China ; social<br />

resources & job mobility in China .<br />


The Networking Institute<br />

296 Newton St ., Suite 350<br />

Waltham, MA, USA, 02154<br />

Keywords : communications<br />

LOFLAND, LYN '<br />

523 E<strong>as</strong>t St .<br />

Davis, CA, USA, 95616<br />

(916) 756 8699/7<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, friendship, environment,<br />

quant . methods, urban<br />


19 Whippoorwill Rd .<br />

Armonk, NY, USA, 10504<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : education, community, dynamicchange,<br />


2 2 5<br />

Activities : Lorentz Laboratory for Collaborative<br />

Enterprise, Inc .<br />


674 4th Ave .<br />

Brooklyn, NY, USA, 11232<br />

(212) 768 2278<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : friendship, urban<br />


University of Konstanz<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

7750 Konstanz, WEST GERMANY, 5560<br />

(17531) 88 2670<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : children, demography, dynamicchange,<br />

kinship, information, social services<br />

Activities : Family development ; media impact ;<br />

human ecology .<br />


2926 San Luis St .<br />

Richmond, CA, USA, 94804<br />

(415) 526-3974<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : attitudes<br />

MAIDA, CARL '<br />

3042 Westridge Circle<br />

Thousand Oaks, CA, USA, 91360<br />

(805) 492 5613<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : community, ethnicity, health, mental<br />

health, urban, support<br />

Activities : Ethnic & social cl<strong>as</strong>s influence on<br />

social support among women with lupus who<br />

participate in community-b<strong>as</strong>ed, self-help<br />

support groups .<br />


832 Broadway<br />

10th Floor<br />

New York, NY, USA, 10003<br />

(212) 982 1030<br />

Discipline : Public Health<br />

Keywords : health, ethnicity, support<br />

Activities : Relationship between network<br />

attributes & social support vs media influence<br />

& their independent & joint effects of bre<strong>as</strong>t<br />

cancer detection activities among women in<br />

metropolitan Los Angeles .<br />


1121 McConnel Dr .<br />

Decatur, GA, USA, 30033<br />

(404) 633-6713<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : inter-organizations, quant . methods<br />

Activities : Analytical framework for doing<br />

social network analysis . Me<strong>as</strong>ures of network<br />

characteristics .<br />


University of Iowa<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Iowa City, IA, USA, 52242<br />

(319) 335-2490 : BLAMBB @ UIAMVS<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : exchange, exchange, perceptions,<br />

power, theory, quant . methods<br />

Activities : 'Power in exchange networks : new<br />

analytic procedures & tests' (with D . Willer &<br />

T. Patton, under review) ; 'Power in multiexchange<br />

networks' (with D . Willer & T .<br />


NETWORKS, (with D . Willer, & T . Patton) .<br />


Harvard University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

William James Hall<br />

Cambridge, MA, USA, 02138<br />

Discipline : Sociology

2 2 6<br />

Keywords : exchange, organizations, stratification,<br />

surveys, social mobility, quant . methods<br />

Activities : Methods for collection & analysis of<br />

survey network data ; job search studies, replicating<br />

& extending social resources argument,<br />

considering organizational side of process .<br />


University of Toronto<br />

Department of Behavioural Science<br />

McMurrich Building<br />

Room 109<br />

Toronto, ON, CANADA, M5S 1A1<br />

(416) 978 6744 : CJARCU @ UTORONTO<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : demography, gerontology, health,<br />

intergenerations, kinship, methods, occupations,<br />

phenomenology, support, surveys, education,<br />

qua[ . methods, migration, organizations, theory<br />

Activities : Work stress & relationship to health,<br />

job satisfaction, in Ont . interns & residents ; 2<br />

generational study of aging & the family .(Ed .),<br />

LATER LIFE Sage, 1986 ; 'Conclusions : Aging &<br />

Dying in Pacific Societies : Implications for<br />

Theory in Social Gerontology', DEATH IN PAC-<br />



1301 Hertz Dr. S .E .<br />

Albuquerque, NM, USA, 87108<br />

(505) 266 3588<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : demography<br />


Michigan Technological University<br />

Department of Social Science<br />

Houghton, MI, USA, 49931<br />

(906) 482-2188<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : authority<br />


University of South Carolina<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Columbia, SC, USA, 29208<br />

(803) 777-2633 : N050047 @ UNIVSCVM<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, gender, interorganizations,<br />

organizations, surveys<br />


Univ . of California - Riverside<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Riverside, CA, USA,<br />

(714) 494 6762<br />

Keywords : community, elites, exchange, kinship,<br />

stratification<br />

Activities : Hominoid social structure .<br />


Toronto Western Hospital<br />

Department of Psychiatry<br />

399 Bathurst St .<br />

Toronto, ON, CANADA, M5T 2S8<br />

(416) 369-5795<br />

Discipline : Epidemiology<br />

Keywords : attitudes<br />


C<strong>as</strong>e Western Reserve University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Cleveland, OH, USA, 44106<br />

(216) 368 2698<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : friendship, gerontology, kinship, qual .<br />

methods<br />


University of New Hampshire<br />

Communication Program<br />

Durham, NH, USA, 03824<br />

(603) 862-3031<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : authority<br />

Activities : Media created/influenced networks .

2 2 7<br />


MS-132 E<strong>as</strong>tern W<strong>as</strong>hington University<br />

219 Showalter<br />

Cheney, WA, USA, 99004<br />

(509) 359-2201<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : ethnicity, fieldwork, gender, health,<br />

information, political, power, qual . methods,<br />

social cl<strong>as</strong>s, support, technology, theory, urban<br />

Activities : Chair of the Council for Anthropology<br />

& Reproduction, publish newsletter .<br />


Universite de Quebec a Montreal<br />

C .P . 8889, Succ . A<br />

Montreal, PQ, CANADA, H3C 3P3<br />

Keywords : technology, mental health, epidemiology,<br />

support<br />

Activities : Human & social ecology, special<br />

interest in social support systems, family<br />

relations, technological impacts, suicide, mental<br />

health & epidemiology .<br />

MICHIELSEN, K . *<br />

Elsevier Science Publishers B .V<br />

Sara Burgerhartstraat 25<br />

1055 KV Amsterdam, Netherlands<br />

(020) 5862-425 :10704 ESPOM NL<br />

Activities : Publisher, SOCIAL NETWORKS<br />


University of Maine<br />

Merrill Hall<br />

Orono, ME, USA, 04469<br />

(207) 581-3128<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : friendship<br />


211 W . Hillcrest Ave .<br />

Richmond, VA, USA, 23226<br />

(804) 282 5909<br />

Keywords : community<br />

Activities : Network analysis of a community<br />

leadership program, Leadership Metro<br />

Richmond .<br />


University of Kentucky<br />

Ctr for Business & Economic Res .<br />

Lexington, KY, USA, 40506<br />

(606) 257 7675<br />

Discipline : Management Studies<br />

Keywords : elites, environment, exchange, interorganizations,<br />

government, mental health, organizations,<br />

political, power, social movements<br />

Activities : Inter-organizational policy networks .<br />

MINAI, KEIKO *<br />

National University of Singapore<br />

Department of Japanese Studies<br />

10 Kent Ridge Cr .<br />

Singapore, 0511<br />

772-3706<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community<br />

Activities : Family & elderly in Singapore .<br />

MINTZ, BETH *<br />

University of Vermont<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Burlington, VT, USA, 05405<br />

(802) 656 2163<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : stratification, corporations, interorganizations,<br />

occupations, organizations,<br />

power, social cl<strong>as</strong>s<br />

Activities : Network analysis of interlocking<br />

directorates . Relationship between cl<strong>as</strong>s &<br />

organizational variables in corporate director<br />

networks . 'Corporate Directors : Organizational<br />

vs Cl<strong>as</strong>s Components of Recruitment', (with<br />

Gene Johnsen) .<br />


25 Staunton Rd .<br />

Oxford, ENGLAND, OX3 7TJ<br />

Discipline : Sociology

2 2 8<br />


University of Pittsburgh<br />

Graduate School of Business<br />

Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 15260<br />

(412) 648 1555<br />

Discipline : Politics<br />

Keywords : authority, exchange, elites, government,<br />

hierarchies, inter-organizations, organizations,<br />

theory<br />

Activities : (With Robert Backoff) incentive<br />

systems, theory of agencies & organizations<br />


Columbia Univeristy<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

New York, NY, USA 10027<br />

(212) 280-2274<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : corporations, elites, interorganizations,<br />

political, power, quant . methods<br />

Activities : Effects of various types of intercorporate<br />

relations on the similarity of political<br />

behavior between firms ; longitudinal study of<br />

corporations' responses to changes in capital<br />

dependence ; an application of the concepts of<br />

derived & reflected prominence to models of<br />

network power ; organizational structure &<br />

performance .<br />

MOLM, LINDA'<br />

Emory University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Atlanta, GA, USA, 30322<br />

(404) 727 0832 : socldm @ emuvml<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : microstructure, exchange, power<br />

Activities : Theoretical & experimental work on<br />

power use in exchange networks .<br />

MONTI, ANGEL '<br />

Pedro Goyena 2437, 1640 Martinez<br />

Pcia . de Bs . Aires, ARGENTINA,<br />

(792-2519)<br />

Discipline : Economics<br />

Keywords : dynamic change, government, power,<br />

qual. methods, quant . methods, philosophy<br />

Activities : Networks <strong>as</strong> a tool for analysis ;<br />

b<strong>as</strong>ically interdisciplinary analysis ; (in<br />

Spanish) 'Educational Project in the framework<br />

of world, latin-American & national projects',<br />

CINAE, Centre for Educational Researchand-Action,<br />

Aguero 2268#, 1425 Buenos Aires .<br />


Portland State University<br />

Institute on Aging<br />

P .O . Box 751<br />

Portland, OR, USA, 97207<br />

Discipline : Sociology Gerontology<br />

Keywords : health, gerontology, information,<br />

perceptions<br />

Activities : Combining network analysis & social<br />

cognition <strong>as</strong> a means to study informal<br />

socialization across the life course ; see J OF<br />



University of Wisconsin<br />

School of Pharmacy<br />

Madison, WI, USA, 53706<br />

(608) 262 8678<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : health, organizations, occupations,<br />

inter-organizations, social services, mental<br />

health<br />

Activities : Interprofessional teams in long-term<br />

care ; inter-organizational/interprofessional<br />

relations in human service delivery systems .<br />


Huckleberry Hill<br />

Lincoln, MA, USA, 01773<br />

(617) 259 9440<br />

Discipline : Management Studies<br />

Keywords :<br />

corporations, organizations<br />

Activities : The effective use of human resources<br />

in business organizations to supplement<br />

conventional organizational (hierarchical) communications<br />

flow & management process including<br />

relationship to corporate governance ; BE-

2 2 9<br />


Pub, NY : director conduct & networking in<br />

board room, anecdotal, from 30 years experience<br />

on boards : the games directors play .<br />


Virginial Tech .<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Blacksburg, VA, USA, 24061<br />

(703) 961-6878<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : communications, elites, organizations,<br />

macrostructure, science, social mobility, stratification,<br />

technology, theory<br />


P .O . Box 6356<br />

Yale Station<br />

New Haven, CT, USA, 06520<br />

Discipline : Political Science<br />

Keywords : elites, hierarchies, historical analysis,<br />

information, inter-organizations, political,<br />

power, qual . methods, quant . methods<br />


University of California<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Los Angeles, CA, USA, 90089-0032<br />

(213) 743-5803<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : friendship, mental health, methods,<br />

inter-organizations<br />

Activities : Application of network analysis on<br />

inter-organizational data in mental health .<br />


c/o Madame Dambrin<br />

65 Rue Alsance Lorraine<br />

3100 Toulouse, FRANCE,<br />


Discipline : Sociology Semiotics<br />

Keywords : blocks<br />


10301 Sprinkle Rd .<br />

Vicksburg, MI, USA, 49097<br />

(616) 649-1835<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : community<br />


2820 Benvenue Ave . #B<br />

Berkeley, CA, USA, 94705<br />

(415) 845 6038<br />

Discipline : Economics<br />

Keywords : information, inter-organizations,<br />

teaching, macrostructure, technology<br />

Activities : Effects of information technology &<br />

networks on economic development & spatial<br />

structures . Growth of online information services<br />

; applications in developing countries .<br />


University of Waterloo<br />

Department of Sociology - PAS N<br />

Kitchener, ON, CANADA, N21 3G1<br />

(519) 745 1783<br />

Discipline : Medicine Gerontology Sociology<br />

Keywords : communications, exchange, gender,<br />

gerontology, support, power, occupations,<br />

teaching<br />


c/o Institute of Ethnology<br />

Academia Sinica<br />

Nankang, Taipei, TAIWAN, 11529<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : corporations, elites, ethnicity,<br />

fieldwork, historical analysis, kinship, qual .<br />

methods, social cl<strong>as</strong>s<br />

Activities : Thesis : the social networks<br />

of elite entrepreneurs in Taiwan ; 'Networks of<br />

Taiwanese Big Business : A Preliminary<br />

Analysis', MODERN CHINA, vol 12, no 4,<br />

October 1986 : 487-534 .<br />

Activities : Semiotics and networks .

2 3 0<br />


Duke University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Durham, NC, USA, 27706<br />

(919) 684 2915<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : elites, blocks, historical analysis,<br />

gender, organizations, science<br />

Activities : 'Disciples of the Cell', REIDAL .<br />

Social structure of research are<strong>as</strong> ; organizational<br />

history of a marine biology laboratory ;<br />

comparative scientific system .<br />


African Regional Office of the 4th World<br />

Box 6055<br />

Accra, GHANA,<br />

27550<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : attitudes, communications, community,<br />

exchange, friendship, information, interorganizations,<br />

microstructure, organizations,<br />

perceptions, philosophy, power, rural, spatial<br />

models, teaching<br />

Activities : Rural development, ecopolitics,<br />

cross-cultural communication/exchange, mail<br />

music/art, image focussing work ; trainer for<br />

journalists' networks ; anthropolitical-art<br />

network.<br />


University of California<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Los Angeles, CA, USA, 90024<br />

(213) 825-3059 : RSMELLO AT UCLASSCF<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, ethnicity, exchange,<br />

friendship, kinship, attitudes, political, power,<br />

social cl<strong>as</strong>s, social mobility, support, surveys<br />

Activities : Network studies of inner-city black<br />

are<strong>as</strong> .<br />


National Business Executives<br />

1873 S . Bellaire<br />

Suite 115<br />

Denver, CO, USA, 80222<br />

(303) 691 5390<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : education, exchange, information,<br />

inter-organizations, methods, organizations,<br />

support, teaching<br />

Activities : Run an executive networking firm<br />

which actively works with companies in the<br />

application of network theory to bring about<br />

social & business expansion . Focus on<br />

management & marketing skills . Developing<br />

training manuals in 'networking' for sales,<br />

marketing & management personnel .<br />


Stanford University<br />

Graduate School of Business<br />

Stanford, CA, USA, 94305<br />

(415) 497 3037<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : elites, inter-organizations, political,<br />

stratification<br />


1204 - 205 Queen Mary Dr .<br />

Oakville, ON, CANADA, L6K 3K8<br />

(416) 845 1274<br />

Discipline : Social Work<br />

Keywords : kinship, theory, inter-organizations,<br />

social services, organizations<br />

Activities : Thesis : 'Organizational<br />

Competence in an Inter-organizational<br />

Networks : A Longitudinal Analysis' .<br />


347 North Union St .<br />

Kennett Square, PA, USA, 19348<br />

(215) 444 0830<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : corporations, dynamic change,<br />

elites, information, inter-organizations, macrostructure,<br />

power, religion, social movements

2 3 1<br />

Activities : Power elite networks .<br />


University of Wollongong<br />

Department of Psychology<br />

P .O . Box 1144, Wollongong<br />

New South Wales, AUSTRALIA,<br />

(042) 270 674<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : graphs, blocks, quant . methods<br />

Activities : Algebraic models of social networks .<br />


3915 Warwick Ave .<br />

Cincinatti, OH, USA, 45229<br />

(513) 281-5080<br />

Discipline : Social Work<br />

Keywords : community, government, health,<br />

inter-organizations, mental health, political,<br />

social services, teaching<br />

Activities : Informal social service delivery<br />

networks .<br />

Bartering : Elite Education & Social Reproduction<br />

.' SOCIAL PROBLEMS 33(2) :114-129,1985 .<br />


Ministry of Industry<br />

Regional Studies Group<br />

Stockholm, SWEDEN, S-L0333<br />

(08) 7633979<br />

Discipline : Geography<br />

Keywords : community, dynamic change,<br />

information, technology<br />


41 Appleton Ave .<br />

Toronto, ON, CANADA, M6E 3A4<br />

(416) 651 6913<br />

Discipline : Community Development<br />

Keywords : information, organizations, migration,<br />

religion, power, social movements, social<br />

services, support, urban<br />

Activities : Networks & coalitions : urban core<br />

support network & coalition building <strong>as</strong> strategies<br />

for change toward social justice .<br />


Flinders University of South Australia<br />

School of Social Sciences, Bedford Park,<br />

South Australia, AUSTRALIA, 5042<br />

(08) 275-2416<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : attitudes, graphs, spatial models<br />


New York University<br />

18 Commerce St .<br />

New York, NY, USA, 10014<br />

(212) 598 2857 : Persell @ NYUCLU<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : communications, education, elites,<br />

fieldwork, organizations, power, qual . methods,<br />

quant . methods, science, social cl<strong>as</strong>s,<br />

stratification<br />

Activities : (With P . Cookson), Preparing for<br />

Power : America's Elite Boarding Schools, B<strong>as</strong>ic<br />

Books, 1985 . (With Cookson), 'Chartering &<br />


Schlosstr . 22<br />

5300 Bonn 1, WEST GERMANY,<br />

(011) 49/228/215346<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : communications, community, households,<br />

perceptions, qual . methods, social<br />

services, spatial models, urban<br />

Activities : Qualitative photographic (interview<br />

analysis of the relationship of social interaction<br />

to buit environment) . Integrated social<br />

strategies . Use time-lapse camera to record<br />

everyday urban life . Archive of 600K photos .<br />


807 E. Hanna<br />

Tampa, FL, USA, 33604<br />

(813) 239 2907<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : communications, corporations,

2 3 2<br />

friendship, information, organizations, qual .<br />

methods, quant . methods, rural, mobility, social<br />

mobility, stratification, teaching, theory<br />

Activities : Studying the Mothers Against Drunk<br />

Driving social movement & social mobility .<br />

PITTS, FORREST R . *<br />

University of Hawaii<br />

Department of Geography<br />

2424 Maile Way<br />

Honolulu, HI, USA, 96822<br />

(808) 948-7390<br />

Discipline : Geography<br />

Keywords : households, epidemiology, migration,<br />

quant . methods, spatial models<br />

Activities : Fuel supply & fuel payment problems<br />

of South Korean farmers ; Editor, KOREAN<br />

STUDIES ; Cultural Diffusion : Models &<br />

Reality' (Rowman & Littlefield) .<br />


Andres Mellando 53, 2nd<br />

Madrid, SPAIN, 28015<br />

(34-1) 243-0878<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : government, elites, interorganizations,<br />

organizations, power, theory,<br />

macrostructure<br />

Activities : Network/process theory of<br />

organizations .<br />


Public Interest Media Project<br />

P .O . Box 14066<br />

Philadelphia, PA, USA, 19123<br />

(215) 922-0227 : 265 Stan Pokr<strong>as</strong> (par<br />

Discipline : Community Development<br />

Keywords : communications, community, information<br />

Activities : Electronic Networking Association ;<br />

publishing 'Other Networks' newsletters plus<br />

online newsletter 'Netweaver' .<br />


University of North Carolina<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Chapel Hill, NC, USA, 27514<br />

(919) 962-7568<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : law, crime & deviance, occupations,<br />

organizations<br />

Activities : Innovation & diffusion of innovation<br />

in legal practice & organizational structure .<br />


University of Illinois<br />

Department of Sociology, Box 4348<br />

Chicago, IL, USA, 60617<br />

(312) 988-6592 : U15289 Ca) U<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, law, crime & deviance,<br />

information, urban, sociological practice<br />

Activities : Social networks & job searches<br />

among urban working-cl<strong>as</strong>s women .<br />


P .O . Box 142<br />

Milltown, NJ, USA, 08850<br />

(291) 249-1369<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : attitudes, communications,<br />

corporations, elites, government, graphs,<br />

information, inter-organizations,<br />

macrostructure, occupations, organizations,<br />

political, power, quant . methods, recruitment,<br />

social movements, spatial models<br />

Activities : inter-organizational <strong>as</strong>pects of<br />

European & American business organizations .<br />


11 - 334 Melwook Ave .<br />

Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 15213<br />

(412) 687 1535<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : friendship, methods, surveys<br />

Activities : Analysis of Kapferer's 1972 data<br />

using Homans 1950 <strong>as</strong> theoretical framework .

