Bouwfonds European Residential - Catella Real Estate AG

Bouwfonds European Residential - Catella Real Estate AG

Bouwfonds European Residential - Catella Real Estate AG


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<strong>Bouwfonds</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Residential</strong><br />

Open-Ended <strong>Real</strong> <strong>Estate</strong> Fund<br />

Annual Report as at 30 April 2009

Key Figures at a Glance<br />

Fund assets As at 30 April 2009 As at 30 April 2008<br />

Fund assets – net 97,717 48,900 € thousand<br />

Fund assets – gross (net fund assets plus loans) 97,717 48,900 € thousand<br />

Net inflow of funds 1 45,926 48,540 € thousand<br />

Leverage ratio 2 0.0 0.0 %<br />

<strong>Real</strong> estate assets<br />

Total real estate assets (aggregate market values) 83,669 30,230 € thousand<br />

of which directly held 80,410 30,230 € thousand<br />

of which held via real estate companies 3,259 0 € thousand<br />

Total Fund properties 6 2<br />

of which held via real estate companies 1 0<br />

of which under construction/renovation 1 0<br />

Changes to the real estate portfolio<br />

Property purchases 4 2<br />

Property sales 0 0<br />

Letting rate 3 81.0 64.1 %<br />

Liquidity<br />

Gross liquidity 14,584 19,606 € thousand<br />

Committed funds 4 10,340 19,265 € thousand<br />

Net liquidity 5 4,243 341 € thousand<br />

Liquidity ratio 6 4.342 0.697 %<br />

Fund performance (BVI return) 7<br />

Financial year (1 May 2008 to 30 April 2009) 4.5 0.8 %<br />

since launch 8 5.3 0.8 %<br />

Units<br />

Units in circulation 9,308,147 4,851,244 Units<br />

Redemption price/unit value 10.50 10.08 €<br />

Issuing price 9 11.03 10.58 €<br />

Distribution<br />

Distribution date 3 Aug. 2009 1 Aug. 2008<br />

Distribution per unit 0.37 0.03 €<br />

Total expense ratio 0.70 n/a 10 %<br />

Launch date: 27 December 2007<br />

ISIN: DE000A0M98N2<br />

WKN: A0M98N<br />

Internet: www.catella-realestate.de<br />

1 In the period under review from 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2009, in the previous year from 27 December 2007 to 30 April 2008.<br />

2 Total loans as a proportion of the aggregate market values of all directly and indirectly held properties.<br />

3 Based on the annual estimated gross rental as at the reporting date.<br />

4 Committed funds: funds earmarked for the next distribution, funds reserved for purchases and construction projects, real estate management<br />

costs, liabilities from real estate purchases and construction projects, other liabilities and current provisions.<br />

5 Gross liquidity less committed funds.<br />

6 The ratio of net liquidity to net fund assets.<br />

7 Calculated according to the documentation from the Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management e.V. (BVI). Calculation based on the<br />

investment, final valuation and reinvestment of the distribution at the unit value (no charge for reinvestment). The Investment Fund’s historical<br />

performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance.<br />

8 Information as at 30 April 2009 for the period from 27 December 2007 to 30 April 2009, information as at 30 April 2008 for the period from<br />

27 December 2007 to 30 April 2008.<br />

9 Since no front-end charge is levied at the present time, the issue price corresponds to the unit value as at the reporting date.<br />

10 This was not calculated as the ratio is not meaningful in the Fund’s first year.<br />


Table of Contents<br />

05 Key Figures at a Glance<br />

08 Fund Management Report<br />

14 Overview – Returns, Valuation and Leasing<br />

16 Development of the Fund (Multi-year Review)<br />

17 Development of Returns (Multi-year Review)<br />

20 Development of the Fund<br />

22 Statement of Assets and Liabilities as at 30 April 2009<br />

26 Schedule of Properties<br />

28 Overview – Market Values and Rents<br />

30 Schedule of <strong>Real</strong> <strong>Estate</strong> Purchases and Sales<br />

31 Liquid Assets<br />

32 Statement of Income and Expenditure<br />

34 Calculation of the Distribution<br />

36 Tax information<br />

44 Committees<br />


Fund Management Report<br />

<strong>Real</strong> estate investment markets<br />

2008 proved to be extremely difficult for international real<br />

estate markets, as for many other sectors. For example, the<br />

INREV “All Property <strong>European</strong> Total Return Index” recorded<br />

a drop of 26.8% in 2008, which was mainly due to a 30.3%<br />

depreciation in property values. However, total returns in the<br />

BVI index averaged 4.4% in Germany. Here, the financial<br />

crisis made itself felt in a different way: in the temporary<br />

closing of 12 open-ended real estate funds.<br />

One positive result of the financial crisis is that professional<br />

investors are increasingly seeing residential property as an<br />

independent asset class. According to INREV’s 2009<br />

“Investment Intention Survey”, German residential properties<br />

are the number one investment target for institutional<br />

investors in Europe. This is reflected in increasing competition<br />

among providers of comparable products. However,<br />

<strong>Bouwfonds</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Residential</strong> (BER) is currently the only<br />

fund in its segment that systematically ensures risk diversification<br />

by investing throughout Europe.<br />

<strong>Real</strong> estate markets<br />

In 2008, our target countries generated average economic<br />

growth of around 1.3% (Germany), 2.1% (Netherlands),<br />

0.7% (France) and 1.1% (Belgium). 1<br />

The trend in the number of households is of particular strategic<br />

interest as a long-term indicator. The tendency towards a<br />

rising number of households in BER’s target countries is<br />

having a positive effect on returns. In 2008, prices for residential<br />

real estate in our target countries performed as<br />

follows:<br />

France: At 0.6%, the rise in purchase prices for existing residential<br />

real estate of was restrained. However, considerable<br />

regional differences were recorded (e.g. Grenoble –4.7%<br />

versus Paris +8.7%).<br />

Rental price trends for French residential properties also<br />

varied in line with this, with the slight overall increase of<br />

1.4% being spread unevenly across the regions. Whereas<br />

Grenoble, Montpellier and Paris, for example, saw increases<br />

of between 2.3% and 4.3%, rents in Lyon, Marseille and<br />

Toulouse stagnated. 2<br />

8<br />

Germany: A slight decline in prices – but still within the<br />

bounds of normal price fluctuations – was felt across<br />

Germany. Prices for existing real estate fell on average by<br />

between 0.5% and 1.0%, while prices for new builds in the<br />

residential segment were flat. However, significant regional<br />

differences are to be seen in both areas, with price increases<br />

of up to 8.0% in large cities.<br />

As a whole, rental prices across Germany remained relatively<br />

stable. Metropolitan areas in particular saw increases of<br />

2.0% to 4.0% for new lettings. In contrast, structurally weak<br />

rural regions experienced increasing vacancies and a slight<br />

drop in rental prices. 3<br />

Netherlands: Prices for residential properties remained<br />

unchanged between 2007 and 2008. The slight price increases<br />

seen in the summer levelled off again at the end of the year. 4<br />

The rental market recorded an annual average rise of 1.9%. 5<br />

Belgium: The prices for residential real estate in Belgium<br />

rose once again. Single-family homes saw a price increase of<br />

5.2% and apartment houses of 4.0%. In 2008, the rent index<br />

was 4.0% higher on average than the previous year. The last<br />

ten years saw average annual growth of 1.7%.<br />

<strong>Bouwfonds</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Residential</strong>’s strategy<br />

The Fund is aiming for the following allocation during the<br />

first three years:<br />

• Germany (30%-50%)<br />

• France (30%-50%)<br />

• Benelux (10%-40%)<br />

In addition, the Fund can invest up to 10% of fund assets in<br />

other countries in the <strong>European</strong> Economic Area and<br />

Switzerland. However, since the Fund follows a regional<br />

strategy that involves making focused investments in regions<br />

with above-average growth, it is equally important to<br />

consider the regional allocation:<br />

• Service regions (40%-60%)<br />

• High-tech regions (20%-30%)<br />

• Financial services regions (20%-30%)<br />

• “Government and administrative locations” (10%-20%)<br />

1 Source: Eurostat<br />

2 Sources: Callon, CNAB, OLAP<br />

3 Source: IVD, Wohnpreisspiegel 2008/2009<br />

4 Source: Nederlandse Vereniging van Makelaars o.g. en vastgoeddeskundigen NVM, NVM-cijfers van het 1 kwartaal 2009 voor heel Nederland<br />

5 Source: Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek, Consumentenprijzen; de gemiddelde verhoging woninghuur in Nederland

In terms of product strategy, the Fund invests in apartments<br />

(80%-90%) and in niche markets such as senior citizens’<br />

apartments, serviced apartments and student accommodation<br />

(10%-20%). In order to offer investors additional yield<br />

potential, the Fund permits privatisations, although these are<br />

restricted to 20%. Investments in development projects of up<br />

to 20% are also permitted.<br />

The financial crisis has created new investment opportunities.<br />

In Sweden and the United Kingdom, for example, residential<br />

real estate’s risk/reward profile has improved substantially.<br />

In some regions, these markets had experienced pronounced<br />

price imbalances. The mark-to-market valuations used in<br />

these countries are currently having a positive effect on price<br />

levels. The Fund’s management expects excellent investment<br />

opportunities in the Fund’s target countries, although the<br />

markets there show fewer signs of volatility and hence no<br />

significant declines in prices are being seen. As a result, the<br />

Fund’s management will reassess its investment strategy as<br />

of the next semi-annual report. This applies in particular to<br />

the 10% quota for properties located outside the target countries<br />

of Germany, France and the Benelux countries, which<br />

the Fund’s management will make use of if attractive opportunities<br />

arise.<br />

Developments in the financial year<br />

The Fund was unable to achieve the target volume it had<br />

originally aimed for within the allocated time frame. Despite<br />

the significant advantages offered by the residential real<br />

estate asset class, the financial crisis prevented a large number<br />

of institutional investors from making new investment<br />

decisions.<br />

Overall, net inflows of €23 million were received from outside<br />

investors who are not associated with <strong>Bouwfonds</strong>’ asset<br />

managers and joint venture partners bringing assets under<br />

management to approximately €100 million.<br />

At the end of the financial year, the Fund’s management<br />

negotiated a loan facility of approximately €20 million. This<br />

has enabled the Fund to profit from the current extremely<br />

attractive financing terms and the banks’ interest in financing<br />

a core residential real estate fund.<br />

1 According to the BVI method<br />

Performance and liquidity<br />

Against the backdrop of fundamentally difficult conditions<br />

in the <strong>European</strong> real estate markets, the BER open-ended real<br />

estate fund achieved a total return of 4.5% in its first year of<br />

operation, 1 slightly above the sector average of 4.4%.<br />

Nevertheless, the original target performance of 5-6%<br />

(according to the BVI method) was not achieved. This is<br />

mainly due to the letting rate for the new building in Markt<br />

Schwaben, which is significantly off target. <strong>Bouwfonds</strong> has<br />

