Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover Die ontogenetische ...

Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover Die ontogenetische ...

Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover Die ontogenetische ...


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<strong>Stiftung</strong> <strong>Tierärztliche</strong> <strong>Hochschule</strong> <strong>Hannover</strong><br />

<strong>Die</strong> <strong>ontogenetische</strong> Entwicklung des Bewegungsapparates beim Beagle – eine<br />

morphometrische und kinetische Analyse<br />


zur Erlangung des Grades einer Doktorin der Veterinärmedizin<br />

- Doctor medicinae veterinariae -<br />

(Dr. med. vet.)<br />

vorgelegt von<br />

Daniela Helmsmüller<br />

Bremen<br />

<strong>Hannover</strong> 2013

Wissenschaftliche Betreuung:<br />

1. Prof. Dr. Ingo Nolte<br />

Klinik für Kleintiere<br />

2. PD Dr. Nadja Schilling<br />

Institut für Spezielle Zoologie und<br />

Evolutionsbiologie, Jena<br />

1. Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Ingo Nolte<br />

2. Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Hagen Gasse<br />

Tag der mündlichen Prüfung: 22.5.2013<br />

<strong>Die</strong>se Arbeit wurde im Rahmen des Kompetenzzentrum für Interdisziplinäre<br />

Prävention (KIP) der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena und der Berufsgenossenschaft<br />

Nahrungsmittel und Gastgewerbe (BGN), Erfurt sowie durch die <strong>Hannover</strong>sche<br />

Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Kleintiermedizin (HGFK) gefördert.

Meiner Familie und Sammy

Teile dieser Arbeit sind bei folgenden Fachzeitschriften eingereicht:<br />

• BMC Veterinary Research<br />

Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

Daniela Helmsmüller, Patrick Wefstaedt, Ingo Nolte, Nadja Schilling<br />

• Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A<br />

Shift of the whole-body center of mass in growing dogs<br />

Daniela Helmsmüller, Alexandra Anders, Ingo Nolte, Nadja Schilling

Ergebnisse dieser Dissertation wurden als Poster auf folgenden Fachtagungen bzw.<br />

als populärwissenschaftliche Artikel präsentiert:<br />

• 18. Erfurter Tage 2011<br />

Untersuchung der Bewegungsentwicklung beim Beagle<br />

• Kongress der Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology 2012<br />

Kinematic, kinetic and electromyographic analysis of the locomotor ontogeny<br />

of the Beagle<br />

• Kongress Canine and Equine Locomotion 2012<br />

Locomotor ontogeny of the Beagle<br />

• Unser Rassehund 10/2012<br />

Vom tapsigen Welpen zum erwachsenen Hund- Untersuchung zur Entwicklung<br />

von Körperbau und Fortbewegung am Beispiel des Beagles<br />

• 19. Erfurter Tage 2012<br />

<strong>Die</strong> <strong>ontogenetische</strong> Entwicklung der Fortbewegung des Beagles<br />

• 21. Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe „Innere Medizin und klinische Labordiagnostik“<br />

der DVG 2013<br />

Das Wachstum mit Blick auf die Bewegung von Beaglen

Inhaltsverzeichnis<br />

Inhaltsverzeichnis<br />

1. Einleitung und Literaturüberblick .................................................................... 9<br />

2. Material und Methoden ................................................................................... 12<br />

2.1. Hunde ........................................................................................................ 12<br />

2.2. Morphometrie............................................................................................. 13<br />

2.3. Ganganalyse.............................................................................................. 15<br />

3. Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle .............................................. 18<br />

3.1. Abstract...................................................................................................... 18<br />

3.2. Background................................................................................................ 19<br />

3.3. Materials and Methods............................................................................... 22<br />

3.4. Results....................................................................................................... 24<br />

3.5. Discussion.................................................................................................. 27<br />

3.6. Conclusions ............................................................................................... 32<br />

3.7. List of abbreviations ................................................................................... 32<br />

3.8. Competing interests ................................................................................... 33<br />

3.9. Author contributions ................................................................................... 33<br />

3.10. Acknowledgements.................................................................................... 33<br />

3.11. References................................................................................................. 34<br />

3.12. Figures....................................................................................................... 39<br />

3.13. Tables ........................................................................................................ 44<br />

4. Studie II: Shift of the whole-body center of mass in growing dogs............ 50<br />

4.1. Abstract...................................................................................................... 50<br />

4.2. Abbreviations ............................................................................................. 51<br />

4.3. Introduction ................................................................................................ 52<br />

4.4. Animals and Methods ................................................................................ 54<br />

4.5. Results....................................................................................................... 56<br />

4.6. Discussion.................................................................................................. 58<br />

4.7. Acknowledgments...................................................................................... 61<br />

4.8. Conflict of interest statement...................................................................... 61<br />

4.9. Literature cited ........................................................................................... 62<br />

4.10. Figures....................................................................................................... 67<br />

4.11. Tables ........................................................................................................ 69<br />

5. Diskussion ....................................................................................................... 72<br />

6. Zusammenfassung.......................................................................................... 78<br />

7. Summary.......................................................................................................... 80<br />

8. Literaturverzeichnis ........................................................................................ 82<br />

9. Danksagung..................................................................................................... 97

Abkürzungsverzeichnis<br />

Abkürzungsverzeichnis<br />

Br<br />

Cr<br />

CoM<br />

D<br />

Fe<br />

Fz<br />

PW<br />

Sk<br />

Brachium<br />

Crus<br />

Körpermasseschwerpunkt<br />

Duty Factor<br />

Femur<br />

vertikale Kraft<br />

postnatale Woche<br />


Einleitung und Literaturüberblick<br />

1. Einleitung und Literaturüberblick<br />

Hunde gehören wie ihre Vorfahren, die Wölfe, zu den sogenannten cursorialen<br />

Säugetieren, die an das Zurücklegen großer Strecken bei relativ hoher Fortbewegungsgeschwindigkeit<br />

angepasst sind (LULL 1904; GREGORY 1912). Dafür ist ein<br />

gesundes, normal entwickeltes muskulo-skelettales System eine essenzielle<br />

Voraussetzung.<br />

Aufgrund von alimentären Mängeln oder auch durch pathologische Prozesse,<br />

Infektionen, Traumata oder genetische Einflüsse kann es in der besonders sensiblen<br />

Phase des Wachstums zu Störungen in der Entwicklung des Bewegungsapparates<br />

kommen. Auch der Besitzerwechsel, zumeist zwischen der 9ten und 12ten<br />

Lebenswoche, kann durch sozialen Stress und Veränderungen der Lebensweise<br />

Wachstumsstörungen provozieren. Für eine Beurteilung des physiologischen<br />

Wachstums- und Entwicklungszustandes des Bewegungsapparates von jungen<br />

Hunden, aber auch für Verlaufskontrollen therapeutischer und rehabilitativer<br />

Maßnahmen ist es daher unerlässlich, die genauen zeitlichen Charakteristika der<br />

Ontogenese des Bewegungsapparates von Hunden zu kennen und Referenzdaten<br />

der physiologischen Entwicklung verfügbar zu haben.<br />

Wie andere junge Säugetiere sind auch junge Hunde nicht einfach kleine Kopien<br />

der Adulti, sondern sie unterscheiden sich deutlich in zahlreichen physiologischen<br />

und morphometrischen Parametern. Zum Beispiel erreichen junge kalifornische<br />

Eselhasen höhere relative Beschleunigungen als die Adulti durch günstigere<br />

Hebelarmverhältnisse und eine größere Krafterzeugung der Muskulatur bezogen auf<br />

die Körpermasse (CARRIER 1983). Fohlen sparen metabolische Energie auf den<br />

langen Wanderungen ihrer Herden, indem sie bezogen auf ihre Beinlänge relativ<br />

größere Schritte machen (GROSSI u. CANALS 2010). Solche biomechanischen<br />

Vorteile erlauben es jungen Säugetieren, in der gleichen Umwelt und unter den<br />

gleichen Bedingungen, z.B. in Bezug auf die Nahrungssuche oder natürliche Feinde,<br />

wie die Adulti zu überleben. Bei Wölfen oder Wildhunden sind keine Studien über<br />

solche physiologischen Veränderungen in der Ontogenese bekannt.<br />

Bezüglich morphometrischer Unterschiede zwischen juvenilen und adulten<br />

Vertretern der Säugetiere ist allgemein bekannt, dass Jungtiere einen großen Kopf<br />


Einleitung und Literaturüberblick<br />

und große Autopodien im Vergleich zu den adulten Proportionen haben. Im Verlauf<br />

der Entwicklung wachsen beide Körperteile weniger, verglichen mit anderen<br />

Körperabschnitten oder auch der Körpergröße. Solche morphometrischen<br />

Veränderungen wirken sich auf die Verteilung des Körpergewichtes innerhalb und<br />

zwischen den Extremitäten und damit auf die relative Lage des Körpermasseschwerpunktes<br />

aus (KIMURA 1987, 2000; YOUNG 2012). Interspezifische Vergleiche<br />

adulter Säugetiere belegen beispielsweise, dass der Gepard aufgrund seiner<br />

muskulösen Hinterbeine 52% seines Körpergewichtes auf den Vorderextremitäten<br />

trägt, während das Kamel mit seinem muskulöseren Vorderkörper 66% der<br />

Körpermasse durch die Vorderbeine unterstützt (ROLLINSON u. MARTIN 1981).<br />

Intraspezifische Unterschiede wurden bei Pferden zwischen Warmblütern, die mehr<br />

Gewicht auf den Vorderbeinen tragen, und dem American Quarter Horse beobachtet<br />

(BACK et al. 2007). Auch bei Hunden lassen sich rassetypische Unterschiede<br />

erkennen. Der Barsoi, ein Windhund mit kräftigen Hinterbeinen, trägt 57%, der<br />

Rottweiler, als Molosser, trägt 64% des Körpergewichts auf den Vorderbeinen<br />

(BERTRAM et al. 2000; WILLIAMS et al. 2008; VOSS et al. 2011).<br />

Ontogenetisch wurde der Einfluss der Verschiebungen der Körperproportionen auf<br />

die Lage des Körpermasseschwerpunktes bisher nur für Primaten untersucht. Hier<br />

wurde übereinstimmend eine Verschiebung nach caudal beobachtet, da die meisten<br />

Primaten als Adulti den größeren Teil ihres Körpergewichtes auf den muskulöseren<br />

Hinterbeinen tragen (GRAND 1977; TURNQUIST u. WELLS 1994;<br />

KIMURA 1987, 2000; SHAPIRO u. RAICHLEN 2006; YOUNG 2012). Ob sich der<br />

Körpermasseschwerpunkt bei Säugetieren, die als Adulti über 50% ihres Körpergewichts<br />

auf den Vorderbeinen tragen (wie z.B. Hunde), während der Ontogenese auch<br />

von cranial nach caudal verschiebt oder eine Akzentuierung des ohnehin cranial<br />

liegenden Schwerpunktes erfolgt, wurde bisher nicht detailliert untersucht.<br />

Wenige Studien haben sich in der Vergangenheit mit den physiologischen<br />

Veränderungen und dem relativen Wachstum der Körperabschnitte, der sogenannten<br />

<strong>ontogenetische</strong>n Allometrie, während des postnatalen Wachstums des Hundes<br />

beschäftigt. WEISE (1964) und SCHULZE et al. (2003, 2007) beobachteten, dass<br />

Größenunterschiede zwischen den verschiedenen Rassen nicht aufgrund<br />


Einleitung und Literaturüberblick<br />

unterschiedlicher Wachstumsdauer, sondern durch unterschiedlich intensives<br />

Wachstum auftreten. WEISE (1964) untersuchte dafür vergleichend das Knochenwachstum<br />

jeweils eines Wurfes von acht verschiedenen Rassen zwischen dem<br />

30ten und 120ten Lebenstag. Somit endet ihre Studie ungefähr zu dem Zeitpunkt, an<br />

dem Junghunde an ihre neuen Besitzer übergeben werden. SCHULZE et al. (2003,<br />

2007) untersuchten das Knochenwachstum der Vorder- und Hintergliedmaßen bei<br />

vier Rassen. Sie beobachteten den Abschluss des Wachstums z.B. beim Beagle um<br />

den 305ten Tag. Das Skelettwachstum und die Entwicklung der Körpermasse<br />

wurden ebenfalls von SALOMON et al. (1999) beim Beagle untersucht.<br />

Keine der oben genannten Studien schloss die Skapula als lokomotorisch<br />

wichtigen Abschnitt der Vorderextremität ein. <strong>Die</strong>ser proximale Abschnitt der<br />

Vordergliedmaße trägt durch seinen hoch gelegenen Drehpunkt maßgeblich zum<br />

Vortrieb des Körpers während der Fortbewegung bei; allein zwischen 65% und 80%<br />

der Schrittlänge sind auf die Bewegungen der Skapula zurückzuführen (FISCHER u.<br />

LILJE 2011). Durch den allein sehnigen und muskulösen Verbund der Vordergliedmaße<br />

mit dem Rumpf dient sie auch dem Auffangen der Last im Stand, in der<br />

Bewegung und beim Sprung. Während der Evolution der Säugetiere wurde die<br />

Skapula aus dem ursprünglich starren Schultergürtel gelöst und in die bewegliche<br />

Kette der Vordergliedmaßensegmente integriert (FISCHER 1998). Damit verbunden<br />

löst sich die ursprüngliche serielle Homologie der Extremitätenabschnitte der<br />

tetrapoden Vorder- und Hintergliedmaßen mit den homologen Elementen des<br />

Stylopodiums (Humerus, Femur), des Zeugopodiums (Radius, Tibia; Ulna, Fibula)<br />

und des Autopodiums (Carpus, Tarsus; Metacarpus, Metatarsus; Phalanges) auf. Sie<br />

wird bei den Theria durch eine neue funktionelle Homologie der Extremitätenabschnitte,<br />

begründet auf deren Bewegungstrajektorien und Drehpunktshöhen,<br />

ersetzt. Funktionell entsprechen sich bei diesen Säugetieren wie auch beim Hund:<br />

Skapula und Femur, Brachium und Crus und Antebrachium und Tarsus.<br />

Weiterhin wurden wachsende Hunde bisher lokomotorisch nur in einer Studie<br />

untersucht, die allerdings nicht vollständig, sondern nur als Zusammenfassung,<br />

publiziert wurde (BIKNEVICIUS et al. 1997).<br />


Material und Methoden<br />

Ziel dieser Arbeit war die detaillierte Beschreibung der allometrischen Veränderungen<br />

aller Extremitäten- und Körperabschnitte während der Entwicklung von<br />

Beaglen und die Untersuchung der Auswirkungen dieser Veränderungen auf die<br />

kraniokaudale Lage des Körpermasseschwerpunktes. Im Fokus der Arbeit stand die<br />

Erhebung von Referenzdaten für die physiologische Entwicklung des Bewegungsapparates.<br />

<strong>Die</strong>se Studie wurde am Beispiel des Beagles durchgeführt, weil er als<br />

mittelgroße Rasse der Laufhunde einen Vergleich mit bereits publizierten Daten zu<br />

Hunden mit anderen Körperformen und -größen erlaubt. Darüber hinaus ist der<br />

Beagle ein typischer Laborhund. Hunde variieren wie keine andere Säugetierart in<br />

Körpergröße und Gestalt (FISCHER u. LILJE 2011), daher ist die Kenntnis von<br />

möglichen Unterschieden im Wachstum von Bedeutung. <strong>Die</strong> vorgelegte Arbeit soll<br />

hierzu durch die detaillierte Untersuchung einer Rasse einen Beitrag leisten.<br />

<strong>Die</strong> Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit werden in zwei getrennten Studien präsentiert, um<br />

eine ausführliche Einordnung der einzelnen Befunde in die vorhandene Datenlage<br />

und die entsprechende Diskussion dieser zu ermöglichen. Dabei werden in der<br />

ersten Studie die in dieser Arbeit erhobenen morphometrischen Daten vorgestellt. Es<br />

erfolgt ein Vergleich mit Daten aus vorherigen Studien über andere Beaglelinien und<br />