2 3 3<br />


W<strong>as</strong>hington University School of Medicine<br />

Department of Psychiatry<br />

4940 Audubon Ave .<br />

St . Louis, MO, USA, 63110<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : dynamic change, epidemiology,<br />

mental health, quant . methods, support,<br />

surveys, spatial models<br />

Activities : Kicking the habit : the structure &<br />

dynamics of recovery from opiate addiction .<br />


3610 S .W . Alice St .<br />

Portland, OR, USA, 97219<br />

(503) 244 7688<br />

Discipline : Gerontology<br />

Keywords : exchange, gerontology, health,<br />

mental health, support<br />

Activities : (With Richard Schulz) in Cohen<br />

& Syme), SOCIAL SUPPORT & HEALTH (1985) ;<br />

social support & well-being changes in recent<br />

stroke victims & their caregivers .<br />


3351, St-Dominique<br />

Jonquiere, PQ, CANADA, G7X 7V6<br />

(418) 547-0156<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : attitudes<br />

Activities : Research on community planning<br />

networks .<br />


University of New Brunswick<br />

Faculty of Nursing<br />

P .O . Box 4400<br />

Fredericton, NB, CANADA, E313 5A3<br />

(4506) 453-4642<br />


Annales de la Recherche Urbaine<br />

64 rue de la Federation<br />

Paris, FRANCE, 75015<br />

(1) 46473271<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : communications<br />

Activities : French urban research journal .<br />


Box 24B90<br />

Los Angeles, CA, USA, 90024<br />

(213) 224 7711<br />

Discipline : Medicine<br />

Keywords : health<br />


49 Stuart Cr .<br />

North York, ON, CANADA, M2N 1A6<br />

(416) 481 3311<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : surveys<br />


38 rue Reaumur<br />

Paris, FRANCE, 75003<br />

(1)4277911<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : attitudes<br />


Arizona State University<br />

Marketing Dept, Col of Business<br />

Tempe, AZ, USA, 85287<br />

(602) 965 4176<br />

Discipline : Management Studies<br />

Keywords : information, communications,<br />

attitudes<br />

REITZ, KARL'<br />

Chapman College<br />

333 N . Gl<strong>as</strong>sell<br />

Orange, CA, USA, 92666<br />

(714) 997-6945<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : friendship, hierarchies,<br />

quant . methods

2 3 4<br />


University of Southern California<br />

Annenberg School of Communications<br />

Los Angeles, CA, USA, 90403<br />

(213) 743-7427 : RICE @ USC-ECLB ARPA<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : information, communications,<br />

dynamic change, organizations, technology<br />

Activities : Interaction of inter- & intraorganizational<br />

use of communication systems<br />

with network analysis of communication flow,<br />

content, industry structure ; (with G . Love),<br />

'Electronic emotion', COMMUNICATION<br />

RESEARCH, 1986 ; (with Hart) ; 'Inter-industry<br />

relations in electronic news services', J OF THE<br />

AMER STY FOR INFO SCI, <strong>1987</strong> .<br />


Simon Fr<strong>as</strong>er University<br />

Department of Communications<br />

Burnaby, BC, CANADA, V5A 1S6<br />

(604) 291 4119 : USERBILL @ SFU .BITNET<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : dynamic change, communications,<br />

microstructure, qual . methods, quant . methods,<br />

organizations, information<br />

Activities : Multivariate multiplex network data<br />

(IBM PC/XT, VAX, mainframe) : 20 variables, 20<br />

values, 2000 people, 32767 links, fully<br />

interactive front end ; graphics, l<strong>as</strong>er printer ;<br />



McM<strong>as</strong>ter University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Hamilton, ON, CANADA, L8S 4M4<br />

(416) 525 9140<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : elites, information, interorganizations,<br />

macrostructure, occupations,<br />

organizations<br />

Activities : Canadian trust companies<br />


University of Wisconsin<br />

Child & Family Studies<br />

1300 Linden Dr .<br />

Madison, WI, USA, 53706<br />

(608) 262 3314<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : children, support<br />

Activities : Paper in J OF SEX ROLES (special<br />

issue on 'The Social Networks of Males &<br />

Females : A Lifespan Perspective') ; crossnational<br />

comparison (US/Sweden) of support<br />

for mothers & fathers of young children .<br />


9 Cornelius Way<br />

Cambridge, MA, USA, 02141<br />

(617) 547 0563<br />

Discipline : Management Studies<br />

Keywords : blocks<br />


Buchenstr<strong>as</strong>se 11<br />

Kirchentellinsfurt, WEST GERMANY, 7402<br />

(07121) 68609<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : community, environment, mental<br />

health, support, epidemiology<br />

Activities : H . Keupp, & B . Rohrle, eds .,<br />

SOZIALE NETWERKE, Campus <strong>1987</strong> .<br />


University of Southern California<br />

Annenberg School of Communications<br />

Los Angeles, CA, USA, 90089-0281<br />

(213) 743 7416<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : communications, technology,<br />

organizations<br />

Activities : Silicon Valley information-exchange ;<br />

interpersonal diffusion networks for residential<br />

solar .

2 3 5<br />


611 E . 12th<br />

Anchorage, AK, USA, 98501<br />

(907) 276 2121<br />

Discipline : Social Work<br />

Keywords : children, community, ethnicity,<br />

kinship, organizations, political, health,<br />

inter-organizations, mental health, social<br />

services<br />


University of California<br />

School of Social Sciences, SST 727<br />

Irvine, CA, USA, 92717<br />

(714) 856-6797<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : friendship, kinship, qual . methods,<br />

quant . methods, social mobility, spatial models<br />

Activities : Consensus Analysis, canonical analysis,<br />

MDS<br />


1700 San Remo Dr .<br />

Pacific Palisades, CA, USA, 90272<br />

(213) 459 4221<br />

Discipline : Politics<br />

Keywords : attitudes, dynamic change, authority,<br />

perceptions, microstructure, inter-organizations,<br />

organizations, political, power, support,<br />

technology, theory<br />


SUNY - Old Westbury<br />

American Studies<br />

Old Westbury, NY, USA, 17568<br />

(516) 473 4805<br />

Discipline : Sociology History<br />

Keywords : historical analysis, interorganizations,<br />

organizations, social movements<br />

Activities : The organizational networks created<br />

by 19th century women reformers in 3 NY<br />

towns (Rochester, Poughkeepsie & Wellsville) &<br />

among nationally noted women reformers who<br />

lived in the state (1840-1914) . 'Social<br />

Movements a Network Analysis : A C<strong>as</strong>e Study of<br />

19th Century Women's Reform in NY State', AJS<br />

90 : 1022-1054, 1985 . 'Centrality Analysis for<br />

Historians', HISTORICAL METHODS 20 : 53-62<br />

(<strong>1987</strong>) .<br />


3734 N . Wilton<br />

Chicago, IL, USA, 60613<br />

(312) 996-3005 : UICVM U11989<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : corporations, hierarchies, interorganizations,<br />

spatial models<br />

Activities : 'Organizational Dimensions of<br />

Metropolitan Dominance : Prominence of Corporate<br />

Control, 1955-1975' AM SOC REV <strong>1987</strong>,<br />

52 :258-68 ; City position in the international<br />

urban hierarchy .<br />


Box 382<br />

Niantic, CT, USA, 06357<br />

(203) 739-5195<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : communications<br />


Von Dobelns vag 23<br />

S-443 00 Lerum, SWEDEN,<br />

(0302) 122 47<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, fieldwork, migration,<br />

occupations, organizations, qual . methods,<br />

quant. methods, social mobility,<br />

stratification, theory<br />


Albert Einstein College of Medicine<br />

Department of Dentistry<br />

Van Etten Hospital<br />

Room 5C15<br />

Bronx, New York, NY, USA, 10461<br />

(212) 824-4545<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : health, information, surveys,<br />

surveys, professions, epidemiology

2 36<br />

Activities : Diffusion of innovation & new<br />

information among dentists .<br />


Penn State<br />

School of Business<br />

Station Rd .<br />

Erie, PA, USA, 16563<br />

(814) 898-6436 : UHZ @ PSUVM<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : blocks, dynamic change,<br />

information, organizations, perceptions,<br />

quant . methods, communications, kinship,<br />

microstructure, mental health<br />


University of California<br />

Program in Comparative Culture<br />

Irvine, CA, USA, 92717<br />


Rush Medical College<br />

Department of Psychology<br />

Chicago, IL, USA, 60612<br />

(312) 942 6050<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : health, support, surveys, technology<br />

Activities : Longitudinal studies of social<br />

networks among medical students .<br />


3205 Talbot St .<br />

San Diego, CA, USA, 92106<br />

(619) 225 9961<br />

Discipline : Management Studies<br />

Keywords : information<br />

Activities : Information flows among scientists &<br />

engineers & impact of a formal computerb<strong>as</strong>ed<br />

system on these lines .<br />


New York State Psychiatric Inst .<br />

722 W . 168th St .<br />

New York, NY, USA, 10032<br />

(212) 960-2551<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : children, friendship, mental<br />

health, support, households, health<br />

Activities : (With Richard Feldman & Muriel<br />

Hammer) social relationships of abused school<br />

children, examining the sociometric status,<br />

social skills, & social networks of children<br />

aged 9-11who have been physically abused by<br />

their parents . (With Antrobus, J . & Hammer,<br />

M .), 'Social Networks of Children, Adolescent<br />

& College Students in Hillsdale, NJ' :Erlbaum .<br />

(With Muriel Hammer & R . Feldman), social<br />

relationships of abused schoolchildren .<br />


215 South Cove Rd .<br />

Burlington, VT, USA, 05401<br />

(802) 864 6751<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : political, theory<br />

Activities : Local level electoral politics .<br />


Oakland University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

521 Varner Hall<br />

Rochester, MI, USA, 48063<br />

(313) 370 2420 : +<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community<br />

Activities : Victimology ; networks for<br />

training unemployed persons .<br />


University of Trondheim<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

N-7055 Draguoll, NORWAY,<br />

(075) 0200411<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, friendship, kinship,<br />

teaching, urban<br />

Activities : Urban neighbourhoods & planning .

2 3 7<br />


1601 Marine St .<br />

Santa Monica, CA, USA, 90405<br />

(213) 452 5601<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Activities : Communication in organizations .<br />


University of California<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Riverside, CA, USA, 92521<br />

(714) 787 5444 : UCRVMS @ INDIANA<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, friendship, gerontology,<br />

health, mental health, kinship, quant . methods,<br />

support, surveys, urban<br />

Activities : Psychological social factors in mental<br />

health & illness .<br />


Cornell University<br />

Department of Communication<br />

312 Roberts Hall<br />

Ithaca, NY, USA, 14853<br />

(607) 256 2171<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : attitudes, communications, fieldwork,<br />

microstructure, organizations, perceptions<br />

Activities : Li<strong>as</strong>on roles in organizational<br />

communications networks .<br />


Purdue University<br />

Sociology & Anthropology Dept .<br />

West Lafayette, IN, USA, 47907<br />

(317) 494-8530 : SCHWEER @ PURCCVM<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : inter-organizations<br />

Activities : Physicians' adoption of medical<br />

technology .<br />


Neckarhalde 3<br />

D-7400 Tuebingen, F ., WEST GERMANY<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : community, exchange, kinship, fieldwork,<br />

religion, stratification, households, rural<br />

Activities : Positional analysis of network data,<br />

applied to kinship, religion & economic ties in<br />

a Javanese community ; Q-type factor analysis<br />

& related methods leading to a positional<br />

account of the village social structure ;<br />

multiplex relationships (kinship, economic<br />

transactions, religious ties) & emerging<br />

structures in a Javanese community .<br />


University of Leicester<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Leicester, ENGLAND, LE1 7RH<br />

(0533) 554455<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : elites, inter-organizations, kinship,<br />

macrostructure, organizations, stratification<br />

Activities : Network analyses of shareholdings<br />

& directorships .<br />


George M<strong>as</strong>on University<br />

Dept . of Computer & Info Sciences<br />

Fairfax, VA, USA, 22030<br />

(703) 323 2714<br />

Discipline : Mathematics<br />

Keywords : dynamic change, exchange, friendship,<br />

kinship, methods, support<br />

Activities : Hypergraph models for non-dyadic<br />

networks, development of software for hypergraph<br />

models ; exchange network models .<br />


University of Toronto<br />

Faculty of Social Work<br />

246 Bloor St. W .<br />

Toronto, ON, CANADA, M5S 1 A1<br />

(416) 978-3267<br />

Discipline : Social Work<br />

Keywords : attitudes, community, ethnicity,<br />

friendship, gerontology, mental health, perceptions,<br />

qual . methods, social services, support,<br />


2 3 8<br />

Activities : Meaning of relationships & its influence<br />

on various forms of helping relations ;<br />

networks, support & the meaning of help in<br />

widowhood ; 'Social development in Isreal : Structures&<br />

Constructions of Helping ; 'The Social<br />

Context of Helping : Comparative Study of<br />

Self-Help in Canada & Israel ; 'The Weak Tie<br />

Collectivity : A Network Perspective', SOCIAL<br />

WORK WITH GROUPS 9(4), 1986 .<br />


10 Aldbourne Ave .<br />

Woolton, Liverpool, ENGLAND, L25 6JE<br />

(051) 722 3461<br />

Discipline : Social Work<br />

Keywords : support, social services<br />


University of Connecticut<br />

Travelers Center on Aging, U-58<br />

Storrs, CT, USA, 06268<br />

(203) 586 4047<br />

Discipline : Gerontology<br />

Keywords : gerontology, support<br />

Activities : Information support among older<br />

persons in different types of planned housing .<br />

Family social support to the frail elderly .<br />

SHOOK, DOUGLAS E . *<br />

University of Southern California<br />

Annenberg School of Communications<br />

Los Angeles, CA, USA, 90089-0281<br />

(213) 743-8613 : Shook at USCUM<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : information<br />


Louisiana State University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Baton Rouge, LA, USA, 70803<br />

(504) 388 1647 : LSUVM SOWESL<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : blocks, communications, interorganizations,<br />

friendship, organizations, science,<br />

health<br />

Activities : 'Social relations among school<br />

children', AM SOC REV, 4/87<br />


University of Toronto<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

563 Spadina Ave .<br />

Toronto, ON, CANADA, M5S 1A1<br />

(416) 978 3411<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords :<br />

religion<br />


6 Mervyn Ave .<br />

Islington, ON, CANADA, M9B 1 M6<br />

(416) 595 6029<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : law, crime & deviance, surveys<br />

Activities : Drinking groups : tavern studies &<br />

intervention programming .<br />


Rutgers University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Lucy Stone Hall/Kilmer<br />

New Brunswick, NJ, USA, 08904<br />

(201) 932 3346<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : law, crime & deviance, friendship,<br />

blocks, occupations, social mobility<br />

Activities : (With Elliot Noma), correspondence<br />

analysis of network data ; an analysis of<br />

Sampson's mon<strong>as</strong>tery data in MULTIVARIATE<br />

BEHAVIOR RESEARCH 20 (Apr 85) :179-97 ;<br />

analysis of mobility transition matrix,<br />

SOCIOLPERSPECTIVES 28 (1985) :145-73 ;<br />

blockmodelling of the bank wiring room,<br />

PSYCHOLOGICAL BULLETIN, <strong>1987</strong> .<br />


University of California - Irvine<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Irvine, CA, USA, 92717<br />

(714) 856-7292<br />

Discipline : Sociology

2 3 9<br />

Keywords : hierarchies, historical analysis,<br />

dynamic change, power, international systems<br />

Activities : (With R . Nemeth), 'International<br />

Trade & World-System Structure' REVIEW<br />

(Braudel Centre) 8(4) 517-560 (1985) ; (with D .<br />

White), 'A Dynamic Analysis of a World System<br />

Structure'<br />


University of California<br />

School of Social Sciences<br />

Irvine, CA, USA, 92717<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : methods<br />


