A CIL Tutorial - Department of Computer Science - ETH Zürich

A CIL Tutorial - Department of Computer Science - ETH Zürich

A CIL Tutorial - Department of Computer Science - ETH Zürich


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let initOps (it : Th.theory) (dt : Th.theory) (mt : Th.theory) : ops =<br />

{iplus op = Th.ns find ls it.Th.th export ["infix +"];<br />

iminus op = Th.ns find ls it.Th.th export ["infix -"];<br />

(∗...∗)<br />

}<br />

The function initWhyCtxt initializes the Why3 context and directs it to use the prover specied<br />

by the string p. It uses the Why3 API to read its conguration, load its plug-ins, nd the specied<br />

prover, and load the theories we'll need into the wctxt.<br />

let initWhyCtxt (p : string) (pv : string) : wctxt =<br />

(∗ ... ∗)<br />

As with the other attributes in previous chapters, we introduce global variables for string constants<br />

for the attribute syntax.<br />

let invariantAttrStr = "invariant"<br />

let postAttrStr = "post"<br />

let preAttrStr = "pre"<br />

let tut11 attrs = [invariantAttrStr; postAttrStr; preAttrStr; ]<br />

The functions term <strong>of</strong> int and term <strong>of</strong> int64 convert OCaml integers (which we'll extract from<br />

the <strong>CIL</strong> AST) into Why3 terms.<br />

let term <strong>of</strong> int (i : int) : T.term = i | > string <strong>of</strong> int | > T.t int const<br />

let term <strong>of</strong> i64 (i : int64) : T.term = i | > Int64.to string | > T.t int const<br />

We'll use the functions make symbol and freshvar <strong>of</strong> ap to make fresh symbols for the variables<br />

bound by quantiers that appear in attribute parameters.<br />

let make symbol (s : string) : T.vsymbol =<br />

T.create vsymbol (W.Ident.id fresh s) W.Ty.ty int<br />

let freshvar <strong>of</strong> ap (ap : attrparam) : string × T.vsymbol =<br />

match ap with<br />

| ACons(n, [ ]) → n, make symbol n<br />

| → Em.s(Em.error "Names only")<br />

The function term <strong>of</strong> attrparam converts an attribute parameter into a Why3 term. For variable<br />

references, it looks up symbols in the vars eld <strong>of</strong> the context. For binary and unary operations, it<br />

uses the operations dened in the ops eld.<br />

For memory references it uses the get and set operations and the memory eld <strong>of</strong> the context to<br />

generate the appropriate Why3 terms. In particular, memory is modeled as one large array indexed

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