Hunderassen und eine Einordnung innerhalb der Säugetiergruppe. <strong>Die</strong> zweite Studie<br />

umfasst die kinetischen Daten und untersucht die Lage des Körpermasseschwerpunktes<br />

während der Ontogenese. <strong>Die</strong> Ergebnisse werden mit Blick auf anatomische<br />

Veränderungen diskutiert und mit Ergebnissen von anderen Säugetieren verglichen.<br />

2. Material und Methoden<br />

2.1. Hunde<br />

<strong>Die</strong>se Studie wurde anhand von sechs Beaglerüden durchgeführt. <strong>Die</strong>se stammten<br />

aus einem Wurf (Größe: 7 männliche, 4 weibliche) aus der Reproduktionsmedizinischen<br />

Einheit der <strong>Stiftung</strong> <strong>Tierärztliche</strong> <strong>Hochschule</strong> <strong>Hannover</strong> und kamen im Alter<br />

von neun Wochen in die Klinik für Kleintiere derselben <strong>Hochschule</strong>. Hier wurden die<br />

Junghunde unter den gleichen Bedingungen in einer Gruppe gehalten.<br />

<strong>Die</strong> Messungen begannen mit Ankunft der Junghunde in der Klinik für Kleintiere<br />

mit neun Wochen und endeten mit einem Alter der Hunde von 51 Wochen. Bis zum<br />


Material und Methoden<br />

Alter von 20 Wochen wurden die Daten wöchentlich, bis 32 Wochen alle zwei<br />

Wochen und anschließend monatlich bis zum Ende der Studie erhoben.<br />

Mit einem Alter von neun und zwölf Wochen wurden alle Hunde gegen Staupe,<br />

Parvovirose, Hepatitis contagiosa canis, Leptospirose und Tollwut geimpft. Trotzdem<br />

erkrankten die Hunde zwischen der 15ten und 19ten Lebenswoche an Parvovirose,<br />

so dass in diesen Wochen keine Messungen stattfinden konnten. Während des<br />

Jahres, in dem mit den Hunden gearbeitet wurden, befand sich ihr Body Condition<br />

Score innerhalb der normalen Bandbreite zwischen vier und sechs, eingestuft nach<br />

dem Body Condition Score System des Nestlé Purina Pet Care Centre (St. Louis,<br />

MO, USA) mit Werten von eins bis neun (1-3 zu dünn, 4-5 ideal, 6-9 zu dick).<br />

In der 14ten und der 50ten Lebenswoche wurden die Junghunde orthopädisch<br />

untersucht, wobei kein besonderer Befund festgestellt wurde.<br />

2.2. Morphometrie<br />

Kopf- und Rumpflänge, Widerrist- und Beckenhöhe sowie Brustkorbumfang,<br />

Beckenlänge und die Länge der einzelnen Gliedmaßenabschnitte wurden anhand<br />

von palpierbaren Knochenpunkten mit einem konventionellen Maßband (Genauigkeit:<br />

5 mm) an der linken Körperseite gemessen (Abb. 1, Studie 1). <strong>Die</strong> verwendeten<br />

anatomischen Landmarken sind in Tabelle 1 aufgeführt. In Abweichung zu<br />

klassischen anatomischen Messstrecken wurden in dieser Arbeit bewußt funktionell,<br />

für die Lokomotion relevante Strecken vermessen. So entspricht beispielsweise<br />

Strecke 10 der funktionellen Rumpflänge, d.h. der Strecken zwischen den<br />

Drehpunkten der Vorder- und der Hinterextremität. <strong>Die</strong> Strecken entlang der Vorderbzw.<br />

Hinterextremität sind an die Längen zwischen Drehpunkten der Gelenke<br />

angelehnt (Schilling & Petrovitch 2006). Darüber hinaus mußten nicht zuletzt auch<br />

Landmarken ausgewählt werden, die an allen Hunden unabhängig vom Alter<br />

eindeutig ansprechbar sind und zu reproduzierbaren Längenmessungen führen. Das<br />

Körpergewicht wurde mit einer Waage bis zur ersten Dezimalstelle gemessen. Zum<br />

Vergleich wurden auch die Elterntiere vermessen, zu diesem Zeitpunkt waren die<br />

Junghunde 32 Wochen alt.<br />


Material und Methoden<br />

Wachstumskurven für die Gewichtsentwicklung und die Entwicklung der mittleren<br />

Werte der Gliedmaßensegmente wurden mit Hilfe der Gompertzfunktion nach<br />

HELMINK et al. (2000) berechnet:<br />

(1) m t =m max exp(-e [-(t-c)/b] )<br />

wobei m t Masse zum Zeitpunkt t, m max geschätztes Endgewicht, b proportional zur<br />

Wachstumsdauer und c das Alter im Wendepunkt (hier 36,8% des Endgewichtes) ist.<br />

Alle morphometrischen Daten wurden doppeltlogarithmisch gegen die Körpermasse<br />

aufgetragen. Anschließend wurde die Regressionsgerade mit Hilfe des Modells II der<br />

RMA (reduced major axis regression) berechnet. Dazu diente die logarithmierte<br />

Allometriegleichung<br />

(2) logy= b logx + loga.<br />

y stellte dabei die Körperteilgröße dar, x die Bezugsgröße wie z.B. die Körpergröße<br />

oder die Körpermasse, a ist die Integrationskonstante für weitere Einflüsse und b<br />

der allometrische Koeffizient, der die Steigung der Geraden und somit den Anteil von<br />

y an x bestimmt. Werden Größen derselben Dimension verglichen (z.B. zwei<br />

Strecken zueinander), verhalten diese sich isometrisch bei b=1,00, positiv<br />

allometrisch bei b>1,00 und negativ allometrisch bei b

Material und Methoden<br />

Körpermaß<br />

Messstrecke<br />

Becken Strecke 5 Tuber coxae – Tuber ischiadicum<br />

Strecke 6 Trochanter major - Condylus lateralis femoris<br />

Hintergliedmaße<br />

Strecke 7 Condylus lateralis femoris - Malleolus lateralis<br />

Malleolus lateralis - Distal dritte Zehe (mit<br />

Strecke 8<br />

aufgenommener Pfote)<br />

Strecke 9 Auf Höhe des Processus xyphoideus<br />

Körperproportionen<br />

Trochanter major<br />

Cranialer Rand der Skapula waagerecht bis zum<br />

Strecke 10<br />

Strecke 11 Nasenspiegel – Protuberantia occipitalis externa<br />

2.3. Ganganalyse<br />

Im Rahmen der instrumentierten Ganganalyse werden die Parameter Bodenreaktionskraft,<br />

Gelenk- und Segmentwinkel und zeitliche Gangcharakteristika analysiert.<br />

<strong>Die</strong> ganganalytischen Untersuchungen in dieser Studie wurden in dem Labor der<br />

Klinik für Kleintiere auf einem Laufband mit je einer Kraftmessplatte unter den vier<br />

separaten Riemen (Modell 4060-08, Bertec Corporation, Columbus, OH, USA) im<br />

Schritt und im Trab durchgeführt. Pro Geschwindigkeit erfolgten wenigstens 3<br />

Aufnahmen mit einer jeweiligen Dauer von ca. 30 Sekunden (ca. 65 Schritte). <strong>Die</strong><br />

Aufzeichnung der Daten erfolgte mit Vicon Nexus (Vicon Motion System Ltd., Oxford,<br />

UK). Während der Messungen auf dem Laufband wurden für kinematische<br />

Untersuchungen insgesamt 25 retroreflexive Marker an palpierbare Knochenpunkte<br />

geklebt. Weiterhin wurde unter Verwendung von Oberflächenelektromyographie die<br />

Aktivität des M. longissimus thoracis et lumborum bilateral während des Laufens auf<br />

dem Laufband gemessen. Der Fokus der Auswertungen dieser Arbeit liegt dabei auf<br />

den kinetischen Daten.<br />

<strong>Die</strong> Messung der Bodenreaktionskräfte in den drei Richtungen des Koordinatensystems<br />

(x, y, z) erfolgte während des Laufens auf dem Laufband. Am Verhältnis<br />

zwischen den vertikalen Bodenreaktionskräften (Fz) der Vorder- und der Hintergliedmaßen<br />

kann die kraniokaudale Lage des Körpermasseschwerpunktes (CoM)<br />

abgeschätzt werden. Des Weiteren hat LEE et al. (2004) durch eine experimentelle<br />

Verschiebung des CoM durch Erhöhung des Gewichts entweder auf den Vorderoder<br />

den Hintergliedmaßen beim Hund gezeigt, dass sich diese Veränderungen auch<br />

auf das Verhältnis der Stemmphasendauer der Gliedmaßen auswirken. Daher lag in<br />


Material und Methoden<br />

dieser Studie der Fokus auf der Auswertung der vertikalen Kräfte (maximale Kraft,<br />

mittlere Kraft, Impuls) und des Verhältnisses der Stemmphasendauer der Vorderund<br />

Hintergliedmaßen. Weiterführend wurde ein Symmetrieindex zur Überprüfung<br />

der Lahmheitsfreiheit und die Zeit bis zum Auftreten der maximalen vertikalen Kraft<br />

bestimmt.<br />

Aufgrund ihrer geringen Körpergröße liefen die Hunde nur auf einer Seite des<br />

Laufbandes. Dadurch wurden nur die Kräfte der Vorder- und Hintergliedmaßen<br />

getrennt aufgenommen und nicht einer jeden einzelnen Gliedmaße. Trotzdem<br />

konnten im Trab durch die gemeinsame Flugphase der Vorder- bzw. Hinterextremitäten<br />

und dem damit verbundenen Duty Factor von D

Material und Methoden<br />

Körpergewicht des Hundes normiert. Aus diesen Daten wurden die maximale und die<br />

mittlere vertikalen Bodenreaktionskraft sowie der vertikale Impuls ermittelt. Alle<br />

Ergebnisse wurden statistisch mit dem Programm GraphPad Prism (Version 4,<br />

GraphPad Software, Inc. California Corporation, CA, USA) bewertet.<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

Daniela Helmsmüller 1<br />

daniela.helmsmueller@tiho-hannover.de<br />

Patrick Wefstaedt 1<br />

patrick.wefstaedt@tiho-hannover.de<br />

Ingo Nolte 1<br />

ingo.nolte@tiho-hannover.de<br />

Nadja Schilling 1,2*<br />

nadja.schilling@tiho-hannover.de<br />

1 Small Animal Clinic, University of Veterinary Medicine <strong>Hannover</strong>, Foundation,<br />

Bünteweg 9, 30559 <strong>Hannover</strong>, Germany<br />

2 Institute of Systematic Zoology and Evolutionary Biology, Friedrich-Schiller-<br />

University, Erbertstr. 1, 07743 Jena, Germany<br />

*Corresponding author<br />

2.4. Abstract<br />

Background: Mammalian juveniles undergo dramatic changes in body conformation<br />

during development. As one of the most common companion animals, the time<br />

line and trajectory of a dog’s development and its body’s re-proportioning is of<br />

particular scientific interest. Several ontogenetic studies have investigated the<br />

skeletal development in dogs, but none has paid heed to the scapula as a critical part<br />

of the mammalian forelimb. Its functional integration into the forelimb changed the<br />

correspondence between fore- and hindlimb segments and previous ontogenetic<br />

studies observed more similar growth patterns for functionally than serially<br />

homologous elements. In this study, the ontogenetic development of six Beagle<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

siblings was monitored between 9 and 51 weeks of age to investigate their skeletal<br />

allometry and compare this with data from other lines, breeds and species.<br />

Results: Body mass increased exponentially with time; log linear increase was<br />

observed up to the age of 15 weeks. Compared with body mass, withers and pelvic<br />

height as well as the lengths of the trunk, scapula, brachium and antebrachium,<br />

femur and crus exhibited positive allometry. Trunk circumference and pes showed<br />

negative allometry in all, pelvis and manus in most dogs. Thus, the typical<br />

mammalian intralimb re-proportioning with the proximal limb elements exhibiting<br />

positive allometry and the very distal ones showing negative allometry was observed.<br />

Relative lengths of the antebrachium, femur and crus increased, while those of the<br />

distal elements decreased.<br />

Conclusions: Beagles are fully-grown regarding body height but not body mass at<br />

about one year of age. Particular attention should be paid to feeding and physical<br />

exertion during the first 15 weeks when they grow more intensively. Compared with<br />

its siblings, a puppy’s size at 9 weeks is a good indicator for its final size. Among<br />

siblings, growth duration may vary substantially and appears not to be related to the<br />

adult size. Within breeds, a longer time to physically mature is hypothesized for<br />

larger-bodied breeding lines. Similar to other mammals, the Beagle displayed nearly<br />

optimal intralimb proportions throughout development. Neither the forelimbs nor the<br />

hindlimbs conformed with the previously observed pattern of a proximo-distal growth<br />

gradient. Potential factors responsible for variations in the ontogenetic allometry of<br />

mammals need further evaluation.<br />

Keywords: Scaling, limb proportions, body proportions, bone growth, serial<br />

homology, body mass<br />

2.5. Background<br />

The physical development from a puppy to an adult dog is characterized by<br />

dramatic changes in body size and shape. Mammalian juveniles in general are not<br />

simply small copies of adults; they differ substantially in their body proportions and<br />

often appear clumsy in their movements (e.g., [1-3]). The juvenile body grows<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

continuously while the musculoskeletal and nervous systems progressively mature.<br />

At the same time, juveniles have to perform in the same environment as adults,<br />

which results in unique challenges due to the differences in body size and<br />

conformation [4].<br />

As the dog is one of the most common companion animals, the timeline and<br />

trajectories of its postnatal re-proportioning as well as the age at which it reaches<br />

adult proportions are of particular interest. Puppies are usually acquired by their new<br />

owners at the age of 9 to 11 weeks. For both the breeder and the potential buyer, the<br />

prospective physical development may be relevant when selecting a puppy.<br />

However, at the referral, the dogs are obviously not fully grown. Furthermore, during<br />

postnatal development, growth problems due to diet, injury or illness may occur and it<br />

is important to have reference values for the postnatal growth of the various body<br />

parts. A number of allometric studies are available for adult dogs; for example,<br />

comparing different breeds or examining historical or genetic transformations (e.g.,<br />

[5-12]). Of the ontogenetic studies, some focused on pathological processes (e.g.,<br />

[13,14]), while others documented either the physiological and pathological<br />

development of a single limb segment (e.g., [15-17]) or of several body parts [18-23].<br />

Using x-ray in a longitudinal approach, Yonamine et al. [19] and Conzemius et al.<br />

[20] examined the growth of the forelimb or a part of it, respectively. Weise [18]<br />

followed the changes in body proportions among siblings in eight breeds and<br />

concluded that size differences among siblings are not due to differences in the<br />

duration of growth but growth rate. Schulze and colleagues [22,23] studied four<br />

breeds and a greater number of individuals per breed compared to Weise [18];<br />

similarly, they observed that larger breeds differ from smaller breeds in their growth<br />

rates rather than growth duration. Salomon et al. [21] monitored 14 measurements of<br />

37 Beagles during the first 13 months. They observed a higher growth rate in the<br />

hindlimbs than the forelimbs and no sex difference in growth termination. In contrast<br />

to the studies mentioned above [22,23] and in accordance with Hawthorne et al. [24],<br />

who investigated body mass development in different breeds, Salomon et al. [21]<br />

concluded that larger breeds grow for a longer time.<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

To investigate the ontogenetic scaling in dogs, this study monitored the allometry<br />

in Beagle siblings. The Beagle is a British breed and belongs to the hound group<br />

within the sporting breeds and has been bred for pack hunting hares and rabbits.<br />