Ostlandstr, 72<br />

Cologne 40, WEST GERMANY, D-5000<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : historical analysis, intergenerations,<br />

microstructure, macrostructure, positions &<br />

roles, network sampling<br />

Activities : Changing patterns of inter-generational<br />

relationships & consequences for socialization<br />

process ; positions & roles : describing the<br />

structure of links in the triadic environment of<br />

persons (with H .J . Hummell) ; representing<br />

macro-structural properties by microstructural<br />

distributions (with H .J . Hummell) .<br />


Wake Forest University<br />

Department of Psychology<br />

Box 7778<br />

Reynold Station<br />

Winston-Salem, NC, USA, 27109<br />

(919) 761 5424<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : friendship, gender, support<br />

SONQUIST, JOHN A . *<br />

University of California<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 93106<br />

(805) 961-3314 : 4882SONQ at UCSBVM<br />

Keywords : corporations, mental health,<br />

inter-organizations, organizations, quant .<br />

methods, social services, surveys, technology,<br />

theory<br />

Activities : Inter-organizational networks in<br />

human service organizations ; robustness of<br />

network analysis algorithms ; formal modelling<br />

of network system changes over time .<br />


120 Kenilworth St .<br />

Philadelphia, PA, USA, 19147<br />

(215) 923 9399<br />

Discipline : Psychiatry<br />

Keywords : exchange, friendship, mental health,<br />

phenomenology, support<br />

Activities : Network therapy, teaching social<br />

network intervention .<br />


Police Research Forum<br />

2300 M Street N .W .<br />

Suite 910<br />

W<strong>as</strong>hington, DC, USA, 20037<br />

(202) 466 7820<br />

Discipline : Criminology<br />

Keywords : law, crime & deviance, interorganizations,<br />

fieldwork, epidemiology,<br />

organizations, recruitment, spatial models,<br />

urban<br />

Activities : Networks of juvenile & adult<br />

criminal offenders - focus on recruitment &<br />

group activity in the face of intercessions of<br />

several members ; diffusion of motivations<br />

within & between formal organizations .<br />


University of Ulster<br />

Dept . of Social Administration<br />

Coleraine, N . IRELAND, 8T 52 15A<br />

(0265) 4141 xt612<br />

Discipline : Social Work<br />

Keywords : community, gerontology, kinship,<br />

qual . methods, quant. methods, social services,<br />

urban<br />

Discipline : Sociology

2 4 0<br />

Activities : (With Cecil R ., Offer, Jr.),<br />

INFORMAL WELFARE, Gower, <strong>1987</strong> ; comparative<br />

study of rural welfare in 2 are<strong>as</strong> of Belf<strong>as</strong>t .<br />


Rhodes College<br />

International Studies Department<br />

2000 N . Parkway<br />

Memphis, TN, USA, 38112<br />

(901) 726-3572 : STANLEY @ RHODES<br />

Discipline : Politics<br />

Keywords : authority, hierarchies, microstructure,<br />

political, power, social movements, theory<br />

Activities : Structure analysis of the Palestinian<br />

National Movement ; 3-D computer graphic representations<br />

of political movements ; structural<br />

role change in regional agricultural research<br />

organizations .<br />


Louisiana State University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Baton Rouge, LA, USA, 70803<br />

(504) 388-5348 : SOSTRN at LSUVM<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community<br />

Activities : (With Mark Mizruchi) examining the<br />

relationship between corporations' capital -<br />

dependence & corporate interlocking directorates<br />

; 'Broken Tie Reconstitution & the Functions<br />

ofinter-organizational Interlocks : A<br />

Re-examination' (with M . Mizruchi), ADMIN-<br />



University of Western Australia<br />

Department of Management<br />

Nedlands, West Australia, AUSTRALIA, 6009<br />

(09) 380-2987<br />

Discipline : Management Studies<br />

Keywords : elites, corporations, interorganizations,<br />

organizations, power<br />

Activities : Australian corporate elite ; interlocking<br />

directorates among the largest American<br />

corporations .<br />


University of California<br />

Graduate School of Management<br />

Irvine, CA, USA, 92717<br />

(714) 856 6229 : WBSTEVEN @ UCI<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : authority, corporations, interorganizations,<br />

occupations, organizations,<br />

quant . methods<br />


1140 Michigan St .<br />

Ann Arbor, MI, USA,<br />

(313) 663 9885 : STOKMAN @ HGRRUG5<br />

Discipline : Politics Sociology<br />

Keywords : corporations, elites, graphs, interorganizations,<br />

organizations, power, quant .<br />

methods, recruitment, spatial models<br />

Activities : Interlocking directorates among<br />

large c orps .in The Netherlands (together with<br />

R . Mokken) & group formation in the UN (F .N .<br />

Stokman, 'Roll calls & sponsorship : A methodological<br />

analysis of 3d World group<br />

formation in the United Nations .' Leyden :<br />

Sijthoff, 1977 .) Development of an appendix to<br />

SPSS for net-work analysis, together with<br />

Mokken & Felling .<br />


1807 Myrtle Rd .<br />

Silver Springs, MD, USA, 20902<br />

(607) 257 6835<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : dynamic change, health, interorganizations,<br />

methods<br />

Activities : Structural analysis examining changes<br />

in union competition which organize -<br />

workers in health care industries .<br />


University of Toronto<br />

Department of Behavioural Science<br />

McMurrich Building<br />

Toronto, ON, CANADA, M5S 1A8<br />

(416) 598 5418<br />

Discipline : Gerontology

2 4 1<br />

Keywords : friendship, gerontology, kinship,<br />

health<br />

Activities : Social support, aging & health .<br />


University of California<br />

Institute of Governmental Affairs<br />

Davis, CA, USA, 95616<br />

(916) 752-2045<br />

Discipline : Information<br />

Keywords : elites<br />

Activities : Research programs on E<strong>as</strong>t Asian<br />

culture & development .<br />


McM<strong>as</strong>ter University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Hamilton, ON, CANADA, L8S 4M4<br />

(416) 525 9140<br />

Discipline : Sociology Gerontology<br />

Keywords : children, community, exchange,<br />

friendship, gerontology, health, kinship,<br />

gender, social services, surveys<br />

Activities : Family, friendship, in middle<br />

& old age .<br />


542 W. 112th Street, #3A<br />

New York, NY, USA, 10025<br />

(212) 663-8022<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : quant . methods, inter-organizations,<br />

organizations<br />


Otamay<strong>as</strong>hita 19-10-107<br />

Sendai, Miyagi Pre ., JAPAN, 980<br />

(022) 227-9714<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, friendship, occupations,<br />

quant. methods, social cl<strong>as</strong>s, stratification,<br />

support, theory, urban, blocks<br />

Activities : 'Some problems in network analysis<br />

of role structure', Tohuku Gakuin University<br />

Review, general education, no 87, <strong>1987</strong> .<br />


University of Southern Mississippi<br />

Department of Speech Communication<br />

Box 5131<br />

Hattiesburg, MS, USA, 39406<br />

(601) 266 4271<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : health, information, support, communications,<br />

friendship, mental health, quant .<br />

methods<br />

Activities : Communicative behaviors related to<br />

social support .<br />


University of Akron<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Akron, OH, USA, 44313<br />

(216) 375 6914<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : epidemiology, inter-organizations,<br />

mental health, support<br />

Activities : Personal networks & formal services<br />

by family members caring for disabled member<br />

(mental health & retardation, frail elders) .<br />


NDHQ DMOS3<br />

100 Metcalfe St .<br />

Ottawa, ON, CANADA, K1A 0K2<br />

(613) 996 4472<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : authority, demography, dynamic<br />

change, exchange, political, information,<br />

inter-organizations, matrix structure,<br />

occupations, organizations, recruitment,<br />

surveys<br />

Activities : Adult vocational testing, guidance,<br />

& counselling .

2 4 2<br />


P .O . Box 21073<br />

Lansing, MI, USA, 48909<br />

(517) 355 7800<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : inter-organizations, organizations<br />

Activities : Analysis of organizational ties among<br />

social service organizations in 12 medium-sized<br />

midwest US cities . Completed thesis (1986) :<br />

'Local social service inter-organizational<br />

networks : their environments & their effects on<br />

the deliveryof social services' .<br />

Keywords : community, support, teaching,<br />

social services, exchange<br />

Activities : Development of teaching on community<br />

social work b<strong>as</strong>ed networks .<br />


112 - 1631 McKenzie Ave .<br />

Victoria, BC, CANADA, V8N 5M3<br />

(604) 721-5697<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : attitudes<br />


New School for Social Research<br />

Center for Studies of Social Change<br />

64 University Place<br />

New York, NY, USA, 10003<br />

(212) 982 6782<br />

Discipline : Sociology History<br />

Keywords : authority, community, demography,<br />

dynamic change, ethnicity, historical analysis,<br />

macrostructure, migration, occupations, political,<br />

power, qual . methods, quant . methods, social<br />

cl<strong>as</strong>s, social mobility, social movements<br />


Memphis State University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Memphis, TN, USA, 38152<br />

(901) 454 3337<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community<br />

Activities : Urbanization & the world-system ;<br />

local-global interaction . URBANIZATION IN THE<br />

WORLD-ECONOMY (1985) . 'Political violence,<br />

inequality, & world-system position' with K .<br />

Williams in J OF POLITICAL & MILITARY SOC .<br />


Moray House College<br />

School of Community Studies<br />

Holyrood Rd .<br />

Edinburgh, SCOTLAND,<br />

(031) 556 8455<br />

Discipline : Social Work<br />


University of California<br />

Geography Department<br />

Santa Barbara, CA, USA, 93106<br />

(805) 961 3663 : UCSB geog-i!\tobler<br />

Discipline : Geography<br />

Keywords : migration, quant . methods, spatial<br />

models, graphs<br />

Activities : Unsymmetrical interaction tables .<br />

TODD, DAVID *<br />

University of M<strong>as</strong>sachusetts<br />

Department of Psychology<br />

Amherst, MA, USA, 01002<br />

(413) 545 0158 : TODD @ UMASS<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : mental health, support, kinship,<br />

qual . methods<br />

Activities : Developing a comprehensive, computerized<br />

research datab<strong>as</strong>e for qual. & quant .<br />

research ; relationship between individual &<br />

family dynamics & structure & therapy .<br />


125 St . Paul St .<br />

Brookline, MA, USA, 02146<br />

(617) 566 2416<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : children, community, ethnicity,<br />

mental health, social services, support,<br />

education, health

2 4 3<br />

Activities : Network consultancy ; clinical<br />

intervention with social networks ; family<br />

therapy ; publish an informal newsletter among<br />

network therapists in US, Canada & Sweden .<br />


McM<strong>as</strong>ter University<br />

School of Social Work<br />

1280 Main St . W .<br />

Hamilton, ON, CANADA, L8S 4M2<br />

(416) 525 9140<br />


542 W . 112th St. #4-E<br />

New York, NY, USA, 10025<br />

(212) 316-0516<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />


2-1-1-207 Hig<strong>as</strong>hi-lzumigaoka<br />

Toyonaka, Osaka, JAPAN, 560<br />

(06) 854 1751<br />

Discipline :<br />

Social Work<br />

Discipline : Economics<br />

Keywords : inter-organizations, organizations,<br />

social services<br />

Activities : 'Blockmodel analysis of fragmentation<br />

in an inter-organizational service delivery<br />

system', CDN SOCIAL WORK REV (1984) with<br />

Greg Heil & Susan Goodman, 'Legitimization &<br />

organizational mobility', ADMIN SCI Q (1986)<br />

with Jelendra Singh & Robert House .<br />


1437 Palisades Dr.<br />

Pacific Palisades, CA, USA, 90272<br />

(213) 743 3070 : TSSA1 10 @ USCMVSA<br />

Keywords : corporations, elites, interorganizations,<br />

kinship, power<br />

Activities : Translated into Japanese 'Networks<br />

of Corporate Power' (by R . Ziegler, F .N . Stokman<br />

& J . Scott) ; research of a large network<br />

of 841 firms, interlocked directly & indirectly<br />

by multiple directors .<br />


University of Guelph<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Guelph, ON, CANADA, N1G 2W1<br />

(519) 824 4120 : SOCVU @ UOGUELPH<br />

Discipline :<br />

Sociology<br />

Discipline : Gerontology<br />

Keywords : community, inter-organizations,<br />

macrostructure, social movements, theory, urban,<br />

government, organizations<br />

Activities : 'Sociological Theory', THE FUTURE<br />

OF SOCIOLOGY, Edgar Borgatte & Karen Cook<br />

(eds), Beverly Hill & London : Sage, in press ;<br />

inter-organizational <strong>as</strong>pects of social conflict ;<br />

'Multiplicative Theory Illustrated .<br />


43 Euclid Ave .<br />

Waterloo, ON, CANADA, N2L 1Z2<br />

886-0645<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, corporations, dynamic<br />

change, elites, gender, microstructure, macrostructure,<br />

political, power, social cl<strong>as</strong>s,<br />

social mobility, theory<br />

Keywords : ethnicity, gerontology, information,<br />

technology<br />

Activities : Aging ethnic minorities (with H<br />

Nishio) ; 'The allocation of time to social &<br />

leisure activities <strong>as</strong> social indicators for the<br />

integration of aged ethnic minorities' in SOC<br />

INDICATORS RES 17, 1985, pp 253-266 ;<br />

'Organ-izational Activiities, Cultural Factors, &<br />

Well-Being of Aged Japanese Canadians', D .<br />

Gelfand & C. Barresi (eds), ETHNIC DIMEN-<br />

SIONS OF AGING, New York : Spring, <strong>1987</strong> .<br />


University of Miami<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

P .O . Box 8162<br />

Coral Gables, FL, USA, 33124<br />

(305) 284-6762<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Activities : Support networks of ethnic elderly .

2 4 4<br />


University of Delaware<br />

Dept . of Individual & Family Studies<br />

Newark, DE, USA, 19716<br />

(302) 451-6852<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : children, community, environment,<br />

support<br />


Canadian Mental Health Association<br />

880 Ouellette Ave<br />

Suite 901<br />

Windsor, ON, CANADA, N9A 1 C7<br />

(519) 255 7440<br />

Keywords : community, education, gerontology,<br />

mental health, social services<br />

Activities : Gerontology networking of service,<br />

education & research .<br />


L .I .S .H .<br />

54 Blvd . R<strong>as</strong>pail<br />

Paris, FRANCE, 75270<br />

544 38 49<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : quant . methods, qual . methods<br />


801 No . Marshall<br />

Milwalkee, WI, USA, 53202<br />

(414) 289 7774<br />

Discipline : Information<br />

Keywords : communications, exchange<br />


Oosterdstraat 35<br />

Berghem, NETHERLANDS, 5351 GT<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : authority, communications, dynamic<br />

change, graphs, microstructure, information,<br />

qual . methods, quant . methods, stratification<br />


Institut Fur Psychologie<br />

Spielmannstr<strong>as</strong>se 12A<br />

D-3300 Braunschweig, WEST GERMANY,<br />

(0531) 391 3148 :13160203 @ DESTU1<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : children, dynamic change, friendship,<br />

quant . methods<br />

Activities : Dynamic change of clusters in social<br />

networks using log linear models .<br />


The Referral Service<br />

Health Care Information<br />

14 - 80 E . San Francisco St .<br />

Santa Fe, NM, USA, 87501<br />

(505) 984 0878<br />

Discipline : Social Work<br />

Keywords : blocks, children, communications,<br />

dynamic change, education, exchange, friendship,<br />

health, mental health, occupations,<br />

power, alternative, holistic, metaphysical,<br />

support<br />

Activities : Monthly newsletter to 1900<br />

practitioners in the healing arts, in New<br />

Mexico, etc. which includes a 'Who's Who in<br />

the Healing Arts' directory .<br />


Ctre de Sociologies des Organisations<br />

rue Amelie 19<br />

Paris, FRANCE, 75007<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : communications<br />

Activities : Auto-organization in social networks<br />

.<br />


1601 - 40 Galerie Arlequin<br />

Grenoble, FRANCE, 38100<br />

76 22 55 28<br />

Discipline : Political Science<br />

Keywords : migration, organizations, perceptions,<br />

social services, support, surveys

24 5<br />

Activities : Evaluation of public's politics, the<br />

relationshp between social services & its users ;<br />

analysis of creating categories of neighbourhood<br />

representation .<br />


UCLA<br />

School of Social Welfare<br />

405 Hilgard Ave .<br />

Los Angeles, CA, USA, 90024<br />

(213) 825 2993<br />

Discipline : Social Work<br />

Keywords : friendship, kinship, mental health,<br />

social services, support<br />

Activities : Professionally led support groups :<br />

theory & practice .<br />


University of Illinois<br />

Dept . of Psychology & Statistics<br />

603 E . Daniel St .<br />

Champaign, IL, USA, 61820<br />

(217) 333 3325 : SSWIBM @ UIUCVMD<br />

Discipline : Statistics<br />

Keywords : corporations, dynamic change, quant .<br />

methods<br />


Institute of Social Studies<br />

Badhuisweg 251<br />

2509 LS The Hague, NETHERLANDS,<br />

(070) 512321<br />

Discipline : Politics<br />

Keywords : communications, information, social<br />

movements<br />

Activities : International labour communication<br />

(& therefore democratization of international<br />

communication) . Editing of 'Newsletter of<br />

International Labour Studies' . Networking for<br />

New Labour Internationalism .<br />


7 - 1950 W . Liberty<br />

Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 48103<br />

(313) 662-6402<br />

Discipline : Information<br />

Keywords : information, communications, philosophy<br />

Activities : Gatekeepers of children's literary<br />

culture ; computer conferences .<br />


University of Hawaii at Manoa<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Honolulu, HI, USA, 96822<br />

(808) 737-5809<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, ethnicity, fieldwork<br />

