Masterstudium Business Informatics - Fakultät für Informatik, TU Wien

Masterstudium Business Informatics - Fakultät für Informatik, TU Wien Masterstudium Business Informatics - Fakultät für Informatik, TU Wien
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Changes in the version of June 2013 (Fassung vom Juni 2013): • The modules SIT/EUP End User Programming and SIT/IRV Advanced Information Retrieval & Visualization have been added as new alternative modules in the catalog of the Specialization Track Information Technology. • The former course title VU Advanced Project Management has been renamed to VU Advanced Software Project Management in the module SIT/SE2 - Advanced Software Engineering and Project Management. • Following a decision of the Senate of the Vienna University of Technology on 6th May 2013, we use the term Studienplan instead of the term Curriculum. This decision of the Senate of the Vienna University of Technology has in addtion lead to editiorial changes in the Musterstudienplan (reference curriculum). These changes have been adopted in the paragraphs 1, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, and 13. Changes in the version of June 2012 (Fassung vom Juni 2012): • The modules SBI/KM3 Semantic Web and SBI/KM4 - Semantic Business Processes have been added as new alternative modules in the catalog of the Specialization Track Business Informatics. • The new module SBI/MTE - Business Informatics: Methods and Techniques for e- Marketing replaces the former module SBI/EC3 - Business Informatics: Current State and Future Trends. • The semester schedule has been changed. The course FMF/KBS Knowledge-Based Systems for Business Informatics VU has been moved to the 3rd semester (and to the 4th semester for students starting in the summer term). To compensate this move, 3 ECTS TSK/FEL Free Electives and 3 ECTS TSK/SOS Social Skills have been moved in return to the 2nd semester. For students starting in the summer term, the compensation of the move is realized by moving another 6ECTS module of a specialization track to the 3rd semester. 2

Inhaltsverzeichnis 1. Grundlage und Geltungsbereich 4 2. Qualikationsprol 4 3. Dauer und Umfang 6 4. Zulassung zum Masterstudium 6 5. Aufbau des Studiums 7 6. Lehrveranstaltungen 19 7. Prüfungsordnung 19 8. Studierbarkeit und Mobilität 20 9. Diplomarbeit 21 10.Akademischer Grad 21 11.Integriertes Qualitätsmanagement 21 12.Inkrafttreten 22 13.Übergangsbestimmungen 23 A. Modulbeschreibungen 23 B. Lehrveranstaltungstypen 86 C. Semestereinteilung der Lehrveranstaltungen 87 D. Semestereinteilung für schiefeinsteigende Studierende 89 E. Innovation Supplementary Curriculum 92 3

Inhaltsverzeichnis<br />

1. Grundlage und Geltungsbereich 4<br />

2. Qualikationsprol 4<br />

3. Dauer und Umfang 6<br />

4. Zulassung zum <strong>Masterstudium</strong> 6<br />

5. Aufbau des Studiums 7<br />

6. Lehrveranstaltungen 19<br />

7. Prüfungsordnung 19<br />

8. Studierbarkeit und Mobilität 20<br />

9. Diplomarbeit 21<br />

10.Akademischer Grad 21<br />

11.Integriertes Qualitätsmanagement 21<br />

12.Inkrafttreten 22<br />

13.Übergangsbestimmungen 23<br />

A. Modulbeschreibungen 23<br />

B. Lehrveranstaltungstypen 86<br />

C. Semestereinteilung der Lehrveranstaltungen 87<br />

D. Semestereinteilung <strong>für</strong> schiefeinsteigende Studierende 89<br />

E. Innovation Supplementary Curriculum 92<br />


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