Nowadays, the Beagle is also a very popular family dog and a common laboratory<br />

animal. Within the breed, lines with different body sizes and proportions have been<br />

bred. Previous ontogenetic studies on Beagles worked with relatively small- to<br />

medium-sized lines (e.g., [19] adult body mass ca. 10 kg; [21] ca. 11 kg; [24] ca. 17<br />

kg). In the current study, juveniles of a relatively large-bodied line were used (adult<br />

mass ca. 21 kg), allowing for a comparison of growth patterns among different-sized<br />

lines of the same breed.<br />

During the evolution of mammals, fore- and hindlimbs underwent a profound<br />

reorganization that accompanied the transformation from a sprawled to a parasagittal<br />

limb posture. This resulted in a dissociation between serially and functionally<br />

homologous elements in the limbs (reviewed in [25]). The scapula was mobilized and<br />

is functionally analogous to the femur in mammals [26,27]. As a result, both fore- and<br />

hindlimbs can be described as three-segmented limbs arranged in a zig-zagconfiguration<br />

with the most proximal elements (i.e., scapula, femur), the middle<br />

segment (i.e., brachium, crus) and the distal segments (antebrachium, pes) being<br />

functionally analogous due to their similar direction and amplitude of motion. Only a<br />

few allometric studies on adult (e.g., [25,28]) and juvenile mammals (e.g., [29-32])<br />

paid heed to this evolutionarily ‘new’ functional homology of the limb segments by<br />

taking the scapula into account. Comparing the results of these studies showed that<br />

in small mammals with a crouched limb posture the functionally homologous<br />

segments resemble each other more in their growth pattern than the serially<br />

homologous elements [32]. Three principles were proposed based on these data:<br />

First, the functionally homologous limb segments show more similar allometric<br />

coefficients than the serially homologous elements. Second, the limbs show a<br />

proximo-distal gradient in their growth with the proximal segment growing the most<br />

and the distal segment growing the least. Third, the middle segment (i.e., brachium<br />

and crus) remains nearly constant in its proportion of the limb’s anatomical length.<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

Unfortunately, no ontogenetic study in dogs included the scapula in their measurements,<br />

hindering testing the proposed ontogenetic principles in dogs.<br />

The aims of this study were 1) to test the observation that small and large dogs<br />

differ in rate but not duration of growth at the level of siblings, lines and breeds and 2)<br />

to examine the ontogenetic scaling of the Beagle in the light of the ontogenetic<br />

principles observed in other mammals.<br />

2.6. Materials and Methods<br />

Dogs<br />

Six male Beagle siblings from the same litter (litter size: 7 males, 4 females) were<br />

used in this longitudinal study. The dogs were from a breeding colony of the<br />

University of Veterinary Medicine <strong>Hannover</strong> (Germany) and came to the Small<br />

Animal Clinic at the age of 9 weeks. One male and all females remained in the<br />

breeding colony and were not enrolled in this study to ensure similar husbandry<br />

conditions for the dogs investigated. All experiments were carried out in strict<br />

accordance with German Animal Welfare Regulations and were approved by the<br />

Ethics Committee of Lower Saxony, Germany.<br />

Measuring started at 9 weeks and continued until the dogs were 51 weeks old.<br />

Data were collected weekly up to the age of 20 weeks, fortnightly up to 32 weeks and<br />

monthly till the end of the study. After that, only body mass was determined again at<br />

the age of 60 weeks. The dogs were kept and raised together in a group and under<br />

the same conditions, regarding, for example diet and exercise. Only one dog (#4)<br />

had to be regrouped at the age of 33 weeks, but its dietary plan and physical activity<br />

was comparable to that of its siblings. All dogs were vaccinated against distemper,<br />

hepatitis, canine parvovirus, leptospirosis and rabies at 9 and 12 weeks. However,<br />

between the age of 15 and 19 weeks, the dogs suffered from canine parvovirus and<br />

no measurements could be taken during this period. All puppies primarily experienced<br />

gastrointestinal upset and were treated immediately and aggressively in our<br />

clinics (i.e., fluid replacement, dietary restrictions, antiemetic and antibiotic therapy).<br />

As cell turnover in the gastrointestinal tract is rapid (1-3 days), intestinal malabsorption<br />

is short-lived and recovery from this enteric form is rapid [33].<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

At the age of about 40 weeks, all dogs were neutered. Between 32 and 51 weeks,<br />

occasionally smaller infections or injuries prevented the data collection from one or<br />

the other dog. During the study period, all dogs underwent two standard orthopedic<br />

investigations, one at 14 and one at 50 weeks of age, which confirmed that the dogs<br />

were healthy. The dogs were fed three times a day till the age of 44 weeks,<br />

afterwards twice a day. Portion size was about 1.9% of the dog’s body mass. At<br />

about 50 weeks, adult feed replaced the puppy feed. Over the course of the year<br />

when the dogs were investigated, their body index was in the normal range between<br />

4 and 6 based on the body condition score (Nestlé Purina Pet Care Centre, St. Louis,<br />

MO, USA), in which values range from 1 to 9 (1-3 too thin; 4-5 ideal, 6-9 too heavy).<br />

For comparison, the parents were also measured when their offspring were about 32<br />

weeks old. At this time, the sire was 7 years old and had a score of 7 and the dam<br />

was 6 years and had a score of 6.<br />

Data collection and analyses<br />

Body mass was determined to the first decimal using a traditional scale. A growth<br />

curve was constructed by plotting body mass against age using the Gompertz<br />

equation in the form: mt= mmaxexp(-exp[-(t-c)/b]), where mt is mass at time t, mmax<br />

is mature body mass, b is proportional to duration of growth, c is the age at point of<br />

inflection (i.e., 36.8% of mature body mass) and t is age in weeks (for details, see<br />

[34]). Growth duration to reach 98% of the mature body mass was estimated as<br />

4b+c. Similarly, 50% of growth duration was determined as 0.37b+c and 95% as<br />

3b+c. All parameters were calculated for each dog and for the mean values for all<br />

dogs using a nonlinear regression program (NLREG; www.nlreg.com).<br />

The lengths of the head, trunk and limb segments, trunk circumference as well as<br />

withers and pelvic heights were measured on the left body side using palpable<br />

skeletal landmarks and a traditional measuring tape (accuracy 5 mm, Figure 1). To<br />

reduce measurement errors, the measurements were always carried out by the same<br />

experienced experimenter (NS) and repeated three times per measurement. From<br />

these, means and the anatomical limb length (i.e., sum of the lengths of all<br />

segments) were calculated for further analysis. Correlation between the proportion of<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

a respective segment of the anatomical limb length and age was calculated and<br />

tested for significance. To compare our results with previous findings [21], the<br />

Gompertz equation was also used to calculate the age when 95% of the final length<br />

of the brachium, antebrachium, femur and crus were reached.<br />

Data analysis followed previous ontogenetic analyses [32,35]. For the allometric<br />

comparisons, the data were plotted on log-log scales (base 10) and regression lines<br />

were calculated by model II of the reduced major axis regression (RMA). Model II is<br />

to be preferred if variables, in this case body size parameters, could not be<br />

determined without error [36]. Besides, least-squares regression can lead to biased<br />

results if log-log bivariate regressions are used [37]. RMA regressions were<br />

calculated using Microsoft Excel (2000). The validity of the data obtained using Excel<br />

was previously tested and verified [32], and reevaluated for the current study using<br />

the software RMA (v. 1.17; www.bio.sdsu.edu/pub/andy/RMA.html). The exponent<br />

describing the slope of the regression curve is the allometric coefficient b. It indicates<br />

whether growth is isometric, negative or positive allometric. If a one-dimensional<br />

parameter (e.g., head length) is plotted vs. a three-dimensional one (e.g., body<br />

mass), isometry is given by b=0.333, negative allometry by b0.333. Comparing the same dimensions (e.g., two lengths), isometry<br />

is given by b=1.000, negative allometry by b1.000. To test<br />

whether the allometric coefficients were significantly different from isometry, the 95%<br />

confidence intervals surrounding the slopes were calculated. If the interval<br />

overlapped with the slope, it was considered isometric. For comparisons among<br />

dogs, but also with previously published data from other mammals, so-called ‘growth<br />

sequences’ were determined by sorting the slopes from the greatest to the lowest<br />

values. The slopes of two adjacent measurements were not considered different if<br />

their confidence intervals overlapped.<br />

2.7. Results<br />

Body mass<br />

The dogs gained weight throughout the study period (Figure 2). The fit of the<br />

Gompertz equation to the body mass data was good (mean R2= 0.987). The<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

estimated mean parameters were: Mature body mass mmax=17.5±0.3kg (individual<br />

dogs ranging between 16 kg and 20 kg), age at point of inflection c=11.1±0.3 weeks<br />

(ranging between 10.1 and 11.2 weeks) and proportional to growth duration<br />

b=9.18±0.7 (ranging between 8 and 10.6). On average, all dogs had reached 50% of<br />

their mature body mass with 14.5 weeks. Until the age of 15 weeks, log body mass<br />

increased linearly (R2=0.990). Mean age at 95% of the mature body mass was 39<br />

weeks and at 98% 48 weeks. By the end of the study, no dog had reached the sire’s<br />

body mass (Figure 2), but as mentioned above, he was slightly overweight.<br />

Furthermore, dogs continue to gain muscle mass during their first years of life (see<br />

discussion).<br />

At week 9, dog #3 was the lightest individual (4.8 kg) and remained so until 51<br />

weeks of age (16.1 kg). Similarly, the heaviest puppies at 9 weeks continued to be<br />

the heaviest dogs until week 51 (#1: 6.2 kg and 20.2 kg; #5: 6.0 kg and 20.9 kg).<br />

Interestingly, the relative body mass difference between the lightest and heaviest<br />

sibling (ca. 22% of body mass) persisted throughout the study. Between 15 and 19<br />

weeks, some dogs showed only very little gain in body mass; however, they returned<br />

to their ontogenetic trajectory within a few weeks. Dog #4 did not gain any weight<br />

during this period, being the dog most affected by the parvovirus infection. He was<br />

back on his trajectory and among the sibling’s masses within 5 weeks after recovery.<br />

Body proportions<br />

Compared to body mass, withers height, pelvic height, and trunk length exhibited<br />

positive allometry (Figure 3, Table 1).<br />

By the end of the study, all dogs had reached at least the mean withers and pelvic<br />

heights of the parents (46.5 cm and 43.5 cm, respectively). The only exception was<br />

dog #3, which remained smaller (44.3 cm and 40.7 cm) and also consistently showed<br />

the lowest values during the study. The sire’s withers and pelvic heights (48.3 cm<br />

and 45 cm) were surpassed by the two heaviest juveniles (#1: 51.3 cm and 47.7 cm;<br />

#5: 51.7 cm and 46.7 cm). Comparing the final heights with the values at 9 weeks<br />

shows that dog #5 grew the least of all dogs (36.8% and 33.2% increase in withers<br />

and pelvic height, respectively), whereas #1 grew the most as gauged by withers<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

height (41.9%) but was in the middle range regarding its pelvic height increase<br />

(39.5%). Although dog #3 increased in his absolute withers height the least (17 cm),<br />

he was in the middle range regarding his relative increase (39.1%). Dog #4, despite<br />

suffering the most from the infection, gained the most in pelvic height of all dogs<br />

during the course of the study (41.6%). On average, 95% of the final height was<br />

reached at 212 days for withers height and 186 days for pelvic height.<br />

The trunk length of the sire (47 cm) was reached or exceeded by all dogs except<br />

#3 (43.7 cm), who also did not reach the dam’s value (45.6 cm). Dog #5 had the<br />

longest trunk at 51 weeks (49.0 cm); he was also longer than #1 (47.8 cm), although<br />

#1 grew absolutely (21.2 cm) and relatively (44%) the most. The lightest puppy (#3)<br />

had the shortest trunk at 51 weeks (43.7 cm) and also grew the least during the study<br />

period (37.4%). Trunk circumference showed negative allometry relative to body<br />

mass for all dogs (Table 1). Mean trunk circumference of the parents was reached by<br />

none of the juveniles during the first 51 weeks (66.8 cm); dog #5 was the one who<br />

most closely approached that of the parents (65.3 cm).<br />

Three dogs exhibited negative allometry regarding their head lengths relative to<br />

body mass, dog #3 and #6 showed isometry (b=0.331 and b=0.335), and dog #1<br />

showed positive allometry (b=0.340; Figure 3). Dog #3 (22.3 cm) and #4 (22.2 cm)<br />

were the only ones at 51 weeks, which lagged behind when compared with the<br />

parents’ head lengths (mean 23.3 cm). Despite having a relatively short head, #3<br />

showed the second greatest increase in head length during the study period. In<br />

accordance with his overall large body size, #1 was the one with the longest head<br />

(25.5 cm). Relative to trunk length, head length exhibited negative allometry for all<br />

dogs.<br />

Limb proportions<br />

Coefficients of segment lengths to body mass exhibited positive allometry for all<br />

dogs regarding scapula, brachium, antebrachium, femur and crus (Figure 4, Table 2).<br />

Pelvis, manus and pes showed negative allometry relative to body mass in all<br />

dogs, except the manus in dog #6 and pes in dog #4 (Table 2). Averaged across all<br />

individuals, the antebrachium had the highest allometric coefficient among the<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

forelimb segments, followed by the brachium and the scapula (Figure 3). Thus, the<br />

growth sequence for the forelimb was ab>br=sc>ma (for individual sequences, see<br />

Table 2). In the hindlimb, femur and crus showed no significant difference, resulting<br />

in the growth sequence fe=cr>ps for all dogs.<br />

Proportions of the scapula and brachium of the anatomical forelimb length<br />

remained unchanged during development (sc: 29.0% vs. 28.1% and br: 24% vs.<br />

24.8% at 9 and 51 weeks, respectively; Figure 5). In contrast, the antebrachium’s<br />

proportion was significantly correlated with age and increased from 25.8% at 9 to<br />

27.5% at 51 weeks. In the hindlimb, the relative length of both femur and crus<br />

increased (fe: 33.8% vs. 35.9% and cr: 30.9% vs. 33.7% at 9 and 51 weeks,<br />

respectively). The distal elements, manus and pes, were inversely correlated with<br />

age (ma: 21.2% vs. 19.6% and pes: 35.2% vs. 30.4% at 9 and 51 weeks, respectively).<br />

2.8. Discussion<br />

As only male siblings were investigated in this study, no implications for sex<br />

related differences can be drawn. However, previous studies found significant<br />

ontogenetic differences between sexes only for large breeds like the Great Dane or<br />

Bernese Mountain Dog but not for smaller breeds like the Beagle [19,21-23,38].<br />

Body mass<br />

Comparing siblings of the same litters, Weise [18] observed wide ranges in the<br />

end dates of the growth of several skeletal parameters, indicating that the growth<br />

duration of siblings is not related with their final size. Albeit only a fraction of the<br />

siblings of one litter was studied herein, our findings support this observation. For<br />

example, the lightest dog did not reach its adult mass before the heavier ones and<br />

vice versa. Interestingly, the order among the siblings regarding body mass remained<br />

nearly unchanged during ontogeny. The lightest puppy at 9 weeks remained the<br />

lightest till the end of the study, and conversely, the heaviest puppies continued to be<br />

heavy throughout the study. This was true despite some puppies being affected by<br />

illness, because they quickly returned to their growth trajectory. Thus, our<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

observation confirms Weise’s remark that a puppy’s size at 9 weeks is a good<br />

indication for its later size compared with its siblings.<br />

Although the period of the maximal growth rate was not covered in the current<br />

study, because maximal weight gain occurs during the first 9 to 10 weeks in Beagles<br />

[21], log body mass still increased linearly up to the 15th week in the Beagles studied<br />

herein. Likewise, Hawthorne and colleagues reported an exponential growth rate up<br />

to 14 to 16 weeks of age for the Beagle [24]. While our results are in agreement with<br />

the previous observation that 50% of the mature body mass is reached by the age of<br />