Activities : Participant-observation study of<br />

the Hawaii Health Network ; solidarity in<br />

networks (networks <strong>as</strong> communities) ; internationality<br />

& reflexivity in networks & <strong>as</strong><br />

methods for studying networks .<br />

WEISS, CAROL I . *<br />

N .J . Div . of Mental Health & Hospitals<br />

Office of Program Evaluation<br />

13 Roszel Rd .<br />

Princeton, NJ, USA, 08540<br />

(609) 987 0810<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : ethnicity, inter-organizations,<br />

mental health, migration, qual . methods,<br />

social services, support<br />


19 Edgehill Rd .<br />

Brookline, MA, USA, 02146<br />

(617) 734-3880<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : friendship, kinship, households,<br />

mental health, occupations, qual . methods,<br />

quant . methods, support<br />

Activities : 'Men & the Family', FAMILY PROC-<br />

ESS, 1985' ; ' Men's Attitudes towards wives'<br />

work', in press, Faye Crosby (ed), Yale U Pr .<br />


University of Pennsylvania<br />

Clinical Epidemiology Unit, 2L NEB/S2<br />

Philadelphia, PA, USA, 19104<br />

(215) 898 1462

2 4 6<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Discipline :<br />

Medicine<br />

Activities : Knowledge aggregation, me<strong>as</strong>uring<br />

perceptions & how many informants are enough<br />

.<br />


University of Toronto<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Toronto, ON, CANADA, M5S 1A1<br />

(416) 978-8263 : Wellman @ UTOREPAS<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : communications, community,<br />

exchange, friendship, gender, gerontology,<br />

health, households, kinship, mental health,<br />

microstructure, quant . methods, social<br />

services, support, surveys, theory, urban<br />

Activities : Personal networks of urban social<br />

structure & social support ; which types of ties<br />

& networks give support ; longitudinal changes<br />

in person circumstances & social networks ;<br />

social reproduction a social networks .<br />

'Community question re-evaluated,' COMP<br />

URBAN & COMMUNITY RES ; (with S .D . Berkowitz,<br />

eds ., SOCIAL STRUCTURES : A<br />

NETWORK APPROACH) ; "Different strokes from<br />

different folks," .<br />


Manchester University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Manchester 13, ENGLAND,<br />

(061) 485-5243<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, dynamic change, elites,<br />

ethnicity, exchange, friendship, gender,<br />

migration, organizations, urban<br />

Activities : 'Taking & Giving : Working Women &<br />

Female Bonds in a Pakistani Immigrant Neighborhood'<br />

in S . Westwood & P . Bachu (eds .)<br />


MIGRATION ; 'The Development Cycle of Social<br />

Networks - Negative Transitivity in the<br />

Friendship Networks of Pakistani Migrants' in<br />

B . Kapferer & K . Gorbett (eds .) .<br />

Keywords : mental health, friendship, authority<br />

Activities : Relationship between networks of<br />

children & their health status .<br />


E . Tennessee State University<br />

Quillen-Dishner College of Medicine<br />

P .O . Box 19720A<br />

Johnson City, TN, USA, 37614<br />

(615) 929-6232<br />

Discipline : Education<br />

Keywords : education, occupations, health,<br />

support<br />

Activities : Changing network structures of<br />

medical students studying attributes of<br />

informal learning networks of professional<br />

groups .<br />


University of California<br />

Department of History<br />

Riverside, CA, USA, 92521<br />

(714) 787 5239<br />

Discipline : History<br />

Keywords : community, demography, education,<br />

information, kinship, quant . methods, teaching<br />


University of California<br />

School of Social Sciences<br />

Irvine, CA, USA, 92717<br />

(619) 452 9957 : DRWHITE @ UCICVMS<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : community, blocks, demography,<br />

dynamic change, quant . methods, gender,<br />

households, theory<br />

Activities : Community research in Mexico ;<br />

blockmodelling & related methods ; computer<br />

programme development .<br />


1185 Altschul Ave .<br />

Menlo Park, CA, USA, 94025<br />

(415) 854 6689

2 4 7<br />


University of South Carolina<br />

Department of Government<br />

Columbia, SC, USA, 29208<br />

(803) 777 3869<br />

Discipline : Political Science<br />

Keywords : communications, elites, government,<br />

health, political<br />

Activities : Communications networks of<br />

members & staff at the US Congress .<br />


University of W<strong>as</strong>hington<br />

School of Social Work<br />

Seattle, WA, USA, 98195<br />

(206) 543 5731<br />

Discipline : Social Work<br />

Keywords : children, social services, support,<br />

community<br />

Activities : Linking formal & informal social<br />

care .<br />


Technical University Berlin<br />

Institute for Psychology<br />

Dove Street 1 - 5<br />

Berlin 10, WEST GERMANY, D-7000<br />

(030) 314 4678<br />

Discipline : Community Development<br />

Keywords : community, health, mental health,<br />

methods, phenomenology, support, surveys,<br />

communications, environment, fieldwork, households,<br />

microstructure, teaching, theory, urban<br />

Activities : Impact of ecological projects on<br />

community development .<br />

WIEGAND, B .<br />

Internal Revenue Service (TCMP)<br />

Research Division, PM :PFR :R<br />

1111 Constitution Ave ., Rm . 3423<br />

W<strong>as</strong>hington, DC, USA, 20224<br />

(202) 566 3663<br />

Activities : Structural attributes of<br />

noncompliance (tax) networks .<br />


Policy Studies Institute<br />

100 Park Village E .<br />

London, ENGLAND, NW1 3SR<br />

(33) 387-2171<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : community, friendship, kinship,<br />

social services<br />

Activities : Review of research on networks in<br />

Britain ; study of friendship networks in a<br />

London subdivision ; community & policy : where<br />

1 child < 16 is to be split between 2 residential<br />

are<strong>as</strong>--1 'middle-cl<strong>as</strong>s' & the other<br />

'working-cl<strong>as</strong>s'--with the main emph<strong>as</strong>is on<br />

friends & neighbours, & particular attention to<br />

help & support from them (& from kin) .<br />


University of Michigan<br />

4064B Frieze Building<br />

Ann Arbor, MI, USA, 48109<br />

(313) 763-6579<br />

Discipline : Social Work<br />

Keywords : friendship, gerontology, health,<br />

inter-organizations, mental health, social<br />

services, support<br />

Activities : Network supports of primary<br />

caregivers of 3 types of patients ; relationship<br />

of support & formal service provisions .<br />


Virginia Polytechnic University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Blacksburgh, VA, USA, 24061<br />

(703) 961-5227<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : macrostructure, exchange, power,<br />

corporations, quant . methods, third world<br />

development<br />

Keywords : authority, dynamic change,<br />

information, occupations, surveys

2 4 8<br />


Northwestern University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

Evanston, IL, USA, 69201<br />

(312) 328-4654<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : blocks, demography, quant . methods<br />


University of California--San Diego<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

La Jolla, CA, USA, 95093<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : friendship, kinship, migration, gender<br />

WOLFE, ALVIN *<br />

University of South Florida<br />

Department of Anthropology<br />

Tampa, FL, USA, 33620<br />

(813) 974-2345 ; : DLIABAA at CFRVM<br />

Discipline : Anthropology<br />

Keywords : corporations, exchange, interorganizations,<br />

mental health, macrostructure,<br />

organizations, social services, support<br />

Activities : Electronic ethnography : describing a<br />

metro area <strong>as</strong> a network of many organizations .<br />


Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center<br />

1275 York Ave .<br />

New York, NY, USA, 10021<br />

(212) 794-7546<br />

Discipline : Medicine Public Health<br />

Keywords : blocks, friendship, gender, health,<br />

mental health, quant. methods<br />

XIA, FANG "<br />

Columbia University<br />

Department of Sociology<br />

New York, NY, USA, 10027<br />

(212) 280 3686<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : education, quant . methods, stratification<br />


Ibaragi University<br />

Department of Social Sciences<br />

2-1-1, Bunkyo<br />

Mitro-shi, JAPAN, 310<br />

0292 26 16<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : dynamic change, friendship, health,<br />

gender, social services, support<br />

Activities : Groups of atomic bomb survivors,<br />

intractable dise<strong>as</strong>e patients, handicapped<br />

peoples, health & medical sociologists, social<br />

workers, women's studies .<br />


749 N . 28th St .<br />

Allentown, PA, USA, 18104<br />

(215) 434-2648 : Parti-EDYARRISH<br />

Discipline : Communications<br />

Keywords : communications, corporations,<br />

information, education, organizations, spatial<br />

models, teaching, technology<br />


Analytics, Inc .<br />

2500 Maryland Road<br />

Willow Grove, PA, USA, 19090<br />

(215) 657-4100<br />

Discipline : Psychology<br />

Keywords : dynamic change, mental health,<br />

organizations, theory<br />

Activities : Human/computer organizations ;<br />

formal/informal communication in organizations .<br />


Koempelstr<strong>as</strong>se 13<br />

D8133 Feldafing, WEST GERMANY,<br />

08157-2535<br />

Discipline : Sociology<br />

Keywords : corporations, inter-organizations,<br />

organizations, dynamic change, quant . methods,<br />

social mobility<br />

Activities : Stability & change of interorganizational<br />

relations ; dynamics of career<br />

structures ; organizational demography .

2 4 9<br />




International Sociological Assoc .<br />

Secretariat, Pinar 25<br />

28006 Madrid, SPAIN,<br />


Escola Superior de Educacao<br />

Qunita da Penha<br />

Faro, PORTUGAL, 8000<br />


Exchange and Gift Division<br />

W<strong>as</strong>hington, DC, USA, 20540<br />


Memorial Library Serials Dept.<br />

1415 W. Wisconsin Ave .<br />

Milwaukee, WI, USA, 53233<br />


Documentation<br />

Ottawa, ON, CANADA, KI A ON4<br />


Serials Librarian<br />

P .O . Box 22206<br />

San Diego, CA, USA, 92122<br />



Zeitschr .St .41 0<br />

Lotharstr .65/GEB .LK, WEST<br />



Serials Department 01<br />

Main Library<br />

Berkeley, CA, USA, 94720<br />


Hillman Library G 74<br />

Order Services Central Serials<br />

Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 15260<br />


Department of Sociology Library<br />

563 Spadina Ave .<br />

Toronto, ON, CANADA, M5S 1A1<br />


Robarts Library<br />

Serials Dept., c/o K . Kattai<br />

Toronto, ON, CANADA, M5S 1A5<br />


Serials Division<br />

Libraries<br />

Seattle, WA, USA, 98195<br />


Serials Department<br />

Leddy Library<br />

Windsor, ON, CANADA, N9B 3P4<br />


Social Science Library<br />

Box 1958<br />

Yale Station<br />

New Haven, CT, USA, 06520

2 5 0<br />


Argentina National Library Querrien, Anne Norway Baldwin, Carol<br />

of Canada Reichmann, Seb<strong>as</strong>lien Baldwin, Carol<br />

Monti, Angel Noesgaard, Charlotte Warglien, M<strong>as</strong>simo Bo, Inge Barley, Stephen<br />

Australia<br />

Palmer, Peggy Warin, Philippe Fyrand, Live Barnett, George<br />

Peterson, Larry van Meter, Karl Godoe, Helge Bauer, Connie<br />

.<br />

Proulx, Marc Schiefloe, Per Morten Bay, Duane<br />

Barnes, John A. Pym, Frances R . Ghana Bearman, Peter S.<br />

Bennett, Lois Ratcliffe, William Peru Beattie, Martha<br />

Health Dept . Richards, William Okwabi, Emmanuel Ayah Beck, Donald<br />

of W. Australia Richardson, R . Jack Anderson, Jeanine Berkowitz, S .D .<br />

Higuchi, Yoichiro Shapiro, Ben Zion India Instituto Bernard, H . Russell<br />

Klovdahl, Alden S . Simpson, John Politechnico de Faro Biegel, David E .<br />

Pattison, Philippa Single, Eric Agarwal, Suman Blomberg, Jeanette<br />

Peay, Edmund Strain, Laurel Bandyopadhyay, Suraj Scotland Bolland, John M .<br />

Stening, Bruce W . Synge,Jane Chaturvedi, N .K. Bonacich, Phillip<br />

Baumann, Urs Teirney, Charles Ghosh, Bhola Nath Timms, Elizabeth Boyd, John<br />

Canada<br />

Tindall, David Joshi, K. G . Bradley/Roberts,<br />

Tucker, David Nageshwar, Pr<strong>as</strong>ad Spain Raymond/Nancy<br />

Twynam, Malou<br />

Bramsen, John<br />

Agnew, Neil Ujimoto, K . Victor Israel Con . Sup . do Breiger, Ronald L<br />

Anderson, Grace M. Universities of Investigaciones Briggs, Janice<br />

Becker, Bruce British Columbia Cohen, Yehoshua Cientific<strong>as</strong> Brown, Percy<br />

Bristor, Julia Toronto Pizarro, Narciso Bunting, David<br />

Brook, Timothy Western Ontario Italy Burke, Sandra Charvat<br />

Bunston, Terry Windsor Sweden Burt, Ronald S .<br />

Burnside, Beverly Valentine, Mary Beth Chiesi, Antonio Campbell, Karen<br />

Carrington, Peter J . Weissman, Eric Persson, Lars O. Cappell, Charles<br />

Carroll, William Wellman, Barry Japan Rundblad, Bengt Carley, Kathleen<br />

Carroll, William Wilfrid Laurier Carroll, Walter<br />

Cheal, David University Chino, Naohito Switzerland Caulkins, Dougl<strong>as</strong><br />

Corman, June Takeuchi, Akihiro Chapin, David A.<br />

Erickson, Bonnie H . England Ueda, Yoshiaki B<strong>as</strong>sand, Michel Chapman, Nancy<br />

Friedmann, Harriet Yamate, Shigeril Cheek, Neil<br />

Gartrell, David Bryceson, Deborah Taiwan Clarke, Richard<br />

Gold, Gerald Bulmer, Martin Mexico Cochran, Moncrieff<br />

Gross, Penny Davies, Peter Numazaki, Ichiro Collins, Randall<br />

Gurd, Geoffrey Kelly, Elinor Gil Mendieta, Jorge Cook, Karen<br />

Gurstein/Faulkner, Kent University, USA Crellin, Paul<br />

Michael/Femande Mitchell, J. Clyde N . Ireland Danowski, James A .<br />

Hammond, Michael Scott, John Adams, Rebecca G. Daugherty, Steven R .<br />

Hillock, David Sharkey, Peter St. Leger, Frederick Adelman, Mara DeSarbo, Wayne S .<br />

Hirdes, John P . Werbner, Pnina Aldrich, Howard Deierlein, Kathy<br />

Inskip, Robin Willmott, Peter Netherlands Alexander, Mara Deseran, Forrest<br />

<strong>Jones</strong>, Charles Allen, Mitch DiMaggio, Paul<br />

Langlois, Simon France Felling, A . Altergott, Karen Doreian, Patrick<br />

Lavoie, Francine Fennema, Meindert Anapol, Deborah Dow, Malcolm<br />

Leavy, Normand Bidart, Claire Kaplan, Charles Anderson, James Duboff, David<br />

Leighton, Barry Bizet, Jean-Pierre Michielsen, K . Andrews, Steven Duck, Steve<br />

Leiter, Michael Darre, Jean-Pierre Vogels, Leonardus C .J . Anheier, Helmut Ennis, James G .<br />

Lemieux, Vincent Degenne, Alain Waterman, Peter Antonucci, Toni C . Fagan, Kathryn<br />

Marshall, Victor Dupin, Remy-Pierre Arabia, Phipps Fararo, Thom<strong>as</strong><br />

Meier, Rosemary Ferrand, Alexis Attneave, Carolyn L . Faulkner, Robert R .<br />

Michele, Gohier Nardocchio, Elaine Baker, Wayne Faust, Catherine

251<br />

Feiner, Joel Kadushin, Charles Nakao, Keiko Sonquist, John A . Zaklad, Allen<br />

Feldman, Jonathan Kandel, Denise Nelson, Eric Speck, Ross von Erffa, Julie<br />

Fernandez, Roberto M . Kawabata, Hugh Nicol, Lionel Spelman, William<br />

Findley, Sally Keefe, Susan Emley O' Rand, Angela Stanley, Bruce Wales<br />

Fine, Gary Alan Kemper, Robert V . Oliver, Melvin Steams, Linda Brewster<br />

.<br />

Fink, Charles Kim, Young Pagano, Donna Stevenson, William Batty, Michael<br />

Fischer, Claude Knoke, David Palmer, Donald Stokman, Frans Coxon, Anthony P.M<br />

Fischer, Judith Koenig, Harold F . Patrick, Audrey Stout, Sharon<br />

Foster, Brian L . Koenig, Thom<strong>as</strong> Paulson, Robert I . Stratford, Jean West Germany<br />

Freeman, Sue/Lin Krackhardt, David Persell, Caroline Hodges Tada, Tetsura<br />

Freidenberg, Judith Lane, Ron Phillips, Roxanne Tardy, Charles Bender, Donald E.O.<br />

Friedkin, Noah E . Larick, Roy Pitts, Forrest R . Tausig, Mark Bien, Walter<br />

Galanter, Marc Larner, Mary Pokr<strong>as</strong>, Stanley Terry, Patterson Degenhardt, Wemer/Blanca<br />

Gal<strong>as</strong>kiewicz, Joseph Lattin, James Powell, Michael Tilly, Charles Hummell, Hans J .<br />

Garrison, Zelda F . Laumann, Edward Pravatiner, Mitchell A . Timberlake, Michael Luscher, Kurt<br />

George, Jon Lawrence, Arthur Prensky, David Tobler, Waldo Mac-Planck-Institut fuer<br />

Gersh, David Leifer, Eric Price, Mary Gail Todd, David Pfeiffer, Toni<br />

Gerson, Elihu Leiss, Jack Price, Rum! Kato Trimble/Kliman, Roehrle, Bernd<br />

Gl<strong>as</strong>s, Thom<strong>as</strong> Levine, Joel H . Radecki, Stephen David/Jodie Schweizer, Thom<strong>as</strong><br />

Goldberg, Michael Lewis, John Rail, Marie Therese Turk, Herman Sodeur, Wolfgang<br />

Goldstein, Marc B . Lewis, Virginia Reingen, Peter Uchiyama, Tetsuji Universitaets - Bibliothek<br />

Gould, Roger Library of Congress Reitz, Karl Ulbrich, Patricia Duisburg<br />

Graham, Glenda Lin, Nan Resources for Unger, Donald Wiedemann, Peter Michael<br />

Granovetter, Mark Lipnack, Jessica Building Community Universities of Ziegler, Rolf<br />

Greenbaum, Susan Lofland, Lyn Rice, Ronald California - Irvine von Collani, Gemot<br />

Gregory-Huddleston, Lorentz, Elizabeth Riley, Dave California<br />

Kathleen Love, Kathleen Robertson, David Minnesota<br />

Grusky, Oscar Maguire, John Rogers, Everett Pittsburgh<br />

Guilarte, Miguel Maida, Carl Rolland, Richard S . Mississippi<br />

Gustafson, Gary Mantell, Joanne Romney, A . Kimball Vermont<br />

Hammer, Muriel Mariolis, Peter Rosenau, James W<strong>as</strong>hington<br />

Hanneman, Robert A . Markovsky, Barry Rosenthal, Naomi Voell, Mary Patricia<br />

