GNUPlot Manual

GNUPlot Manual

GNUPlot Manual


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112 gnuplot 4.0 36 SET-SHOW<br />

36.59.24 Gif<br />

The gif terminal driver generates output in GIF format. It uses Thomas Boutell’s gd library, which is<br />

available from http://www.boutell.com/gd/ Support for GIF output was removed from the gd library<br />

beginning with version 1.6; newer versions support PNG output instead.<br />

Syntax:<br />

set terminal gif {transparent} {interlace}<br />

{tiny | small | medium | large | giant}<br />

{size ,}<br />

{ ...}<br />

transparent instructs the driver to generate transparent GIFs. The first color will be the transparent<br />

one.<br />

interlace instructs the driver to generate interlaced GIFs.<br />

The choice of fonts is tiny (5x8 pixels), small (6x12 pixels), medium (7x13 Bold), large (8x16) or<br />

giant (9x15 pixels)<br />

The size is given in pixels — it defaults to 640x480. The number of pixels can be also modified<br />

by scaling with the set size command.<br />

Each color must be of the form ’xrrggbb’, where x is the literal character ’x’ and ’rrggbb’ are the red,<br />

green and blue components in hex. For example, ’x00ff00’ is green. The background color is set first,<br />

then the border colors, then the X & Y axis colors, then the plotting colors. The maximum number of<br />

colors that can be set is 256.<br />

Examples:<br />

set terminal gif small size 640,480 \<br />

xffffff x000000 x404040 \<br />

xff0000 xffa500 x66cdaa xcdb5cd \<br />

xadd8e6 x0000ff xdda0dd x9500d3<br />

# defaults<br />

which uses white for the non-transparent background, black for borders, gray for the axes, and red,<br />

orange, medium aquamarine, thistle 3, light blue, blue, plum and dark violet for eight plotting colors.<br />

set terminal gif transparent xffffff \<br />

x000000 x202020 x404040 x606060 \<br />

x808080 xA0A0A0 xC0C0C0 xE0E0E0<br />

which uses white for the transparent background, black for borders, dark gray for axes, and a gray-scale<br />

for the six plotting colors.<br />

The page size is 640x480 pixels. The gif driver can create either color or monochromatic output, but<br />

you have no control over which is produced.<br />

The current version of the gif driver does not support animated GIFs.<br />

36.59.25 Gnugraph(GNU plotutils)<br />

The gnugraph driver produces device-independent output in the GNU plot graphics language. The<br />

default size of the PostScript results generated by "plot2ps" is 5 x 3 inches; this can be increased up to<br />

about 8.25 x 8.25 by set size.<br />

Syntax:<br />

set terminal gnugraph {""} {}<br />

{type } {size ""}<br />

which defaults to 10-point "Courier".<br />

For type, the following options are accepted: X, pnm, gif, ai, ps, cgm, fig, pcl5, hpgl, tek, and<br />

meta (default). The size option (default is a4) is passed straight through to plotutils, it’s the user’s<br />

responsibility to provide correct values. Details can be found in the plotutils documentation.<br />


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