14.8 weeks in a larger-bodied breeding line (17 kg, [24]), Salomon and colleagues,<br />

who studied a smaller-bodied line (11.8 kg), reported that their Beagles reached 50%<br />

of the mature body mass with only 7.1 weeks of age [21]. Compared with both<br />

previous studies, the time to reach mature body mass was estimated to be longer in<br />

the current study (95% of the mature mass at 35.1 weeks [21] vs. 38.6 weeks in this<br />

study; 99% after 41.9 weeks [24] vs. 98% after 47.8 weeks). However, a meaningful<br />

comparison among the studies is hindered because the mature body mass<br />

calculated for the dogs in this study probably underestimated their prospective adult<br />

body mass (i.e., calculated mass 17.5 kg vs. parents’ mean 21 kg). Dogs usually<br />

mature physically and gain muscle mass during their first years and thus after<br />

reaching their final body height.<br />

Although sample size in the current study was low and only a limited number of<br />

studies on different breeding lines is available, the comparison of the time lines of the<br />

body mass development of the different sized lines of the Beagle implies 1) that body<br />

mass development varies within a breed and appears to depend on the final body<br />

mass, particularly during the second half of development, and 2) that larger-bodied<br />

lines tend to grow for a longer period. Substantial ontogenetic variation within breeds<br />

was also observed by Weise [18]. On the other hand, some variability in the growth<br />

patterns among breeds of the same body size category was reported by Hawthorne<br />

et al. [24].<br />

In their comprehensive study, Hawthorne et al. [24] reported that 99% of the adult<br />

body mass was reached at about 10 months in toy, small and medium breeds (e.g.,<br />

Papillon: 41 weeks, Cairn Terrier: 43 weeks, Beagle: 42 weeks) and between 11 to<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

15 months in large and giant breeds (e.g., Labrador Retriever & Great Dane: 52<br />

weeks). In comparison, the Beagles in our study fall between the categories of<br />

medium and large breeds, given their 48 weeks to reach 98% of the mature body<br />

mass.<br />

Body proportions<br />

Heads are relatively large in mammalian juveniles. Therefore, negative allometry<br />

was hypothesized in the current study and it is surprising that the head grew<br />

isometrically in two dogs and showed even positive allometry in one dog. Of the two<br />

heaviest dogs one showed negative allometry and the other showed positive<br />

allometry of the head’s length relative to body mass. The lightest dog’s head grew<br />

isometrically relative to its body mass, resulting in its head being relatively short at 9<br />

weeks but within the normal range at 51 weeks. This is in contrast to Weise [18], who<br />

observed the shortest growth duration in the smallest siblings, resulting in smaller<br />

dogs having shorter heads. In addition to having relatively larger heads, puppies<br />

often appear plumper. As they approach adult size, the dogs become relatively<br />

longer and slimmer. For all dogs in this study, this is reflected by the negative<br />

allometry of the trunk circumference and the positive allometry of the trunk length<br />

compared with body mass and especially by the negative allometry of the head<br />

length vs. trunk length.<br />

Due to the general maturation of the body in cranio-caudal direction (e.g., [39-42]),<br />

greater maturity of the forelimbs compared with the hindlimbs can be expected and<br />

was observed previously [21]. However, the allometric coefficients of the pelvic and<br />

withers height were similar in this study, which is probably related with its relatively<br />

late start at an age of 9 weeks, because higher growth rates were observed for the<br />

hindlimb during early development (e.g., between the 15th and the 29th day, [23]).<br />

Limb proportions<br />

According to Salomon et al. [21], brachium and antebrachium of the Beagle reach<br />

95% of their final length at 230 days and 217 days, respectively. In contrast, the<br />

brachium grew a bit longer in this study (mean: 254 days) and growth duration was<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

shorter for the antebrachium (173 days). Femur and crus took less time to grow 95%<br />

of their final length in this study (mean: 180 and 206 days, respectively) compared<br />

with the earlier study (233 and 234 days [21]; end of growth according to [23]: 305<br />

and 298 days). This clearly contradicts the observation from the body mass<br />

development, i.e., that larger-bodied lines grow for a longer period. Therefore, the<br />

Beagle line studied herein reached the final segment lengths relatively fast but<br />

gained weight (e.g., by increasing organ and muscles masses) for a longer period<br />

compared to other breeding lines.<br />

Compared with other breeds, the Beagles in the current study also showed 95% of<br />

their final segment lengths earlier than Great Danes (ab: 238.9 days; fe: 262.5 days;<br />

cr: 272.9 days; [43]). The comparison of the growth among different breeds indicated<br />

that larger breeds grow at a higher rate but not necessarily for a longer period<br />

[22,23]. However, Weise [18] pointed out that the times till the dogs are fully grown<br />

may substantially differ among and within breeds as well as among and within litters.<br />

For example, she recorded times to full length from 140 to 243 days for the<br />

antebrachium and from 117 to 243 days for the crus in the poodle [18]. Similarly,<br />

variations of up to 52 days were observed among the siblings of the current study in<br />

reaching 95% of the final segment length. In summary, our results support Weise’s<br />

observations that larger siblings show higher growth rates and that the differences in<br />

the growth curves can be substantial among siblings.<br />

Comparison with other mammals<br />

Based on the ontogenetic allometry of various species, it was observed that<br />

functionally homologous limb segments show more similar growth patterns than<br />

serially homologous segments in mammals [32]. The first finding in the former study<br />

was that the allometric coefficients were more similar between functionally<br />

homologous segments than serially homologous ones. In contrast to previous<br />

observations, the allometric coefficients of the functionally homologous segments<br />

were not comparable in dogs. Rather the growth of the antebrachium resembled that<br />

of the femur and the crus. Femur and crus showed higher allometric coefficients than<br />

scapula and brachium, respectively. This clearly contradicts the expectation of more<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

similar allometric coefficients between functionally homologous limb segments.<br />

Nevertheless, the typical mammalian intralimb re-proportioning with the proximal<br />

elements showing positive allometry and the very distal ones exhibiting negative<br />

allometry was also observed in the Beagles studied herein (Table 3).<br />

The second observation was that the proximal segments grow more than distal<br />

ones, i.e., limbs show a proximo-distal growth gradient. While this is true for the foreand<br />

hindlimbs of several mammalian species, in the Beagle it can neither be<br />

confirmed for the hindlimb nor for the forelimb (Table 4). Similar to the domestic cat<br />

[2], domestic pig [29], domestic rabbit [35], black-tailed jack rabbit [30], capuchin<br />

monkeys [44,45] as well as other dog breeds [22,38], the antebrachium grew more<br />

than the brachium in the Beagles studied herein. While the antebrachium also grew<br />

more than the scapula in this study, in both previous studies that included the<br />

scapula [29,30], the scapula grew more than any other segment (Table 4).<br />

The third observation concerned the proportions of the segments relative to limb<br />

length [32]. Simulations of three-segmented limb models showed that 1) proportions<br />

close to 1:1:1 are optimal for stability [46,47] and 2) mechanical self-stabilization of<br />

the model is achieved when the length of the middle segment remains constant,<br />

while the lengths of the proximal and distal segments were less critical to the model’s<br />

stability [46]. Accordingly, a greater variability in the proportions of the first and the<br />

third segment was observed across 189 mammalian taxa, while the middle element<br />

was less involved in alterations of the intralimb proportions [25]. In the current study,<br />

the Beagles showed forelimb proportions of 1.2:1.0:1.1 at 9 weeks and 1.1:1.0:1.1 as<br />

adults. Consistent with the model’s prediction, the brachium remained constant in its<br />

proportion of the limb’s anatomical length. In the hindlimb, the segment proportions<br />

were 1.1:1.0:1.1 at 9 weeks and 1.1:1.0:0.9 as adults. In contrast with the model, the<br />

crus increased in its relative length. However, overall, the intralimb proportions were<br />

near the optimum [48] in the juvenile and adult Beagles in this study and comparable<br />

to the segment ratios observed in other breeds of similar body size [49].<br />

In summary, while some principles proposed in a previous study [32] held true for<br />

the Beagles studied herein, others did not. One reason may be that we compared<br />

growth patterns across all mammals for which data were available independent of<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

their phylogeny, body size, limb posture, habitat or locomotor specialization. Given<br />

that these factors influence the intralimb proportions in mammals [25], they also<br />

probably influence growth patterns. Unfortunately, insufficient data are available at<br />

the moment to be able to assess the impact of these factors on the ontogenetic<br />

allometry of mammals. Furthermore, more studies assembling complete data sets for<br />

all limb segments are necessary to increase our understanding of the growth patterns<br />

in mammals in general and the dog in particular.<br />

2.9. Conclusions<br />

At the age of one year, a Beagle has reached fully grown body height but not body<br />

mass. Up to about 15 weeks of age, Beagles grow particularly intensively, which<br />

should be considered regarding feeding and physical exertion. Compared with its<br />

siblings, a puppy’s size at 9 weeks is a good indication for its adult body size. Among<br />

siblings, growth duration may vary tremendously and seems not to be related to final<br />

body size. Within breeds, we hypothesize a longer duration to physically fully mature<br />

for larger-bodied strains. Throughout ontogeny, the Beagle displayed nearly optimum<br />

intralimb proportions. Neither the forelimbs nor the hindlimbs conformed with the<br />

proximo-distal growth sequence observed previously. Potential factors influencing the<br />

ontogenetic allometry of mammals such as phylogeny, locomotor behavior or body<br />

shape need to be evaluated in future studies.<br />

2.10. List of abbreviations<br />

ab Antebrachium<br />

br Brachium<br />

CI Confidence interval<br />

Cond. Condylus<br />

cr Crus<br />

dors. Dorsalis<br />

Epicond. Epicondylus<br />

fe Femur<br />

hd Head<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

iso<br />

lat.<br />

LL<br />

ma<br />

maj.<br />

pe<br />

ph<br />

ps<br />

sc<br />

SD<br />

trc<br />

trl<br />

Troch.<br />

Tub.<br />

UL<br />

wi<br />

Isometry<br />

Lateralis<br />

Lower limit of the CI<br />

Manus<br />

Majus<br />

Pelvic length<br />

Pelvic height<br />

Pes<br />

Scapula<br />

Standard deviation<br />

Trunk circumference<br />

Trunk length<br />

Trochanter<br />

Tuberculum<br />

Upper limit of the CI<br />

Withers height<br />

2.11. Competing interests<br />

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.<br />

2.12. Author contributions<br />

DH, PW, IN and NS designed the study and approved the manuscript. DH and NS<br />

collected and analyzed the data and prepared the manuscript.<br />

2.13. Acknowledgements<br />

We wish to thank J. Abdelhadi, S.M. Deban, S. Fischer, V. Galindo-Zamora and K.<br />

Wachs for discussions and help with the analyses, A. Anders, K. Lucas and U. von<br />

Blum for their technical assistance and the animal keepers of the Small Animal Clinic<br />

for their support. This study was supported by the Center of interdisciplinary<br />

prevention of diseases related to professional activities (KIP) founded and funded by<br />

the Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena and the Berufsgenossenschaft Nahrungsmittel<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

und Gastgewerbe Erfurt and the <strong>Hannover</strong>sche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der<br />

Kleintiermedizin (HGFK).<br />

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47. Günther M, Keppler V, Seyfarth A, Blickhan R: Human leg design: optimal<br />

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25:352-361.<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

2.15. Figures<br />

Fig. 1: Recorded measurements. Photograph of dog #4 at the age of 15 weeks to<br />

illustrate the body and segment lengths measured. (The dog’s back was partially<br />

shaved for a joined study.)<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

Fig. 2: Body mass development of the dogs studied and average growth curve<br />

estimated with the Gompertz function. The parental data were added for comparison.<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

Fig. 3: Body proportions. Logarithmic plots of withers and pelvic height, trunk and<br />

head lengths as well as trunk circumference vs. body mass. Mean±SD of the<br />

allometric coefficients of the juveniles as well as the information of whether the<br />

respective parameter showed positive (+) or negative (-) allometry are given in the<br />

top left corner of each graph (first line). Numbers in parentheses indicate the UL and<br />

the LL of the 95% confidence intervals (second line). For allometric coefficients of<br />

each dog, see Table l.<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

Fig. 4: Limb proportions. Logarithmic plots of the segments of the fore- and<br />

hindlimb vs. body mass. Mean±SD of the allometric coefficients of the juveniles as<br />

well as the information of whether the respective parameter showed positive (+) or<br />

negative (-) allometry are given in the top left corner of each graph (first line).<br />

Numbers in parentheses indicate the UL and the LL of the 95% confidence intervals<br />

(second line). For allometric coefficients of each dog, see Table 2.<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

Fig. 5: Ontogenetic changes of relative segment lengths. Relative segment<br />

lengths were determined as the proportion of the respective segment of the<br />

anatomical limb length (i.e., sum of scapula, brachium, antebrachium and hand as<br />

well as of femur, crus and pes, respectively). The parental data were added in black<br />

for comparison.<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

2.16. Tables<br />

Tab. 1: Individual parameters of body proportions for all siblings studied. Allometric<br />

coefficient (slope), intercept, standard deviation of the slope (SD slope),<br />

correlation coefficient (R) and the upper and the lower limit of the 95% confidence<br />

interval (95% UL, 95% LL) of all body proportions plotted against body mass on loglog<br />

scales (base 10). Isometry (iso) was given if the slope b=0.333 was within the<br />

confidence interval; otherwise, it was negative (-) or positive (+) allometry. For<br />

comparison, the growth sequence based on the slopes and the respective CIs is<br />

indicated for each dog in the last line. Abbreviations: hd-head length, wi-withers<br />

height, ph-pelvic height, trl-trunk length, trc-trunk circumference.<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

Tab. 2: Individual parameters of limb segments for all siblings studied. Allometric<br />

coefficient (slope), intercept, standard deviation of the slope (SD slope), correlation<br />

coefficient (R) and the upper and the lower limit of the 95% confidence intervals (95%<br />

UL, 95% LL) of all body proportions plotted against body mass on log-log scales<br />

(base 10). Isometry (iso) was given if the slope b=0.333 was within the confidence<br />

interval; otherwise, it was negative (-) or positive (+) allometry. For comparisons with<br />

previously published results (see Tab. 4), the growth sequences based on the slopes<br />

and the respective CIs are indicated for each dog in the last line. Abbreviations: scscapula,<br />

br-brachium, ab-antebrachium, ma-manus; fe-femur, cr-crus, ps-pes.<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

