GNUPlot Manual

GNUPlot Manual

GNUPlot Manual


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98 gnuplot 4.0 36 SET-SHOW<br /> Impulses The impulses style displays a vertical line from the x axis (not the graph<br />

border), or from the grid base for splot, to each point.<br /> Lines The lines style connects adjacent points with straight line segments. See also<br />

linetype (p. 94), linewidth (p. 94), and linestyle (p. 94).<br /> Linespoints The linespoints style does both lines and points, that is, it draws a small<br />

symbol at each point and then connects adjacent points with straight line segments. The command set<br />

pointsize may be used to change the size of the points. See set pointsize (p. 89) for its usage.<br />

linespoints may be abbreviated lp.<br /> Points The points style displays a small symbol at each point. The command set<br />

pointsize may be used to change the size of the points. See set pointsize (p. 89) for its usage.<br /> Steps The steps style is only relevant to 2-d plotting. It connects consecutive points<br />

with two line segments: the first from (x1,y1) to (x2,y1) and the second from (x2,y1) to (x2,y2). See<br />

also<br />

steps demo.<br /> Vectors The vectors style draws a vector from (x,y) to (x+xdelta,y+ydelta). Thus it<br />

requires four columns of data. It also draws a small arrowhead at the end of the vector.<br />

Example:<br />

plot ’file.dat’ using 1:2:3:4 with vectors head filled lt 2<br />

set clip one and set clip two affect drawing vectors. Please see set clip (p. 58) and arrowstyle<br />

(p. 92).<br /> Xerrorbars The xerrorbars style is only relevant to 2-d data plots. xerrorbars is like<br />

dots, except that a horizontal error bar is also drawn. At each point (x,y), a line is drawn from (xlow,y)<br />

to (xhigh,y) or from (x-xdelta,y) to (x+xdelta,y), depending on how many data columns are provided.<br />

A tic mark is placed at the ends of the error bar (unless set bars is used — see set bars (p. 55) for<br />

details).<br /> Xyerrorbars The xyerrorbars style is only relevant to 2-d data plots. xyerrorbars<br />

is like dots, except that horizontal and vertical error bars are also drawn. At each point (x,y), lines<br />

are drawn from (x,y-ydelta) to (x,y+ydelta) and from (x-xdelta,y) to (x+xdelta,y) or from (x,ylow) to<br />

(x,yhigh) and from (xlow,y) to (xhigh,y), depending upon the number of data columns provided. A tic<br />

mark is placed at the ends of the error bar (unless set bars is used — see set bars (p. 55) for details).<br />

If data are provided in an unsupported mixed form, the using filter on the plot command should be<br />

used to set up the appropriate form. For example, if the data are of the form (x,y,xdelta,ylow,yhigh),<br />

then you can use<br />

plot ’data’ using 1:2:($1-$3):($1+$3):4:5 with xyerrorbars<br /> Yerrorbars The yerrorbars (or errorbars) style is only relevant to 2-d data plots.<br />

yerrorbars is like points, except that a vertical error bar is also drawn. At each point (x,y), a line is<br />

drawn from (x,y-ydelta) to (x,y+ydelta) or from (x,ylow) to (x,yhigh), depending on how many data<br />

columns are provided. A tic mark is placed at the ends of the error bar (unless set bars is used — see<br />

set bars (p. 55) for details). See also<br />

errorbar demo.

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