The Poor-Man's Guide to Modernity - Independent Media Center

The Poor-Man's Guide to Modernity - Independent Media Center

The Poor-Man's Guide to Modernity - Independent Media Center


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I am sorry <strong>to</strong> report here that there is no known documentation existing on planet earth in the<br />

annals of public archives which records any such cataclysmic event where that elusive power<br />

could have disappeared. If one exists in secret classified archives, like aliens abducting them<br />

off the face of the planet, I do not possess such powers <strong>to</strong> access those classified documents,<br />

let alone unlock them of their public relations baggage. We shall just wait for Wikileaks <strong>to</strong> let<br />

us know if UFO-Abduction is indeed that elusive cause of their sudden vanishing from the face<br />

of the earth. Julian Assange has already hinted: “it is worth noting that in yet-<strong>to</strong>-be-published<br />

parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references <strong>to</strong> UFOs.”<br />

In the meantime, back here on earth outside the Pla<strong>to</strong>'s cave, by the sheer force of inevitable<br />

logic, I must rationally conclude that such a power, Foundation-X, still exists right here on<br />

earth. And, since I have also not found, despite vigorous search in libraries and on the web,<br />

any evidence that the Foundation-X ownership surreptitiously changed hands except from<br />

generation <strong>to</strong> generation within the same DNA cess-pool, and as admitted by the scions now<br />

wielding the ba<strong>to</strong>n themselves, then, whomsoever were the owners of Foundation-X in 1946,<br />

and in 1917, are still the owners <strong>to</strong>day.<br />

Casa de Rothschild!<br />

Let me know if this sufficiently constitutes Jeff Blankfort's requirement for evidence: “if you<br />

have any direct evidence with unimpeachable sources that the Rothschilds are running<br />

everything”<br />

Now let me briefly examine the legal requirement for evidence in the United States. <strong>The</strong><br />

following definition is excerpted from my Edi<strong>to</strong>rial: Some Dare Call it Conspiracy! Are you<br />

among them? April 19, 2009:<br />

Conspiracy: “in law, agreement of two or more persons <strong>to</strong> commit a criminal or<br />

otherwise unlawful act. At common law, the crime of conspiracy was committed<br />

with the making of the agreement, but present-day statutes require an overt<br />

step by a conspira<strong>to</strong>r <strong>to</strong> further the conspiracy. Other controversial aspects of<br />

conspiracy laws include the modification of the rules of evidence and the<br />

potential for a dragnet. A statement of a conspira<strong>to</strong>r in furtherance of the<br />

conspiracy is admissible against all conspira<strong>to</strong>rs, even if the statement includes<br />

damaging references <strong>to</strong> another conspira<strong>to</strong>r, and often even if it violates the<br />

rules against hearsay evidence. <strong>The</strong> conspiracy can be proved by circumstantial<br />

evidence. Any conspira<strong>to</strong>r is guilty of any substantive crime committed by any<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Poor</strong>-<strong>Man's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Modernity</strong> 310 / 334 Zahir Ebrahim

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