Tab. 3: Interspecific comparison of the ontogenetic allometry in various mammalian<br />

species. (+) positive allometry, (-) negative allometry, (iso) isometry. ** Different<br />

measurements among studies (i.e., [30] pelvis, [2] ischium, [50] ilium). Note, two<br />

symbols in ma or ps indicate separate measurements for metacarpus or metatarsus<br />

and phalanges, respectively. Abbreviations: sc-scapula, br-brachium, abantebrachium,<br />

ma-manus; pe-pelvic, fe-femur, cr-crus, ps-pes; m-male, f-female.<br />

Species Forelimb Hindlimb Reference<br />

sc br ab ma pe ** fe cr ps<br />

Domestic cat + + + - + + + - [2]<br />

Black-tailed jack rabbit + + + - + + + - [30]<br />

Western lowland gorilla + + + + [50]<br />

Mountain gorilla<br />

+ m<br />

+ m<br />

[50]<br />

+<br />

- f +<br />

- f<br />

European rabbit + + iso + + iso [35]<br />

Norway rat + iso - + + - [35]<br />

Grey short-tailed<br />

[35]<br />

+ iso - + + iso<br />

opossum<br />

Long-tailed chinchilla iso - - + + - [35]<br />

Tree-shrew<br />

- [32]<br />

+ + - - + iso<br />

iso<br />

Cui<br />

- [32]<br />

+ - - - + -<br />

-<br />

Domestic dog (Beagle) + + + - - + + - this study<br />

** Different measurements among studies (i.e., [30] pelvis, [2] ischium, [50] ilium).<br />

Note, two symbols in ma or ps indicate separate measurements for metacarpus or<br />

metatarsus and phalanges, respectively.<br />


Studie I: Ontogenetic allometry of the Beagle<br />

Tab. 4: Interspecific comparison of the growth sequences in various mammalian<br />

species based on the slopes observed in the respective studies. The species in the<br />

upper half of the table show a proximo-distal growth sequence for both fore- and<br />

hindlimbs, while the species in the lower half show deviations from this sequence in<br />

either both or only the forelimb. Note that the separate measurements for metatarsus<br />

and phalanges were combined as pes herein. Abbreviations: sc-scapula, brbrachium,<br />

ab-antebrachium, ma-manus; fe-femur, cr-crus, ps-pes.<br />

Species Forelimb Hindlimb Reference<br />

Grey short-tailed opossum br > ab fe > cr > ps [51,35]<br />

Long-tailed chinchilla br > ab fe > cr > ps [35]<br />

Norway rat br > ab fe > cr > ps [35]<br />

Tree-shrew sc > br > ab fe > cr > ps [32]<br />

Rhesus macaque br > ab fe > cr > ps [52]<br />

Human br > ab fe > cr [53]<br />

Brown-mantled tamarin br > ab fe > cr [54]<br />

African elephant sc > br > ab fe > cr [31]<br />

Asian elephant sc > br > ab fe > cr [31]<br />

Cui sc > br > ab fe > cr > ps [32]<br />

Western lowland gorilla sc > br [50]<br />

Mountain gorilla sc > br [50]<br />

Tuffed capuchin ab > br fe > cr > ps [45]<br />

White-fronted capuchin ab > br fe > cr > ps [45]<br />

Domestic pig sc > ab > br fe > cr [29]<br />

European rabbit ab > br fe = cr > ps [35]<br />

Domestic dog (Beagle) ab > br = sc fe = cr > ps this study<br />

Domestic dog (Great Dane) ab > br fe > cr [38]<br />

Domestic dog (Bernese Mountain dog) ab > br fe > cr [22]<br />

Domestic dog (Rottweiler) ab > br fe > cr [22]<br />

Geoffroy’s spider monkey ab > br cr > fe > ps [44]<br />

White-headed capuchin ab > br cr > fe > ps [44]<br />

Domestic cat ab > br cr > fe > ps [2]<br />

Black-tailed jack rabbit sc > ab > br cr > fe > ps [30]<br />

Virginia opossum la > br ps > fe > cr [51]<br />


Studie II: Shift of the CoM in growing dogs<br />

3. Studie II: Shift of the whole-body center of mass in growing dogs<br />

Daniela Helmsmüller 1 , Alexandra Anders 1 , Ingo Nolte 1 and Nadja Schilling 2*<br />

1 Small Animal Clinic, University of Veterinary Medicine <strong>Hannover</strong>, Foundation,<br />

Bünteweg 9, 30559 <strong>Hannover</strong>, Germany<br />

2 Institute of Systematic Zoology and Evolutionary Biology, Friedrich-Schiller-<br />

University, Erbertstr. 1, 07743 Jena, Germany<br />

*Correspondence to:<br />

PD Dr. rer. nat. Nadja Schilling; Friedrich-Schiller-Universität; Institut für Spezielle<br />

Zoologie und Evolutionsbiologie; Erbertstr. 1; 07743 Jena; Germany; Phone: ++49<br />

175 5257195; e-mail: nadja.schilling@uni-jena.de<br />

Running headline: Shift of the CoM in growing dogs<br />

Supporting grant information:<br />

This study was supported by the Center of interdisciplinary prevention of diseases<br />

related to professional activities (KIP) founded and funded by the Friedrich-Schiller-<br />

University Jena and the Berufsgenossenschaft Nahrungsmittel und Gastgewerbe<br />

Erfurt and the <strong>Hannover</strong>sche Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Kleintiermedizin<br />

(HGFK).<br />

This study represents a portion of the Doctoral thesis by DH as partial fulfillment of<br />

the requirements for a Dr. med. vet. degree.<br />

3.1. Abstract<br />

Variation in body shape and thus the antero-posterior distribution of body mass<br />

are associated with differences in the relative position of the center of mass of the<br />

body (CoM). We hypothesized that the ontogenetic changes in body proportions<br />

would affect the location of the whole-body CoM and tested this hypothesis by<br />

examining the vertical ground reaction forces in growing dogs. Six male Beagle<br />

siblings were studied from 9 to 51 weeks of age while they trotted on an instrumented<br />


Studie II: Shift of the CoM in growing dogs<br />

treadmill. Ontogenetic shifting of the CoM was evaluated using the vertical force ratio<br />

as well as the stance time ratio of the fore- and hindlimbs. The ratio of the thorax and<br />

abdomen diameters was determined to assess the developmental changes in trunk<br />

shape. As in adult dogs, the forelimbs carried a greater proportion of the body weight<br />

than the hindlimbs at all ages. When the dogs were younger, peak vertical force<br />

occurred earlier during stance in the hindlimbs but not the forelimbs. Both the<br />

increasing ratio of the vertical force (i.e., peak force, impulse) and the increasing ratio<br />

of the stance times indicate a net cranial shift of the CoM during growth. Associated<br />

with that, the forelimbs supported an increasing (59% vs. 63%) and the hindlimbs<br />

bore a decreasing proportion (41% vs. 37%) of the body weight during ontogeny. The<br />

observed net cranial shift of the CoM is likely the consequence of the substantial<br />

change in trunk shape and thus of the growth patterns of the inner organs.<br />

Key words: kinetic, Canis, development, gait analysis<br />

3.2. Abbreviations<br />

Ab abdomen<br />

BW body weight<br />

CoM center of body mass<br />

FL forelimb<br />

GRF ground reaction forces<br />

HL hindlimb<br />

IFz vertical impulse<br />

MFz mean vertical force<br />

PFz peak vertical force<br />

PW postnatal week<br />

SI symmetry index<br />

Th thorax<br />

U Froude number<br />


Studie II: Shift of the CoM in growing dogs<br />

3.3. Introduction<br />

Natural variation in body shape and the antero-posterior distribution of body mass<br />

are associated with differences in fore- vs. hindlimb loading and the relative position<br />

of the center of mass of the body (CoM). While in quadrupeds with heavy tails (e.g.,<br />

alligators) or relatively large hindlimb muscles (e.g., many primates) the CoM is more<br />

caudal and the forelimbs support less than half of the body weight, the CoM is<br />

located relatively cranial in most quadrupedal mammals and the forelimbs carry more<br />

than half of the body’s weight (e.g., Rollinson and Martin, 1981; Pandy et al., 1988;<br />

Kimura, 1992; Rumph et al., 1994; Demes et al., 1994; Lee et al., 1999; Walter and<br />

Carrier, 2002; Aerts et al., 2003; Willey et al., 2004; Schmidt, 2005; Hanna et al.,<br />

2006).<br />

Among the quadrupeds with a cranial location of the CoM, species with massive<br />

forelimbs and/or heavy heads bear a comparatively greater proportion of their body<br />

weight on the forelimbs compared with species with rather muscular hindlimbs (e.g.,<br />

Rollinson and Martin, 1981; Demes et al., 1994). For example, the fore- to hindlimb<br />

proportion is 52% to 48% in the cheetah and 66% to 34% in the camel (Rollinson and<br />

Martin, 1981). Among closely related species, variation in muscle mass distribution<br />

due to for example differences in locomotor adaptation or male agonistic behavior<br />

have also been described (Grand, 1997). Additionally to these interspecific<br />

variations, differences in limb loading were observed among breeds with different<br />

builds. For example, warmbloods load their forelimbs more than quarter-horses<br />

(Back et al., 2007). Dogs bred for high acceleration and speed (i.e., with large<br />

hindlimb muscles; Williams et al., 2008) support a relatively greater proportion of their<br />

body weight with the hindlimbs than dogs that have a more muscular chest and<br />

larger heads (Bertram et al., 2000; Voss et al., 2011). Thus, the Rottweiler bears<br />

64% of its body weight on the forelimbs compared with 57% in the Borzoi (Voss et<br />

al., 2011).<br />

Physiological variation in an individual’s antero-posterior body mass distribution<br />

occurs during ontogeny due to the allometric growth of muscles, bones and organs.<br />

Mammalian juveniles, for example, have relatively large heads compared to adults<br />

(e.g., Trotter et al., 1975; Kimura, 1987; Schilling and Petrovitch, 2006; Helmsmüller<br />


Studie II: Shift of the CoM in growing dogs<br />

et al., subm.). This together with the hindlimbs increasing in length and/or muscularity<br />

more than the forelimbs leads to a net caudal translation of the CoM and thus a<br />

decreasing relative forelimb loading in various growing mammals (rhesus macaque:<br />

Grand, 1977; Turnquist and Wells, 1994; chimpanzee: Kimura, 1987; Japanese<br />

macaque: Kimura, 2000; koala: Grand and Barboza, 2001; yellow baboon: Shapiro<br />

and Raichlen, 2006; squirrel monkey: Young, 2012). On the other hand, mammalian<br />

juveniles often appear plump and lack the athletic body shape that their adult<br />

conspecifics show. Developing the adult appearance could therefore be associated<br />

with a net cranial translation of the CoM in species like the dog that undergo a more<br />

pronounced change in trunk shape. Furthermore, in contrast to the hindlimbdominated<br />

species that have been studied previously, dogs provide a test for the<br />

ontogenetic shifting of the CoM in a species that supports a greater proportion of the<br />

body weight with the forelimbs.<br />

In order to test whether mammals with a cranial location of the CoM also show a<br />

net caudal translation of their CoM or whether they experience a net cranial shift<br />

during growth, we studied the ontogenetic changes in the fore- vs. the hindlimb<br />

loading in dogs. Because the distribution of body mass is reflected by the fore- to<br />

hindlimb relationship of the vertical force (e.g., Rollinson and Martin, 1981; Budsberg<br />

et al., 1987; Lee et al., 2004; Voss et al., 2011), we recorded the ground reaction<br />

forces (GRF) in the dogs while trotting at steady speed on an instrumented treadmill.<br />

Three parameters of the force distribution between the fore- and the hindlimbs were<br />

tested: peak and mean vertical force as well as vertical impulse. Additionally to<br />

evaluating the fore- to hindlimb vertical force ratio, we determined the stance<br />

durations of the limbs, because a higher fraction of the vertical impulse of a limb is<br />

associated with a relatively higher duty factor and the ratio between fore- and<br />

hindlimb stance times has been suggested to reflect the antero-posterior mass<br />

distribution of trotting quadrupeds (Lee et al., 2004; Witte et al., 2004). To evaluate<br />

the change in trunk shape during postnatal development, we determined the ratio<br />

between the diameters of the thorax and the abdomen in the growing dogs.<br />

----- Figure 1 ------<br />


Studie II: Shift of the CoM in growing dogs<br />

3.4. Animals and Methods<br />

Dogs<br />

Six male Beagle siblings (Canis lupus familiaris, Linnaeus 1758) from the same<br />

litter were used in this longitudinal study. The dogs were from a breeding colony of<br />

the University of Veterinary Medicine <strong>Hannover</strong> (Germany) and came to the Small<br />

Animal Clinic at the age of 9 weeks (i.e., PW9). During the study period, all dogs<br />

underwent two standard orthopedic exams, one at PW14 and one at PW50, which<br />

confirmed that the dogs were sound. For the gait analysis, the puppies were gently<br />

introduced to ambulating on the treadmill when they were 9 weeks old. All<br />

experiments were carried out in accordance with the German Animal Welfare<br />

guidelines and notice was given to the Ethics committee of Lower Saxony<br />

(Germany).<br />

Data collection<br />

GRF measurements started at PW9 and continued until PW51. Data were<br />

collected weekly up to PW20, fortnightly up to PW32 and monthly henceforth.<br />

Additionally to the GRF recordings, various morphometric measurements (e.g.,<br />

segment and limb lengths) were taken for a related study (Helmsmüller et al., subm.)<br />

and the dogs were photographed in lateral perspective standing as balanced and<br />

square as possible (Fig. 1). From all recordings, data from PW11, 13, 19, 22, 26, 30,<br />

43 and 51 were selected for further analysis. Two dogs could not participate in the<br />

data collection at PW19 and were therefore measured the following week (i.e.,<br />

PW20).<br />

During GRF data collection, the dogs trotted on a horizontal treadmill with four<br />

separate belts and integrated force plates underneath each belt (Model 4060-08,<br />

Bertec Corporation, Columbus, OH, USA). Because of their small body size, the<br />

puppies trotted on one side of the treadmill allowing the forces exerted by the foreand<br />

the hindlimbs to be recorded separately (sample rate 1,000 Hz). Separate force<br />

curves for the left and the right limbs were nevertheless obtained because the duty<br />

factor was less than 0.5 during all recordings. To identify whether the right or the left<br />


Studie II: Shift of the CoM in growing dogs<br />

limbs were exerting force, a digital camera synchronized with the GRF recordings<br />

imaged the dogs from the lateral perspective (NVGS60, Panasonic).<br />

Kinetic data were collected and analyzed using Vicon Nexus (Vicon Motion<br />

Systems Ltd., Oxford, UK). During each session, at least 3 trials per dog were<br />

obtained lasting about 30 seconds and covering approximately 65 strides. Of these,<br />

10 valid steps (i.e., without overstepping) were analyzed per dog and age. The<br />

selected strides were not always consecutive because the dogs, particularly when<br />

very young, did not run as consistently as when they were older. Touch down and lift<br />

off events were determined manually using the vertical force curves; force threshold<br />

was set at 5% of the dog’s body weight. Then, the force data were time-normalized to<br />

100% stance duration (i.e., 101 data points) using linear interpolation and exported to<br />

Microsoft Excel together with the temporal gait parameters (i.e., stance duration in s).<br />

Data analysis<br />

Vertical force data from the 10 steps were averaged per dog and normalized to the<br />

dog’s body weight (BW) using equation (1):<br />

(1) GRFs (%BW) = vertical force*100/(body mass*9.81 m/s2)<br />

The vertical GRF parameters compared among the ages were peak and mean<br />

vertical force as well as vertical impulse. Additionally, symmetry indices for the foreand<br />

hindlimbs, time to peak vertical force (in % stance duration) and the distribution<br />

of the dog’s body weight among the four limbs were determined. Body weight<br />

distribution was calculated using equation (2):<br />

(2) % BW bearing = vertical force of the limb/total vertical force of all limbs*100<br />

Symmetry indices (SI) were determined using equation (3) (according to Herzog et<br />

al., 1989):<br />

(3) SI = 100 * (Xl - Xr)/(0.5* (Xl + Xr))<br />

with X being the vertical force of the left (l) and right (r) fore- or hindlimb averaged<br />

across the ten steps. Furthermore, the ratio of the stance times of the fore- and<br />

hindlimbs (i.e., forelimb stance time divided by hindlimb stance time) were<br />

determined.<br />


Studie II: Shift of the CoM in growing dogs<br />

Treadmill speed had to be matched more or less to the preferred speed of the<br />

dogs (i.e., the speed at which they trotted most comfortably) in order to record as<br />

many valid strides as possible. Because absolute speed cannot be compared among<br />

different-sized individuals, Froude number (U) was calculated using the equation (4):<br />

(4) U = v2/g*l<br />

v represents absolute speed (in m/s), g is gravitational acceleration (9.81 ms-2)<br />

and l is hindlimb length (based on Alexander and Jayes, 1983).<br />

To evaluate the change in trunk shape, the diameters of the thorax and the<br />

abdomen were measured in the photographs using Adobe PhotoShop Version 5. The<br />

thoracic diameter was determined posterior to the forelimb at the deepest point of the<br />

sternum; the abdominal diameter was measured cranial to the prepuce (Fig. 1).<br />