successfully implemented the concept of constructing new<br />

rental homes for young families with children in many<br />

<strong>European</strong> markets, including on a significant scale in<br />

Germany. As a result, the Fund’s management believes that<br />

it should be possible to increase the letting rate significantly<br />

in the course of the financial year. (Read more about Markt<br />

Schwaben in the section entitled “Developments at existing<br />

properties”).<br />

Based on its assessment of the current market environment<br />

in the medium term, the Fund’s management believes that<br />

the target return can be achieved. Additional arguments<br />

supporting this conclusion are the increased marketing<br />

measures being undertaken in Markt Schwaben, debt<br />

financing offering positive leverage and additional acquisitions.<br />

Moreover, since the appraisers classed our properties’ risk<br />

premiums and initial returns as stable, the Fund has not<br />

recorded any losses in value. This goes to show that BER is<br />

living up to its claim to be a core product by remaining stable<br />

during market downturns. This is due to the low correlation<br />

of residential properties as an asset class with other assets<br />

and inherent low volatility, as well as to the systematic selection<br />

of the Fund’s assets.<br />

New acquisitions<br />

Markt Schwaben:<br />

Markt Schwaben (11,000 residents) is a typical commuter<br />

town in the Munich area with excellent transport links. The<br />

municipality boasts above-average economic output and one<br />

of the lowest unemployment rates in Germany. In the last<br />

decade, Markt Schwaben’s population has grown by around<br />

14%. The market for residential real estate is strongly influenced<br />

by the shortage of living space in Munich. Strong<br />


Fund Management Report<br />

demand, in particular for single- and two-family houses, is<br />

reflected in high rental and purchase prices. The development<br />

project in Markt Schwaben, comprising 48 terraced<br />

houses with full cellars, has total rental space of 5,470 m 2<br />

and 48 underground parking spaces.<br />

Berlin:<br />

The federal capital with its around 3.4 million inhabitants is<br />

the most populous city in Germany and is also the centre of<br />

the Berlin-Brandenburg metropolitan area. This makes it one<br />

of Europe’s most important political, cultural and scientific<br />

centres. The service sector dominates Berlin’s economy,<br />

accounting for almost 83% of the workforce. Of the major<br />

German cities, only Frankfurt has a higher service sector<br />

ratio. As an important agglomeration area, Berlin will<br />

continue to profit from future demographic change. Not only<br />

will it experience relatively stable population levels, but it will<br />

also benefit from an increase in the number of households.<br />

Steglitz-Zehlendorf is one of Berlin’s most expensive<br />

addresses in which to rent property, surpassed only by<br />

Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf. This district, with its 288,000<br />

or so residents, has an excellent social structure. Its appeal is<br />

attributable in part to the extensive range of leisure facilities<br />

and green areas, as well as a very convenient transport infrastructure.<br />

The property, which is situated in a quiet location<br />

with substantial green areas, consists of a 4- to 12-storey<br />

apartment complex built between 1970 and 1971. Previously<br />

in private hands, the property was always well cared for;<br />

nevertheless, we are planning to make further energy<br />

management-related improvements over the coming years.<br />

The complex comprises a total of 235 apartments with<br />

aggregate living space of 16,440 m2. Access is provided<br />

through ten entrances. There is also an underground garage<br />

with 136 parking spaces as well as 84 outside parking spaces.<br />

The strategy is to maintain or further reduce the low vacancy<br />

rate and to let the property in the long term.<br />

Hamburg:<br />

Hamburg, a federal city state and Germany’s second-largest<br />

city (1.78 million inhabitants), is North Germany’s commercial<br />

centre and hence one of Northern Europe’s most important<br />

hubs. The city and metropolitan area of the same name<br />

have undergone a structural change to become a service,<br />

trade and media location.<br />

Jobs in the maritime industries have been replaced by positions<br />

in the tertiary and quaternary sector, even though the<br />

Port of Hamburg remains one of Europe’s most important<br />

10<br />

logistics centres. Nonetheless, large sections of the port are<br />

experiencing urban renewal, being repurposed for office and<br />

retail use as well as seeing the development of new urban<br />

districts. The district of Harburg, which is located on the<br />

southern banks of the River Elbe, is well integrated with<br />

Hamburg’s transport infrastructure. The area, which mainly<br />

focuses on providing industrial added value, is home to<br />

around 200,000 people. The Hamburg-Harburg property has<br />

nine four- and nine-storey apartment blocks built between<br />

1960 and 1962 on land encumbered with heritable building<br />

rights. Extensively refurbished and now offering state-of-theart<br />

energy management, among other things, these buildings<br />

contain a total of 245 apartments with aggregate living<br />

space of 16,605 m 2 that can be accessed through 22<br />

entrances. The complex also has 41 outside parking spaces.<br />

At the time of notarisation, around 2.2% of the apartments<br />

were vacant.<br />

The strategy for the property is to sign long-term letting<br />

agreements, allowing the Fund to benefit optimally from the<br />

positive developments on the Hamburg real estate market.<br />

Ville-la-Grand, France:<br />

BER made its first acquisition outside Germany in February<br />

2009. The complex in question is a new development in<br />

Ville-la-Grand, located approximately 10 km from Geneva’s<br />

city centre. The area is home to a large number of commuters<br />

who live in France but work in Geneva, due to the significantly<br />

higher salaries in Switzerland. Demand for housing<br />

on the French side is high as rents and purchase prices here<br />

are up to 20% lower than in Switzerland. The development<br />

project, which will be completed in 2010, comprises 45<br />

residential units with an aggregate of 2,740 m2 of living<br />

space and 58 parking spaces. Construction work is progressing<br />

according to plan.<br />

Developments at existing properties<br />

Technical, portfolio and Fund management have evaluated<br />

the return for the period under review at property and portfolio<br />

level and have established the strategies and the related<br />

technical and commercial budgets for financial year<br />

2009/2010. The original property strategies have been<br />

retained for the properties in Frankfurt, Hamburg-Harburg,<br />

Berlin-Steglitz and Kiel. In these cases, the Fund is continuing<br />

to aim for full occupancy, which will generate stable cash<br />

flows. The investment in new builds and modernised housing<br />

stocks significantly reduces maintenance costs. The

modernisation measures that had already been planned for<br />

Berlin-Steglitz when it was purchased will lead to adequate<br />

rent increases in the medium term.<br />

Awareness of the Markt Schwaben property – and hence its<br />

rental appeal – are to be raised using an original promotion<br />

campaign in collaboration with a well-known Munich radio<br />

station. This marketing concept has proven to be very<br />

successful for similar property types, including some in the<br />

same region. The Fund’s management is convinced that this<br />

campaign (launched on 15 June 2009) will significantly<br />

increase letting rates by raising awareness of the complex on<br />

the one hand and putting across the quality of living that our<br />

houses offer on the other.<br />

Vacancies<br />

Due to the ongoing leasing phase in Markt Schwaben, Fund<br />

vacancies currently amount to some 20%.<br />

The remaining properties have average vacancy rates of<br />

2-4%, which are due to ongoing changes of tenants.<br />

Human resources and organisation<br />

<strong>Bouwfonds</strong> <strong>Real</strong> <strong>Estate</strong> Investment Management is responsible<br />

for portfolio and asset management under the overall<br />

aegis of <strong>Catella</strong> <strong>Real</strong> <strong>Estate</strong> <strong>AG</strong> Kapitalanlagegesellschaft.<br />

<strong>Bouwfonds</strong> is a subsidiary of Rabobank, which has a AAA<br />

rating, and employees some 2,000 people. Within <strong>Bouwfonds</strong><br />

<strong>Real</strong> <strong>Estate</strong> Investment Management, this task is performed<br />

by a portfolio manager and local transaction and asset<br />

managers.<br />

<strong>Bouwfonds</strong> Asset Management now trades as <strong>Bouwfonds</strong><br />

<strong>Real</strong> <strong>Estate</strong> Investment Management.<br />

<strong>Catella</strong> <strong>Real</strong> <strong>Estate</strong> <strong>AG</strong> Kapitalanlagegesellschaft is a steadily<br />

growing regulated company that currently has 20 employees.<br />

Outlook<br />

The Fund’s management expects both the direct return and<br />

the total return to rise due to a clear decline in vacancies in<br />

Markt Schwaben. In addition, the use of attractively priced<br />

financing should support the positive leverage of total return<br />

by providing positive leverage. Further acquisitions abroad<br />

are designed to underline our international orientation by<br />

diversifying our risk. Although the effects of the financial<br />

crisis may endanger these aims, we will do everything in our<br />

power to avoid any problems that emerge with the necessary<br />

flexibility.<br />


12<br />

Fund Management Report<br />

Geographical breakdown of Fund properties<br />

(basis: market value)<br />

Frankfurt area 31.6%<br />

Hamburg area 23.6%<br />

Munich area 18.2%<br />

Berlin area 17.9%<br />

Other cities/regions<br />

in Germany 4.8%<br />

France 3.9%<br />

Type of use of Fund properties<br />

<strong>Residential</strong> 91.2%<br />

Parking 4.4%<br />

Retail/Catering 3.3%<br />

Office 0.7%<br />

Other 0.4%<br />

Industry<br />

(Warehouse/Facilities)<br />

0.0%<br />

1<br />

(calculated on the basis of the estimated net rental income)<br />

Size classification of Fund properties<br />

up to € 10 m 5.0%<br />

€ 10 m ≤ € 25 m 62.1 %<br />

€ 25 m ≤ € 50 m 32.9 %<br />

1<br />

(basis: market value)<br />

Economic age of Fund properties 1<br />

(based on the remaining useful lives quoted in the appraisal)<br />

≤ 15 years 51.9 %<br />

5 ≤ 10 years 5.0 %<br />

more than 20 years 43.1 %<br />

Investor structure<br />

Others 74.0 %<br />

Pension funds 10.3 %<br />

Insurers 7.6%<br />

Funds of funds 6.0%<br />

Private banks 2.1%<br />

2<br />

(basis: number of units)<br />

1 Not including properties under construction.<br />

2 No guarantee can be given for the accuracy of the investor information.

Fund Management Report<br />

Overview of loans<br />

There were no loans at the reporting date.<br />

Overview of currency risk<br />

There was no currency risk at the reporting date.<br />

Overview of interest rate risk<br />

There was no interest rate risk at the reporting date.<br />

Voltastraße, Frankfurt/Main<br />


Overview – Returns, Valuation and Leasing<br />

Returns<br />

14<br />

Return ratios in % 1<br />

(of average Fund assets)<br />

I. Properties<br />

DE<br />

direct<br />

Other<br />

countries<br />

direct<br />

Total<br />

direct<br />

DE<br />

indirect<br />

Other<br />

countries<br />

indirect 2<br />

Total<br />

indirect<br />

Total<br />

direct and<br />

indirect<br />

Gross income 3 5.3 0.0 5.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.3<br />

Management expenses 3 - 0.6 0.0 - 0.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 - 0.7<br />

Net income 3 4.7 0.0 4.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.6<br />

Changes in value 3 1.3 0.0 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.3<br />

Income tax incurred outside Germany 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 2.1 0.0<br />

Deferred taxes incurred outside Germany 3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

Income before loan expenses 3 6.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 2.1 2.1 5.9<br />

Income after loan expenses in<br />

currency 4 5.8 0.0 5.8 0.0 2.1 2.1 5.7<br />

Exchange rate changes 4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

Total income in Fund currency 4 5.8 0.0 5.8 0.0 2.1 2.1 5.7<br />

II. Liquidity 5 3.7 0.0 3.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.7<br />

III. Total Fund income<br />

before Fund expenses 6 5.1 0.0 5.1 0.0 2.1 2.1 5.1<br />

Total Fund income after Fund expenses (BVI method) 4.5<br />

Capital information<br />

(average figures in € thousand) 7<br />

DE<br />

direct<br />

Other<br />

countries<br />

direct<br />

Total<br />

direct<br />

DE<br />

indirect<br />

Other<br />

countries<br />

indirect<br />

Total<br />

indirect<br />

Total<br />

direct and<br />

indirect<br />

Directly held properties 50,856 0 50,856 0 647 647 51,503<br />

Properties held via<br />

equity interests<br />

0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Properties, total 50,856 0 50,856 0 647 647 51,503<br />