Hansell, Stephen Marquette University Ross, Christopher W<strong>as</strong>serman, Harry<br />

Hart, Jeffrey A . Marsden, Peter Rossman, G . Parker W<strong>as</strong>serman, Stanley S .<br />

Heckathorn, Dougl<strong>as</strong> Maryanski, Alexandra Sadowsky, Donald Weedman, Judith<br />

Hellerstein, Laurel Matthews, Sarah Sailer, Lee Weinstein, Michael G .<br />

Hennings, Tamara McCloskey, Joanne Sales, Linda Weiss, Carol I .<br />

Hildum, Donald C . McGuire, Patrick Salloway, Jeffrey Colman Weiss, Robert S<br />

Hiltz, S . Roxanne McPherson, J. Miller Seltzer, Benjamin A . Weller, Susan<br />

Holland, Paul Medical College Salzinger, Suzanne West, Alayne<br />

Hooper, Dougl<strong>as</strong> of Georgia Sampson, Samuel Frank West, Russell<br />

Howard, Leslie Meyrowitz, Joshua Scherer, Jacqueline Wetherell, Charles<br />

.<br />

Howell, Nancy Michaelson, Karen L . Schmitz, Joseph A . White, Dougl<strong>as</strong><br />

Hu, Alfred Milardo, Robert Schuster, Tonya L Whiteman, David<br />

Huckfeldt, Robert Miller, Anne Schwartz, Donald F . Whittaker, James K .<br />

Hunter, Saundra Milward, H . Brinton Schweer, Harlan Wlegand, B .<br />

Hurd, Gary S. Mintz, Beth Seidman, Stephen Wilson, Paul A .<br />

Hurt, H . Thom<strong>as</strong> Mitnick, Barry Sheehan, Nancy Wimberley, Dale<br />

lacobucci, Dawn Mizruchi, Mark Shook, Dougl<strong>as</strong> E . Winship, Christopher<br />

Israel, Barbara A . Molm, Linda Shrum, Wesley Wiseman, Jacqueline P .<br />

Jiron, Edith Morgan, David Smith, D . Randall Wolfe, Alvin<br />

Johnsen, Eugene Mount, Jeanine Kerl Smith, David Wong, George<br />

Johnson-Lenz, Mueller, Robert Smith, Robert Z . Xia, Fang<br />

Peter/Trudy Mullins, Nichol<strong>as</strong> C. Sociological Abstracts Yale University<br />

<strong>Jones</strong>, Brian Muranushi, Michimi Solano, Cecilia H . Yarrish, Edward

2 5 2<br />


ANTHROPOLOGY Hurt, H . Thom<strong>as</strong> EDUCATION MANAGEMENT Rosenau, James<br />

Kim, Young STUDIES Stanley, Bruce<br />

Anderson, Jeanine Meyrowitz, Joshua Bo, Inge Stokman, Frans<br />

Bernard, H . Russell Pagano, Donna Crellin, Paul Baldwin, Carol Waterman, Peter<br />

Blomberg, Jeanette Pfeiffer, Toni Inskip, Robin Bay, Duane<br />

Boyd, John Phillips, Roxanne West, Russell Raymond/Nancy PSYCHIATRY<br />

Burnside, Beverly Rice, Ronald Bristor, Julia<br />

.<br />

Caulkins, Dougl<strong>as</strong> Richards, William EPIDEMIOLOGY Krackhardt, David Attneave, Carolyn L<br />

Darre, Jean-Pierre Rogers, Everett Lattin, James Feiner, Joel<br />

.<br />

Dow, Malcolm Schmitz, Joseph A. Meier, Rosemary Lawrence, Arthur Speck, Ross<br />

Faust, Catherine Schwartz, Donald F . Milward, H . Brinton<br />

Foster, Brian L Shook, Dougl<strong>as</strong> E . GEOGRAPHY Mueller, Robert PSYCHOLOGY<br />

Freidenberg, Judith Tardy, Charles Reingen, Peter<br />

Gold, Gerald Vogels, Leonardus C .J . Bryceson, Deborah Robertson, David Agnew, Neil<br />

Graham, Glenda Yarrish, Edward Cohen, Yehoshua Saltzer, Benjamin A . Anapol, Deborah<br />

Greenbaum, Susan Persson, Lars O . Stening, Bruce W . Antonucci, Toni C .<br />

Gregory-Huddlest, COMMUNITY Pitts, Forrest R . Arable, Phipps<br />

Kathleen DEVELOPMENT Tobler, Waldo MATHEMATICS Attneave, Carolyn L .<br />

Hammer, Muriel<br />

Baumann, Urs<br />

Keefe, Susan Emley Hennings, Tamara GERONTOLOGY Bramsen, John Bien, Walter<br />

Kelly, Elinor Peterson, Larry Johnsen, Eugene Bradley/Roberts,<br />

Kemper, Robert V. Pokr<strong>as</strong>, Morgan, David Seidman, Stephen Raymond/Nancy<br />

Lane, Ron Stanley Michael Noesgaard, Charlotte Chapman, Nancy<br />

Larick, Roy Rall, Marie Therese MEDICINE Chino, Naohito<br />

Leavy, Normand COMPUTER Sheehan, Nancy Fagan, Kathryn<br />

Maida, Carl SCIENCE Strain, Laurel Noesgaard, Charlotte Gersh, David<br />

McCloskey, Joanne Synge,Jane Radecki, Stephen Goldberg, Michael<br />

Michaelson, Karen L . Becker, Bruce Ujimoto, K . Victor West, Alayne Goldstein, Marc B .<br />

Numazaki, Ichiro Bender, Donald E .O . Wong, George Larner, Mary<br />

Okwabi, Emmanuel Ayah Gil Mendieta, Jorge HISTORY Lavoie, Francine<br />

Proulx, Marc PLANNING Leiter, Michael<br />

Reitz, Karl CRIMINOLOGY Brook, Timothy Love, Kathleen<br />

Romney, A . Kimball Gustafson, Gary Batty, Michael Milardo, Robert<br />

Sailer, Lee Spelman, William Rosenthal, Naomi Lane, Ron Nelson, Eric<br />

Schweizer, Thom<strong>as</strong> Tilly, Charles Patrick, Audrey<br />

Weiss, Carol I . DEMOGRAPHY Wetherell, Charles POLITICAL Pattison, Philippa<br />

White, Dougl<strong>as</strong> SCIENCE Peay, Edmund<br />

Wolfe, Alvin Findley, Sally INFORMATION Ratcliffe, William<br />

Muranushi, Michimi<br />

Riley, Dave<br />

COMMUNICATIONS ECONOMICS Feldman, Jonathan Warin, Philippe Roehrle, Bernd<br />

Inskip, Robin Whiteman, David Salzinger, Suzanne<br />

Adelman, Mara Bunting, David Johnson-Lenz, Solano, Cecilia H .<br />

Barnett, George Higuchi, Yoichiro Peter/Trudy POLITICS Todd, David<br />

Bauer, Connie Monti, Angel Stratford, Jean Trimble/Kliman,<br />

Danowski, James A . Nicol, Lionel Voell, Mary Patricia Bolland, John M . David/Jodie<br />

Degenhardt, Ueda, Yoshiaki Weedman, Judith Fennema, Meindert Unger, Donald<br />

Werner/Blanca Hart, Jeffrey A . Zaklad, Allen<br />

Duck, Steve Huckfeldt, Robert von Collani, Gernot<br />

Godoe, Helge<br />

Lemieux, Vincent<br />

Gurd, Geoffrey<br />

Lewis, John<br />

Hellerstein, Laurel<br />

Mitnick, Barry<br />

Hildum, Donald C .<br />

Nageshwar, Pr<strong>as</strong>ad

253<br />

.<br />

PUBLIC HEALTH Breiger, Ronald L . Guilarte, Miguel Oliver, Melvin Werbner, Pnina<br />

Briggs, Janice Gurstein/Faulkne, Palmer, Donald Willmott, Peter<br />

Israel, Barbara A Brown, Percy Michael/Fernande Persell, Caroline Hodges Wimberley, Dale<br />

Kaplan, Charles Bulmer, Martin Gustafson, Gary Pizarro, Narciso Winship, Christopher<br />

Leiss, Jack Burke, Sandra Charvat Hammond, Michael Powell, Michael Wiseman, Jacqueline P .<br />

Mantell, Joanne Burt, Ronald S . Hanneman, Robert A . Pravatiner, Mitchell A . Xia, Fang<br />

Wong, George Campbell, Karen Hansell, Stephen Prensky, David Yamate, Shigeril<br />

Cappell, Charles Heckathorn, Dougl<strong>as</strong> Price, Mary Gail Ziegler, Rolf<br />

SOCIAL WORK Carley, Kathleen Hiltz, S . Roxanne Price, Rumi Kato van Meter, Karl<br />

Carrington, Peter J . Hirdes, John P . Querrien, Anne<br />

Bennett, Lois Carroll, Walter Hooper, Dougl<strong>as</strong> Reichmann, Seb<strong>as</strong>tian STATISTICS<br />

Biegel, David E . Carroll, William Howard, Leslie Richardson, R . Jack<br />

Bunston, Terry Chapin, David A . Howell, Nancy Rosenthal, Naomi Bandyopadhyay, Suraj<br />

Duboff, David Chaturvedi, N .K . Hu, Alfred Ross, Christopher DeSarbo, Wayne S .<br />

Fyrand, Live Cheal, David Hummell, Hans J . Rossman, G. Parker Fagan, Kathryn<br />

George, Jon Cheek, Neil Hunter, Saundra Rundblad, Bengt Holland, Paul<br />

Hillock, David Chiesi, Antonio Hurd, Gary S . Sadowsky, Donald W<strong>as</strong>serman, Stanley S .<br />

Jiron, Edith Clarke, Richard lacobucci, Dawn Salloway, Jeffrey Colman<br />

Palmer, Peggy Cochran, Moncrieff <strong>Jones</strong>, Brian Sampson, Samuel Frank<br />

Paulson, Robert I . Collins, Randall <strong>Jones</strong>, Charles Scherer, Jacqueline<br />

Rolland, Richard Cook, Karen Joshi, K . G . Schiefloe, Per Morten<br />

Shapiro, Ben Zion Corman, June Kadushin, Charles Schuster, Tonya L .<br />

Sharkey, Peter Coxon, Anthony P .M. Kandel, Denise Schweer, Harlan<br />

St . Leger, Frederick Daugherty, Steven R . Kawabata, Hugh Scott, John<br />

Timms, Elizabeth Davies, Peter Klovdahl, Alden S . Shrum, Wesley<br />

Tucker, David Degenne, Alain Knoke, David Simpson, John<br />

.<br />

W<strong>as</strong>serman, Harry Deierlein, Kathy Koenig, Thom<strong>as</strong> Single, Eric<br />

Whittaker, James K . Deseran, Forrest Langlois, Simon Smith, D . Randall<br />

Wilson, Paul A DiMaggio, Paul Laumann, Edward Smith, David<br />

von Erffa, Julie Doreian, Patrick Leifer, Eric Smith, Robert Z .<br />

Dupin, Remy-Pierre Leighton, Barry Sodeur, Wolfgang<br />

SOCIOLOGY Ennis, James G . Levine, Joel H . Sonquist, John A .<br />

Erickson, Bonnie H . Lin, Nan Stearns, Linda Brewster<br />

Adams, Rebecca G . Fararo, Thom<strong>as</strong> Lofland, Lyn Stevenson, William<br />

Agarwal, Suman Faulkner, Robert R . Lorentz, Elizabeth Stokman, Frans<br />

Aldrich, Howard Faust, Catherine Luscher, Kurt Stout, Sharon<br />

Allen, Mitch Felling, A. Maguire, John Synge,Jane<br />

Altergott, Karen Ferligoj, Anuska Mar olis, Peter Tada, Tetsura<br />

Anderson, Grace M . Fernandez, Roberto M . Markovsky, Barry Takeuchi, Akihiro<br />

Anderson, James Ferrand, Alexis Marsden, Peter Tausig, Mark<br />

Andrews, Steven Fine, Gary Alan Marshall, Victor Teirney, Charles<br />

Anheier, Helmut Fischer, Claude Matthews, Sarah Terry, Patterson<br />

Baker, Wayne Freeman, Sue/Lin McGuire, Patrick Tilly, Charles<br />

Baldwin, Carol Friedkin, Noah E . McPherson, J . Miller Timberlake, Michael<br />

Barley, Stephen Friedmann, Harriet Mine!, Keiko Tindall, David<br />

Barnes, John A . Gal<strong>as</strong>kiewicz, Joseph Mintz, Beth Turk, Herman<br />

B<strong>as</strong>sand, Michel Garrison, Zelda F . Mitchell, J . Clyde Twynam, Malou<br />

Bearman, Peter S . Gartrell, David Mizruchl, Mark Uchiyama, Tetsuji<br />

Beattie, Martha Gerson, Elihu Molm, Linda Ulbrich, Patricia<br />

Beck, Donald Ghosh, Bhola Nath Morgan, David Warglien, M<strong>as</strong>simo<br />

.<br />

.<br />

Berkowitz, S .D Gl<strong>as</strong>s, Thom<strong>as</strong> Mount, Jeanine Kerl Weinstein, Michael G .<br />

Bidart, Claire Gould, Roger Mullins, Nichol<strong>as</strong> C Weiss, Robert S<br />

Bizet, Jean-Pierre Granovetter, Mark Nakao, Keiko Weissman, Eric<br />

Bonacich, Phillip Gross, Penny Nardocchio, Elaine Weller, Susan<br />

Bramsen, John Grusky, Oscar O' Rand, Angela Wellman, Barry

2 5 4<br />


ATTITUDES Teirney, Charles Whittaker, James K. Pokr<strong>as</strong>, Stanley Higuchi, Yoichiro<br />

Tilly, Charles von Collani, Gemot Prensky, David Hillock, David<br />

Anapol, Deborah Vogels, Leonardus C .J . von Erffa, Julie Querrien, Anne Hooper, Dougl<strong>as</strong><br />

Andrews, Steven West, Alayne Reingen, Peter Hunter, Saundra<br />

Barley, Stephen Wiegand, B . COMMUNICATIONS Rice, Ronald Hurd, Gary S .<br />

Bay, Duane Richards, William Israel, Barbara A .<br />

Burt, Ronald S . BLOCKS Adelman, Mara Rogers, Everett Kadushin, Charles<br />

Daugherty, Steven R . Baldwin, Carol Rossman, G. Parker Kelly, Elinor<br />

DiMaggio, Paul Anheier, Helmut Barnett, George Sailer, Lee Kim, Young<br />

Duboff, David Berkowitz, S .D. Bauer, Connie Schwartz, Donald F . Lane, Ron<br />

Erickson, Bonnie H . Bonacich, Phillip Becker, Bruce Shrum, Wesley Laumann, Edward<br />

Fernandez, Roberto M . Coxon, Anthony P .M . Bien, Walter Tardy, Charles Lavoie, Francine<br />

Friedkin, Noah E . Davies, Peter Bonacich, Phillip Voell, Mary Patricia Lawrence, Arthur<br />

Guilarte, Miguel Doreian, Patrick Bristor, Julia Vogels, Leonardus C .J . Leighton, Barry<br />

Kim, Young Ennis, James G . Burt, Ronald S . Warglien, M<strong>as</strong>simo Lemieux, Vincent<br />

Krackhardt, David Erickson, Bonnie H . Cappell, Charles Waterman, Peter Lewis, John<br />

Levine, Joel H . Faulkner, Robert R . Carley, Kathleen Weedman, Judith Lin, Nan<br />

Maguire, John Kawabata, Hugh Cheal, David Wellman, Barry Lofland, Lyn<br />

Meier, Rosemary Levine, Joel H. Crellin, Paul Whiteman, David Lorentz, Elizabeth<br />

Okwabi, Emmanuel Ayah Nardocchio, Elaine Danowski, James A. Wiedemann, Peter Michael Maida, Carl<br />

Oliver, Melvin O'Rand, Angela Darre, Jean-Pierre Vanish, Edward Maryanski, Alexandra<br />

Peay, Edmund Pattison, Philippa DeSarbo, Wayne S . von Erffa, Julie McPherson, J . Miller<br />

Prensky, David Robertson, David Degenhardt Werner/Blanca Miller, Anne<br />

Proulx, Marc Sailer, Lee Duck, Steve COMMUNITY Minai, Keiko<br />

Reichmann, Seb<strong>as</strong>tien Shrum, Wesley Dupin, Remy-Pierre Nelson, Eric<br />

Reingen, Peter Smith, D . Randall Ennis, James G . Agarwal, Suman Okwabi, Emmanuel Ayah<br />

Rosenau, James Takeuchi, Akihiro Feldman, Jonathan Attneave, Carolyn L . Oliver, Melvin<br />

.<br />

Schwartz, Donald F . White, Dougl<strong>as</strong> Fernandez, Roberto M. Bandyopadhyay, Suraj Paulson, Robert I .<br />

Shapiro, Ben Zion Winship, Christopher Fischer, Claude Beck, Donald Persson, Lars O .<br />

Tindall, David Wong, George Friedkin, Noah E Bo, Inge Pfeiffer, Toni<br />

von Erffa, Julie Graham, Glenda Bollard, John M . Pokr<strong>as</strong>, Stanley<br />

AUTHORITY Gurd, Geoffrey Bulmer, Martin Pravatiner, Mitchell A .<br />

CHILDREN Hellerstein, Laurel Burnside, Beverly Roehrle, Bernd<br />

Agnew, Neil Hildum, Donald C . Caulkins, Dougl<strong>as</strong> Rolland, Richard<br />

Barley, Stephen Baumann, Urs Hiltz, S . Roxanne Cheal, David Rundblad, Bengt<br />

Briggs, Janice Bo, Inge Huckfeldt, Robert Cochran, Moncrieff Scherer, Jacqueline<br />

Duboff, David Bunston, Terry Hurt, H . Thom<strong>as</strong> Cohen,Yehoshua Schiefloe, Per Morten<br />

Goldberg, Michael Findley, Sally Inskip, Robin Corman,June Schuster, Tonya L .<br />

Hart, Jeffrey A. Fine, Gary Alan Johnson-Lenz Peter/Trudy Deseran, Forrest Schweizer, Thom<strong>as</strong><br />