Then, the ratio of the two lengths was calculated. A ratio of 1.0 indicates a<br />

rectangular area in the image (i.e., a cylindrical trunk shape), while a ratio >1.0<br />

indicates a trapezoid (i.e., a conical trunk shape with the abdominal diameter being<br />

smaller than the thoracic one).<br />

Statistics<br />

The data were tested for normal distribution using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov-Test.<br />

Differences among the vertical force or the stance duration ratios as well as the<br />

thorax-to-abdomen ratio and the ages were tested using a one-way analysis of<br />

variance (ANOVA) for repeated measures followed by post hoc Tukey test. P values<br />

of p

Studie II: Shift of the CoM in growing dogs<br />

puppies’ force parameters were as symmetrical as those of adult dogs despite the<br />

puppies’ seemingly more irregular gait.<br />

----- Table 1 -----<br />

During the course of the study, the dogs’ preferred trotting speeds increased and<br />

therefore the Froude number differed slightly but significantly between the first and<br />

the last recordings (PW11: U=0.5±0.1, PW51: U=0.9±0.1; Tab. 2). Consequently,<br />

younger dogs trotted at treadmill speeds at which they still walked when older.<br />

Because both vertical force and temporal gait parameters are dependent on speed<br />

(see discussion), we will focus on fore- to hindlimb ratios of these parameters in the<br />

following. Fore- and hindlimb values are detailed in the supplementary file (Tab. S1).<br />

----- Table 2 -----<br />

At all ages, peak vertical force and vertical impulse were significantly greater in the<br />

forelimbs than the hindlimbs, indicating that the CoM was in a relatively cranial<br />

position at all ages (Fig. 2, Tab. 3). The ANOVA revealed that both peak vertical<br />

force and vertical impulse showed significant differences among the ages; with age,<br />

they increased in the forelimb and consequently decreased in the hindlimb.<br />

Accordingly, the fraction of the body weight supported by the forelimbs increased<br />

from 59.2 1.7% to 62.9 1.9% (PFz) while that of the hindlimbs decreased from<br />

40.8 1.7% to 37.1 1.9% during the course of the study. Similarly, vertical impulse<br />

shifted by ca. 4% of the body weight from caudal to cranial. In contrast, mean<br />

normalized vertical force was not significantly different among sessions (Tab. 3). The<br />

ratio between fore- and hindlimb stance times increased significantly; thus, stance<br />

time of the forelimb increased relative to the stance time of the hindlimb (Tab. 2).<br />

While the time to peak vertical force did not change with age in the forelimbs, it<br />

increased significantly in the hindlimb indicating that maximum force occurred earlier<br />

during stance phase when the dogs were younger (Tab. 4).<br />

The ratio of the thoracic vs. the abdominal diameter indicated that the trunk shape<br />

of the puppies was nearly cylindrical (i.e., thorax-to-abdomen ratio 1.1 at PW11; Tab.<br />

4). During the study period, the thorax-to-abdomen ratio increased significantly, so<br />

that the trunk shape resembled a frustum at the end of the study (i.e., thorax-toabdomen<br />

ratio 1.3 at PW51; Tab. 4).<br />


Studie II: Shift of the CoM in growing dogs<br />

----- Tables 3 and 4 -----<br />

3.6. Discussion<br />

Influence of speed on force and stance parameters<br />

In the current study, Froude number significantly increased between 11 and 51<br />

weeks of age. Because many gait parameters depend on locomotor speed, the<br />

observed changes in the vertical force and the stance time ratios may potentially<br />

result from differences in speed rather than age. In adult dogs, for example, peak<br />

vertical force increases and vertical impulse decreases with increasing trotting<br />

velocity (Riggs et al., 1993; McLaughlin and Roush, 1994, Voss et al., 2010).<br />

Because maximum vertical force increases more in the forelimbs than the hindlimbs<br />

when dogs trot faster, the increase in the fore- to hindlimb peak vertical force ratio<br />

observed in the current study may partially be explained by the increase in relative<br />

velocity with age. However, compared with the change in the peak vertical force ratio<br />

observed in this study (ca. 4%), the speed related changes reported for adult dogs<br />

across a similar change of relative velocity were small (ca. 2%; Riggs et al., 1993;<br />

McLaughlin and Roush, 1994). Furthermore, in adult trotting dogs, the vertical<br />

impulse of fore- and hindlimbs decreases at similar rates with increasing speed and<br />

therefore impulse ratio is independent of speed (Riggs et al., 1993; McLaughlin and<br />

Roush, 1994; see also Witte et al., 2004). In contrast, the fore- to hindlimb impulse<br />

ratio increased significantly with age in the current study; that is, the forelimbs’<br />

vertical impulse was relatively larger in older dogs than puppies. This observation<br />

resembles results from adult dogs, in which experimental loading of the pectoral<br />

girdle resulted in an increase of the vertical impulse ratio (Lee et al., 2004). In<br />

summary, our data suggest that the position of the whole-body CoM undergoes a<br />

net-cranial translation in growing dogs and accordingly the forelimbs support a<br />

relatively smaller proportion of the body weight in puppies than adult dogs.<br />

Similar to other mammals, when dogs increase locomotor speed, stance time<br />

decreases (Arshavskii et al., 1965; McLaughlin and Roush, 1994; Maes et al., 2008).<br />

Because stance duration decreases more in the forelimbs than the hindlimbs, stance<br />

time ratio decreases when adult dogs trot faster (McLaughlin and Roush, 1994). In<br />


Studie II: Shift of the CoM in growing dogs<br />

contrast, the stance time ratio between fore- and hindlimbs increased during the<br />

course of this study despite an increase in relative velocity. Relative fore- and<br />

hindlimb duty factors have been suggested to reflect the antero-posterior mass<br />

distribution of trotting quadrupeds and adding mass to the forelimb led to an increase<br />

in the fore- to hindlimb stance time ratio (Lee et al., 2004). Therefore, the increase in<br />

the stance time ratio observed herein corroborates our conclusion that the CoM shifts<br />

cranially when dogs grow.<br />

Ontogenetic changes in limb loading and the position of the CoM<br />

Between PW11 and PW13 (three dogs) or PW19 (three dogs), the time to peak<br />

vertical force increased significantly in the hind- but not the forelimbs. Therefore,<br />

loading rate was greater in the hindlimbs when the dogs were very young. Various<br />

factors influence the shape of the GRF curve such as the geometric compression of<br />

the leg spring due to the forward motion of the body as well as the limb’s angle of<br />

attack, stiffness and anatomical design (Farley et al., 1993; Witte et al., 2004).<br />

Spring-mass-model simulations, for example, have shown that the trajectory of the<br />

CoM during a stride depends, among other factors, on the angle of attack (Farley et<br />

al., 1993; Seyfarth et al., 2002). That is, steeper angles are associated with a<br />

relatively earlier minimum in the trajectory of the CoM and accordingly an earlier<br />

peak of the vertical force. Compared with when older, puppies appear to protract<br />

their limbs less and hit the ground in a more vertical paw trajectory and a more<br />

flatfooted manner; thus, they seem to have a lower angle of limb retraction before<br />

touch down and therefore a greater rate of limb compression. One consequence of a<br />

steeper angle of touch down is that limb muscle force must be build up more rapidly<br />

(Seyfarth et al., 2002). However, without the according kinematic and electromyographic<br />

data, it remains open whether the increased loading rate in the hindlimbs of<br />

puppies is the consequence of differences in limb behavior.<br />

Numerous studies have shown that the whole-body CoM is situated relatively<br />

cranial in dogs (Bryant et al., 1987; Budsberg et al., 1987; Rumph et al., 1994;<br />

DeCamp, 1997; Lee et al., 1999; ; Bertram et al., 2000; McLaughlin, 2001; Fanchon<br />

et al., 2006; Bockstahler et al., 2007; Walter and Carrier, 2007; Katic et al., 2009;<br />


Studie II: Shift of the CoM in growing dogs<br />

Mölsa et al., 2010; Kim et al., 2011; Voss et al., 2011) and, as this and one previous<br />

study examining dogs between PW4 and PW15 show (Biknevicius et al., 1997), this<br />

is true from early on in life. Therefore, in puppies and adult dogs, the forelimbs<br />

consistently support a greater proportion of the body weight than the hindlimbs. At<br />

the end of this study, at PW51, load distribution of the dogs studied herein was<br />

comparable with adult individuals of the same breed (Abdelhadi et al., 2013).<br />

Variation in how much the fore- vs. the hindlimbs support in adult dogs, however,<br />

is related to morphological differences among breeds (i.e., the antero-posterior<br />

distribution of body mass). Sighthounds such as Greyhounds or Borzoi show lower<br />

vertical force ratios compared to other breeds such as Labrador Retriever,<br />

Rhodesian Ridgeback or Rottweiler (Bertram et al., 2000; Mölsa et al., 2010; Kim et<br />

al., 2011; Voss et al., 2011). Thus, depending on morphology, the specific position of<br />

the whole-body CoM varies in adult dogs. Similarly, morphological variation due to<br />

growth results in changes in the weight-supporting characteristics of fore- vs.<br />

hindlimbs in mammals (Grand, 1977; Turnquist and Wells, 1994; Kimura, 1987;<br />

Kimura, 2000; Grand and Barboza, 2001; Shapiro and Raichlen, 2006; Young, 2012;<br />

this study). Both, vertical force and stance time ratios evaluated in the current study<br />

indicate a net cranial shift of the CoM in growing dogs. This is in contrast to the<br />

previous studies, which consistently reported a net caudal shift of the CoM and thus<br />

a relative decrease in forelimb and conversely an increase in hindlimb loading with<br />

age (Grand, 1977; Turnquist and Wells, 1994; Kimura, 1987; Kimura, 2000; Grand<br />

and Barboza, 2001; Shapiro and Raichlen, 2006; Young, 2012).<br />

At least two observations may explain the net cranial translation of the CoM in<br />

growing dogs. First, the postural index (i.e., withers or pelvic height divided by the<br />

sum of the segment lengths) decreases more in the hindlimbs than the forelimbs<br />

(from 1.17 to 1.07 and 1.31 to 1.24 between PW11 and PW51, respectively; D.<br />

Helmsmüller, unpubl. data). Therefore, similar to growing horses (Grossi and Canals,<br />

2010), older dogs have relatively more erect hindlimbs than when they are younger.<br />

The increasingly erect hindlimbs result in a postural change of the body that is<br />

consistent with a net cranial translation of the CoM.<br />


Studie II: Shift of the CoM in growing dogs<br />

Second, puppies have a relatively voluminous belly and a cylindrical rather than<br />

the conical body form that adults show (Fig. 1). Abdominal organs such as spleen or<br />

kidneys show negative allometry, while the heart (Lützen et al., 1976; but see<br />

Deavers et al., 1972) and the stomach exhibit positive allometry in various mammals<br />

(guinea pig: Bessesen and Carlson, 1923; dog: Deavers et al., 1972; Lützen et al.,<br />

1976; rat: Stewart and German, 1999). Furthermore, to fuel ontogenetic growth and<br />

provide the developing body with the tissue necessary for digestion and absorption of<br />

high dietary loads, the small intestine is enlarged in growing animals. For example,<br />

Beagle puppies at PW9 have a small intestine that is 33% longer, weighs 45% more,<br />

has 40% more mucosa and 35% more surface area compared with adults (Paulsen<br />

et al., 2003). Taken together, the growth patterns of the inner organs and particularly<br />

of the small intestine are in accordance with a cranial shift of the CoM. On the<br />

contrary, muscularity increases more in the hindlimbs than the forelimbs in cursorial<br />

mammals such as bovids (Grand, 1991), and dogs, as other mammals, show<br />

negative allometry of their heads (Helmsmüller et al., subm.). Nevertheless, although<br />

the latter two observations would be consistent with net caudal shift of the CoM, our<br />

results indicate that the growth patterns of the inner organs dominate the limb loading<br />

changes in growing dogs.<br />

3.7. Acknowledgments<br />

We thank our colleagues J. Abdelhadi, S. Fischer, V. Galindo-Zamora and P.<br />

Wefstaedt for discussions, K. Lucas for technical assistance and the animal keepers<br />

of the Small Animal Clinic for their support.<br />

3.8. Conflict of interest statement<br />

None of the authors has any financial or personal relationship that could inappropriately<br />

influence or bias the content of the paper.<br />


Studie II: Shift of the CoM in growing dogs<br />

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Studie II: Shift of the CoM in growing dogs<br />

3.10. Figures<br />

Fig. 1: One of the subjects at four different time points during development. Size<br />

was scaled to the same trunk length to illustrate the changes in body proportions and<br />

particularly in trunk shape. The vertical lines indicate where the thoracic and<br />

abdominal diameters were measured to evaluate the change in trunk shape during<br />

the study period. (The two sites shaved on the back provided data for a separate<br />

study.)<br />


Studie II: Shift of the CoM in growing dogs<br />

Fig. 2: Vertical force curves of the fore- and the hindlimbs time-normalized to the<br />

stance duration of the forelimbs. Plotted are the means from the six dogs, error bars<br />

indicate standard deviation. Note, the decrease of the hindlimb’s stance time relative<br />

to that of the forelimbs and the increasing force difference between fore- and<br />

hindlimbs. *Two dogs were studied at PW20.<br />


Studie II: Shift of the CoM in growing dogs<br />

3.11. Tables<br />

Table 1: Symmetry indices (mean ± s.d.) of the vertical force parameters for all<br />

dogs at the different ages. Perfect symmetry is given at SI=0. Physiological ranges<br />

are up to 4% and 6% difference for the fore- and the hindlimbs, respectively<br />

(Budsberg et al., 1993). Negative values indicate that the parameters were greater<br />

for the right than the left limb; positive values indicate the reverse.<br />

PW PFz MFz IFz<br />


11 -0.2 ± 1.5 -0.2 ± 1.3 -0.3 ± 3.6 3.6 ± 3.0 -0.2 ± 4.1 4.4 ± 4.5<br />

13 -0.9 ± 1.7 1.7 ± 2.5 0.0 ± 2.0 1.1 ± 2.5 0.8 ± 4.3 0.9 ± 3.6<br />

19* -0.2 ± 0.4 0.0 ± 1.3 -1.9 ± 3.1 -0.1 ± 2.4 -1.9 ± 1.4 -0.2 ± 3.7<br />

22 -0.3 ± 1.3 0.3 ± 1.7 -1.5 ± 2.7 0.8 ± 3.0 -0.1 ± 4.4 1.6 ± 5.7<br />

26 -0.4 ± 1.6 -0.1 ± 1.6 -0.3 ± 2.5 -0.7 ± 3.6 -0.3 ± 3.3 -2.5 ± 5.6<br />

30 0.2 ± 0.9 -0.4 ± 2.0 -0.1 ± 2.4 0.6 ± 2.4 0.7 ± 3.9 1.5 ± 4.3<br />

43 -0.1 ± 1.8 -1.0 ± 1.9 1.1 ± 3.1 0.2 ± 2.5 0.3 ± 3.6 1.2 ± 3.3<br />

51 0.3 ± 2.7 -0.5 ± 1.6 0.6 ± 2.6 0.1 ± 4.2 -0.2 ± 1.9 1.0 ± 7.1<br />

*Note that two individuals were measured at PW20.<br />

Abbreviations: PFz, peak vertical force; MFz, mean vertical force; IFz, vertical<br />

impulse; FL, forelimb; HL, hindlimb; PW, postnatal week.<br />

Table 2: Stance duration (mean ± s.d. in s) for the fore- and hindlimbs and stance<br />

duration ratio as well as Froude number (mean ± s.d.) for all dogs at the different<br />

ages.<br />

PW FL HL FL/HL U<br />

11 0.20 ± 0.01 0.19 ± 0.01 1.05 ± 0.06 a 0.53 ± 0.09 a<br />

13 0.22 ± 0.01 0.20 ± 0.01 1.07 ± 0.02 b 0.52 ± 0.09 b<br />

19* 0.23 ± 0.01 0.22 ± 0.01 1.06 ± 0.02 c 0.56 ± 0.04 c<br />

22 0.23 ± 0.01 0.21 ± 0.01 1.09 ± 0.05 d 0.62 ± 0.04 d<br />

26 0.22 ± 0.00 0.19 ± 0.01 1.15 ± 0.05 a,b,c 0.78 ± 0.05 a,b,c,d,e<br />

30 0.22 ± 0.01 0.19 ± 0.01 1.16 ± 0.05 a,b,c 0.85 ± 0.06 a,b,c,d<br />

43 0.22 ± 0.00 0.18 ± 0.01 1.18 ± 0.05 a,b,c,d 0.87 ± 0.08 a,b,c,d<br />

51 0.21 ± 0.01 0.18 ± 0.02 1.15 ± 0.08 a,b,c 0.93 ± 0.11 a,b,c,d,e<br />

*Note that two individuals were measured at PW20.<br />

Abbreviations: FL, forelimb; HL, hindlimb; PW, postnatal week, U Froude number.<br />