Liquidity 15,961<br />

Loan volume 0<br />

Fund assets (net) 70,198<br />

1 The Investment Fund’s historical performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance.<br />

2 Calculated using the average values from 28 February 2009 to 30 April 2009; property under construction.<br />

3 Calculated using the average directly or indirectly held real estate assets in the respective country in the period from 30 April 2008 to 30 April 2009.<br />

4 Calculated using the Fund’s average directly or indirectly held equity-financed real estate assets in the period from 30 April 2008 to 30 April 2009.<br />

5 Calculated using the Fund’s average liquidity portfolio in the period from 30 April 2008 to 30 April 2009.<br />

6 Calculated using the Fund’s average liquidity portfolio and equity-financed real estate assets in the period from 30 April 2008 to 30 April 2009.<br />

7 The average figures are calculated on the basis of 13 end-of-month values (30 April 2008 to 30 April 2009).

Valuation<br />

Information on changes in value<br />

(at the reporting date in € thousand)<br />

DE<br />

direct<br />

Other<br />

countries<br />

direct<br />

Total<br />

direct<br />

DE<br />

indirekt<br />

Other<br />

countries<br />

indirect<br />

Total<br />

indirect<br />

Total<br />

direct and<br />

indirect<br />

Appraised market values,<br />

portfolio 1 80,410 0 80,410 0 3,259 3,259 83,669<br />

Appraised rent,<br />

portfolio 2 5,105 0 5,105 0 0 0 5,105<br />

Positive changes in value<br />

according to appraisals<br />

280 0 280 0 0 0 280<br />

Other positive changes<br />

in value<br />

378 0 378 0 0 0 378<br />

Negative changes in value<br />

according to appraisals<br />

0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Other negative changes<br />

in value<br />

0 0 0 0 0 0 0<br />

Changes in value according to<br />

appraisals, total<br />

280 0 280 0 0 0 280<br />

Other changes in value,<br />

total<br />

378 0 378 0 0 0 378<br />

Leasing 2<br />

Leasing information<br />

Leasing information 3<br />

in %<br />

DE<br />

direct<br />

Other<br />

countries<br />

direct<br />

Total<br />

direct<br />

DE<br />

indirect<br />

Other<br />

countries<br />

indirect<br />

Total<br />

indirect<br />

Total<br />

direct and<br />

indirect<br />

Annual rental income, office 0.7 0.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.7<br />

Annual rental income,<br />

retail/catering<br />

3.3 0.0 3.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.3<br />

Annual rental income, hotel 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

Annual rental income,<br />

industry (warehouses, facilities)<br />

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

Annual rental income, residential 91.2 0.0 91.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 91.2<br />

Annual rental income, leisure 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

Annual rental income, parking 4.4 0.0 4.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.4<br />

Annual rental income, other 0.4 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.4<br />

Vacancy rate, office 0.2 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.2<br />

Vacancy rate, retail/catering 0.3 0.0 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3<br />

Vacancy rate, hotel 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

Vacancy rate, industry<br />

(warehouses, facilities)<br />

0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

Vacancy rate, residential 17.5 0.0 17.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 17.5<br />

Vacancy rate, leisure 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

Vacancy rate, parking 1.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0<br />

Vacancy rate, other 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0<br />

Letting rate 81.0 0.0 81.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 81.0<br />

1 In the case of properties under construction, the information refers to the proportion completed.<br />

2 Not including properties under construction.<br />

3 Annual rental income was calculated using the estimated net rental income; vacancy rates and the<br />

letting rate were calculated using the estimated gross rental income.<br />


16<br />

Expiring tenancy agreement<br />

As the Fund is primarily a residential real estate fund where the majority of tenancy agreements are signed for indefinite<br />

periods, the residential tenancy agreements and parking space leases characterised by short-term notice periods are presented<br />

on an aggregate basis in the ‘unlimited’ column. The graph depicting expiring commercial leases shows 2009 to 2019.<br />

Expiring tenancy agreements (basis: estimated net rental)<br />

100%<br />

90%<br />

80%<br />

70%<br />

60%<br />

50%<br />

40%<br />

30%<br />

20%<br />

10%<br />

0%<br />

1.5% 0.0% 0.3% 0.1% 1.6% 0.6% 0.0% 0.8% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%<br />

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019<br />

Development of the Fund (Multi-year Review)<br />

All figures in € thousand 30 April 2009 30 April 2008<br />

Properties 80,410 30,230<br />

Equity interests in real estate companies 72 0<br />

Securities 0 0<br />

Bank deposits 14,584 19,606<br />

Receivables and other assets<br />

4,174<br />

16,321<br />

Less liabilities and provisions<br />

1,523<br />

17,257<br />

Fund assets 97,717 48,900<br />

Number of units in circulation 9,308,147 4,851,244<br />

Unit value (€) 10.50 10.08<br />

Distribution per unit (€) 0.37 0.03<br />

Distribution date 3 August 2009 1 August 2008<br />

95,1%<br />


Development of Returns (Multi-year Review) 1<br />

Return ratios in %<br />

I. Properties<br />

1 The Investment Fund’s historical performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance.<br />

2 For the short financial year from 27 December 2007 to 30 April 2008.<br />

3 According to the BVI method.<br />

Financial year<br />

2008/2009<br />

Financial year<br />

2007/2008 2<br />

Gross income 5.3 3.3<br />

Management expenses -0.7 0.0<br />

Net income 4.6 3.3<br />

Changes in value 1.3 8.0<br />

Income tax incurred outside Germany 0.0 0.0<br />

Deferred taxes incurred outside Germany 0.0 0.0<br />

Income before loan expenses 5.9 11.3<br />

Income after loan expenses in currency 5.7 11.3<br />

Total income in currency 5.7 11.3<br />

Exchange rate changes 0.0 0.0<br />

Total income in Fund currency 5.7 11.3<br />

II. Liquidity 3.7 3.0<br />

Total Fund income after Fund expenses 3 4.5 0.8<br />


Ville-la-Grand, Frankreich

Development of the Fund<br />

20<br />

<strong>Real</strong>ized<br />

gains/<br />

losses<br />

€<br />

Unrealised<br />

changes in value<br />

in previous years<br />

€<br />

Income for<br />

the period<br />

under review<br />

€<br />

Unit<br />

transactions<br />

Fund assets at the beginning<br />

48,899,592.00<br />

of the year<br />

Distribution for the previous year -145,537.32<br />

Adjustment item for units<br />

0.00<br />

issued/redeemed up to the<br />

distribution date<br />

Inflow of funds from sale of units<br />

Outflow of funds from redemption of units<br />

Net inflow/outflow of funds<br />

€<br />

Total<br />

€<br />

46,005,425.67<br />

-79,624.35<br />

45,925,801.32 45,925,801.32<br />

Equalisation paid -1,019,084.09<br />

Ordinary net income 3,457,593.88<br />

<strong>Real</strong>ised gains<br />

less unrealised changes in value in<br />

previous years<br />

on properties<br />

(of which in foreign currency)<br />

on equity interests in real estate companies<br />

(of which in foreign currency)<br />

on liquid assets<br />

(of which in foreign currency) 0.00<br />

<strong>Real</strong>ised losses<br />

less unrealised changes in value in<br />

previous years<br />

on properties<br />

(of which in foreign currency)<br />

on equity interests in real estate companies<br />

(of which in foreign currency)<br />

on liquid assets<br />

(of which in foreign currency) 0.00<br />

Changes in value of<br />

unrealised gains<br />

on properties<br />

1,939,800.70<br />

(of which in foreign currency)<br />

on equity interests in real estate companies<br />

(of which in foreign currency)<br />

on liquid assets<br />

1,939,800.70<br />

(of which in foreign currency)<br />

Changes in value of<br />

unrealised losses<br />

on properties<br />

-1,301,715.00<br />

(of which in foreign currency)<br />

on equity interests in real estate companies<br />

-39,315.35<br />

(of which in foreign currency)<br />

on liquid assets<br />

-1,341,030.35<br />

(of which in foreign currency)<br />

Changes in exchange rates<br />

on properties<br />

on equity interests in real estate companies<br />

on measurement of receivables and other assets<br />

on liquid assets 0.00<br />

Fund assets at financial year-end 97,717,136.14

Notes to the Statement of Changes in Fund Assets<br />

The Statement of Changes in Fund Assets indicates the transactions<br />

during the reporting period that led to the assets<br />

reported in the Fund’s Statement of Assets and Liabilities. It<br />

provides a breakdown of the difference between the assets at<br />

the beginning and the end of the financial year.<br />

The distribution for the previous year is the distribution<br />

amount reported in the Annual Report for the previous year<br />

(see the “Calculation of the Distribution” in that document).<br />

The equalisation paid item is used to account for the issue<br />

and redemption of units during the period between the end<br />

of the financial year and the distribution date. Investors who<br />

acquire units between these two dates participate in the<br />

distribution even though their unit purchases were not<br />

recognised as a cash inflow during the prior-year reporting<br />

period. Conversely, investors who sell their units between<br />

these two dates do not participate in the distribution even<br />

though the redemption of their units was not recognised as<br />

a cash outflow during the prior-year reporting period.<br />

The inflow of funds from the sale of units and the outflow of<br />

funds from the redemption of units are calculated by multiplying<br />

the respective issue/redemption price 1 by the number<br />

of units issued or redeemed. The issue/redemption price<br />

includes the accrued income per unit (equalisation paid).<br />

The equalisation paid is deducted from or added to the inflows<br />

and outflows of funds, which thus only indicate the<br />

change in assets. The effect of the equalisation paid is that<br />

changes in the number of units in issue do not affect the<br />

amount distributed per unit.<br />

The ordinary net income is given in the Statement of Income<br />

and Expenditure.<br />

The changes in value of unrealised profits or losses on<br />

properties and equity interests in real estate companies are<br />

the result of remeasurement gains and losses and changes<br />

in carrying amounts during the financial year. Changes in<br />

market value due to revaluations and gains on initial valuation<br />

are recognised, as are all other changes in the carrying<br />

amounts of the properties or equity interests. These may be<br />

due to the creation or reversal of provisions, purchase price<br />

adjustments after the fact, or cost reimbursements, for<br />

example.<br />

1 No front-end charge or redemption fee is levied at the present time.<br />


Statement of Assets and Liabilities as at 30 April 2009<br />

I. Properties<br />

22<br />

1. <strong>Residential</strong> rental properties<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

2. Commercial properties<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

3. Mixed-use properties<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

Total properties<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

II. Equity interests in real estate companies<br />

1. Majority interests<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

2. Minority interests<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

Total equity interests in real estate companies<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

III. Liquid assets<br />

1. Bank deposits<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

2. Investment fund units<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

Total liquid assets<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

IV. Receivables and other assets<br />

1. Receivables from property management<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

2. Receivables from real estate companies<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

3. Interest receivables<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

4. Other assets<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

Total receivables and other assets<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