Hennings, Tamara Hammer, Muriel Kadushin, Charles Duboff, David Shapiro, Ben Zion<br />

Koenig, Thom<strong>as</strong> Hennings, Tamara Kawabata, Hugh Feldman, Jonathan St . Leger, Frederick<br />

Laumann, Edward Hillock, David Kim, Young Farrand, Alexis Steams, Linda Brewster<br />

Leavy, Normand Hunter, Saundra Koenig, Harold F . Fischer, Claude Synge,Jane<br />

Leifer, Eric Lamer, Mary Krackhardt, David Fyrand, Live Takeuchi, Akihiro<br />

Lemieux, Vincent Luscher, Kurt Lane, Ron Galanter, Marc Tilly, Charles<br />

Lewis, John Riley, Dave Lipnack, Jessica Gal<strong>as</strong>kiewicz, Joseph Timberlake, Michael<br />

McGuire, Patrick Rolland, Richard Mullins, Nichol<strong>as</strong> C . Garrison, Zelda F . Timms, Elizabeth<br />

Meyrowitz, Joshua Salzinger, Suzanne Noesgaard, Charlotte Ghosh, Bhola Nath Trimble/Kliman<br />

Mitnick, Barry Synge,Jane Okwabi, Emmanuel Ayah Gold, Gerald David/Jodie<br />

Rosenau, James Trimble/Kliman Persell, Caroline Hodges Goldberg, Michael Turk, Herman<br />

Stanley, Bruce David/Jodie Pfeiffer, Ton! Greenbaum, Susan Twynam, Malou<br />

Stevenson, William Unger, Donald Phillips, Roxanne Hennings, Tamara Unger, Donald

255<br />

Valentine, Mary Beth Ziegler, Rolf Crellin, Paul Lane, Ron Richardson, R . Jack<br />

Weinstein, Michael G . Doreian, Patrick Lorentz, Elizabeth Scott, John<br />

Wellman, Barry CRIME & DEVIANCE Duboff, David Marshall, Victor Stening, Bruce W .<br />

Werbner, Pnina Fink, Charles Pagan, Donna Stokman, Frans<br />

Wetherell, Charles Arabia, Phipps Gil Mendieta, Jorge Persell, Caroline Hodges Stratford, Jean<br />

White, Dougl<strong>as</strong> Cappell, Charles Gregory-Huddlest Kathleen Trimble/Kliman Twynam, Malou<br />

Whittaker, James K . Carrington, Peter J . Hanneman, Robert A . David/Jodie Ueda, Yoshiaki<br />

Wiedemann, Peter Michael Carroll, Walter Hennings, Tamara Valentine, Mary Beth Werbner, Pnina<br />

Willmott, Peter Clarke, Richard Higuchi, Yoichiro West, Russell Whiteman, David<br />

Galanter, Marc Hildum, Donald C. Wetherell, Charles<br />

CORPORATIONS Heckathorn, Dougl<strong>as</strong> Kandel, Denise Xia, Fang ENVIRONMENT<br />

Hurd, Gary S . Lane, Ron Yarrish, Edward<br />

Baker, Wayne Kaplan, Charles Lamer, Mary von Erffa, Julie Batty, Michael<br />

Baldwin, Carol Koenig, Thom<strong>as</strong> Lorentz, Elizabeth Chapman, Nancy<br />

Barley, Stephen Leighton, Barry Luscher, Kurt ELITES Doreian, Patrick<br />

Berkowitz, S .D. Powell, Michael Monti, Angel Dow, Malcolm<br />

Bonacich, Phillip Pravatiner, Mitchell A . Patrick, Audrey Berkowitz, S .D. Feldman, Jonathan<br />

Bristor, Julia Single, Eric Persson, Lars O . Bolland,John M . Fyrand, Live<br />

Burke, Sandra Charvat Smith, D. Randall Price, Rumi Kato Brook, Timothy Kim, Young<br />

Burt, Ronald S . Spelman, William Rice, Ronald Bunting, David Lane, Ron<br />

Carrington, Peter J . Richards, William Burke, Sandra Charvat Lofland, Lyn<br />

Carroll, William DEMOGRAPHY Rosenau, James Cappell, Charles Milward, H . Brinton<br />

Carroll, William Sailer, Lee Carrington, Peter J . Phillips, Roxanne<br />

Caulkins, Dougl<strong>as</strong> Baumann, Urs Seidman, Stephen Carroll, William Roehrle, Bernd<br />

Chiesi, Antonio Beck, Donald Smith, David Chiesi, Antonio Unger, Donald<br />

Ennis, James G . Bien, Walter Stout, Sharon DiMaggio, Paul Wiedemann, Peter Michael<br />

Fagan, Kathryn Bryceson, Deborah Teimey, Charles Duboff, David<br />

Fernandez, Roberto M . Dow, Malcolm Tilly, Charles Fennema, Meindert EPIDEMIOLOGY<br />

Gal<strong>as</strong>kiewicz, Joseph Fagan, Kathryn Twynam, Malou Fernandez, Roberto M .<br />

Granovetter, Mark Findley, Sally Vogels, Leonardus C .J . Ghosh, Bhola Nath Berkowitz, S .D .<br />

Gregory-Huddlest, Kathleen Foster, Brian L . W<strong>as</strong>serman, Stanley S . Gil Mendieta, Jorge Cheek, Neil<br />

Guilarte, Miguel Hennings, Tamara Werbner, Pnina Gold, Gerald Coxon, Anthony P .M.<br />

Hu, Alfred Hooper, Dougl<strong>as</strong> White, Dougl<strong>as</strong> Granovetter, Mark Davies, Peter<br />

Koenig, Harold F. Howell, Nancy Wiegand, B . Guilarte, Miguel Dow, Malcolm<br />

Koenig, Thom<strong>as</strong> Kemper, Robert V . Yamate, Shigeril Hart, Jeffrey A. Hammer, Muriel<br />

Lattin, James Luscher, Kurt Zaklad, Allen Hurd, Gary S . Hirdes, John P .<br />

Levine, Joel H . Marshall, Victor Ziegler, Rolf Kadushin, Charles Israel, Barbara A.<br />

Mintz, Beth McCloskey, Joanne von Cotlani, Gernt Knoke, David Jiron, Edith<br />

Mizruchi, Mark Teimey, Charles von Erffa, Julie Koenig, Thom<strong>as</strong> <strong>Jones</strong>, Brian<br />

Mueller, Robert Tilly, Charles Leavy, Normand Kadushin, Charles<br />

Numazaki, Ichiro Wetherell, Charles EDUCATION Levine, Joel H. Kendal, Denise<br />

Patrick, Audrey White, Dougl<strong>as</strong> Lewis, John Kaplan, Charles<br />

Phillips, Roxanne Winship, Christopher Bo, Inge Maryanski, Alexandra Lawrence, Arthur<br />

Prensky, David Bradley/Roberts Milward, H . Brinton Leiss, Jack<br />

Ross, Christopher DYNAMIC CHANGE Raymond/Nancy Mitnick, Barry Lin, Nan<br />

Sonquist, John A . Crellin, Paul Mizruchi, Mark Michele, Gohier<br />

Stening, Bruce W. Agnew, Neil Duboff, David Mullins, Nichol<strong>as</strong> C. Pitts, Forrest R .<br />

Stevenson, William Altergott, Karen Friedkin, Noah E . Muranushi, Michimi Price, Rumi Kato<br />

Stokman, Frans Beattie, Martha Fyrand, Live Numazaki, Ichiro Roehrle, Bernd<br />

Twynam, Malou Bennett, Lois Garrison, Zelda F. O'Rand, Angela Sadowsky, Donald<br />

Ueda, Yoshiaki Berkowitz, S.D . Hansell, Stephen Palmer, Donald Spelman, William<br />

W<strong>as</strong>serman, Stanley S . Bien, Walter Hennings, Tamara Patrick, Audrey Tausig, Mark<br />

Wimberley, Dale Bunston, Terry Israel, Barbara A. Persell, Caroline Hodges<br />

Wolfe, Alvin Carley, Kathleen Keefe, Susan Emley Pizarro, Narciso<br />

Yarrish, Edward Chin, Naohito Kemper, Robert V . Prensky, David

256<br />

ETHNICITY Higuchi, Yoichiro Schweizer, Thom<strong>as</strong> Smith, D. Randall Yamate, Shigeril<br />

Hillock, David Spelman, William Solan, Cecilia H.<br />

Aldrich, Howard Hurd, Gary S . Weinstein, Michael G . Speck, Ross GERENTOLOGY<br />

Alexander, Mara Koenig, Harold F. Wiedemann, Peter Michael Strain, Laurel<br />

Anderson, Grace M. Lane, Ron Synge,Jane Adams, Rebecca G .<br />

Attneave, Carolyn L . Markovsky, Barry FRIENDSHIP Takeuchi, Akihiro Altergott, Karen<br />

Fagan, Kathryn Marsden, Peter Tardy, Charles Antonucci, Toni C .<br />

Feiner, Joel Maryanski, Alexandra Adams, Rebecca G . W<strong>as</strong>serman, Harry Burke, Sandra Charvat<br />

Foster, Brian L . Milward, H. Brinton Altergott, Karen Weiss, Robert S Bumside, Beverly<br />

Freidenberg, Judith Mitnick, Barry Baumann, Urs Wellman, Barry Chapman, Nancy<br />

Galanter, Marc Molm, Linda Bennett, Lois Werbner, Pnina Erickson, Bonnie H .<br />

Gold, Gerald Noesgaard, Charlotte Bidart, Claire West, Mayne Fyrand, Live<br />

Greenbaum, Susan Okwabi, Emmanuel Ayah Bo, Inge Willmott, Peter Hirdes, John P .<br />

Howard, Leslie Oliver, Melvin Bumside, Beverly Wilson, Paul A . Leavy, Normand<br />

Hurd, Gary S . Pagan, Donna Cheat, David Wiseman, Jacqueline P . Leighton, Barry<br />

Jiron, Edith Rail, Marie Therese Cohen, Yehoshua Wong, George Lin, Nan<br />

Keefe, Susan Emley Schweizer, Thom<strong>as</strong> Erickson, Bonnie H . Yamate, Shigeril Marshall, Victor<br />

Kelly, Elinor Seidman, Stephen Fine, Gary Alan von Collani, Gemot Matthews, Sarah<br />

Larick, Roy Speck, Ross Fischer, Judith von Erffa, Julie Morgan, David<br />

Laumann, Edward Synge,Jane Foster, Brian L . Noesgaard, Charlotte<br />

Lin, Nan Teimey, Charles Fyrand, Live GENDER Rail, Marie Therese<br />

Maida, Carl Timms, Elizabeth Gersh, David Schuster, Tonya L .<br />

Mantell, Joanne Voell, Mary Patricia Granovetter, Mark Altergott, Karen Shapiro, Ben Zion<br />

Michaelson, Karen L . Wellman, Barry Hammer, Muriel Anderson, Jeanine Sheehan, Nancy<br />

Numazaki, lchiro Werbner, Pnina Hansell, Stephen Burke, Sandra Charvat St. Leger, Frederick<br />

Oliver, Melvin Wimberley, Dale Hillock, David Bumside, Beverly Strain, Laurel<br />

Rolland, Richard Wolfe, Alvin Howard, Leslie Campbell, Karen Synge,Jane<br />

Shapiro, Ben Zion von Erffa, Julie Hummell, Hans J . Cheat, David Ujimoto, K. Victor<br />

Tilly, Charles Hurd, Gary S . Fagan, Kathryn Valentine, Mary Beth<br />

Trimble/Kliman FIELDWORK Kandel, Denise Fischer, Judith Wellman, Barry<br />

David/Jodie Kim, Young Fyrand, Live Wilson, Paul A .<br />

Ujimoto, K. Victor Agarwal, Suman Krackhardt, David Goldberg, Michael<br />

Weinstein, Michael G . Anheier, Helmut Lamer, Mary Hammer, Muriel GOVERNMENT<br />

Weiss, Carol 1 . Barley, Stephen Laumann, Edward Hansell, Stephen<br />

Werbner, Pnina Bernard, H . Russell Leighton, Barry Hellerstein, Laurel Baldwin, Carol<br />


Bradley/Roberts Levine, Joel H . Hennings, Tamara Cappell, Charles<br />

Raymond/Nancy Lewis, John Hurd, Gary S . Gold, Gerald<br />

Caulkins, Dougl<strong>as</strong> Lin, Nan Jiron, Edith Graham, Glenda<br />

Baker, Wayne Duboff, David Lofland, Lyn <strong>Jones</strong>, Brian Guilarte, Miguel<br />

Batty, Michael Faulkner, Robert R . Love, Kathleen <strong>Jones</strong>, Charles Hart, Jeffrey A .<br />

Bender, Donald E .O . Findley, Sally Matthews, Sarah Kelly, Elinor Knoke, David<br />

Cheal, David Fine, Gary Alan Milardo, Robert Lamer, Mary Lemleux, Vincent<br />

Collins, Randall Fyrand, Live Nakao, Keiko Lin, Nan Milward, H. Brinton<br />

Cook, Karen Garrison, Zelda F. Okwabi, Emmanuel Ayah McPherson, J . Miller Mitnick, Barry<br />

Duboff, David Gartrell, David Oliver, Melvin Michaelson, Karen L . Monti, Angel<br />

Ennis, James G . Gregory-Huddlest Kathleen Phillips, Roxanne Noesgaard, Charlotte Paulson, Robert I .<br />

Foster, Brian L . Kelly, Elinor Price, Mary Gail O'Rand, Angela Pizarro, Narciso<br />

Friedmann, Harriet Kemper, Robert V . Reitz, Karl Solan, Cecilia H . Prensky, David<br />

Fyrand, Live Kim, Young Romney, A. Kimball Synge,Jane . Turk, Herman<br />

Gartrell, David Lane, Ron Salzinger, Suzanne Twynam, Malou Whiteman, David<br />

Godoe, Helge Michaelson, Karen L. Schiefloe, Per Morten Wellman, Barry<br />

Granovetter, Mark Numazaki, Ichiro Schuster, Tonya L . Werbner, Pnina<br />

Gregory-Huddlest Kathleen Persell, Caroline Hodges Seidman, Stephen White, Dougl<strong>as</strong><br />

Heckathom, Dougl<strong>as</strong> Rundblad, Bengt Shapiro, Ben Zion Wiseman, Jacqueline P .<br />

Hennings, Tamara Schwartz, Donald F . Shrum, Wesley Wong, George

257<br />

GRAPHS Hurd, Gary S . Yamate, Shigertl Pitts, Forrest R . Prensky, David<br />

Hurt, H . Thom<strong>as</strong> Zaklad, Allen Salzinger, Suzanne Reingen, Peter<br />

Attneave, Carolyn L . Israel, Barbara A . von Erffa, Julie Schweizer, Thom<strong>as</strong> Rice, Ronald<br />

Barnes, John A. Jiron, Edith Weiss, Robert S Richards, William<br />

Batty, Michael <strong>Jones</strong>, Brian HIERARCHIES Wellman, Barry Richardson, R . Jack<br />

.<br />

.<br />

Bauer, Connie Kadushin, Charles White, Dougl<strong>as</strong> Sadowsky, Donald<br />

Berkowitz, S .D. Kaplan, Charles Berkowitz, S .D Wiedemann, Peter Michael Sailer, Lee<br />

Bonacich, Phillip Keefe, Susan Emley Brown, Percy Seltzer, Benjamin A<br />

Boyd, John Laumann, Edward Doreian, Patrick INFORMATION Shook, Dougl<strong>as</strong> E .<br />

Bramsen, John Leavy, Normand Hanneman, Robert A. Tardy, Charles<br />

Brown, Percy Lin, Nan Krackhardt, David Anderson, James Teimey, Charles<br />

Doreian, Patrick Maida, Carl Mitnick, Barry Baldwin, Carol Ujimoto, K. Victor<br />

Ferligoj, Anuska Mantell, Joanne Muranushi, Michimi Barnett, George Vogels, Leonardus C .J .<br />

Hart, Jeffrey A . Marshall, Victor Reitz, Karl Bauer, Connie Waterman, Peter<br />

Hillock, David Michaelson, Karen L . Ross, Christopher Beck, Donald Woodman, Judith<br />

Holland, Paul Michele, Gohier Smith, David Becker, Bruce Wetherell, Charles<br />

Kawabata, Hugh Milward, H . Brinton Stanley, Bruce Blomberg, Jeanette Wiegand, B .<br />

Krackhardt, David Morgan, David Bolland, John M. Yamsh, Edward<br />

Lattin, James Mount, Jeanine Karl HISTORICAL Bristor, Julia<br />

Lemieux, Vincent Nakao, Keiko ANALYSIS Carley, Kathleen INTER-<br />

Levine, Joel H . Paulson, Robert I . Clarke, Richard GENERATIONS<br />

Pattison, Philippa Price, Rumi Kato Berkowitz, S .D . Feldman, Jonathan<br />

Peay, Edmund Radecki, Stephen Bunting, David Fink, Charles Altergott, Karen<br />

Prensky, David Rail, Marie Therese Carroll, Walter Gartrell, David Bo, Inge<br />

Stokman, Frans Roehrle, Bemd Clarke, Richard Gil Mendieta, Jorge Cheat, David<br />

Tobler, Waldo Rolland, Richard Di Maggio, Paul Godoe, Helga Feldman, Jonathan<br />

Vogels, Leonardus C .J . Sadowsky, Donald Fischer, Claude Granovetter, Mark Hansell, Stephen<br />

Sailer, Lee Gold, Gerald Gursteir/Faulkner Levine, Joel H .<br />

HEALTH Salloway, Jeffrey Colman Hanneman, Robert A. Michael/Fernando Marshall, Victor<br />

Salzinger, Suzanne Hurd, Gary S . Hart, Jeffrey A. Sodeur, Wolfgang<br />

Adelman, Mara Schuster, Tonya L . Larick, Roy Hennings, Tamara<br />

Altergott, Karen Shapiro, Ben Zion Levine, Joel H . Higuchi, Yoichiro INTER-<br />

Anderson, James Shrum, Wesley Muranushi, Michimi Hillock, David ORGANIZATIONS<br />

Attneave, Carolyn L . Sonquist, John A . Numazaki, Ichiro Hurt, H . Thom<strong>as</strong><br />