Paired letters in subscript refer to a significant difference (p

Studie II: Shift of the CoM in growing dogs<br />

Table 3: Mean load distribution (mean ± s.d. in %BW) between the fore- and the<br />

hindlimbs of all dogs at the different ages.<br />

PW PFz MFz IFz<br />


11 59.2 ± 1.7 a 40.8 ± 1.7 a 61.7 ± 5.0 38.3 ± 5.0 62.4 ± 4.7 a 37.6 ± 4.7 a<br />

13 60.6 ± 1.8 b 39.4 ± 1.8 b 61.6 ± 0.8 38.4 ± 0.8 63.0 ± 1.0 b 37.0 ± 1.0 b<br />

19 61.8 ± 2.2 38.2 ± 2.2 61.1 ± 1.8 38.9 ± 1.8 62.5 ± 1.2 c 37.5 ± 1.2 c<br />

*<br />

22 61.7 ± 1.9 38.3 ± 1.9 61.3 ± 1.8 38.7 ± 1.8 63.3 ± 1.2 d 36.7 ± 1.2 d<br />

26 62.8 ± 2.4 a 37.2 ± 2.4 a 62.6 ± 2.1 37.4 ± 2.1 65.8 ± 1.4 34.2 ± 1.4<br />

30 63.1 ± 2.9 a,b 36.9 ± 2.9 a 62.5 ± 2.7 37.5 ± 2.7 66.0 ± 1.6 34.0 ± 1.6<br />

43 63.7 ± 2.1 a,b 36.3 ± 2.1 a,b 63.6 ± 1.6 36.4 ± 1.6 67.4 ± 0.8 a,b,c,d 32.6 ±<br />

0.8 a,b,c,d<br />

51 62.9 ± 1.9 a 37.1 ± 1.9 a 63.3 ± 2.0 36.7 ± 2.0 66.5 ± 0.7 a,c 33.6 ± 0.7 a,c<br />

*Note that two individuals were measured at PW20.<br />

For abbreviations, see Table 1. For explanation of the subscripts, see Table 2.<br />

Table 4: Time to peak force (mean ± s.d. in % of stance duration) of the fore- and<br />

hindlimbs and thorax-to-abdomen ratio (mean ± s.d.) for all dogs at the different<br />

ages.<br />

PW FL HL Th/Ab<br />

11 47.7 ± 4.1 39.8 ± 3.3 a 1.09 ± 0.06 a<br />

13 44.8 ± 4.8 41.8 ± 2.6 b 1.07 ± 0.04 b<br />

19* 42.4 ± 2.2 44.6 ± 2.9 a 1.13 ± 0.05 c<br />

22 44.5 ± 2.4 45.6 ± 2.5 a 1.21 ± 0.05 a,b,d<br />

26 45.3 ± 2.2 46.7 ± 2.8 a,b 1.21 ± 0.06 a,b,e<br />

30 45.5 ± 2.1 45.3 ± 1.1 a 1.28 ± 0.06 a,b,c<br />

43 44.7 ± 1.7 46.5 ± 2.1 a,b 1.31 ± 0.05 a,b,c,d,e<br />

51 46.4 ± 1.3 46.2 ± 0.9 a,b 1.27 ± 0.05 a,b,c<br />

*Note that two individuals were measured at PW20.<br />

For abbreviations, see Table 1; Th, thorax; Ab, abdomen. For explanation of the<br />

subscripts, see Table 2.<br />


Studie II: Shift of the CoM in growing dogs<br />

Supplementary data<br />

Tab. S1: Vertical force parameters (mean ± s.d. in %BW) for all dogs at the<br />

different ages.<br />

PW PFz MFz IFz<br />


11 101.0 ± 7.0 69.9 ± 7.1 59.7 ± 7.6 36.8 ± 3.5 12.1 ± 1.8 7.2 ± 0.5<br />

13 107.1 ± 6.4 69.7 ± 4.3 59.6 ± 3.2 37.2 ± 2.2 12.8 ± 0.8 7.5 ± 0.7<br />

19* 114.1 ± 3.1 70.7 ± 5.7 60.8 ± 1.6 38.8 ± 2.7 13.9 ± 0.8 8.3 ± 0.5<br />

22 118.0 ± 6.4 73.2 ± 4.6 62.1 ± 2.6 39.2 ± 2.1 14.4 ± 0.7 8.3 ± 0.5<br />

26 124.1 ± 5.8 73.7 ± 5.7 64.6 ± 2.9 38.6 ± 2.1 14.1 ± 0.5 7.3 ± 0.4<br />

30 127.4 ± 4.7 75.0 ± 9.0 65.3 ± 2.1 39.2 ± 3.9 14.1 ± 0.4 7.3 ± 0.5<br />

43 125.9 ± 3.4 71.9 ± 5.6 65.7 ± 1.6 37.6 ± 1.9 14.2 ± 0.7 6.9 ± 0.3<br />

51 124.4 ± 5.3 73.3 ± 4.8 64.6 ± 1.6 37.5 ± 2.7 13.5 ± 0.5 6.8 ± 0.3<br />

*Note that two individuals were measured at PW20.<br />

Abbreviations: PFz, peak vertical force; MFz, mean vertical force; IFz, vertical<br />

impulse; FL, forelimb; HL, hindlimb; PW, postnatal week.<br />


Diskussion<br />

4. Diskussion<br />

In dieser Studie wurden die Proportionsänderungen während des Wachstums<br />

beim Beagle und ihr Einfluss auf die kraniokaudale Lage des Körpermasseschwerpunktes<br />

während der Ontogenese untersucht. Erstmalig wurde dabei die Skapula als<br />

lokomotorisch relevantes Element der Vorderextremität in die morphometrische<br />

Analyse der Ontogenese des Hundes einbezogen. <strong>Die</strong>ses proximale Segment der<br />

Vordergliedmaße trägt wie bei anderen Säugetieren maßgeblich zum Rumpfvortrieb<br />

bei (FISCHER u. LILJE 2011). Ihr Drehpunkt liegt in den symmetrischen Gangarten<br />

wie Schritt und Trab auf der gleichen Höhe wie der des Femurs, und beide<br />

proximalen Elemente ähneln sich in ihrer Bewegungstrajektorie und ihrem<br />

Bewegungsumfang. Damit entsprechen sich bei den Säugetieren nicht seriell<br />

homologe Segmentabschnitte funktionell, während bei Vertretern der Lissamphibia<br />

oder der Lepidosauria die ursprünglich seriellen Gliedmaßenabschnitte auch<br />

funktionell homolog sind (BARCLAY 1946, JENKINS & GOSLOW 1983). Der<br />

Einschluss der Skapula in die vorliegende Untersuchung ermöglichte eine<br />

vergleichende Betrachtung der <strong>ontogenetische</strong>n Entwicklung der sich funktionell<br />

entsprechenden Vorder- und Hintergliedmaßenabschnitte. Im Unterschied zu<br />

früheren Befunden an nicht-cursorialen Säugetieren (SCHILLING u. PETROVITCH<br />

2006), unterschieden sich die Entwicklungsverläufe der funktionell homologen<br />

Abschnitte beim Beagle, indem Femur und auch Crus höhere positive Allometrie<br />

zeigten als Skapula und Brachium (Fe: 0,44 Cr: 0,43 vs. Sk: 0,40 Br: 0,41).<br />

Simulationen mit variierenden relativen Längen eines dreisegmentigen Feder-<br />

Masse-Modells zeigten, dass das Modell hohe selbststabilisierende Eigenschaften<br />

hatte, wenn sich die Abschnitte in ihrer Länge wie 1:1:1 verhielten (SEYFARTH<br />

2001, GÜNTHER 2004). Insbesondere die Länge des mittleren Abschnittes<br />

(Brachium und Crus) hatte einen entscheidenden Einfluss darauf, ob das Modell<br />

nach Perturbation zu seiner stabilen Bewegungstrajektorie zurückkehrte oder nicht.<br />

Im Unterschied dazu spielten die Längen des proximalen und des distalen<br />

Abschnittes eine untergeordnete Rolle. <strong>Die</strong> Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit<br />

zeigten, dass bei Beaglen sehr früh in der Ontogenese ein nahezu optimales<br />

Längenverhältnis der Extremitätenabschnitte vorliegt (Vordergliedmaßen 1,2:1,2:1,1<br />


Diskussion<br />

PW9, 1,1:1,0:1,1 PW51; Hintergliedmaßen 1,1:1,0:1,1 PW9, 1,1:1,0:0,9 PW51). Im<br />

Unterschied zu Befunden an anderen Säugetieren (SCHMIDT u. FISCHER 2009)<br />

blieb in Übereinstimmung mit den Modellvorhersagen nur die relative Länge des<br />

Brachiums an der Gesamtlänge des Vorderbeines konstant in der Ontogenese,<br />

während die relative Länge des Crus an der Gesamtlänge des Hinterbeines zunahm.<br />

Weitere Verschiebungen der Segmentproportionen innerhalb der Extremitäten<br />

betrafen die relative Längenzunahme des Antebrachiums und Femur und die relative<br />

Längenabnahme der Autopodien (Manus und Pes), die in Übereinstimmung mit<br />

früheren Befunden an verschiedenen Säugetieren sind und die typischen Proportionsverschiebungen<br />

bei Säugetieren für die Hinterextremitäten bei Hunden<br />

bestätigen.<br />

<strong>Die</strong> beobachteten Proportionsverschiebungen innerhalb der Extremitäten haben<br />

biomechanische Konsequenzen; beispielsweise ändern sich dadurch die Hebelarmverhältnisse<br />

der Muskulatur. <strong>Die</strong>s ist möglicherweise ein Grund dafür, dass es<br />

während des Wachstums zu orthopädischen Problemen kommen kann. Zur<br />

Beurteilung der physiologischen Proportionsverschiebungen können die in der<br />

vorliegenden Arbeit erhobenen Daten als Referenz zumindest für die Rasse Beagle<br />

dienen. Inwiefern die beobachteten morphometrischen Veränderungen für andere<br />

Rassen gelten, die beispielsweise als Adulti deutlich von der Norm abweichende<br />

Extremitätenproportionen zeigen, wie z.B. der Dackel oder der Scottish Terrier<br />

(FISCHER u. LILJE 2011), bleibt zu prüfen. Darüber hinaus sollten zukünftige<br />

Studien die Skapula in ihre Erhebungen einbeziehen, um so eine zunehmend<br />

vollständigere Befundlage zu schaffen.<br />

Weitere morphometrische Veränderungen in der Ontogenese betrafen die relative<br />

Länge des Kopfes und die Proportionen des Rumpfes. Wie alle Säugetiere haben<br />

auch junge Hunde einen relativ großen Kopf; so dass die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden<br />

Arbeit im Mittel ein negativ allometrisches Wachstum für die Kopflänge zeigten.<br />

Dadurch besitzt der erwachsene Hund einen relativ kürzeren Kopf bezogen auf die<br />

Körpermasse oder -länge als der junge Hund. <strong>Die</strong> erhobenen Rumpfproportionen<br />

zeigten ein negatives allometrisches Wachstum des Umfanges und eine relative<br />

Zunahme der Rumpflänge. Zusätzlich nahm das Verhältnis Thorax zu Abdomen<br />


Diskussion<br />

während des Messzeitraums zu (1,1 bis 1,3; Tab. 4, Studie 2), sodass sich die<br />

Rumpfform von einer eher zylindrischen Form beim Welpen zu einer deutlich<br />

taillierten und konischen Form beim adulten Hund änderte.<br />

Während die relative Abnahme der Kopfgröße gemeinsam mit der stärker<br />

zunehmenden Muskularisierung der Hinterextremität (GRAND 1991) für eine<br />

Verschiebung des CoM nach kaudal sprechen würde, lässt sich aus der Veränderung<br />

der Rumpfform eine kraniale Verschiebung vermuten. <strong>Die</strong> kinetischen und<br />

metrischen Analysen zeigten eine kraniale Verschiebung des Körpermasseschwerpunktes<br />

um im Mittel ca. 4%, im Unterschied zu allen vorangegangenen Studien an<br />

Primaten, die eine kaudale Verschiebung berichteten (KIMURA 1987, 2000;<br />

TURNQUIST u. WELLS 1994; YOUNG 2012). Bei Beaglen im Alter von 9 Wochen<br />

trägt die Vorderextremität im Mittel 59,7% der Körpermasse, während es im Alter von<br />

einem Jahr 63,5% sind. Damit überwiegen die Veränderungen der Rumpfform über<br />

die übrigen morphometrischen Veränderungen und dominieren die Verschiebung der<br />

Lage des CoM nach kranial. Ontogenetische Studien bei Säugetieren zum<br />

Wachstum verschiedener Organe zeigten in Übereinstimmung mit einer kranialen<br />

Verschiebung des CoM ein negativ allometrisches Wachstum von z.B. Niere und<br />

Milz, während der Magen positive Allometrie zeigte (DEAVERS et al. 1972; LÜTZEN<br />

et al. 1976; STEWART u. GERMAN 1999).<br />

<strong>Die</strong> Verschiebung des CoM nach kranial ist aber nicht allein durch die Veränderungen<br />

der Körperproportionen bedingt, sondern scheint auch durch posturale<br />

Veränderungen hervorgerufen zu sein. Der posturale Index als Maß für das<br />

Verhältnis von funktioneller zu anatomischer Beinlänge ermittelt aus der Länge des<br />

Beines (von außen gemessen, vom Boden bis zum Widerrist bzw. Trochanter major)<br />

im Stand geteilt durch die Summe der Länge der einzelnen Beinabschnitte<br />

(BIEWENER 2003) zeigte beim Beagle v.a. für die Hinterextremität deutliche<br />

Veränderungen. Wie auch bei Pferden (GROSSI u. CANALS 2010) wird beim Beagle<br />

mit zunehmendem Alter die Hinterextremität gestreckter, und funktionelle und<br />

anatomische Beinlänge nähern sich einander an. Umgekehrt heißt das, dass das<br />

Hinterbein der jungen Hunde stärker flektiert ist. Aus der zunehmenden Streckung<br />

der Hinterextremität resultiert ein Aufrichten der kaudalen Körperhälfte, welches<br />


Diskussion<br />

unweigerlich zu einer Verschiebung des Körpermasseschwerpunktes nach kranial<br />

führt.<br />

Im Unterschied zu den Befunden an Primaten liegt bei Hunden der CoM immer<br />

relativ kranial, und diese Lage wird in der Ontogenese durch die Proportionsänderungen<br />

verstärkt. Für verschiedene Primaten hat man, passend zur negativen<br />

Allometrie des Kopfes, eine stärkere Änderung der Lage des Körpermasseschwerpunktes<br />

beobachtet (Schimpansen, Japanmakaken: KIMURA 1987, 2000;<br />

Rhesusaffen: TURNQUIST u. WELLS 1993; Totenkopfäffchen: YOUNG 2012). Hier<br />

tragen die Vorderbeine über 50% des Körpergewichtes während des ersten<br />

Lebensjahres, während der Körpermasseschwerpunkt bei adulten Tieren kaudal der<br />