Total I. – IV.<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

€ €<br />

Share of<br />

Fund assets<br />

in %<br />

76,410,000.00 78.2<br />

0.00<br />

4,000,000.00 4.1<br />

80,410,000.00 82.3<br />

72,259.77 0.1<br />

0.00<br />

72,259.77<br />

0.1<br />

14,583,561.09 14.9<br />

0.00<br />

14,583,561.09 14.9<br />

806,111.38<br />

3,258,640.87<br />

58,958.31<br />

50,836.26<br />

4,174,546.82<br />

4.3<br />

99,240,367.68 101.6

V. Liabilities<br />

1. from loans<br />

of which from secured loans (section 82(3) of the InvG)<br />

(total in foreign currency)<br />

No items in foreign currency existed as at the reporting date.<br />

€ €<br />

(0.00)<br />

(0.00)<br />

2. from real estate purchases and construction projects<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

3. from property management<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

4. Other liabilities<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

Total liabilities<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

VI. Provisions<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

Total V. – VI.<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

0.00<br />

533,090.97<br />

780,148.65<br />

124,291.75<br />

Share of<br />

Fund assets<br />

in %<br />

1,437,531.37 1.5<br />

Fund assets 97,717,136.14 100.0<br />

Unit value (€)<br />

Number of units in circulation<br />

85,700.17<br />

1,523,231.54<br />

10.50<br />

9,308.147<br />

0.1<br />

1.6<br />


Notes to the Statement of Assets and Liabilities<br />

Fund assets<br />

The Fund’s assets amounted to €97,717 thousand at the<br />

reporting date (30 April 2009). With 9,308,147 units in issue<br />

at the end of the financial year, this corresponds to a unit<br />

price of €10.50.<br />

In the period under review, 4,464,508 units were issued and<br />

7,605 units redeemed. This corresponds to a net inflow of<br />

funds of €45,926 thousand.<br />

As at 30 April 2009, the <strong>Bouwfonds</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Residential</strong><br />

portfolio contained five directly held properties in Germany<br />

and one property under construction that is held via a real<br />

estate company in France. Detailed information on the real<br />

estate assets can be found in the Schedule of Properties.<br />

Properties<br />

Directly held real estate assets totalled €80,410 thousand as<br />

at the reporting date and comprised four residential properties<br />

and one mixed-use property in Germany.<br />

Equity interests in real estate companies<br />

The Fund held a 100% equity interest in a French real estate<br />

company as at the reporting date.<br />

Liquid assets<br />

Liquid assets totalled €14,584 thousand at the reporting date<br />

and were held in their entirety in current accounts. Detailed<br />

information on liquid assets can be found in the Liquid Assets.<br />

€4,886 thousand of the total liquidity of €14,584 thousand<br />

has been earmarked to comply with the statutory minimum<br />

liquidity. €780 thousand has been reserved to settle liabilities<br />

from property management, and €533 thousand for liabilities<br />

from property purchases and construction projects.<br />

Receivables and other assets<br />

Receivables and other assets totalled €4,175 thousand as at<br />

the reporting date.<br />

24<br />

Receivables from property management in the amount of<br />

€806 thousand comprise rent receivables (€55 thousand)<br />

and receivables from chargeable operating expenses<br />

(€751 thousand). Receivables from real estate companies<br />

relate to the shareholder loans (€3,259 thousand) that have<br />

been granted. Interest receivables in the amount of<br />

€59 thousand are the result of shareholder loans to the<br />

French real estate company (€35 thousand) and bank interest<br />

(€24 thousand). Other receivables (€51 thousand) include<br />

capitalised transaction costs from real estate purchases<br />

(€38 thousand) and VAT receivables against the Investment<br />

Company (€4 thousand).<br />

Liabilities<br />

Liabilities totalled €1,438 thousand as at the reporting date.<br />

Liabilities from real estate purchases and construction<br />

projects (€533 thousand) mainly consist of performance<br />

guarantees (€500 thousand) for the property in Markt Schwaben.<br />

The liabilities from property management of €780 thousand<br />

primarily comprise advance payments of operating expenses<br />

in the amount of €746 thousand. Other liabilities of<br />

€125 thousand include liabilities from value added tax of<br />

€7 thousand, liabilities relating to the Custodian Bank fee<br />

of €4 thousand and of €42 thousand for Fund management.<br />

Liabilities were also reported for other loans (€63 thousand);<br />

these mainly relate to the commitment fees for two loans.<br />

In the Annual Report as at 30 April 2008 it was stated that, to<br />

support the launch, the Investment Company has so far<br />

waived the fee of €394 thousand payable by the Fund for the<br />

acquisition of the Voltastrasse property in Frankfurt. If the<br />

first revaluation of the property revealed a gain on initial<br />

valuation, <strong>Catella</strong> would exert its claim against the Fund, providing<br />

that the gain on initial valuation was sufficient, up to<br />

a maximum of the full amount of €394 thousand (debtor<br />

warrant). This fee was finally waived.<br />

Provisions<br />

As at the reporting date, provisions for audit costs had been<br />

recognised in the amount of €38 thousand, as had provisions<br />

for tax consulting of €30 thousand and for publication costs<br />

of €18 thousand.

Burgerfeld, Markt Schwaben<br />


Schedule of Properties 1<br />

I. Directly held properties in eurozone countries 2<br />

II. Directly held properties in countries with other currencies<br />

There were no directly held properties in countries with other currencies as at the reporting date.<br />

2, 6<br />

III. Equity interests in real estate companies in eurozone countries<br />

IV. Equity interests in real estate companies in countries with other currencies<br />

There were no equity interests in real estate companies in countries with other currencies as at the reporting date.<br />

26<br />

No. Location of<br />

property<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

Grot Steenbusch<br />

DE – 24145 Kiel<br />

Grot Steenbusch 30-40<br />

Voltastraße<br />

DE – 60486 Frankfurt / Main<br />

Voltastrasse 63-65<br />

Burgerfeld<br />

DE – 85570 Markt Schwaben<br />

Burgerfeld<br />

Hanhoopsfeld<br />

DE – 21079 Hamburg<br />

Hanhoopsfeld 2a-11, Schneverdingerweg 1,3<br />

Gelieustrasse<br />

DE – 12203 Berlin<br />

Gelieustrasse 5-6g<br />

No. Location of<br />

property<br />

6<br />

Type of property<br />

C Commercial property<br />

MX Mixed-use property<br />

H Heritable building right<br />

R <strong>Residential</strong> rental property<br />

UC Property under construction<br />

Ville-la-Grand<br />

F – 74100 Ville-la-Grand<br />

Rue Léon Burgeois,<br />

Rue des Voirons<br />

Type of use<br />

O Office<br />

R/C Retail/catering<br />

I Industry (warehouses, facilities)<br />

R <strong>Residential</strong><br />

Ho Hotel<br />

L Leisure<br />

P Parking<br />

Ot Other<br />

Information on the<br />

equity interest<br />

BERF France I SAS, Paris<br />

Equity interest: 100%<br />

Shareholder loan: € 3.259 thousand<br />

Features<br />

OP Outside parking spaces<br />

D District heating/cooling<br />

G Garage<br />

AC Air conditioning<br />

GL Goods lift<br />

PL Passenger lift<br />

Type of<br />

property<br />

MX<br />

R<br />

R<br />

R, H<br />

R<br />

Type of<br />

property<br />

UC -<br />

Type of use<br />

in % 3<br />

12% O<br />

51% C/R<br />

33% R<br />

4% P<br />

1% C/R<br />

92% R<br />

7% P<br />

97% R<br />

3% P<br />

99% R<br />

1% P<br />

92% R<br />

6% P<br />

2% Ot<br />

Type of use<br />

in % 3

Acquisition date 4 Year constructed/<br />

renovated<br />

Area of land<br />

in m 2<br />

Floor space,<br />

commercial<br />

in m 2<br />

Floor space,<br />

residential<br />

in m 2<br />

Features<br />

03/2008 2003 3,375 1,351 1,197 OP, D, PL<br />

04/2008 2008 4,698 101 9,846 D, G, PL<br />

11/2008 5 2009 5,720 - 5,470 G<br />

11/2008<br />

1960-1962<br />

1994<br />

2007-2008<br />

(modernisation)<br />

24,129 - 16,605 OP, D, PL<br />

12/2008 1971 16,575 - 16,440 OP, D, G, PL<br />

Acquisition date 4 Year constructed/<br />

renovated<br />

-<br />

Completion scheduled<br />

for approx. mid-2010<br />

Area of land<br />

in m 2<br />

Floor space,<br />

commercial<br />

in m 2<br />

Floor space,<br />

residential<br />

in m 2<br />

Features<br />

2,659 - 2,740 7 -<br />

1 In contrast to the BVI guidelines, the properties in the individual categories are listed in order of their<br />

acquisition date and not according to location.<br />

2 All information taken from the expert appraisals unless stated otherwise.<br />

3 The floor space is allocated on the basis of the annual estimated net rental income.<br />

4 Transfer of risks and rewards of ownership.<br />

5 The carrying amount recognised on transfer was calculated on the basis of the proportion completed as of<br />

1 November 2008, 1 December 2008 and 1 February 2009.<br />

6 Where properties are held via real estate companies, all information is given for the property as a whole,<br />

independent of the size of the equity interest.<br />

7 Planned floor space after completion.<br />


Overview – Market Values and Rents<br />

I. Directly held properties in eurozone countries<br />

28<br />

No. Property Letting rate (as a proportion<br />

of rental income) as at<br />

30 Apr. 2009 in %<br />

1<br />

2<br />

3<br />

4<br />

5<br />

Grot Steenbusch<br />

DE – 24145 Kiel<br />

Voltastrasse<br />

DE – 60486<br />

Frankfurt / Main<br />

Burgerfeld<br />

DE – 85570<br />

Markt Schwaben<br />

Hanhoopsfeld<br />

DE – 21079<br />

Hamburg<br />

Gelieustrasse<br />

DE – 12203<br />

Berlin<br />

No. Property Letting rate (as a proportion<br />

of rental income) as at<br />

30 Apr. 2009 in %<br />

Anchor tenant<br />

sector 1<br />

Expiring leases (as a<br />

proportion of rental income)<br />

in %<br />

Estimated net rent 2<br />

annualised<br />

€ thousand<br />

90.5% - - 286.8<br />

96.8% - - 1,485.9<br />

10.1% - - 840.1<br />

96.5% - - 1,260.1<br />

95.8% - - 1,108.3<br />

II. Directly held properties in countries with other currencies<br />

There were no directly held properties in countries with other currencies as at the reporting date.<br />

III. Equity interests in real estate companies in eurozone countries<br />

1<br />

Rue Léon Burgeois,<br />

Rue des Voirons<br />

F – 74100 Ville-la-Grand<br />

Anchor tenant<br />

sector 1<br />

Expiring leases (as a<br />

proportion of rental income)<br />

in %<br />

Estimated net rent 2<br />

annualised<br />

€ thousand<br />

- - - -<br />

IV. Equity interests in real estate companies in countries with other currencies<br />

There were no equity interests in real estate companies in countries with other currencies as at the reporting date.<br />

