A CIL Tutorial - Department of Computer Science - ETH Zürich

A CIL Tutorial - Department of Computer Science - ETH Zürich A CIL Tutorial - Department of Computer Science - ETH Zürich


CHAPTER 11. PROGRAM VERIFICATION 100 let vcgen (wc : wctxt) (fd : fundec) (pre : T.term option) : T.term → T.term = (fun t → T.t forall close (vsymbols of function wc fd) [ ] (pre impl t wc fd pre t)) The function validateWhyCtxt Adds the term p to the Why3 context as a proof goal, and invokes the external prover. In this example the prover is given a timeout of two minutes, and the result is echoed to the terminal. One might also choose to use a proof assistant such as Coq [2] as the back-end to Why3, in which case, we could enter into an interactive proof session. Alternately, there are a range of options for what could be done here. We could do anything from simply directing Why3 to emit all of the proof obligations for a program for examination o-line, to halting compilation and emitting an error if a proof obligation is not discharged during compilation. The right choice likely depends on the stage of development the code is in, not to mention the goals of the t let validateWhyCtxt (w : wctxt) (p : T.term) : unit = (∗...∗) The function processFunction initializes the Why3 context with fresh variables for the local variables and formal parameters of the function before checking to see if it has any postconditions. If so, it tries to nd a precondition, generates the verication condition for the postcondition, and nally invokes validateWhyCtxt on the resulting term. let processFunction (wc : wctxt) (fd : fundec) (loc : location) : unit = wc.vars ← L.fold left (fun m vi → SM.add vi.vname (make symbol vi.vname) m) SM.empty (fd.slocals @ fd.sformals); match post of function wc fd with | None → () | Some g → let pre = pre of function wc fd in let vc = vcgen wc fd pre g in validateWhyCtxt wc vc The function tut11 is the entry point for this module. It initializes the Why3 context and then iterates over all functions in the le. let tut11 (f : file) : unit = let wc = initWhyCtxt (!Ciltutoptions.prover) (!Ciltutoptions.prover version) in iterGlobals f (onlyFunctions (processFunction wc)); eraseAttrs f

CHAPTER 11. PROGRAM VERIFICATION 101 11.2 test/tut11.c This C source le contains an example function that we will use to demonstrate the features developed in tut11.ml. In particular we will verify that a function will successfully initialize an integer array to contain the number 4 at each entry. ../test/tut11.c # include // For the pre, post and invariant annotations. The function arr init loops over the given array setting each element to 4. The precondition to the function states that the parameter n must be positive. The postcondition states that each element of the array is 4. The loop invariant states that the loop index stays in bounds, and that the array up to the value of the loop index is initialized to be 4. ../test/tut11.c void (pre(n > 0) post(forall(j,implies(j>=0 && j < n,*(a+j)==4))) arr_init)(int *a, int n) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { invariant(i != n, i >= 0 && i =0 && j


11.2 test/tut11.c<br />

This C source le contains an example function that we will use to demonstrate the features developed<br />

in tut11.ml. In particular we will verify that a function will successfully initialize an integer<br />

array to contain the number 4 at each entry.<br />

../test/tut11.c<br />

# include // For the pre, post and invariant annotations.<br />

The function arr init loops over the given array setting each element to 4. The precondition to the<br />

function states that the parameter n must be positive. The postcondition states that each element<br />

<strong>of</strong> the array is 4. The loop invariant states that the loop index stays in bounds, and that the array<br />

up to the value <strong>of</strong> the loop index is initialized to be 4.<br />

../test/tut11.c<br />

void (pre(n > 0)<br />

post(forall(j,implies(j>=0 && j < n,*(a+j)==4)))<br />

arr_init)(int *a, int n)<br />

{<br />

int i;<br />

for (i = 0; i < n; i++)<br />

{ invariant(i != n,<br />

i >= 0 && i =0 && j

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