Körpermitte liegt und mehr als die Hälfte des Körpergewichtes auf den Hinterextremitäten<br />

lastet. Bei den Jungbeaglen dagegen verlagert sich der Körpermasseschwerpunkt<br />

zum einen nicht über die Körpermitte hinweg, und die beobachtete<br />

Verschiebung erfolgt zum anderen in die entgegengesetzte Richtung. Ob sich ein<br />

allgemeingültiges Muster dahinter verbirgt und sich bei Tieren, die als Adulti mehr als<br />

50% des Körpergewichtes auf den Vorderbeinen tragen, der CoM während der<br />

Ontogenese durchgehend weiter nach kranial verschiebt, bleibt offen, da bisher<br />

<strong>ontogenetische</strong> Daten nur von Primaten und vom Beagle vorliegen. Darüber hinaus<br />

wäre es interessant, die <strong>ontogenetische</strong>n Veränderungen der Lage des CoM bei<br />

anderen Rassen mit deutlich abweichenden Körperbautypen zu untersuchen.<br />

Als Intermediärtyp zwischen Platzhockern und Laufjungen sind junge Hunde daran<br />

angepasst, relativ früh in der Entwicklung mit dem Rudel umher zu ziehen. Bezogen<br />

auf die Körpergröße ist die Umwelt für kleine Säugetiere und damit auch für<br />

Jungtiere stärker strukturiert. <strong>Die</strong>ses verlangt von kleinen Tieren eine größere<br />

Wendigkeit. Ein weiter kaudal liegender CoM wirkt sich biomechanisch vorteilhaft auf<br />

die Wendigkeit aus (AEARTS et al. 2003), und daher könnte die relativ weiter<br />

kaudale Lage des CoM bei Welpen einen Vorteil für deren Manövrierfähigkeit bieten.<br />

Um allerdings sogenannte ‚kick-starts’ (AERTS et al. 2003; WALTER u. CARRIER<br />

2011) zu vermeiden, ist eine insgesamt kraniale Lage des CoM von Vorteil, so wie er<br />

bei den Hunden dieser Arbeit von Beginn an zu beobachten war.<br />


Diskussion<br />

<strong>Die</strong> zunehmende kraniale Lage des Körpermasseschwerpunktes während des<br />

Wachstums geht einher mit einer zunehmenden Belastung der Vordergliedmaßen in<br />

der Ontogenese des Hundes. <strong>Die</strong>s könnte ein Faktor sein, der zu skelettalen<br />

Erkrankungen von Junghunden gerade an den Knochen der Vorderbeine, wie die<br />

Ellbogengelenksdysplasie, beitragen kann. Darüber hinaus führen Aktivitäten wie<br />

Treppen hinuntersteigen zu einer besonders hohen Belastung der Vordergliedmaßen,<br />

da die Neigung zu einer noch stärkeren Verschiebung des CoM nach kranial<br />

führt.<br />

Ein leicht zu ermittelnder Indikator für die Entwicklung eines Junghundes ist das<br />

Körpergewicht. <strong>Die</strong> Jungbeagle in dieser Studie nahmen in den ersten vier<br />

Lebensmonaten intensiv an Gewicht zu. Am Ende der Studie hatte noch kein Hund<br />

das Gewicht der Elterntiere erreicht. Aus dem Vergleich der Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit<br />

mit denen anderer Studien (HAWTHORNE et al. 2004; SALOMON et al. 1999) lässt<br />

sich vermuten, dass kleinere Zuchtlinien des Beagles schneller die Zeit der<br />

intensiven Gewichtszunahme abschließen und auch ihr Endgewicht früher erreichen.<br />

Innerhalb einer Rasse kann es also abhängig vom Endgewicht der Hunde<br />

Unterschiede in den Entwicklungszeiträumen geben, wobei Hunde größerer Linien<br />

wahrscheinlich mehr Zeit für das Wachstum benötigen. Eine Validierung dieser<br />

Beobachtung ist durch zukünftige Studien an anderen Rassen mit verschiedenen<br />

Zuchtlinien nötig.<br />

Vergleicht man die Wurfgeschwister aus dieser Studie untereinander, so ähneln<br />

sich die Wachstumskurven unabhängig vom individuellen Gewicht. Hier nahm weder<br />

der Schwerste länger zu, noch erreichte der Leichteste die Endwerte der Studie<br />

früher. Darüber hinaus blieb die Gewichts- und Größenreihenfolge unter den<br />

Geschwistern über den gesamten Studienzeitraum gleich. <strong>Die</strong>s deckt sich mit den<br />

Ergebnissen einer früheren Studie (WEISE 1964). Bei der Auswahl eines Welpen im<br />

Alter von neun Wochen kann also die Größe der Elterntiere zusammen mit den<br />

Größenverhältnissen der Geschwister untereinander hilfreich sein zur Beurteilung<br />

der Endgrößen der verschiedenen Individuen.<br />

Durch die vorgelegte Arbeit sind erste Referenzdaten für die morphometrische<br />

Entwicklung des Beagles und den Einfluss der Proportionsverschiebungen auf die<br />


Diskussion<br />

Lage des CoM erhoben worden. Inwiefern es sich bei den hier beobachteten Mustern<br />

um für Hunde allgemeingültige Befunde handelt, muss durch zukünftige Arbeiten<br />

geprüft werden, die insbesondere weitere Würfe der Rasse Beagle und von Rassen<br />

verschiedener Körperbautypen und Körpergrößen einbeziehen. Erst dann können<br />

fundierte Vergleiche zwischen Rassen und Zuchtlinien angestellt werden. Dabei<br />

sollten zukünftige Arbeiten auch die ersten neun Lebenswochen als die intensivste<br />

Entwicklungsphase einschließen. Ganganalytisch bleibt zu prüfen, welche anderen<br />

Größen, wie z.B. Parameter der Bewegungsabläufe, sich neben der Lage des CoM<br />

durch die Verschiebungen der Körperproportionen verändern. Hier soll die<br />

anstehende Auswertung der kinematischen Daten und ihre Integration mit den<br />

bereits bestehenden Befunden Aufschluss geben. Eine umfassendere Datenlage, die<br />

morphometrische und ganganalytische Aspekte integriert, wird weiterhin <strong>ontogenetische</strong><br />

Vergleiche zwischen Rassen, aber auch zwischen Säugetierarten ermöglichen.<br />

<strong>Die</strong> Ergebnisse können für den Vergleich mit orthopädischen Wachstumspathologien<br />

genutzt werden.<br />


Zusammenfassung<br />

5. Zusammenfassung<br />

Daniela Helmsmüller<br />

<strong>Die</strong> <strong>ontogenetische</strong> Entwicklung des Bewegungsapparates beim Beagle -<br />

eine morphometrische und kinetische Analyse<br />

Im Leben von Hunden als cursoriale Säugetiere spielt die Fortbewegung eine<br />

große Rolle. Störungen in der Entwicklung des Bewegungsapparates während des<br />

Wachstums sind zu vermeiden bzw. wenn möglich frühzeitig zu diagnostizieren und<br />

therapieren. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die <strong>ontogenetische</strong> Allometrie von Hunden am<br />

Beispiel des Beagles zu dokumentieren und die Lage des Körpermasseschwerpunktes<br />

zu analysieren. Besonderes Augenmerk galt der Skapula in der morphometrischen<br />

Analyse, als bislang in <strong>ontogenetische</strong>n Studien vernachlässigter, aber<br />

lokomotorisch relevanter Vordergliedmaßenknochen.<br />

In dieser longitudinalen Studie wurden sechs Beaglerüden aus einem Wurf von<br />

der neunten postnatalen Woche bis zum Alter von einem Jahr regelmäßig<br />

untersucht. Ihr Gewicht, ihre Körperproportionen und die Längen der einzelnen<br />

Gliedmaßenknochen wurden allometrisch betrachtet. Für die Bestimmung der<br />

Verteilung des Körpergewichtes zwischen den Gliedmaßen trabten die Hunde auf<br />

einem Laufband mit vier integrierten Kraftmessplatten, das die Erfassung der<br />

vertikalen Bodenreaktionskraft und der Bodenkontaktzeiten erlaubte.<br />

Beim Vergleich der sich funktionell entsprechenden Vorder- und Hintergliedmaßenabschnitte<br />

zeigten sich beim Hund Unterschiede zu früheren Befunden von<br />

Säugetieren durch eine höhere positive Allometrie von Femur und Crus im Vergleich<br />

zu den Werten von Skapula und Brachium. Relativ zur Gesamtlänge des Beines<br />

nahmen Antebrachium, Femur und Crus zu, während die Autopodien an Länge<br />

abnahmen. Durch ihre nahezu optimalen Längenverhältnisse der Gliedmaßenabschnitte<br />

von 1:1:1 und aufgrund der konstanten relativen Länge des Brachiums kann<br />

vermutet werden, dass Hunde früh in ihrer Ontogenese selbststabilisierende<br />

Mechanismen verwenden. Das negative allometrische Wachstum des Rumpfumfan-<br />


Zusammenfassung<br />

ges und eine relative Zunahme der Rumpflänge gingen mit einer Änderung der<br />

Rumpfform von zylindrisch beim Junghund zu einer deutlich konischeren Form beim<br />

Adulten einher. <strong>Die</strong>se Veränderung, gepaart mit einer gestreckteren Hintergliedmaße<br />

beim erwachsenen Hund sowie beschriebenen Allometrien der inneren Organe,<br />

führte zu einer Verschiebung des Körpermasseschwerpunktes nach kranial. <strong>Die</strong><br />

relativ stärkere kaudale Lage des CoM bei Welpen könnte einen Vorteil für deren<br />

Wendigkeit bieten, um allerdings sogenannte ‚kick-starts’ zu vermeiden, ist die<br />

generell kraniale Lage des CoM bei Hunden von Vorteil. <strong>Die</strong> sich kontinuierlich<br />

verändernden Gliedmaßenverhältnisse und auch die unterschiedliche Lage des<br />

Körpermasseschwerpunktes zusammen mit weiteren auslösenden Faktoren können<br />

ein Grund für orthopädische Probleme im Wachstum sein. Zur einfachen Überprüfung<br />

des physiologischen Wachstums von Hunden bietet sich die Gewichtsentwicklung<br />

an. <strong>Die</strong> Dauer bis zum Erreichen des Endgewichtes und der intensivsten<br />

Gewichtszunahme scheint verglichen mit kleineren Beagle-Linien und anderen<br />

Rassen vom Endgewicht abhängig zu sein, wobei schwerere Hunde längere Zeiten<br />

benötigen. <strong>Die</strong> Größenverhältnisse unter den Beaglegeschwistern blieben über den<br />

gesamten Messzeitraum gleich und unter den Geschwistern unterschieden sich<br />

Zunahmezeiten nicht. Inwiefern es sich bei den hier beobachteten Mustern um für<br />

Hunde allgemeingültige Befunde handelt, muss durch zukünftige Arbeiten geprüft<br />

werden, die insbesondere Rassen verschiedener Körperbautypen und Körpergrößen<br />

einbeziehen.<br />


Summary<br />

6. Summary<br />

Daniela Helmsmüller<br />

Ontogenetic development of the locomotor system of the Beagle - a morphometric<br />

and kinetic analysis<br />

Locomotion plays a significant role in the life of the dog as a cursorial mammal and<br />

one essential prerequisite for this is a physiologically developed musculoskeletal<br />

system. To ensure its proper functioning, abnormalities in its development should be<br />

avoided or at least if possible diagnosed and treated at an early stage. It was hence<br />

the aim of this study to document the ontogenetic allometry of Beagles, in example of<br />

dogs in general, and to analyse the location of the centre of body mass during<br />

growth. Heed was paid in this study to the scapula as a locomotory important but in<br />

ontogenetic studies often neglected element of the forelimb.<br />

In this longitudinal study, six male Beagle siblings were analysed regularly from<br />

the ninth postnatal week until they reached one year of age. Their weight, body<br />

proportions and the lengths of their individual limb bones were measured and the<br />

results evaluated allometrically. To determine the body weight distribution and<br />

thereby the craniocaudal location of the center of body mass, the dogs trotted on the<br />

treadmill with four integrated force plates and the vertical ground reaction forces as<br />

well as the stance duration ratios were determined.<br />

Comparing the functionally analogous fore- and hindlimb segments, deviations<br />

from previously reported patterns were observed, i.e., femur and crus showed a<br />

stronger positive allometry than scapula and brachium. Relative to limb length,<br />

antebrachium, femur and crus increased whereas manus and pes decreased in<br />

length. Because dogs show a segment ratio of nearly 1:1:1 and the relative length of<br />

the middle segment of the forelimb (i.e., the brachium) is constant during growth, it is<br />

postulated that dogs use self-stabilizing mechanisms from early on. The negative<br />

allometric growth of the trunk circumference and a relative increase in the trunk<br />

length compared with body mass were accompanied by a change of the shape of the<br />


Summary<br />

trunk from a cylindrical shape in the puppy to a more conical shape in the adult dog.<br />

These changes, together with the elongation of the hindlimbs due to postural<br />

changes and the described allometries of the inner organs led to a net-cranial shift of<br />

the center of body mass. In contrast to primates, the location of the center of mass<br />

was always situated cranially. The more caudal position of the CoM in puppies could<br />

be advantageous for their maneuverability; to avoid the risk of pitching, however, a<br />

net-cranial location is beneficial. The changing limb proportions together with the shift<br />

of the body’s center of mass and other triggering factors could be a cause for<br />

orthopaedical problems in growing dogs. A good indicator for a dogs’ growth is its<br />

weight development. Compared to smaller-bodied Beagle lines and other breeds, the<br />

growth period to reach the final weight as well as the period of the most intensive<br />

weight gain seems to depend on the final weight. Thereby, relatively heavier dogs<br />

need more time for growth. The body size relationships amongst the Beagle siblings<br />

remained unchanged during the study period and their duration of weight increase<br />

did not differ. Whether the data collected in this study are representative for dogs<br />

remains to be tested in future studies, which should include breeds of varying builds<br />

and body sizes.<br />


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Danksagung<br />

8. Danksagung<br />

Mein ganz besonderer Dank gilt Herrn Prof. Nolte für die Überlassung dieses<br />

interessanten Themas und für die Möglichkeit, das hervorragend ausgestattete<br />

Ganganalyselabor der Klinik für Kleintiere, <strong>Stiftung</strong> <strong>Tierärztliche</strong> <strong>Hochschule</strong><br />

<strong>Hannover</strong> zu nutzen.<br />

Mein besonderer, herzlicher Dank gilt Frau PD Dr. Schilling für die interessante<br />

Aufgabenstellung, ihre große Unterstützung, zahlreiche Anregungen bei der<br />

Durchführung der Arbeit und ihr unermüdliches Engagement.<br />

Außerdem möchte ich mich bei Frau Anders für die Hilfe bei den Messungen und<br />

auch bei den Tierpflegern für die gute Betreuung der Studienteilnehmer bedanken.<br />

Auch allen weiteren Mitarbeitern der Klinik danke ich für ihre Hilfsbereitschaft.<br />

Bei allen Mitdoktorandinnen und Mitdoktoranden der Klinik und vor allem der<br />

Ganganalyse möchte ich mich für eine super Zusammenarbeit und ein tolles Team<br />

bedanken. Frau Fischer gerade in der Endphase sehr herzlichen Dank für den<br />

Informationsfluss.<br />

Danke, Ulrich, für die Hilfe bei den Graphiken und Geduld und Durchhaltevermögen.<br />

Auch meiner Familie, besonders Möni für ihr Englisch, und Freunden danke ich<br />

für die große Unterstützung in vielerlei Hinsicht.<br />


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