1 No calculation is possible, as the focus is on residential properties.<br />

2 Figures as at 30 April 2009.<br />

3 Information relates to acquisition costs paid to date.

Purchase price/<br />

construction costs<br />

€ thousand<br />

Transaction<br />

costs<br />

€ thousand<br />

Estimated rent (annualised) as<br />

a proportion of acquisition costs<br />

in %<br />

Estimated rent p.a. acc.<br />

to appraisal<br />

€ thousand<br />

Current market value acc.<br />

to appraisal<br />

€ thousand<br />

3,591.3 242.7 7.5% 280.5 4,000.0<br />

24,707.0 1,500.0 5.7% 1,487.4 26,460.0<br />

15,258.9 1,284.1 5.1% 783.7 15,250.0<br />

17,654.9 1,060.4 6.7% 1,402.7 19,700.0<br />

13,039.0 1,215.1 7.8% 1,150.2 15,000.0<br />

Acquisition costs for the equity interest<br />

€ thousand<br />

Estimated rent (annualised) as<br />

a proportion of acquisition costs<br />

in %<br />

Estimated rent p.a. acc.<br />

to appraisal<br />

€ thousand<br />

Current market value acc.<br />

to appraisal<br />

€ thousand<br />

111,6 3 - - -<br />


Schedule of <strong>Real</strong> <strong>Estate</strong> Purchases and Sales<br />

Purchases<br />

I. Directly held properties in eurozone countries<br />

II. Directly held properties in countries with other currencies<br />

No directly held properties in countries with other currencies were purchased in the period under review.<br />

III. Equity interests in real estate companies in eurozone countries<br />

Sales<br />

There were no sales in the period under review.<br />

30<br />

Country Location of property Type of property Transfer of risks<br />

and rewards of<br />

ownership<br />

Germany 85570 Markt Schwaben, Burgerfeld R 11/2008 1<br />

Germany 21079 Hamburg, Hanhoopsfeld 2a-11 R, H 11/2008<br />

Germany 12203 Berlin-Steglitz, Gelieustraße 5-6g R 12/2008<br />

Country Name of the real estate company Registered office<br />

of the real estate<br />

company<br />

Equity interest Transfer of risks<br />

and rewards of<br />

ownership<br />

France BERF France I SAS Paris 100% 02/2009<br />

IV. Equity interests in real estate companies in countries with other currencies<br />

No equity interests in real estate companies in countries with other currencies were purchased in the period under review.<br />

1 The carrying amount recognised on transfer was calculated on the basis of the proportion<br />

completed on 1 November 2008, 1 December 2008 and 1 February 2009.

Liquid Assets<br />

The liquid assets with a total volume of €14,584 thousand<br />

(14.9% of the Fund assets) are held as bank deposits.<br />

I. Money market instruments As at 30 April 2009<br />

No money market instruments were held at the reporting date.<br />

II. Investment units As at 30 April 2009<br />

No investment units were held at the reporting date.<br />

III. Securities As at 30 April 2009<br />

No securities were held at the reporting date.<br />

IV. Securities repurchase and lending transactions As at 30 April 2009<br />

No securities repurchase or lending transactions existed at the reporting date.<br />

V. Hedging transactions As at 30 April 2009<br />

There were no hedging transactions at the reporting date.<br />

Voltastraße, Frankfurt/Main<br />


Statement of Income and Expenditure for the Period<br />

from 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2009<br />

I. Income<br />

32<br />

1. Income from properties<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

2. Income from equity interests in real estate companies<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

3. Income from liquid assets<br />

3.1 Income from bank deposits<br />

(of which in foreign currency)<br />

3.2 Income from money market instruments<br />

(0.00)<br />

(of which in foreign currency)<br />

3.3 Income from investment units<br />

(0.00)<br />

(of which in foreign currency)<br />

3.4 Income from securities<br />

(0.00)<br />

(of which in foreign currency)<br />

(0.00)<br />

4. Interest on the Fund’s own resources from construction projects<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

5. Other income<br />

(of which in foreign currency)<br />

Total income<br />

(0.00)<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

II. Expenditure<br />

1. <strong>Real</strong> estate management costs<br />

1.1 Operating costs<br />

(of which in foreign currency)<br />

1.2 Maintenance costs<br />

(of which in foreign currency)<br />

1.3 Property management costs<br />

(of which in foreign currency)<br />

1.4 Other costs<br />

(of which in foreign currency)<br />

€ € €<br />

(0.00)<br />

(0.00)<br />

(0.00)<br />

(0.00)<br />

2. Ground rents, life annuities and term annuities<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

3. Interest expenses<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

4. Foreign taxes<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

5. Investment Fund administration costs<br />

5.1 Fund management fee<br />

5.2 Custodian Bank fee<br />

5.3 Expert fees<br />

5.4 Other expenses in accordance with section 13(5) BVB<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

Total expenditure<br />

(of which in foreign currency) (0.00)<br />

594.005,27<br />

0.00<br />

0.00<br />

0.00<br />

31,243.51<br />

91,048.87<br />

102,762.17<br />

97,645.34<br />

319,653.43<br />

48,794.17<br />

10,169.45<br />

113,338.39<br />

2,707,187.27<br />

0.00<br />

594,005.27<br />

0.00<br />

50,223.88<br />

3,351,416.42<br />

322,699.89<br />

13,858.12<br />

84,393.18<br />

0.00<br />

491,955.44<br />

912.906,63<br />

III. Equalisation paid 1,019,084.09<br />

Ordinary net income 3,457,593.88

Notes to the Statement of Income and Expenditure<br />

Income<br />

Income in the reporting period totalled €3,351 thousand.<br />

Income from properties of €2,707 thousand represents the<br />

rental income generated by the properties.<br />

Income from liquid assets totalled €594 thousand in the year<br />

under review. This stemmed from interest income on time<br />

deposits of €366 thousand and from interest on bank<br />

accounts and other interest income of €228 thousand. Time<br />

deposits are invested with the objective of generating returns<br />

and with a view to risks, as well as in accordance with the<br />

provisions of the Investmentgesetz (InvG – German Investment<br />

Act).<br />

The Other income item of €50 thousand in total relates<br />

mainly to interest income from the shareholder loan of<br />

€35 thousand granted to the equity interest in France, as well<br />

as to refunded insurance contributions (€15 thousand).<br />

Expenditure<br />

Expenditure of €913 thousand mainly comprises Investment<br />

Fund administration costs and real estate management costs.<br />

The <strong>Real</strong> estate management costs item of €323 thousand<br />

consists of operating expenses, maintenance costs, property<br />

management costs and other costs.<br />

Operating costs of €31 thousand relate to incidental costs<br />

that cannot be passed through to tenants. The maintenance<br />

costs item of €91 thousand relates long-term value presentation<br />

to measures. Property management costs of €103<br />

thousand relate mainly (€98 thousand) to the costs of<br />

managing the individual properties.<br />

Other costs (€98 thousand) contain costs for initial and<br />

subsequent letting (€47 thousand), €35 thousand chargeable<br />

to the Investment Fund in accordance with section 13(5) of the<br />

Special Fund Rules (BVB) and other costs of €16 thousand.<br />

In the period under review, ground rent of €14 thousand was<br />

recognised for the Hamburg-Harburg property.<br />

Interest expenses (€84 thousand) include loan interest for a<br />

short-term loan that has since been repaid in full (€21 thousand)<br />

and commitment fees for two additional loans that have not<br />

yet been drawn (€63 thousand).<br />

The Investment Fund administration costs of €492 thousand<br />

mainly include the ongoing Fund management fee<br />

(€320 thousand), the Custodian Bank fee (€49 thousand)<br />

and audit and publication costs (€109 thousand).<br />

Acquisition fees for the properties are not included here, as<br />

they are not recognised as income but rather as incidental<br />

acquisition costs for the properties concerned.<br />

Equalisation paid<br />

The Equalisation paid item of €1,019 thousand is the net<br />

amount of the sums paid by investors acquiring units in the<br />

period under review to offset accrued income and of income<br />

reimbursed by the Fund on redemption as part of the unit<br />

redemption price.<br />

Ordinary net income<br />

Ordinary net income for the past year totalled €3,458 thousand.<br />

Total expense ratio (TER)<br />

The Total expense ratio (0.70%) expresses the sum of all<br />

costs and fees as a percentage of the average fund assets in<br />

the financial year.<br />

Total expenses comprise the Fund management fee, the<br />

Custodian Bank fee and the expert fees, as well as other<br />

expenses in accordance with section 13(5) of the BVB<br />

(excluding transaction costs).<br />

Sales provisions<br />

The Investment Company is not reimbursed for fees and<br />

expenses paid to the Custodian Bank and third parties by the<br />

Investment Fund. The Investment Company grants brokers,<br />

e.g. banks, brokerage fees (“trail commission”) from the<br />

fund management fee paid to it.<br />


Calculation of the Distribution<br />

Ordinary net income<br />

As of 30 April 2009, ordinary net income amounted to<br />

€3,457,593.88.<br />

<strong>Real</strong>ised gains<br />

There were no realised gains as at the reporting date.<br />

Carried forward from previous year<br />

€27,278.87 was carried forward from the previous year.<br />

Surplus retained<br />

No surplus was retained from the net profit for the<br />

financial year.<br />

34<br />

total per unit<br />

Ordinary net income € 3,457,593.88 0.371<br />

<strong>Real</strong>ised gains less taxes on profits<br />

paid in countries abroad<br />

- on properties<br />

- on equity interests in real estate companies<br />

- on liquid assets<br />

€<br />

€<br />

€<br />

0.00<br />

0.00<br />

0.00<br />

0.000<br />

0.000<br />

0.000<br />

Carried forward from previous year € 27,278.87 0.003<br />

Surplus retained in accordance with section 14(2)<br />

of the Special Fund Rules (BVB) €<br />

0.00 0.000<br />

Amount available for distribution € 3,484,872.75 0.374<br />

Reinvestment in accordance with section 14(5) of the BVB<br />

Carried forward to new account<br />

€<br />

€<br />

0.00<br />

40,858.36<br />

0.000<br />

0.004<br />

Advance distribution € 0.00 0.000<br />

Total amount distributed for 9,308,147 units € 3,444,014.39 0.370<br />

<strong>Catella</strong> <strong>Real</strong> <strong>Estate</strong> <strong>AG</strong> Kapitalanlagegesellschaft<br />

Dr. A. Kneip B. Fachtner<br />

Spokesman Managing Board<br />

Munich, June 2009<br />

Carried forward to new account<br />

Income in the amount of €40,858.36 was carried forward<br />

for new account.<br />

Income intended for distribution<br />

There are 9,308,147 units in circulation, meaning that the<br />

distribution on 3 August 2009 amounts to €3,444,014.39.<br />

€0.37 will be paid out per share.

