GNUPlot Manual

GNUPlot Manual

GNUPlot Manual


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36 SET-SHOW gnuplot 4.0 71<br />

the edge CB above wouldn’t be drawn at all, normally, making the resulting display hard to understand.<br />

Therefore, the default option of bentover will turn it visible in this case. If you don’t want that, you<br />

may choose nobentover instead. See also<br />

and<br />

hidden line removal demo (hidden.dem)<br />

complex hidden line demo (singulr.dem).<br />

36.26 Historysize<br />

Note: the command set historysize is only available when compiled with the gnu readline.<br />

Syntax:<br />

set historysize <br />

unset historysize<br />

When leaving gnuplot, the value of historysize is used for truncating the history to at most that much<br />

lines. The default is 500. unset historysize will disable history truncation and thus allow an infinite<br />

number of lines to be written to the history file.<br />

36.27 Isosamples<br />

The isoline density (grid) for plotting functions as surfaces may be changed by the set isosamples<br />

command.<br />

Syntax:<br />

set isosamples {,}<br />

show isosamples<br />

Each function surface plot will have iso-u lines and iso-v lines. If you only specify<br />

, will be set to the same value as . By default, sampling is set to 10 isolines<br />

per u or v axis. A higher sampling rate will produce more accurate plots, but will take longer. These<br />

parameters have no effect on data file plotting.<br />

An isoline is a curve parameterized by one of the surface parameters while the other surface parameter is<br />

fixed. Isolines provide a simple means to display a surface. By fixing the u parameter of surface s(u,v),<br />

the iso-u lines of the form c(v) = s(u0,v) are produced, and by fixing the v parameter, the iso-v lines of<br />

the form c(u) = s(u,v0) are produced.<br />

When a function surface plot is being done without the removal of hidden lines, set samples controls<br />

the number of points sampled along each isoline; see set samples (p. 90) and set hidden3d<br />

(p. 69). The contour algorithm assumes that a function sample occurs at each isoline intersection, so<br />

change in samples as well as isosamples may be desired when changing the resolution of a function<br />

surface/contour.<br />

36.28 Key<br />

The set key enables a key (or legend) describing plots on a plot.<br />

The contents of the key, i.e., the names given to each plotted data set and function and samples of<br />

the lines and/or symbols used to represent them, are determined by the title and with options of the<br />

{s}plot command. Please see plot title (p. 47) and plot with (p. 47) for more information.<br />

Syntax:<br />

set key {on|off} {default}<br />

{left | right | top | bottom | outside | below | }<br />

{Left | Right} {{no}reverse}<br />

{samplen } {spacing }<br />

{width }

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