GNUPlot Manual

GNUPlot Manual

GNUPlot Manual


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60 gnuplot 4.0 36 SET-SHOW<br />

To specify levels from 0 to 4 with increment 1:<br />

set cntrparam levels incremental 0,1,4<br />

To set the number of levels to 10 (changing an incremental end or possibly the number of auto levels):<br />

set cntrparam levels 10<br />

To set the start and increment while retaining the number of levels:<br />

set cntrparam levels incremental 100,50<br />

See also set contour (p. 61) for control of where the contours are drawn, and set clabel (p. 58) for<br />

control of the format of the contour labels and linetypes.<br />

See also<br />

and<br />

contours demo (contours.dem)<br />

contours with user defined levels demo (discrete.dem).<br />

36.11 Color box<br />

The color scheme, i.e. the gradient of the smooth color with min z and max z values of pm3d’s palette,<br />

is drawn in a color box unless unset colorbox.<br />

set colorbox<br />

set colorbox {<br />

{ vertical | horizontal }<br />

{ default | user }<br />

{ origin x, y }<br />

{ size x, y }<br />

{ noborder | bdefault | border [line style] }<br />

}<br />

show colorbox<br />

unset colorbox<br />

Colorbox position can be default or user. If the latter is specified the values as given with the origin<br />

and size subcommands are used.<br />

vertical and horizontal switches the orientation of the color gradient.<br />

origin x, y and size x, y are used only in combination with the user option. The x and y values must<br />

be given in screen coordinates (as everything else did not seem to make sense) that is between [0 - 1].<br />

Try for example:<br />

set colorbox horiz user origin .1,.02 size .8,.04<br />

which will draw a horizontal gradient somewhere at the bottom of the graph.<br />

border turns the border on (this is the default). noborder turns the border off. If an positive integer<br />

argument is given after border, it is used as a line style tag which is used for drawing the border, e.g.:<br />

set style line 2604 linetype -1 linewidth .4<br />

set colorbox border 2604<br />

will use line style 2604, a thin line with the default border color (-1) for drawing the border. bdefault<br />

(which is the default) will use the default border line style for drawing the border of the color box.<br />

The axis of the color box is called cb and it is controlled by means of the usual axes commands,<br />

i.e. set/unset/show with cbrange, [m]cbtics, format cb, grid [m]cb, cblabel, and perhaps even<br />

cbdata, [no]cbdtics, [no]cbmtics.<br />

set colorbox without any parameter switches the position to default.<br />

default parameters for the colorbox and switches the colorbox off.<br />

unset colorbox resets the<br />

See also help for set pm3d (p. 82), set palette (p. 85), x11 pm3d (p. 141), and set style line<br />

(p. 94).

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