Voltastrasse, Frankfurt/Main<br />


Tax Information<br />

Income tax treatment of the distribution and retained amounts<br />

36<br />

Section 5(1) sentence 1 no. 1 of the InvStG Private<br />

investors<br />

Other business<br />

investors<br />

Corporations<br />

a) Amount of distribution made on 3 August 2009 0.3700 1 0.3700 1 0.3700 1<br />

- Deemed distribution from previous years<br />

included in the distribution, broken down<br />

by financial year<br />

0.0021<br />

- of which financial year 2007/2008<br />

0.0021 2<br />

0.0021<br />

0.0021 2<br />

0.0021<br />

0.0021 2<br />

memo item: the distribution made on 3 August<br />

2009 relates to the following cash distribution:<br />

0.3700 0.3700 0.3700<br />

b) Amount of distributed income 0.2777 3 0.2777 3 0.2777 3<br />

b) Deemed distribution 0.0072 0.0072 0.0072<br />

- of which non-deductible income-related expenses as<br />

defined in section 3(3) sentence 2 no. 2 of the InvStG<br />

0.0072 0.0072 0.0072<br />

c) Amounts included in the distribution/deemed<br />

distribution<br />

aa) - (repealed) - - -<br />

bb) - Tax-free capital gains as defined by section 2(3)<br />

no. 1 sentence 1 of the InvStG in the version<br />

applicable on 31 December 2008<br />

0.0000 - -<br />

cc) - Income as defined in section 3 no. 40<br />

of the EStG; 100%<br />

- 0.0000 -<br />

dd) - Income as defined in section 8b(1)<br />

of the KStG; 100%<br />

ee) - Disposal gains as defined in section 3 no. 40<br />

of the EStG; 100%<br />

ff ) - Disposal gains as defined in section 8b(2)<br />

of the KStG; 100%<br />

gg) - Income as defined in section 2(3) no. 1 sentence<br />

2 of the InvStG in the version applicable on<br />

31 December 2008, insofar as the income is<br />

not investment income as defined in section 20<br />

of the EStG (tax-free capital gains on subscription<br />

rights attached to bonus shares)<br />

hh) - Tax-free capital gains from properties as defined<br />

in section 2(3) no. 2 of the InvStG<br />

ii) - Income as defined in section 4(1) of the InvStG<br />

(foreign income exempt under double taxation<br />

agreements)<br />

jj) - Income as defined in section 4(2) of the InvStG<br />

for which no deduction under (4) has been made<br />

kk) - Income as defined in section 4(2) of the InvStG<br />

which gives rise to an entitlement to credit tax<br />

deemed to have been paid against income or<br />

corporation tax in accordance with a double<br />

taxation agreement<br />

ll) - Income as defined in section 2(2a) of the InvStG<br />

- of which retained<br />

- of which distributed on 3 August 2009<br />

- - 0.0000<br />

- 0.0000 -<br />

- - 0.0000<br />

0.0000 - -<br />

0.0000<br />

- -<br />

0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

-<br />

-<br />

-<br />

0.0827<br />

0.0814<br />

0.0013<br />

0.0827<br />

0.0814<br />


Section 5(1) sentence 1 no. 1 of the InvStG Private<br />

investors<br />

d) Basis of calculation for imputable/reimbursable<br />

Investment income tax as defined in section 7(1)<br />

and (2) of the InvStG<br />

- of which distributed on 3 August 2009<br />

- of which retained<br />

Investment income tax as defined in section 7(3)<br />

of the InvStG<br />

e) Amount of imputable/reimbursable<br />

Investment income tax as defined in section 7(1)<br />

to (3) of the InvStG<br />

- of which distributed on 3 August 2009<br />

- of which retained<br />

Investment income tax as defined in section 7(3)<br />

of the InvStG<br />

f ) Foreign taxes relating to income included in<br />

the distribution as defined in section 4(2) of<br />

the InvStG<br />

aa) - imputable foreign withholding tax on income<br />

as defined in section 4(2) of the InvStG<br />

aa) - of which on income not subject to the<br />

Teileinkünfteverfahren (partial income method)<br />

bb) - deductible foreign taxes (section34c(3) of the<br />

EStG) on income as defined in section 4(2) of<br />

the InvStG<br />

cc) - notional foreign withholding tax on income as<br />

defined in section 4(2) of the InvStG<br />

cc) - of which on income not subject to the<br />

Teileinkünfteverfahren (partial income method)<br />

g) Amount of depreciation/depletion as defined in<br />

section 3(3) sentence 1 of the InvStG<br />

- of which distributed on 3 August 2009<br />

- of which retained<br />

0.2849 4<br />

0.2777<br />

0.0072<br />

0.0000<br />

0.0712 5<br />

0.0694<br />

0.0018<br />

0.0000<br />

Other business<br />

investors<br />

0.2849 4<br />

0.2777<br />

0.0072<br />

0.0000<br />

0.0712 5<br />

0.0694<br />

0.0018<br />

0.0000<br />

Corporations<br />

0.2849 4<br />

0.2777<br />

0.0072<br />

0.0000<br />

0.0712 5<br />

0.0694<br />

0.0018<br />

0.0000<br />

0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

0.0000 0.0000 0.0000<br />

0.0916<br />

0.0916<br />

0.0000<br />

0.0916<br />

0.0916<br />

0.0000<br />

h) (repealed) - - -<br />

1 Distributed income and deemed distributions are deemed to have accrued on the respective distribution date or when the resolution<br />

on the distribution is passed.<br />

2 The amount disclosed is the income calculated in accordance with tax provisions. The amount determined in line with investment<br />

law provisions is EUR 30,989.54, or EUR 0.0033 per unit certificate.<br />

3 The amount stated includes the taxable income of the Investment Fund calculated in accordance with section 3 of the InvStG. This<br />

amount includes income that is fully taxable for investors as well as income that falls under section 2(2) and (3) and section 4(1) and<br />

(2) of the InvStG. However, the deemed distribution from previous years contained in the distribution is not included.<br />

4 The amounts stated correspond to the basis of calculation to be applied for investment income tax. Exceptions may apply to specific<br />

investors in individual cases, for example due to non-assessment certificates.<br />