Baumann, Urs Speck, Ross O' Rand, Angela Jiron, Edith Agarwal, Suman<br />

Beattie, Martha Stout, Sharon Rosenthal, Naomi Kaplan, Charles Agnew, Neil<br />

Burnside, Beverly Strain, Laurel Smith, David Kim, Young Aldrich, Howard<br />

Crellin, Paul Synge,Jane Sodeur, Wolfgang Lane, Ron Anderson, James<br />

Davies, Peter Tardy, Charles Tilly, Charles Langlois, Simon Anderson, Jeanine<br />

Dow, Malcolm Tausig, Mark Laumann, Edward Anheier, Helmut<br />

Feiner, Joel Todd, David HOUSEHOLDS Lawrence, Arthur Arable, Phipps<br />

Feldman, Jonathan Trimble/Kliman Levine, Joel H . Baker, Wayne<br />

Fink, Charles David/Jodie Altergott, Karen Luscher, Kurt Baldwin, Carol<br />

Fyrand, Live Valentine, Mary Beth Anderson, Jeanine Michaelson, Karen L . Barley, Stephen<br />

George, Jon W<strong>as</strong>serman, Harry Bennett, Lois Morgan, David Barnett, George<br />

Gersh, David Weiss, Carol I . Bien, Walter Muranushi, Michimi Bender, Donald E .O.<br />

Goldstein, Marc B . Weiss, Robert S Bristor, Julia Nicol, Lionel Blomberg, Jeanette<br />

Graham, Glenda Wellman, Barry Carroll, Walter Okwabi, Emmanuel Ayah Breiger, Ronald L.<br />

Grusky, Oscar West, Alayne Cheat, David Pagano, Donna Bristor, Julia<br />

Hammer, Muriel West, Russell Deseran, Forrest Patrick, Audrey Burke, Sandra Charvat<br />

Hanneman, Robert A . Whiteman, David Gold, Gerald Persson, Lars O. Burt, Ronald S .<br />

Hansell, Stephen Wedemann, Peter Michael Hillock, David Peterson, Larry Carrington, Peter J .<br />

Hennings, Tamara Wilson, Paul A . Kemper, Robert V . Phillips, Roxanne Caulkins, Dougl<strong>as</strong><br />

Hillock, David Wolfe, Alvin Langlois, Simon Pokr<strong>as</strong>, Stanley Chiesi, Antonio<br />

Hirdes, John P . Wong, George Pfeiffer, Toni Pravatiner, Mitchell A . Cook, Karen

258<br />

Crellin, Paul Tada, Tetsura Wellman, Barry Wiedemann, Peter Michael<br />

.<br />

DiMaggio, Paul Tausig, Mark Wetherell, Charles MENTAL Wilson, Paul A .<br />

Doreian, Patrick Teimey, Charles Willmott, Peter HEALTH Wolfe, Alvin<br />

Feldman, Jonathan Terry, Patterson Wiseman, Jacqueline P . Wong, George<br />

Fennema, Meindert Tucker, David Adelman, Mara Zaklad, Allen<br />

Fernandez, Roberto M . Turk, Herman LAW Altergott, Karen von Erffa, Julie<br />

Friedmann, Harriet Ueda, Yoshiaki Attneave, Carolyn L .<br />

Gal<strong>as</strong>kiewicz, Joseph Weiss, Carol I. Arabia, Phipps Baumann, Urs METHODS<br />

Garrison, Zelda F . Wilson, Paul A. Cappell, Charles Beattie, Martha<br />

Goldberg, Michael Wolfe, Alvin Carrington, Peter J . Burnside, Beverly Anderson, James<br />

Granovetter, Mark Ziegler, Rolf Carroll, Walter Crellin, Paul Barley, Stephen<br />

Gregory-Huddlest Kathleen Clarke, Richard Feiner, Joel Barnes, John A .<br />

Grusky, Oscar KINSHIP Galanter, Marc Fink, Charles Barnett, George<br />

Guilarte, Miguel Heckathom, Dougl<strong>as</strong> George, Jon Batty, Michael<br />

Hanneman, Robert A Altergott, Karen Hurd, Gary S . Gersh, David Bauer, Connie<br />

Hu, Alfred Boyd, John Kaplan, Charles Goldstein, Marc B . Baumann, Urs<br />

Knoke, David Brook, Timothy Koenig, Thom<strong>as</strong> Grusky, Oscar Bender, Donald E .O .<br />

Koenig, Harold F . Carroll, Walter Leighton, Barry Hammer, Muriel Bennett, Lois<br />

Koenig, Thom<strong>as</strong> Cheal, David Powell, Michael Hansell, Stephen Bien, Walter<br />

Laumann, Edward Cochran, Moncrleff Pravatiner, Mitchell A . Hurd, Gary S . Bollard, John M .<br />

Levine, Joel H . Degenhardt Wemer/Blanca Single, Eric Hurt, H . Thom<strong>as</strong> Bonacich, Phillip<br />

Lorentz, Elizabeth Fennema, Meindert Smith, D. Randall Israel, Barbara A . Boyd, John<br />

Mariolis, Peter Findley, Sally Spelman, William Jiron, Edith Bradley/Roberts<br />

McPherson, J . Miller Foster, Brian L . Kadushin, Charles Raymond/Nancy<br />

Milward, H . Brinton Gold, Gerald MACRO- Kaplan, Charles Bramsen, John<br />

Mintz, Beth Gross, Penny STRUCTURE Keefe, Susan Emley Breiger, Ronald L .<br />

Mitnick, Barry Higuchi, Yoichiro Leavy, Normand Bristor, Julia<br />

Mizruchi, Mark Howell, Nancy Altergott, Karen Lin, Nan Brown, Percy<br />

Mount, Jeanine Kent Jiron, Edith Bender, Donald E .O . Maida, Carl Bunting, David<br />

Muranushi, Michimi Keefe, Susan Emley Bien, Walter Michele, Gohier Burke, Sandra Charvat<br />

Nakao, Keiko Larick, Roy Carroll, Walter Milward, H . Brinton Burnside, Beverly<br />

Nicol, Lionel Leavy, Normand Doreian, Patrick Mount, Jeanine Karl Burt, Ronald S .<br />

Okwabi, Emmanuel Ayah Levine, Joel H . Feldman, Jonathan Nakao, Keiko Carley, Kathleen<br />

Pagano, Donna Luscher, Kurt Fernandez, Roberto M . Paulson, Robert I . Caulkins, Dougl<strong>as</strong><br />

Palmer, Donald Marshall, Victor Friedmann, Harriet Price, Rum! Kato Chapin, David A .<br />

Palmer, Peggy Maryanski, Alexandra Granovetter, Mark Rail, Marie Therese Cheal, David<br />

Patrick, Audrey Matthews, Sarah Holland, Paul Roehrfe, Bernd Chino, Naohito<br />

Paulson, Robert I . Numazaki, Ichiro Klovdahl, Alden S . Rolland, Richard Clarke, Richard<br />

Phillips, Roxanne Oliver, Melvin Knoke, David Sailer, Lee Danowski, James A .<br />

Pizarro, Narciso Palmer, Peggy Laumann, Edward Salzinger, Suzanne DeSarbo, Wayne S .<br />

Prensky, David Rolland, Richard Levine, Joel H . Schuster, Tonya L . Degenhardt<br />

Richardson, R . Jack Romney, A. Kimball Lin, Nan Shapiro, Ben Zion Werner/Blanca<br />

Rolland, Richard Sailer, Lee Mullins, Nichol<strong>as</strong> C . Sonquist, John A . Degenne, Alain<br />

Rosenau, James Schiefloe, Per Morten Nicol, Lionel Speck, Ross Doreian, Patrick<br />

Rosenthal, Naomi Schuster, Tonya L . Patrick, Audrey Tardy, Charles Dow, Malcolm<br />

Ross, Christopher Schweizer, Thom<strong>as</strong> Pizarro, Narciso Tausig, Mark Ennis, James G .<br />

Schweer, Harlan Scott, John Prensky, David Todd, David Fagan, Kathryn<br />

Scott, John Seidman, Stephen Richardson, R . Jack Trlmble/Kliman Faust, Catherine<br />

Shrum, Wesley St. Leger, Frederick Scott, John David/Jodie Findley, Sally<br />

Sonquist, John A . Strain, Laurel Sodeur, Wolfgang Valentine, Mary Beth Fine, Gary Alan<br />

Spelman, William Synge,Jane Tilly, Charles W<strong>as</strong>serman, Harry Fink, Charles<br />

Stening, Bruce W . Todd, David Turk, Herman Weiss, Carol I. George, Jon<br />

Stevenson, William Ueda, Yoshiaki Twynam, Malou Weiss, Robert S Gerson, Elihu<br />

Stokman, Frans W<strong>as</strong>serman, Harry Wimberley, Dale Wellman, Barry Gold, Gerald<br />

Stout, Sharon Weiss, Robert S Wolfe, Alvin West, Alayne

259<br />

Gregory-Huddlest Sonquist, John A . Rosenau, James Lawrence, Arthur Feldman, Jonathan<br />

Kathleen St . Leger, Frederick Sailer, Lee Levine, Joel H . Fennema, Meindert<br />

Guilarte, Miguel Stevenson, William Schwartz, Donald F . Marshall, Victor Fernandez, Roberto M .<br />

Hammer, Muriel Stokman, Frans Sodeur, Wolfgang Mintz, Beth Fink, Charles<br />

Hanneman, Robert A . Stout, Sharon Stanley, Bruce Mount, Jeanine Kerl Frledkin, Noah E .<br />

Heckathom, Dougl<strong>as</strong> Tada, Tetsura Twynam, Malou Noesgaard, Charlotte Friedmann, Harriet<br />

Hellerstein, Laurel Takeuchi, Akihiro Vogels, Leonardus C .J . Powell, Michael Gal<strong>as</strong>kiewicz, Joseph<br />

Hildum, Donald C . Tardy, Charles Wellman, Barry Prensky, David Garrison, Zelda F.<br />

Hirdes, John P . Tilly, Charles Wiedemann, Peter Michael Richardson, R . Jack Gartrell, David<br />

Holland, Paul Tobler, Waldo Rundblad, Bengt Goldberg, Michael<br />

Hummell, Hans J . Todd, David MIGRATION Smith, D . Randall Graham, Glenda<br />

Hurt, H . Thom<strong>as</strong> Vogels, Leonardus C .J . Stevenson, William Granovetter, Mark<br />

Jiron, Edith W<strong>as</strong>serman, Stanley S . Anderson, Grace M . Takeuchi, Akihiro Gregory-Huddlest<br />

<strong>Jones</strong>, Charles Weiss, Carol I . Batty, Michael Teirney, Charles Kathleen<br />

Kadushin, Charles Weiss, Robert S Bien, Walter Tilly, Charles Grusky, Oscar<br />

Kaplan, Charles Wellman, Barry Dow, Malcolm Weiss, Robert S Guilarte, Miguel<br />

Kawabata, Hugh Wetherell, Charles Fagan, Kathryn West, Russell Hanneman, Robert A .<br />

Kelly, Elinor White, Dougl<strong>as</strong> Feiner, Joel Wiegand, B . Hooper, Dougl<strong>as</strong><br />

Kim, Young Wiedemann, Peter Michael Findley, Sally von Erffa, Julie Howard, Leslie<br />

Klovdahl, Alden S . Wimberley, Dale Friedmann, Harriet Hu, Alfred<br />

Knoke, David Winship, Christopher Kemper, Robert V . ORGANIZATIONS Israel, Barbara A.<br />

Lattin, James Wong, George Larick, Roy Kawabata, Hugh<br />

Laumann, Edward Xia, Fang Levine, Joel H . Agarwal, Suman Kelly, Elinor<br />

Lemieux, Vincent Ziegler, Rolf Marshall, Victor Agnew, Neil Knoke, David<br />

Lin, Nan van Meter, Karl Peterson, Larry Aldrich, Howard Koenig, Harold F .<br />

Lofland, Lyn von Collani, Gemot Pitts, Forrest R . Anderson, James Koenig, Thom<strong>as</strong><br />

Mariolis, Peter Rundblad, Bengt Anderson, Jeanine Krackhardt, David<br />

Markovsky, Barry MICRO- Tilly, Charles Anheier, Helmut Laumann, Edward<br />

Marsden, Peter STRUCTURE Tobler, Waldo Arabia, Phipps Lawrence, Arthur<br />

Marshall, Victor Warin, Philippe Baker, Wayne Levine, Joel H .<br />

Matthews, Sarah Altergott, Karen Weiss, Carol I . Baldwin, Carol Lorentz, Elizabeth<br />

Michaelson, Karen L . Bien, Walter Werbner, Pnina Barley, Stephen Marlolis, Peter<br />

Mizruchi, Mark Bonacich, Phillip Wiseman, Jacqueline P . Barnett, George Marsden, Peter<br />

Monti, Angel Burnside, Beverly Bender, Donald E .O . Marshall, Victor<br />

Muranushi, Michimi Cheal, David OCCUPATIONS Blomberg, Jeanette McPherson, J . Miller<br />

Nakao, Keiko Chino, Naohito Breiger, Ronald L . Milward, H . Brinton<br />

Numazaki, Ichiro Coxon, Anthony P .M. Anderson, Grace M . Brlstor, Julia Mintz, Beth<br />

Pagano, Donna Doreian, Patrick Barley, Stephen Brook, Timothy Mitnick, Barry<br />

Pattison, Philippa Ennis, James G . Campbell, Karen Brown, Percy Mizruchi, Mark<br />

Persell, Caroline Hodges Faulkner, Robert R . Coxon, Anthony P .M . Burke, Sandra Charvat Mount, Jeanine Kerl<br />

Pfeiffer, Toni Fernandez, Roberto M . Davies, Peter Burt, Ronald S . Mueller, Robert<br />

Phillips, Roxanne Fine, Gary Alan Degenhardt Cappell, Charles Mullins, Nichol<strong>as</strong> C .<br />

Pitts, Forrest R . Foster, Brian L . Wemer/Blanca Carley, Kathleen Muranushi, Michimi<br />

Prensky, David Granovetter, Mark Deseran, Forrest Carrington, Peter J . Nakao, Keiko<br />

.<br />

Price, Mary Gail Hammer, Muriel DiMagglo, Paul Caulkins, Dougl<strong>as</strong> Nicol, Lionel<br />

Price, Rumi Kato Hillock, David Erickson, Bonnie H Chiesi, Antonio O'Rand, Angela<br />

Reitz, Karl Holland, Paul Faulkner, Robert R . Clarks, Richard Okwabi, Emmanuel Ayah<br />

Richards, William Hummell, Hans J . Goldstein, Marc B. Cook, Karen Pagano, Donna<br />

Romney, A . Kimball <strong>Jones</strong>, Brian Granovetter, Mark Crellin, Paul Palmer, Donald<br />

Rundblad, Bengt Kim, Young Gregory-Huddlest Danowski, James A . Palmer, Peggy<br />

Sailer, Lee Levine, Joel H . Kathleen DiMaggio, Paul Patrick, Audrey<br />

Schuster, Tonya L . Lin, Nan Howard, Leslie Doreian, Patrick Paulson, Robert I .<br />

Seidman, Stephen Molm, Linda Israel, Barbara A . Ennis, James G . Persell, Caroline Hodges<br />

Shapiro, Ben Zion Okwabi, Emmanuel Ayah <strong>Jones</strong>, Brian Erickson, Bonnie H . Peterson, Larry<br />

Smith, Robert Z . Richards, William Laumann, Edward Fagan, Kathryn Phillips, Roxanne

260<br />

Pizarro, Narciso Schwartz, Donald F . POWER QUALITATIVE QUANTITATIVE<br />

Powell, Michael Shapiro, Ben Zion METHODS METHODS<br />

Prensky, David Warin, Philippe Bonacich, Phillip<br />

Rice, Ronald Bradley/Roberts Barley, Stephen Barnett, George<br />

Richards, William PHENOMENOLOGY Raymond/Nancy Barnes, John A . Batty, Michael<br />

Richardson, R . Jack Bristor, Julia Bradley/Roberts Bauer, Connie<br />

Rogers, Everett Gersh, David Bunting, David Raymond/Nancy Baumann, Urs<br />

Rolland, Richard Kaplan, Charles Burt, Ronald S . Bristor, Julia Bennett, Lois<br />

Rosenau, James Marshall, Victor Carrington, Peter J . Brown, Percy Bien, Walter<br />

Rosenthal, Naomi Speck, Ross Ennis, James G . Burnside, Beverly Bonacich, Phillip<br />

Ross, Christopher Wiedemann, Peter Michael Fernandez, Roberto M . Caulkins, Dougl<strong>as</strong> Boyd, John<br />

Rundblad, Bengt Ghosh, Bhola Nath Cheal, David Bramsen, John<br />

Sailer, Lee PHILOSOPHY Granovetter, Mark Chino, Naohito Breiger, Ronald L.<br />

Schwartz, Donald F . Guilarte, Miguel Degenhardt Brown, Percy<br />

Schweer, Harlan Monti, Angel Hammer, Muriel Werner/Blanca Bunting, David<br />

Scott, John Okwabi, Emmanuel Ayah Hart, Jeffrey A. Degenne, Alain Burke, Sandra Charvat<br />

Shrum, Wesley Weedman, Judith Kadushin, Charles Findley, Sally Burt, Ronald S .<br />

Sonquist, John A . Knoke, David Fine, Gary Alan Carley, Kathleen<br />

Spelman, William POLITICAL Koenig, Harold F . Fink, Charles Clarke, Richard<br />

Stening, Bruce W . Koenig, Thom<strong>as</strong> George, Jon Danowski, James A .<br />

Stevenson, William Bolland, John M . Krackhardt, David Gerson, Elihu DeSarbo, Wayne S .<br />

Stokman, Frans Bradley/Roberts Lemieux, Vincent Gold, Gerald Degenhardt<br />

Stout, Sharon Raymond/Nancy Levine, Joel H . Gregory-Huddlest Werner/Blanca<br />

Tada, Tetsura Carroll, William Markovsky, Barry Kathleen Doreian, Patrick<br />

Tausig, Mark Ennis, James G . Michaelson, Karen L . Hellerstein, Laurel Dow, Malcolm<br />

Teimey, Charles Friedmann, Harriet Milward, H . Brinton Holland, Paul Ennis, James G.<br />

Terry, Patterson Ghosh, Bhola Nath Mintz, Beth Hurt, H. Thom<strong>as</strong> Fagan, Kathryn<br />

