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"Residence Permits for Businessmen" did not arrive in Washington<br />

until after the close of the A.M.A. Seminar. This was unfortunate<br />

because this airgram could have been a basis for a more complete<br />

discussion of the matter if it had been received earlier.)<br />

One of the speakers, on the first day of the Seminar (May 6)<br />

was Mark Feer, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Policy,<br />

Department of Commerce, who spoke, among other things, on the<br />

Controls and Regulatiorsof the Office of Foreign Direct Investments,<br />

which Office was created on January 1, 1968, as a result of Executive<br />

Order 11387, governing certain capital transfers abroad. Mr. Feer<br />

took a very hard line.<br />

The impression was created among both<br />

Thai and American attendants that authorizations for capital transfers<br />

abroad to Schedule A countries, which exceeded 110% of the<br />

average of each investor fioreigni investments in the base years of<br />

l>65-1966, would be exceedingl] dit'ficult to obtain. After Mr. Feer<br />

left the room, one person comented from the floor that if Mr. Feer's<br />

statement represented the position of the U.S. Government that there<br />

was not much point in continuiLg the seminar and no point in<br />

any<br />

further discussion about AmericAn investments in Thailand. Several<br />

others expressed themselves in a similar manner.<br />

At this point,<br />

Belford Seabrook made a statement from the rostrum in which he<br />

explained that it was the policy of the United States Government<br />

to encourage economic growth (meaning investments) in the lesserdeveloped<br />

countries (LDCs). He said that this policy had been<br />

enunciated in the President's Statement at the time Executive Order<br />

11387, above mentioned, had been issued. It was also explained<br />

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