5 When held in custody. The German withholding tax disclosed does not include the solidarity surcharge.<br />

0.0916<br />

0.0916<br />

0.0000<br />


Tax Information<br />

€0.37 per unit will be distributed on 3 August 2009 for the<br />

financial year ended 30 April 2009.<br />

Taxation at fund level<br />

In Germany, investment funds are legally exempt from all<br />

income taxes. Income is taxed at the level of the investors.<br />

Taxation at private investor level<br />

If the units are held as private assets, taxable income from<br />

the Fund is treated as income from capital investments. This<br />

also includes the income distributed by the Investment Fund,<br />

deemed distributions and interim profits, as well as gains on<br />

the purchase and sale of fund units if these were or are<br />

purchased after 31 December 2008. This income is taxed in<br />

the year it accrues.<br />

Income from capital investments is subject to 25% withholding<br />

tax (plus solidarity surcharge and, if applicable,<br />

church tax). As the tax withheld is generally definitive (flat<br />

tax), income from capital investments does not, as a rule,<br />

have to be disclosed in the investor’s income tax return.<br />

When withholding the tax, the custodian, as a matter of<br />

principle, already offsets any losses and credits any foreign<br />

withholding taxes.<br />

Nevertheless, the tax withheld may not have definitive effect<br />

in some circumstances, e.g. if the investor’s personal tax rate<br />

is lower than the flat tax rate of 25%. In this case, income<br />

from capital investments can be disclosed in the investor’s<br />

income tax return. The tax office then applies the lower personal<br />

tax rate and counts the tax withheld against the investor’s<br />

personal tax liability (Günstigerprüfung – most<br />

favourable tax treatment).<br />

If no tax has been withheld on income from capital investments<br />

(for example because a gain on the sale of fund units<br />

is generated in a foreign securities account), this income<br />

must be disclosed in the tax return. This income from capital<br />

investments is then also subject to the 25% flat tax rate or<br />

the lower personal tax rate in the course of the assessment.<br />

Even if the tax has been withheld and the investor has a<br />

higher personal tax rate, information on income from capital<br />

investments must be disclosed if, for example, extraordinary<br />

personal expenses or special personal deductions (e.g.<br />

donations) are claimed in the investor’s income tax return.<br />

No tax needs to be withheld if the investor is a German tax<br />

38<br />

resident and has submitted an exemption instruction,<br />

provided that the taxable income components do not exceed<br />

EUR 801 for single persons or EUR 1,602 for married couples<br />

assessed jointly. The same also applies if a non-assessment<br />

certificate has been submitted or if foreign investors furnish<br />

proof of their non-resident status for tax purposes.<br />

Distributed or retained domestic rental income, interest,<br />

other income, foreign dividends and gains on the sale of<br />

domestic real estate within the 10-year holding period that<br />

are held in domestic custody are subject to the 25% withholding<br />

tax (plus solidarity surcharge and, if applicable,<br />

church tax).<br />

If units are held in an investment fund classed as an accumulating<br />

fund for tax purposes, the Investment Company<br />

itself remits the 25% tax (plus solidarity surcharge) withheld<br />

on the retained income that is subject to tax. Thus, the issue<br />

and redemption prices for the fund units are reduced by the<br />

tax withheld at the end of the financial year. As investors are<br />

generally unknown to the investment company, church tax<br />

cannot be retained in this case; as a result, investors who are<br />

subject to church tax must disclose the corresponding information<br />

in their income tax return.<br />

Gains on the sale of domestic and foreign properties not<br />

falling within the 10-year holding period<br />

Gains on the sale of domestic and foreign properties not<br />

falling within the 10-year holding period that are generated at<br />

the Investment Fund level are always tax-free for the investor.<br />

Foreign rental income and gains on the sale of foreign<br />

properties within the 10-year holding period<br />

Foreign rental income and gains on the sale of foreign<br />

properties in respect of which Germany has waived taxation<br />

under a double taxation agreement (exemption method) are<br />

also tax-free (general rule). The tax-free income also has no<br />

effect on the applicable tax rate (i.e. Progressionsvorbehalt<br />

– progression clause – does not apply).<br />

If, exceptionally, the tax credit method has been agreed in the<br />

relevant double taxation treaty or no double taxation treaty<br />

has been signed, the statements made regarding the treatment<br />

of gains on the sale of domestic real estate within the<br />

10-year holding period shall apply analogously. Taxes paid in<br />

the relevant countries of origin may be offset against German<br />

income tax where appropriate, insofar as the taxes paid<br />

have not already been claimed as income-related expenses at<br />

the level of the Investment Fund.<br />

Gains on the sale of securities, gains on forward transactions<br />

and income from option premiums

Gains on the sale of shares, equity-equivalent profit participation<br />

rights and investment units, gains on forward transactions<br />

and income from option premiums generated at the<br />

Investment Fund level are not recognised at the level of the<br />

investor unless they are distributed.<br />

Gains on the sale of securities that are distributed are taxable;<br />

25% tax is withheld if the units are held in a domestic<br />

custody account (plus the solidarity surcharge and church<br />

tax, if applicable). However, distributed gains on the sale of<br />

securities and gains from forward transactions are tax-free<br />

if the securities were acquired at Investment Fund level before<br />

1 January 2009 or the forward transactions were entered into<br />

before 1 January 2009.<br />

Negative taxable income<br />

If, after negative income has been offset against similar<br />

positive income at Investment Fund level, a negative overall<br />

amount is produced, this is carried forward at Investment<br />

Fund level. It can be offset against similar future positive<br />

taxable income at Investment Fund level in subsequent periods.<br />

Negative taxable income may not be directly allocated<br />

to investors.<br />

Repayments of capital<br />

Repayments of capital (e.g. in the form of construction<br />

project interest) are not taxable.<br />

Capital gains at investor level<br />

If a private investor sells units in an investment fund that<br />

were acquired after 31 December 2008, the disposal gain is<br />

subject to the 25% flat tax. If the units are held in a domestic<br />

securities account, the custodian withholds the tax. The 25%<br />

tax (plus the solidarity surcharge and church tax, if applicable)<br />

need not be withheld if a sufficient exemption instruction or<br />

a non-assessment certificate has been submitted.<br />

If investment units in an investment fund that were acquired<br />

before 1 January 2009 are resold by a private investor within<br />

twelve months of their purchase (taxable period), any capital<br />

gains are taxable as income from private disposals. If the<br />

total gains from “private disposals” during a calendar year<br />

amount to less than €600, these gains are tax-free (exemption<br />

limit). If the exemption limit is exceeded, the total private<br />

disposal gains are taxable.<br />

If units acquired before 1 January 2009 are sold outside the<br />

taxable period, the gains are tax-free for private investors.<br />

In calculating the capital gains, the interim profit at the time<br />

of acquisition must be deducted from the acquisition costs,<br />

and the interim profit at the time of disposal must be deducted<br />

from the selling price, so that interim profits are not<br />

1 In accordance with section 2(2a) of the InvStG, the taxable interest must<br />

be taken into account for the purposes of the earnings stripping rule in<br />

accordance with section 4h of the EStG.<br />

taxed twice (see below). In addition, the retained income that<br />

the investor has already taxed must be deducted from the<br />

selling price, so that double taxation is also avoided in this<br />

respect.<br />

Gains on the sale of fund units acquired after 31 December<br />

2008 are tax-free insofar as they relate to income that is taxfree<br />

under double taxation agreements, that accrued to the<br />

Fund during the holding period, and that has not yet been<br />

recognised at the investor level (gain on real estate for the<br />

proportionate period of ownership).<br />

The investment company publishes the gains on real estate<br />

on each valuation date as a percentage of the value of the<br />

investment units.<br />

Units Held as Business Assets (German Tax Residents)<br />

Domestic rental income, interest and similar income<br />

Domestic rental income, interest and other income from<br />

units are taxable by investors 1 . This applies regardless of<br />

whether this income is retained or distributed.<br />

Foreign rental income<br />

Germany generally exempts rental income from foreign real<br />

estate from taxation (exemption due to a double taxation<br />

agreement). However, investors that are not incorporated<br />

entities are subject to the progression clause.<br />

If, exceptionally, the tax credit method has been agreed in the<br />

relevant double taxation agreement or no double taxation<br />

agreement has been signed, income tax paid in the relevant<br />

countries of origin may be offset against German income tax<br />

or corporation tax where appropriate, insofar as the taxes<br />

paid have not already been claimed as income-related<br />

expenses at the level of the Investment Fund.<br />

Gains on the sale of domestic and foreign properties<br />

Retained gains at Fund level on the sale of domestic and<br />

foreign properties not falling within the 10-year holding<br />

period are of no significance for tax purposes at the investor<br />

level. Gains only become taxable upon distribution, whereby<br />

Germany generally does not tax foreign gains (exemption<br />

due to a double taxation agreement).<br />

Gains on the sale of domestic and foreign properties within<br />

the 10-year holding period, whether retained or distributed,<br />

are taxable at the investor level. Gains on the sale of domestic<br />

properties are fully taxable.<br />

Germany generally exempts gains on the sale of foreign real<br />

estate from taxation (exemption due to a double taxation<br />


Tax Information<br />

agreement). However, investors that are not incorporated<br />

entities are subject to the progression clause.<br />

If, exceptionally, the tax credit method has been agreed in the<br />

relevant double taxation agreement or no double taxation<br />

agreement has been signed, income tax paid in the relevant<br />

countries of origin may be offset against German income tax<br />

or corporation tax where appropriate, insofar as the taxes<br />

paid have not already been claimed as income-related<br />

expenses at the level of the Investment Fund.<br />

Tax need only not be withheld, or withheld tax can only be<br />

refunded, upon presentation of a corresponding nonassessment<br />

certificate. Otherwise, the investor receives a tax<br />

certificate documenting the tax withheld.<br />

Gains on the sale of securities, gains on transactions<br />

forward and income from option premiums<br />

Gains on the sale of shares, equity-equivalent profit participation<br />

rights and investment fund units, gains on forward<br />

transactions and income from option premiums are of no<br />

significance for tax purposes at the investor level if they are<br />

retained.<br />

If they are distributed, they are taxable at the investor level.<br />

Gains on the sale of shares are fully tax-free for investors that<br />

are corporations (5% of the profits are considered as nondeductible<br />

business expenses) or 40% tax-free for other<br />

business investors such as sole proprietorships and partnerships<br />

(partial income method).<br />

In contrast, disposal gains on bonds/capital claims, gains on<br />

forward transactions and income from option premiums are<br />

fully taxable.<br />

Income from the sale of capital claims that are not included<br />

in the list above must be treated in the same way as interest<br />

for tax purposes (see above).<br />

Distributed disposal gains on securities, distributed gains on<br />

forward transactions and distributed income from option<br />

premiums are subject to withholding tax (25% investment<br />

income tax plus the solidarity surcharge). This does not apply<br />

to gains on the sale of securities purchased before 1 January<br />

2009 and to gains on forward transactions entered into before<br />

1 January 2009. However, the paying agent does not<br />

withhold any tax in particular if the investor is a corporation<br />

with unlimited tax liability or if the investment income represents<br />

operating income of a domestic business and this is<br />

declared to the paying agent by the creditor of the investment<br />

income in an official form.<br />

Domestic and foreign dividends (particularly from real<br />

estate corporations)<br />

40<br />

Dividends paid by domestic and foreign real estate corporations<br />

that are distributed or retained in relation to units held<br />

as business assets are tax-free for corporations with the<br />

exception of dividends in accordance with the REIT-Gesetz<br />

(German REIT Act) (5% of dividends are considered as<br />

non-deductible business expenses). This income is taxable<br />

at 60% for sole proprietorships or natural persons holding<br />

equity interests in commercial partnerships (partial income<br />

method).<br />

Domestic dividends are subject to withholding tax (25%<br />

investment income tax plus the solidarity surcharge).<br />

Foreign dividends are generally subject to withholding tax<br />

(25% investment income tax plus the solidarity surcharge).<br />

However, the paying agent shall not withhold any tax in<br />

particular if the investor is a corporation with unlimited tax<br />

liability (whereby corporations as defined by section 1(1) no.<br />

4 and 5 of the Körperschaftsteuergesetz (KStG – German<br />

Corporation Tax Act) must submit a certificate from their tax<br />

office to the paying agent) or the foreign dividends represent<br />

operating income of a domestic business and this is declared<br />

to the paying agent by the creditor of the investment income<br />

in an official form.<br />

Subject to certain conditions, dividends paid by foreign (real<br />

estate) corporations may, as qualifying intercompany<br />

dividends, be fully tax-free.<br />

Negative taxable income<br />

If, after negative income has been offset against similar<br />

positive income at Investment Fund level, a negative overall<br />

amount is produced, this is carried forward at Investment<br />

Fund level. It can be offset against similar future positive<br />

taxable income at Investment Fund level in subsequent periods.<br />

Negative taxable income may not be directly allocated to<br />

investors. This means that such negative amounts will only<br />

be reflected in investors’ income or corporation tax assessments<br />

in the assessment period (tax year) in which the<br />

Investment Fund’s financial year ends, or in which the<br />

distribution for the financial year of the Investment Fund for<br />

which the negative taxable income has been offset at Investment<br />

Fund level takes place.<br />

Repayments of capital<br />

Repayments of capital (e.g. in the form of construction<br />

project interest) are not taxable.<br />

Capital gains at investor level<br />

Gains on the sale of units held as business assets are tax-free<br />

for business investors, provided that these consist of foreign<br />

rental income that has not yet accrued or been deemed to

have accrued, and realised and unrealised Investment Fund<br />

gains on foreign properties, insofar as Germany has waived<br />

taxation (gain on real estate).<br />

The investment company publishes the gains on real estate<br />

on each valuation date as a percentage of the value of the<br />

investment units.<br />

Furthermore, gains on the sale of units held as business assets<br />

are tax-free for incorporated entities (5% of profits are<br />

considered as non-deductible business expenses) if they consist<br />

of dividends that have not yet accrued or been deemed to<br />

have accrued, and realised or unrealised Investment Fund<br />

gains on domestic and foreign real estate corporations (gains<br />

on shares). These disposal gains are taxable at 60% for sole<br />

proprietorships or natural persons holding equity interests in<br />

commercial partnerships.<br />

The investment company publishes the gains on shares on<br />

each valuation date as a percentage of the value of the investment<br />

units.<br />

Non-residents for tax purposes<br />

If a non-resident for tax purposes holds units in distributing<br />

investment funds in a securities account at a German custodian<br />

(custody), no tax is withheld on interest, other income,<br />

disposal gains on securities, gains on forward transactions<br />

and foreign dividends if the investor furnishes proof of his<br />

or her non-resident status for tax purposes. The extent to<br />

which withholding tax on German dividends may be offset or<br />

reimbursed for a foreign investor depends on the double<br />

taxation agreement in place between the investor’s country of<br />

residence and the Federal Republic of Germany. If the custodian<br />

concerned is unaware of the investor’s non-resident<br />

status or if proof of this status is not furnished in good time,<br />

the foreign investor is required to apply for reimbursement of<br />

the tax withheld in accordance with section 37(2) of the<br />

Abgabenordnung (AO – German Tax Code) to the tax office<br />

at the place of business of the custodian.<br />

If a foreign investor holds units of accumulating investment<br />

funds in a securities account at a German custodian, the<br />

investor is reimbursed the 25% tax withheld plus the<br />

solidarity surcharge (unless it applies to domestic dividends)<br />

on furnishing proof of his or her non-resident status for tax<br />

purposes. If the application for reimbursement is made too<br />

late, the investor may apply for reimbursement in accordance<br />

with section 37(2) of the AO, as in the case where proof of<br />

non-resident status is furnished too late by investors holding<br />

units of distributing funds. This is the case if the income<br />

has been retained.<br />

Solidarity surcharge<br />

A 5.5% solidarity surcharge is levied on the tax withheld to be<br />

remitted when the Investment Fund distributes or retains<br />

income. The solidarity surcharge can be offset in the<br />

investor’s income tax and corporation tax return.<br />

If no tax is withheld or if tax withheld is reimbursed where<br />

income is retained – for example, because a sufficient<br />

exemption instruction, or non-assessment certificate has<br />

been presented or proof of non-resident status for tax purposes<br />

has been submitted – there is no requirement to remit<br />

the solidarity surcharge or, in the case of income being<br />

retained, the withheld solidarity surcharge is reimbursed.<br />

Church tax<br />

If income tax is already levied via the tax withheld by a<br />

German custodian (withholding agent), the church tax<br />

payable on it is levied as a surcharge to the tax withheld in<br />

accordance with the church tax rate for the religious<br />

community to which the investor belongs. For this purpose,<br />

persons subject to church tax must provide the withholding<br />

agent with a written application stating the religion to which<br />

they belong. In this application, married couples must also<br />

declare which portion of the couple’s overall investment<br />

income is attributable to each partner, so that the church tax<br />

can be allocated, retained and remitted in line with this ratio.<br />

If no allocation ratio is indicated, the allocation is made on a<br />

per capita basis.<br />

The deductibility of church tax as a special personal deduction<br />

is already recognised as reducing the tax burden when the<br />

tax is withheld.<br />

Foreign withholding tax<br />

Withholding tax is sometimes retained on the Investment<br />

Fund’s foreign income in the country of origin.<br />

The investment company may deduct the eligible withholding<br />

tax in the same way as an income-related expense at the level<br />

of the Investment Fund. In this case, the foreign withholding<br />

tax cannot be offset or deducted at investor level.<br />

If the investment company does not exercise its option to<br />

deduct the foreign withholding tax at Investment Fund level,<br />

the eligible withholding tax will be recognised as reducing<br />

the tax to be withheld.<br />


Taxation of interim profits<br />

Interim profits consist of income included in the sale or<br />

redemption price for interest received or accrued as well as<br />

gains on the sale of capital claims not listed in section 1(3)<br />

sentence 3 number 1 letters a) to f ) of the InvStG that have<br />

not yet been distributed or retained by the Fund and are<br />

therefore not yet taxable for the investor (comparable to<br />

accrued interest on fixed-income securities). Interim profits<br />

generated by the Investment Fund are subject to income tax<br />

when units are redeemed or sold by German tax residents.<br />

25% tax is withheld on interim profits (plus a solidarity<br />

surcharge and, if applicable, church tax).<br />

Interim profits paid on the purchase of units can be deducted<br />

as negative income for income tax purposes in the year of<br />

payment. They are already recognised as reducing the tax<br />

burden for the purposes of tax withholding. If the interim<br />

profits are not published, 6% of the payment made in<br />

connection with the redemption or sale of the investment<br />

unit must be recognised annually as interim profits.<br />

Interim profits may also be ascertained regularly from the<br />

account and income statements issued by the banks.<br />

EU Savings Tax Directive/Zinsinformationsverordnung<br />

The Zinsinformationsverordnung (ZIV – German Interest<br />

Information Regulation), which implements Council Directive<br />

2003 48/EC of 3 June 2003, OJ EU no. L 157 p. 38, is designed<br />

to ensure the effective cross-border taxation of interest<br />

income accruing to natural persons within the territory of the<br />

<strong>European</strong> Union. The <strong>European</strong> Union has signed agreements<br />

