The Poor-Man's Guide to Modernity - Independent Media Center

The Poor-Man's Guide to Modernity - Independent Media Center

The Poor-Man's Guide to Modernity - Independent Media Center


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<strong>The</strong> Minhaj-ul-Qur’aan, a Sufi organisation based in East London, which<br />

advises the British government on how <strong>to</strong> combat radicalisation of the Muslim<br />

youth, will launch the 600-page Fatwa against suicide bombings and terrorism,<br />

declaring them un-Islamic, <strong>to</strong>morrow.<br />

It condemns the perpetra<strong>to</strong>rs of terrorist explosions and suicide bombings. <strong>The</strong><br />

document, written by Dr Tahir-ul-Qadri, declares the suicide bombings and<br />

terrorism as “<strong>to</strong>tally un-Islamic”. It is one of the most detailed and<br />

comprehensive documents of its kind <strong>to</strong> be published in Britain.’<br />

Right!<br />

<strong>The</strong> BBC in its own truthful coverage of the fatwa (and parroted by the world press) noted that:<br />

'<strong>The</strong> scholar describes al-Qaeda as an “old evil with a new name” that has not been<br />

sufficiently challenged.' Al Qaeda is indeed the same age “old evil with a new name”: the<br />

fabricated Hegelian Dialectic necessary for launching and sustaining “imperial mobilization” on<br />

the Grand Chessboard!<br />

But sadly, and quite expectedly, none heralding the fatwa in the worldwide media coverage,<br />

nor any branded scholar manufacturing consent or dissent, dared <strong>to</strong> complete that virtuous<br />

proclamation on terrorism in that 600-page fatwa with the following obviousness:<br />

'Furthermore, gratui<strong>to</strong>usly laying a carpet of bombs on civilian<br />

populations, invading one’s military forces in<strong>to</strong> other nations’ terri<strong>to</strong>ries,<br />

and decimating entire civilizations <strong>to</strong> the point of cultural and physical<br />

genocide, is a far greater terrorism; a crime of aggression so heinous that<br />

it is not simply referred <strong>to</strong> as “war crime”, but “the supreme international<br />

crime differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself<br />

the accumulated evil of the whole.”'<br />

Unless that additional truism – which is also the Islamic principle for culpability expressed in<br />

the Qur’an as the blame is with those who initiate the war-mongering aggression – well<br />

established by the Military Tribunal at Nuremberg by the United States herself as the yardstick<br />

for identifying primary war-mongers, is appended, or pre-pended, <strong>to</strong> any overarching<br />

statement on terrorism, one must know that all such pious proclamations, including that in the<br />

600-page document, are only the Hegelian vomit of vulgar propagandists justifying the<br />

“supreme international crime” of their real masters.<br />

<strong>The</strong> <strong>Poor</strong>-<strong>Man's</strong> <strong>Guide</strong> <strong>to</strong> <strong>Modernity</strong> 200 / 334 Zahir Ebrahim

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