Tucker, David Goldberg, Michael Mizruchi, Mark Jiron, Edith Faust, Catherine<br />

Turk, Herman Guilarte, Miguel Molm, Linda Kelly, Elinor Findley, Sally<br />

Ueda, Yoshiaki Hart, Jeffrey A . Monti, Angel Kim, Young Fink, Charles<br />

Warin, Philippe Hu, Alfred Muranushi, Michimi Lemieux, Vincent Guilarte, Miguel<br />

Weiss, Carol I . Knoke, David Noesgaard, Charlotte Marshall, Victor Hammer, Muriel<br />

Werbner, Pnina Laumann, Edward Okwabi, Emmanuel Ayah Matthews, Sarah Hanneman, Robert A .<br />

Wilson, Paul A . Lemieux, Vincent Oliver, Melvin Michaelson, Karen L . Hellerstein, Laurel<br />

Wolfe, Alvin Lewis, John Patrick, Audrey Monti, Angel Hildum, Donald C.<br />

Yarrish, Edward Michaelson, Karen L . Persell, Caroline Hodges Muranushi, Michimi Hirdes, John P .<br />

Zaklad, Allen Milward, H . Brinton Peterson, Larry Numazaki, Ichiro Holland, Paul<br />

Ziegler, Rolf Mizruchi, Mark Pizarro, Narciso Persell, Caroline Hodges Hurt, H . Thom<strong>as</strong><br />


Muranushi, Michimi Prensky, David Pfeiffer, Toni Jiron, Edith<br />

Oliver, Melvin Rosenau, James Phillips, Roxanne <strong>Jones</strong>, Charles<br />

Palmer, Donald Smith, David Richards, William Kadushin, Charles<br />

Burt, Ronald S . Paulson, Robert I . Stanley, Bruce Romney, A . Kimball Kawabata, Hugh<br />

Carley, Kathleen Prensky, David Stening, Bruce W. Rundblad, Bengt Kim, Young<br />

Davies, Peter Rolland, Richard Stokman, Frans Shapiro, Ben Zion Knoke, David<br />

Fagan, Kathryn Rosenau, James Tilly, Charles St . Leger, Frederick Lattin, James<br />

Faust, Catherine Sampson, Samuel Frank Twynam, Malou Tilly, Charles Lin, Nan<br />

Gartrell, David Stanley, Bruce Ueda, Yoshiaki Todd, David Lofland,Lyn<br />

Kim, Young Teimey, Charles Wimberley, Dale Vogels, Leonardus C .J . Marlolis, Peter<br />

Krackhardt, David Tilly, Charles von Erffa, Julie Weiss, Carol I . Markovsky, Barry<br />

Markovsky, Barry Twynam, Malou Weiss, Robert S Marsden, Peter<br />

Morgan, David Whiteman, David van Meter, Karl Mizruchi, Mark<br />

Okwabi, Emmanuel Ayah<br />

Monti, Angel<br />

Pfeiffer, Toni<br />

Muranushi, Michimi<br />

Rosenau, James<br />

Pattison, Philippa<br />

Sailer, Lee<br />

Persell, Caroline Hodges

261<br />

Phillips, Roxanne<br />

Pitts, Forrest R .<br />

Prensky, David<br />

Price, Rumi Kato<br />

Reitz, Karl<br />

Richards, William<br />

Romney, A. Kimball<br />

Rundblad, Bengt<br />

Sailer, Lee<br />

Schuster, Tonya L .<br />

Sonquist, John A .<br />

St . Leger, Frederick<br />

Stevenson, William<br />

Stokman, Frans<br />

Tada, Tetsura<br />

Takeuchi, Akihiro<br />

Tardy, Charles<br />

Tilly, Charles<br />

Tobler, Waldo<br />

Vogels, Leonardus C .J .<br />

W<strong>as</strong>serman, Stanley S .<br />

Weiss, Robert S<br />

Wellman, Barry<br />

Wetherell, Charles<br />

White, Dougl<strong>as</strong><br />

Wimberley, Dale<br />

Winship, Christopher<br />

Wong, George<br />

Xia, Fang<br />

Ziegler, Rolf<br />

van Meter, Karl<br />

von Collani, Gernot<br />


Degenhardt Werner/Blanca<br />

Fernandez, Roberto M .<br />

Gartrell, David<br />

Granovetter, Mark<br />

Gregory-Huddlest Kathleen<br />

Lin, Nan<br />

Prensky, David<br />

Spelman, William<br />

Stokman, Frans<br />

Teirney, Charles<br />


Attneave, Carolyn L .<br />

Brook, Timothy<br />

Cheal, David<br />

Galanter, Marc<br />

Gartrell, David<br />

Goldberg, Michael<br />

Guilarte, Miguel<br />

Hooper, Dougl<strong>as</strong><br />

Patrick, Audrey<br />

Peterson, Larry<br />

Schweizer, Thom<strong>as</strong><br />

RURAL<br />

Beck, Donald<br />

Deseran, Forrest<br />

Gold, Gerald<br />

Kemper, Robert V .<br />

Lane, Ron<br />

Okwabi, Emmanuel Ayah<br />

Phillips, Roxanne<br />

Schweizer, Thom<strong>as</strong><br />


Burt, Ronald S .<br />

Cappell, Charles<br />

Doreian, Patrick<br />

Ennis, James G .<br />

Fink, Charles<br />

Gerson, Elihu<br />

Graham, Glenda<br />

Kemper, Robert V .<br />

Mullins, Nichol<strong>as</strong> C .<br />

O'Rand, Angela<br />

Persell, Caroline Hodges<br />

Shrum, Wesley<br />


Altergott, Karen<br />

Breiger, Ronald L .<br />

Burke, Sandra Charvat<br />

Carroll, Walter<br />

Erickson, Bonnie H .<br />

Gartrell, David<br />

Goldstein, Marc B .<br />

Gross, Penny<br />

Jiron, Edith<br />

<strong>Jones</strong>, Brian<br />

Levine, Joel H .<br />

Lin, Nan<br />

Michaelson, Karen L .<br />

Mintz, Beth<br />

Numazaki, Ichiro<br />

Oliver, Melvin<br />

Persell, Caroline Hodges<br />

Takeuchi, Akihiro<br />

Tilly, Charles<br />

Twynam, Malou<br />


Breiger, Ronald L .<br />

Erickson, Bonnie H .<br />

Granovetter, Mark<br />

Hanneman, Robert A.<br />

Langlois, Simon<br />

Lin, Nan<br />

Marsden, Peter<br />

Mullins, Nichol<strong>as</strong> C .<br />

Oliver, Melvin<br />

Phillips, Roxanne<br />

Romney, A . Kimball<br />

Rundblad, Bengt<br />

Smith, D . Randall<br />

Tilly, Charles<br />

Twynam, Malou<br />

Ziegler, Rolf<br />

SOCIAL<br />


Agnew, Neil<br />

Ennis, James G .<br />

Fernandez, Roberto M .<br />

Fine, Gary Alan<br />

Gurd, Geoffrey<br />

Knoke, David<br />

Milward, H. Brinton<br />

Patrick, Audrey<br />

Peterson, Larry<br />

Phillips, Roxanne<br />

Prensky, David<br />

Rosenthal, Naomi<br />

Stanley, Bruce<br />

Tilly, Charles<br />

Turk, Herman<br />

Waterman, Peter<br />

SOCIAL<br />


Anderson, Jeanine<br />

Attneave, Carolyn L .<br />

Biegel, David E .<br />

Bulmer, Martin<br />

Bunston, Terry<br />

Chapman, Nancy<br />

Doreian, Patrick<br />

Feldman, Jonathan<br />

George, Jon<br />

Gersh, David<br />

Grusky, Oscar<br />

Hanneman, Robert A .<br />

Hillock, David<br />

Jiron, Edith<br />

Kelly, Elinor<br />

Lamer, Mary<br />

Luscher, Kurt<br />

Mount, Jeanine Kerl<br />

Palmer, Peggy<br />

Paulson, Robert I .<br />

Peterson, Larry<br />

Pfeiffer, Toni<br />

Rolland, Richard<br />

Shapiro, Ben Zion<br />

Sharkey, Peter<br />

Sonquist, John A .<br />

St . Leger, Frederick<br />

Synge,Jane<br />

Timms, Elizabeth<br />

Trimble/Kliman<br />

David/Jodie<br />

Tucker, David<br />

Valentine, Mary Beth<br />

Warn, Philippe<br />

W<strong>as</strong>serman, Harry<br />

Weiss, Carol I .<br />

Wellman, Barry<br />

Whittaker, James K .<br />

Willmott, Peter<br />

Wilson, Paul A .<br />

Wolfe, Alvin<br />

Yamate, Shigenl<br />


Barnett, George<br />

Bien, Walter<br />

Brown, Percy<br />

DeSarbo, Wayne S .<br />

Doreian, Patrick<br />

Dow, Malcolm<br />

Ennis, James G.<br />

Faust, Catherine<br />

Fernandez, Roberto M .<br />

Hanneman, Robert A .<br />

Hildum, Donald C .<br />

Holland, Paul<br />

Larick, Roy<br />

Lattin, James<br />

Okwabi, Emmanuel Ayah<br />

Peay, Edmund<br />

Pfeiffer, Toni<br />

Pitts, Forrest R .<br />

Prensky, David<br />

Price, Rum! Kato<br />

Romney, A . Kimball<br />

Ross, Christopher<br />

Spelman, William<br />

Stokman, Frans<br />

Tobler, Waldo<br />

Vanish, Edward<br />


Agarwal, Suman<br />

Aldrich, Howard<br />

Breiger, Ronald L .<br />

Brook, Timothy<br />

Burke, Sandra Charvat<br />

Campbell, Karen<br />

Carroll, William<br />

Davies, Peter<br />

DiMaggio, Paul<br />

Erickson, Bonnie H .<br />

Fernandez, Roberto M .<br />

Granovetter, Mark<br />

Hanneman, Robert A .<br />

Hennings, Tamara<br />

Hirdes, John P .<br />

Howard, Leslie<br />

<strong>Jones</strong>, Brian<br />

Keefe, Susan Emley<br />

Laumann, Edward<br />

Lin, Nan<br />

Marsden, Peter<br />

Maryanski, Alexandra<br />

Mintz, Beth<br />

Mullins, Nichol<strong>as</strong> C .<br />

Palmer, Donald<br />

Persell, Caroline Hodges<br />

Phillips, Roxanne<br />

Rundblad, Bengt<br />

Schweizer, Thom<strong>as</strong><br />

Scott, John<br />

Takeuchi, Akihiro<br />

Vogels, Leonardus C .J .<br />

Xia, Fang<br />


Adams, Rebecca G .<br />

Adelman, Mara<br />

Altergott, Karen<br />

Antonucci, Toni C .<br />

Baumann, Urs<br />

Bennett, Lois<br />

Biegel, David E.<br />

Bo, Inge<br />

Bulmer, Martin<br />

Bunston, Terry<br />

Burnside, Beverly<br />

Chapman, Nancy<br />

Cheal, David

262<br />

Erickson, Bonnie H . Wiedemann, Peter Michael TEACHING Rogers, Everett URBAN<br />

Feiner, Joel Wilson, Paul A . Rosenau, James<br />

Fischer, Judith Wolfe, Alvin Antonucci, Toni C . Salloway, Jeffrey Colman Agarwal, Suman<br />

Fyrand, Live Yamate, Shigeril Attneave, Carolyn L . Sonquist, John A . Aldrich, Howard<br />

Gersh, David von Erffa, Julie Biegel, David E . Ujimoto, K . Victor Anderson, Jeanine<br />

Goldstein, Marc B . Bo, Inge Yarrish, Edward Batty, Michael<br />

Hansell, Stephen SURVEYS Burt, Ronald S . Campbell, Karen<br />

Hennings, Tamara Carroll, Walter THEORY Carroll, Walter<br />

Hillock, David Altergott, Karen Chapin, David A. Caulkins, Dougl<strong>as</strong><br />

Hurt, H . Thom<strong>as</strong> Antonucci, Ton! C . Crellin, Paul Agnew, Neil Chapman, Nancy<br />

Israel, Barbara A . Baumann, Urs Gamson, Zelda F . Bauer, Connie Cheal, David<br />

Jiron, Edith Beck, Donald Israel, Barbara A . Beattie, Martha Clarke, Richard<br />

Kadushin, Charles Bien, Walter Lewis, John Bennett, Lois Fagan, Kathryn<br />

Keefe, Susan Emley Brown, Percy Lin, Nan Bradley/Roberts Fischer, Claude<br />

Klovdahl, Alden S . Burt, Ron3ld S . Nicol, Lionel Raymond/Nancy Foster, Brian L .<br />

Lamer, Mary Chapin, David A . Noesgaard, Charlotte Brown, Percy Gold, Gerald<br />

Lin, Nan Degenhardt Okwabi, Emmanuel Ayah Burt, Ronald S . Graham, Glenda<br />

Maida, Carl Wemer/Blanca Pagano, Donna Carroll, Walter Greenbaum, Susan<br />

Mantell, Joanne Dow, Malcolm Paulson, Robert I . Cheal, David Kadushin, Charles<br />

Marshall, Victor Fagan, Kathryn Phillips, Roxanne Chino, Naohito Kelly, Elinor<br />

Michaelson, Karen L . Hellerstein, Laurel Schiefloe, Per Morten Fararo, Thom<strong>as</strong> Kemper, Robert V .<br />

Michele, Gohier Hillock, David Timms, Elizabeth Foster, Brian L . Lin, Nan<br />

Noesgaard, Charlotte Hurt, H . Thom<strong>as</strong> Wetherell, Charles Granovetter, Mark Lofland,Lyn<br />

Oliver, Melvin Jiron, Edith Wiedemann, Peter Michael Guilarte, Miguel Love, Kathleen<br />

Pagano,Donna <strong>Jones</strong>, Charles Yarish, Edward Hammond, Michael Maida, Carl<br />

Peterson, Larry Kadushin, Charles Hanneman, Robert A . Michaelson, Karen L .<br />

Price, Rumi Kato Kaplan, Charles TECHNOLOGY Hummell, Hans J . Peterson, Larry<br />

Rail, Marie Therese Knoke, David <strong>Jones</strong>, Brian Pfeiffer, Toni<br />

Riley, Dave Laumann, Edward Batty, Michael Kadushin, Charles Pravatiner, Mitchell A .<br />

Roehrle, Bemd Marsden, Peter Beck, Donald Knoke, David Schiefloe, Per Morten<br />

Rosenau, James Marshall, Victor Becker, Bruce Lin, Nan Schuster, Tonya L .<br />

Salloway, Jeffrey Colman McPherson, J . Miller Blomberg, Jeanette Markovsky, Barry Spelman, William<br />

Salzinger, Suzanne Oliver, Melvin Caulkins, Dougl<strong>as</strong> Marshall, Victor St . Leger, Frederick<br />

Schuster, Tonya L. Phillips, Roxanne Crellin, Paul Michaelson, Karen L . Takeuchi, Akihiro<br />

Seidman, Stephen Price, Mary Gail Doreian, Patrick Mitnick, Barry Turk, Herman<br />

Shapiro, Ben Zion Price, Rum! Kato Feldman, Jonathan Mullins, Nichol<strong>as</strong> C . Wellman, Barry<br />

Sharkey, Peter Ratcliffe, William Fischer, Claude Palmer, Peggy Werbner, Pnina<br />

Sheehan, Nancy Sadowsky, Donald Godoe, Helge Phillips, Roxanne Wiedemann, Peter Michael<br />

Solano, Cecilia H . Salloway, Jeffrey Colman Gurd, Geoffrey Pizarro, Narciso<br />

Speck, Ross Schuster, Tonya L . Gurstein/Faulkner Rosenau, James<br />

Takeuchi, Akihiro Single, Eric Michael/Femande Rundblad, Bengt<br />

Tardy, Charles Sonquist, John A . Hart, Jeffrey A. Sampson, Samuel Frank<br />

Tausig, Mark Synge,Jane Hellerstein, Laurel Shapiro, Ben Zion<br />

Timms, Elizabeth Teimey, Charles Higuchi, Yoichiro Sonquist, John A .<br />

Todd, David Warin, Philippe Hurt, H . Thom<strong>as</strong> Stanley, Bruce<br />

Trimble/Kliman Wellman, Barry Kadushin, Charles Takeuchi, Akihiro<br />

David/Jodie Wiedemann, Peter Michael Lane, Ron Turk, Herman<br />

Unger, Donald Wiegand, B . Larick, Roy Twynam, Malou<br />

Warin, Philippe Lawrence, Arthur Wellman, Barry<br />

W<strong>as</strong>serman, Harry Michaelson, Karen L . White, Dougl<strong>as</strong><br />

Weiss, Carol I . Michele, Gohier Wiedemann, Peter Michael<br />

Weiss, Robert S Mullins, Nichol<strong>as</strong> C . Zaklad, Allen<br />

Wellman, Barry<br />

Nicol, Lionel<br />

West, Russell Persson, Lars O .<br />

Whittaker, James K .<br />

Rice, Ronald

263<br />

INDEX<br />


NUMBER<br />

PAGE<br />

Barnes, John and Mark Granovetter, "Cl<strong>as</strong>sics illustrated and discussed ." 3 191<br />

Chino, Naohito, "A critical review of the approaches to the analysis of<br />

group structure 1 15<br />

Tilly, Charles, "GBS + GCL = ?" 2 94<br />

van Meter, Karl, "Ideology and methodology : Network analysis in the<br />

United States and France ." 2 106<br />

Wellman, Barry, " What is to be done? -- The next 10 years of <strong>INSNA</strong> ." 3 189<br />


Burt, Ronald, "Data on aggregate American markets during the 1960s<br />

and 1970s ." 2 171<br />

Burt, Ronald, "STRUCTURE, version 3 .2" 2 175<br />

<strong>Jones</strong>, Charles, "<strong>Using</strong> <strong>Connections</strong> <strong>as</strong> a datab<strong>as</strong>e ." 3 193<br />

Klovdahl, A . S . and J . Brindle, "TRANS-NET ." 2 176<br />

Sonquist, John, "STATA can now use IBM PC expanded memory ." 2 172<br />

Sonquist, John, "SYSTAT version 3 now available for the MAC ." 2 174<br />


Alcorn, Sandra Seeland, "The support networks of battered women before<br />

and after shelter residence ." 2 166<br />

Marshall, Joanne Gard, "The adoption and implementation of online<br />

information technology by health professionals ." 2 166

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