A CIL Tutorial - Department of Computer Science - ETH Zürich

A CIL Tutorial - Department of Computer Science - ETH Zürich A CIL Tutorial - Department of Computer Science - ETH Zürich


CHAPTER 14. IMPLEMENTING A SIMPLE DSL 120 let create short options (al : argument list) : exp = let short arg of arg (a : argument) : string = a.argShort¢(if a.argOption then ":" else "") in al | > L.map short arg of arg |> S.concat "" |> mkString The function getMainArgs just extracts the varinfos for argv and argv from the list of formal parameters. let getMainArgs (main : fundec) : varinfo × varinfo = match main.sformals with | argc :: argv :: → argc, argv | → E.s (E.error "Must give main argc and argv") The function string of short arg gives the integer code for the character used as the short form of an argument. This is needed since we can't write string or character literals in the interpreted constructor. The function string of arg opt returns the string 1 if the argument has an option, and the string 0 otherwise. let string of short arg (a : argument) : string = a.argShort.[0] | > int of char | > string of int let string of arg opt (a : argument) : string = if a.argOption then "1" else "0" The function create def int string creates a string for a C else statement to be used for setting an argument of integer type without any options to 1. let create def int string (a : argument) : string = if isIntegralType a.argType ∧ ¬(a.argOption) then "else {%l:"¢a.argVi.vname¢"l = 1;}" else "" The function create if str creates a string for the C code that processes a particular argument. The return of getopt long is given in the variable c. If c is equal to the character code for the short version of the argument, then we check to see if the argument has an option, which we parse using sscanf. In case the argument is for a boolean ag, we include the string obtained with create def int string. Finally, we set the global variable that indicates that the argument was given.

CHAPTER 14. IMPLEMENTING A SIMPLE DSL 121 let create if str (a : argument) : string = "if (c == "¢(string of short arg a)¢") {"¢ "if ("¢(string of arg opt a)¢") { if(%e:optarg) {"¢ "%l:scan(%e:optarg,%e:"¢a.argVi.vname¢"fmt,%e:"¢a.argVi.vname¢"addr);"¢ "}}"¢ (create def int string a)¢ "%l:"¢a.argGot.vname¢" = 1;"¢ "}" The if statements created with create if str from the arguments form the body of the loop in which we repeatedly call getopt long. The function create opt loop str generates the string of C code for the loop. It calls getopt long before proceeding into the if statements generated by create\ if str. If the return of getopt long is −1, we break out of the loop. let create opt loop str (al : argument list) : string = "while(1) {"¢ "int c;"¢ "c = %l:gol(%e:argc, %e:argv, %e:sstr, %e:lopts, (void * )0);"¢ "if (c == -1) break;"¢ (al | > L.map create if str | > S.concat " else ")¢ "}" Finally, in the function makeArgStmts we can call Formatcil.cStmts to generate the CIL statements for argument processing. The calls to findOrCreateFunc and findGlobalVar retrieve varinfos from the CIL le that we'll need to pass as parameters to the interpreted constructor. Here, we'll also call the functions that generate the code for allocating and initializing the option array. let makeArgStmts (f : file) (main : fundec) (al : argument list) : stmt list = let gol = findOrCreateFunc f "getopt long" intType in let scan = findOrCreateFunc f "sscanf" intType in let optarg = findGlobalVar f.globals "optarg" in let so = create short options al in let o, m, i = create long options f main al in let argc, argv = getMainArgs main in (L.map i2s (m :: i)) @ Formatcil.cStmts (create opt loop str al) (fun n t → makeTempVar main £name : n t) locUnknown ([("argc", Fe(v2e argc)); ("argv", Fe(v2e argv)); ("sstr", Fe so); ("lopts", Fe (v2e o)); ("gol", Fl(var gol)); ("scan", Fl(var scan)); ("optarg",Fe(v2e optarg))]@ (L.map (fun a → (a.argVi.vname¢"fmt"), Fe (mkString a.argFmt)) al)@


let create short options (al : argument list) : exp =<br />

let short arg <strong>of</strong> arg (a : argument) : string =<br />

a.argShort¢(if a.argOption then ":" else "")<br />

in<br />

al | > L.map short arg <strong>of</strong> arg<br />

|> S.concat ""<br />

|> mkString<br />

The function getMainArgs just extracts the varinfos for argv and argv from the list <strong>of</strong> formal<br />

parameters.<br />

let getMainArgs (main : fundec) : varinfo × varinfo =<br />

match main.sformals with<br />

| argc :: argv :: → argc, argv<br />

| → E.s (E.error "Must give main argc and argv")<br />

The function string <strong>of</strong> short arg gives the integer code for the character used as the short form<br />

<strong>of</strong> an argument. This is needed since we can't write string or character literals in the interpreted<br />

constructor. The function string <strong>of</strong> arg opt returns the string 1 if the argument has an option,<br />

and the string 0 otherwise.<br />

let string <strong>of</strong> short arg (a : argument) : string =<br />

a.argShort.[0] | > int <strong>of</strong> char | > string <strong>of</strong> int<br />

let string <strong>of</strong> arg opt (a : argument) : string =<br />

if a.argOption then "1" else "0"<br />

The function create def int string creates a string for a C else statement to be used for setting<br />

an argument <strong>of</strong> integer type without any options to 1.<br />

let create def int string (a : argument) : string =<br />

if isIntegralType a.argType ∧ ¬(a.argOption)<br />

then "else {%l:"¢a.argVi.vname¢"l = 1;}"<br />

else ""<br />

The function create if str creates a string for the C code that processes a particular argument.<br />

The return <strong>of</strong> getopt long is given in the variable c. If c is equal to the character code for the<br />

short version <strong>of</strong> the argument, then we check to see if the argument has an option, which we parse<br />

using sscanf. In case the argument is for a boolean ag, we include the string obtained with<br />

create def int string. Finally, we set the global variable that indicates that the argument was<br />


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