that largely correspond to the Savings Tax Directive<br />

with a number of third-party states (and in particular with<br />

Switzerland, Liechtenstein, the Channel Islands, Monaco<br />

and Andorra).<br />

Under these agreements, interest income that is credited by<br />

a German credit institution (which to this extent acts as a<br />

paying agent) to a natural person living in another country<br />

in Europe or certain third-party states is reported by the<br />

German credit institution to the Bundeszentralamt für<br />

Steuern (German Federal Central Tax Office) and by the latter<br />

ultimately to the foreign tax offices in the person’s country of<br />

residence.<br />

According to the ZIV, the investment company must specify<br />

for each domestic and foreign fund whether it is subject to<br />

the ZIV (“in scope”) or not (“out of scope”).<br />

The ZIV contains two material investment thresholds to<br />

assist in this assessment.<br />

If a maximum of 15% of the fund assets consist of receivables<br />

as defined by the ZIV, the paying agents, which ultimately<br />

42<br />

refer to the data reported by the investment company, do not<br />

have to submit reports to the Bundeszentralamt für Steuern.<br />

Otherwise, exceeding the 15% threshold triggers a requirement<br />

on the part of the paying agents to disclose the interest<br />

portion of the dividend to the Bundeszentralamt für Steuern.<br />

If the 40% threshold is exceeded, the interest portion contained<br />

in the redemption or sale of the fund units must be<br />

disclosed. If the fund is a distributing fund, the interest portion<br />

contained in the dividend must also be reported to the<br />

Bundeszentralamt für Steuern. If the fund is an accumulating<br />

fund, a disclosure is logically only made when fund units are<br />

redeemed or sold.<br />

The proportion of receivables held by <strong>Bouwfonds</strong> <strong>European</strong><br />

<strong>Residential</strong> as at 30 April 2009 was greater than 15% but less<br />

than 40%. The interest portion amounted to €0.0827 per<br />

unit.<br />

Property transfer tax<br />

The sale of units in the Investment Fund does not give rise to<br />

any property transfer tax.<br />

Notice:<br />

The information concerning taxation is based on the legal<br />

situation as it is known to stand at present. It is intended for<br />

those persons with unlimited liability regarding German<br />

income or corporation tax. However, no assurance can be<br />

given that the tax treatment will not change as a result of<br />

legislation, court rulings, or decrees issued by the tax<br />

authorities.<br />

Legal and tax risk<br />

Amendments to inaccurately determined bases of taxation<br />

for the Investment Fund for past financial years (e.g. as a<br />

result of external tax audits) may lead, in the case of a<br />

correction with negative tax consequences for investors, to<br />

investors having to carry the tax burden arising out of the<br />

correction for previous financial years even if they were not<br />

invested in the Fund at the time. Conversely, the situation<br />

may arise for investors in which they no longer benefit from<br />

a positive tax correction for the current and past financial<br />

years in which they were invested in the Fund because they<br />

have redeemed or sold their units before the corresponding<br />

correction is implemented.<br />

In addition, corrections to the tax data may result in taxable<br />

income and tax benefits being assessed for tax purposes in a<br />

different tax period than that actually applicable, which may<br />

have negative effects on individual investors.

Certification in Accordance with Section 5(1)<br />

Sentence 1 No. 3 of the InvStG Regarding the<br />

Preparation of the Tax Information<br />

To <strong>Catella</strong> <strong>Real</strong> <strong>Estate</strong> <strong>AG</strong> Kapitalanlagegesellschaft (hereinafter: the Company):<br />

The Company has appointed us, based on the records audited in accordance with section 44(5) of the InvG and the audited<br />

Annual Report of the <strong>Bouwfonds</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Residential</strong> investment fund for the period from 1 May 2008 to 30 April 2009, to<br />

determine the tax information in accordance with section 5(1) sentence 1 nos. 1 and 2 of the InvStG and to submit a certificate<br />

in accordance with section 5(1) sentence 1 no. 3 of the InvStG as to whether the tax information complies with the<br />

provisions of German tax law.<br />

Our task is to determine the information in accordance with section 5(1) sentence 1 nos. 1 and 2 of the InvStG in accordance<br />

with the provisions of German tax law on the basis of the books/records and the other documents of the Company for the<br />

<strong>Bouwfonds</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Residential</strong> Fund. Assessing the propriety of these documents and the information provided by the<br />

Company did not form part of our task.<br />

During the course of preparation of the reconciliation, the investments, income and expenses and their classification as<br />

income-related expenses, were examined for compliance with the relevant provisions of tax law. Insofar as the Company has<br />

invested funds in units of target funds, our task is limited solely to checking whether the tax information made available for<br />

these target funds was correctly adopted in accordance with the certifications supplied in accordance with section 5(1)<br />

sentence 1 no. 3 of the InvStG. We did not audit the corresponding tax information.<br />

The determination of the tax information in accordance with section 5(1) sentence 1 nos. 1 and 2 of the InvStG is based on<br />

the interpretation of the tax laws to be applied. Insofar as several possible interpretations exist, the decision was incumbent<br />

on the management of the Company. When preparing the information, we satisfied ourselves that the decision reached was<br />

justifiably supported in each case by explanatory memoranda to the legislation, court rulings, relevant specialist literature<br />

and published opinions of the fiscal authorities. Your attention is drawn to the fact that future legal developments and in<br />

particular new court rulings could necessitate a different assessment of the interpretation selected.<br />

On this basis, we have determined the tax information in accordance with section 5(1) sentence 1 nos. 1 and 2 of the InvStG<br />

in accordance with the provisions of German tax law.<br />

Munich, 17 July 2009<br />

Deloitte & Touche GmbH<br />

Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft<br />

Schulz ppa. Dirnaichner<br />

(Lawyer/Steuerberater) (Wirtschaftsprüfer/Steuerberater)<br />


Committees<br />

Investment Company<br />

<strong>Catella</strong> <strong>Real</strong> <strong>Estate</strong> <strong>AG</strong><br />

Kapitalanlagegesellschaft<br />

Alter Hof 5<br />

D-80331 Munich, Germany<br />

Phone +49-89-189 16 65-0<br />

Fax +49-89-189 16 65-66<br />

Commercial register: Munich Local Court<br />

Commercial register number: HRB 169 051<br />

Formation:<br />

18 January 2007<br />

Subscribed and paid-in capital as at 31 December 2008:<br />

€2.5 million<br />

Liable capital as at 31 December 2008:<br />

€3.1 million<br />

Supervisory Board<br />

Johan Ericsson (Chairman)<br />

<strong>Catella</strong> Financial Advisory AB, Sweden<br />

Group Chief Executive<br />

Ando Wikström (Deputy Chairman)<br />

<strong>Catella</strong> Financial Advisory AB, Sweden<br />

Deputy Chief Executive/CFO<br />

Anders Ek<br />

Independent Advisor<br />

Heimo Leopold<br />

Asset Manager<br />

Paul Vismans<br />

Independent Advisor<br />

Lennart Schuss (from 14 May 2009)<br />

<strong>Catella</strong> Corporate Finance AB, Sweden<br />

Chief Executive Officer<br />

44<br />

Managing Board<br />

Dr. Andreas Kneip (Spokesman)<br />

Bernhard Fachtner<br />

Shareholders<br />

<strong>Catella</strong> Property Fund Management AB, Sweden (94.5%)<br />

<strong>Catella</strong> Tellaca Holding AB, Sweden (5.5%)<br />

Custodian Bank<br />

Bayerische Hypo- und Vereinsbank <strong>AG</strong> (until 30 June 2009)<br />

Kardinal-Faulhaber-Strasse 1<br />

80333 Munich, Germany<br />

Subscribed capital as at 31 December 2008:<br />

€2,407,151 thousand<br />

Liable capital as at 31 December 2008:<br />

€26,929,015 thousand<br />

CACEIS Bank Deutschland GmbH (from 1 July 2009)<br />

Lilienthalallee 34-36<br />

80939 Munich, Germany<br />

Subscribed capital as at 31 December 2008:<br />

€5,113 thousand<br />

Liable capital as at 31 December 2008:<br />

€153,392 thousand<br />

Auditors<br />

PricewaterhouseCoopers <strong>AG</strong><br />

Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft<br />

Elsenheimerstrasse 33<br />

80687 Munich, Germany

Expert Committee<br />

<strong>Catella</strong> <strong>Real</strong> <strong>Estate</strong> <strong>AG</strong>’s Expert Committee, which will be responsible for only <strong>Bouwfonds</strong> <strong>European</strong> <strong>Residential</strong> with<br />

effect from 28 June 2009.<br />

Stefan Brönner<br />

Dipl.-Kfm./MRICS/Chartered Surveyor<br />

Publicly certified and sworn expert for the valuation of<br />

developed and undeveloped properties.<br />

Klaus-Peter Keunecke<br />

Dr.-Ing.<br />

Publicly certified and sworn expert for the valuation of<br />

developed and undeveloped properties. Chairman of the<br />

Expert Committee.<br />

Stefan Wicht<br />

Dipl.-Ing., architect<br />

Publicly certified and sworn expert for the valuation of<br />

developed and undeveloped properties.<br />

Florian Lehn<br />

Dipl.-Ing. (FH)<br />

Publicly certified and sworn expert for the valuation of<br />

developed and undeveloped properties.<br />


<strong>Catella</strong> <strong>Real</strong> <strong>Estate</strong> <strong>AG</strong> Kapitalanlagegesellschaft<br />

Alter Hof 5<br />

D-80331 Munich, Germany<br />

Phone: +49 (0)89 189 16 65 - 0<br />

Fax: +49 (0)89 189 16 65 - 66<br />

<strong>Bouwfonds</strong> <strong>Real</strong> <strong>Estate</strong> Services Deutschland GmbH<br />

Potsdammer Strasse 58<br />

10785 Berlin, Germany<br />

Phone: +49 (0)30 59 00 97 - 60<br />

Fax: +49 (0)30 59 00 97 - 89

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